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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 3b420f3288d3a3c⋯.png (700.78 KB,960x625,192:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 171faaed935feb5⋯.png (493.45 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 283f93e030bf463⋯.png (517.3 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

a06649 No.280431 [View All]

Southgate cannot be out-thought, he has a mind like a steel trap.

That's how we're going to win. Martinez will attempt to out-think Gareth Southgate. The effort will break his mind and on Thursday, when the Belgium lads need help and direction at half-time, Martinez will be a drooling mess in the corner.


>(one dimension for every year of hurt since 1966)

Martinez is shitting himself right now I guarantee it

Are Gareth has got this

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463760 No.281151


dorse is my island

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e9108d No.281152

File: b05bfa32ae548a7⋯.jpg (200.15 KB,1024x1015,1024:1015,1530134320959.jpg)

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96b938 No.281153


bum text

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e9108d No.281154

File: da9d7a5cc9fcc49⋯.png (416.95 KB,423x428,423:428,BOG.png)

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a262a8 No.281155


>>da j00s were behind communism

>dah niggas are behind America's high crime rates

>der muzlems are behind jihad and grooming gangs

This game is fun lad.

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60bbfe No.281156


Lenin and Trotsky and Marx were all middle class at least.


True to a large extent lad.


So feminist identity politics aren't identity politics because it was under communism? I forgot you're an unironic communist and will deny the truth to defend your terrible system.

>you have an autistic need to see communism as the enemy despite the fact that we live in a capitalist society.

I'm receptive to leftist economic ideas, they might be the only way to reach voters and achieve the goals of British nationalism like with the left in France.

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96b938 No.281157


that's 2 out of tens

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60bbfe No.281158


I'm pointing out that middle class bourgeoisie people can hold hard leftist ideas and historically these types of people have played a large role in communist movements that you tried to deny.

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60bbfe No.281159

Herts do you like communism because nationalism makes you feel uncomfortable as you want to live in whiteys land not your own?

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60bbfe No.281160

Is objectifying traps against the civil rights of them under communism?

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a06649 No.281161

File: 3ef9a453ff5e280⋯.png (159.71 KB,204x352,51:88,tsuuuus quietly.png)


The Balts were more overrepresented in the Bolsheviks than the Jews

The only Muslims behind rape gangs are non-practicing ones

High crime rates are more due to gang ghetto culture tbh


>So feminist identity politics aren't identity politics because it was under communism?

Holy shit, you legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. There was no identity politics in the USSR, just equal rights. You are just incapable of drawing a distinction between different types of civil rights/social liberalism. Marx himself was against identity politics because identity politics can just be absorbed by capitalism, as it did here.

>I forgot you're an unironic communist and will deny the truth to defend your terrible system.

Wew, already bringing out the strawman. You're terrible at this.

>I'm receptive to leftist economic ideas, they might be the only way to reach voters and achieve the goals of British nationalism like with the left in France.

You dirty utilitarian


The bourgeoisie have been behind virtually all modern revolutions tbh, this is no secret lad. And even then the Bolsheviks were more puritanical than, say, you.


What are you even trying to say here? Have you gone insane? Get help

Consider yourself lucky to get these (You)s from me because they're the last you're getting since I assume you'll be fucking off back to /shit/ to fellate your latest customer

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60bbfe No.281162

File: 8ae04c94dd30a4b⋯.jpg (33.75 KB,500x378,250:189,2ecb254b08cc966dbd05f36000….jpg)


>There was no identity politics in the USSR, just equal rights.


>The only Muslims behind rape gangs are non-practicing ones

>High crime rates are more due to gang ghetto culture tbh

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463760 No.281163



might ban that orange shitball tbh, seen too many of them honestly

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411c91 No.281164

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463760 No.281165

Starting from the next thread, the next Umaru poster shall receive a 2 hour long ban

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a06649 No.281166


>no argument: the post

back to /shit/, bender


Good lad

I think I'll get going on a new thread btw so we've got one ready for tomorrow

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60bbfe No.281167


Are you really going to say that as soon as a Muslim commits a crime he's no longer of the same ethnoreligious group and therefore that group cannot be held responsible, we are all individuals bollocks?

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60bbfe No.281168


You literally haven't put forward a political position besides defending communism, muslim rape gangs and black on white violence. What do you actually believe?

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60bbfe No.281169

>Doesn't make a point

>T-these are the last (You)'s you'll get from me

As soon as I enter the thread you immediately reply and whip out your personal folder of me kek join the fan club mate, we both know that's bollocks you're obsessed because you're insecure and have to attack me to feel better about your own sad life lusting over men on the internet.

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a06649 No.281170

File: d1daea0eb0164f9⋯.png (172.47 KB,787x325,787:325,your post in the trash.png)


Islam is a religion not a race you spastic

They're still pakis, but no Muslim drinks alcohol and sells it to kids

It's like calling Stephen Fry a Christian


Stop fucking strawmanning mate, away with you

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a06649 No.281171


>projecting this hard

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60bbfe No.281172


>Islam is a religion not a race you spastic

Where did I say that? Sounds like you're getting a bit booty blasted over your own hallucination. Even so, denying there's an ethnic component is absurd, Islam in the UK is overwhelmingly non-white.


Still waiting for what you believe.

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96b938 No.281173


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a06649 No.281174


You're not arguing in good faith and you're clearly arsehurt by my very existence so just stop lad, run back to /shit/ where people actually want to see your cancerous posts

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60bbfe No.281175

File: 24187736134d3f8⋯.png (699.59 KB,800x378,400:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2317ce3243564c8⋯.png (287.9 KB,634x410,317:205,ClipboardImage.png)

My Britain




>Spans the Anglosphere, foremost world power


>Based around cycling and walking, not the car

>Moral and aesthetic

>Sustainable for the future

>Social interaction happens face to face

>Produces great men

>Strong navy and army

Herts Britain

>Small minded

>Communist, enjoy bread lines

>Filled with based blacks and based muslims, after all no true muslim commits crime

>La creatura 56% walk the streets

>Daily pride parades featuring the latest assortment of gender benders in front of Buckingham Palace

>Most social interaction done online or on various chat apps, immoral transhumanism

>Powered by Anglo-Saxon ancestors spinning in their graves at light speed

>Drugs freely available along with copies of rick and morty

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60bbfe No.281176


/Brit/ wouldn't let you in for being too gay, kek.

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a06649 No.281177

r e n t f r e e

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60bbfe No.281178


Only one of us keeps a folder on the other pal.

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a06649 No.281179


I don't have a folder on you lmao why are you sperging out

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60bbfe No.281180


No I just show up for the first time in months and you happen to have edited pictures saved of me hmmmm

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60bbfe No.281181

File: da22b219967906e⋯.png (52.25 KB,970x710,97:71,sayori_ddlc_by_kawaiixxlil….png)

>and I'm the one living rent free

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a06649 No.281182


I was on /shit/ briefly. If you don't want your pic floating around maybe you shouldn't have posted yourself as a maid, fairy. You're weirdly obsessed with me lad, just stop

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96b938 No.281183


>>Produces great men

like crossdressing autists who post useless shit at 1am?

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60bbfe No.281184

File: 7fadac23e1509e5⋯.png (589.57 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>If you don't want your pic floating around maybe you shouldn't have posted yourself as a maid, fairy.

It's other people posting it not me. Why did you save it then? Bit gay. I don't mind you giving me attention but I move on from that period of my life yet all the 'straight' (big quotation marks in your case) people are obsessed with those images.


>Useless shit

I've shared wise words and tried to have a civil discussion, nothing wrong with that.

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60bbfe No.281185


The only way people recognise you is from your propensity for posting useless shit.

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a06649 No.281186

File: 57f4611c6ad6e10⋯.png (41.72 KB,399x322,57:46,cringe pepe.png)

>when an insane gayist projects his insanity onto you

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96b938 No.281187


the only way people recognise you is from your faggotry

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cb38ff No.281188

File: 8e51c358c537880⋯.mp4 (15 MB,900x868,225:217,gondolaspanol.mp4)

>preach communism through ad hom

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60bbfe No.281189


No it's my huge nose actually


Didn't you openly lust after men on this very board tho

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96b938 No.281190


so youre jewish

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a06649 No.281192



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60bbfe No.281193


No it's a big straight nose I'm very pale with mousy brown hair and green eyes

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96b938 No.281194


you sound gay

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60bbfe No.281195


im not gay

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96b938 No.281197


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a06649 No.281198


I think he will go far this WC

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db7756 No.281199


so England vs Belgium is next? tomorrow?

I think I might watch Portugal v.s. Argentina, that's gonna be ebin. never watched a soccer match before

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96b938 No.281200

shoot me

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db7756 No.281201

File: 582e624243c9ccb⋯.png (31.52 KB,688x369,688:369,for freedoms.png)

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a06649 No.281202

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