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File: e28f2e61bb6aecc⋯.jpeg (346.7 KB,874x645,874:645,70482817-985B-40FC-94A9-5….jpeg)

b4e475 No.383416 [View All]

Questions that don’t deserve their own thread.

Previous thread: >>366736

360 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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98278d No.388092



Is that like a softcore version of CLANG?

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0e8a75 No.388107


Monster new deal

-replace dairy herds with holstaur farms

-mg power plants (you just need make water really hot

-replace air travel with chesire portals

-alurane able to produce fruits replace most agriculture

-cars are okay

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a87184 No.388109

File: 22f9a06e4a55070⋯.jpg (585.41 KB,1936x1364,44:31,Chris the Car.jpg)


Cars are very okay. Why don't we have a Christine monster girl yet?

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9498a4 No.388110


>Cheshire portals

That's just asking for trouble.

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d6c7df No.388123


>all Cheshire portals just have pedestrians walk face first into a Cheshire's butt on the other side

>still gets better ratings than the average economy-class flight

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91ddfe No.388124

File: c51cc5aaad547bf⋯.png (202.72 KB,377x390,29:30,c51cc5aaad547bf83d67504bd0….png)


>nice soft cheshire ass

>no babies crying

>no fucking spics with their 27 kids shitting, crying and yelling all over the plane while the fucking oxygen thieves that made them keep talking between themselves in a volume that's somehow comparable to the spawns' screechs

>no uncomfortable seat

>no shit food

Cheshires are good girls, they're just playful and autistic.

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91ddfe No.388126

File: 50f111f10982c5a⋯.png (243.86 KB,613x611,613:611,50f111f10982c5ad6e2ff32334….png)


Speaking of which, how would a cheshire react if someone saw past the mental problems and showed genuine appreciation for one?

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05e84d No.388128


Cheshire are literal niggers just because you slap your description on it doesn't make them good girls. Unicorns however…

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9498a4 No.388129


>Go through portal

>When you come out on the other side you've turned 180 degrees and you fall facefirst in the dirt while the Cheshire laughs at you

It'd be the kind of company you'd swear you'll never use again but you wind up coming back every time anyway.

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05681b No.388131

Cheshire autism vs robot autism.

What happens?

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0e8a75 No.388133



>Terrorist walks through through portal with bomb

>Presses detonator

>Mother of all wet farts sounds forth

>My brown face is now red

>Security escorted me away from the howling laughter

>Rip me

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91ddfe No.388152


Niggers do shit because they're niggers, cheshire do shit because they're autistic.

A nigger fucking with you is a sign he's a nigger, a cheshire fucks with you like a 7 year old bully someone he likes.

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7dd946 No.388175


>you a car fucker?

We should consult /o/ on this, they’re known to be experts on fucking an exhaust port

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9498a4 No.388179

File: 0b112b0bde8e1de⋯.jpg (47.99 KB,500x560,25:28,1376118537933.jpg)

>Waiting for my turn to go through the cheshire portal

>Forget about my MP3 player in my pocket

>Metal detector goes crazy and several mamono TSA's pop up from out of nowhere

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442239 No.388183

Monster girls are cool with genocide, right?

Would they happily exterminate the amerimutts and their godawful "country"?

What's the favorite ways of killing by each type of girl?

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0e8a75 No.388185

File: 0d6590bcb321b11⋯.png (46.93 KB,741x457,741:457,0d6.png)

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e49c53 No.388191


>lolberg tough guy maymay flag

You do know the people who made that flag were cucks, right?

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3288cd No.388192


Kill yourself

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0e8a75 No.388198

File: 2f6b49cfe082034⋯.png (Spoiler Image,280.61 KB,640x360,16:9,Memetic_exterminatus.png)



I think I found a better place for you

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9ee39c No.388201


What the fuck is this supposed to be and why do you have it saved?

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8bdd9d No.388202


If you're the same guy who was shilling the /k/ threads about America fuck off with that shit. it doesn't have a place here. No one's cares for you opinions on a country when we're discussing whether a Russian chicken or eldritch slime would make a better maid.

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0e8a75 No.388203


I'm not quite sure, but I have it saved for… Situations.

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b4e475 No.388204


Is this cheshire heaven?

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ea3319 No.388239

File: 0039332219cbc94⋯.png (7.59 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Kiki BLOWING THE FUCK OUT ….png)


She's only part chicken asshole

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8bdd9d No.388333

Would we be conscious of the smell of monster pheromones?

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0e8a75 No.388341



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8a5e25 No.388348

File: 1f61a6cadf3bef8⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x1143,1280:1143,1550821796246.png)

Did you guys get your daily dose of freedom yet?

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6a0eee No.388351

Succubi have longer tongues than humans to give better fellatio. Do incubi have longer tongues to give better cunnilingus?

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a3a685 No.388352


Likely depends on the individual incubus, as well as his waifu.

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18eb6b No.388354

File: 45bde94828a1b81⋯.jpg (629.81 KB,1043x1200,1043:1200,Atlach-Nacha.jpg)



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99b4c3 No.388362

if there were basement dwellers in an area where there are no basements, where do they live?

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fae2fc No.388389


In a regular room on the ground floor.

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7dd946 No.388393


In the attic usually. Or whichever room is the most out of the way.

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05681b No.388849

So how exactly does a mindflayer work?

What if she's not your type in the first place, does she mess up your mind enough to make her your type?

Do you think couples where one of them has some trauma or mental issues pay for a mindflayer to act as psychologist?

Other than that, how long does it take for any other girl to help fix up her husband if he has a couple screws not fully in place? Or does she just dump the guy or ignore him in the first place.

Would a mindflayer simply kill you if she didn't quite like your thoughts? Would she share every disgusting and shameful thing you kept hidden in your head to your current waifu to make her despise you?

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bcb9c4 No.388851


A Mindflayer can recognize all of your insecurities and address them as needed. She can also make you forget embarrassing or painful things.

Personally, I prefer to deal with my insecurities and shoulder the burden of my embarrassing memories myself. But for you robot-kun, whose insecurities and depression so dominate you that you are immediately recognizable on an anonymous imageboard as the depressed robot guy, I think the soothing tentacles of a Mindflayer would be ideal.

And no, she isn't going to kill you if she doesn't like what she sees. Just relax and let her massage your ear canals with her noodly appendages.

If a man is a 100% batshit crazy, kill-for-fun sociopath, then yes monster girls will avoid him, but the fact that you keep worrying about whether a hypothetical cute girl would like you enough to marry you is proof that you are not a sociopath, so you can stop with that nonsense.

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bb06c2 No.388852


Thanks Doc!

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231d1e No.388922

Maybe I missed it, but I remember there being a pastebin with a ton of stories from a few years ago in a sticky that l neglected to save, and can't find again. It had stories organized by author, as well as assorted artwork. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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1217ad No.388993

If you asked a monster girl to help you commit suicide out of mercy, would she?

I'm sure a hug from a nice girl followed by a quick twist of the neck would be an ok way to go.

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448801 No.389018

File: 65d1525f79f1ca9⋯.png (222.94 KB,428x353,428:353,1451680850619.png)


Suicide is morally wrong and your punishment would be to have your bones resurrected as a skeleton girl. You will scream internally as she gets railed by her husband and you are still faintly conscious for a time before you quietly meld into her subconscious. Fuck you.

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856719 No.389028

File: 5f29c2250266eb5⋯.png (202.55 KB,545x851,545:851,5f29c2250266eb5d4f211f2cdf….png)


Jesus Christ mindflayer-chan! That was a little excessive. Couldn't you just pat him on the head a few times with your tentacles? Instead it sounded like you were reading a passage from the Necronomicon!

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0e8a75 No.389047



Yeah, your cahances of going an hero are boned

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18eb6b No.389072

Is a basilisk's gaze still dangerous if she already has a husband?

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6f5693 No.389148



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f66823 No.389175


She probably retains the ability to defend her family in a self defence capacity.

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b4e475 No.389190

File: f2f2518ea1c556f⋯.jpeg (33.34 KB,560x560,1:1,27D1E720-EB9C-4A4A-B5D0-A….jpeg)

do ghosts experience phantom pregnancies?

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a87184 No.389202

File: b96d16ee861eea0⋯.jpg (696.79 KB,1267x742,181:106,Kahili imitation of Camilo….jpg)

What monster girls can most easily do pic related?


Yes, but your sperm has to die and become ghostsperm first.

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b4e475 No.389203


Akaname and ghouls come to mind and kunoichi are incredibly flexible.

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639a4f No.389290

File: 3fa0330fb7fd8fb⋯.png (95.57 KB,600x500,6:5,goncern.png)

Is there an in depth description of the will-o the wisp that is beyond the MGE description? Or is there more written about that particular mg somewhere?

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0e8a75 No.389309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what happens when you play this to a monsterized dwarf?

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ab9712 No.395949

Monster Girl Quest NG+ by Ecstasy - is there a walk-through detailing impact of choices anywhere?

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