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eb062d No.313460

- initial pregnancy age -> 32.3

- first marriage age->31.3

- birthrate -> the least in the world 0.77 per a Korean bitch

- whores rate -> the 2nd largest , at least 20 percent per korean women , the 1st largest : Venezuela <= the nation's system collapsed

- not working women: the largest among OECD countries

- divorce rate : the 1st largest in Asia

- abortion rate: over 3000 case, approximately 2 million annually

- STD : 1st in the world , 81% women experienced. the only country that women excel to men's STD rate

- plastic surgery: the 1st in the world

- unmarried women rate over 30 : 1st in the world 42.5%

- hysterectomy : 1st in the world due to uterine myoma

- paternal discrepancy : 1st in the world <overwhelming!> 40.05%

- false accusations in regards to sexual abusement 1st in the world ministry which give advantages to female and male persecution

- censorship parallel to China to suppress Male existence

- sole compulsory military service (male only)

- even the disabled male can't exempt the military services


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