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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: e28f2e61bb6aecc⋯.jpeg (346.7 KB,874x645,874:645,70482817-985B-40FC-94A9-5….jpeg)

b4e475 No.383416 [Last50 Posts]

Questions that don’t deserve their own thread.

Previous thread: >>366736

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6a0eee No.383420

File: 435c72198738251⋯.png (25.81 KB,1860x197,1860:197,e90be2ef-4643-4116-8529-39….png)

Why are Orderfags so autistic?

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85a0f4 No.383421


Same reasons we are. Granted the direction their autism takes veers right into edgelord territory. I'm going to assume that all orderfags are either 3D thots IRL or the whitenights that prep their bulls.

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dc7c2e No.383422

File: 0728561487da71a⋯.png (268.84 KB,1000x1200,5:6,Paladinteacher.png)


>Not being a man of honor, rescuing you mamono princess, marrying her, raising a large family with her and loving her till the end of your days (if applicable)

>All while on a horse in a badass armor

Jesus christ, do you even knight, jester? What kind of weaksauce piece of shit are you, that you have to resort to these kinds of lies about honorable men!

Everybody knows orderfags are just a little more desperate than the rest of us, toss a nice girl at them and you'll find them quickly becoming a pillar of the community. Little known fact about Orderfags, they make fantastic gardeners.

Now, here's my question: Where the fuck are you, Paladinposter, you promised me storytime

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31e2fd No.383423



kinda makes me think guys don't wanna just be "given" love, like they want a challenge or wanna earn it. There's credence to things just stagnating without struggle or competition, even just on a personal level. That's not to say some MGs can't motivate guys to do that, but some guys need more convincing instead of honeyed words or proactive dating

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77b131 No.383424

File: 0ed0d9be70c9375⋯.png (137.93 KB,403x340,403:340,blonde rick sanchez stares….png)


> monstergirls never touch the lower classes.

TOP kek monstergirls often go for overworked men lmao. This is some commie mentioning classes in order to illicit a response from retards and then failing to understand how mge works.

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8a5e25 No.383434

File: 43fe362414fbe6a⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,300x425,12:17,Setouchi Does MGE.jpg)

How do you deal with Christmas dinner with both sides of the family when your wife is a sandworm

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a87184 No.383437


Have the dinner inside your wife?

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b4e475 No.383438


Go for a barbecue in a large open plain.

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a62b7b No.383467

When it comes to undead mamonos who eventually raise their husbands as undead as well, how does that even work?

Sure, depending on the exact nature of the process, the undead husband might be reliant on his wife for mana to maintain his undead state, but then how would his wife continue getting the supply of human spirit energy that she requires?

Can an undead male, incubus or otherwise, still produce spirit energy? I thought spirit energy could only be produced by living things.

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2eb1d0 No.383472


>"We are in the middle of nowhere! I thought you said we were going to meet your wife!"

"You are in 3… 2… 1…" *Ground starts to rumble*

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db8ad2 No.383476

Ok, /monster/, if you could suddenly became a space marine, what bloodline would you most likely be from?

Trick question. We'd all be Iron Autists.

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05681b No.383480

Do tsurara onna icicles work on you if you're already a cynical robot?

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b4e475 No.383482


It is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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db8ad2 No.383484


No. You can't freeze what's alreaady frozen. To bane post:

"Oh, You think depression is your ally? You merely adopted depression; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see happy times until I was a man, by them it was nothing to me but MISLEADING! Depression betrays you because it is already what I am!"

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cf0d33 No.383491


As far as I can tell, becoming an “undead” incubus doesn’t necessarily make you truly undead. The way I see it, most incubi who formed from fugging an undead mamono are simply another variety of incubus that displays traits similar to undead. You are still alive, just with some weird traits.

Banshees are a weird case. It looks like they can bring a recently dead man back to life as an undead Incubus. However, they do mention that it takes a demonic energy infusion to complete the process, kinda like a Sea Bishop needing a couple to have sex when she’s giving the husband water breathing powers. So a Banshee’s song is more the demonic equivalent of a defibrillator, just enough to get the heart and spirit energy working again so the positive feedback loop of boning can do it’s work.

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18eb6b No.383498


You become part man and part skeleton. A skeleton man, if you will.

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173424 No.383503


You also get the unalianable right to tell skeleton puns and spoop the neighbours. Not even the waifu can take those away from you.

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2eb1d0 No.383511



You will always have a boner.

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ad9d29 No.383513

File: db8dce21c763c1b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB,1282x722,641:361,Monika.png)

Does BEST GIRL ONLY GIRL count as a MG?

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6a0eee No.383514

File: 347af7d7fff1ac8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1800x1600,9:8,__monika_and_sayori_doki_d….jpg)


Only under certain circumstances.

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eb0770 No.383524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>skeleton man

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4d0974 No.383538


I bear the word of Kenkou Cross

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2eb1d0 No.383572


Someone's a real bonehead.

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18eb6b No.383581


I feel like a kiki in particular would react badly to that.

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c7d7e4 No.383583


A shogg would not ruin dinner with her son's sandworm waifu. Another reason why shogg is best maid.

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bcb9c4 No.383584


>Kiki, being a good houseguest, wants to help clean up after dinner

>Sandworm doesn't have a dishwasher

>Or a sink

>Or trash to take out

>All leftovers are consumed by Sandworm's body

>Kiki is forced to sit and make awkward conversation, clearly suffering from chore withdrawal

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fa36bf No.383585

File: 015f517a63e459e⋯.webm (2.57 MB,492x360,41:30,skeletor_keking.webm)


If that happened to me I would become absolutely insufferable.

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26421f No.383586


Only because the Shog is used to having everything being slimy.

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2ce8a5 No.383632

File: a3983b55a186d6b⋯.jpg (50.14 KB,437x471,437:471,1402594343682aa.jpg)


i just learned that flamingos are monogamous!

flamingo monster girl when!?

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448801 No.383636


Lots of the larger bird species are. Swans and many birds of prey among them. Fuck, even geese are monogamous. And those things are fucking assholes. A goose harpy would be your quintessential archetypal delinquent girl turned wife.

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db8ad2 No.383657

File: b96fffd529033d5⋯.png (117.39 KB,952x482,476:241,IMG_1566.PNG)

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8bdd9d No.383663


Some of us want to survive long enough to enjoy daemon pussy, unlike purterobot.

Pls no more bully

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db8ad2 No.383664

File: e9c260b24fa85d3⋯.jpg (347.21 KB,1000x1000,1:1,IMG_2514.JPG)


Word Bearers get all the bully.

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52dd7b No.383684


For all the shit they get the imperium matches lorgar's initial vison more than the emperors now.

Primal truth>imperial cult>imperial truth

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df1e74 No.383699

Would wan-girls be in a service dog type job for people with PTSD?

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e9e7b4 No.383701


I'm sure some motherly wans would set up a network to nab ptsd veterans.

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48d4ec No.383712

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3887b9 No.383716





As someone who knows very little about 40k, can someone explain this to me?

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18eb6b No.383717


I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if she still gets to do the cooking.

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48d4ec No.383719


Each of the original space marine legions where created using the genetic material of one of 18 genetic demigods known as primarch. These primarch where created to conquer and rule the galaxy by the emperor of mankind but half of then turned traitor and caused a civil war called the horus heresy. To go into detail about it would take a long time tbh. Just know they are ultimate badasses. If you want to know more you can check out one of the wikis or give the horus heresy books a read most of them are excellent.

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26421f No.383728

You think youkos commonly try to pass themselves off as inaris?

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db8ad2 No.383730


Lorgar and his legion called "the Word Bearers" are all massive failures and can easily be concisered the most pathetic among them. They Worshiped The Emperor (lorgar a dad) as a god despite big E not wanting it. Big E punishes him and Lorgar cries for a bit then almost immediately sells his soul to literal super demons that want to make all of humanity into their puppets.

Later (about 5k years later) it turns out Lorgars book on how daddy E is a god gets popular, one thing leads to another and now the Imperium all collectively worships him. The irony is delicious.

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a31be3 No.383734



Lorgar did nothing wrong they incorrectly thought the emperor was a god and spent time actually trying to build the Empire instead of being blood thirsty maniacs. The emperor though lied to everyone stating there are no gods when he knew otherwise. The emperor censored Lorgar for worshipping him 100 years after the emperor was aware he was doing it with no warning. Lorgar was made aware of repeating elements in religions they encountered on planets that had no way of contacting each other. So lorgar went to a place that would be named the eye of terror a place where reality and a place of pure energy and emotion called the warp bled into each other. There he met with the chaos gods the true divinity of the universe. It was reveled that humanity was becoming a fully psychic race and that we would need to embrace the warp or face extinction like the eldar before us. Lorgar then set into motion the event called the horus heresy where half of the legions would turn against the emperor.

The word bearers transformed from a legion that wanted to help build humanity to being utterly devoted to the dark gods of chaos say what you want about the word bearers before they turned to chaos but after they did they became a fighting force to be reckoned with.

You can shit talk lorgar starting the imperial cult but of the 2 fates of the imperium one being uterlly devoted to the worship of the god emperor or being consumed by chaos both where the path set by lorgar.

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05681b No.383735


Lorgar probably wouldn't have done it if his asshole of a First Chaplain, Erebus didn't push him into it. The entire heresy is more or less his fault.

The Big E couldn't been a bit of a better dad, though. For as great as he was, he still made fuck ups. Could've at least told his sons about the chaos gods and why they are bad. Emps didn't want worship or religion in his Imperium because he thought the chaos gods fed on worship. So better to starve them out, right? Whoops, turned out they fed on emotion instead. If Emps was straight with Lorgar about that little fat, we wouldn't have the whole heresy kick off.

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959aff No.383737


I love the word bearers but even I agree erebus is a dick.

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db8ad2 No.383741


Erebus didn't push him into anything. Erebus and Kor Phaeron went to lorgars place and said "You know, I know of a few gods that actually like to be worshipped" and lorgar fell for it immediately.

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959aff No.383745


You can't fall for the truth

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b4e475 No.383755

File: f7ef45cbf15c39e⋯.jpeg (59.17 KB,640x480,4:3,B8F3A5FA-803A-4248-93F0-C….jpeg)


In summary, /monster/‘s favourite chapters consist of:






>not heresy


>luminescence in the absence of light

>nothing wrong

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db8ad2 No.383756

File: fa5e818281297a9⋯.gif (443.45 KB,203x199,203:199,IMG_2740.GIF)




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77b131 No.383768


rogal dorn makes more sense because of the autism wall that splits us from other hubs.

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733326 No.383769

Messed up my vote. Wanted to vote for Dorn, not Russ.

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c4dd5c No.383772

Sanguinius gang

Vampire Angels would make interesting waifus

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d7ea14 No.383775

Word Bearer gang gang

I would trade my laifu for a daemon waifu

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05681b No.383796

Voted for Russ. He's a pretty cool guy who

>drinks and fights

>leads a bunch of space vikings who also drink and fight

>has the mainstay tank of the imperial guard named after him

>was raised by a fuckhuge ara ara wolf an actual wolf, but he'd totally get wans all over him

>became king of the planet he landed on

>beat the Emperor in both feasting and drinking contests Took a sucker punch from the Emperor after challenging him to a fight. Was 1HKO'd but laughed it off afterwards and joined the imperium.

>His legion was actually pretty bro-tier and helped people.

So yeah, plenty of wolf girls.

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ab60db No.383801


I would have more respect for the wan king if his bolters weren't upside down.

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db8ad2 No.383848


Is respect the Yiffs more of Russ wasn't a retarded tool. He turned traitor for a bit during the whole prospero thing. Granted he didn't know Horus was a traitor, but maybe he should've taken pause when Horus gave him an order that contradicted his origninal.

He hides his intellect by pretending to be a savage barbarian, but all he does is show us that he's just hiding stupidity.

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db8ad2 No.383850


Ehhh Rogal was a realist. He had no illusions of what and who he was. Perturabo on the other hand makes a lot more sense when talking about who we're more like.

He spent his entire childhood locked in his room designing blueprints for a perfect city for a perfect society that never existed and never would, coming out exclusively when his father made him. His own sister called him a fool for it, completely disregarding actual people in favor of his imagination.

There's a reason why most of /tg/ accepts that he is the closest to us. Even the ones that hate him.

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ad1e35 No.383865


tbf that's not so much being a traitor as it is being manipulated/deceived BY a traitor. Ethos is a hell of a thing for convincing someone.

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29281e No.383868

File: c058d8c5b193499⋯.png (580.19 KB,811x941,811:941,DBSHBhmXkAEhyiM.png)

maybe it's just me, but it seems like there's so many artists and images of mgs that I want to collect that it's getting kinda overbearing to keep up.

Does anyone know of a decent way to bulk save stuff off of pixiv, Dan/gelbooru and Twitter? Like a one button click macro to save an image properly?

also, anyone have recommendations for software to help sort images out? i'd do it by hand if the thing wasn't full of a few thousand images.

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91ddfe No.383870


I use >>>/hydrus/ , it's kind of a personal booru meant to sort and tag images, you can use it to download pixiv and booru images based on tags/artists.

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29281e No.383911

File: 5867b8b7c1ce684⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,600x409,600:409,how2compute.jpg)


well, i guess that's something i'll have to look into.

I think i had bumped into it at some point a while ago, but it completely slipped my mind, and i never knew there was a board for it that's actually updated

that said, pic very much related

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d77258 No.384409

What does the word "waifu" means to you?

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43a5a6 No.384414


It's the idealised female. A perfect beauty of body, personality and soul. What a mother, lover and wife should be.

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bcb9c4 No.384422


She is who will fill the hole in my heart that nothing and no one else can fill.

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64c911 No.384424


She's the girl who you love and hold dearest to your heart.

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f9667c No.384433

File: 514cbf8f7364343⋯.png (780.12 KB,679x960,679:960,42791739_p0.png)

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2eb1d0 No.384434


An anime Girl you wish you could marry

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b9d8f8 No.384436


that's a worthless superbitch, not a waifu. except for turbosoycucks.

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f9667c No.384453


What was that you faggot? I can't make out what your saying sitting in a higher plain of existence and all, since my taste isn't shit like yours i hadn't spoke your primitive money language for years.

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05681b No.384456


ur waifu a shit A SHIT!

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2eb1d0 No.384460


The martial art of pointlessly defending your favorite anime girl from even more pointless attacks.

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e3333d No.384466


Probably something like a warehouse with a dirt floor or a deep pool-type pit full of dirt. I'd imagine there being a decent market for specialist housing for different MGs

>heated floors and ramps for Lamias

>wider halls and shallower stairs for Centaurs

>treehouses and nest beds for Ratatoskr and most Harpies

>Hobbit houses for Foxgirls, Bunnygirls, Lamias, Oomukade and Bumblebeegirls, or old repurposed missile silos for the bigger families

>Hollow shells of buildings for Shogs, basically something to keep the elements off her while she forms the rest of the house

>Dragon caves and dungeons finished like basements

>Partially-submerged houses, either with pools or beachside, for Mermaid couples

What other kinds of specialized housing would different mamono have?


I really have a bone to pick with you if you consider that humerus


Yiffs, Smurfs or Dank Angels or yeah probably Iron Autists if they were all like Pert


I picture something like a leggier Jubjub


>jealous bullydere Canada Goose Harpy

that sounds comfy af


It would make sense if they did, they're tricksters.


As long as we all agree Fulgrim is a wanker, I'm happy. How the Emprah thought he was gonna turn out well/not as a Failed Chad escapes me.


>Russ should've qustioned the quickly-changing orders

Maybe. I haven't read the specific accounts of it, but that sounds kinds Hindsight Fallacy-y. It seems like something like that (minus it being Horus playing a tricky trick) statistically had to have come up before in the Great Crusade. then again you'd think that even being fedoras the Pre-Heresy Imperium as a whole would after that amount have time and experience with weird xeno/archaeotech shit, established some basic safety protocol of 'don't touch the weird shit' or 'leave the weird shit to the Mechanicum specialists' to prevent Primarchs from going out like redshirts, so idk



Been looking for something like this, thanks bros.

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744ef8 No.384530

Bumping this with a query which I might've asked by it's been so long that I can't remember.

Do the shinobi from Senran Kagura, count as monster women, or are they just magic enhanced shinobi..? No bulli too hard

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60205a No.384536


I can't say I know much about the series but my understanding is that they're just people who's profession is being a ninja so I wouldn't think they'd qualify.

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9696a2 No.384547


Sadly no. I just rediscovered those games though… sweet Ammit the modding community has been doing noble and holy work there…

Polite sage for not MG

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9498a4 No.384581

You guys think the more relaxed girls of species of mamono who're known for chimping out have their own versions of nigga moments?

Asking because I imagined a Hornet Girl's equivelant being known as a stinga moment and I had a good giggle about it.

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c8097a No.384584


That really pokes by funny bone.

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792269 No.384598

Monster girls involves race mixing and race mixing creates disgusting, retarded mutts.

Why do you like monster girls again?

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99abaf No.384599


Half of monster girls are white though.

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6a0eee No.384600

File: 8dc1e2ec92dd781⋯.jpg (66.63 KB,703x960,703:960,1ibg5wo30eq11.jpg)


Technically, it's not race mixing because it results in more monster girls, not hybrids.

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bf5585 No.384603

Is Polt furry?

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05681b No.384606

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bf5585 No.384608


ok thx bro

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69ff67 No.384609


I still love her

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5b82fd No.384611

They look like monsters to you?

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5074e3 No.384621

File: 1bf99782281798d⋯.png (1.15 MB,1240x1028,310:257,1 (1).png)

File: 23cf7408a023691⋯.png (205.84 KB,652x462,326:231,exa.PNG)

File: 75df80eac78bfab⋯.png (446.45 KB,611x620,611:620,poltexhibit2.PNG)




I call bullshit until a full Polt thread reappears and the losing faction suffers a banwave. Polt may have lost support, but I refuse to call furry until a clear majority proves otherwise.

I may not be a poltfag, and she is a borderline case but I think she definitely falls on the monstergirl side.


Behold an 18 page essay of /monster/ worthy autism.


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77b131 No.384628


polt is just furry in apperance. but personality wise she is human because she has hobbies and doesn't endlessly pursue sucking cum multiple men like furfags do.

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202741 No.384629

I've noticed in our stories set in a monster girl dominated world male protagonists rarely, if ever, acknowledge married mamono as being less threatening. Why is this?

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2ce8a5 No.384632


> acknowledge married mamono as being less threatening

what do you mean?

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644149 No.384633


You'd have to get pretty close to them to see a ring and they might not be with the hubby at that instant.


As a potential rapist.

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2ce8a5 No.384634


>As a potential rapist.

because its kind of unnecessary, if anything it makes sense for them to still hold that oppressive atmosphere about them because they are more mature… leveled up is the best i can describe it

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202741 No.384638


>they might not be with the hubby at that instant.

this sounds an awful lot like heresy

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26421f No.384643



>Are you a lonely monster girl?

>Do all the cute guys try to keep a distance from you?

>Do your attempts at proactive dating lead to you getting pepper sprayed by your future hubby?

>Worry no more, for we have the perfect way for you to get closer to that special man!

>With our pre-wedding rings and bands, men will think you are already taken and drop their guard

>Befriend your target!

>Go ask them to help with shopping for your dear's birthday!

>Convince women that it is completely safe for them to introduce their ushi oni friend to their male family!

>Ask for that sexy security guard to help with finding your baby, and lead them to a secluded place where you can make one!

>So come and buy the pre-wedding ring!

>(All pre-wedding rings are owned by head-leaf and subsidiaries, any other group claiming to sell pre-wedding rings may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law)

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96fd41 No.384656

File: 4e553be26decc6a⋯.jpg (172.14 KB,1000x1652,250:413,1471591535124.jpg)

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05681b No.384661

Let's say portals happen and monster girls avoid you like the plague or at least you automatically assume that they would.

What do you exactly do now? How do you get used to monster girls running around and the increase in sex and relationships everywhere?

What do you do when monster girls become more integrated in society where they have jobs and influence in life, yet still avoid you or you believe so?

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ad9d29 No.384662


Pray to Reitia to help you find your Waifu, who by the Grace of Ammit, the Gods are clearly keeping you pure for.

Dammit Robot-kun how many times do you have to be told that you deserve love? Fuck's sake.

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6a0eee No.384667


Unless they're something like a chaos MG or a sandworm, MGs can't be within arm's distance of their husband 24/7.

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f44483 No.384668


That's cute. I've been thinking about something similar to that but for human males. It's basically a 'warding' ring of sorts, which apparently wards off monstergirls. The scenario I had in my head was that a Danuki will provide you a free warding ring only if you fill out a questionnaire beforehand. Only one specific question on it will make the ring work its magic, like a question about what your favourite animal is. Bam, your own free warding ring arrives via post. It'll repel any monstergirls that are not related to your favourite animal. If your favourite animal is dog, expect plenty of wans. It could help for several anons who want specific girls.

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6a0eee No.384671

File: 6a3901c186023d7⋯.png (120.46 KB,1860x683,1860:683,81fa6759-fdc7-4016-9fec-94….png)

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18eb6b No.384685


Buy a tranquilizer gun and fill the darts with your own semen.

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6a0eee No.384698

File: 8aabd8222fda283⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1900x2000,19:20,__hellhound_monster_girl_e….jpg)


And the half that isn't?

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a87184 No.384759


Mostly asian. Mostly.

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2eb1d0 No.384767

Should we join the furry vs gamer war? Shall we give our mortal enemies a /monster/kill?

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27c573 No.384771


>dead normalfag meme from Chinese spyware site

Ok this is epic

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c4dd5c No.384791


Hellhounds are marble white, therefore white

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856719 No.384797

File: 630135997154a54⋯.png (Spoiler Image,795.47 KB,943x1048,943:1048,630135997154a543592948b706….png)


Here is a new hell hound picture I'm certain you all will like.

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2eb1d0 No.384799


I'm pretty sure blessing the rains down in Africa is a dead meme now.

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6a0eee No.384805

File: a59c58a061bedab⋯.jpg (178.51 KB,800x800,1:1,wut.jpg)


>Hellhounds are marble white

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a62b7b No.384810

File: 7c90f742c536942⋯.jpg (12.8 KB,236x333,236:333,f1bececa1c0e11e9a275ecb1d7….jpg)


Simple. I find a monster girl who is at least willing to teach me magic–maybe a nice hakutaku or something like that–and/or buy some books on magic and then achieve levels of wizardry that shouldn't even be possible.

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6a0eee No.384812

File: 24ba05448e10bb1⋯.png (6.22 KB,873x96,291:32,d35f9c7c-c163-4b0a-bfd7-fc….png)



>monster girls avoid you like the plague

Why? The only ways to make monster girls avoid you is to

A: Already be married

B: Be the shittiest human being imaginable

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05681b No.384818


Guess i'm shit out of luck based on that pic. No waifu for me. Although anyone would be the same if they saw how much of a shithole clownworld is. Also, would the whole killing people is fun be bad if you're doing stuff liking shooting up niggers in an African shithole country for fun and profit?

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26421f No.384821


They are apparently willing to be with bandits, so doing bad things for money probably isn't a problem. Doing bad things for fun though, that's probably a deal breaker.

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2b6525 No.384836


>polt is just furry in apperance.

Except not.

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448801 No.384843


Hellhounds are 100% Indo-European mythology, therefore white.

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3e54e9 No.384844

Is it still cucking your waifu if she raises your daughter?

>inb4 i would never do that

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b4e475 No.384845

File: 0db5f5439fcbe81⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB,603x543,201:181,61B741DD-026D-45B9-83AE-9….jpeg)


>if niggers were a mythological creature they would still be white.

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2af4e4 No.384846


Are niggers even real?

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ed51e1 No.384847

File: 1fd21069ec4e3cd⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,413x531,7:9,Marilith.jpg)

Question, is there a reasonable way to design Monster Girl versions of objects like ships or guns that isn't Kancolle tier? I'm trying to monstergirli-fy a old, wooden ship but the design just isn't interesting.

If there is none, I may just make it a golem that is made with planks and has cannon firing spots. More interesting than slapping ship parts on a girl.

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bcb9c4 No.384849


I think the ideal way is to have the girl be the sort of "spirit" of the object, so she can appear anywhere she wants to on the ship, emerging from the wood or the sails, controlling the ship with her thoughts and such.

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ed51e1 No.384850


That treads off Monster Girl territory.

Unless she's a ghost or a spirit, but that's a ghost girl or a spirit girl, not a boat girl.

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4fd83a No.384853

File: 552df11f15b437f⋯.jpg (230.47 KB,424x600,53:75,2bc6745fc900e092908d479854….jpg)

Do you think other monster girls consider large mice to be vermin?

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18eb6b No.384864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I imagine it working like a Megadeus. Just replace 'Dominus' with 'husband'.

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2eb1d0 No.384887

One idea I've had is monstergirl-ify the Polish/Soviet urban legend of the Black Volga.

I'm thinking something like upotte where there's a girl and a vehicle and whatever happens to one happens to the other. The girls default dress is "sexy driver/shofer" they would lure husbands in and struggle-snuggle in the backseat. These girls can also be bound to just about anything expensive car.

I then thought of applying this to late war German tanks, but the girls would have horrifying health problems

Any thoughts on this?

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26421f No.384888


It seems like an interesting idea, and I do appreciate women in suites. They'd probably go out in bad weather or late at night and look for men who seem to be walking home.

According to the legend, the Black Volga likes to take children. Think a lot of them would be shotacons?

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2eb1d0 No.384889


It would either be a common trait for /SS/ stories or a stereotype for stories set a couple decades after their creation.

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7f5a13 No.384891


>Literal monsters asking kids to get in their cars.

Childhood Memes catching up with us. I like the shofer aspect though it's new.

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05681b No.384901

How would monster girls react to someone who refuses to have sex or is even afraid of having sex to the point of flipping out may or may not turn violent to escape or mentally breaking down on her and going into a catatonic state or just tearing up and being absolutely terrified or guilt-ridden the entire time?

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f9ff06 No.384904


Well, I do call them my favorite rapegirls for a reason…

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18eb6b No.385000


Valkyries are all about fighting evil and there's no rule saying you can't have fun along the way.

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02565b No.385005

File: 55b6d86bf648f6d⋯.jpg (104.28 KB,353x550,353:550,Christine Novel Cover.jpg)

File: 05913635d6b695d⋯.gif (2.8 MB,320x213,320:213,christine.gif)

File: f930c4dc178c603⋯.jpg (50.23 KB,500x435,100:87,pingu.jpg)


Ive had a similar idea about monstergirl-ifying Christine.

A mg version of the story could be intresting i think.

>tfw no yandere rockabilly car spirit waifu that is also your sweet ride

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0ea327 No.385011


Maybe not "Vermin" But certainly around the same tier as (hob)goblins. Annoying, but potentially useful.

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b4e475 No.385021


I wrote a short greentext a while ago that ended in something like that >>377380

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7dd946 No.385076


He isn’t implying ntr you goof, he’s referring to single dudes still being wary of lone married mamono due to their husband not being around, and this assuming that they are single mamono who may attack them.

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7dd946 No.385078


I mean when was the last time you saw one irl?

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621610 No.385082


Idk man looking back on memories I can’t tell if they’re dreams or not. Niggers as a concept are surely too absurd to be real.

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448801 No.385083

File: 2d2a8d8bdc606e3⋯.png (67.4 KB,332x300,83:75,1378882835845.png)



<Garmr is sometimes assumed to be identical to Fenrir. Garmr is sometimes seen as a hellhound, comparable to Cerberus

Step up your game, nigger.

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18eb6b No.385132

Do centaurs have two separate wombs or do they join up somewhere in the middle?

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8bdd9d No.385133


I assume one womb. Although double pregnancy is a fetish i did not realise i have.

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2eb1d0 No.385134



The wierd part of me thinks that the ovaries and conception mechanism is in the front pussy, and the child moves back and back until it reaches the rear pussy for birth, for daughters to be possible and sons to be born painless.

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31b6d8 No.385135


I assume two

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6a0eee No.385136

File: 647dccadf2fdca8⋯.png (78.6 KB,1125x1378,1125:1378,we_wuz_vikangs.png)


How poetic-Vikings were literal white niggers.

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2eb1d0 No.385138


This, this is why you don't play the idpol game.

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8bdd9d No.385142


>being proud of your conquering ancestors=being ok with niggers attacking your people

I can't even tell what level of shill you're on.

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d6f546 No.385162



>pioneers and settlers

>competent and advanced in both agriculture, sailing and metallurgy.

>given tribute to stay away


>squat in urban centers

>no technology or culture which can be independently attributed to them

>tribute welfare dependent and cannot survive without it

Piss off, cunt.

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71f685 No.385166

File: 3546f57f67d2931⋯.jpg (4.39 MB,1200x9300,4:31,shipWaifu.jpg)


or an AI…

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bcb9c4 No.385182


That's more or less what I was thinking of, all the functions of an AI but magical instead of technological.

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77b131 No.385184


> we wuzzing this hard.

Sit down amerifatt, go home and be a blancoman.

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2eb1d0 No.385196

Would Monster Girls tell yo mama jokes?, If so what would some be

>"Yo mama so ugly, she was mistaken for a human woman"

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05681b No.385197


Only the noghounds and maybe the faggotcats.

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8bdd9d No.385207


It's funny when kangs do it because of how dumb the lie is. But saying Europeans are decedent from warriors isn't. Say what you will about white people not having as high iq as Asians what we excelled at is warfare not random acts of violence.

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18eb6b No.385240

File: 0b01f0367c7a24e⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,1484x922,742:461,coremata.jpg)

Do moth girls possess inflatable genitals?

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8bdd9d No.385242


Are you talking about lips with extra

P U F F?

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2eb1d0 No.385244



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8bdd9d No.385245


It's the moths secret technique


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04f67c No.385247


>bimbo moths

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26421f No.385248


Holy! You sure that isn't a parasite?

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98726d No.385254


>Yo mama so greedy tanukis have a conspiracy on her.

>yo mama so big centaurs look up at her.

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98726d No.385255


This is making me uncomfortable.

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8bdd9d No.385257


Imagine going down on your moth wife and those things come out and start caressing you.

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64c911 No.385260


Well that's an unusual moth, why does it have those tentacleish appendages?

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cd3e43 No.385261


Go away, underage

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8bdd9d No.385262


I just looked it up unless the moth also alps Its a dude.

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2eb1d0 No.385274


After looking it up I know what those are, however, the large ant Girls tend to have male lower bodies, because Girl ants have wings. As a flying waifu is cooler than those that cannot fly, it stands to reason Australian moth Girls could do that.

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2eb1d0 No.385275

If your waifu could fly would you have sex with her in the air?

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e3333d No.385277


Of course, I'm afraid of heights and still would. Otherwise it's like going to Switzerland and not having any chocolate.

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fae2fc No.385370

File: 62c4fc589a2f242⋯.png (726.75 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1548384814635.png)

Would you Want your Waifu made into a Weapon?


Perhaps if I was in the mood for near-death experience.

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6a0eee No.385425

File: 92be7298c1048b3⋯.jpg (374.61 KB,871x1200,871:1200,304_unagi_joro_L.jpg)

File: 6817b19b8b7b5f4⋯.jpg (68.12 KB,600x400,3:2,moray-larvae.jpg)

Do loli unagi joros have transparent skin like real-life juvenile eels?

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2eb1d0 No.385430


Maybe as infants, the father would probably be shocked to see his wife give birth to a spooky scary skeleton. It would send shivers down his spine.

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2eb1d0 No.385431

File: e482fbab7ec9c83⋯.png (2.27 MB,1182x1863,394:621,qy84JQEUTqHkSuC0trlLt82BAD….png)


Why not have a waifu be the weapon.

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61aa74 No.385465

is there a crystal associated with Reitia?

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2eb1d0 No.385476

If a bicorn has a daughter, would it be a unicorn or another bicorn?

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28054b No.385484


I imagine it could be either, though it's funnier to imagine a unicorn being raised in a bicorn household.

>pure unicorn daughteru has difficulties sleeping through her parents' nightly orgies

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26421f No.385495


>"Dear, I heard you got a new boyfriend, and I'm so proud! You're growing up so fast!"

>"Thanks mom, I was really worried he would say no." the young unicorn says with a light blush

>"Of course he wouldn't so no, you're beautiful! Now, to get started on his harem I would recommend getting a kikimora to help with the house work, you could get a shoggoth too if he's into that but personally it changes the house too much for me."

>"I don't think he needs a maid."

>"Hmm? But Sarah has been such a big help! didn't you like the food she made for you? Your husband would appreciate it."

>"I… I don't want to be in a harem."

>The bicorn gasps

>"You would be so selfish as to only let your husband have one woman!? D-did I do something wrong? Was it Sakura? She always hogged your father a bit too much."

>"No, it isn't her! I just think feel it feels more special this way."

>A young manticore runs in and gives the unicorn a hug

>"Hey, I heard you got a date with Marcus. Could I tag along?"


>The manticore turns to the older manticore reading a newspaper nearby

>"Mom, Lisa won't let me go on a date with her boyfriend"

>The maned mother grumbles

>"Let your sister go with you on the date."

>"But Charlotte!"

>"No back talk! I'd threaten to spank you, but I'm afraid Rita is currently using the paddle on your dad."

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b4e475 No.385496


>"Mom said it's my turn to have fun with him."

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2eb1d0 No.385498

>"No back talk! I'd threaten to spank you, but I'm afraid Rita is currently using the paddle on your dad."

I'm dead

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05681b No.385499

So how would a perma-robot fare in a post-dotr world?

It'd be hard to do things like going to work or grocery shopping when every monster girl hates you for existing and will actively try to ruin your life.

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18eb6b No.385501


Most likely a mindflayer would decide to fix your crippling personality issues by reformatting your brain.

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7f8337 No.385509


thats more terrifying than actual death

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cc8e83 No.385511


I always thought kikimora maids were supposed to help deal with that by taking care of neets and encouraging them to do better. It would make for a good story to have just the maid try to deal with his bullshit while trying to help him.

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8bdd9d No.385516


you won't think so after

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94aedc No.385517


You'd be shocked how many social anxieties are fixed by the simple knowledge that you deserve love. Any MG who loves you for you would encourage you to do more, to be better, because you want to return the love and care she gives you so freely.

Praise Ammit and Reitia, you cunts.

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18eb6b No.385529


You weren't using those childhood memories anyway.

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3e54e9 No.385531

File: 804d697669d4f45⋯.png (956.4 KB,1440x1080,4:3,804d697669d4f45c8d40d630f5….png)


You single handedly ruined my night.

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7dd946 No.385535


This is dangerously close to ntr

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7dd946 No.385536


>Implying mgs would hate you

Anon you’re a human man. The only way you could repel monster girls is by being a legitimate psychopath who wants to murder and torture people for fun. And those guys could still get lobotomized via mindflayer/thrown in the Matango pit.

That’s the beauty of it. You’re guaranteed a waifu, whether you like it or not. There’s basically no excuse to get you out of it, regardless of that “muh depression” fag who posts here.

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8bdd9d No.385559

Someone sent me a clip of a dragon girl from a show called manaria friends. The clip was cute but does anyone know if the show is worth watching?

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a87184 No.385565

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2eb1d0 No.385569


The bicorn did have a kid, Soo yeah it's polygamy, not ntr.

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fae2fc No.385570

Who would win in a fight between between a minotaur and a high orc?

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d75c36 No.385571


The danuki taking bets.

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2eb1d0 No.385573


The Minotaur, because she's not on drugs.

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6956b3 No.385576


Not for her, for the poor unicorn

She just wants a monogamous relationship with her bf, but her mother(s) wants to push haremshit on her

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8bdd9d No.385581


My wife can beat up your wife.

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18eb6b No.385682

Do dragon zombies give birth to regular dragons?

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46a8c1 No.385685


The man they're fighting over

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8bdd9d No.385686


For zombie dragon I would assume they are regular dragons. To preempt the inevitable what about zombies response other undead monsters make more undead.

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82abcd No.385775


But they would also be completely disinterested in fucking you.

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82abcd No.385777


Or a jubjub

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82abcd No.385779

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202741 No.385810



We have all these stories where organization s and institutions don't trust married monsters any further than single one's. We also have a lot of stories where monsters give men bad advice to make them morne likely to get caught.

Not being 3dpd means monstergirls aren't just in it for themselves, just as they are loyal to their husbands, they are loyal to each other. To wit, once they are done with "proactive dating" the girls are likely to engage in "proactive match making"

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8bdd9d No.385813


It's not like they proactively date random men there is some selection for the best match so it's both at the same time for alot of monsters.

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82abcd No.385830


Being married is still an excellent guarantee that they won't rape you on the spot, and bad advice is about as far as they're willing to go in most stories.

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b4e475 No.385832


Doesn't mean she won't have a single friend she lets "tag along" the next time she sees you.

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0676bf No.385843


Danukis are still sometimes depicted as being part of a slave trade. You need some kind of conflict for a story, and some monsters are more suited toward that.

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18eb6b No.385846

File: 8fc6faf6cbdb31f⋯.jpg (58.56 KB,750x754,375:377,Monster.jpg)

How do monstergirls feel about Monster girls?

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b4e475 No.385850

File: feabb01a856c71e⋯.jpeg (331.6 KB,1245x1563,415:521,B9277705-4878-4B40-AF8E-D….jpeg)


3DPD utilizing misleading labels.

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16b8ee No.385851


>2D art



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bcb9c4 No.385858


>Monster girls buy out Monster Energy

>The drinks no longer erode your stomach lining

>They now give you an uncontrollable erection

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8bdd9d No.385874


Change the logo to 3 manticore spines and have tomboy manticore be the new spokes person.

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fae2fc No.385879

File: a30ca3f12b3fb1e⋯.png (407.36 KB,680x857,680:857,7c2e9e044f3bd479c2dcc3d59e….png)



>They also make a few alterations to the 'Monster Girl' campaign strat.

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91ddfe No.385882


>jealous yanderes complain that they saw their husbands posting "I want to fuck Monster girl" on cantonese singing forums

>hospitals are filled with broken pelvises

>telling her "It's just a joke, she's not even real" doesn't work, says specialist

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2eb1d0 No.385884

File: c1b44ad4d7b2559⋯.jpg (108.78 KB,500x599,500:599,I read the whole web novel….jpg)

Does raphtailia count as a monster girl?

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5d37a9 No.385885



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8bdd9d No.385886


Do you like asking obvious questions. I know i do :^)

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8bdd9d No.385887

In all seriousness though we do lack a lion girl. What kind of temerment would a lioness girl have?

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2eb1d0 No.385892


Well, female lions tend to do the hunting for the pack. I'd imagine you'd sorta be the househusband for her. They'd also shove multiple lioness families into the same house.

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8bdd9d No.385897


Do you think they would have a thing for long hair/facial hair? I wouldn't mind being the house husband of a former delinquent blue color lioness.

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2eb1d0 No.385901


That might be the mane thing they look for.

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dc7c2e No.385907

Ok, so what's with the obsession with Ricardo and… Aniki (was that his stage name or something?)? And just these fags in general, just… why are they considered meme worthy? Fuck it, why is the gay gym considered meme worthy? Why are there so many fucking memes with these gays, can somebody for the love of god please explain this to me?!

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05681b No.385908


It's like king crimson, brah.

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dc7c2e No.385909


Except for the part where King Crimson makes sense, but gays are a crime against nature, and doesn't make sense. Also, what does King Crimson have to do with dancing Aids carriers?

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a87184 No.385911

File: 822e2742bae6142⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ricardo Shock.mp4)


This is absolutely something that has to consist of a "lurk more" response, sorry.

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dc7c2e No.385913


>Implying we aren't all newfags

You're not fucking helping.

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90be00 No.385916


>we're all newfags

Whatever you say, newfag.

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91ddfe No.385917


>We're all newfags

That was pre-reddit time.


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b4e475 No.385923

File: 2dbabdcfd109cc8⋯.jpg (29.85 KB,300x300,1:1,2013b79769695dc53ca1a91b03….jpg)


lurk moar faggot

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05681b No.385928


You must have been lurking since before 2014 to understand.

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202741 No.385931


This guy gets it.

I am suddenly enamored with the image of a hellhound separated from her husbando, working out her frustrations by picking up kobolds and throwing them at men.

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7dd946 No.385941


Yes, this was what I’m concerned about

If a bicorn mom wants to turn her unicorn daughter, all she has to do is stealthily match her up with a non-virgin man. There’s no need to force it via parental authority.

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8bdd9d No.385942


Monster have a sixth sense for that sort of thing, she would know.

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7dd946 No.385943


What about one based off of the Nemean lion from Greek myth?

>super-strong lion girl

>impenetrable hide

>basically the feline equivalent of a wurm

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6a0eee No.386149

File: c0b98d4152af466⋯.jpg (68.38 KB,672x494,336:247,154LQeNl_o.jpg)

How would monster girls feel about demisexuals?

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05681b No.386151


Not sure what the fuck that is, but it sounds like SJW bullshit. Therefore I hate it.

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18eb6b No.386168


Avoid because they'll probably alp.

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91ddfe No.386170

File: e2444b8414b91d2⋯.jpg (37.55 KB,362x346,181:173,e2444b8414b91d22f94b8e5a5b….jpg)


The what now?

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6a0eee No.386171

File: 228bf5eba7b152b⋯.png (107.7 KB,500x908,125:227,learn-about-sexuality-an-g….png)



Supposedly, it's a sexual orientation characterized by only experiencing sexual attraction after making a strong emotional connection with a specific person.In reality, it's complete bullshit made up by Tumblrinas to make themselves feel more special.

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91ddfe No.386174


That's not a fucking sexuality, at most that's a fetish.

There are only four sexualities and it'll always be that way until we find a species with more than two sexes.

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37dd89 No.386175


>There are only four sexualities

You mean, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual?

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91ddfe No.386177


Yes, that's all you can get to with two sexes.

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26421f No.386179


It's pretty damn annoying that they have to make every damn thing a sexuality. Like red hair? Sexuality. Like older people? Sexuality. Like blind people? Another goddamn sexuality. Have they heard of the term "preference"?

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37dd89 No.386180


I agree completely. Anything beyond that is meanless bullshit.

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b4e475 No.386181

File: faa58d182243c4b⋯.png (98.39 KB,445x365,89:73,26eb73ed5e172a0790c663fd02….png)

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26421f No.386182


Some people just don't want to fuck. It's no more weird than homosexuality.

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b4e475 No.386183


That's bullshit. Everyone has a sex drive.

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37dd89 No.386184


Some people don't. But it's correct to say that it is very abnormal to be asexual. Even more so than being homosexual.

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26421f No.386185


Some people feel the need to breed with incompatible genders, some can't feel pain, others can't feel happy, and many people do things that they know are self destructive. An issue in the brain where you have no interest in sex doesn't sound impossible.

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37dd89 No.386188


(((Google))) tells me that only 1% of people are asexual, while 4.5% of people are homosexual and 3% are bisexual.

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37dd89 No.386189


That leaves 91.5% of people being heterosexual. Sounds a little low to me.

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2eb1d0 No.386192

Guys I think this demisexual thing was a carlos-tier pun.

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bb06c2 No.386193

How many daughterus do different monstergirl species have per pregnancy (or egg-laying season for harpies, arachne, crabgirls, etc.)? Would it be the normal human one pregnancy/one babby, as many as the species they're based on? Or something in-between to represent fecundity combined with a less zerg-y survival strategy/having to take longer (decades rather than a year or two) to raise offspring?

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b4e475 No.386194



That's called "hypoactive sexual desire disorder." Reading further into it, "asexuality" doesn't even mean an absence of a sex drive, it could even mean the person just doesn't tell other people he or she wants to fuck. A fag could just go home and jack off to porn because he's too afraid to get into an actual relationship, and that would technically still be asexuality. Don't acknowledge this bullshit.



And don't samefag.

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37dd89 No.386195


How the fuck can you samefag when there are id's? I was just continuing my thought.

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37dd89 No.386196


>stuff about being asexual

I don't really care enough to spend time reading about it.

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b4e475 No.386197


Newfags not realizing there are IDs or IP swapper forgot to swap IPs.


In short: it's not a thing, and saying it is a thing only furthers tumblr into society.

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91ddfe No.386203



Asexuality as a sexuality is not being sexually attracted to neither men or woman due to literal brain problems.

Asexual as in "I feel sexually attracted to people, but I don't fuck" is just tumblr speak.

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b4e475 No.386206


Technically yes, however those cases are likely so far and few between that its own 'normal' title as "asexual" seems unnecessary, and is currently conflated with tumblrfags. "HSDD" strikes me as a much better indicator of actual cases.

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91ddfe No.386208


Homosexuality is rare, ironically even amongst "homosexuals", yet there's a term for it.

I think asexuality is better because it fits with the other three and fuck letting retards subvert the language.

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b4e475 No.386210


HSDD actually highlights such a case as an actual disorder, forcing fags who are "asexual" to denote whether or not they actually have a mental problem. A swap in terms also makes it easier to identify tumblr users for using an ambiguous term.

I hate ceding cultural territory, but the bonus of actually highlighting mental illness to the public is worth exchanging in my opinion.

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91ddfe No.386212


>HSDD actually highlights such a case as an actual disorder, forcing fags who are "asexual" to denote whether or not they actually have a mental problem.

But the same is true for pretty much anything other than heterosexuality and social bisexuality, saying it's different for asexuality implies it's not the case for fags.

>I hate ceding cultural territory, but the bonus of actually highlighting mental illness to the public is worth exchanging in my opinion.

I rather just use the correct term and explain/correct fags. I get your point, but I'm just stubborn.

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26421f No.386216

What monster girl, in your opinion, is underappreciated? For me, I think we need more Mad Hatters. Women who are subtly mad, and have a great sense of style.

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b4e475 No.386219


>But the same is true for pretty much anything other than heterosexuality and social bisexuality

The difference is that the DSM does not depict asexuality as being normal, and becomes a weak point for the gay community as modern (((psychology))) doesn't even back it up. Gays have a whole slew of problems, but they can be tackled once the pendulum swings and aspects of sexuality can be talked about in a negative fashion to the public again.

>I rather just use the correct term

But HSDD ''is" the correct term, just scientifically recognized.

I'd like to see the fags slip HSDD into their LGTBQ2S bullshit, but they just gave up anyways.


More on topic, wendigos can be pretty cute.

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05681b No.386257

Would wonderlands be different depending on where they or their entrance are located?

I know the standard version is the English version. What would a German one be like for example? Russian? French? Spanish? Hell, how about a Japanese version of wonderland if it's not Gensokyo already?

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7dd946 No.386262


Probably the last one. I’d figure that a werewolf or something would have twins as a norm.

Mammals usually have as many nipples as their normal maximum litter size. Any mg that has 3 or more kids better invest in bottles unless we add extra sets of nipples, which imo is a little heretical.

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b4e475 No.386263

File: 76d47c0957268f2⋯.png (298.75 KB,674x666,337:333,19896AB8-7B90-407F-9351-F9….png)


I can vaguely imagine what another “wonderland” should look like but given wonderland’s entropic nature, it could be different on a whole new scale. The ideas that come to mind would be that they each are generally overgrown with nature (but I can imagine a concrete jungle in heavily industrialized/populated countries) to the point of obstructed vision, native wildlife girls with vaguely related powers (invisible cat, super strong bear, etc.), clothing styles from previous decades, and local figures of speech/folklore being given literal form. Can’t pick out anything soecific though.

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7dd946 No.386264

File: 729c2f75ee47eff⋯.jpeg (36.25 KB,360x450,4:5,DFAD69AF-1E46-4C23-8CAA-3….jpeg)


I was really disappointed with how little love Cupids got when they were introduced.

>angel with good bust

>delicious brown

>matchmaker to make everyone happy

>has two different kinds of arrows to make stories out of

>too awkward to approach their crush, so they just try to shoot them with a special “love-letter” arrow

Also thinking about it now the Tsurara-Onna’s icicles are really similar to the Cupid’s “lead” arrows, except they only allow for one specific person to fill the gaping hole in your heart that they left, while the arrows just make you seek love in general.

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fae2fc No.386273

File: fd8663e2131c459⋯.png (262.04 KB,750x768,125:128,Wendigo11.png)

File: 8c42b0a3a0a6514⋯.jpg (535.53 KB,851x1200,851:1200,Kamaitachi.jpg)


I agree.


Really, there are so many, plenty can fall through the cracks.

Hell, if i can think of one, it's probably less deserving than one I've completely forgotten.

But to give a serious answer: kamaitachi.

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809a58 No.386283

File: 7672def14e3868b⋯.jpg (64.42 KB,750x408,125:68,DyNQfYCWwAAaVcH.jpg large.jpg)

the weather is a monster girl

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18eb6b No.386330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do kikis listen to hardbass while they work?

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2eb1d0 No.386342


If they do, kiks would then completely surpass shogs

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85a0f4 No.386344


My head artillery dictates the following:

All MG's are K selection, and similar to human pregnancy. All births are viviparous, only those IRL freaks the platypus and notsnek echidnae are egg laying mammals. There's also a bunch of autism surrounding the type of MG vs. ease of getting pregnant but won't go on about that.

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6a0eee No.386345

File: b9016eaa6c42ee8⋯.png (6.75 KB,858x100,429:50,84686a89-84bd-4206-9cad-e9….png)


> All births are viviparous

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85a0f4 No.386352


>Missing the part where I say "My head artillery dictates"

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911fcb No.386416

Is Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen on hiatus?

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2eb1d0 No.386476


Using your head artillery too much will result in blown minds.

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fae2fc No.386483

What are regular goblins' opinion on redcaps?

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8bdd9d No.386486


the schnoz gobo fears the redcap.

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809a58 No.386492


theyre creepy

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26421f No.386508


They probably feel at least a little uncomfortable with them. I mean, goblins are fairly social and friendly, while redcaps are strong and usually in a state of raging lust. Redcaps are like that weird loner in slasher films who you just know is going to try to murder everyone if someone sets them off.

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b658fd No.386519

File: bf0d54a60effc48⋯.png (217.04 KB,478x768,239:384,c7509bd1d66bff2cec5d6fa063….png)

then again, the gobbo lolis are seemingly some of the most social and sane creatures in the roster. maybe theyre sad their estranged mutant cousins dont live with them any more for one reason or another. this is the face of a girl who would be sad to see you leave with an unresolved weight in your heart.

i wonder when well see goblin shamans/witchdocs

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fade84 No.386610

What monstergirl can i be cynical with?

I need someone to share my toxicity with.

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05681b No.386611


How about an oomukade? They're plenty toxic.

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fa36bf No.386612

File: 92037840255e2cb⋯.png (1.37 MB,1043x1200,1043:1200,ClipboardImage.png)


> The venom that flows inside their body adversely affects even their own spirit, making them depressed, and so they are constantly irritated. For that reason, when a man with a peculiar mentality is sexually aroused by their appearance, as if to vent their irritation, they react in a manner unbecoming of a monster and hurl abusive language at him such as “lowest scum”, and will attempt to bite and inject him with venom. The effect of the venom in a man doesn't cause irritation, instead, it incites wicked carnal desire towards the little girl in front of him. A man's spirit will become depressed, and a change will come over him so that he'll have no qualms about shutting them up by screwing his penis inside their mouth, the source of the abusive language, or pinning them down on the ground and violating their tiny body according to his own desire.

> While having sex with them like that, the man will experience a burning sensation inside his own body, and before he knows it, he'll have changed from human form into an ominous huge spider form. The huge spider has a reproductive pouch with countless wiggling tentacles around the bottom of his cephalon; furthermore, he will make the foul-mouthed little girl's body sink inside there and cover her in tentacles. All of the tentacles are endowed with erotic sensitivity and a sense of taste to relish her body, and semen will be released from every one of them to impregnate her; they will be screwed inside every single one of her orifices. and her whole body will be completely stained cloudy white.

> Additionally, irritated by her insults, the huge spider will bite her body, and directly inject a bodily fluid through his fangs that contains a high concentration of the man's mana which will mix with her blood and violate her body from the inside, continuously providing her with irresistible pleasure; she'll convulse, constantly climaxing over and over, and each additional thrust of a tentacle will yield yet another climax. During this, her abusive voice will fall silent, and instead, she'll just keep uttering sweet words and apologies for her insults. This is because she is expressing her original personality after having the venom that was adversely affecting her spirit neutralized by the man's mana. Only when their body is filled with their husband's mana is their heart able to feel at ease. When their husband's mana that was poured inside their body weakens, and their venom gets stronger, they'll once again hurl severe insults at their husband, inciting him to bite and violate them again.

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fade84 No.386627


Eldritch horrors aren't my thing. But they are really cute.


>'tism centipede

I'm afraid of bugs in real life and they both get recommended lel.

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fae2fc No.386661

File: 1b07a6157290294⋯.png (344.02 KB,900x600,3:2,b2fe9067ecee7c0b62a05ae775….png)


I remember medusas being kind of touchy.

Or maybe that's just how i interpret her look.

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05681b No.386662


>You'd be shocked how many social anxieties are fixed by the simple knowledge that you deserve love.

How exactly does that work? I can't seem to understand.

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bb06c2 No.386757


Crabman's Matango needs more love



>twins for those that normally have litters

Yeah, that's where I'm leaning in most cases

>would need extra nipples

Probably, but some animals have successfully raised a litter numbering greater than their nipples (not counting humans since we can cheat with our smarts and tool use), and a lot of mamono would probably be smart and organized enough to hot-rack them.

>extra nipples are heretical

Extra tiddies are I think, not sure about extra nipples


After reading all this, mine atm is that single birth among Foxgirls and Holstaurs would be uncommon since they're associated so much with fertility and motherliness, also since there was mention of it in a manga and a greentext, respectively (may have been Beardicus, idr). Also possibly Danuki since the huge balls are often translated to huge tiddies, and Manticores since the mofucores look small enough for two tiddies to nourish a fair amount of. Cheshires, Kobolds, Hellhounds and most egg-layers I'd think of as have 1 to 4 per litter/clutch.


>Word of God

Good, that's as I thought and also would mean that I can headcanon Lamias and Arachnae as not being in the poorhouse from so many mouths to feed and/or source of a Soylent Green-style Malthusian crash as long as either sons or the Demon Lord eventually allowing them are canon

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05681b No.386816

How would different monster girls react if the guy they were interested in committed suicide before they could get in a relationship with him?

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21e0d0 No.386817


God fucking damnit robot how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, a monster girl will love you. If your autism kiks in before band you she'll get a lich to bring you back.

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18eb6b No.386819

File: c7be29315a984f3⋯.jpg (507.02 KB,832x1200,52:75,275_will-o-wisp_L.jpg)


No one gets away.

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85a0f4 No.386824


Undead girls are a thing anon, not even the cold embrace of death will save you from a monster's [MEATY WHACK]

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b4e475 No.386935

File: a307cef00b55bde⋯.jpeg (124.32 KB,600x784,75:98,84ACD2A8-6730-4F25-9DA7-1….jpeg)

Do gazers accidentally shoot magic beams when they sneeze?

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91ddfe No.386938


Except the monster is the one getting the [MEATY WHACK]

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fae2fc No.386939


Maybe, though I think you automatically close your eyes when you sneeze.

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b4e475 No.386941


It isn't impossible to keep your eyes open while sneezing. And a quick google says that you blink because the nose and eyelids are connect with some nerves. This connection probably doesn't exist on her eyestalks, so she may just end up firing off in random directions with several different beams from said eyestalks.

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9f9f72 No.386945

Just discovered this board some hours ago, and I'm really getting into it.

But there is something that's been bothering me a bit.

What does DoTR stand for? Day of the R…?

What's the lore behind it?

Everything else is pretty easy to understand, it's just that one thing that I can't get out of my head.

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6a0eee No.386946

File: d72d7a9bb6aef95⋯.jpg (226.58 KB,850x1114,425:557,Sample_6232e33c961082afcfd….jpg)


Day of the Rape-the day monster girls come to our world to save us from 3DPD.

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a178e9 No.386950


it is defined as “lurk moar and stop being a pathetic creature.”

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ca293c No.386953

File: 6c7f529879f4052⋯.png (416.6 KB,600x604,150:151,memecat brain damage.png)


>i'm a newfag please bully me

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159929 No.386955

File: af92827ad5f6f65⋯.jpg (60.05 KB,627x800,627:800,DotR.jpg)


Day of the Rake

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7f8337 No.386978

File: 6d57cd0cacf58a1⋯.png (188.44 KB,600x420,10:7,contempt.png)


>spoon feeding

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0e8a75 No.386983



Should newfag bullies be faster than the guy spoon-feeding? Cause when I was one, it kinda killed the whole effect and made them look like annoying retards.

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0b2405 No.386986


The Day of the Rope, from William Pierce's The Turner Diaries.

Honestly a LARPtier book, but it does convey Pierce's views well enough

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1eb6ad No.386988

File: ecd0ed07ce14ba9⋯.jpg (54.79 KB,288x428,72:107,why green hair.jpg)



There's a special place in alp hell for you two

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575adb No.386990

would /monster/ object to worldbuilding of aliens (that are humanlike, but not exactly typical monstergirls) who have both males and females among the species?

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b4e475 No.386991


Monsterboys are permitted, but only so long as they are not given too strong of a focus in the story. How much different are the males from humans?

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91ddfe No.386993


This >>386991

There's been stories with monsterboys in the setting before, and /monster/ liked them. Just have the main males be human and you should be fine.

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26421f No.386996

File: 7fe37a40e850fe6⋯.jpg (140.39 KB,1677x878,1677:878,C3ob4bgUEAI1hJt.jpg)


I'd quite enjoy horny alien women who have a fetish for human men. There was this one comic called "sundowner" with some sexy aliens, but as far as I can tell it's fucking dead. Shame too, it left some pretty big questions about the setting.

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575adb No.386997



The main character will absolutely be human- but the humans in this setting have a small but significant physical alteration due to the planet they're on. They somehow have grown a limb on their tailbone that can be shaped by their own will, less like actual changeling shapeshifting, more like a limb made out of metaphysical, mentally controlled play-dough. This is the only physiological alteration that humanity has undergone on the setting's planet.

The aliens are physiologically different in certain ways, but otherwise similar to humans both as males and females. One species of alien is nocturnal and has strong eyesight and hearing, the other lives in the day like humans do, and has extra-perceptive sense of feeling and smell.

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575adb No.386998


I figured I'd ask, because this tends to tread the a certain line on /monster/ and I'd ask before I dump something and get shat on or crossing a line.

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9f9f72 No.387004


I know the fucking book. I know the fucking term too. I just didn't think about switching Rope to Rape cuz I'm a big dumb.

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e64407 No.387157

Why is NTR considered bad again?

I mean, it sucks to get cucked, but should you be doing the cucking?

After all, the world is cuck or be cucked.

Everyone is supposed to cuck the other guy while being ready to violently kill anyone who'd try to cuck them.

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6a0eee No.387158

File: 71cc4d7e9e31b26⋯.png (141.85 KB,1003x1287,1003:1287,71c.png)

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ee8c76 No.387159


Low tier bait unironically kill yourself.

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7f7bb8 No.387162

File: 80eabdc3ecf949d⋯.gif (767.73 KB,364x339,364:339,80eabdc3ecf949dc6a4962dda7….gif)



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1563a9 No.387170


Kill yourself you immoral piece of shit

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733326 No.387171


You are human garbage

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ff5c7f No.387174

File: c7791c92d46f679⋯.gif (1.63 MB,320x193,320:193,1431916103470.gif)


>They're like humans but with tails


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213a2e No.387192


thank you for giving me a perfect argument against a few of my tard friends

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9d96f3 No.387199

Let's monster girls became real and more prevalent in society.

How do you politely tell them to piss off and leave you alone because you gave up on the idea of having a waifu or romantic love?

Maybe a guy just wants to go do his job without any bullshit, then come back home to knock down some whiskey, stuff his face, and play vidya without some cunt trying to latch onto him.

>inb4 alp

Without sucking dick. The guy in question would rather shoot gays.

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6a0eee No.387201



Hope this helps. :^)

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cd7fd2 No.387204


Consider visiting your local order recruitment center

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ba05e9 No.387206

File: d9510c6beb52d70⋯.jpg (39.43 KB,599x600,599:600,Knight_rider.jpg)


Start killing niggers and muzzies and kikes, robot-kun, and make sure you enjoy it. MGs avoid those that revel in murder because they can smell the spiritual blood on you. That's how you get them to leave you alone.

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85c023 No.387207


Dont let your misery get in the way of fantasy

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bcaf3c No.387213

How would rat/skaven girls act, I would assume they are a harem species but can't think of more besides that.

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b4e475 No.387215


I am in the middle of writing a ~6k word pastebin detailing shit like clans, inventions, mutations/subspecies, the Horned Rat, behaviour and society of MGE style skaven.

Unfortunately I got lazy 80% of the way through and it's been sitting in limbo for a few months.

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e6a0ed No.387216


You focus-write man thing.

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b4e475 No.387220


Is this appendage vital to the plot/characters? You might be able to get away with it, but it sounds like it may be treading onto territory which will have mixed reactions from the board.

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d792d8 No.387228

What's the point of stuff like "waifus" or "love"?

I don't really get it.

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092cb3 No.387229


If you can't understand the concept of love there's no reconciling the rest of it. You're brain is to damaged to try and explain it in depth.

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18eb6b No.387231

If a man had his brain scanned and uploaded into a machine, would the machine become a monstergirl?

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092cb3 No.387232


It's got a brain dick so no

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13ecb4 No.387241


Love is the romanticized form of pair/mate/pack-bonding, a social evolutionary adaptation which incentivizes the mating pair and/or pack to form a union which provides a better/safer environment for raising any offspring produced, thus raising the offspring's chances to succeed and reproduce further.

A waifu is the the further idealized concept of a such bonded mate often found in the fantasies of those who found reality lacking when compared to the romantic ideal they were raised to expect and/or desire.

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2d5bc8 No.387243



I see this probably won't fly with /monster/ if I call people with these kinds of appendages "Humans,". Alright then, I suppose I needed a catalyst to go from this concept to something more appropriate for the setting of this world anyway. To be honest, the concept of humans altered this way felt rather half-baked with no where else to go with it, so thank you for pushing me to the right path.

Here's my new idea of humanity's alteration:

>Human children have been metaphysically "taught" to control a magical force by the local deity of this planet.

>The manipulation of this energy is as instinctual as if moving a hand or finger.

>This force is heavily physical in nature, it can be worked out like a muscle, but it also is demanding on the user's body.

>In-universe, it has many names, but the local aliens call it "The Mists".

>The aliens cannot directly access this force on their own, but they can use it through alchemically engineered tools and devices.

I've been doing mostly writings for this world in the form of in-universe-logs, but I really want to make this universe into a video game. My biggest problem is myself, and my itch to do other things instead of this project.By Mother Reitia's grace, I will get my shit together and make this game.

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18eb6b No.387312


But what if it turns out that niggers count as monsters?

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18eb6b No.387315


Maybe they have waifus in hell.

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620316 No.387321


They hate violent sadists not the act of murder, if you fight to defend your people a monster girl won't hate you. KC was basically say John Wayne gacey isn't getting a waifu.

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d66d8a No.387322


>defend your people

Kinda hard to justify that nowadays with how cucked most people are. Guess we'll go with killing people who cross you out of rage and hatred.

Then again, if some of us are never getting waifus no matter what due to who we are, then there's no real reason to care anymore, now is there? Everything is shit.

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620316 No.387323


It's sounds like your objective for asking was to be told you won't get a waifu out of some need to validate self pity. If you want to just post about how shit the world is this isn't really the place to do it.

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90edd8 No.387325


I just want to confirm that I would never get a waifu.

I want to be a sociopath since it's the most logical thing to be in this world now. Problem is that I still have stuff like emotion or a longing for love or feeling bad for wanting to be a sociopath in the way.

For fuck's sake. I'm a slav, a subhuman deserving of extermination. I'm not supposed to have stuff like emotion or love. It sucks when you hate your very identity.

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620316 No.387327


No white person legitimately thinks slave are subhuman. It's understandable to seek an escape from clown world it's probably why most of us are here. If you have given up and want to adapt to clown world instead of resisting it there's no point in the self pity fest. If you feel there's something wrong with your thoughts there's a waifu for that she's called a mindflayer. Long story short clown world sucks and no one likes robot posting it's tedious to deal with you asking us to validate your self hatred.

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0e8a75 No.387345


>I'm a slave, subhuman.

You are the saviors of the right, you have either experienced the horrors of communism or heard it from your father. Hitler didn't think you were subhuman, you didn't submit. +10 badassery if your nation was part of the Warsaw pact of "friendship"

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ba05e9 No.387359


At the rate you're going, you'll alp into an automaton. I'm might start calling you Ms. Robot from now on.

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05681b No.387360



Is there somethig you're not telling us?

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678c28 No.387362


He just wants to know where we've hidden our stockpile of fertilizer.

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733326 No.387440


The only people who honestly think Slavs are subhuman are Jews

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01c213 No.387499

Not a question, but a while back there was a anon who thought "Mamono" was "Manamoo" and despite his faggotry, I thought that was super cute/lewd considering how mg's milk mana. I'll see myself out now.

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94aedc No.387502



That is kinda cute… it'd probably be all over the shitty likthebred memes on whatever the kikebook-equivalent is after DOTR though. Mimi would probably have made about 70% of them.

>Manamoo nu!

>I haz a werk

>But pinned on bed

>mi cok u jerk

>I needz a moni

>2 buy the bred

>So I can leave

>I pat the hed

Oh god I need a shower.

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1b3cc4 No.387713

What's a good name for a chinese monstergirl? I want to write a short story about a jiang-shi, but she needs a proper name and I know nothing about chinese namingconventions.

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91ddfe No.387714


Dindang Xiang (叮当响) seems to be a common female one.

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1b3cc4 No.387715



What is she, a doorbell? Thanks, I'll go with that for now.

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91ddfe No.387717

File: 6beb0a18ec1abe3⋯.png (Spoiler Image,9.31 KB,857x352,857:352,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is she, a doorbell?

She's not a doorbell, she's a chink.

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d86775 No.387723

Why do people fall for the "love" meme?

Women are nothing more than a tool to be used to pop out some kids and that's it. It's the most logical approach to them.

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6a0eee No.387724

File: 58742cf201f12b4⋯.png (51.05 KB,529x842,529:842,1550629608974.png)


>he can't tell the difference between monstergirls and 3DPD

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c028c3 No.387725


Be gone robots I cast you out

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91ddfe No.387726


Love actually exists, see >>387241 .

>Women are nothing more than a tool to be used to pop out some kids and that's it.

Maybe for 3D, but monstergirls give you companionship and support.

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6f5693 No.387734


you are very edgy

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18eb6b No.387815

File: aace4e51ae95f16⋯.jpg (46.69 KB,723x384,241:128,UNDERSTAND.jpg)

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0e8a75 No.387822

The meme that is the green new deal inspired this…

For the same amount of milk produced. Would a herd of holstaurs produce the same emissions a a herd of dairy cows?

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0e8a75 No.388082

Can I bump this yet?

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7dd946 No.388084


Well that brings up the question of whether Holstaurs are ruminants or not. Given that most mgs are ostensibly similar to humans on the inside, I’m inclined to say no to that question. Therefore I believe that a herd of holstaurs, especially if they have husbands for sustenance instead of actual vegetables, would create far less methane that an equivalent herd of cattle.

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98278d No.388092



Is that like a softcore version of CLANG?

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0e8a75 No.388107


Monster new deal

-replace dairy herds with holstaur farms

-mg power plants (you just need make water really hot

-replace air travel with chesire portals

-alurane able to produce fruits replace most agriculture

-cars are okay

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a87184 No.388109

File: 22f9a06e4a55070⋯.jpg (585.41 KB,1936x1364,44:31,Chris the Car.jpg)


Cars are very okay. Why don't we have a Christine monster girl yet?

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9498a4 No.388110


>Cheshire portals

That's just asking for trouble.

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d6c7df No.388123


>all Cheshire portals just have pedestrians walk face first into a Cheshire's butt on the other side

>still gets better ratings than the average economy-class flight

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91ddfe No.388124

File: c51cc5aaad547bf⋯.png (202.72 KB,377x390,29:30,c51cc5aaad547bf83d67504bd0….png)


>nice soft cheshire ass

>no babies crying

>no fucking spics with their 27 kids shitting, crying and yelling all over the plane while the fucking oxygen thieves that made them keep talking between themselves in a volume that's somehow comparable to the spawns' screechs

>no uncomfortable seat

>no shit food

Cheshires are good girls, they're just playful and autistic.

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91ddfe No.388126

File: 50f111f10982c5a⋯.png (243.86 KB,613x611,613:611,50f111f10982c5ad6e2ff32334….png)


Speaking of which, how would a cheshire react if someone saw past the mental problems and showed genuine appreciation for one?

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05e84d No.388128


Cheshire are literal niggers just because you slap your description on it doesn't make them good girls. Unicorns however…

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9498a4 No.388129


>Go through portal

>When you come out on the other side you've turned 180 degrees and you fall facefirst in the dirt while the Cheshire laughs at you

It'd be the kind of company you'd swear you'll never use again but you wind up coming back every time anyway.

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05681b No.388131

Cheshire autism vs robot autism.

What happens?

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0e8a75 No.388133



>Terrorist walks through through portal with bomb

>Presses detonator

>Mother of all wet farts sounds forth

>My brown face is now red

>Security escorted me away from the howling laughter

>Rip me

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91ddfe No.388152


Niggers do shit because they're niggers, cheshire do shit because they're autistic.

A nigger fucking with you is a sign he's a nigger, a cheshire fucks with you like a 7 year old bully someone he likes.

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7dd946 No.388175


>you a car fucker?

We should consult /o/ on this, they’re known to be experts on fucking an exhaust port

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9498a4 No.388179

File: 0b112b0bde8e1de⋯.jpg (47.99 KB,500x560,25:28,1376118537933.jpg)

>Waiting for my turn to go through the cheshire portal

>Forget about my MP3 player in my pocket

>Metal detector goes crazy and several mamono TSA's pop up from out of nowhere

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442239 No.388183

Monster girls are cool with genocide, right?

Would they happily exterminate the amerimutts and their godawful "country"?

What's the favorite ways of killing by each type of girl?

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0e8a75 No.388185

File: 0d6590bcb321b11⋯.png (46.93 KB,741x457,741:457,0d6.png)

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e49c53 No.388191


>lolberg tough guy maymay flag

You do know the people who made that flag were cucks, right?

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3288cd No.388192


Kill yourself

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0e8a75 No.388198

File: 2f6b49cfe082034⋯.png (Spoiler Image,280.61 KB,640x360,16:9,Memetic_exterminatus.png)



I think I found a better place for you

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9ee39c No.388201


What the fuck is this supposed to be and why do you have it saved?

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8bdd9d No.388202


If you're the same guy who was shilling the /k/ threads about America fuck off with that shit. it doesn't have a place here. No one's cares for you opinions on a country when we're discussing whether a Russian chicken or eldritch slime would make a better maid.

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0e8a75 No.388203


I'm not quite sure, but I have it saved for… Situations.

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b4e475 No.388204


Is this cheshire heaven?

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ea3319 No.388239

File: 0039332219cbc94⋯.png (7.59 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Kiki BLOWING THE FUCK OUT ….png)


She's only part chicken asshole

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8bdd9d No.388333

Would we be conscious of the smell of monster pheromones?

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0e8a75 No.388341



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8a5e25 No.388348

File: 1f61a6cadf3bef8⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x1143,1280:1143,1550821796246.png)

Did you guys get your daily dose of freedom yet?

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6a0eee No.388351

Succubi have longer tongues than humans to give better fellatio. Do incubi have longer tongues to give better cunnilingus?

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a3a685 No.388352


Likely depends on the individual incubus, as well as his waifu.

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18eb6b No.388354

File: 45bde94828a1b81⋯.jpg (629.81 KB,1043x1200,1043:1200,Atlach-Nacha.jpg)



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99b4c3 No.388362

if there were basement dwellers in an area where there are no basements, where do they live?

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fae2fc No.388389


In a regular room on the ground floor.

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7dd946 No.388393


In the attic usually. Or whichever room is the most out of the way.

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05681b No.388849

So how exactly does a mindflayer work?

What if she's not your type in the first place, does she mess up your mind enough to make her your type?

Do you think couples where one of them has some trauma or mental issues pay for a mindflayer to act as psychologist?

Other than that, how long does it take for any other girl to help fix up her husband if he has a couple screws not fully in place? Or does she just dump the guy or ignore him in the first place.

Would a mindflayer simply kill you if she didn't quite like your thoughts? Would she share every disgusting and shameful thing you kept hidden in your head to your current waifu to make her despise you?

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bcb9c4 No.388851


A Mindflayer can recognize all of your insecurities and address them as needed. She can also make you forget embarrassing or painful things.

Personally, I prefer to deal with my insecurities and shoulder the burden of my embarrassing memories myself. But for you robot-kun, whose insecurities and depression so dominate you that you are immediately recognizable on an anonymous imageboard as the depressed robot guy, I think the soothing tentacles of a Mindflayer would be ideal.

And no, she isn't going to kill you if she doesn't like what she sees. Just relax and let her massage your ear canals with her noodly appendages.

If a man is a 100% batshit crazy, kill-for-fun sociopath, then yes monster girls will avoid him, but the fact that you keep worrying about whether a hypothetical cute girl would like you enough to marry you is proof that you are not a sociopath, so you can stop with that nonsense.

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bb06c2 No.388852


Thanks Doc!

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231d1e No.388922

Maybe I missed it, but I remember there being a pastebin with a ton of stories from a few years ago in a sticky that l neglected to save, and can't find again. It had stories organized by author, as well as assorted artwork. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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1217ad No.388993

If you asked a monster girl to help you commit suicide out of mercy, would she?

I'm sure a hug from a nice girl followed by a quick twist of the neck would be an ok way to go.

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448801 No.389018

File: 65d1525f79f1ca9⋯.png (222.94 KB,428x353,428:353,1451680850619.png)


Suicide is morally wrong and your punishment would be to have your bones resurrected as a skeleton girl. You will scream internally as she gets railed by her husband and you are still faintly conscious for a time before you quietly meld into her subconscious. Fuck you.

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856719 No.389028

File: 5f29c2250266eb5⋯.png (202.55 KB,545x851,545:851,5f29c2250266eb5d4f211f2cdf….png)


Jesus Christ mindflayer-chan! That was a little excessive. Couldn't you just pat him on the head a few times with your tentacles? Instead it sounded like you were reading a passage from the Necronomicon!

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0e8a75 No.389047



Yeah, your cahances of going an hero are boned

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18eb6b No.389072

Is a basilisk's gaze still dangerous if she already has a husband?

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6f5693 No.389148



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f66823 No.389175


She probably retains the ability to defend her family in a self defence capacity.

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b4e475 No.389190

File: f2f2518ea1c556f⋯.jpeg (33.34 KB,560x560,1:1,27D1E720-EB9C-4A4A-B5D0-A….jpeg)

do ghosts experience phantom pregnancies?

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a87184 No.389202

File: b96d16ee861eea0⋯.jpg (696.79 KB,1267x742,181:106,Kahili imitation of Camilo….jpg)

What monster girls can most easily do pic related?


Yes, but your sperm has to die and become ghostsperm first.

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b4e475 No.389203


Akaname and ghouls come to mind and kunoichi are incredibly flexible.

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639a4f No.389290

File: 3fa0330fb7fd8fb⋯.png (95.57 KB,600x500,6:5,goncern.png)

Is there an in depth description of the will-o the wisp that is beyond the MGE description? Or is there more written about that particular mg somewhere?

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0e8a75 No.389309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what happens when you play this to a monsterized dwarf?

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ab9712 No.395949

Monster Girl Quest NG+ by Ecstasy - is there a walk-through detailing impact of choices anywhere?

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