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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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Raping is so based

This happens all over Los Angeles every single day, why do women simp so hard for SoCal when it’s the most dangerous area in the United States?

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Atleast that woman can write about rape based on experience now instead of making things up. If anything she needs to thank that nigger for helping her to get that rape experience on her resume

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It's not rape. She voted for it. It is consensual. The reason she ran is because she remembered to do her cardio.

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Of course she voted for it, women are retarded, that's why fathers have to give them away to other men to make sure they can be looked after.

Everyone knew this before the 20th century, and now all the "right wing" gets offended if you so much as bring up the subject of 1st wave feminism in a negative light.

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Videos of brown people/immigrants raping and killing us unironically makes the liberals here more sympathetic of them. Society should never bother teaching people about socials or morals, it just devolves into this kind of insane masochism where letting your enemies destroy you is considered winning. Let people develop morals on their own. If race really was just the color of your skin, nobody on earth would be racist, yet here we are, because it's the flesh and braincells too.

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His ass is bigger than hers

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At least you still have your cell phones to record what you're unable to stop.

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How big of a nigger do you have to be to film something like this and do absolutely nothing

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Rape dat bitch

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Bitch nigger

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Kill dat bitch

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Where's that PUTA BITCH

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File: b0880a719e611ae⋯.png (864.14 KB,720x709,720:709,chrome_screenshot_28_Dec_2….png)

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Boeing is a great example of how the H-1B problem came to be. They said they needed more diversity so they stopped hiring whites and brought in a ton of incompetent blacks and browns to save the day. Planes started falling out of the sky so they shrugged and said, β€œGuess we’ll need blacks and browns from OTHER countries.” Going back to hiring whites never came up. They just keep doubling down on their bad decisions.

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Die nigger die

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