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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: e9419d818945bad⋯.jpg (20.43 KB,443x203,443:203,1459032995193.jpg)

1ffc40 No.237615 [View All]

UK's first bomb-proof Sunday school opens in Northern Ireland

>"This was a real fortress, up in the roof there is six inches of reinforced concrete to protect against mortar attacks," church committee member Ian Buchanan told the BBC.

>"The walls are three foot thick with reinforced concrete, everything is reinforced to the highest degree to make it totally bomb-proof."


UK snow: Temperatures plunge as Met Office forecasts 'bitterly cold' -12C Arctic blast

>The UK is set to be hit by freezing Arctic air as bone-chilling -12C temperatures sweep across the country.

>The polar winds are forecast just days after Britain was hit by Storm Eleanor which brought winds of up to 100mph to the Isles at the start of the week


NHS Leaflets sent to muslim communities trying to discourage them from marrying and impregnating their cousins


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0be00a No.238320

File: 189117d78098f7b⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,403x403,1:1,1444216578993.jpg)


wew google translate really does turn "hundred ten eight" into "fifty eight"

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8999a1 No.238321



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41c396 No.238322

File: fc370b0eb67700e⋯.png (272.28 KB,798x414,133:69,vbIiqB5.png)

lads i think i gotta go to sleep early today, night night

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dc7c7d No.238323


**Tbh I've bee thinking about joining the military

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28b61c No.238324

File: 436eac16a91ed71⋯.jpg (72.79 KB,600x660,10:11,1465289517888.jpg)

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dc7c7d No.238325



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28b61c No.238326


Night lad. *Hugs you.*

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07fdec No.238327


Good night lad


I was gonna join up as well. Was pretty set on it until a year ago. I wont chat any of that fighting for Israel shit, but you should consider whether military service fits your long term goals. For instance I wanted a wife and a business and 8 years of service was a hinderence to that goal.

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8999a1 No.238328

I considered joining the army but chances are you'd do absolutely nothing but sit in a base for however long you joined up for

doubt they'd accept me either tbh


yeah I feel like if I joined I wouldn't be able to have a life outside it or something smh, but at the same time I've always sorted of wanted to be some military adventurer figure


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28b61c No.238329

File: b98c994e09a23ca⋯.jpg (68.15 KB,388x380,97:95,1424869603313.jpg)

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dc7c7d No.238330


Tbh I think it would be a good vehicle to use to gain some very employable skills and also it gives me something to do and even if I'm not blasting tusken raiders it's a sort of a purposeful life compared to the one I have now.

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07fdec No.238331


>military adventurer

I know what you mean lad I was very close to joining up on that ticket. You get travel, brotherhood, and fitness. It seemed like a good deal but it also becomes your life. In the end I'd rather do that on my own terms


I'll never say it's not a decent package. You also get a fair salary and a pension if you make it that far. But you have to be prepared to live your life on someone elses terms for a long time. It's a big commitment. I mean once you've done bootcamp then it's 8 years right?

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8999a1 No.238332


you can join for 4 years I believe, though I think some NCOs do sort of look down on this, not sure tho

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dc7c7d No.238333


tbh I'd love to be a military adventurer, that's the ideal life.

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715347 No.238334

File: faea5e0c6d54aea⋯.jpg (78.94 KB,1080x1121,1080:1121,faea5e0c6d54aeaf5b44f5488a….jpg)

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07fdec No.238335


That's a fair bit less, I think for officers it's 8 years what with stanford training ect. 4 years is still a big commitment but a fair taster.


royal marines or paratroopers

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8999a1 No.238336

File: 4c9c706f96148be⋯.png (1.05 MB,935x670,187:134,1513913272130.png)


>ywn be a 19th century military adventurer

>ywn fight in the south american wars for independence, texas revolution, mexican american war, franco-mexican war and various other shithole conflicts

>ywn do anything like this in the modern world

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040d52 No.238337


You can serve onboard a nuclear submarine and surface into a post-apocalyptic world months after launching your missiles.

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dc7c7d No.238338


marines because my uncle fucked up his knees being a saffer paratrooper and my one mate wants to be a para as well so I think the green beret is a better chance

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040d52 No.238339

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dc7c7d No.238340


Get to play pirates if you don't get killed by depth charges


>you will never be a cold war merc

>you will never go from the plains of Africa to the jungles of Asia

>you will never prop up and take down puppet regimes in South America


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8999a1 No.238341

It's so stupid, I've done nothing for the past 3 years of my life and I tried to join the army when I was 17 but got rejected for anti-depressants

I could have spent 3 years in the army by now, and it pisses me off so much, each year that passes, the feeling of "I'm too old to do it now" keeps getting stronger and I just want to give up the idea of joining


>cold war merc

ahhh those feels lad

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07fdec No.238342


slightly easier fitness test as well ;^)


is for poofters

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dc7c7d No.238343


I'm also a good swimmer and an ex-lifeguard as well as qualified competent crew from the royal yachting association so I'm a bit of a natural when it comes to the nautical

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dc7c7d No.238344


>tfw dad was friends with lads in executive outcomes

>tfw he never kept up with them


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07fdec No.238345


Have you decided about it or just thinking?

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dc7c7d No.238346


If I do it, it'll be marines tbh.

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8999a1 No.238347

join my army instead lads

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dc7c7d No.238348


>meanwhile, in deepest darkest dorset

>the scrumpy army is brewing

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07fdec No.238349


Fair enough lad. Keep us posted. Just remember to not neglect your brain when youre training your body

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dc7c7d No.238350


of course, finally picked reading up again, read 30 pages today.

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8999a1 No.238351


*proclaims self as emperor but gets killed in a raid by the popo*

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1ffc40 No.238352

File: 8529760cab16212⋯.jpg (63.59 KB,800x600,4:3,Untitled.jpg)

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dc7c7d No.238353


why u gotta be mean breh

Well like if yr mate does something, ya wanna do the other thing cuz why not innit

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28b61c No.238354

File: 3e3e7d0939324f0⋯.png (77.92 KB,251x242,251:242,1422234057955.png)

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28b61c No.238355


No flag.

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28b61c No.238356

File: b345bf68051d21d⋯.png (52.14 KB,1202x795,1202:795,fhjfghdfgdfgdfggfhdjh.png)

Night lads.

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28b61c No.238357

File: 8d6470cdcac09e4⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,456x810,76:135,8d6470cdcac09e444eb5771beb….jpg)

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1ffc40 No.238358

File: 3f937402eb5c2a2⋯.jpg (50.81 KB,800x600,4:3,Untitled1.jpg)


jk lad jk

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28b61c No.238359

File: 5aedf2b23d3d1c9⋯.jpg (3.79 KB,202x184,101:92,7483657900a6bceb7a55cc5c0e….jpg)

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dc7c7d No.238360

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1ffc40 No.238361

File: 813b8c5794d3d4c⋯.webm (4.01 MB,480x480,1:1,Bats Mouth.webm)




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28b61c No.238362


Nice lad, night lad.

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1ffc40 No.238363

File: 57e02ea5ae448de⋯.jpg (42.73 KB,443x479,443:479,Capture.JPG)

File: 56c0696f142ff07⋯.jpg (26.26 KB,264x273,88:91,ugly.jpg)

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8999a1 No.238364

someone prep the new fred

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1ffc40 No.238365


he who smelt it delt it

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8999a1 No.238366


cant smell anything tbh

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1ffc40 No.238367

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f40b76 No.238368

New thread please

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1ffc40 No.238370

File: de3bc25a8b46e3b⋯.webm (3.33 MB,720x540,4:3,New Thread.webm)

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