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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 15e5a1346eb6520⋯.png (360.65 KB,1604x1488,401:372,1545388186379.png)

File: 888974c5b958e68⋯.png (543.97 KB,554x854,277:427,ClipboardImage.png)

30d93a No.413267 [View All]

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5382bc No.413947


Nah I prefer this. I'll get over it

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2e6d81 No.413948



idk why people like soda, it's not even good. I kinda liked mountain dew when I was like 12-14, I guess

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f3c137 No.413949


>Mullen has a strong scouse accent

He's an absolute wool who sounds like he's from Manchester

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c1051f No.413950



why did he get away with being a member and not getting prosecuted?

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0f176f No.413951


its amazing the propaganda the media has managed with some fat fuck who has done nothing

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5ce993 No.413952


ahhh poor old fella that's horrid he seems to go in an out of hospital a lot. it's not nice watching them lose who they were, my grandad was always a picturesque stocky bearded victorian looking lad and in the last years he became really skinny and lost his beard smh but yea it's all the cycle of nature and I guess hes up there somewhere or living a new life here hopefully. it'd be so nice,the grand parents could help out raise the children specially in a single mummy home, maybe it'll be like that if the economy gets so bad were forced into traditionalism cuz homes cost too much lol

>I don't think I've ever seen a jellyfish in real life that's so cool, they really are alien, mad to think all that stuff evolved out of nothin

they were probably the OLD ONES pets tbh

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f3c137 No.413953


immunity for grassing


He put two innocent men behind bars for 5-10 years.

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f3c137 No.413954

later lads. Gotta lift in the morning x

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5ce993 No.413955


gnight bbc lad I'm off too

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5382bc No.413956


People have subjective taste dude

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0f176f No.413957

File: 625f622b2689e13⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1022.49 KB,714x1168,357:584,ClipboardImage.png)

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790f27 No.413958

>nonces ITT

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30d93a No.413959

File: 607370261696c9b⋯.png (1.83 MB,1482x1500,247:250,__jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_….png)

Cooked curry for me and my brother, it turned out really well.


Sleep tight lad.



Watch yourself lad.

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5382bc No.413960


14? I didn't know they were allowed on dating sites. 16 is the lowest in Norway

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a9c722 No.413961

>neo's a paki, a chink and a yank

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2e6d81 No.413962


it's like carbonated, polluted, fluoridated water with genetically modified, pesticide-soaked high fructose corn syrup with artificial flavors



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5ce993 No.413963


I was exposed to coke as the first cola and ways after pepsi was disgusting to me, it always made me wonder how some people are the other way around and how maybe being such monstrously huge globalist companies each one puts some chemical in their drink that makes the other one taste bad hmmmmm

probably not but conspiracies are fun

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a9c722 No.413964


>high fructose corn syrup

I don't think manufacturers can get away with that in this country

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5382bc No.413965


Pepsi Max is diet soda.

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2e6d81 No.413966


yeah I would hope you'd at least get some cane sugar or something in European countries. ik in beanerstan they use sugar in Coca Cola, it's even known as "mexican coke" and is sought after

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0f176f No.413967

that slag has probably fucked more older men than all the lads here combined have fucked girls, there were 14 year olds in the year below me in school posting half naked pics of themselves in bed with 20 something men on facebook, disgusting

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5382bc No.413968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>that la creatura lad on the big screen in the back


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0f176f No.413969


kek just watched that, guy is the back is a mess, why the fuck do people get ear stretchers

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5382bc No.413970

File: 226ba385f526a7e⋯.png (218.38 KB,267x360,89:120,ClipboardImage.png)


No idea.

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2e6d81 No.413971


idk but I had a friend with huge gauges, he would wrap his earlobes around his ear when he didn't have them in. it's high maintenance, they have to disinfect them constantly and whatnot, and they stink

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5ce993 No.413972


ahhh good lass. lots of people hate on curry as foreign but something that tasty must have been figured out by the higher castes tbh

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7ea657 No.413973

File: 790f28f52c8deef⋯.jpg (63.83 KB,720x540,4:3,9c2aed300fa314ae16e57b1565….jpg)


Nah, haven't even seen season 2 tbh. I meant to watch them but haven't got around to it. I ought to though, I do enjoy the cartoon version.


>Africans complain about having non-slavery forcibly imposed upon them

>centuries Africans leave Africa to complain that Britain bought the slaves their own ancestors were selling

Clown world tbh

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0f176f No.413974

File: 34c140af5ddd3a2⋯.jpg (37.8 KB,573x1013,573:1013,4wdromzj4cs21.jpg)

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c88f24 No.413975

File: 98531eedb40b1eb⋯.jpg (28.81 KB,640x360,16:9,e06ccbd2fedfb238afbf991dd5….jpg)


I wrote all that doomy stuff but he actually seems to have chirped up now lol he always surprises me

>they were probably the OLD ONES pets tbh

I love that idea


Goodnight sleep tight

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0f176f No.413976

File: 9e8d95ce13dacdb⋯.jpg (144.13 KB,898x588,449:294,ad9a91745865edb402538cc62c….jpg)

>tfw the guy stretches his nose so he can inhale more of the brap

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2e6d81 No.413977



I've never had curry in my life. I guess it's like the british version of tacos, burritos, torilla chips, salsa, etc.

except not really 'cause a lot of that stuff is part of texan cuisine whereas the south asian shit has no precedent

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5ce993 No.413978

remember to check your post tomorrow 😈

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5382bc No.413979

File: 05a262ea50ad504⋯.png (2.25 MB,1500x1000,3:2,05a262ea50ad504a0fa2edbed0….png)

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0f176f No.413980


britain basically invented curry tbh, only had it once and it was decent but it fucking stinks and pakis always smell like shit and ruin every house they occupy with its stench

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c88f24 No.413981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Nah, haven't even seen season 2 tbh. I meant to watch them but haven't got around to it. I ought to though, I do enjoy the cartoon version.

The animation of some of the scenes is great, pic related is kino.

Also, too bad I'm tired as shit and can't write out a proper response but you get the colonial issue completely lad.

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7ea657 No.413982




>Not having read the manga you'd have no idea about it's SEEKRIT powers.

It's kind of a rubbish titan tbh although it did finally have an actual use in the latest mango :^)

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0f176f No.413983

File: 434f9c7399ee2e8⋯.jpg (34.04 KB,626x717,626:717,1508350187253.jpg)



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c88f24 No.413984


my body is ready


:^ )



Have a mate who watches the anime and we shout that at each other kek

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c88f24 No.413985


>although it did finally have an actual use in the latest mango :^)

:^ )))))))))))))

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0f176f No.413986

File: 5c488be99fb484d⋯.jpg (85.37 KB,804x802,402:401,1456256740956.jpg)


>Have a mate

haha y…yeah me too

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7ea657 No.413987

Now I think about it, anything you could do with the cart titan could be done with any other one. Imagine doing the cart titan thing but with the colossus instead. Maybe the cart can remain in its form for longer periods of time?

Aaaaaaaaaaaa this snk talk is making me anticipate future events, it's a good job I don't have a terminal illness else I'd be fucking livid.

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c88f24 No.413988

File: 96a0a30d0c4421e⋯.jpg (129.04 KB,1280x719,1280:719,1557468276130.jpg)


You have us, lad.

>Maybe the cart can remain in its form for longer periods of time?

Yeah it can remain a titan for months whereas the others is like a day or a few days or some shite.

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c88f24 No.413989

*deposits forgotten you's*



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5382bc No.413990


>ywn be a cringy zoomer

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b07e95 No.413991


Lies and deception.

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c88f24 No.413992


>Aaaaaaaaaaaa this snk talk is making me anticipate future events, it's a good job I don't have a terminal illness else I'd be fucking livid.

I sorta have this feeling except it's the reverse, I'm afraid GRRM will die before finishing asoiaf or just get bored since the show already ended, aaaagh.

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c88f24 No.413993

File: ad906c8846fd165⋯.mp4 (79.52 KB,500x500,1:1,fg962zida5z21.mp4)

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7ea657 No.413994


Thank you, sahib


Oh yeah, wasn't there some scene with Pieck having trouble walking around normally?

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c88f24 No.413995


>Oh yeah, wasn't there some scene with Pieck having trouble walking around normally?

yeah that was kawaii as fuck tbh

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c88f24 No.413998

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