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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 8ddaaa98ff0a9b5⋯.png (1.13 MB,1305x1315,261:263,annoyed hooting.png)

File: e6e6154300cf07f⋯.png (236.57 KB,829x801,829:801,minopts.png)

File: ddb16297503af41⋯.png (6.82 MB,2480x3508,620:877,1_807160079832564.png)

File: 1455a8db0b00dab⋯.png (1.97 MB,6000x5000,6:5,luma_swimsuit.png)

File: d4d506cb9fd656a⋯.jpg (416.34 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,no_way_2.jpg)

fb9c49 No.379383 [Last50 Posts]

Last thread hit bump limit.

Upload your work here:


Last Thread: >>374955

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807734 No.379387

File: 1a33c3bdb892a28⋯.jpg (404.32 KB,723x1000,723:1000,Kraken_L.jpg)

Requesting a kraken pleasuring herself with her tentacles while fellating and/or titfucking her hubby.

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f2470e No.379388

A shogg mother teaching her mindshattering ball of joy daughter how to form objects would be very wholesome.

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3911e6 No.379395

File: 7085a09cb4e3cbe⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Vampire.jpg)

File: 6d52243fb120bdf⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Vampire1.jpg)

The world needs more Vampires, and they need to recognize them as the true Rulers of the Night, not those upstart reanimated corpses, just because they died Heroes, or fucked their way to the top.

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c9a14e No.379406

File: befc4b479e66c73⋯.jpg (719.56 KB,3200x1680,40:21,636348482260904827-Copperh….jpg)

Requesting a copperhead lamia berating people about the civil war

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846c63 No.379409


I've never heard of the civil war. Do you mean the War of Northern Aggression?

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cebf7c No.379410


The world is a Vampire

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e8a2ef No.379413

Requesting a chubby orange cheshire eating pasta

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6d7c9d No.379423

File: 68b88dd9f22538b⋯.png (920.43 KB,1239x526,1239:526,R-mantis.png)

Requesting Mantis from 1st pic waring outfit in 2nd pic, head patting and stroking Papi head from the back with such an alluring way.

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5cd4ed No.379437


The war to prevent southern independence

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4f5266 No.379440

File: 972c226ca21e688⋯.jpg (64.19 KB,662x1024,331:512,07136v.jpg)


No, I mean Sherman's War of Dunking on the Confederacy

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60ec1b No.379442

File: bd28ca1a7a1d6b9⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,1470x2010,49:67,1539706388663.jpg)

Requesting a POV blowjob from a black harpy. Maybe have the viewer holding her mouth open and jerking off a load of cum into her open mouth.

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e3d5bf No.379445

File: 4aacbba49d2b285⋯.jpg (84.25 KB,1000x762,500:381,Did he just nut into it in….jpg)

File: dde8b7aa9c66452⋯.jpg (52.29 KB,641x561,641:561,Blank _73efa0c6871fec4578a….jpg)

File: 0d031441491b91c⋯.gif (373 KB,325x378,325:378,serveimage.gif)

File: 7edb598b3f51365⋯.jpg (30.3 KB,320x180,16:9,You are fake news.jpg)

File: fd3d8edc4d773ee⋯.jpg (46.66 KB,640x480,4:3,serveimage.jpg)

Requesting monster-ized drawings of these reaction images

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c2f841 No.379462

File: 781401e419d0823⋯.jpg (150.04 KB,500x1062,250:531,Dracula.jpg)


>At it again with the overgrown leeches

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3911e6 No.379463


Aw, did you take too much time on that dirt nap before they dug you up? Because that green coming out of your mouth is not just the font color~

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e33439 No.379466

File: aae78565db4adbc⋯.png (353.62 KB,720x720,1:1,aanna.png)

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807734 No.379468

File: 3985eb157703344⋯.jpg (39.15 KB,348x450,58:75,1529601181657.jpg)

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c2f841 No.379472

File: 7dbf4ab3466302b⋯.png (121.45 KB,884x603,884:603,Vamp-poster.png)

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e80623 No.379474

I request a picture of a Dhampir angrily defending her mother's dignity online

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c642e0 No.379475

File: b460fbb6ee7b8e4⋯.jpg (26.39 KB,300x381,100:127,IMG_20181121_203416.jpg)


Kill yourself faggot

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4f5266 No.379480

File: 1517a4cddd906bb⋯.png (142.21 KB,250x250,1:1,smug.png)


stay mad

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0866c8 No.379484

File: 8aed05c59912fa6⋯.webm (1.78 MB,960x540,16:9,FaggotCat.webm)


Shitpostnig as usual

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925929 No.379487

File: f52614044f017ed⋯.png (2.62 MB,6000x6500,12:13,alice angel.png)

File: 1e4b05549e53e0e⋯.png (1.98 MB,5000x4500,10:9,ilias lamia.png)


Oh, neat. My thing is in the OP. Here's a couple I drew about a month ago.

So since tumblr's decided to kill itself, and twitter bans me within 30 seconds of making an account, that leaves me in an awkward spot. Are there any places other than Pixiv (I already have that, but it's still 90% japanese) where I can post my art?

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73d458 No.379496


Tumblr is canning NSFW content as of Dec 17 2018. If you're enough of a faggot to still keep your work/collected galleries there, you might want to look at an alternative before you lose your shit


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d4a2bc No.379501

File: 4305d7aba313187⋯.png (240.57 KB,944x892,236:223,286af6717ee9b6f8d2b44b7adf….png)


Well I never post shit on any of my pages to begin with so it's not much of a loss for me. But Damn was this a retarded decision. Its like they're trying to chase away most of their user base

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079020 No.379503


Is it most of their userbase or the only ones that aren't cancer of some kind?

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925929 No.379508


The only people that'll still be there are the really shitty western artists, autists posting four-frame gifs from their favorite TV show, and whiny teenagers posting "deep" quotes and crying about the orange man. And most of them will be Xsexual Ykins. The one and only use it had was that it was easy for artists to post their porn there. Even then, Pixiv's better for anime artists if you can bother to work around the language barrier.

I don't think they'll lose most of their userbase from this. But the site will end up like 4chan; A soulless husk that has no reason to exist anymore other than as a quarantine.

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60ec1b No.379517


That's ironic considering your reposted the kraken request from the last thread as well.

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88ffc4 No.379526

File: 350ba8e9ff1e940⋯.png (395.46 KB,568x1136,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

There needs to be a version with either the meekest beta monster or the most dangerous rape machine.

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9a521f No.379566

We need Valkyries molesting men. Not dark Valkyries, I mean regular Valkyries.


Well, there's deviantart, but… it's deviantart.

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88ffc4 No.379568

File: dbf10618f3a97c6⋯.png (133.88 KB,1284x1841,1284:1841,ClipboardImage.png)


I've seen some alternatives on /v/ that might try to replace tumblr, but you'd have to check them out first to see if any of them are worth it for you.



>NewGrounds (put up some image posting stuff back in 2009, mostly used by flash aritsts)

>Piczel.tv (madman is advertising in tumblr itself and calling tumblr out)

>artstation (portfolio site, apparently some artists had already flocked off from tumblr into this site due to the cancer of the site)

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72a677 No.379580


Betting on Newgrounds

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c2f841 No.379582

File: 8b3b12c9ca7b191⋯.jpg (56.6 KB,680x515,136:103,AWAKEN MY MASTERS.jpg)



Newgrounds has finally awoken from it's hibernation

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c25d45 No.379613

File: c52040c41d13825⋯.png (337.68 KB,618x899,618:899,618px-Redcap24.png)

Requesting a redcap shooting a pig while a porc looks on in horror.

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4179db No.379615



I don't want it to be sullied with tumblr refugees, it's a quality site.

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ff604f No.379617


someone needs to draw a vamp doing some sort of autistic counting while shitposting on /human/

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5f7d0f No.379629

File: 8319c51dbda1914⋯.jpg (117.8 KB,800x518,400:259,fat_albert_and_the_gang_by….jpg)

File: 66b627704e7b27a⋯.jpg (26.01 KB,460x425,92:85,avO3rAn_460s.jpg)

Requesting pic related (the first one) but its a group of hellhounds chasing anon(s)

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ae09e0 No.379686

Requesting an unmarried alp sitting alone during Christmas, surrounded by plenty of Christmas cakes (the food), and trying to hold back tears.

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80633c No.379687


What the fuck is wrong with you?

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40280a No.379689


Alps are for bully and are prime for becoming Christmas cakes since nobody wants them.

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80633c No.379692


Because you don't like them you want to have them drawn suffering? No wiafu will love a sick fuck that's want a mg to suffer that way.

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e33439 No.379694

File: c3397be329c8258⋯.mp4 (804.36 KB,1280x720,16:9,f82943e68334798bb87bbe16d9….mp4)


>White knighting for fictional alps.

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549204 No.379695


Got some other bully requests if anyone wants to draw them.

1. A hellhound tied to a chair while two men slathered in beef gravy are dancing around and raining down KFC and malt liquor on her.

2. A danuki forced to watch someone waving a hundred dollar bill over a lit lighter.

3. An anubis being forced to stare at a Lego pyramid. One yellow brick has been replaced with a blue brick.

4. An oni was tricked into drinking non-alcoholic beer at a civil war parade honoring the union.

5. Forcing an apophis and a pharoh as well as a shoggoth and kikimora to all sit at the same table and be polite to each other.

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88ffc4 No.379696

File: a3c8877fbef5319⋯.png (137.77 KB,624x720,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a38571aa14b19f1⋯.png (226.76 KB,933x534,311:178,3ea28f6880cae9cb4e80090d1e….png)



And nevermind, it's shit.

>bans anything that resembles loli, even if the character is legal

>censored swfs for no reason other than moralfaggotry (lots of similar swfs around that are still around)

Why can't we just have fun?

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47cc6c No.379697


Man, I miss old newgrounds before they became faggots.

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807734 No.379698

File: 2c9a791de3ccd11⋯.png (6.17 KB,898x91,898:91,443e8c82-57ce-43c5-9d12-9f….png)



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80633c No.379699


I don't mind buying as long as it's good natured. The ones you listed are fine except

>2 men

But wanting someone to drop a girl alone and crying is clearly beyobd bullying.

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77a87c No.379700


Shadman is a degenerate fag

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4727c5 No.379701


If bullying is causing misfortune for fun and monstergirls won’t go for guys like that, then explain Umi-oshi. :^)

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807734 No.379702


>muh Umi-Osho

Why do niggers always do this? "There's this one girl who gets off to being bullied, so the idea that monster girls would reject people who enjoy other people's suffering is wrong!" If you can't tell the difference between indulging a masochist and inflicting actual torment on unwilling victims, then you deserve to be euthanized.

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57ab0c No.379703


Shocking news, thanks for letting us know.

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a420c7 No.379705

File: 625740d1135f88d⋯.jpg (104.28 KB,500x706,250:353,c097e821cc69ae767b03244330….jpg)

Requesting for an Oni in an SS Nazi uniform grabbing anon saying "Welcome to /pol /monster/!"

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4179db No.379706


I really fucking hope this isn't a another thinly veiled attempt at conquest from you loud faggots.

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d63744 No.379707


It’s just a drawing request. There’ve been plenty of girls drawn wearing SS or Wehrmacht uniforms before.not everything is some attempt at “conquest” or an attack on libertarians

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77a87c No.379709

File: 91b0a6e77eeda71⋯.png (699.06 KB,934x1546,467:773,0d2514ffe68184f4f6c3c9e100….png)


you're gay

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e80623 No.379710



>Implying this board isn't half /pol/ anyway.

>Or at least what /pol/ used to be

Also, all this tumblr dies crap is neat and all but it should be in the meta thread which.. we don't have atm because beardicus is being a lazy cunt

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0848fc No.379711


Beardicus is the one who makes meta threads?

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4b4d1c No.379715


Obviously the dangerous rape machine, which looks like the meekest beta monster on the surface.

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4727c5 No.379725


>Too autistic to take a joke

>People deserve to be euthanized for jokes

Relax, anon or your waifu might not love you anymore.

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e8a2ef No.379732


You can still post in the meta thread dumbass and I would make a new one if you faggots would give me enough news to make a decent OP. Also I’m not cowshagger.

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807734 No.379735

File: f0321a921273d4c⋯.png (22.74 KB,787x400,787:400,anhero.png)

File: aefef0811cf57ca⋯.jpg (128.94 KB,1060x1725,212:345,Tumblr_Explicit_Handholdin….jpg)


>I would make a new one if you faggots would give me enough news to make a decent OP

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9f62f9 No.379756

File: 96006e23f782f0c⋯.jpg (73 KB,600x795,40:53,96006e23f782f0cdb13c91c087….jpg)

Requesting a Kikimora taking an English test and looking very confused at the paper saying "Чего, блять?"

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996a62 No.379772

File: 612caec331ef023⋯.png (1020.49 KB,1029x1368,343:456,christmas_anubis.png)

Ugly khenmaat sweaters.

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d105f9 No.379774


>more stale nig memes

How many more years are we gonna beat this dead horse?

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309bce No.379776


Forever ever. :^)

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ca2990 No.379777


I imagine that girls get turtleneck sweatersuits as gifts during Khenmaat.

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442e1c No.379817

File: 4656153f77183b4⋯.png (1.76 MB,2711x2975,2711:2975,70AB6C58-F942-4C30-A7B7-14….png)


Forever ever indeed.

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72a677 No.379851


I got better Bully:

>Black Pete Hellhound giving a wedgie to a Elf while Santa Claus isn't looking

>Danuki unwraps a menorah and Jewish Accessories

>Bunyip and Yeti wrestling in the snow and getting dirtier when they argue about who's the fluffiest

>Jubjub dressed as a nun and being watched by an Angel to prevent lewdness

>Shoggoth and Kiki being terrorized by a Gremlin's Roomba mecha

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818525 No.379852


>Gremlin's Roomba machine

You mean an automaton? :^)

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71e18d No.379857

File: cb471ef22801d68⋯.png (337.9 KB,581x720,581:720,hoarse.png)

Draw what she's looking at.

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407990 No.379860

File: 326b67c87cad932⋯.jpg (163.86 KB,461x550,461:550,Centaur_0.jpg)

File: 0c9a7dc6978eaa1⋯.jpg (204.18 KB,833x1080,833:1080,fd06c9b46eee5e4240d2873262….jpg)

Can I get a centaur dressed as a winged hussar?

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909be1 No.380115


This reminds me, wasn’t this made for a monster girl MUD game that was made on here a long time ago? Does anyone have a link to it?

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53ce94 No.380172


I've never been good at self portraits, sorry

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c642e0 No.380190


>second pic

I wanna see more maternity shirts for various monster girls. The only one that comes to mind right now is one for an oni that has a mug of beer and the words "I'm drinking for two now".

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a88246 No.380228


Hellhounds/Bunyips should be "Bun in the oven"

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407990 No.380231


Manticore's would just be "coming soon" and a picture of a mofucore.

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288ff1 No.380242

Saturday rolling around once again, yall ready to draw?

OHMUH waifu

Drawpile night.

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72a677 No.380245


Somebody should do a Shoggoth getting headlocked by the Cobblestone Golem with a streetsign as her name tag with the weak fears the strong caption.

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98c226 No.380259

File: 2cc60988c4ad465⋯.jpg (363.66 KB,800x800,1:1,revan lightsaber.jpg)

File: 8c695ea69da429e⋯.jpg (698.21 KB,1691x3428,1691:3428,b1b23b4fdf68e3d7c615420ace….jpg)

requesting lightsaber cursed sword,

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c88468 No.380285

File: f7eb6468d14a18e⋯.png (7.09 MB,5000x5000,1:1,dp79.png)



The results of tonight's pile

Two people took a crack at your request, I hope you enjoy them


Why do you make me draw puns? Do you just want to watch the world burn?

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ac6d56 No.380288

weather you believe in it or not, god bless all you drawfags… you're doing gods work and you will be well rewarded in time

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72a677 No.380291


Thank you

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b029f0 No.380297

File: 5f29c2250266eb5⋯.png (202.55 KB,545x851,545:851,Honeyview_2018-12-09_01-19….png)


I figured I should colour the mindflayer

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291eed No.380304


This. Writefags too.

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4b4d1c No.380306


>weather you believe or not

Should I believe on a sunny day, a rainy day, or just a cloudy day?

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67c226 No.380326

Requesting Shantae as a manticore, Cheshire cat, or hellhound doing a bellydance.

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0848fc No.380328

File: 2a9edb576727777⋯.png (531.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Ammit keeping her legs clo….png)

File: 3a968d6e51f0006⋯.jpg (140.74 KB,564x649,564:649,Texas-chan proper shading.jpg)

Requesting a combined buttjob from Ammit/paizuri from Texas-chan. Make sure their respective assets are huge enough.

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daa823 No.380329


The world started burning for me the day I discovered my hellhound waifu anon(or she found me), I thank you

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442e1c No.380331


Viral marketing campaign for dead franchise plz go.

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b1fca8 No.380332




You could join a GNU Social/Pleroma/Mastodon instance if you just want an easy way for non-imageboard people to find and follow your art.

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d63744 No.380334


>one request for something cool is a marketing campaign

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442e1c No.380360


Desperate times require desperate measures.

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079020 No.380361


Why not just switch it out with a photon sword from PSO?

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807734 No.380371

File: 84c735709dd3e91⋯.jpg (122.67 KB,394x600,197:300,Nereid_0.jpg)

Requesting nereid having sex with her husband.

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c88468 No.380386

File: 80525d5ec0f5fe7⋯.png (774.58 KB,982x1439,982:1439,shoggotheyes.png)

File: 6c64b93c2025140⋯.png (119.57 KB,1435x686,205:98,TinyBatFindsAnApple.png)


Did this in one of the drawpiles, but I went back in to make the coloring better

I'll also throw in another tiny bat, for good measure.

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b3e470 No.380405


>christmas cake alps

I have never been so interested this entire week.

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925929 No.380577

File: 53802fecdb271cc⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,1608x1836,134:153,Etna Doodle2.jpg)

File: 442ff7b546543de⋯.jpg (1.92 MB,1986x1836,331:306,Shinobu doodle.jpg)

I had nothing to do today and I was going insane from boredom, so I drew these. I'll probably digitize them later.


I'm not sure what those are, so I'll have to look into it. Thanks.

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7d1b2d No.380584

File: c4ddd410592301f⋯.jpg (138.08 KB,812x1320,203:330,1427517719167-2.jpg)

Since it's the first day of Khenmaat, any drawfriends feel like doing some beatified (think pic related) pictures of Ammit for autists to use in their shrines?

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807734 No.380690

File: 4b35f78b3703bd6⋯.jpg (448.54 KB,792x1000,99:125,Sandworm_L.jpg)

File: 8b5afbec93c12f2⋯.png (1001.47 KB,1024x768,4:3,e636d66e957d07761bbdbe8a93….png)

Requesting a sandworm and her hubby 69'ing.

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0848fc No.380693


I'd like to see content like this too.

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77a87c No.380695


I third it.

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848e89 No.380776

File: a6980d753d8eb22⋯.jpeg (50.66 KB,540x540,1:1,curseddoggo.jpeg)

Requesting an alp tearfully sucking cocks while a hellhound smugs in the background.

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dcec61 No.380782


hey now just cause it's a black dog doesn't mean it has to be a nigger.

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e4cde7 No.380783

File: bd1941f0d308bed⋯.png (480.82 KB,688x880,43:55,654132897465132.png)


>multiple penises

Shoo faggot

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77a87c No.380791

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72a677 No.380794


What about other Hellhounds with hotdogs?

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77a87c No.380796

File: 6898ae7c60ebdc3⋯.png (107.92 KB,545x542,545:542,8e460787117a9ec6e11f96ee9f….png)

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807734 No.380797

File: 445b930e984e82e⋯.jpg (76.39 KB,900x580,45:29,bdeecaa1494b7572c7c84ee5df….jpg)

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b87983 No.380813


Tentacle or duplication potion, from the Sabbath Grimoire. Problem solved.

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8635a6 No.380822


>Comparing handholding to multiple dicks.

Kill yourself, juden.


Still NTR since you are cucking yourself. Kill yourself too.

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4933e2 No.380825

File: 72674044d27573e⋯.png (176.9 KB,303x311,303:311,1537748192295.png)


It's doesn't have to be NTR, dumbass. It's just a "girl" getting gangbanged.

Drawthreads have definitely had worse fetishes requested.

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77a87c No.380827


Degeneracy must be purged from the board.

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5bf5c1 No.380829


>just a gangbang


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4933e2 No.380830

File: d3ee6db1059cc71⋯.png (211.43 KB,1844x470,922:235,hurr durr faggot.png)



Literally nothing wrong with this request.

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4933e2 No.380832


Should also point out the

>Hide threads, posts, and content you don't like, do the best you can to self moderate.

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a1f675 No.380833


You must be new here.

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9bafae No.380835



Your pilpul won't work here, kike. Out.

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77a87c No.380836

File: 96b7dab64a209cd⋯.jpg (33.72 KB,481x401,481:401,96b7dab64a209cd0b5543802ff….jpg)


People have tried to post gangbangs in the past and been told to fuck off. You're not welcome here.

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4b4d1c No.380839




Here's a request: someone draw a monster girl handing a gun to this anon and saying "Kill yourself my man". That, or some parody of the Viper rap cover.

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e22b5f No.380840

File: 44244f069656398⋯.png (101.24 KB,553x585,553:585,2f91a88c6a0a383a69b168244a….png)



>multiple penises

>not ntr

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b19bd6 No.380843


We've had this discussion a year ago. Looks like the newfags like you need to fuck off.

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2e560a No.380846


>What is board culture

Hint: It's something you will not destroy, kike.

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72a677 No.380854

What gay shit did I miss

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807734 No.380855

File: 924173106b23352⋯.png (91.91 KB,1854x735,618:245,b95bcde9-87d2-4c4a-b7de-55….png)

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72a677 No.380856


Who are these retarded hypocrites

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807734 No.380857

File: de1c9779da56934⋯.png (195.45 KB,1701x3074,1701:3074,b0452ecb-9848-4506-8a8d-97….png)


SpaceBattles, a gathering spot for sci-fi nerds. They're offended by the MGE because they think it's anti-humanity.

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72a677 No.380858


gay as fuck

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617226 No.380860


There have been some rad as fuck quest threads on that site and the degenerate elements are generally more /r9k/ than SJW, but yeah.

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b27355 No.380871


r9k is sjw tranny shit, what kind of retard hole have you been in for the past 4 years?

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807734 No.380872



From what I can tell, SpaceBattles is pretty left-wing, so of course they'd hate a setting where women aren't 3DPD. Their sister site Sufficient Velocity is even worse.

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892d77 No.380876

File: 019bea6c15d94e9⋯.gif (371.33 KB,500x375,4:3,1374212627248.gif)


They go out of their way to get offended at a setting which has, from the outset, made its mission statement that 'love wins' and monster girls bring men pleasure. It isn't that hard to hand waive the whole thing either. The clones merely reconjoin with the main body and the man who drank the potion has an odd episode of the same sexual encounter from multiple perspectives.

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72a677 No.380889


To avoid derail somebody should request some shit

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807734 No.380895

File: 195a47cea9bfb60⋯.png (615.07 KB,872x1211,872:1211,milf_slug.png)


Requesting a tritonia having sex with her hubby.

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9160f2 No.380905


If you cant read the UN-written rules of a board, its demonstrates you shouldnt be allowed to be here.

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bf76b1 No.380909

Requesting an Anon grooming his Kikimora's tail by the fireplace

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bf983f No.380922

A cupid and her husband on a normal trip to the grocery store, but they're bikers.

Yes, it's from >>380921

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df0968 No.380954

>The Fanart Galleries Pastehub has monsterboys.


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807734 No.380970


It's that faggot Ochiverde. We need to make our own fanart gallery.

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d4a2bc No.380971

File: a2bb6d4b1dc44f3⋯.png (2.33 MB,1664x2480,104:155,shambler.png)

a request in another thread

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b27355 No.380973


id slam with a thermobaric weapon.

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77a87c No.380979




I want to see any/all of these, or whatever maternity shirt puns the drawfag can come up with

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cebf7c No.380981

File: bdf80bd834dbb82⋯.jpg (99.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,go on.jpg)

Requesting this but with a shoggoth.

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0848fc No.380983


What thread was she requested in?

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d4a2bc No.380985


a thread on /v/

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288ff1 No.380986

Saturday is here pile on lads.

RBIHB waifu

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288ff1 No.381029

File: 8b547db0df55dc2⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB,5000x5000,1:1,drawpile 80.jpeg)

Quiet pile, I strongly suspect the christmas pile will also be quiet. Still, some good work today and even an old regular popped in!

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2e560a No.381052


>Christmas pile arrives

>Pile has nothing but a myriad monstergirl versions of Padoru

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de0d7b No.381094


BTW, where is your pixiv account? I am but a humble peasant googlefu is weak m'lord.

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109c0d No.381109

File: 17bdbfa53c95054⋯.png (298.81 KB,1524x938,762:469,Howdy.png)

It's Christmas time! Give me some Christmas themed requests to do

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0848fc No.381110

File: d9d6a826d057ba3⋯.png (1 MB,816x1212,68:101,Khenmaat dryad.png)


A Christmas tree dryad with a ton of /monster/-related decorations on her and an 11-sided star on top.

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07ec00 No.381112

File: bf8d8fe82623d7b⋯.jpg (709.38 KB,1028x672,257:168,7f8dd87d06259e4b9183cfadee….jpg)


Santa sister

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bf983f No.381113


Draw that centaur dressed as rudolph, tethered to a sled, and a very annoyed/pissed off look on her face.

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a7b776 No.381114

File: 79032528327e4b0⋯.jpg (214.39 KB,1022x804,511:402,47605516_p0_master1200.jpg)


pulling a one-horse open sleigh

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6bab3f No.381115


A shoggoth family and Kiki family trying to be nice at a Christmas dinner.

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c5dee1 No.381116


what about a mistletoe dryad constantly trying to kiss her husbando?

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77a87c No.381127


An oni holding a giant bottle of booze with a bow on it and grinning

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e8a2ef No.381129

File: 2768e12a108c304⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,D7CE4741-5780-47FD-9E1D-0….jpeg)


An anglerfish girl with a mistletoe tied to her light

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4c5d34 No.381130


A Kiki with a fluffy sweater sipping hot cocoa

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fb9c49 No.381132

File: 41ff3edd10eccab⋯.jpg (177.1 KB,1083x1200,361:400,DtI1z1eU8AEpZId.jpg)


A whitehorn pulling a sleigh full of presents

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60ec1b No.381143

File: 2f66b49c99c7dba⋯.jpg (218.35 KB,845x1200,169:240,baphomet73.jpg)

File: 0a20e16d63f35a6⋯.jpg (139.76 KB,1200x1129,1200:1129,demon19.jpg)


>Not a single lewd request yet

For shame. Let's fix that.

Requesting Kuroferuru sucking her hubby's dick after being gifted a dick in a box on Christmas morning.

Can also be a demon or adult Kuroferuru if you're not into loli.

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b029f0 No.381157

File: 0c892802768b982⋯.png (485.29 KB,1300x1000,13:10,monster - reading anubis.png)

File: 5223a63da6be403⋯.png (610.62 KB,1347x1302,449:434,monster - chibi girls anub….png)

File: dbd45c00b9260f5⋯.png (838.22 KB,1761x1335,587:445,monster - chibi girls kiki….png)

File: f8c5d740435e663⋯.png (168.14 KB,864x744,36:31,CLIPStudioPaint_2018-12-17….png)

56% dog

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72a677 No.381159


You mean Hellhound

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60ec1b No.381163


Hellhound would be 0% dog

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265ec5 No.381164

File: 5dd67130baf1ee4⋯.jpg (212.77 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,nia.jpg)

File: b8c344f28368bb3⋯.jpg (363.59 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,fwa 2.jpg)

File: 0e7e48be6ddb824⋯.jpg (485.67 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,awag.jpg)

File: 205758d2de9c481⋯.jpg (293.34 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,ggwa.jpg)

File: f55fc18c4c4a067⋯.jpg (375.51 KB,1330x1600,133:160,succatoro.jpg)

i bring gifts

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818525 No.381186


I see Nia put on some weight.

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ceb8f7 No.381190


No bully hellpup

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4eccc6 No.381194

File: aa1b881a08cc842⋯.jpg (84.63 KB,850x842,425:421,Lovestruck_Holstaur.jpg)

I'd like to see a Holstaur pulling a stressed out Anon into a boob hug.

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acf0be No.381195


Bunyip daughteru snoozing in a christmas stocking.

If you wanna go the extra mile, draw her being cuddled by a mama bunyip beaming at the viewer.

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b1d4f1 No.381196


You're doing Ammit's work, anon.

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cedbce No.381197


I think Ochiverde just copy everything without thinking from the wiki so I am not sure it was due too his taste.

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e8a2ef No.381209

File: 5efc63f0c35b307⋯.gif (72.03 KB,287x344,287:344,2FC44C23-08D7-41D9-8ECE-DA….gif)


Minor addition to >>381129 but have her dressed in ribbons or a sweater.


Thanks for the realistic depiction of a kikimora. Cute anubi.


Great stuff, I want to get bullied by the succ.

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72cd67 No.381211


Ochiverde was active on the wiki before the shutdown, and he was responsible for uploading a whole bunch of nauseating shit. The only reason he hasn't continued with new (old) wiki is because Wikia prohibits explicit pics.

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0848fc No.381215


These are great, though the fifth one is one of Nagatoro's thotfriends rather than Nagatoro herself.

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bf7f23 No.381220

File: a7f52141d033e3e⋯.png (59.81 KB,430x322,215:161,santicore.png)

Merry Christmas /monster/

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fecd7f No.381222



I only go there to see the vs debates, anything else just isn't worth it.

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4c5d34 No.381224


I don't usually give a shit about the 56% meme but you have used it to insult my waifu and so I am now going to hunt you down and kick you in the dick

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0848fc No.381226


Merry Khenmaat, kiddo

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07ec00 No.381228

File: 848ab11bd2a0b4a⋯.gif (3 MB,475x713,475:713,848.gif)


Nice Christmascore

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925929 No.381229

File: 4e5365def38183d⋯.png (995.46 KB,1600x1200,4:3,queenhapy_st21.png)

File: 2bd9a0f9ad7b59e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1600x1200,4:3,tamamo_st73b.png)

Welp, half my Tumblr blog has been nuked. The purge is officially underway. Hope you saved everything you could, if you cared.

Pretty much everything I drew was posted on Pixiv except for the nude filters I did for a bunch of MGQ characters. Stuff like these two pics. I still have them all saved, though, and put them in a zip folder if anyone here wants them.





sage for rampant and blatant self-promotion.

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925929 No.381230

File: 8710bcf3bff0e69⋯.png (7.02 MB,4000x3000,4:3,koakuma 69 2.png)

File: 9264b20faa0e299⋯.png (7.45 MB,4000x3000,4:3,koakuma 69.png)

And here's a thing I finished coloring last night.

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cedbce No.381231


On the bright side, he did saved the other pictures. Speaking of which, is there any news on a new MGE wiki or a /monster/ exclusive wiki?

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d3f46d No.381241

File: 61e8aee8db07c85⋯.png (150.18 KB,987x663,329:221,56% dog angry kiki.png)

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61a196 No.381245


It can't be an insult if it's the truth. :^)

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c2f841 No.381253

File: b20a0ca550c203f⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,245x325,49:65,Manlet.jpg)



>Kiki fags getting btfo'd

Day of the shog has come

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e34067 No.381272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A bobcat loli and a coyote loli playing together.

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e34067 No.381273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wrong vid

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72cd67 No.381285

File: da49893241d681e⋯.jpg (628.52 KB,1923x2052,641:684,RBrHFnaS_o.jpg)

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fecd7f No.381309

Sure are a lot of draw requests in this thread.

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9f62f9 No.381321

File: 4958fc4a4cfb140⋯.png (13.71 KB,628x550,314:275,sddsaasadasdasdasdasdasd.png)


It's ok, Kikifag. Shogs are literally a creature of the void, unending darkness. They are 0%'s. Atleast you can take solace in the fact that Slavs are white I think.

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309bce No.381322


>dark colored

>foreigners to our plane of existence

>love rape

And they're supposed to be different from rapefugees? :^)

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16b33f No.381328

File: 3c1edfb46c29c41⋯.png (393.65 KB,495x1024,495:1024,1544827174235.png)

A fat bottomed Troll wearing pic related but without the backpack.

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925929 No.381352

File: c5b65e2d5f60434⋯.png (586.87 KB,2100x2200,21:22,kraken titfuck.png)

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014734 No.381358

File: 56fba56ca002378⋯.jpeg (826.95 KB,854x1200,427:600,56fba56ca0023789b26fe5a4d….jpeg)


The persistent kraken fag finally got his wish. Merry Christmas, buddy or… happy khenmaat

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925929 No.381359

File: c1210be7873380b⋯.png (588.87 KB,2100x2200,21:22,kraken titfuck.png)

Fixed a couple things. I always miss something.

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72cd67 No.381369

File: 76654c6c59ea13e⋯.jpg (226.76 KB,484x427,484:427,48611894_p4.jpg)

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2e560a No.381370


When is Nereid guy going to get his wish?

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67c226 No.381383


A Cheshire cat with a candy cane color instead of the normal purple handing out presents.

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d54833 No.381435

File: d87b8e722515cd9⋯.jpeg (256.46 KB,740x1000,37:50,636252780450300625.jpeg)

Unsure if this has been drawn before or not, can't really find it, but requesting a full body shot of a lizard kobold. With a humanoid torso and head but lizard-like arms, legs and tail.

I've only found kobolds with scales and snout like a regular kobolds

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b029f0 No.381438

File: 7d1369ea139ca36⋯.png (195.62 KB,674x712,337:356,Capture.PNG)

File: 2946d68b8d4073d⋯.png (98.39 KB,776x633,776:633,monster - literally lizard….PNG)


… so a lizardman?

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d54833 No.381439

File: 2e045dbe0d85967⋯.gif (6.65 MB,300x320,15:16,VDNq8kG.gif)


More like a shotstack/loli lizardman but cheers for this though

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1c6002 No.381465

File: 082ceea1264eff8⋯.jpg (101.35 KB,850x734,425:367,6141118 _6ce7dbd721cd292a2….jpg)


A bunch of tiny lizardmen sounds adorable

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cc3475 No.381483

File: 8d6b5eb8a5ced8b⋯.png (717.62 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (cover p….png)

File: d187239b77c9dbd⋯.png (829.98 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 1).png)

File: 355564c5cb2ee15⋯.png (908.85 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 2).png)

File: faa6cac8b7fbf7d⋯.png (944.88 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 3).png)

File: b5031a2409e5893⋯.png (438.31 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 4).png)

You all might have been wondering where I've been lately. Probably not, but I like to pretend someone noticed my absence. Well this is what I've been doing for the past month and a half.

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cc3475 No.381484

File: 6fe36b4ae1d79dc⋯.png (445.36 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 5).png)

File: ea0d5d1162f50e4⋯.png (434.62 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 6).png)

File: 47cf2dd0ee7d278⋯.png (565.81 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 7).png)

File: 5bb9029da887caf⋯.png (539.61 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 8).png)

File: 1d381be9ecaeb66⋯.png (514.32 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 9).png)

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cc3475 No.381485

File: 907b7e3d8c7b435⋯.png (568.88 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 10….png)

File: fa74385c1d548cc⋯.png (931.12 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 11….png)

File: 8194e18ff8cef22⋯.png (469.06 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 12….png)

File: a683a3aca91cba8⋯.png (980.88 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 13….png)

File: 450eb1c805e0de5⋯.png (764.13 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 14….png)

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cc3475 No.381486

File: 6dd0ed545867e1b⋯.png (789.53 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 15….png)

File: 9fce204f4baa176⋯.png (438.39 KB,1200x1600,3:4,boy meets monster (page 16….png)


Okay I'm done. Marry Christmas faggots.

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e80623 No.381487


Merry fucking christmas you glorious bastard.

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2e560a No.381489

File: 6c05bd75a214dfe⋯.png (33.58 KB,373x339,373:339,don't touch me casual.png)


Merry Christmas

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27b4a1 No.381495


Good to see you're still alive. Merry Christmas!

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43c312 No.381496

File: c940d50bb7a0b27⋯.jpg (308.3 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,nia.jpg)


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5f7d0f No.381499

File: 68bb89e18ea7286⋯.png (251.3 KB,555x490,111:98,68bb89e18ea72861bb0235dada….png)


This. Just this.

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6ef5d9 No.381505


Welcome back friend you even bring gifts! How joyous.

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27b4a1 No.381507

File: ba01532eea92332⋯.jpg (33.54 KB,640x684,160:171,donald3.jpg)


>those thighs

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d63744 No.381509


Good work anon

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0b6b9c No.381514

File: c7ccb5c09536ea7⋯.png (39.77 KB,466x246,233:123,boner.png)

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97e559 No.381585

File: bb829bef374b0a2⋯.jpg (277.32 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,bedicore.jpg)

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0b6b9c No.381599


I love this artist so much, the tits are always perfect.

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19e776 No.381602


A wonderful job drawfag. Well worth the wait and a happy holidays to you.

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4689bf No.381621

File: 950c7da99aa64ac⋯.jpg (278.26 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,Bootymander 1.jpg)

File: 32836ad82bc9509⋯.jpg (272.38 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,Bootymander 2.jpg)

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09202e No.381624


Those are some flame broiled meatballs. Always brining your A game artfriend.

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2adab4 No.381628

File: d3ee017a3512129⋯.jpg (60.82 KB,842x699,842:699,drool.jpg)


10/10, easy.

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ebba3b No.381629

File: 250fd8e0616b7da⋯.png (279.39 KB,643x426,643:426,12123123981293081293012839….png)


good lord those bottoms

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234f9e No.381660

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288ff1 No.381679

It's time lads for the christmas pile, draw your favorite girls in christmas suits or getting gifts! Or maybe just draw some christmas cake.

PFVDD waifu

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b029f0 No.381780

File: 0756486e1565f1b⋯.png (557.54 KB,1100x1234,550:617,dp - mistletoe anubis.png)

File: abfe57ca091bf5e⋯.png (342.32 KB,859x993,859:993,dp - tsurara-onna and lemo….png)

I figured I post this from the drawpile

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996a62 No.381785


Do you do commissions by any chance?

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a4891e No.381792

File: f399cf3291cbc80⋯.png (278.24 KB,989x1280,989:1280,LARGE.png)

I was asked to draw some big tiddy cow. Minotaur? I dunno.

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288ff1 No.381803

File: d78bade12be625a⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB,5000x5000,1:1,drawpile 81.jpeg)

The fruits of our 81st drawpile.

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89ebee No.381915

File: 9bb2376f2202702⋯.jpg (347.86 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,focs.jpg)

Do not follow random fox grannies at the beach to the forest!

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749a80 No.381917

File: bf258c424b56e1e⋯.png (3.45 MB,2464x4320,77:135,Texas girl.png)



Drew this while ago.

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818525 No.381918


What if I want to fug the fox granny?

What if the fox granny is my waifu's mother?

No, I would never fug any woman other than my waifu, it's a hypothetical question

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89ebee No.381921

File: dc258010ff98aa9⋯.png (224.72 KB,401x404,401:404,1399838079034.png)

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2adab4 No.381924


But she told me she has beer and rock CD's in her cabin

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0848fc No.381934


It's nice to see that version of your drawing, though Texas-chan's tits should definitely be bigger.

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5f7d0f No.381935


She told me she had vidya and hot wings

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0517c5 No.381950

As a Christmas request, could someone draw an anon meeting a huldra in a snowy forest?

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88ffc4 No.381953


She told me there was a shark in the water.

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a73091 No.381956

File: f582ec971f1f081⋯.png (2.16 MB,1661x2367,1661:2367,ulX53AAZ_o.png)


Sharks you say?

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441595 No.381983

File: c1d0d8b907bc1de⋯.jpg (344.75 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,da.jpg)

Be careful of lonely succubi on christmas guys!

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bd852f No.381987

File: 11e18f0dcb8c2b8⋯.jpg (86.56 KB,675x666,75:74,48378798_2215548328455259_….jpg)

Requesting this but with a manticore.

Or any other MG really.

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88ffc4 No.381998


>not mofucore

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bf669b No.381999


Curious way to say "Don't miss on"

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cc3475 No.382001

File: 5130441fd481c28⋯.png (780.7 KB,1200x1600,3:4,job security.png)

One more drop of autism before Christmas proper. Enjoy.

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148a16 No.382032


I'm willing to take that bait

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109c0d No.382047

File: 070b62e5f893a26⋯.jpg (723.28 KB,1274x1210,637:605,christmas helpers.jpg)

Merry Christmas!

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19e776 No.382048


Wise meido. Merry Christmas drawfag and to all

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5ab41e No.382049


She's right. If someone's mean to my maid I'll kick their ass

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996a62 No.382050

File: a5b4ef32168ae2c⋯.png (1011.91 KB,1683x1899,187:211,anubis.png)

It's not Christmas related but here is my lovely waifu hitting herself on the head with a pot, courtesy Disco Brando.

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d10e1d No.382051


>tfw you try to commission disco brando once but he said he doesn't draw Monstergirls.

I was lied to.

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cc3475 No.382065

Alright faggolas, I'm done with Christmas shit and mildly durnk. GIve me something to do. First interesting idea that gest thrown at me or first to roll a 25 on a D100. Doesn't have to be Christmas themed but 'tis the season and all. Now i'm going to get another drink good luck to everyone with little enough self-esteem to put up with my shit.

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2d3598 No.382066

Dice rollRolled 67 (1d100)


Manticore in festive clothing doing something housewifely. Damn you creative brain, why do you leave once drawfriends show up?

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5344f6 No.382067


The twelve days of Christmas in monster girl form, since the twelve days till Epiphany or Christmas for the Orthodox started today.

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5344f6 No.382068

Dice rollRolled 74 (1d100)


Forgot to roll.

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acf0be No.382070

Dice rollRolled 50 (1d100)


Rolling for this >>381195

Alternatively, draw a chocolate elf or cat girl nurse with the text 'Get well soon smoky' on it

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bf983f No.382071

Dice rollRolled 46 (1d100)


Teenaged salamander asking her unicorn mom why she didn't tell her she's adopted. Obviously should be comedic.

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77a87c No.382072

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d100)


Rerolling for >>379406

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67784d No.382073

Dice rollRolled 56 (1d100)


A mother shoggoth teaching her daughter to form items

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3a0bee No.382074

Dice rollRolled 46 (1d100)

im rolling for that one anons idea of copper head lamia talking about the civil war

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d63744 No.382075

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d100)


How about a kikimora and anon dancing beneath some mistletoe?

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77a87c No.382076

Dice rollRolled 27 (1d100)


Not talking. I want to see furious, unhinged shouting and incoherent rage.

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3a0bee No.382078

Dice rollRolled 56 (1d100)


oh shit that makes it better

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c5dee1 No.382082

Dice rollRolled 65 (1d100)


a holstaur in a santa outfit baking either chocolate chip cookies or sugar cookies

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cc3475 No.382085

Alright I kinda dozed off for a bit. Looks like I didn't miss anything though. It's late, I'll check the thread tomorrow to see if anyone got anything. If not I'll just pick the most interesting thing or something.

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60ec1b No.382092

Dice rollRolled 61 (1d100)


Requesting a POV blowjob from a dormouse or jubjub.

Preferably the dormouse though.

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b27355 No.382096


he has always drawn spacegoats.

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941072 No.382097

Dice rollRolled 33 (1d100)


A busty oni in a santa suit chugging down a barrel of spiked eggnog.

Can you have the suit barely able to hold her tits in while some eggnog drips onto them?

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925929 No.382102

File: 57b1cb652f5ba1b⋯.png (244.71 KB,1608x1700,402:425,Etna Doodle2.png)

File: 256d0333720a19a⋯.png (326.04 KB,1600x1644,400:411,vampire girl doodle 2.png)

File: d09ed6dd394aef3⋯.png (228.93 KB,1687x1247,1687:1247,vampire girl doodle 3.png)

Lined a few pencil sketches. I have a lot more I need to do though.

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b1c3a0 No.382109

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d100)


Requesting some MGE Troll lewds.

Here are two ideas, if you're interested:

>Doggystyle with impregnation. With a panel to the side that shows a close up of her pussy getting filled with cum and/or a panel with an xray view of her vagina and womb filled out with cock and cum

>Blowjob with cum spurting out the sides of her mouth that's full of cock

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cae019 No.382117

File: 5ae28079f1f1d41⋯.jpg (413.53 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,cat pat.jpg)


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ebba3b No.382122

File: 18bafab8fdfa9ee⋯.jpg (760.19 KB,1280x1656,160:207,1464192463972-2.jpg)


holy shit

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60ec1b No.382125


Those tits need groped and quick!

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2feff9 No.382129

Dice rollRolled 87 (1d100)


Christmas themed Mantis in stockings/thigh high socks.

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edfd9b No.382132

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d100)


Just draw me some sincere manticuddles.

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f5c508 No.382135

File: 824fbac2ffaf514⋯.jpg (295.48 KB,749x1200,749:1200,2c2122160c42469d79822004ea….jpg)

File: c00ec71e343355c⋯.jpg (104.42 KB,1005x1005,1:1,santas-favourite-ho-ladies….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d100)


New Banshee wearing pic related and nothing else

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d10e1d No.382139

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d100)


Rollan for comfy pic of catgirl tucking her daughteru into bed as she snuggles her christmas present

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19e776 No.382144

File: 71fc5e0f877e7d0⋯.png (616.62 KB,800x600,4:3,Tentacle Chimera.png)

Dice rollRolled 53 (1d100)


Tentacle Chimera in a sundress

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e8a2ef No.382148

File: eab72f26f75b97c⋯.png (748.42 KB,700x931,100:133,087851A6-E3E7-407B-9A7E-3A….png)


Nice job.

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f0896d No.382151

File: dbfd3a4be629f05⋯.jpg (92.84 KB,912x317,912:317,1544565372523.jpg)


hot damn

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0848fc No.382156


Very good pat.

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0848fc No.382159

Dice rollRolled 91 (1d100)


Requesting this: >>380328

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d64053 No.382203

File: ef4c86642cbbef9⋯.png (2.05 MB,1069x1200,1069:1200,vaal_hazak 07.png)

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d100)


Rolling for a petite vaal_hazak wearing nothing but an oversized hoodie

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cc3475 No.382210

Dice rollRolled 6 (1d6)

Well fuck I'm hung over and don't feel like putting much thought into this, so here's what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna pick a few ideas for whatever reason and roll a D6 to make the choice.

1: >>382073

Because Lovecrafian waifu.

2: >>382092

Because fuck it I need to practice my lewds anyway.

3: >>382129

Because thigh high socks are my jam.

4: >>382135

Because new girl.

5: >>382109

Again need to practice lewds.

6: >>382082

Because I need something to round it out to six.

Good luck to you wonderful faggots and I'm going to go overdose on headache medicine.

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cc3475 No.382212


>the slot filler won

Ha. That's actually pretty funny.

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b1c3a0 No.382218

File: cce43932870c78f⋯.jpg (759.7 KB,2000x1452,500:363,1530541941438.jpg)


>the slot filler won

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ff604f No.382248


I know the original, and it's a dude. and that wan's a little too flat to be a girl

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996a62 No.382250

File: cf266ea5328f323⋯.jpg (33.27 KB,412x600,103:150,cf266ea5328f323f8482958b4d….jpg)


>it's a dude


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953bca No.382255


I mean, it's possible that it's a guy. But looks a lot more like a girl.

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953bca No.382256



I very much doubt a guy would have hair that long. Probably gril.

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d63744 No.382270


Do not be so sure. I know of at least two guys off the top of my head with hair going down past their shoulder blades. Plus there’s always the concern anyone androgynous could be a trap

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2feff9 No.382273



Clearly it has to be a group picture of all the above.

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925929 No.382301

File: e5ab1d8d9d95a83⋯.png (1009.71 KB,1687x1247,1687:1247,vampire girl doodle 3a.png)

File: ab3175e0b6cb178⋯.png (999.82 KB,1687x1247,1687:1247,vampire girl doodle 3b.png)

And colored.

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ac2efc No.382306


Well done friend it's good to see some nice colors.

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23b342 No.382316


hahaha she has a fat butt

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c5dee1 No.382347



>slot filler

you mean best girl, right?

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0848fc No.382362


Lolis are supposed to have fat butts, anon. It means they eat all their omega 3s like a good little girl.

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b029f0 No.382370

File: 223d8342fba6dc4⋯.png (444.85 KB,900x1000,9:10,monster - condiments hellh….png)

File: 1a384a7e6a63aae⋯.png (480.63 KB,900x1000,9:10,monster - condiments hellh….png)

File: 754cf47897f79b9⋯.png (81.19 KB,621x559,621:559,CLIPStudioPaint_2018-12-26….png)

Have some spicy hotdog



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b12f6d No.382396


Anon, please give us the source. This is awesome, but even reverse image search and googling the image title is providing zero hits. My heart boner is aching.

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a73091 No.382404


This thread is the source you dumb nig.

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cc3475 No.382424


I'm the source.

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d63744 No.382426



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a1fc9c No.382433


This is amazing.

I'm too shy to make the obvious Carlos post though.

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9b6705 No.382437


Well, damn. It looked like a professional scanlation. I didn't realize this was your original work. Very nicely done, and I'm looking forward to more!

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c818d2 No.382453

File: 5c6e03c02685e51⋯.png (2.08 MB,1600x1397,1600:1397,0d54ab105b5ca1195f78f54bba….png)

Requesting several young leech girls nibbling on various body parts of their heavily sweating, near fainting dad anon.

Maybe even have the mother leech in the background saying something like "That means they love you~"

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8f63b3 No.382464

File: 1af33a715a40c5b⋯.png (693.9 KB,1444x1369,1444:1369,im a faggot that keeps fil….png)


Tried something new. Didn't like the look of it but I don't feel like changing it for now.

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daa823 No.382470


bretty gud, there needs to be more art depicting mg's using their large paws/claws/mangrabbers in more casual fashions, like only two digits fitting in pockets, having issues with remotes etc.

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953bca No.382483


>Do not be so sure. I know of at least two guys off the top of my head with hair going down past their shoulder blades. Plus there’s always the concern anyone androgynous could be a trap

This is a very very old pic, though. Back when traps were much less accepted. It could be a guy. But I doubt it.

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de0d7b No.382488



You cant take the chance.

Anubisfag, you are gonna have to go back and commission lewds of your waifu; clearly depicting the vaginal region. And post them.

Otherwise you will surely alp on DOTR, and your waifu will be heartbroken.

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10ca70 No.382489

File: a6c12cfa4a6797f⋯.jpg (110.7 KB,1200x900,4:3,JzbW3NRQ_o.jpg)


>Are there any males that, even though they have the wish to Alp, turn into Incubi without becoming an Alp after they became a pair with a monster girl?

<If “I want to live together with my wife as a guy!” wins over the wish to Alp, then they won't turn into one.

He'll be fine.

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996a62 No.382490


I'm not dishonoring my waifu by commissioning lewds of her.

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cc3475 No.382492


There's already more if you haven't seen it already. But don't expect much. Most of it is single pages with 3-5 panels for a joke. Basically a weeb version of a Saturday morning paper comic strip.


>leech "girl"

I'm surprised this post didn't get any shit.

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2e560a No.382496

File: 0ee1acaa694a482⋯.jpg (205.34 KB,935x935,1:1,0ee1acaa694a48228d91518c79….jpg)


>asking someone else to post lewds of their waifu

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60ec1b No.382499

File: b444bb685e67856⋯.jpg (290.87 KB,959x960,959:960,1432740567774.jpg)


>Doesn't commission lewds of a girl based from a pornographic setting centered around copious amounts of sex

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10ca70 No.382500


Clearly you've never met Ace.

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de0d7b No.382503


Like you have never taken a gf to the beach to show off her body? Ever heard of look but don't touch?

Inb4 3dpd:

After many painful life lessons, I now realize my ideal girl has the ears and tail of a bitch, not the heart of one.


Sorry I guess my joke got out of hand.

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cc3475 No.382525

File: fdb8d9da8cb5b45⋯.png (1.29 MB,1648x1324,412:331,rump steak.png)


Done. I decided to mix in some lewd. Let's see if 8chan finally stopped shitting itself long enough for me to post this.

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0848fc No.382528


It's a nice pic, but you really should try drawing those words instead of just pasting in text, it comes across as kind of jarring.

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cc3475 No.382530


I don't find it jarring, but maybe that's because I'm the one that does it. I guess I could try just writing it in for the next few ones and see if it looks better.

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77a87c No.382532


It looks fine to me

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bae08d No.382534


You should at least have her dressed in a small bikini with no room for a bulge, just to lay the question to rest.

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4c5d34 No.382536


That looks unsafe and unsanitary

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60ec1b No.382541


That booty definitely needs a kissin', a slappin', and maybe a fuckin'!

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e1ba4a No.382544

File: 1d435870e7ef1f3⋯.jpg (33.18 KB,488x506,244:253,516e318c6584b026e5cfbe70b9….jpg)


Make sure you have safely inserted a ring_ into her finger first

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0848fc No.382546



>not onto

How does that work?

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996a62 No.382549

File: 297650c0945291d⋯.png (1.54 MB,2480x3507,2480:3507,2.png)

File: 14e3975c3848ec1⋯.png (713.1 KB,685x1378,685:1378,tomboy_anubis.png)


I'm not doing that. Here she is looking a little less flat chested if it helps any.

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b5abe2 No.382552


Your waifu is a very cute girl!

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9aa15e No.382553

The normal guy is sick, so the pile is a little late tonight. For those who are still interested, join us at:



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a4891e No.382642

File: f1ddcb37d3b6801⋯.jpg (778.74 KB,960x1280,3:4,Tio Mistletoe.jpg)

Here's to the new year.

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4df131 No.382643


She's looking great!

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b00137 No.382684

File: fb2ca3678362d29⋯.png (1.02 MB,1131x1600,1131:1600,cybergecc neutral.png)

Cybergecc 2077

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b00137 No.382734

File: 4862f32d2e6d2fd⋯.png (3.83 MB,2800x1980,140:99,re.png)

File: de74b8e3a11edd0⋯.png (3.83 MB,2800x1980,140:99,re 2.png)

happy new years guys, give Bovana a pat for good luck!

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efe314 No.382769

File: a1657e30efb6ba9⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,4032x2268,16:9,20181231_234944.jpg)

Have a tabletop plant-girl. Happy New Year!~

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1bc1a1 No.382947

File: d456a1f1b5539db⋯.png (1.04 MB,971x1024,971:1024,Deutschland.png)

File: bd27dd3fc7c24d0⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,2013x3600,671:1200,__mershark_monster_girl_en….jpg)

Requesting Deutschland from Azur Lane as a mershark.

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0848fc No.382952

Is 8-booru fucked up for anyone else? No images are showing up on it right now for me.

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a47acf No.382955

File: 32865eb73fa9acc⋯.jpg (208.22 KB,660x1058,330:529,IMG_1943.JPG)

Requesting a Chinese dragon monster girl. Not the ryu which is a Japanese dragon.

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e8a2ef No.383045

File: 66a2ceffd216e54⋯.jpeg (90.3 KB,1100x1150,22:23,A92E2838-486F-431A-8CFD-F….jpeg)


Do you have a screencap of the pile?





Wonderful stuff.

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9aa15e No.383079


I'm afraid I don't. The pile crashed, and I'm not sure anyone else has the whole thing saved. You are welcome to join us for the next pile, so you can see it in action if you'd like though

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1bc1a1 No.383082

File: 70f9f25228f6eba⋯.jpg (53.51 KB,550x446,275:223,flat,550x550,075,f.u4.jpg)


>MFW the last drawpile of 2018 gets shitcanned by accident

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996a62 No.383135

File: fa606f916fd0bb1⋯.png (1.95 MB,1245x1546,1245:1546,anubis_is_not_a_trap.png)

She's not a trap.

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de0d7b No.383141

File: 64ebf5cbcd2f707⋯.png (186.76 KB,500x588,125:147,your-argument-is-invalid-b….png)


Madam, your argument is becoming more persuasive, but we require further cute autism hound proofs.


you too

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60ec1b No.383148


>She's not a trap.

There's only one way we can know for absolute sure.

She needs to drop those trousers and anything underneath.

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c744fb No.383236


Plant girl drawanon here,

Thanks friend, my confidence has been utter shit, with unemployment for 3 and half months with other self esteem issues. I now cut fresh fish so i might draw strange aquatic mamonos, i just want to improve in general this year. No bumpin because i gots no new art yet.

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288ff1 No.383320

The first drawpile of 2019 starts now! Sorry I wasn't around last week, was sick as a dog and couldn't bring myself to even get the pile hosted.

VNXIC waifu

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92c976 No.383330

File: 6a18e9eaa9dbf22⋯.jpg (288.53 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,aca.jpg)

cursed image

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0848fc No.383332


What's so cursed about it? It's not like you specifically drew Mimi.

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309bce No.383334


It's IDW as a cheshire. Imagine a faggotcat, but a fuckton louder.

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72a677 No.383335


Somebody should do MGs as Gun Girls

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de0d7b No.383337

File: aa325e138c9bfb2⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,danyaaaaaaaa.mp4)




Pandora's box is officially open.


The madman actually did it!

no japanese captions? Not holding the gun? Come on Elakan so close to perfection.

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2feff9 No.383338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even worse would be a peacock girl. I remember the days of L4D and TF2 peacock earrape.

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6735b4 No.383347


I took matters into my own hands. I regret nothing about what I did.

Also the idea seemed good at the time for patreon reward

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92c976 No.383365

File: 90ecb59a6daa04a⋯.jpg (293.39 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,aca t 1.jpg)

File: 38b8a5718bf1063⋯.jpg (318.31 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,aca t 2.jpg)



fuck you guys i wanted to slep

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288ff1 No.383366

File: edacec67ea49860⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB,5000x5000,1:1,drawpile 82.jpeg)

The results of the year's first pile!

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de0d7b No.383367


The ritual is complete and a new era of darkness fises. future generations shall curse you and all who support you including me GW you lunatic.

thanks for the good art.>>382642

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e8a2ef No.383418

File: 2d6dbb62eac1a4a⋯.jpeg (236.79 KB,1389x1045,1389:1045,A043BD6C-847B-48CC-9217-E….jpeg)

Requesting this but with a baphomet

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989f0b No.383445

File: 1c28810f9d53e78⋯.jpg (2.02 MB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_20190106_171311840~2.jpg)

File: a25abd680a9ae86⋯.jpg (2.16 MB,3024x3962,216:283,IMG_20190106_171223798~2.jpg)


Los Tres Reyes Magos bring their regards.

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bcf4b6 No.383603

File: cffbb72aa9f4e35⋯.jpg (326.67 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,awrgahaeh.jpg)

File: 60557ab1f9ccf56⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,2800x1980,140:99,la bruja.jpg)

File: 35c9993ee4801ff⋯.jpg (271.66 KB,990x1400,99:140,NewCanvas1.jpg)

dark things were discussed while drawing monster girls

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4c5d34 No.383604


What in good fuck is that

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a1fc9c No.383607



I think 2's right hand thumb is bending the wrong way though.


I can't get over how clean your linework is.

There are a few tiny (unintentially?) unfilled white spots in the B&W one near where the shin and knee intersect, at the intersection of the belt sash and the seat cushion, and where the hand occludes the armrest.

Not sure if that's helpful feedback or not. Really appreciate all the art. Fags.


He does not know de way. Spit on him my brothers!

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6735b4 No.383612


Dude, that's some guy's waifu what the fuck

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72a677 No.383615


A Ugandan Manticore?

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6735b4 No.383616


Pretty sure it's called an anubis, but okay.

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de0d7b No.383626

File: ae68dd33d71b5b8⋯.jpg (150.52 KB,800x1456,50:91,4000yearoldEgypteveningwea….jpg)

File: d6232b6afcf305d⋯.jpg (4.91 KB,259x194,259:194,thatwhoreisflashingHEReyeb….jpg)


I have to say I really like some of the less stylized faces you draw. Your exaggerated faces often have the desired comedic effect. But it is these kind of waifu portraits that show your artistic skill. The angle and shading are perfect.

If this is the Anubisfag's Tomboy waifu i think you, uh ,fairly tastefully resolved the question at hand.


Hate to say this Anubisfag, but if you respond to our trolling by commissioning more wonderful art, do you think we will ever fucking stop?

Try to lighten up a bit. One of the many reasons Ancient Egypt>>Current Year Egypt is that they didn't dress women like tent poles.

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1bc1a1 No.383627

File: d1b9f63a91cd52c⋯.png (713.85 KB,1327x629,1327:629,Manticore.png)





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0b6b9c No.383628


big FAT tiddies on lazy wizard/witch types always make me hard

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996a62 No.383639


I'm sorry but I'd like to think my waifu is far too shy and autistic (like most of her kind) to ever be seen in something like the image on the left. I will continue to commission tasteful art of her though.

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6735b4 No.383648

File: 0c3472dd9fabd1e⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,221x225,221:225,10262051_10202271916658945….jpg)

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488e2c No.383693


You should get art of her pumping herself up to put on a lewd Ancient Egyptian outfit, then not being able to do it

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2f8618 No.383837

File: fe328d4a9fd6faa⋯.jpg (281.5 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,dawght.jpg)

File: 709dd088629f9d4⋯.jpg (290.45 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,dawght g.jpg)

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67784d No.383840


read the board rules before you post cumguzzler.

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8b4fb0 No.383843


It looks like those are the ears of someone behind him. Either that or that's really horrible anatomy.

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0d880b No.383846


Ela, as much as I appriciate your art, you know monsterboys are against the rules.

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a1fc9c No.383853

File: 29a2014b19ceada⋯.png (1.61 MB,1600x1131,1600:1131,ClipboardImage.png)



Relax, crisis averted.

>>383837 I love your work.

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b27355 No.383854

File: 5398b195f8b528c⋯.png (207.14 KB,327x316,327:316,dadfsddgwsgerfeasdxcffghnf….png)

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8b4fb0 No.383855

File: 4c430c7340cb015⋯.jpg (141.04 KB,1200x1200,1:1,4c4.jpg)



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b42421 No.383856

File: 914a76fae86769f⋯.jpg (112.26 KB,638x960,319:480,lol.jpg)

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72a677 No.383857

File: c35d5a35b206e23⋯.jpg (14.24 KB,255x180,17:12,Alpped.jpg)

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0d880b No.383858


Now that's one way to go about it. Gave me a chuckle.

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2f8618 No.383861

mousy made me do it

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d99bd9 No.383862

File: 86daac057953f4b⋯.png (95.06 KB,445x404,445:404,eJwFwdsNhCAQAMBeKIC9fYCu3R….png)


Fucking legend

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c5dee1 No.383863

File: d59dba1fc339d0d⋯.jpg (72.83 KB,232x243,232:243,1433193533320.jpg)

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2f8618 No.383864



would you believe me if i said i forgot? just pretend there's another girl peeking from behind dont worry about it

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6794d2 No.383866


…did anyone else here think it was just bedhair? I didn't even realize it was an ear until people started going nuts.

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2f8618 No.383867


yeah sure lets go with that

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5344f6 No.383878


I can't tell, but is your anubis tomboy supposed to be pregnant?



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2e0d54 No.383952

File: 5e49ce5903683b1⋯.jpg (104.49 KB,896x700,32:25,3273d423cf53918eced19560fc….jpg)

File: cbec11aa8b3c4d4⋯.jpg (23.69 KB,320x320,1:1,320x0w.jpg)

File: c80e34fd3961873⋯.jpg (67.08 KB,483x720,161:240,8e46048dc358752eba93be8f47….jpg)

I'm requesting a baph dressed as King Diamond singing "cum, cum to the Sabbath"

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de0d7b No.383970

File: 97a3fb38b2db9b3⋯.jpg (61.29 KB,700x800,7:8,Dl8j-GpUYAE1WAC.jpg)


Dude, that is actually just how the female body looks unless they are anorexic or have been photoshoped. Especially with enough body fat to have breasts even half that size.

This is an extremely unflattering angle and is very hard to find find models of on the internet.


I hope image /monster/ization becomes a thing.

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e2aee8 No.383972


We had an edit thread a while ago that didn't go anywhere.

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88ffc4 No.383973


IIRC it was going places, but then some fag started complaining that we should make our on stuff and that editing was the same as censorship and aux deleted the thread because he's autistic sometimes.

/hentaiporn/ has a de-niggering thread that's alive and well with just two guys editing pics, it's be nice to have our own editing thread.

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5344f6 No.383984


Just making sure, because the angle does makes it look slightly awkward.

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cc3475 No.384025

Well I tried to take a few requests on pixiv in celebration of hitting 100 followers. I gave it 24 hours, but apparently no one reads my feed on there. So fuck it. You guys got anything good for me today?

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c2f841 No.384030

File: f83aa772c248fca⋯.jpg (33.22 KB,468x351,4:3,Juggs.jpg)


Anon looking at playboy magazine with assortment of buxom monster girls. Then the Sabbath lolis crash through his wall and take him away to be rehabilitated

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4c5d34 No.384032


A Kiki suffering chore withdrawal while a dinner guest in a Sandworm a la >>383584

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0848fc No.384033


Plum from Mario Golf, but as a plum tree dryad.

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27854b No.384034


Repeating the request >>383952

I want a baph in corpse paint.

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d73849 No.384036


Monstergirl version of trashy checkout line magazines, complete with 'clickbait' article headlines such as:

>CATCHING A MAN: Lorka Bh'gru shares her tribes secrets

>RAPE, IT'S NOT JUST FOR DATING: Surprising your man at work and on the go!

>I DATED AN ALP: Could it happen to YOU?

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acf0be No.384038


Reposting this request >>381195

Or if that doesn't appeal to you, draw a ara ara butterfly waifu pushing green worm daughteru around in a baby carriage.

Bonus points if the green worm is nibbling on a fruit and butterfly waifu is linked arms with husbando resting her head on his shoulder

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7506f0 No.384039


Draw an android girl having sex with her husband while he pokes around in her exposed internal mechanics. Fingers in ports, gentle pulls on wiring, etc.

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cc3475 No.384047


Do you mean the MGE automation or Original the Character Doughnut Steel robowaifu?

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309bce No.384049


Whatever one you like. Automaton or your own custom android girl.

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60ec1b No.384052


Requesting a POV blowjob from a baphomet or dormouse. Maybe have her tongue out, taking a big cumshot to the mouth and face from the viewer. If you go the dormouse route, have her appearing half-asleep to go along with her profile personality.

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9f62f9 No.384055


A kikimora driving a lada

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67c226 No.384056


I'll re-request this.


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de0d7b No.384065


To be fair, most pixiv users probably cant speak English well enough to request something.

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118f76 No.384074


What is your pixiv account by the way?

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276112 No.384124

File: 37147fa54ffb846⋯.jpg (273.8 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,kisia.jpg)


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c2f841 No.384137

File: efc99c153a2090b⋯.png (967.02 KB,600x929,600:929,IMG_2994.PNG)


>Big tiddy minotaur gf

top tier

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cc3475 No.384144


I guess I'll try making a custom robowaifu.


Maybe. Seems a decent amount of mine at least read English though.


There won't really be much there that I haven't posted here but: pixiv.me/randomfacelessnobody

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fb9c49 No.384167

New thread: >>384166

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0848fc No.384202


Will you be posting the requests you're fulfilling in this thread or in the new one?

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cc3475 No.384238


New one.

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