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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 991abdda0bce532⋯.png (38.94 KB,638x388,319:194,FDIC_2008_VS_NOW.png)

89e161 No.313493

Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today…

Every adult recalls the 2008 "Great Financial Crisis" when Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and others collapsed. The Chart from FDIC shows that period above. That was then… THIS is now:


How much longer this can go on is anyone's guess. It seems to me, as an unqualified Layman who is not a Licensed Financial Expert, and who cannot give financial advice, that this is an utter catastrophe actually taking place. In my personal (unqualified) opinion, when it finally causes a collapse…. the collapse is going to wipe out everything!

Now you know why they seem to be trying so hard to cause World War III. They need it to blame the coming collapse on!

If the collapse takes place without World War 3, then THEY get (rightly) blamed instead of being able to blame their manufactured world war.

IF Russia's and China's leaders are smart, they will not take the bait. HOWEVER…. the conundrum they now face is risk being further attacked by use of other vassal state proxies, and being called chicken, with the world assuming they will bluff, which risks calls for further escalation in their own nations. VERY DANGEROUS TIMES.

Maybe the reason the uber-wealthy are building underground shelters for themselves is not to protect them from World War III, but instead, to protect them from the masses, who will be wiped-out when the Banker shenanigans wipes out the system and everyone loses everything.

Whatever they're going to do, it seems to me they have to do it before the election.

I earnestly hope you have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator, fuel for it, communications gear like CB or HAM radio, flashlights, first-aid kits, CASH MONEY stashed outside a bank in a place where YOU can get to it. If you don't have these things, what will you do when the whole thing comes crashing down?


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