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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 91b0f172caa60b9⋯.jpg (164.31 KB,1080x1350,4:5,1544909483.jpg)

a6a193 No.346994 [View All]

638 posts and 222 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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58a971 No.347634


its freckles lad ^__^

and i'm not using mods cos the game is slow enough as it is already

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ee4d2e No.347635


I hope you've at least ordered a flash drive by now

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58a971 No.347636


no ;^]

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90cbe0 No.347637

File: 5a64f7690f3364c⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,435x329,435:329,Jewess 586.jpg)

>binge watched a bunch of reddit r/whateverthefuck youtube videos

>youtube recommendations have been utterly ruined

>start watching based and redpilled videos and clicking "not interested" on plebbit tier trash

>recommendations only mildly fucked now


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ee4d2e No.347638





if you use invidious/freetube then you don't get recommendation bs

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58a971 No.347639


delete them from your youtube history retard

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90cbe0 No.347640


That's all it takes?

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58a971 No.347641

File: 77843fd0812f166⋯.png (112.47 KB,812x760,203:190,1545534255310.png)

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90cbe0 No.347642


you wasted an opportunity to fill it with jewesses instead, dumbass.

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90cbe0 No.347643


put also, yea it seems to have worked and i am saved :)

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ee4d2e No.347644

cleaned my mouth nice and early, so now going to bed shouldn't be a problem tonight

gonna continue watching cat planet cuties

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ee4d2e No.347645

there are so many cat/dog puns, it's very charming

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58a971 No.347646

worried that my willy might have shrunk since i was 16

its still biggish but i dont want it to ever be like 22sts

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ee4d2e No.347647

File: c109739f34fc821⋯.jpg (28.52 KB,512x422,256:211,c109739f34fc82165742392f5f….jpg)

good night/morning


>hairline receding

>crown thinning

>willy shrinking

lad, you're falling apart

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58a971 No.347648


literally dying

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f8226c No.347649

File: 60c76185da3315d⋯.gif (331.12 KB,639x649,639:649,autistic.gif)


>more room for more krauts at the expense of less room for less poles. I'd call that a net gain 'cause you're more likely to get useful inventions out of germans than poles, germans are smarter and more civilized


>>ireland somehow british, memes aside this is stupid

That's because it's a historical wankboner so Brennin Artur of Prydain Mawr conquered it to make the Gaels pay reparations.

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a79e99 No.347650


It's not like it can become like mine smh

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f8226c No.347651


I'm sure an accident or two with a razor could work.

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88970c No.347652


Post your youtube recommendations screenshot if you're bad tbh

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a79e99 No.347653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Damn that crawl

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88970c No.347654

I want her to be my hunny, hunny, hunny…

I want to bang her cunny, cunny, cunny..

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a79e99 No.347655

File: 25e6d89b2f67b3f⋯.png (184.79 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember when fresh Ginnies were a thing?

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88970c No.347656


Yea but she has a lot of failings tbh. She wasn't interactive enough.

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f8226c No.347657


Good lad

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a79e99 No.347658


tbh, but probably best for her

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db2a12 No.347659

File: 493adc2b3a42dd2⋯.png (314.58 KB,620x414,310:207,korwin007.png)

morning lads


>you are a bad mod

>/shit/ mods are bad mods

second strike

you are really blowing through the new years goodwill



no, you stupid enabling retard

no more chances, of course you are still egging on a mentally ill man to lop it off

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f8226c No.347660

File: fa442d58e83f84e⋯.jpg (151.13 KB,960x720,4:3,korwin gothic cosplay.jpg)


He's a lad

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a6a193 No.347661

File: 59da343579415c8⋯.jpg (55.46 KB,404x345,404:345,1431098486729.jpg)

>replying 11 hours later

rent free

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a79e99 No.347662

File: 80527a2e6e58370⋯.jpg (27.13 KB,708x480,59:40,80527a2e6e5837052a57ab6007….jpg)

>tfw mummy Neo and daddy Wess keeps fighting

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f8226c No.347663


You'll live rent free in my rape dungeon if you keep this up.

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a6a193 No.347664

File: f668c3e460ce357⋯.png (725.81 KB,655x758,655:758,1543032143801.png)


he's just having a spontaneous tantrum while I do the dishes and make "hmm" and "uhuh" noises


be honest lad you can't afford a rape dungeon

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a79e99 No.347665

File: 91bef4f1111d267⋯.png (199.25 KB,1500x707,1500:707,ClipboardImage.png)

Who /insularcelt/ here?

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a79e99 No.347666


>he's just having a spontaneous tantrum while I do the dishes and make "hmm" and "uhuh" noises

what does "hmm" and "uhuh" mean?

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a79e99 No.347667

File: e627d5a305b9f73⋯.png (816.48 KB,1024x690,512:345,ClipboardImage.png)

*walks towards you*

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a79e99 No.347668

File: 6abe732392e67f5⋯.png (1.56 MB,1479x1479,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>get on bennies for being fat

fucking perfect

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a6a193 No.347669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice swirly whirlies lad


it means I've given up listening


doesn't actually look different besides some photoshop on the skin, shit meme tbh

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db2a12 No.347670

File: 5ec3f19208327eb⋯.png (826.25 KB,1024x575,1024:575,antifurry.png)


love him tbh


why is xe such a nigger, lad? does xe act like this in the den of scum and homosexuality?

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572455 No.347671


Because you fall for her bait every single time like clockwork

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754ba5 No.347672

File: 3612ecb08f72a86⋯.jpeg (52.94 KB,800x450,16:9,jake gyllenhaal.jpeg)


>doesn't actually look different besides some photoshop on the skin, shit meme tbh

this level of cope

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db2a12 No.347673

File: 28b59f3621c6ecf⋯.png (438.26 KB,823x549,823:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc495f8c02bfdb5⋯.png (360.39 KB,500x569,500:569,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf5b36e12a86048⋯.png (450.43 KB,775x583,775:583,ClipboardImage.png)


it's not bait it's just disgusting behaviour

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a6a193 No.347674

File: 579d7a36a55314f⋯.gif (7.21 KB,200x200,1:1,__izumi_konata_lucky_star_….gif)

obsessive compulsive

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572455 No.347675


Come off it lad, it's very obvious it's done as bait. The only thing it deserves is a lazy meme pic or response calling her out. Not this

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db2a12 No.347676

File: f289d9ffc8bf759⋯.png (44.52 KB,754x734,377:367,fuark.png)


>acts out the tranny shit


>*continues doing it literally forever



not worth engaging with at all at this point

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5991ad No.347677


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572455 No.347678


>not worth engaging with at all at this point

See, now you're getting it

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db2a12 No.347679

and it doesn't change that n*o is still encouraging luna, a mentally ill man, to take mind and body altering drugs and get an axe wound in place of functioning genitalia

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572455 No.347680


That's luna's fault for being stupid enough to fall for it, both need to be bullied for it

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db2a12 No.347681

File: b44e6022397ae92⋯.png (260.56 KB,278x400,139:200,ClipboardImage.png)



however n*o has made it pretty clear that xe will not change, despite xer disgusting and immoral behaviour being completely at odds with the community xe barely interacts with and presumably still only hangs around for the "shitpost" (you)s and sense of "power" at being a moderator

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a6a193 No.347682

File: a945c45d5538e3e⋯.jpg (63.26 KB,520x490,52:49,__izumi_konata_lucky_star_….jpg)

he thinks about me more than his own mother

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a6a193 No.347685

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