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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 35b304366f4514b⋯.png (2.09 MB,1512x1512,1:1,1431932106257.png)

067f7e No.236121 [View All]

Here's to a bright new year with lots of joy lads and lasses.

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4448b6 No.236820


Tbf I only know who pjw is from memies

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4448b6 No.236821


Oi blud fuck you

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892a12 No.236822


>I only know who pjw is from memies

That's all he is, just a meme


>Nah, Nige could actually effect a change if he tried.

So you think he's just not even trying now?

He comes across as a bit of a blow hard in his radio show, that's why I compared him to PJW smh

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c08187 No.236823

File: e9fe89e96956cd4⋯.jpg (267.72 KB,1200x676,300:169,d38da2852e025b66c82598b0b2….jpg)

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3af64e No.236824


Oi fuck off bossman

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5c9e35 No.236825


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c08187 No.236826

File: 5746f23045a86f1⋯.jpg (75.94 KB,768x1024,3:4,you just got hacked!.jpg)


it's too late, kiddo. your files are mine!

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4448b6 No.236827


unplug the jukebox

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b4070d No.236828

Had looksie, I think it's related to the alternator and the alternator belt.

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79965f No.236829

File: f948f29c254eb94⋯.png (86.96 KB,243x251,243:251,pepewithacold.png)

>it's a "the video takes eight times as long to load as it does to play" episode

smh I wanted to have a comfy dindins and film night and do some turn reports afterward

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3af64e No.236830


fug, lad that sucks willy

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b4070d No.236831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw no comfy garage with all the parts and tools where I can solve all my problems


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f27e28 No.236832

File: 5462d83ff7b003e⋯.jpg (68.55 KB,499x259,499:259,nice.jpg)

watching hellraiser in the cytube if anybody wants to join tbh

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c08187 No.236833


I'd like that too, tbh. I've been interested in such things for a while now. Restorations, paintings, crafting things through carpentry. It's all pretty great.

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79965f No.236834

File: 5611e79eb95312e⋯.png (9.95 KB,321x339,107:113,wewsjak.png)


"The Martian" is two and a half hours long

I started trying to watch at maybe half six or sevenish


it's horror isn't it

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f27e28 No.236835


>it's horror isn't it

good old british body horror

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590f28 No.236836


Will do in a bit. Just popping off to the shop for some fizzy drinks and sweeties.

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3af64e No.236837


ah that sucks lad, did you like themovie atleast?

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4448b6 No.236838


Got a workshop you can use foc but its in sussex lel

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62d871 No.236839


I'm scared, lad. Come protect me from the monsters please

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62d871 No.236840


how long will it take, lad? We can wait for a few minutes

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f27e28 No.236841




for if you lost the link or any lurkers who wanna cum

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b4070d No.236842


it'd be sweet tbh, put my car on a lift and give her underside a good looking too, put things back together, take things apart. Assemble pressure bearing components into some sort of device for antigov- I mean uh cars and watches yeah.


ye not worth it

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79965f No.236843

File: 5affa755b9d3b53⋯.png (1.25 MB,900x900,1:1,eyepull.png)


I'm twenty minutes in


rather keep trying to watch martian tbh

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62d871 No.236844

File: b2f9438fcf41adb⋯.png (738.96 KB,1100x734,550:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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c08187 No.236845



l-lad… it's too early for suck lewdities…

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b4070d No.236846

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590f28 No.236847


Shan't be too long.

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62d871 No.236848

*bans wessex from cytu.be*

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79965f No.236849

File: ec1b9f3c36af17e⋯.png (20.05 KB,525x468,175:156,druidpepequestion.png)

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79965f No.236850

don't like horror films anyway tbh

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8b861a No.236851


Nige could reenter actual politics, rather than being just a fucking MEP, which is a meme job that even the Europhilic media never reports on.

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62d871 No.236852


just bullying you for not wanting to watch with us smh

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3af64e No.236853


Fucking kek tbh, just give up

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62d871 No.236854

Wessex is a big pussy smh I could keep him safe

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79965f No.236855


I get enough horror glancing at the news headlines

don't need fantasy to experience it

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62d871 No.236856


but you're a big part of film whatever day culture smh

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79965f No.236857


not for horror though

you lads have fun, I'm going to watch another 5 minutes of The Martian before ten

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4448b6 No.236858

File: 96864296ea8d12e⋯.jpg (80.18 KB,516x1598,258:799,DSC0621adjusted-1-uai-516x….jpg)

Anybody want a hit

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3af64e No.236859


bit too hardcore for me

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5c9e35 No.236860

File: 0954944bbbf19a3⋯.jpg (42.35 KB,800x344,100:43,1514950039606.jpg)

w-when will kriegspiel be done?

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79965f No.236861

File: 772679a258efbc2⋯.png (347.92 KB,625x350,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks lad

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79965f No.236862


tomorrow morning in time for fresh orders in the evening probably

yet another RPG system to learn threw me for a loop

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5c9e35 No.236863


wew laddie

A lot of the forum games I played only lasted 2-3 turns at best, yous be doin good boi

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79965f No.236864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2e3073 No.236865

Got work tomorrow thank fuck

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2e3073 No.236866

File: fe651c635aacd9a⋯.jpg (259.51 KB,548x852,137:213,IMG_20180103_100049.jpg)

Night lads

Someone needs to do a new thread nao

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3af64e No.236867


night lad

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79965f No.236868


night lad have fun

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2f85a6 No.236871

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