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On /miku/ and 8kun

File (hide): 53787da0e326288⋯.png (490.47 KB,640x360,16:9,vocaloid-motors.png) (h) (u)


 No.186976 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Motors extreme edition

Old thread: >>185771

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 No.187807>>187808 >>187809

File (hide): aa47d9ccb477953⋯.png (830.76 KB,1500x2500,3:5,43189059.png) (h) (u)



I'm back.

Oh no, not that card!



Have a good night ❤️

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 No.187808>>187810 >>187811

File (hide): 7f4630f839dfdab⋯.jpg (74.57 KB,616x920,77:115,1465961343898.jpg) (h) (u)


Golden drills!?

Sweet dreams ❤️


Welcome back!

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 No.187809>>187811 >>187812


as something to add

Yeah, all your spells cost 3 more on top of their default value, so at least I can get one or two turns without you messing with my units, if you decide to insta-gib him by using a spell anyways, is still a win for me since you have one less answer to my siege

good night teto-toeto

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 No.187810>>187811 >>187812


>Golden drills!?

So basically Super Teto

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File (hide): ece5a06314dfadb⋯.jpg (794.56 KB,1608x1213,1608:1213,4494921_p0.jpg) (h) (u)

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So basically scream a lot and I'll get drills?


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File (hide): 5d90eec4a456bd2⋯.jpg (286.63 KB,640x480,4:3,ennny-20140401_4.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): cbc36853f8aed37⋯.jpg (186.1 KB,1451x2048,1451:2048,DTBW_7PVMAE06rV.jpg:large.jpg) (h) (u)


How's it going?

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File (hide): c685d3f31c25fa3⋯.jpg (294.05 KB,893x972,893:972,15019060_big_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm okay. How are you?

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I'm alright, I just made lunch and cleaned up afterwards. By the way, I would be free to play minecraft a bit if you were interested.

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File (hide): 564509a5a582526⋯.png (295.26 KB,718x906,359:453,56819147_p0.png) (h) (u)


Thanks, but I'm a bit tired right now.

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File (hide): 396ad5a1b76dce7⋯.png (229.08 KB,496x517,496:517,31954708_p6.png) (h) (u)


Sure, no worries then.

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File (hide): c131e1754f6f3ff⋯.png (294.69 KB,700x741,700:741,6602414.png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 70f392da66795d4⋯.jpg (300.44 KB,1024x1024,1:1,37989409_p0.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): c230cf97c032967⋯.jpg (401.3 KB,1600x1200,4:3,20784944_p0.jpg) (h) (u)

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What's the band name?

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File (hide): d4c10b91da897d9⋯.jpg (687.55 KB,990x1465,198:293,56605074_p0.jpg) (h) (u)



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File (hide): be06f06cfebedf1⋯.jpg (268.13 KB,1509x1365,503:455,DVPvM74VMAEJFUY.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)



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File (hide): 28874f45143311f⋯.jpg (656.17 KB,1000x853,1000:853,20610607.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): b5ed49d22e74c68⋯.jpg (250.09 KB,1291x1570,1291:1570,DVMoAGkU8AALcE9.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 6be1c82837bfc72⋯.jpg (691.23 KB,720x1280,9:16,62324910_p1.jpg) (h) (u)


I need to go. Good night ❤️

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File (hide): 699e498c3894967⋯.jpg (66.76 KB,1050x1178,525:589,DVRQbFHVQAEGKrM.jpg large.jpg) (h) (u)


Sweet dreams 🇰❤️

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File (hide): 573978c86b81334⋯.jpg (106.82 KB,512x512,1:1,16529272_p0.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 52d768c6c4dd45f⋯.jpg (49.64 KB,600x574,300:287,cheerleader_gumi.jpg) (h) (u)


Hello :gold:!

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I'm currently taking apart my guitar to clean it up. I've put the rusty screws in some vinegar, so I'll see how it works out.

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File (hide): 0e76c9f10d822c0⋯.jpg (3.03 MB,2551x3826,2551:3826,1493025353739.jpg) (h) (u)


Vinegar huh? So you've got no Turpentine or Meths or anything?

Yeah, rust is annoying.

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File (hide): 4433a1389e884ac⋯.png (1.35 MB,1500x1500,1:1,55392563_p0.png) (h) (u)


Well, turpentine and methylated spirits aren't acidic, so I don't see that working.

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Shit…..must've been some other industrial cleaner I was thinking of.

How's it going along though, the guitar repairs?

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Its going alright I suppose, I'm just taping the fretboard right now. Its not really repairs, mainly just cleaning.

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IIRC this guitar was 2nd-hand, did the previous owner ever clean it?

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Well, my brother definitely hasn't touched it in a few years.

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File (hide): d2b723766bac3a7⋯.jpg (272.73 KB,1280x1096,160:137,1498456268954.jpg) (h) (u)

Backlog never ends, ay?

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Well, he used to play it a lot, but its been a lot of years and I guess he just lost interest in it.

I still do want to get my own personal guitar though, I'm not the hugest fan of the style of this one.

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File (hide): 5850ef7f6586fbb⋯.jpg (558.03 KB,1500x1312,375:328,1508137275541.jpg) (h) (u)


Fair enough.

What kind/model are you thinking?

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File (hide): c934dc7e4aa7dc7⋯.jpg (151.73 KB,1600x900,16:9,1471527072097-2.jpg) (h) (u)


Well, talbos are expensive and basically no one knows anything about them, so I would like to get one of the recent steinberger spirit gt reissues.

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File (hide): 0059aafd55838fa⋯.jpg (841.58 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1445289793130.jpg) (h) (u)


That trapezoid looking one?

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Yeah. I've heard that they're still pretty good despite being quite different from the original ones.

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Arghh, the bloody capacitor discharged into my finger

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Sadly, I'm off to some other place.

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It wasn't that bad thankfully, but bloody hell, I haven't plugged it into an amp for ages and its still charged up?

No worries, see ya 🇧❤️

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Just got back from seeing Black Panther. It was good but didn't live up to the hype.

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Welcome back!

What was it about?

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File (hide): 3940d0d81838df7⋯.png (847.64 KB,1600x1200,4:3,7767527.png) (h) (u)


It's a Marvel super hero movie. Black Panther (T'Challa) has to discover how to be a good king while fighting off a change to his throne.

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Does he manage to do it through the power of friendship?

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File (hide): 4e2c7e9812766d8⋯.jpg (82.31 KB,799x1200,799:1200,DQYKS9zU8AENUja.jpg) (h) (u)


I guess you could say that.

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What wasn't so good about it?

I've stripped my guitar, and I'm currently polishing all the metal parts.

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File (hide): 51e9beb6a53ef16⋯.jpg (400.81 KB,726x918,121:153,52811903_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


Cons- Run time was a little long, Shaky cam in some of the fight scenes, Some of the cg could of been better, The metal vibranium could basically do anything.

Pros- The acting was good, the villain was good, Lot's of good characters.

I need to get to bed Goodnight and happy MM ❤️

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File (hide): fc2c5f9c59cb5d9⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,489x542,489:542,1471025176001.jpg) (h) (u)


Sweet dreams ❤️

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New thread: >>188015

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