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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 033cddbabc3c0c4⋯.png (483.59 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

7dc215 No.423680 [View All]

no links

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86343c No.424353


I wish I had the power to openly threaten and have people killed so i could humiliate him on national tv and ultimately have him crucified

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b36f76 No.424354


Your new flag looks very fetching lass. It must have been crafted by the skilled hand of a master artisan flagmaker.

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7dc215 No.424355

File: 5144bedbf11a2f0⋯.jpg (613.74 KB,3400x3400,1:1,__hellhound_monster_girl_e….jpg)


Sounds based tbh, we should support this aspiring dev. Demon muscle futas for everyone.


You did good lad, thank you.

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db5e6f No.424356

File: 8d8a4cf7d82c97b⋯.webm (4.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Ginnie - Synth 2.webm)

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cac610 No.424357

File: d880997120587fe⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x520,25:13,brain upgrade.png)


>Demon muscle futas

Truly /newbrit/ is the promised land

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b36f76 No.424358

File: 614de2a8b0924ca⋯.jpg (78.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,1x08-The-Pointy-End-sandor….jpg)


You're welcome, any time, any time

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cac610 No.424359


>the one on the right


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603ee1 No.424360


Also the actual game content is a lazy copypaste with stolen assets.

DON'T be a gaybo smh

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44d15c No.424361

File: 8046e639f053d7c⋯.png (758.06 KB,600x888,25:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Thought Godzirraaa was actually about humanity destroying the environment or something, never watched it tho'

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86343c No.424362

File: 2537c929d98fe48⋯.jpg (994.18 KB,3264x2448,4:3,BumBum Def Threat.jpg)


mmmmm i still have some of her thigh in the freezer

might save it for christmas

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61e044 No.424363

File: ef6ddab9c6ab763⋯.webm (1.86 MB,960x540,16:9,22stwave 3.webm)


gotta recycle assets tbh

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cac610 No.424364


smh I thought it looked kinda neat from the video

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44d15c No.424365

File: 87306d2d66820f3⋯.png (941.58 KB,536x957,536:957,succ.png)

My succulent flowered, lads.

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61e044 No.424366


ahw ey lad, look at that

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7dc215 No.424367

File: bb1c1c41122563e⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,620x375,124:75,Godzilla 1954.jpg)


Nothing gay about it tbh, it looks promising and sexy.


It's inspired by a Japanese fishing ship being incinerated by a French nuclear test in the pacific because they weren't informed and sailed too close. Overall it is about the damage nuclear testing did to the pacific so yeah it is about the environment and unintended consequences.


One of gran's cacti had a huge flower blossom the other day, I was really surprised to see it.

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44d15c No.424368

File: 24cd7dd2db4bddd⋯.png (104.82 KB,454x520,227:260,W 3226.png)


It shot all the way up towards the window for light, I admire its struggle towards freedom. I wonder how big the flower will be.

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b36f76 No.424369


Congrats lad. My plants are dying and I don't know why tbh.

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51d43a No.424370

File: 67f6434f533dc7a⋯.jpg (3.7 MB,1836x3264,9:16,67f6434f533dc7a4ea1cf1b12a….jpg)


Because that went well last time

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44d15c No.424371

File: be6178395479ae0⋯.jpg (170.67 KB,2330x2114,1165:1057,IMG_20190605_084239.jpg)


Dumped my tiny bonsai today, guess it just wasn't meant for this climate. Get some succulents or something hardy.


>It's inspired by a Japanese fishing ship being incinerated by a French nuclear test in the pacific because they weren't informed and sailed too close. Overall it is about the damage nuclear testing did to the pacific so yeah it is about the environment and unintended consequences.

Poor Japs, that would be terrifying.

They should have Godzilla be awakened by plastic in the ocean polluting his domain or by fracking or somethin', so he comes on land to destroy the evil corporations and industrial society or somethin' topical and save the planet.

>One of gran's cacti had a huge flower blossom the other day, I was really surprised to see it.

Big things come in small packages :^ )

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44d15c No.424372


>tfw found out that plant was of african origin

*smashes it again*

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05ff9e No.424373


>Godzilla 98

Good taste

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a9982a No.424374

File: dde05514a2a09e1⋯.png (8.89 KB,592x371,592:371,ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go lads

London bus attack women: 'We are not scared to be visibly queer'


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61e044 No.424375

File: dade12d8db0ab8b⋯.webm (7.68 MB,640x360,16:9,lion.webm)

wessex, old /pol/ days

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603ee1 No.424376


ta lad

>breaking character

didn't realize you were monkeyman all this time

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44d15c No.424377

File: b84cd99ba7bcda2⋯.jpg (596.03 KB,1920x1271,1920:1271,Sayori159.jpg)


>support importing muslims

>support proudly displaying homoness

This can't backfire.


Could you post the drive pepe lad? I can't get the full version from Rabbit. Pls.

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61e044 No.424378

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cac610 No.424379


>not knowing that islam is literally peace

typical gammon

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a9982a No.424380

File: cc0f48de0f5dfb9⋯.png (123.67 KB,612x490,306:245,20170612_164517.png)

Four teen boys arrested over homophobic attack on couple who ‘refused to kiss’


>no mention of ethnicity


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603ee1 No.424381

File: 81b5774e9e8e9c9⋯.png (725.97 KB,1000x800,5:4,autistic taxi pepe.png)

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7dc215 No.424382

File: 79dc65b7b3f82e9⋯.png (3.39 MB,1387x1210,1387:1210,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a77d4f7cda2c88c⋯.png (3.12 MB,1160x1300,58:65,ClipboardImage.png)


>They should have Godzilla be awakened by plastic in the ocean polluting his domain

They actually did that with Hedorah.

>or by fracking or somethin'

I think that was Megalon's backstory but I could be wrong.

Most of the monsters in the 60s and 70s were all kinds of environmental campaigns.

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44d15c No.424383

File: c7cca0c42a75146⋯.png (480.95 KB,545x774,545:774,709.png)


>Chav enforced lesboism

These ideologies are getting extreme.

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8f53ab No.424384


>Melania said they didn’t speak English

fucking tan germans ruinin' this country, innit.

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44d15c No.424385

File: 120fc879f20e85c⋯.jpg (248.24 KB,1974x1974,1:1,Sayori93.jpg)


Thanks lad.


>Most of the monsters in the 60s and 70s were all kinds of environmental campaigns.

I like that Cyclopian thing on the left that is levitating Godzirra. I like that they have a good message.

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86343c No.424386

seen a bus run over a seagull today

heard its bones crack

got a stiffy

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86343c No.424387


the time is now

im going to nail bomb garlands nightclub in five minutes

i have hidden in the bomb in a horse penis dildo which i am wearing as a hat

the nails will kill me instantly

you should have listened GCHQ

you thought it was all a joke

you thought i am a mere cartoon character

you never thought i wood really do it

im on matthew street rn

time to mince some mincers

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86343c No.424388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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299838 No.424389

File: e114c8cd5bec023⋯.webm (1.97 MB,640x360,16:9,the impartial truth no ca….webm)

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603ee1 No.424390


That's cool lad

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cac610 No.424391


>tfw the empire kept letting the frogs nick bits of Siam

Kinda makes me ashamed to be British tbh

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299838 No.424392

File: 4c699f5c2471f71⋯.jpg (78.25 KB,500x517,500:517,45de663f242059c90fc099b44e….jpg)


>that bint thatcher gave up hong kong then immediately regretted it

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d75933 No.424393

File: 7440d83c4bef528⋯.jpg (14.64 KB,480x383,480:383,tumblr_ppt9f0nU9G1qh6gzao2….jpg)

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299838 No.424394


I am not associated with this poster in anyway whatsoever and any posts I have made on this site are a satire on right wing racists

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d75933 No.424395


what are you talking about? This is a minecraft roleplay forum

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8f53ab No.424396


>I am not associated with this poster in anyway

where'd he get the horse penis dildo then, huh?

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6e9e80 No.424397

I am a real terrorist in Minecraft.

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a9982a No.424398

File: a9e5511a1dd382a⋯.png (375.02 KB,803x688,803:688,d4b747bf92bcb092c7a4d0d0aa….png)

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a9982a No.424399

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-tommy-roThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson-releases-video-16462351

>Tommeh was just there with his woife to have a good toime

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cac610 No.424400


Not really sure we could have said no to China by that point tbh, probably the best we could have done is to democratise politics there to make mainland domination harder

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44d15c No.424402

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8f53ab No.424405

File: 5bac8255785222b⋯.jpg (70.73 KB,680x850,4:5,Queen Jew 79.jpg)


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