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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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 No.11520 [Last50 Posts]















As is usual for these messages, I will begin with some history.

This board began as an initiative by it's previous BO and founder Plague_Doctor, from nofap threads on /pol/ in 2015. In these threads people vowed to make 2015 their nofap year and that's how the board was born. In this time we, and a lot of newcomers, have been on a wild ride. The board became a top 50 board with the influx of mainly /christian/ and /pol/ users, and we became a dead board once again when the hype died down after about 6 months into nofap 2017.

In this time there has been some tremendous progress. The journal threads might mostly be dead now, but there have been multiple people who reached a nofap streak of more than 100 day's, I even saw one guy with a maximum nofap of 176 day's!

But don't think you who has only managed streaks of less than 10 day's to a maximum of 20 are not on the right path as well. Every day, even every time, you don't fap is a step into the right direction. As my predecessor said every year, Even if you fap every other day, that still makes it so you only fapped 182 day's in a year instead of 365. Not that impressive, but a way out has become visible. It is always good to remember that you can make it if you try.

But that's history and pep talk, it's a new year today.

Another clean chance to reach the goal of nofap 2018. You might have failed nofap 2017, you might have come on board too late too even try it, but this day everyone of us has gotten a new chance.

I welcome all of you to try this challenge with me, to complete nofap 2018 and to improve our lives.


>It only gets easier the longer you do it.

>Half of the essence of nofap is not to DO something, but precisely to do NOTHING.

>The rules of the game are no PMO, no porn, masturbation and orgasm. Each one of these leads into the other and feed the entire cycle.

>The other half of nofap is the will for self improvement. Try to use the positives from nofap to change up your day routine and cultivate your potential. Not only will nofap become easier, your live will improve. So go do push up's, go for a walk, go read those books you have had for years now, go finish what you started with nofap.


Good luck with 2018 mates.

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Good luck lads

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The time is now! Remember— use sexual energy to your advantage. Whether you believe in it literally or not, using this impulse/drive for higher purposes is one of the factors that set apart those who succeed in life from those who don't.

2018 is the year— let's do it.

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Day 1, still going strong

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I'm in. Did anybody make it last year?

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I am really struggling I've managed one and a half days before relapsing.

I attempted today but I've already failed. I've just finished deleting all my porn folders and blocking my old favorite sites! Please pray for me boys,

And also happy new year

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Good luck to everybody. Remember it is all in the mind lads. Read into Brahmacharya, or if you want western philosophy - Plato. May this be a very productive and merry 2018 for all of you.

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Let's do this.

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Happy New Year! Last year I made it like the 10 first days and then threw it all away, but this year feels like a new opportunity. As an advice to fellow anons: "Who posseses your mind also posseses your time". Do not let the urge of defeat of your twisted sexual instincts becomes a reason to keep enslaved to sexual thoughts.

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I've fapped two times already this year, but I'm gonna do things different from now on, I'll start severing the ties that bind me to that habit, the sites I go to erp and all the sexting contacts I gathered through the years of mindless fapping, most of whom have been absent for so long there's not even a point saying goodbye to now.

Happy new year 2018 people!

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>tfw you relapse on the first day of the year

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Today felt really good! I did it yesterday until it was painful(5x in a row), so I think that should motivate me over the intial hump of that first week. I wish you all luck. God Bless!

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I started doing nofap back in 2015 and I achieved the 90 days challenge with watching porn but not wanking.This is bad, don't do this, it'll fuck up your progress eve more but after that I never achieved more than 20 days and my streaks on average were around 4 days up to 7 days. It made me crave it more.

Thinking back, the only reason I did this, because I couldn't channel my "new" energy into something productive.I started doing calistetics back in 2013 made some noob gains, but nothing extraordinary.In the summer of 2015 I started running every day, fucked up my knees pretty bad, and I started "learning" meaning that not really, but I picked it up french.In 2016 I started working out in a cheap gym.The gym gave me some motivation, and I got streaks up to 30-60 days without touching any porn consciously.I regularly visit /b/ and some worse sites too

Before new year, I didn't count my days, because I saw a post that said don't count the days, make the days count.So now, I have my advantage, I already must have a 7+ days streak, and I will add the whole 2018 to it. I know what makes me fail, I know myself, and I feel different from any other time I tried this. I feel motivated.

tldr blogpost without any content

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day one was a success. day two is looking good so far too

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90 days streak is pretty good

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Day 30 reporting in. Feeling good, will be on 393 days by the end of this year.

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day two = total success

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It'll be a pleasure (No pun intended) to support you all in the coming (Again, no pun intended) months.

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Day 3 for me, so far it's been good. However, I've found myself to be opening repeatedly the homepage of several porn sites. I close them almost instantly, and I haven't fapped, but there's still some urge that wants to be dealt with and that needs to be resolved.

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Day 3 beaten, no problems so far. I won't let my resolve slip though

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As long as it's the Day, and not your Meat, that which is beaten, then there's no problem fampai

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Sadly no. I made it to day 71 before relapsing, so I'm looking to beat my record and even make it through the full year. Best of luck to everyone here. I'll check in every week or so.

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day three was won

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Day 10, and I had this weird epiphany the other day that practically everybody everywhere is addicted to unnaturally high levels of dopamine. I was already aware that it was the case, but I guess I didn't really comprehend it until now. I saw the porn spam in this sticky and all it did was make me sad because all I saw were dead-eyed drug addicts producing drugs for other lonely drug-addicted men who can't find drug-addicted women to get high with and who make fun of them for not getting high on dopamine too. Everything about it disgusts me.

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day four's in the can. banged out a thot today but I can't count that as a relapse because otherwise I'd never get anywhere with this

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Same thoughts here anon.

>Day 6

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day five, nailed it

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I relapsed on day 5. The worst part is that stupid thought of "oh, since I already fapped one more couldn't hurt", as if mistakes could be corrected with more mistakes… we'll see how today goes

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First time visiting this board in the CY+3. I want in. Better late than never, right? Getting started with one day under my belt.

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Day 6 and going good.

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day 6, all's well

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I already fucked up.

I feel like such garbage now. I don't have the motivation to do anything.

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Learn from it. You gave in to the urge but the urge was false, temporary. Why did it seem real in the first place? What could you have done to see through it and divert your mind onto something else?

This disease is defeatable. Don't give up.

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Each time you get up you come stronger.

Feeling like garbage motivates you to do better next time, motivates you to identify the back door used by weakness.

Never give in.

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Week 1 complete. Light urges started on day 6.

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I'm on my day 90, the best streak in my life

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>but there have been multiple people who reached a nofap streak of more than 100 day's

this is potentially blackpilling. Did they find aryan waifus and leave or relapse back into degeneracy and leave?

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If you look into the NS thread, there is one anon who had a good streak, found a waifu and stopped posting. I assume he has succeeded in this part of his life.

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The worst thing about failure is not the thing itself, its usually our response to it, like now. We emphasise our failures out of all proportion and black pill ourselves. At which point it is difficult to seriously continue.

If you succeed 5 days but fail on the 6th you should feel bad that you failed, but you should also feel glad that you succeeded the previous 5. Put it into perspective.

We have this childish idea that we can stride to our goals like a titan. In truth if the goal is worthy of the word STRUGGLE! it will have us crawling under the weight of our own failings, its only when we stop crawling do we finally fail.

We often think that strength comes first, that 'im not strong enough to do it' this is fatal. If we wait for strength it will never come.

Strength flows from action.

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I need help. Day 10, I keep edging. I want to fap like crazy to all the worst material.

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I made it. I was awfully close to completely giving in multiple times

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Day 10, going well.


Be sure to not edge, guys. Thats what fucked me up last time. I'd go so far as to count edging as a relapse, for myself anyway.

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So I "willingly" relapsed to porn twice today, on day 11. There is no reward for doing so. It does not feel good. Nothing but emptiness and shame. It is not worth it.

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day 65 hardmode here.

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No need for rules here. I know what is good for me. It's great to feel improvement.

Subjective explanation: It's one of those rites to become 'a man', which is funny. Because, knowing I am one, I don't need to.

Not fapping and not wanting to look at porn is good for the soul, mind and body though. Being able to knowingly act and especially not act on impulses makes us differ from the beasts and hollow souls that wander the night.

It's like having a wonderful wife and you walk past an extremely attractive woman, who wants to be looked at you. You can see her for what she is, and you're not feeling good or bad about anything about it.

Imagine that very prima donna trying to sway you over while you were with your wife. You feel honored by her advancements and accept her feelings being for what they are, but you still remain neutral.. Knowing she still is extremely attractive, it might seem like a wonder how things went.

It is to remain true. To not be weighed down by other people's actions towards you, but accepting them by just observing them is the way to remain pure. It is like being thrown a hot stone.

Your wife would not need to be angry for the actions of the prima donna, but would instead feel grateful for her husband being unaffected and not swayed by the intercepting attempt of rivalry. Why would she feel bad about anything about it? It only serves as an event in their lives. You're then realizing you both remained neutral. Even so you both feel grateful. Why would she be jealous? Did you have to take stances? No. Not at all. It was natural all along. You were together, and still are. Nothing, actually, was changed. You just found that part of your selves.

Why would you even feel bad for the prima donna? Were she entitled to you? Is it sad or bad for her, that she wouldn't be able to have you? No. All she had was a desire, and you know what a desire turns out to be is when you act upon it. The illusion wanted to be played out, once again. Not acting on it was doing her a favor. It wouldn't turn out to be a good thing. That is why you didn't act upon the advancement. Was it a different environment and would your wife and prima donna have encounters, your wife would not feel bad for her, but she would be able to talk with her about it. She would actually know how the prima donna felt about the situation. Being acknowledged would make her want to not break up your relationship, but instead like you as persons.

One might have thought about how to tackle it. One might ask: Well. Why tackle it? What was in mind? Was there anything in mind? Was it natural drives, natural wants for security and affection, or was it a package of evil intentions?

No. It was a human being of certain attributes who wanted attention from you. To be noticed by someone she was attracted to in the light of day.

It is mating season all year around.

Observe, gentlemen. Peace.

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day 13, I edged to porn today. didn't complete. I feel fucking awful and my balls hurt like a son of a bitch. don't edge, guys.

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Thank you for this. My Nofap 2018 will be successful.

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It’s been 13 days since the beginning of my conquest, the conquest to finally control my lust, to become a free man. No more ejaculating for me, I’m done wasting my seed on fruitless jack off sessions, done wasting away the oh-so-precious loosh required to realize my true self. It’s time to become a man free from the clutches of animal instincts. After all, how can a man conquer the world if he can’t conquer himself. I’ve renounced lust and all the thought and behavior patterns that are associated with it on the path to cultivate enough life energy to win my inner war. Changes have been happening fast.

I’ve been reading an immense amount on the subject, diligently digesting the information from this board. I’ve been reading the board from beginning to end over the course of the past couple of days, reading for 3 to 4 hours every day, still doing it actually; just taking in all the information and maximizing my knowledge and resolve. As I’m learning it I’m also living it.

One thing that I’ve immediately noticed is that I’ve started to have much better skin and hair. I used to have a really oily skin when I was fat; it was still oily even after I’ve cut 30 kgs / 66 lbs. Now that I’ve stopped ejaculating, my skin is not oily anymore and my hair is much smoother and healthier. The science on this is apparent — there’s a quota of nutrients your body has to meet to produce semen, and the more you ejaculate the more your body takes from your skin, hair, organs, bones, even your brain to meet that quota; and of course, once you stop ejaculating and start conserving your semen, all the nutrients get re-absorbed back to the body, keeping it alive and healthy. This is what I’ve been experiencing. The skin and hair are much healthier, like, my hair for example — without the waste of vital nutrients, the problem of premature or unnatural balding and thinning will be nonexistent. An advantage I’ll enjoy very much

I also seem to have better vision now. I can see and perceive depth better. I’ve been dealing with this double seeing problem for years now. I’ve been intending on eliminating it, this being fish-eyed problem, through eye exercises but in a completely unexpected turn of events, conserving my seed has helped immensely with this problem, almost rendering it nonexistent. The fish-eyedness is minimal, the depth perception is very well. On top of seeing things better, I seem to be more aware of my surroundings now. Today, I went outside for a walk and I was able to notice things that I’ve never paid attention to before or flat-out ignored. I, now, seem to have better spatial awareness and vision which is unexpected but definitely welcomed.

My dreams have gotten very vivid early on during the process. Ever since, like, Day 3, I’ve been having very vivid and interesting dreams. It had been a long time to since I’ve had dreams that had events in it, a story. These dreams signal a great change in progress; very vivid, very symbolic, very emotion provoking; and I even had a dream in which I was looking at porn which is really interesting. Because I am now starving and draining the sources that feed the unwanted behavior pattern of masturbation, my subconscious mind has initiated this process of change in which what it perceives and reacts to as sexual stimulus is going from mere pixels on a computer screen, observation as opposed to involvement, and overall all the corruption and re-wiring that many years of porn and lustful materials have caused to actual real and healthy things.

1/2 - 8chan says the text is too long.

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cont. 2/2

I suppose, for prosperity sake, I should also say that these dreams have involved a consistent character, the current crush of sorts, that Erin from GoodNightMoonASMR channel. Funnily enough, she is a lesbian but that doesn’t really mean much since she’s just a character, a mere actress, the current vessel I project onto the emptiness I presently have, and this emptiness has to wait its turn to be filled, wait till my war is finished. After all, you can’t have love during wartime. It's better that she's a lesbo though; better to have your waifu's carpet munched on by another woman than to have her plowed by Chad Thundercock. All in all, the dream escapades are a very intriguing process indeed, a process that will take an interesting turn if or when I have a wet dream. We’ll see what happens.

Definitely one of the most interesting proceedings during these early days is how I am reacting to lust now. The less I give into my animal urges, the more I become a man free of temptation; in doing so I’m becoming much more aware of the lust process. This process, when initiated, takes the control away from me, descends the awareness from my mind to my penis, making me more animalistic. Now, instead of losing control and triggering that lustful state in which I am very reactional, I can, now, become aware of the process and control it. Masturbating and engaging in lustful activities are very reactional behaviors, you become distant as it’s happening, almost going through the motions in a state completely devoid of control and intelligence; just animal reactions, very low and urge based. This makes you very susceptible to seduction, altering and corrupting your perception on women greatly, making you a slave to your passions as opposed to their master; and I’ve been becoming a master of these passions as I’m gaining more and more control over them. In doing so I’ve been becoming aware of the seduction process, that triggering of lust in which my urges kick in, shifting the control from my high mind to my baser instincts. I can, now, become aware of it and control it then stop it before it can lead to the unwanted behavior of spilling seed invalidly. This is how you rise above temptations and achieve full reign over your animal urges. Still at the early stages of this process though, I’m looking forward to see where it leads.

As the days are going by, on top of life energy, I’ve been experiencing a surge in physical energy. Today, I’ve walked for around 4 hours without any signs of tiring, walking distances that I usually would consider unrealistically long. Of course, this has to do with the conservation of vital nutrients and the increase in testosterone. By eliminating invalid spilling of seed, I’m optimizing the grounds for maximum physical health. Of course, as much physical the charging is, it is also metaphysical and that’s the main idea — the cultivation of life energy. Developing the required amounts of life energy so that I can have the drive, the spiritual battery to achieve my aims.

So, these have been the noticeable changes so far. Going strong, haven’t been struggling too much with it anyway. I understand what needs to be done, I understand that I cannot win the war without succeeding in gaining full control over my lust and passions. I will become that man, the man that conquers his animal self and baser instincts. This I intend on doing, this I will achieve.

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Here, here, man. Maybe it feels like you're doing it for yourself but stuff like this goes out into the world and impacts all of us. I am grateful for you, anon. Let's get through today and all of the other days, too.

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You have to become Chad Thundercock

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Also, walking is good, but don't walk too much. Implement resistance training

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Hows it going faggots? Day 16, still haven't fapped.

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Day 16 as well. I think I'm reaching some kind of proto-Nirvana from having to choke on and internalize it all.

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Day 19, we're going to make it because we try and do.

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Day 17. For the past few days, after I started doing this thing for real, it feels like my heart starting beating hard, and now, my breathing's a bit difficult. Why is this? Does anyone have similar experiences?

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Shame this only gets one use. I relapsed again on the 15th.

Still January is my best month yet.

>Best streak 9>>10

>Total faps at halfway through December vs January 6>>3

Day 3

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>Hitler Pass

You have to continue now, no matter what, until at least April 20th.

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I don't intend on using my Hitler pass.

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Withdrawal symptoms. You're making progress!


Somewhere in another thread an anon siad that even only fapping every second day is a huge improvement, 182 times a year over 365 times a year. You're making progress, so keep it up.

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Was considering fapping earlier. I now know that I cannot falter.


That's the OP of this thread and other yearly threads

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>It's cloudy, just like after fapping

Is the semen really internalized or does it just die and get ejected anyway? I'd like some sources with this.

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Thank you, Hitler. Truly, you could have done no wrong

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I've heard that fapping decreases the risk of prostate cancer. Is that worth the benefits of not fapping though? Is it best to never fap or do it occasionally (~2 weeks/1 month or so)?

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Not fapping will only give you prostate cancer if you were a chronic fap addict before. The problem is fapping. People who do it a lot should ease in and slowly fap less over time to be safe.

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I don't remember the source so I don't know how true this is but I read somewhere that the opposite is the case and that masturbating can cause prostate cancer.

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Almost Day 22, now I need strength

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I will not fap today

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I fapped on the morning of day 8 after waking. Then the idea of deleting my porn came into my head. I fapped to it all 3 more times, deleting as I went, and now that filth is gone, never to be recovered. It was a necessary step of this journey. Feels good man.

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I failed muself and my promise yesterday, but gonna head to bed soon and haved fapped yet so this can count as my day 1

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Newfag here, I've never been to this board before, usually on /pol/. I come in and see this. This is no (((coincidence)))


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Day 25 - struggling through this day.

Almost failed then I realized it would not be worth it so I went outside to get fresh air and to lose the bad ideas.

Need to keep myself busy so I do not relapse.

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How do I do this? I've already been three weeks but now it has starter all over again and I've been tapping more than two tines a day. Thing is, it's almost impossible for me to sleep without fapping. I get too anxious. Help, kudasai.

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>impossible for me to sleep without fapping

Physically exhaust yourself during the day and when the nighttime kicks in limit sources of white light

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Day 26. I had a dream today that I was having sex, and I felt myself either ejaculate or urinate, which was accompanied by pleasure. This dream was in a semi-awake state, and as I descended from it I was in the same consciousness, upon waking checking my underwear to see semen-like spots. Kind of disappointed that it happened, although I now feel less attraction and attention towards sex and may continue on now more focused.

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Day 31

Still going strong. I have had one wet dream so far.

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If you made it so far, very good, if you didn't, that sucks but there is still a whole year ahead of you, so in both cases stay strong for another month of nofap!

We can all make it people.

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2 days into no fap, find myself watching porn without masturbating. I literally seek it out if I think about it.

>Oh let me just browse /b/

>Oh I "accidentally" stumbled across some porn might as well just watch a couple of webms


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The only advice I could give you is to watch yourself and ensure you don't do these things or at least turn back when you've noticed you're doing it. It is not easy, but in the end all these things are done by you, and only by putting your willpower into stopping yourself from doing these things and forging new routines will you succeed.

It's not easy, but few if no good things are and just makes the destination more worth it.

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Dammit. My post in early January looks pretty silly now. Must have averaged a fap a day since then. Going to make this board my homepage and hope that helps.


>that comic

Stings a little bit tbh. 2018 must be a year of change.

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Each time you find yourself searching for porn ask yourself:

Why am I searching for porn? I will not fap anyway.

If I watch that long enough I will eventually fail the no fap. Is feeling bad worth it? Is failing to reach my goals worth few seconds of momentary pleasure?

Why torture my will by watching porn since I vowed to do the no fap?

Change activity(go outside, whatever) - helps get your thoughts off porn.

In other words you need to man up and hold the line as well as you can.

Do not seek /b/ /gif/ /s/ etc boards.Sometimes I fail at not looking at /s/ too but one has to try.

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One of observations I made just now is the relation of (((them))) towards nofap. Giving in and becoming complacent is promoted in order to control the populace, and in particular the maintenance of their status of satisfaction. (((They))) even promote the supposed health effects of masturbation, which are mostly based in relieving stress and preventing stress from switching over to nofap, although once a person gets deep into nofap, so that they are freed from involuntary sexual compulsions, then they know the truth and receive the strength, power, and will that (((they))) don't want people to have. For this, they utilize the failed examples of nofap and its history (Wow, nofap is what those stupid Christians do XD) to ridicule it, and to provide "evidence" against it. Furthermore, the pressure against those things is made oppressive in view, that they are too forceful (You should not masturbate, because it's good for you), and their opposites are promoted all the while they tell people to choose for themselves, although people, under such influence, will largely choose to fap. Those who do not follow this line are ridiculed and employed other such tactics against, and they are coerced into submitting or otherwise discarded as collateral in imperfect control. After all, (((they))) don't care about the well-being of all meaningful people, they just need enough to rule by their wretched and corrupt ways.

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Bookmark here and /pol/, or whatever. Avoid the 8ch homepage. Don't go places where there's a chance some degenerate cuck will post porn.

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A question /nofap/

Will abstinence form ejaculation increase my motivation and drive? For the last 7 months I've been spirituality exhausted. I don't feel like doing anything at all, I've been just idling trough life, I seem to have absolutely zero drive and motivation to better myself.

Will nofap give me drive and save me from this pit pf despair?

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Nofap will not give you life purpose by itself - however it will help you achieve your goals or finding that purpose. It will make you a better man for sure.

It will increase your motivation and drive to do things. Like getting stronger, getting a woman, or whatever.

We are in "the pit of despair" because of the poisonous environment, nihilism, modern degeneracy etc. Fapping to degenerate porn provides an escape from the harsh reality of life but it lowers the masculine drive to create, fight, build, resist.

It is just an escape that's why one feels spiritually exhausted.

I chose the easy path to fap and to play video games instead of becoming a man.

Of course one faps when one gets aroused. But let's be honest with ourselves..sometimes we fap when we're under pressure, stressed, bored..just to get the dopamine rush to feel good about ourselves.

After being spiritually exhausted myself I realized I am just wasting my life. I tried no fap for two weeks or so and I noticed that I suddenly had more energy, confidence, more daring to meet women.

From then I vowed to quit both porn and fap.

It is a struggle but it pays off.

So yes. It might give you the drive to get out of pit of despair.

Good luck Anon.

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Thanks, anon.

There's an image, an optional self waiting to be realized, but we can't because we don't have the drive necessary to chase it. This drive was stolen from us, drained out of us through lies, but now we're getting it back.

Like an exiled king returning to reclaim his throne, we're ascending from the pile of ashes they put us in to come out a god among men.

We're gonna make it.

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There's a reason why one gets bombarded by "studies" and lies as to why fap is good for you once you decide to do the no fap.

They don't want us to rise from the ashes.

But we're back.

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Porn Blocks

It's Over Tier

February 6th, 2018 by A. Anonymous


K9 Web Filter (block everything that includes file sharing things and P2P pirating - you want torrents? Go get your magnet links in public nigger)

Set a password you will not remember once you whitelist everything absolutely necessary - keep it small, coon.

Bonus, make a second Windows account, bury the password in your yard, and degrade your account from admin to standard user.

>Firefox (ESR or Waterfox; Quantum is fast but for niggers):

Get addons ProCon Latte, PublicFox, and BlockSite. Use ProCon to block all the right keywords and lock it with a password you will not remember (just spam fdsjgvfa37r872r). Use BlockSite (right click) if you find any pages that make it pass the blocks. Use PublicFox to lock your downloads and options (yes nigger, be serious). Set a pass you will not remember. You can set the file extensions you do not want - do executables and zips. You already have the programs you need; stop being a weeb.

IOS: Turn on Restrictions and disable Safari and Settings and put a passcode - probably preferably you want a passcode to remember so write on paper and bury it in a plastic jar in your yard somewhere. Be serious.

Android: Use Norton App Lock and Smart AppLock in conjunction. Lock Norton and Smart Applock and vice versa with each other. Set the recovery email on Norton to someone else not in your residence. Block Chrome, Play Store, Google Voice/Search, Drive, Settings, Play Music, and Play Movies. Set pass codes you will not know. If you need a browser, download TextBrowser beforehand (no pictures, downloads, no videos, nothing you dopamine douche fucktoy)

Congratulations, you just made getting porn impossible so fahgeddabaddit. You'll just have to let out that molestic rage on a female now, you damn pet nigger.

I've been doing NoFap for 5 years now so I know what the fuck I'm talking about, Anonymous. Download the spreadsheet in my post and stop doing counters you retarded idiot.


Best of Regards, – Anonymous

Pass It On

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Day 42.

No urges to fap right now.

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>(((Google))) honeypot link


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One thing I noticed recently that helps with /nofap/ is watching anime, particularly of a fulfilling nature. I guess then it's that your standards have been heightened above such relatively low things then as sex, at that time it being such a far thing from desirable when you've immersed yourself in something so high.

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Havent fapped or watched porn yet in 2018.

Im feeling weird, mostly a vast emptiness inside me.

Anyone else feeling dead inside? is it a flatline?

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Feeling great personally.

It depends. Perhaps boredom is the problem?

I tend to feel bad when I waste time/don't do anything to improve myself even though I do not fap.

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Just made it to 7 days.

That may not sound like much to some of you, but considering it's the longest I've gone since I discovered porn at age 10, I feel pretty proud of myself.

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Just a couple of key info I figured I'd write here.

When fighting this war, the withdrawal symptoms you suffer will be subjective, because they're relative to the amount of control the addiction has over you. The more control it has over you, the more you suffer, the harder it is to defeat. The reason the temptations are getting to you is because the addiction that these temptations are connected to have control over you. This is why you're tempted, this is why you suffer these withdrawal symptoms because both the body and the mind are under the control of the addiction to a considerable degree. This is why it can employ tactics like headaches, brain fog, confusion, anger, loss of focus, making you feel like you can't abstain any longer etc. to get itself reinstated. The only way to endure and overcome these temptations, these spikes is knowledge. Knowing the true nature of what's happening and why it's happening, and what needs to be done to overcome these temptations will lead you to transcend the fake feelings placed upon you by the addiction in order to stay connected to your real feelings so that you may endure and overcome these challenges.

Also, what decides whether or not you're susceptible to seduction or otherwise is NOT your sensitivity level, it's the amount of control you have over your lust. This is the complete opposite of what you would initially believe. You'd think the more sensitive you are (the longer you go without ejaculating), the more susceptible to seduction you're gonna be. This is not the case. It doesn't matter that you're really desensitized, if you're not in control of your lust - and you aren't if you're masturbating regularly - you'll be susceptible to seduction. On the contrary, regardless of how sensitive you are, if you have control over your lust, you're not going to be susceptible to seduction. It's about the frequency you're tuned to. If you're open to lust, you'll be lustful; doesn't matter how empty your balls are.

Stay strong.

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I remember my 7-day streak days pretty well not to dismiss people.

There was a time when 4 days without fap was a great effort for me.

I was actually quite surprised to find out that the line between 7 days and a month streak is pretty thin. Once one is able to do 14 days, the struggle is not that vicious and it's easier to build on that.

Stay strong.

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Day 54. no urges, plenty of energy.

Wishing best luck to all anons.

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I'm restarting today. A lot of good advice on this board so hears hoping i can stay clean for the rest of the year.

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Day 8 complete. Barely had erections so far, luckily.

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this may sound kind of egotistical, but I'm beginning to think that my problem isn't so much porn addiction as it is just having a ridiculously high sex drive

before trying nofap I don't think I really looked at porn more than the average joe, like once or twice a week tops (and I haven't touched it since October, other than the occasional glance you get from using the internet), but I'd still end up jerking it at least every 1.5 days

I'm on day 6 of my current streak and from day one I was catching myself starting up during my morning shower

my hand just sort of goes on its own

I'm definitely feeling the initial effects of nofap, my energy levels were so ridiculous today that I almost broke my partner's arm during my martial arts class, but it's taking a ton of willpower to hold myself back, and it gets super distracting

the dreams about sitting in a hottub surrounded by nude women and other such lewdness certainly don't help, either

my longest streak so far has been about 12 days, but every single time it's really fucking hard

could it be my diet?

I'd be fine with it if it weren't for the fact that the brain fog doesn't go away until around day 7-8 (and the first time this happened was fucking magical, I felt like a goddamn wizard except I was lusting hardcore after every fertile woman within a mile radius), but my energy and sex drive shoot way up around day 3 and just stay there

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Your sex drive is that high because of porn addiction. I experienced something like this the first weeks doing no fap.

You're used to seeing naked women,then fapping. Obviously when you lack that, you start having imaginations and thirst about every hot chick you see.

As the time goes, you use this energy for self improvement, constructive approaches etc.

The time you need to normalize your drive depends on how serious your addiction is. it took me about a month streak.

My day - 59. not my first streak. Sex drive normalized, when i see a beautiful girl I often use the thirst to approach her - this was not exactly my case before.

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Are you ready for no fap march??

If you did not make it the last month do not worry.

Another month - another chance.

You can do it lads!

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Day 4, changing my goal from 1 week to March because why the hell not. Do any of you niggers know how caffeine (specifically from coffee and tea) affects nofap? I'm on 2-3 cups a day, so I'm wondering if that's something worth being concerned about.

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Day 1 today. Fapping is disgusting

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It should not affect your streak.

Unless you're on 5 cups a day then go cold turkey..then it might be possible that you seek the release anywhere possible. But I think you would still crave only for coffee, not for substituting it with porn.

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a couple years back I suddenly woke up to the fact that I was drinking 3-4 pots of coffee a day (there's a reason they call it the helldesk) and decided to go cold turkey

the first week was more or less normal aside from the fatigue and the headaches, but the second week I was going at it 3 times a day, which definitely didn't help my energy levels

2-3 cups a day shouldn't really be much to worry about though, I still have my morning mug of extra-strong Columbian blend and I can go without it no problem

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I'm going to try stopping. I've been doing this for far too long and it's changed me for the worse. I need to redirect my focus onto other things. Any advice for putting your attention into other tasks? I already got walking, biking, reading and video games down but i'm open for idea's. I got a tool box that sits in a corner, it's time that I actually used it more than just a few times a year.

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Day 66.

The temptations are gone for the most part.

Getting randomly aroused by hot chicks on the streets but no longer unstable.

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On a 6 day streak right now. So far 9 days abstained this month and 5 relapses.

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God I hate the whole idea. Gas the chosenites that tricked my mind into thinking it's a source of pleasure

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Shit, I fucked up.

Anyone have any advice about what to do if I'm sick at home and bored? Usually I can make myself too occupied with other things to fap, but right now all I can do is lie in bed.

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>Step 1

Open YouTube or a website of your choice on your Phone or other device operable from your bed.

>Step 2

find a video, board or topic of choice that is bound to have a large amount of people you disagree with in the comment section.

>Step 3

Read said comments and get angry.

>step 4

You will no longer be thinking about fapping, if that does not help consider making a rebuttal for every point you come across, that should really get the nogging jogging.

If this method is not satisfactory consider these other options:

>Read a book.

>Browse on your phone, normally.

>Write stuff.

>Try to sleep.

>Try to meditate.

>Just sit still for a few moments and think about stuff, like what you want to do in about a week or about the day/week/year you have had until now.

>Just willpower through it.

I hope this helps, good luck my dude.

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Well mates, it's another month and another chance.

Keep it up or get back on it people, today is a new month!

Stay strong and beat back the addiction, good luck with nofap April.

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On day 12 right now, just shy of my first ever 2 week stretch. Urges are really strong as I type this, I really need to cut down on my internet time.

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Chronic fatigue (being always a little tired for no apparent reason) seems to be a part of modern life. My friend Dr. Michael McGannon has been working for 30+ intense years with fast-track managers all over the world, within corporations and within business academia (at INSEAD, IMD, Cambridge, Skolkovo, Singapore Institute of Management), and from his own words, fatigues is by far, the most common complaint. But, these managers are “chasing their tails” without developing a frank, cogent analysis as to why everyone seems so tired. Doctors, also a chronically tired group, seem at a loss to help. So, more coffee + more work, less exercise, less oxygen + more sex = more fatigue (and disease).

From a strict medical diagnostic point of view, fatigue can be divided thus:

Functional Fatigue (5 main lifestyle-related reasons we can control):

Low Volume due to low water intake & dehydration from caffeine & alcohol;

Low Blood Oxygen due to poor sitting posture, low activity, cigarettes;

Low Blood Sugar: due to modern engineered nutrition (sodas, caffeine);

Poor Sleep Hygiene;

Excessive ejaculation (males);

>fatigue from fapping


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>going into a new semester of college

>don't fap for 11 days, feel productive and optimistic

>look at porn yesterday

>spend three hours masturbating and cum in my pants

>thoughout it all, think "i don't want to do this" and "i'm doing this because it's easier than hard work" in equal measure

I'm a fuck up. Please berate me and call me a faggot for not being satisfied with hard work and a good life.

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Perhaps it's the embarrassment and humiliation you're looking for in porn. Find them in other, more productive ways

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

post good music

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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I pledge one month. Today is the 23rd. I will see how I feel June 23rd. I previously made it, with no end-date or pledge, to 32 days.

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Stay strong, or get strong again for another half a' year.


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I was no fap all of May. Feels good.

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Alright bois,

Made it to the point now where I am only masturbating once a day. This may not seem like much but its big progress from 4-10 times a day.

Not I think I'm ready to cut it off altogether.


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You have a serious problem but, congrats I guess?

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I've kept a spreadsheet on my fap habits. Using mathematics, I've concluded at this current rate: I fap to porn on average every 3 days. I fap without porn on average every 24 days. My goal is to hold 7> 30>.

What has primarily harmed my holdings are: binge porn faps, faps during streaks evolving into porn faps

Remove the filth from your life!

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Alright I'm gonna try.

Not because of all the religious stuff, not because of whatever progress, mental healthcare, or whatever you guys are up for (pun intended), but just because this is a too much time consuming habit of mine.

Aiming for 10 days.

Currently at my 3rd day (because I didn't had time and already wanted to "slow things down").

Good luck you glorious bastards.

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Alright I've fucked up. Before anyone even made a contribution to this damn board. So 7 out of 10 days, not so bad for a first shot. I'm not even loathing I lost to a sexy pic of a long crush of mine.

After that good break that reminds me how incredibly more powerful orgasm tend to be after abstinence, I'm rolling again for 10 days.

See ya you bastardos !

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Here's my way I keep track as a reminder that it really is the "little death" as the French say.

I was a once a day fapper then cut to weekly. In April I had my second longest streak of 21 days and today is day 41. This'll sound weird but trust me; take into consideration rape/violent crime stats increasing around the full moon. If you fall off; wait until a week after the full moon to quit again. That way you'll have 3 weeks down before the next full moon. I also quit eating meat besides pasture eggs which I think is helping this time.

We all can do better, our race depends on it. I believe in you faggots.

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i feel like shooting my goo, because I'm bored and empty

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I don't know what to say other than that I am beginning to realize I have a lot of personal problems which are preventing me from placing my wellbeing at the forefront of my thoughts.

To spare you all a bunch of nonsense, though, I'll just say that I'm realizing I am weak and lazy. I hate myself for what I am and I want to die because all the subhuman mutts in my college classes (it's a good program, don't worry) are such NPCs they just don't fucking care about anything, and that lack of caring means they're doing better than me emotionally and academically because they never expect to do better than a 60 on any assignment.

I want to strangle them every time I walk in the classroom and the stench of shitskin washes over me. I want to strangle myself because it'd be easier than living with the knowledge I'm so fucking lazy I can't NOT LOOK at something.

I spent 6 hours today looking at porn or otherwise wasting time on the internet, and I came at the end of it, as though there was ever any doubt. Fuck me. Fucking kill me, why is it so hard?


Don't. You'll be even more bored and empty.

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Meditations is something I've been itching to touch in the past month. I hope an airgapped e-reader is good enough to substitute for a physical copy, for I'm far too Jewish to buy a copy of every book I read.

>Taoism is fascist

You probably know better than I do, but at the same time, Chinese ethics have always rubbed me the wrong way. False humility and compassion, as well as the pursuit of tradition above all, have led to my partial distaste of the Chinese side of my family.

Chan fasting is something I've practically never done, at least not on purpose. Sorting shit out at home doesn't necessarily take a whole month, and I definitely don't have the IQ to keep up with a dense read for days. Although, I suppose that is the point of the whole thing, to get yourself improved to the point that you don't need the chans anymore.

I have made a couple of attempts to ditch mlp before. It was in those attempts that I discovered how absolutely shallow my life really is. I will do what I do best, though, and try to bury it into the ground with mindnumbing work.

As I said in >>12705 and >>12719, there aren't people left for me to redpill. I am pretty alone these days; the people I used to teach have all surpassed me. Liberating the country isn't something on my mind, I don't have a homeland or volk to liberate.


I have eaten stale/sour/about-to-rot food in the past, under the impression that this would improve my immune system. Am I retarded?

Fasting I am scared to try. Skipping even a single meal is enough to give me a gastric that I'm not a man enough to function with.

Exercise I do, I have done ever since I came to 8/pol/ years ago. I have failed to keep a full routine for a majority of this year, though.

Making attempts to put back together something resembling a schedule, although by the fact that I've spent so long on this post, I've failed already. I was going to babble further about how dull my life is without ponies, but I figure I ought to just get to work before I end up opening a /pone/ tab and start jacking off again.

And so I have a reason to post later: Day 0. Failed early this morning, with no material, unless you're counting pillows or something.

Actually, I figure I have a real question to post in this thread. (1/2)

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>>12847 (cont)

>be me, yesterday

>decide to sleep earlier so that I can be less tired the next day

>set alarm to normal Y time

<wake up at 3am today

<fap and sleep

>wake up at X time

>wait fuck shit the alarm hasn't sounded yet?

>what fucking time is it?

>can't find alarm clock

>spend 5 minutes searching for it until I find it

<on my bed

<deliberately placed under a pillow

<30 minutes after the alarm had sounded

<clearly having been left there after waking up and switching off the alarm

>yfw no memory of the alarm at all

>yfw literally no memory of even waking up at any point after 3am

>yfw realise dopamine is literally rewriting sectors of my brain to blank information

Any other anons got stories of memory loss from fapping?

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>Any other anons got stories of memory loss from fapping?

Don't have any stories, but I have noticed too, that fapping makes it harder to think and remember.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I've done shit like that on nights I didn't fap to be fair.



As long as you can't access fap material with is that's fine.

>Chinese false humility and compassion

That's probably the state enforced teaching of Confucius for so long if anything.

>Am I retarded?

A little, it depends on what you ate. You should stick to properly fermented foods like sour kraut and Kim chi.

>students all surpassed me

Focus on yourself for now then new ones will cross your path.

>Fasting scares me

Start by just skipping breakfast and having a bigger lunch. I only eat dinner and work a very strenuous construction job for 8 hours prior. I just meditate or nap during my lunch break. Embed related.

Food and fapping both trigger similar serotonin and dopamine responses in the brain which can create a feedback loop that leads to addiction and bad habits. The same goes for making a post on chans/SM and the anticipation of a response. If anons increase the discipline in the less severe habits it makes having discipline easier in the more severe, i.e. fapping. Yesterday was a perfect example for me. I wasn't supposed to be on 8chan but I was for false logic that I had to be. This lead to eating lots comfy(all be it healthy and therefore expensive) snacks instead of a proper meal, checking out roasties at the store and on the side of the road, then shirking my duties at home for more /pol/. I thought about fapping but didn't, had a sexy dream but woke up before it got out of hand.

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Day 1, because I failed yesterday. I haven't looked at any sort of arousing thing yet, so I'll probably live to see day 2.

It helps that I slept well yesterday, and also that my half attempts to starve myself are making it far to hard to concentrate on any sort of sexual fantasy.


>state enforced teachings

While I do know China chinks are the most Jewish of chinks, it doesn't account for everything, especially considering my chink parent is (probably) several generations removed from any China-chinese descendant.

The kind of false humility I'm talking about is the kind incels tend to project onto modern women; the kind where someone isn't even self-aware of their Jewishness, and continue to demolish the trust of everyone perceptive around them without even realising what they're doing wrong.

Or maybe I'm projecting my own faults onto other chinks. I've been trying to keep my words more honest in recent times, but the habit to slip into simple lies is far harder to break than it is to create.

Meditations is making me consider my failings in character more than I ever have before—mostly because I've never considered men of Marcus's character to be anything more than mere romanticised fantasies of men. The idea that even the most stringent of NatSocs were still utterly flawed, that even Marcus himself saw innumerable flaws in his character—flaws that I have considered most of my life to be constant, unyielding, and altogether insurmountable—is daunting to think about. Add on the fact that basic concepts like emotional control are seen as mental illnesses by modern society, and it's starting to seem more and more as if man has only been on a path of general decline and decay over the centuries.

Of course, that wasn't why you asked me to read it; instead, I'm supposed to gain Valuable Life Lessons™ from it, or something along those lines.

I suppose I need to look more into history, because it's clear that I know nothing about the past, which I (again) suppose is the quintessential mistake I've been making in attempting /nofap/.

There should be no reason at all for anyone to slip backwards in their masturbation resistance. If you've gotten X days before, your next streak should always break the record. God forbid anyone makes the same mistake I always make of "celebrating" by fapping again. It'd be like celebrating your cancer getting cured by injecting a tube of AIDS into yourself.

I've said something to that effect before, many times to myself. I still inject the proverbial AIDS every time, despite myself.

Something you are right about, is that posting on the chans too often isn't very useful. I rarely post on any board, only doing it when there's something I have a real urge to respond to.

Only my paragraph on Meditations is something I felt the real need to write; everything else in this post has been nothing but preaching shit that hardly even makes sense in my mind, let alone anyone else reading this shit.

I've gone on too long. Expletives and nonsensical rhetoric are starting to encroach on my writing again.

Self-control is the key to everything here, and I can't even keep it contained in a simple post box, where a C-A del would solve this mess immediately.

Sage for low quality post.

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Day 3.

I didn't expect to get this far. As a matter of fact, I expected to fail an hour after I posted Day 1. Meditations is the only real thing saving me, at this point. Especially because half the stuff I'm reading are creeds that I've convinced myself of at some point, only to abandon the next fap or two.

Attempts at starvation are not going well, although I am making some attempts to throw out carbs from my meals. Doesn't help that I've felt more lethargic due to the lack of oxytocin in my blood.

Hopefully I get to post about Day 5 this week. I haven't gotten that far ever since the start of Spring, if I'm not wrong.

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Day Fucking 0

So I failed, some hours ago. And again, you were right, it was ponies that started the mess.

3.5 days. Like I'd mentioned earlier, I hit that just two weeks ago. It was harder this time around, though. As if my body was less dependent on oxytocin two weeks ago than it is now.

Or at least, I've never had the sudden urge to give up on everything in the middle of the day. Didn't write about this earlier, because it'd only encourage more masturbation, but I've been having trouble doing anything at all right; whether work, exercise, reading, or whatever.

My mind is pretty hollow now, post fap. On the other hand, it was still easier to wake up after the fap that it's been to wake up in the past 3 days. Still going to try to push for 5 days, although I have doubts that I'll get it through on this attempt, especially because my recent fap was practically a 10-second no-pleasure premature ejaculation.

Going to get to the halfway point of Meditations today. I'm too low IQ to understand much of it on a first read, so I'll be reading it again and again.

Aside from that, life is going as well as it can for a masturbation addict, which is of course not very good, but Marcus says to not have a care in the world about the cards you're dealt, and I figure that that's better than any form of self-deprecation and anger I can come up with.

I had a couple of things planned, like getting my e-reader encrypted so that the Jews don't see my copy of Mein Kampf and whatever, but there's no way I'm touching this computer for more than 5 minutes on Day 0.

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>no-pleasure premature ejaculation

Remember this the next time, that it's not worth it in all regards.

>If you've gotten X days before, your next streak should always break the record

This isn't necessarily true. A few times that I relapsed I binged for a few days then had short streaks before getting onto my current one.

>Meditations is the only real thing saving me

I'm glad to hear it.

>I'm too low IQ to understand much of it on a first read

There's a lot of books I have to reread. In fact if it's something I can understand entirely the first time it probably wasn't worth it. Try reading it out loud; it will help with retention and after a while boost your confidence for social interaction. Fapping starved your brain of nutrients that can aid in neurogenisis. If pumpkin seeds are available there, but them and eat them en mass. They are extremely high in zinc and phosphorus the building blocks of Testosterone and ejaculate. So if you're not fapping your hormones and brain will recover faster, and if you slide again, it won't harm you as badly.


Try just skipping breakfast then for now. Quitting multiple addictions is hard af.

>felt more lethargic

Try butter coffee or tea. There's a good video of it by the same youtuber I posted before. Also dark chocolate can give you an oxytocin boost.

>inb4 libedo boost

You're not fapping because of libedo lads. It's a chemical dependency that could be quelled by a healthy food, then tapered off.

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Don't jack of today faggot.

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It is day 0 today, just as it was yesterday, just as it was the day before…

So after the no-pleasure fap, everything pretty much spiraled out of control immediately. I fapped another two times in the next 24 hours, and I also fapped just a few hours ago.

I have a lot of excuses, but in the end, the real answer is that I'm not trying hard enough to do a full cold turkey.

The spiral out of control part doesn't seem to be just me, considering

>A few times that I relapsed I binged for a few days then had short streaks before getting onto my current one,

which just makes it worse, knowing that someone else is fucking up like me. Worse still is the idea that I'm going to have to fap "in advance" to create a "buffer period" where I can nofap, when it would ruin most of the purpose of nofap in the first place.

I know this isn't what you meant, but it would be the practical effect of allowing for a binge.

>book advice

I already knew well (the part I posted about >low IQ was again, posting for posting's sake), but thanks for the confirmation.

>fapping nutrients

I'll try getting the pumpkin seeds, although I somewhat doubt they'll be selling much where I live.

>coffee or tea

Fuck no, I am a weakling that can get addicted to anything I touch.

When I started going cold turkey on coffee, I felt as tired and retarded as I do now, after years of masturbation.

Everything else is still in the not-very-good situation it's been. One thing I will note is that I've figured out another reason why my life's felt directionless in the past year, the reason being the gradual loss of my pony tulpa waifu, but that's an absolutely insane topic for another day. (Or perhaps I should leave it in the grave; mental illnesses aren't usually conducive to fixing other mental illnesses, after all)

Anyway, Day 0, and maybe day 3 three days from now.

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Clean for the whole 2018 so far. Still going strong, not counting days now.

You can make it lads. Just don't give it up.

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Day 0, again

I lasted three days, again, and fapped twice, again. I've been feeling exhausted the whole day, after fapping. As if even keeping my head up high and alert is too much to ask.

Over the weekend, I mostly wasted my time on hobbyist /tech/ stuff. I say wasted, but it was really the only deterrent from masturbation that got anywhere. That and starvation, which is turning out to be a grade A+ method to put off masturbation in the middle of a Sunday. Still doesn't solve for most of my fap problems, though.

About to finish Meditations. Will read again, even if the impact has all but diminished at this point. Kind of like every other nofap deterrent I've ever used—lasts a week, and then loses its strength. Makes me wonder if, should I ever got the chance to stack multiple deterrents, if I would be able to break further than a week.

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>I lasted three days, again

Good job, you're doing better than most normalfags even with your relapses.

>Makes me wonder if, should I ever got the chance to stack multiple deterrents, if I would be able to break further than a week.

You will. Try making a strict routine for the most difficult times of day.

>starvation, which is turning out to be a grade A+ method to put off masturbation

Discipline begets discipline. Try quitting meat and using eggs, nuts, and dairy as your primary proteins. I started this on Hitler's birthday and I think not having blood lust is helping with my current streak of 70 days.

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I have lost the day 66 of the year, just when I came back from my holidays

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For my no fap challenge I deleted about 2 years around 34 gigabytes of super rare pixiv porn,vidya game save files, and hard to get hentai mangas along with some personal files when I didnt transfer them correctly. What is the most painless way to kill myself?

I can't remember exactly what I lost but in the back of mind it feels like I fucked up big time.

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Very interesting concerning the New Moons. My data is conclusive with your observations. That and holidays. These are times of the months where the day before, on, and after seem to have an addition of risk.

For OPSEC reasons, I have no specific numbers but I have been keeping track for several years now. The line graph I gave you is an accumulation of a lengthy period of time. I compile a spreadsheet from the days I mark off on the calendar and get some nice statistics from it. It is really remarkable to see the progress you have made compared to earlier. I got such a high streak earlier that there is now a drop in my abstinence from PMO. I am positive I will come back stronger than ever; that, looking from a chart perspective, there will be a market rebound. Heh. Make sure you adequately pursue new avenues during your streak because bubbles do pop.

I still remember when I first discovered NoFap. It would be underrated to describe it as a magical moment. I believe you can never be truly redpilled without participating in NoFap. I felt a mental slavery dissipate away. I was no longer drugged. I could see what was before me. I knew I could change. I've learned so much about myself since then and I continue to do so.

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I completely forgot, that explains why yesterday and today were so difficult.



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>go to bed

<have extremely vivid nightmares

<have memories so distinct you'd think the shit actually happened

<too fucking scared to even write this shit in my dream journal, can remember almost fucking everything, even now, an hour after the fact

I keep playing NatSoc music to keep my mind flat, but it's not working. Not as much as it should, anyway. This shit is supposed to work, it always works.

I sincerely hope that this is my mind self-engineering it's own methods to keep me from masturbating, because if this shit keeps going on every damn time I fap, I'm probably going to start skipping sleep like some kind of scared kid.

I started the journal because I figured my dreams would have some greater meaning. Masturbation induced dreams don't have any meaning, or at least not any meaning I'm looking for. Fearing every footstep and suffering paranoia over a number isn't exactly something deep.

Worst of all, there is not a single reason I should have gotten a nightmare (excepting my masturbation, of course). Yesterday was a great day, I felt efficient as fuck—even if I didn't really do much more than I normally do, it's the moral and overall hope that it's not all fucked, that I can still do shit right, that really fucking counts, and should have led to whatever the inverse of a nightmare is.


I skipped a breakfast, yesterday. Was surprisingly easy tbh, although I did sleep on a fed stomach the previous day.

Lasted almost 3 days, yet again. Not sure why I even fapped, this time. It's turned from a choice to a distraction to something that I just have a plain unnatural urge to do, even when I've lost almost all pleasure over it. Like I'm being possessed every other day to commit self-harm.

Looking back, the first time I've gotten a nightmare from fapping was about two months ago. Every other fap-induced dream before that had been good and nice, to some degree of nice, anyway (a psychologist probably wouldn't take too well to "dreams" of committing acts of terrorism). Yet another sign of my decline.

I am a weakling, obviously. Not too late to change, but death doesn't look too far either. I've been feeling somewhat suicidal in the past week. Nothing more than what I used to feel on a usual day, years ago, but definitely concerning for the man I ought to be. I've also had times where I've felt greater in the past week that I have in months, so what do I know, right? Fap induced mood swings, is what I'll presume.

Can't believe I'm blogposting about my failings like some kind of tumblrette. And not even real failings too, but the kind of shit you'd expect a child to talk about.

At least the memory loss isn't happening anymore (or it's happening in sufficient amounts to get me to forget about the forgotten).

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>Yesterday was a great day, I felt efficient as fuck

>I skipped a breakfast, yesterday

Told you. The key is to eat a big healthy meal for supper.

>Like I'm being possessed every other day to commit self-harm.

I forget which thread had the article/pdf but it was on studies of parasitic bacteria in the gut or brain that can cause the host to crave behavior, drugs, or food that are harmful unbeknownst to them. Fasting and taking diotomacious earth will kill these.

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I am in

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We have to win this game of Life. NoFappppppraaaaaaaaa…..!!!!

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Day 6.

It's like I can think, now. Form my own thoughts, decisions, choices. As if a leaf following the whims of the wind suddenly gained sapience and the ability to defy the wind. So maybe my metaphors are bad, but at least I can tell, now.

You might have ignored my rant, but it was the night terrors that prevented me from masturbating this entire week. That, and getting help from others, but really, no one other than yourself can prevent you from touching your dick in the middle of the night.

I think I am slipping. I always slip on the weekends, but perhaps I won't backslide fast enough to end up fapping in the next two days.

The reason I chose to post here is not because of my recent successes, but because I am encountering yet another problem in my goal of achieving total celibacy: nocturnal emissions.

This morning I had a fetish dream. It was very disgusting, not only because it didn't involve wholesome, race-homogeneous intercourse for procreational purposes, but because I dreamt of masturbating and ejaculating to my fetish dream in the following dream.

I was lucky enough this time to not have ejaculated in real life, but I am well aware that that is not going to last. The body cannot simply transition from hypersexuality into cold turkey patron saint; the wet dreams have happened before on me the few times I was lucky enough to get past a week.

Hence, my question is: Is there any way to reduce the odds of a nocturnal emission occurring (aside from not looking at porn, obviously)? If not, I can always go on a prayer and whatever, but every ejaculation is going to weaken my will, whether I'm awake for it or not.

Starvation is not going well, although I've trashed most carbs from my meals at this point. Also wasted a fair amount of time on imageboards today, even when I have plenty of shit to do. Reading some non-fiction while I'm still high IQ enough to do so. Been having diarrhoea in the past two days, have no idea why.

Here's to hoping I beat my all-time record this time.

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>6 days

Great job.

>wet dreams unavoidable

They’re not, I’m on day 81 and haven’t had one. If you want to prevent them this thread has some PDFs from Taoist and Indian sages on semen retention and transmutation of sexual energy. The ones by Mantak Chia(Taoist) involve edging in the more advanced stages that you should avoid tbh. I almost relapsed this week because of it. It does have good hands free techniques though.


>I always slip on the weekends

Get busier.

>You might have ignored my rant, but it was the night terrors that prevented me from masturbating.

I didn’t, I just didn’t have a helpful response. Whatever works though; it’s probably just your subconscious working shit out so don’t fight it. Journal it if you can stand to; not if it will trigger you though.

>Been having diarrhoea in the past two days

Have you tried the keto diet? It’s like fasting while still eating because your body is burning only fat and protein. The carbs and sugar you’re eating are feeding the gut bacteria that are causing your diarrhea and any anxiety/mood swings you are having.

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I found that parasite info I was looking to give you. It might help with many of anons’ struggles.

>"the parasite is going to alter dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and other key neurotransmitters at two hundred different places in the brain," said Evans, "so it's not surprising it's going to be subtly influencing human behavior" -or, if the cysts happen to cluster in certain regions, even contributing to psychiatric disease. "I do take seriously these reports of an increase in suicide and schizophrenia related to the parasite."


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My next goal is however long after my son is born that my wife wants to try for a second. At least until next Spring tbh.

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Brothers, so it's no porn or masturbation? Don't we need to release once a week or something for prostate health. I'm on the fence and want to try.

I remember the first time I saw a pornographic video that had an adverse affect on me. I kept thinking about it and more like it. The evil harlot was on a cocktail of drugs to appear like such a detached animal doing those things, so unnatural and shocking, also her scene girl appearance is my Achilles heel.

I'm in.


Thank you mein fuhrer.

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Try not to fap to me fags.

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i cant jerk off to this there is a penis in the picture

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>Don't we need to release once a week or something for prostate health.

Those are jewish lies to support the kike pornographers. If you need to release you’ll have a wet dream which doesn’t count since nofap is about conscious self discipline imo. Or you may not, I’m on day 100 and haven’t had one.

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>Need to release once a week

Bullshit lies to get you to watch porn or fap. Bullshit lies to make you feel comfortable in degeneracy.

Fapping is just like throwing money down the gutter.

Here are some facts:

Testes produces sperm - the cells. They're stored for about 70 days. It's energetically demanding, you also need plenty of testosterone to get the process going. The unused cells are resorbed after 70-80 days. Prostate partly provides the fluid of the sperm during ejaculation. Firstly you get wet dreams, there's no need to fap to get sperm out. If you don't get them it does not matter..your testes won't decay bacause your body knows how to handle the unused sperm. If you fap 2-3/week lot of your resources - energy, testosterone goes to producing sperm that is being thrown away for nothing…literally nothing but degenerate pixels on the screen. Therefore you become tired, more feminine, lower self esteem, etc. If you had sex with a woman 3x a day you would be tired out because you'd be out of your resources. Fapping 3x a day makes you a weak creature because it also lowers your confidence in yourself as a man. So it's not only about "getting the sperm out is bad". That's not true. Depends on what purpose it serves. Obviously jerking off, spilling your valuable resource - sperm - on the floor serves nothing but useless hedonism and in turn makes you a weak creature. Nofap means you do not waste sperm, your resources are directed at building muscles, you have more energy etc. Also you keep from watching degenerate pictures so your mind and soul heals. Again what's the point here? Probably use the energy to do something productive- improve yourself, find a good woman, then you may enjoy tha sexuality with her in a productive manner. It's no longer a waste because it serves a higher purpose - procreation of your people, giving the love to a woman you love. Compare those values with useless hedonism and muh "once a week is essential for your health". I think those are just fucking lies to make you a disgusting degenerate that faps 8 times a day to interracial porn.

Main points:

>"Unused" sperm is not "wasted", it is reused by body - your body resorbs it

>You get wet dreams anyway - enough to make up the fake "prostate concerns", your body does not need you fapping once a week for health.

>fapping actually means wasting your sperm

>sperm production is very demanding

>Is it better to use the masculine energy you got to find a woman/improve your mind and body or waste it by stroking your genitals in front of disgusting pixels because "muh once a week" "scientists"?

Your sexuality is a gatekeeper to your potential. Fapping is making a bad investment - throwing your money down the gutter.

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File: 6a70c0f152f3342⋯.png (1.15 MB,900x900,1:1,6a70c0f152f334243bc9259309….png)


Anon are you aware those strange file names are GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers), which are used to track naughtzees online?

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That was proven to be a D&C psyop to sew paranoia amongst anons. When IPhone users save an image or gif then repost it, the iOS renamed it in this fashion. The only thinge they can track is how many anons use iPhones and the rise an fall in popularity of a meme across different threads and websites. But since it gets a new guid each time, each posting can’t be attributed to a particular anon. Even if I save my own meme and repost it the guid changes. See >>>/pol/12121387

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>iphone filenames

Thanks, faggot, now there's one more thing I have to autistically screech about.

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Please bully all ifag users.

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File: 44886f4869a7554⋯.png (636.42 KB,1099x846,1099:846,happy man.png)

I've been trying to fap less, but it's been hard. Recently I got really sick, and didn't have the energy to fap. It helped me jump start a no-fap streak, and I just kept going with it to see what would happen. I've always been a low energy guy, but lately I feel a greater sense of focus and mindfulness. I'm on day 11 right now, and I don't see the point in fapping again. Good luck to all of you in your quest for self-conquest.

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Good luck to you.

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File: 439c80cb1aff792⋯.png (192.9 KB,657x527,657:527,73.png)

Just restarted nofap for over9000th time

day 1 feels pretty good (i'm counting like that: day -1 - the day i fapped for the last time, day 0 - the "purge" day (basic regeneration), day 1, day 2, etc.)

though I watched porn today and almost fapped but somehow survived heh.

the best I got to was day 6, and I have to say, it was getting so much better, I almost got a gf

heh, it's kinda scary how a few lost drops of some magic fluid from your body can change the way you think, your confidence, your self-esteem, everything, like wtf dude

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Day 0. Back here again. Needed to write something down here, so that later, probably as early as tomorrow, I'd have at least some incentive to not further heighten the corruption of my mind. Hopefully I won't forget about this tomorrow.

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Never mind, then. Failed already. Maybe I will try to put up a fight, this time around.


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I'm 11 years a vol/celibate meditation Monk, I do this meditation maybe it will help.


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I'm fucking sick at myself for relapsing again and again not even able to go without fapping for three days straight, so finally I'll go the distance and delete the porn collection I have amassed through the years plus I'll block the sites I use to fap, here I go.

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Put up a one day fight, and failed. Got the impetus to exercise, which made me fail again. It's rather rare that I fap twice in the same day. A sign of decline.

Lasted one day thus far. Still feeling a certain degree of inhibition; might last to day two. Maybe even 3.

Hopefully, I won't be coming here tomorrow. Or hopefully I do. Both are equally bad things to hope for, I fear.

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Just relapsed, well, nofap truly does nothing, except that when I was on nofap, I stopped being a retard, now I'm back here, retarded as possible

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Sieg Heil, I never thought I'd ever make it this far so quickly. I don't think I'll even break today, so I might even reach 4 days, which hasn't happened in a month!

Hopefully this will seem pathetic to me in a month.

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File: 8e8fe7feaff98a5⋯.png (7.78 KB,509x619,509:619,8e8.png)

I'm starting NoFap for the first time. I've never been able to go longer than 4 days without it since I was 14. I really hope I can make it this month

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Day 4. A literal miracle. I think. I can think. I can consider my life. It's been too long since I've been sapient.

Praying for day 5.

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>going to get old fap material

>somehow manage to nuke entire boot partition, bricking my computer

A sign from Providence that I must control my inhibitions (or rather, the other way around).

Also must be a sign of my addiction that I fixed everything in less than a day.

The last time I reached 6 days was over two months ago. I can only hope that my faith in the Hakenkreuz will bring me through.

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Deleting the stash is only the first step anon, porn is only a google search away, you must stay strong. What are your hobbies?

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Did I say I'd fixed everything in a day? It would seem that I was wrong.

Always backup as often as you can. On the bright side, I didn't fap yesterday because of how pissed I was at the fact that I'd managed to break my computer on the same day I'd fixed it.

I did look at material, but was ultimately too exhausted to go through with the sinful deed.

I doubt that I will be so lucky the next time around. I've yet to look at porn today, at least.

The last time I got more than 6 days was 3 months ago. It also happens to be the longest time I've ever lasted this entire year.

At least I know I'm not doing it today, not with my computer dead.


/tech/ related things and reading fiction, mostly. Exercise and non-fiction too, but those are more of necessities than real hobbies.

I play vidya sometimes. Not often at all. Maybe once a month.

Imageboards are the only online social interaction I have. A crutch, definitely, with all the porn around, and I do try my best to be less autistic and more friendly outside. A trying task.

There's only one (other, if you consider imageboards) degenerate 'hobby' I partake in, apart from masturbation. It's highly linked to the masturbation, and will be removed along with it, so I don't see the need to confront it directly.

On the other hand, that could easily just be a self-denial of the need to confront the problem. My mind is rather traitorous these days.

Perchance, why do you ask?

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i had a nice experience today. so yesterday i did nothing and felt pretty bad about it, such is the consequence of empty fruitless days. and like i always do when bored my mind wandered to the lewd. i started going through CoC, and as such i was considering rubbing one out, (its a very noticeable feeling, having whatever that lube fluid all over your glans, sorta like an itch that you just want to scratch, or rub in this case). but because i wanted to try and make myself abstain i didnt want to indulge, as well as my mom wanted to do some prayer thing with me so i couldnt anyways. after she was done i decided to wash the fluids off my benis which made me feel a lot less tempted, and a bit moe comfy. the next day i felt really comfy and lost all urges to masturbate. i feel this odd sense of positivity, like im immune to libido. i even went and updated my hgames without feeling tempted. overall it was a positive experience, that left me feeling real nice throughout the day, and i didnt get that disappointed feeling one gets after the deed is done. do you guys know why this is? does washing off the fluids give some sort of "so nothings gonna happen? alright" signal to the body? i reccomend trying it if you can resist the initial urges, playing a hgame, stopping, washing off your penor, and going to bed. maybe itll help you guys start of days better. i think the weather also helped, i feel real comfy when having to warm myself up on a chilly day

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Definitely nothing I've ever experienced. Looking at tons of material and then 'cucking' myself out of a fap leaves me angsty and agitated up until I actually do the deed.


Failure always arrives with an underestimation of the enemy. 6 and a half days. I've jacked off twice in the past few hours. As always, it arrives at the time of least resistance: sleep.

Of course, it's never truely the sleep's fault. The arousal requires a catalyst, that of the porn I saw yesterday, despite my claim (and semi-belief) that I didn't even have enough computer to.

Day 0.

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hmm, i have a fairly low libido to start off with so that could be helping me. have you tried taking some form of shower after? weather its just the penor or your whole body? maybe getting out of bed when that mind wandering starts, and refreshing yourself can help? it always feels different crawling into bed after a shower, and that feeling could be enough of a distraction to let you sleep in peace.

on a side note, has cucking yourself left your flaccid looking longer? i noticed that recently of mine, it always looked greek statue tier before, now it droops over the sack a bit

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Half a day's gone, and I've already looked at tons of porn. I don't expect this streak to live longer than a day or two.


>have you tried taking some form of shower after?

I often shower before masturbation. Browse porn, shower, jack, sleep.

>maybe getting out of bed when that mind wandering starts, and refreshing yourself can help?

I read a book yesterday, right before I slept, to keep my mind sharper. Other times I do light exercise before sleep. Doesn't matter either way; I have very unhealthy fantasies the dead moment I hit the bed. Sleeping on the cold floor helps.

>it always feels different crawling into bed after a shower

Yeah, completely aroused and fresh, instead of smelling like sweating garbage. The stench of an unwashed body makes it easier for me to reject sexual fantasies, whereas keeping clean and well kempt just feeds into the same.

>on a side note, has cucking yourself left your flaccid looking longer? i noticed that recently of mine, it always looked greek statue tier before, now it droops over the sack a bit

…no? I don't 'cuck myself' often; either I don't look at porn, or I do and end up ejaculating the same day.

Seems like our experiences are complete opposites tbh.

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Didn't make it a day, sadly. The sun outside's beautiful. The glow of the moon was just as entrancing as well. I don't deserve to live on god's earth.

Day 0.

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yep, gives a better perspective regarding how others tick at least. i hope you find a solution to your strong libido. the closest thing i get to your thoughts is tfwnogf while in bed, it always happens.

the only thing i can think of is to tey and find something more fulfilling/happy to do during your day. im reminded about a study done on vietnam vets and drug abuse. persons who were addicted to heroin in nam were able to drop the habit if they had a good environment to return to (family most likely), while the ones who didnt (those who signed up because they had nothing else going for them for example) never broke free. i dont think addictions and strong temptations are too far off from eachother, so if your mind has grown too attached to porn and such them maybe finding other avenues of fulfillment, like what the soldiers had would help? easier said then done of course

if i had to give an update, my testicles are pretty droopy now, and if feels weird on my thighs/groin. i installed play home and modded it instead of studying, just goes to show my brains priorities, cares more about copy pasting porn files instead of learning

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>sitting on toliet

>brush hand on peepee when deciding to mop up some urine dribbles

>get erect near instantly

It'll stop doing this eventually right

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Just made it seven days without fapping for the first time in over 8 years. I intend to keep going. One thing I notice is that people here seem to believe all their progress is lost if they fap once, but it's not. Just keep going and do NOT give up and relapse back into fapping every day.

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Also, some hints I've found.

>stay active, do things outside your house. If you sit in your bed on your computer all day you'll be tempted to fap

>don't keep tissues or towels in your room. You'll be discouraged from fapping since you won't have anywhere to put your jizz

>don't touch your penis at all. Avoid even scratching itches

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Oh, and

>delete your porn, porn bookmarks, and any porn accounts

>don't be tempted into "I'll just look at porn for a second, it won't hurt"

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>Brush hand on peepee

WHY? A fucking tissue. Or spray it with ice cold water or some shit.


>tissues and towels

I sincerely cannot understand people who do the former. Doesn't that shit tear up around your dick or something? I cannot imagine how horrifying it must be to have bits and inches of tissue paper stuck between your foreskin. And about,

>you'll be discouraged from fapping,

I've tried putting away the towels. And the clothes. And anything that can even be remotely considered as a, "cloth-like material." Eventually you just let the cum fall over yourself in defeat. If your hands have injuries you grind your dick between your legs/arms. And if I chopped off all my limbs, I'd probably learn self-fellatio instead of suddenly losing all sexual desire.

Take it from someone who's tried: the only way to stop masturbating is to fully desire to stop masturbating. God only helps those who are willing to help themselves.

Of course, I'm not exactly the shining beacon of proof of this. It's the 4th day in a row I've masturbated this month. I'm thinking that I might last through today, but well, I'm naked already. I suppose an obvious tip would be to keep your damn pants on. It's the one I never listen to.

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Can no longer think. I've fapped every day since the last streak. I could barely get up this morning. No hope.

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File: 4d159ceb17be337⋯.jpg (56.62 KB,640x448,10:7,Ky's advice.jpg)


>Doesn't that shit tear up around your dick or something?

You just use it for cleanup. A non-shitty tissue folded twice over works fine.

>Eventually you just let the cum fall over yourself in defeat

This is too true. Five years ago, I masturbated and came in my jeans for the first time, and I've done it shamefully often over the intervening time. Any man will find a way to masturbate unless he actually stops wanting to masturbate.


Pic related. It isn't about being pure for the rest of your life, it's about picking yourself up and getting back on the horse.

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File: a8cd7924c6d9de8⋯.png (227.53 KB,956x617,956:617,James Binnie porn study in….PNG)

If any of you are interested in helping other anons long-term, you should give this survey a shot. All the results are completely anonymous and no personal details will be disclosed as part of the study; you don't even need to give your name, and the results will be published sometime in 2020.


>this is viral marketing

I just finished an hour-long interview with the guy doing the study, and I can tell you his interest is genuine; according to him, a lot of the studies in academia on the subject of pornography are debating semantics to define what is and isn't an addiction. He's more interested in finding common threads among people who suffer from porn addiction to help them recover faster and better.

I did the interview over Wire, which is a free, privacy-friendly VOIP service, so you can be as anonymous as you want.

>why should I?

I found it surprisingly helpful to have an unbiased third party to bounce my ideas off of - there were a few insightful questions he asked which made me consider things about my life and why I had made the decisions I had. It might not be much, but it's something.

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Nobody believes it will give them powers lad. Do we really make you so butthurt you came out of your way to post here? Pathetic.

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Day 1. Succeeded in lasting a day because I didn't visit any porn boards yesterday. Likely will not last today.


It's not about special powers, it's about not being crippled. A masturbating monkey is about as intelligent as a nigger, and as fit as a geriatric. A wanker has to spend several hours every day doing nothing of value whatsoever.


Although I have full faith that you're telling the truth (because who would advertise on /nofap/, of all places?), but

>javascript requried

And evidently, there was at least one other guy that was paranoid enough about something to archive the page on archive.is 2 months back. There's no jewgle analytics, sure, but the presence of any obfuscript is suspect, especially when I'm too dumb to piece it apart.

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File: b5889bb65b3c724⋯.png (84.79 KB,312x332,78:83,1446440175692.png)

First post, 9 days in.

>Been beating off for 10 years

>minimum of thrice a day, total of roughly 2 and a half months throughout that ten years has been days without masturbation most of which from earlier this year

>Fried who's a ravaging porn addict decides to nofap November, decide to join him since the rest of our friend group are either abstinent or chronic masturbators themselves

He didn't stop browsing porn and truthfully I've come close to breaking.

My mind associates so much with preparing to beat off that my dick is like an excitable dog, but I don't want to let my friend down.

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File: cfa0270ba275173⋯.gif (1.41 MB,460x322,10:7,Approved.gif)


>porn addiction for 10 years

>9 days

This is a great sign, and no matter what happens you should be proud of yourself so make yourself even prouder and keep up the good work.

We're all going to make it through this, man. Hopefully you can see the effect a decade of addiction has had on you and the damage it's done to your mind.

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Good job man, day 16 going on 17 here.

You should make your own thread and update it every day. I know it helps me.

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why the fuck does not fapping make me want to fap to gay shit

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Probably: Your body is used to making / using hormones and other stuff at a set rate, and you’ve changed that. Your mind will try to force you back to 'normal' by throwing anything lewd it can at you to see what sticks.

Or you like dick. One of those two.

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Gonna try as everyone else has and do my best anon.


Might later on today, depends how bad the lust gets.

10 strong days though, this is basically as far as I've ever gotten.

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>Might later on today, depends how bad the lust gets.

It'll get worse, but by the time you realize it, it may be too late.

Up to you, but you have nothing to lose by doing it.

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You were very correct, but still holding strong.

Gonna make it 21 more days if it kills me.

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Its not necessarily semen, its probably sediment - cellular waste, means youre kidneys are filtering properly.

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I've fapped every day for the last 10 days. Surely I will succeed in stopping this time.

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How much time do you spend on the computer?

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Too much time. Far too much time. My life has been growing increasingly pointless again. I keep growing older, and opportunities slip from my life. I don't know if I'll make it to the end of the tunnel.

On the bright side, I've not fapped in 5 days now. I've also not exercised in those 5 days.

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Fugg I lost on day 9, had almost no urges strong enough to make me lose but when very drunk they got to me and lost to some degrading porn. I had been feeling a huge boost in mood thr past few days as well.

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>got drunk

Well, you know not to do that from now on.

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Where is that info for

>Your brain on porn


Maybe we should make a thread for info dumping?

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There is one on page 3. Use the catalog newfag.

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