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e5ac97 No.202229 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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e5ac97 No.202233



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ First and Bed


>>202108, >>202109, >>202110, >>202111, >>202112, >>202124, >>202125, >>202126, >>202136, >>202141, >>202143, >>202145, >>202147, >>202148, >>202149, START A WAR: ETR (T.me) 🚨 BREAKING Russia: Residents are being evacuated from a house in Ramenskoye urban district of Moscow that was hit by a drone.

>>202114 SoE (TwiX) The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizing all records tied to active investigations into global corruption.

>>202115 CR (T.me) Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative,Haiti - state Department derp

>>202116 CR (T.me) Google's lucrative ad tech business goes on trial

>>202117 CR(T.me) Watch: Nevada Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Audrey Williams, a soldier with the 2/238th Aviation unit, captured footage of a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter executing a crucial water bucket drop to combat the Davis Fire, Washoe Valley, Nevada. Nevada Guard

>>202118, >>202124 CR (T.me) The Democrat Party is now a bizarre and frightening alliance of communists, globalists and warmongering neocons.

>>202119 LA (T.me) ‼️Breaking: House Education Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx subpeoned Tim Walz's admin. related to the "largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation" that stole $250 million in taxpayer funds intended to feed children in need.

>>202120 LA (T.me) The disease is famous for use as a biological weapon, including in the wake of the 9/11 attacks when it was sent out in the mail.— Article

>>202121 LA(T.me) Pfizer Deploys Mobile ‘School of Science’ to Teach Kids the ABCs of Pandemics and Vaccines

>>202122 LA (T.me) Adverse reactions for the newly approved ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine, include “death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with a vaccinated individual”.

>>202123 SAR (T.me) BREAKING! 205 people arrested during operation targeting online predators.

>>202127 CK (T.me) El9n Musk replied LOL

>>202128 USArmy (TwiX) Rest in peace, Soldier. The force is with you. James Earl Jones has passed away at the age of 93. Before he was an award-winning actor, he was an Army officer.

>>202129 VIDEO: Sean Hannity: The deck will be stacked against Trump during the debate (YouTube)

>>202130 SNN (T.me) Social Media Influencer Speaking Out About Being Paid To Push Democrat Propaganda

>>202131, >>202134, >>202137, >>202139, >>202142, >>202153, >>202167, >>202168, >>202169, >>202170, >>202171, >>202172, >>202173, >>202174, >>202175, >>202176, >>202177, >>202178, >>202179, >>202180, PapiTrumpo (9/06/2024)

>>202132 SNN (T.me) 🔥Texas continues to work on the southern border wall

>>202133 SNN (T.me) ⚠️NEW: Kamala Harris is holding mock debates with a ‘fake Trump’ to prepare for the debate on Tuesday.

>>202140 VIDEO: 9/11 Secret Service K-9 Officer Dan Hughes (YouTube)

>>202144 ElonMusk (TwiX) Mad Max is becoming real fast

>>202146 (TwiX) Around 5% of the Haitian population has now migrated to the United States over the past four years under the Harris-Biden administration. Let that sink in.

>>202150 SpaceForceRecruiting (TwiX) 10,000+ satellites in orbit and we’ve got eyes on all of them.

>>202151 VIDEO: Government records system is "compromised," former Defense Department official Ezra Cohen says (YouTube)

>>202152, >>202159 TAM (T.me) 🇺🇸⚠️ BREAKING: Protests and small riots have erupted in Washington, D.C., as numerous individuals break into high-end stores, set fires, and commit assaults.

>>202155 STD (T.me) Researchers have demonstrated that cold atoms can be used to simulate gravitational waves in a laboratory setting.

>>202156 SNN (T.me) Trump needs to win and fix this now, or we are finished as a country.

>>202158 SNN (T.me) President Trump will deport migrants who eat pets.

>>202160 VIDEO: Before the Fame: The Lost 1980 Interview with Donald Trump (YOUTUBE)

>>202162 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#WATCH: As firefighters battled a large tractor trailer fire, when it exploded, resulting in the tragic death of one firefighter

>>202163, >>202164, >>202165 VIDEO: Extended interview: F-16 pilots recall mission to intercept Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001 (YouTube)

>>202166 VIDEO: Bernie Kerik - NYPD Police Commissioner on 9/11/2001 | SRS #013 (YouTube)

>>202182 World Trade Center 7 building did not collapse due to fire: Report(canada.constructconnect.com)

>>202183 Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust

>>202184, >>202185 Lung Conditions Caused by 9/11

>>202186 VIDEO: Google's Latest Legal Battles Might Change Things Forever (YouTube)

>>202188, >>202189, >>202190, >>202191, >>202192, >>202193, >>202195, >>202198, >>202199, >>202200, >>202201, >>202202, >>202203, >>202204, >>202205, >>202206, >>202208, >>202209, >>202210, >>202211, >>202212, >>202213, >>202214, >>202216, >>202217, >>202218, >>202219, >>202220, >>202222, >>202223, >>202224, >>202225, >>202226, >>202230, >>202231, >>202232 KamalHOE Debate

>>202194 VIDEO: 🚨Watch Donald Trump DEMOLISH Kamala Harris in Presidential Debate LIVE Right NOW! w/ Special Guests (YOUTUBE)

>>202215 (TwiX) Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!

>>202246 Kamala Harris had an interesting choice of earrings for the debate against President Trump. EAR MICS to cheat with

>>202248 ISZ (T.me) 🇷🇺🇺🇦Footage of the destruction of what is claimed to be the S-300PS SAM system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by a Geran-2 drone. The process was adjusted from a reconnaissance drone.

>>202251 ##1160

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Post last edited at

e5ac97 No.202234



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)




>>201910, >>201911, >>201912 Why The World Trade Towers­.. the buildings were designed with a flaw, and needed tore down. It was PERFECT scenario to use "Muh Terror attacks against" to take away our freedoms, start and endle$$ war on "terror", destabilize Middle East to allow terrorism to grow.. to return back to US/Western culture to defeat us. SICK FUCKS.

>>201915 GP(T.me) Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map?

>>201916 USArmy (TwiX) Fort Campbell opened its newest barracks, replacing the Volunteer Army, or VOLAR, barracks constructed decades ago.

>>201917 (TwiX) Chinese AI powered smart car goes out of control after being rear ended

>>201918 WSA (TwiX) WOW 🚨

>>201919 SoE (TwiX) Disturbing reports are surfacing from Springfield, Ohio, where locals claim illegal Haitian immigrants are hunting and eating their pets, along with wildlife like ducks and geese.

>>201920 TPV (T.me) The RNC has had MANY MONTHS to “activate”.

>>201921 QtM (T.me) President Trump Pauses Speech at Wisconsin Rally and Thanks Doctors for Helping Patriot Who Collapsed (VIDEO)

>>201922 Qtm (T.me) Bullets that killed UPS driver and bystander linked to four Miami-Dade cops, report says.

>>201923 BC(T.me) Trump says he wants to: -end the forever wars

>>201925 Qtm (T.me) From Kelly Brady's live yesterday. The wall is being completed.

>>201926 Qtm (T.me) ICYMI - China implemented this.

>>201927 Qtm (T.me) Cases of salmonella have been traced to nine states including Wisconsin, California, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Virginia, the FDA noted.

>>201928 MRC (T.me) DJT thanking Malik Obama for enforcement

>>201929 MRC (T.me) Biden-Harris 'dereliction of duty' in Afghanistan led directly to chaotic withdrawal and loss of 13 American lives, according to damning catalogue of missed warnings and complacency revealed by Republican inquiry

>>201931 GP (T.me) Kash Patel Believes Kamala Harris Will Be Installed as President Before Election

>>201932 GP (T.me) Grandfather of Georgia School Shooter Colt Gray Says Boy’s Father Deserves Death Penalty: ‘I Hope He Rot in Hell’

>>201933 GP (T.me) Gavin Newsom’s Relatives to Host Fundraiser for Trump in California

>>201934 GP (T.me) Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Trump’s Debate Prep-“He’ll Go in Game Time Ready Just as he Does for Every Interview, Every Rally That He Does. This is Not Something That is a Heavy Lift for Him.” (VIDEO)

>>201935 GP (T.me) RFK Jr. Says Trump’s GOP Has Become Party of ‘Working People’ and ‘The Common Man’ (VIDEO)

>>201936 GP (T.me) Trump Attorney Alina Habba-“The DOJ is Absolutely Interfering in The Election, This is not the First or Last Time We Will See It” (VIDEO)


>>201939 GL (T.me) What’s known about the JASSM long-range missile the US may soon provide to Ukraine

>>201940 GL (T.me) Demonstrators took to the streets of Paris after Macron's decision to appoint a representative of the right wing, Michel Barnier, as prime minister, when the left won the parliamentary elections.

>>201941 GL (T.me) 🇺🇲🇺🇦🇷🇺 The American Washington Post demonstrated the seriousness of the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with a video from a cemetery in Kharkov.

>>201942 GL (T.me) The Houthis shot down US-made drone MQ-9 Reaper in northwestern Yemen, which was carrying out reconnaissance over Marib province, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria announced.

>>201943 GL (T.me) Western media suffers from never-ending paranoia over purported Russian meddling in US election

>>201944 BLM (T.me) It will not be easy to be loud and stand up for what you believe in.

>>201945 BLM (T.me) You can’t imagine what’s next…

>>201946 CR (T.me) Overlooked OSINT in the U.S. Court System

>>201947 CR (T.me) Whatever happens next, Do not comply

>>201949, >>201953, >>201959, >>201962, >>201963, >>201967, >>201970, >>201971, >>201974, >>201985, >>201987, >>201988, >>201989, >>201991, >>201993, >>201994, >>201996, >>201997, >>202001, >>202002, >>202006, >>202007, PapiTrumpo (9/08/2024)

>>201950 CR (T.me) Another angle of the Capital One Tower that was imploded after damage sustained from Hurricane Laura…

>>201951 CR (T.me) Drones are changing the game…

>>201952 CR (T.me) Of all the people called to testify before congress on the Trump assassination attempt the two folks that haven't been called, but absolutely should be, are officer Greg Nicol and officer Murcko.

>>201953 VIDEO: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (YouTube)

>>201954, >>201955, >>201956 CR (T.me) Dan the Man pinned X post

>>201957 CR (T.me) J6 Political Prisoner Will Watson is Finally Home and With the Daughter He Had Never Held

>>201960 AT(T.me) Syria: The number of dead in the Israeli attack tonight rose to 14, and the number of wounded rose to 43

>>201961 AT (T.me) Israel hits Syrian facility used by Iran for chemical arms production

>>201968 TVL (T.me) SHOCKING REPORT: Digital IDs ARE Coming to America

>>201969 TVF (T.me) 3 Surprising Cancer-Fighting Foods the Corrupt Medical System Will Never Promote

>>201973 H (T.me) Did you know that in the 1951 Masonic Bible it describes the Earth as a disc shape and that the heavens were divided by the Jews into three parts: The atmosphere, the firmament and the god head.

>>201975 PM (T.me) "She's so lucky"

>>201976 C (T.me) “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said,

>>201977 C (T.me) “Working together is like dancing together: if you keep in step you become indispensable to one another.”

>>201978 C (T.me) ⚡️- The head of the Pentagon promised Zelensky an additional $250 million in aid for Ukraine 🇺🇦.

>>201979 C (T.me) 📖 Former teacher found guilty after duct taping a student with Down Syndrome to a chair and laughing at him.

>>201980 C (T.me) When this election is over you are going to see an entire wave of people who aren’t speaking the truth suddenly wake up and send the noticing into warp speed. Mark my words.

>>201981 C (T.me) At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”

>>201982 S (T.me) [MIRROR] 1989 - Secret Wars Of The CIA > We Must Know The Past To Understand The Present

>>201983 S (T.me) RFK Jr: “What Donald Trump calls the ‘Deep State’… it's a conspiracy of self-interests that functions together in tandem to shift wealth upward, to clamp down totalitarian controls, and to transform this country from the world's exemplary democracy into a corporate kleptocracy and a very, very oppressive oligarchical system.

>>201984 TPM (T.me) ​Starships could launch toward Mars in 2 years: SpaceX's Elon Musk

>>201986 OD (T.me) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is exposing the Covid vaccines, questioning stating that they are actually a bioweapon, and claiming they were developed as part of a military project


>>201992 CV(T.me) The WEF: “The Netherlands is building a neighbourhood where every car must be shared. There'll be one vehicle for every three homes, and no space for privately owned cars."

>>201995 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸☢️🏭 Small nuclear reactors could power the future — the challenge is building the first one in the U.S.

>>201998 CIG (T.me) ❌🚀 Elon Musk: The first Starships to Mars will launch in 2 years when the next Earth-Mars transfer window opens.

>>201999 FTW (T.me) Happy Birthday Mary! TrUmp Truth

>>202000 FTW (T.me) Comrade Kamala Harris “is completely hiding from the press. She’s not even taking short, quick questions at the plane

>>202003 SG (T.me) MSM. Enemy of the People. Enemy of Humanity.

>>202004 SGA (T.me) 3 letter agencies are the Devil

>>202005 SGA (T.me) 5D Chess. Coordinated Military_Operations. Continuity-of-Government Irregular counterinsurgency warfare.

>>202008 SUTB (T.me) Former prime minister, Tony Blair lambasts Boris Johnson for promising to ‘take back control’ of migration but instead ‘replacing young Europeans with older immigrants from Africa and Asia’ – as he urges Keir Starmer to repair ties with the EU.

>>202009 (TwiX) Today marks two years since Queen Elizabeth's passing, but an eerie moment during her funeral still lingers.

>>202010 A (T.me) 🇺🇸⚡️2 DAYS TO GO!

>>202011 THC (T.me) A unique natural phenomenon on the Qiantang River, China

>>202012 D (T.me) Obama is the man behind the scenes pushing countries to censor and ban X.

>>202013 AO (T.me) Wait, wait, wait, wait… Hold up. Did you hear that? 👀👀👀👀

>>202014 AO (T.me) Who knows what drop 1630 is about?

>>202015 OKMG (T.me) Google Tomorrow👀

>>202016 OKMG (T.me) See below the U.S. Army Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) documents highlighting the growing threat of Tren de Aragua, one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S.:

>>202019 VIDEO: $5 Smoked Burgers. How Much Did I Make? (YouTubeShorts)

>>202020 Benny (TwiX) 🚨 Woman arrested in Ohio for eating a neighbor’s pet cat — WHAT?!

>>202021 VIDEO: Megyn Kelly - The End of Mainstream Media | SRS #129 (YouTube)

>>202022 DJT (TwiX) Happy Birthday Mary!

>>202023 TVF (T.me) Leaked U.S. Army Documents: Thousands of Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Members Run Amok Across America

>>202024 SoE (TwiX) Diddy is officially selling his crime filled mansion in Los Angeles, which was raided by Homeland Security raided in March.

>>202026 WTM (T.me) American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>202027 WTM (T.me) An influential evangelist preacher from the Philippines accused of sex trafficking and sexual abuse has been arrested, the interior minister said on Sunday.

>>202028 WTM (T.me) A new film in the "God's Not Dead" film franchise encourages Christians not to be afraid to stand up for their beliefs and to exercise their influence in politics.

>>202029 WTM (T.me) Illegal immigrant to plead guilty to stealing US citizen's identity to vote in elections, DOJ

>>202030 WTM (T.me) Coming to Netflix🙄: ‘What's Next? The Future’ with Bill Gates premieres September 18.

>>202031 WTM (T.me) UPDATE-Georgia School Shooting: It was previously reported the shooter’s mom warned the school earlier that day.

>>202032 WTM (T.me) John Legend Opens Up About 6-Year-Old Son’s Diabetes Diagnosis

>>202033 FBI (T.me) As I have previously stated, I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use.


>>202035 FTW (T.me) The whole World is on fire under these clowns!

>>202036 FTW (T.me) Horrifying moment 12 vehicles plunge into a river as Vietnamese bridge collapses

>>202037 Clinton's Royal Bloodline (web) Clinton's Family Tree (Realnews247.com)

>>202038 SNN (T.me) Elton John says Trump's "Rocket Man" nickname for Kim Jong Un was "brilliant" after an interviewer appeared to try to set him up with an opportunity to slam Trump.


>>202040 SNN (T.me) 🇨🇦This is an absolute travesty.

>>202041 SNN (T.me) Kash Patel predicts an October Surprise is in the works and Joe Biden will deliver it with the stoke of his pen.

>>202042 SNN (T.me) RFK Jr. EXPOSES the TRUTH that our Government DON’T want us to know about the War in Ukraine.

>>202043 NBSN (T.me) 🇮🇪 In Ireland, people are using drones to disable traffic cameras.

>>202045 GP (T.me) BREAKING: Michigan Supreme Court REVERSES Lower Court Ruling, Sides With Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Rules RFK Jr. Must Stay on Ballot

>>202046 GP (T.me) What Do They Know? Russia Increases Daily Gold Purchases by 700%

>>202047 GP (T.me) WATCH: Princess Kate Announces in Moving Video That She Completed Tough Chemotherapy Treatment, Says ‘Path To Healing and Full Recovery Is Long’

>>202049 GP (T.me) WATCH: Kamala Harris Brags About Allowing Tens of Thousands of Haitians *Who Are Now Eating People’s Pets, Decapitating Ducks* to Flood Into US

>>202050 GP (T.me) Apparent Spy Whale Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances

>>202051 FTWR (T.me) 🔵🇺🇸 Tomorrow: The Rules for Harris and Trump’s ABC Presidential Debate

>>202052 FTWR (T.me) So they can Cheat. All by design.

>>202053 MJT (T.me) The DOJ Charged 2 men with using Telegram to Incite violence, Promote "white supremacy", and to “incite a race war”.

>>202054 MJT (T.me) Wow… J6 Political Prisoners were Given "ReEducation Courses" in the DC Gulag

>>202055 MJT (T.me) 🚨 Harford County, Maryland

>>202056 MJT (T.me) Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital from Rikers Island for emergency heart surgery…

>>202057 MJT (T.me) BREAKING: Donald Trump announces he will Sign an Executive Order Protecting all Ducks and Kittens from being Eaten by Illegal Alien Haitians

>>202058 D.tv (T.me) NEW - ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s. We've been manipulating weather for a very long time."

>>202059 D.tv (T.me) NEW - Americans lost $5.6 billion last year in cryptocurrency fraud scams, the FBI says.

>>202060 D.tv (T.me) NEW - FDD, a neoconservative think tank, calls on Biden to declassify all Iran nuclear intelligence and deploy troops: "Iran could complete a crude nuclear bomb before the next U.S. president is inaugurated."

>>202061 D.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Atlanta FBI confirms the Apalachee school shooter in Georgia was monitored, visited and questioned by the FBI in 2023.

>>202062, >>202063, >>202064 OD (T.me) Mayor of Springfield Ohio, with a population of 58,082, is dealing with 20,000 new Illegals from Haiti, who are overwhelming the city.

>>202065 OD (T.me) This mind-blowing electron microscope footage shows nanobots capturing cells and assembling into a cyborg-like creature.

>>202066 OD (T.me) A newly discovered COVID-19 subvariant, known as XEC, is quickly spreading throughout Europe, prompting health authorities to closely monitor its development.

>>202067 FTW (T.me) NYC mayor Eric Adams tests positive for COVID a day after asking for church's prayers amid mounting 'corruption' scandal

>>202068 FTW (T.me) Major US banks closed 42 branches in just two weeks - is YOURS affected?

>>202069 TH (T.me) The Uniparty has utterly violated the pact that brought our states together.

>>202070 RT (T.me) On a scale of 10 to 10, how naive are Americans? 🎯💯🔥 #12


>>202073 WTM (T.me) Nikki Haley claims the FBI told her during her presidential campaign that Iran was meddling in the election to hurt her bid for President.

>>202074 WTM (T.me) Nothing is real.

>>202075 TF (T.me) Grassley Demands FBI Answer Why Agency Has Allowed Sex Crimes Go ‘Uninvestigated’

>>202076 Qtm (T.me) Billion-Dollar Bank Accused of Secretly Sending Customers’ Personal and Financial Information to Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

>>202077 IP (T.me) BREAKING: Apple announces new iPhone built for Artificial Intelligence - #AppleEvent #iPhone16

>>202078 Qtm (T.me) Save our children🙏

>>202079 FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Hidden Truth :: We've Been Lied to & Indoctrinated by the New World Order Billionaires

>>202080 FTWR (T.me) ⬛️🔺NWO Billionaires have been Poisoning our Air through Chemicals in the Sky. How long has this been going on❓

>>202081 CVV (T.me) Understanding Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities, and How We Win.

>>202082 SUTB (T.me) Shoppers are being warned after major supermarkets including Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s have stopped accepting cash payments in a number of stores. 😒

>>202083 Sutb (T.me) 135 “high-risk” contracts with at least three red flags - warning signs of a risk of corruption - were identified by Transparency International UK. 🤨

>>202084 SUTB (T.me) Kate says she has completed chemotherapy treatment in a highly personal video released by Kensington Palace.

>>202085 BC (T.me) We are just waiting for the debate at this point.

>>202086 PAIC (T.me) General Flynn agrees with Kash Patel that we could potentially see a power grid takedown before the Election.


>>202088 TA (T.me) LMAO this is going to make them FREAK OUT‼️ Taylor Swift spotted hugging Brittany Mahomes only days after they tried to CANCEL her for publicly supporting Donald Trump :)



>>202091 CIG (T.me) 🇮🇳🇷🇺🇨🇳 India, China, Russia to jointly build massive nuclear power plant on moon to establish a future human lunar colony

>>202106 #1159

Previously Collected Notables

>>201896 #1158,

>>201086 #1151, >>201203 #1152, >>201284 #1153, >>201421 #1154,>>201591 #1155, >>201716 #1156, >>201808 #1157,

>>200368 #1145, >>200486 #1146, >>200606 #1147, >>200731 #1148, >>200880 #1149, >>200980 #1150,

>>199531 #1139, >>199699 #1140, >>199859 #1141, >>200010 #1142, >>200166 #1143, >>200260 #1144 ,

>>198616 #1132, >>198755 #1133, >>198887 #1134, >>199035 #1135, >>199146 #1136, >>199281 #1137, >>199390 #1138

>>197764 #1125, >>197915, #1126, >>198064 #1127, >>198198 #1128, >>198262 #1129, >>198376 #1130,

>>196785 #1118, >>196891 #1119, >>197333 #1120, >>197257 #1121, >>197382 #1122, >>197476 #1123, >>197606 #1124,

>>195771 #1111, >>195905 #1112, >>195997 #1113, >>196195 #1114, >>196368 #1115, >>196552 #1116, >>196680 #1117,

>>194927 #1104, >>194977 #1105, >>195076 #1106, >>195159 #1107, >>195232 #1108, >>195381 #1109, >>195620 #1110,

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

e5ac97 No.202235

Dedicated MIDNIGHT RIDERS Breads & Board Tools


Midnight Riders EXCLUSIVE TimeLine

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2011 >>130997

2012 >>131001

2013 >>131002

2014 >>131003

2015 >>164317

2016 >>147961

2017 >>153375

2018 >>122944

International QR Midnight Rider Threads

Australia #15 >>148147

Balkan #1 >>90222

Brasil #1 >>90190

Canada #10 >>147897

France #2 >>16

Italia #2 >>15

Mexico #3 >>148153

Nederland #8 >>148135

New Zealand #6 >>17

Nihon/Japan #2 >>148213

Nordic #4 >>88070

Scotland #3 >>148068

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UK #25 >>148017

Misc. Sticky Breads

Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #16 >>22

Bread Archive & Library >>152763

Clockworks #2 >>148195

Kill Box Numbers >>151969

Muh Russia Puzzle Pieces >>115074

Ancient Tech (Collective Post) >>163624


MIDNIGHT RIDERS Video Cap to use when Pic Server is down


Learn To Bake

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

How to format multi-page notables: https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA Main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

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e5ac97 No.202236


Digging Tools

MidnightRiders & QR Search Engine

Search all posts from MR & QR: https://qresear.ch/

Qcode - Guide to Q's Abbreviations

Q Abbreviations Guide https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads/Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

Website dedicated to Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

Q's Images Posted in Drops Gallery

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Meme Ammo

One-stop Meme Board >>>/qrmemes/

How to CAMO (You) memes

How to CAMO (You) memes thread (ARCHIVE): https://archive.is/hogSX

Twitter Video & Gif Download Links

Download Video from Twitter https://twittervideodownloader.com/

Download Gifs from twitter

Sealed Indictments Tracking

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/

Resignations Tracking

All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

PDJT's Tweet Tools

Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

POTUS' Tweet Archive: https://trumptwitterarchive.com

/MidnightRiders/ World News Show

Get the latest from the board on rumble https://rumble.com/user/MidnightRidersWorldNews

Other Tools

Wayback Machine for old archived websites: https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: https://archive.md/

Banned Tube Channels Archive: https://www.altcensored.com/channel/deleted

Find original posting date and source of pics: https://tineye.com/

Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Collins Translator: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

NTSB Aviation Accidents search List: https://www.ntsb.gov/Pages/monthly.aspx

Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db:''' https://bad-boys.us/

Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

Immigration Enforcement: https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/remove/

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e5ac97 No.202237

Patriots Fight [PLACEHOLDER]

[First Placeholders]

OIG report, DECLAS, other released facts re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES.


[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]

2. Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, (D-Chicago) indicted on corruption charges [4.1.22]

3. Dennis Doyle former three-term Democrat mayor of Beaverton, Ore. ((charged with possession of child pornography))

4. Trey Adkins Democrat on May 2 (related to alleged election fraud and embezzlement)

5.Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (Indicted June 22, signed June 7, 2022)

6. National Black Justice Coalition chief executive officer Sharon Lettman-Hick (Indicted June 22, signed June 7, 2022)


[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

1. Jeffery Epstein (DEAD?)

2. Ghislaine Maxwell (Guilty)

3. Michael Sussman (Now civilian) Ongoing Trial under Durham (Acquitted 5/31/22)

4. Igor Danchenko

5. Michael Avanatti (FOUND GUILTY 2/4/22)

6. Jussie Smollet (Found GUILTY.. 150days in jail 3/11/22) Seeking re-trial

7. Charles F. McGonigal Arrested in New York (FBI Agent Charged with Concealing $225,000 in Cash Received from Former Intelligence Officer from RUSSIA as he was investigating PDJT for “muh Russia”) 1/23/2023



Examin "PatriotsFight" (there are 9)

Examin "Placeholder" (see spreadsheet)

"…Former FBI official: Indictment of Jeffrey Epstein is 'placeholder,'…"


United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) District Court, District of Columbia (Court Listener.com) https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/60390583/united-states-v-sussmann/?order_by=desc

Retired FBI Executive Charged with Concealing $225,000 in Cash Received from Former Intelligence Officer: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/retired-fbi-executive-charged-concealing-225000-cash-received-former-intelligence-officer

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e5ac97 No.202238

File: e08dc72767e91ca⋯.jpeg (21.58 KB,255x236,255:236,Breaking_News.jpeg)

(PART 1) Current Trends/Topics/HEADLINES in the News per (NYPost.com) Usually run 1 day late as they report what happened THAT DAY.. Its easier to recap the next day

‘’’9/01/2024''' (Sunday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/02/2024''' (Monday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/03/2024''' (Tuesday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/04/2024''' (Wednesday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/05/2024''' (Thursday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/06/2024''' (Friday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/07/2024''' (Saturday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/08/2024''' (Sunday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/09/2024''' (Monday) (NYPOST)











‘’’9/10/2024''' (Tuesday) (NYPOST)











>>181536, >>181537, >>181538 January Headlines 2024

>>185777, >>185778, >>185779 February Headlines 2024

>>185777, >>185778, >>185779 March Headlines 2024

>>188639, >>188640, >>188641 April Headlines 2024

>>191272, >>191273, >>191274 May Headlines 2024

>>194114, >>194115, >>194116 June Headlines 2024

>>xxxxxx, >>xxxxxx, >>xxxxxx, >xxxxxx July Headlines 2024

>>201072, >>201074, >>201079, >>201081 August Headlines 2024

UPDATED Daily: A constant work in progress. Please let me know what needs highlighted

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e5ac97 No.202240

File: e08dc72767e91ca⋯.jpeg (21.58 KB,255x236,255:236,Breaking_News.jpeg)

(PART 2) Current Trends/Topics/HEADLINES in the News per (NYPost.com) Usually run 1 day late as they report what happened THAT DAY.. Its easier to recap the next day

‘’’9/11/2024''' (Wednesday) (NYPOST)











>>181536, >>181537, >>181538 January Headlines 2024

>>185777, >>185778, >>185779 February Headlines 2024

>>185777, >>185778, >>185779 March Headlines 2024

>>188639, >>188640, >>188641 April Headlines 2024

>>191272, >>191273, >>191274 May Headlines 2024

>>194114, >>194115, >>194116 June Headlines 2024

>>xxxxxx, >>xxxxxx, >>xxxxxx, >xxxxxx July Headlines 2024

>>201072, >>201074, >>201079, >>201081 August Headlines 2024

UPDATED Daily: A constant work in progress. Please let me know what needs highlighted

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e5ac97 No.202241

File: 09bdfab700b962a⋯.webp (4.89 KB,255x143,255:143,Twatt_Files.webp)

THE TWIX FILES (( Now the X- files???))


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #1 https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598822959866683394.


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #1 Twitter Deputy General Counsel (and former FBI General Counsel) Jim Baker was fired.– https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1600243405841666048


- BariWeiss (Twatter) THE TWITTER FILES PART #2 TWITTER’S SECRET BLACKLISTS. https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #3 Deplatforming the President: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601352083617505281


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #4 The Removal of Donald Trump: January 7: https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1601720455005511680


- BariWeiss (Twatter) THE TWITTER FILES PART #5 THE REMOVAL OF TRUMP FROM TWITTER.: https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1602364197194432515


- MattTaibbi THE TWITTER FILES PART #6 TWITTER, THE FBI SUBSIDIARY: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1603857534737072128


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #2 TWITTER AND THE FEDERAL TASK FORCE: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1604614616738566144


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #7 RELEASED: https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604871630613753856


- LeeFang (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #8 *How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign*: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #9 TWITTER AND "OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES": https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1606701397109796866


- DavidZweig (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #10 THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE: https://twitter.com/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #11 Twitter and the FBI “Belly Button”: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1610394197730725889

- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #12 How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1610372352872783872


- AlexBerenson (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #13 how @scottgottliebmd - a top Pfizer board member - used the same Twitter lobbyist as the White House to suppress debate on Covid vaccines, INCLUDING FROM A FELLOW HEAD OF @US_FDA!: https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1612526697038897167


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739


- LeeFang (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #15 How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1615008625575202818


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #16 MOVE OVER, JAYSON BLAIR: TWITTER FILES EXPOSE NEXT GREAT MEDIA FRAUD: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #17 Comic Interlude: A Media Experiment: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1627098945359867904


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #18 New Knowledge, the Global Engagement Center, and State-Sponsored Blacklists: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1631338650901389322


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #19 Statement to Congress: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1633830002742657027


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #20 The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine: Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1636729166631432195


- PaulD.Thacker (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #21 #FauciPharmaFiles: Fauci went on Fox News and said he had "no clue what [Elon] was talking about.": https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1649037538663727106


- NetworkAffects (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #22 “The Information Cartel": https://twitter.com/NAffects/status/1650954036009398277


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #3 The Racket Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: the Top 50 Names to Know: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1656339220082876416


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #23 TWITTER FILES: CENSORSHIP BY TURKISH GOVERNMENT: https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1658570201439571968


- PaulDThacker (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #24 “Internal files expose privileged reporter access": https://twitter.com/thackerpd/status/1658812586073153539


- AlexBerenson (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #25 “Twitter's own lawyers believed the company could not successfully defend its Covid vaccine censorship policies” https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1664336812473458702


- NetworkAffects (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES PART #26 “How the World's "No-Kidding Decision Makers" and the "Anti-Disinformation" Field Got Organized” https://twitter.com/NAffects/status/1666151678184243200


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) TWITTER FILES Part #27 Missouri v. Biden edition "Thank you for your ongoing collaboration!” https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1678890478081650688


- MattTaibbi (Twatt) Twitter Files Supplemental #4 "Why do we act more on Trump's tweets… and less on some clearly violating tweets from other world leaders?" https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1689387450060132353


- KyleCheney (Twatt) TWITTER FILES Part #28 Jack Smith obtained a stunning amount of Trump’s data from Twitter — DMs (yes, there were DMs), location info, draft tweets and more — newly unsealed court docs show. https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1691636484707647596


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES BRAZIL #29: PART 1 Brazil is engaged in a sweeping crackdown on free speech led by a Supreme Court justice named Alexandre de Moraes. https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1775516415023251835


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES BRAZIL #29: PART 2 Brazil's biggest youtuber, Felipe Neto, who was once anti-Lula, has made a pro-Lula turn and helped Lula get elected last year for his third term. https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1778177304465756307


- MichaelShellenberger (Twatt) THE TWITTER FILES #30: The CIA takeover of Twitter’s content management system: https://x.com/shellenberger/status/1793666016704356735

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e5ac97 No.202242

File: 6e875054e20ecc6⋯.png (1.11 MB,1148x750,574:375,Jim_Jordan_Files.png)




FaceFag Files


RepJimJordan (TwiX) THE FACEBOOK FILES, PART #2: Newly subpoenaed documents reveal Facebook bowed to the Biden White House’s pressure to remove posts. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1684957660515328001

RepJimJordan (TwiX) THE FACEBOOK FILES PART #3 : Newly subpoenaed internal notes of meetings between Facebook executives and Biden Admin officials reveal more about the lengths the Biden White House wanted to go to control true speech on Facebook. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1687116316073930752



Censorship Industrial Complex:

RepJimJordan (TwiX) THE CENSORSHIP INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX #1 : BOMBSHELL REPORT ON THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1721674461408006431


YouTube Censorship

RepJimJordan (TwiX) THE YOUTUBE FILES PART #1: BIDEN WHITE HOUSE PRESSURED YOUTUBE TO CENSOR AMERICANS. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1730221189522415975


Amazon Censorship

JimJordan (TwiX) THE AMAZON FILES #1 : BIDEN WHITE HOUSE PRESSURED AMAZON TO “CENSOR” BOOKS. https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1754637204146581783

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e5ac97 No.202245

File: 1b536c901eaa7af⋯.jpg (109.92 KB,867x1184,867:1184,Cartoon_Fist_Pump.jpg)

UPCOMMING President Trump & JD Vance Rallies


President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

Thu, September 12, 2024

02:00 pm (US/Mountain)

Doors Open: 11:00 am


President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally, in Las Vegas, Nevada

Fri, September 13, 2024

07:00 pm (US/Pacific)

Doors Open: 03:00 pm


Team Trump to Hold an Agenda 47 Policy Tour in Morgantown, Pennsylvania Featuring Governor Doug Burgum and Governor Kristi Noem

Thu, September 12, 2024

06:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Doors Open: 05:00 pm


Team Trump to Hold an Agenda 47 Policy Tour in Bermuda Run, North Carolina Featuring Representative Byron Donalds, Representative Dan Bishop, and Kash Patel, Former Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense

Thu, September 12, 2024

06:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Doors Open: 05:00 pm


Team Trump’s Agenda 47 Policy Tour featuring Governor Kristi Noem in Savannah, Georgia

Sat, September 14, 2024

03:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

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Post last edited at

e5ac97 No.202247

File: 833c422bb227a0c⋯.png (2.84 MB,2418x2270,1209:1135,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_2….png)

File: da058b2f4bf9664⋯.png (1.1 MB,2392x2336,299:292,Screenshot_2024_09_10_at_2….png)

Q Deltas for Sep 11-2 days per schedule ( 13 Deltas for — Sept 13 )

God Bless the HEROS in the line of fire, God Bless the Patriots fighting for the hearts and minds.


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e5ac97 No.202249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9/11 Dough


Keep head on the swivel, look to poasts here, cause feel there is going to be a terrorist event today, hope its wrong, but [THEY] need to get the media to move on from a failed "debate". It has ALWAYS BEEN, AND ALWAYS WILL BE: FOLLOW THE MONEY….

VIDEO: Donald Rumsfeld interview 2.3 trillion dollars can't be tracked (YouTube)

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Post last edited at

4b339a No.202250

File: c12ecd75cbf98f8⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,828x765,92:85,IMG_20240911_052042_282.jpg)

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4b339a No.202252

File: 3cdb01f8d46ccf2⋯.mp4 (7.46 MB,848x464,53:29,1_5118646769588110881.MP4)

CK (T.me) PA voters on the debate: “Donald Trump made a strong closing statement by saying, ‘Why didn’t they do all of the things that she’s proposing during the 3.5 years that they’ve been in office?’”


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4b339a No.202253

File: 18d92b5c22ab98b⋯.jpg (177.72 KB,837x539,837:539,Screenshot_20240911_052635….jpg)

CK (T.me) You don’t get done with a debate and instantly request another unless you know you didn't get what you needed. They see their internals and know they didn’t get a kill shot. This is not how a winning campaign acts. It’s how a losing campaign acts if they want people to think they’re winning.


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4b339a No.202255

File: 931880a1a73803c⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881769.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Tulsi Gabbard fact checks Kamala Harris' pathetic lies.

She tried to say he supports a federal abortion ban — he does not.

She tried to tell the American people that he wants to ban IVF — he does not.

She tried to say he wants to ban birth control — he does not.


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4b339a No.202256

File: 5c9bb7f4065b4e8⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881772.mp4)

SNN (T.me) PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I was very happy with the result… I just felt we had a great night."


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4b339a No.202257

File: 0a1d7cbc7928728⋯.jpg (58.07 KB,1080x769,1080:769,IMG_20240911_053106_582.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️CSPAN Poll Results: Majority Favor Donald Trump After ABC News Presidential Debate

One hour after the CSPAN poll asking "Who won the ABC News presidential debate?" results show a strong lead for Donald Trump, with 73% of participants voting in his favor. Kamala Harris received 27% of the votes.

So far, 65,000 people have participated in the poll, and 23 hours remain until it closes.


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4b339a No.202258

File: 5879928785e077b⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881776.mp4)

>>202256 SNN (T.me) President Trump met with the families of the 13 service members who were killed by Kamala's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

President Trump met with the families who lost loved ones due to Kamala's border crisis.

Kamala left them on read.


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4b339a No.202259

File: 70cfe8b0ff1361e⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB,640x352,20:11,1_5114075923657786462.MP4)

MJT (T.me) CA Dem Maxine Waters says You’re Racist if you’re Not Accepting the Fact that all the Haitians Coming into America Illegally because they’re Black and Poor



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4b339a No.202260

File: 21591c101ee6ecc⋯.jpg (81.62 KB,591x1280,591:1280,IMG_20240911_054021_643.jpg)

MJT (T.me) 🚨Pretty big story in Tennessee…

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Raided the Millersville Police Department and the Home of Asst. Police Chief, Shawn Taylor

—— “This is a multifaceted attack from a foreign adversary,” Preventing this from Coming to Light

• TBI raided these premises for evidence related to election and voter fraud… they also allege they used sensitive law enforcement data to investigate their political enemies.

—— Millersville City Attorney: “It’s concerning.. we were trying to get them involved in this and now they’re coming after the police for investigating crimes.

🔴 Assistant Chief Shawn Taylor put out a video

• “the cases we’ve been working on affect every American… they affect us in the mortgages, fraudulent mortgages, human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, and many other crimes.”

• “We’ve identified major corruption thats transnational… it involves the BRICS Nations and China, investment companies, and fraudulent mortgages, on homes here in the United States, in varied key counties and key states…

It goes into the election integrity and fraud, and is creating a geopolitical shift within our political system.

This is a multifaceted attack from a foreign adversary, who is paying our our local municipal county and state federal Politicians to keep from coming to light..

We are moving forward with this case in other states, in other arenas, even though they have taken our files and other information..”

• He goes on to say that TBI, while they raided his home, urinated in his bathtub and tracked it throughout his home.

• MSM headlines espouse that the Asst. Police Chief is pushing QAnon propaganda…

Asst. Police Chief Video


News Report



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4b339a No.202261

File: 71d5401ea1e8f7d⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,464x848,29:53,1_5114075923657786477.MP4)

MJT (T.me) 😡😡😡😡🚨 Texas — They’re Literally Teaching People how to CHEAT! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Dallas Texas Election Trainer Tells Election Workers to Record the Local Church Address when Signing up Homeless to Vote

Hey Ken Paxton…. You maybe kinda wanna look into this?



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4b339a No.202262

File: 1599e9b3d9d4444⋯.mp4 (331.96 KB,656x848,41:53,VID_20240911_054337_757.mp4)

MJT (T.me) Waffle House CEO, Walt Ehmer, who gave his Employees $500 to get the Covid Vaccination, Dies

He was Proudly vaccinated, only to be diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer in 2023…

How many people you think took that $500?



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4b339a No.202263

File: 872f94855fe21b1⋯.jpg (130.26 KB,1004x674,502:337,ZomboMeme_11092024060619.jpg)

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4b339a No.202264

File: 11f4a360beb793d⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881770.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ABC NEWS: Kamala Harris was asked if she believes Americans are better off now than they were 4 years ago, and she DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION.


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4b339a No.202265

File: 13f6664d698de30⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,VID_20240911_063414_818.mp4)

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e5ac97 No.202266

File: 74bb520791e9891⋯.png (688.02 KB,1892x2512,473:628,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: f84f5d9466072f4⋯.png (894.88 KB,1704x2900,426:725,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: f647a5ab1b84fd9⋯.png (930.65 KB,1564x2840,391:710,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 34df21c20c08491⋯.png (830.16 KB,1640x2926,820:1463,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: c76d173108828a5⋯.png (867.8 KB,1532x2804,383:701,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


9-11 Anomalies

Anomalies of the September 11th Attack, Its Run-Up, and Response

Accepting the official story of the 9/11/01 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies – extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions. This page lists many such anomalies. The Top Anomalies page focuses on the more salient ones. The anomalies described on this page are organized into the following topics:

Run-up to the attack

Hijacking scenario

(Lack of) military response

World Trade Center destruction

Pentagon attack

Death toll

Coincidences in service of incompetence

Government response

Means, motive, and precedent


Run-Up to the Attack

Numerous incidents preceding the attack indicate many people had advance knowledge of the attack.

Put Options

Stock trades bet on the fall in share values for the two airlines whose planes were used in the attack.

Put options purchases on United Airlines and American Airlines stock rose to four and 25 times normal levels in the days preceding the attack. 1 2

Avoidance of the Airlines, the WTC, and the Pentagon

Government officials and executives avoided the targets of the attack.

Pentagon officials canceled travel plans on September 10th. 3

San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received a warning not to fly on September 10th. 4

Scotland Yard prohibited Salman Rushdie from flying on September 11th. 5

Two employees of Odigo, the instant messaging service, received e-mail warnings of the attack two hours before the first assault on the WTC. 6

Business executives, some of whom worked in the WTC, were in Nebraska to attend a meeting at Offutt Air Force Base hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett on the morning of September 11th. The same base would be visited later that day by George W. Bush. 7

Attorney General Ashcroft stopped flying on commercial airlines in the summer of 2001. 8


Hijacking Scenario

The attack scenario was irrational on the part of the alleged hijackers, and its execution is incomprehensible in light of their behavior. There is little or no credible evidence that Arab hijackers were involved in the September 11th attack, except in the takeover of Flight 93.

Attack Plan

By flying from remote airports and going far out of their way, the attack planners exposed their plan to almost certain ruin, had the air defense system operated normally.

The originating airport for Flights 11 and 175 was Boston Logan instead of any of several airports near New York City. This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.

Flight 77 flew to the Midwest before turning around to return to Washington D.C.. It was airborne an hour and 23 minutes before allegedly attacking the Pentagon. That would provide ample opportunity for interception even if the air defense system were mostly disabled.

Flight 93 flew to the Midwest before turning around to fly toward Washington D.C. Had it reached the capital, it would have been airborne for more than an hour and a half. The odds of escaping interception with that plan would be infinitesimal under standard operating procedures.

Behavior of Villains

The behavior of the alleged hijackers preceding the attack is inconsistent with skill and discipline needed to have a hope of pulling off such an attack.

Mohammed Atta allegedly barely caught Flight 11, a key flight in the event that he was supposedly planning for years.

The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least. 9

Evidence Void

There is no hard evidence that any of the alleged hijackers were on any of the doomed flights, and substantial evidence that some weren't involved.

No video of any of the 19 hijackers at any of the three originating airports of the four flights has been made public, except for a video allegedly showing hijackers of Flight 77.

At least six of the alleged hijackers have turned up alive since the attack.

None of the four flight crews radioed Air Traffic Control about hijackings in progress.

None of the four flight crews punched in the four-digit hijacking code. 10

No public evidence indicates that the remains of any of the hijackers was identified at any of the crash sites.

None of the contents of any of the black boxes were made public for more than four years.

The only 4-1/2 minutes of the phone call from Flight 11 Attendant Betty Ong made public describes a stabbing but does not provide any details indicating that Arab hijackers were on board.

Phenomenal Success

The success with which hijackers allegedly took over four jets with knives and then piloted the jets to small targets is simply miraculous.

None of the four flight crews were able to stop the alleged hijackers, in spite of several of the pilots being Vietnam veterans.

None of the alleged hijackers were good pilots, yet the three buildings were hit with phenomenal precision.


(Lack of) Military Response

Despite normal intercept times of between 10 and 20 minutes for errant domestic flights, the airliners commandeered on 9/11/01 roamed the skies for over an hour without interference.

Failures to Report

According to NORAD's timeline the FAA reported errant airliners after inexplicable delays.

The FAA took 18 minutes to report Flight 11's loss of communication and deviation from its flight plan.

The FAA took 39 minutes to report Flight 77's deviation from its flight plan.

Failures to Scramble

Interceptors were only scrambled from distant bases after long delays.

Despite the fact that Flights 11 and 175 were headed for New York City, no interceptors were scrambled from nearby La Guardia, or from Langley, Virginia.

Despite NORAD's having received formal notification of the first hijacking at 8:38, no interceptors were scrambled from Andrews to protect the nearby Pentagon until after it was hit at 9:37.

Failures to Intercept

Once in the air, interceptors flew at only small fractions of their top speeds, assuring they would fail to intercept the airliners.

The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to chase Flight 11 flew at an average of 447 mph, about 23.8% of their top speed of 1875 mph.

The two F-16s scrambled from Langley to protect the capital flew at an average of 410.5 mph, about 27.4% of their top speed of 1500 mph.

Failures to Redeploy

Nearby fighters on routine patrol duty were not redeployed to intercept the airliners, nor were fighters that belatedly reached Manhattan sent to defend the capital.

Two F-15s flying off the coast of Long Island were not redeployed to Manhattan until after the second Tower was hit.

The two F-15s scrambled from Otis AFB to protect Manhattan could have reached the capital in 9.6 minutes once they arrived over New York City. That was still 34 minutes before the Pentagon was hit.


World Trade Center Destruction

On 9/11/01 three skyscrapers were totally destroyed, with structural collapse primarily due to fires given as the explanation. Fires and bombings have never before or since caused steel-frame buildings to collapse.

Building 7

Building 7 imploded late on 9/11/01. It was not hit by an aircraft.

Building 7 experienced total collapse, allegedly because of fires, when no steel-frame building before or since has ever collapsed, totally or even partially, due to fires. Building 7 was an over-engineered 47-story steel-frame skyscraper, standing over 350 feet from the nearest of the Twin Towers. Public evidence documents only small fires in it on September 11th.

Building 7 collapsed in a nearly perfectly vertical fall, producing only minor damage in the Verizon and Post Office buildings only 60 feet on either side of it.

Building 7 collapsed into a remarkably small rubble pile of mostly pulverized remains, when no steel building falling for any reason has ever pulverized itself.

Building 7 contained a 15-million-dollar emergency command center, but instead of using it for its ostensible purpose, then-Mayor Giuliani evacuated his team to a makeshift command center as soon as the September 11th attack started. 11 12

The emergency command center was destroyed along with the rest of the building, even though it was constructed as a bomb-hardened shelter.

The remains of Building 7 were rapidly removed and the steel recycled, evidently without any on-site and only extremely limited off-site examination. The rapid disposal operation proceeded despite the fact that no one was believed buried in the rubble, and the tidy rubble pile was not blocking adjacent roads.

Twin Towers

The Twin Towers exploded into dust and shattered steel, a behavior inconsistent with the known behavior of steel structures outside of explosive demolition.

The South Tower was struck 17 minutes after the North Tower, and in a less damaging manner, and it had less severe fires, yet it collapsed 29 minutes before the North Tower.

The South Tower's core structure was largely undamaged by the off-centered jet impact, unlike the North Tower, yet it collapsed sooner.

The South Tower had much less severe fires than the North Tower, and yet collapsed sooner.

Smoke from the fires in the South Tower became progressively darker up to the time of its collapse.

A stream of glowing molten material flowed from the South Tower minutes before its collapse.

Firefighters reached the crash zone of the South Tower and described controllable fires.

Both Towers started to disintegrate at regions above and below the crash zones in the first seconds of their falls.

Both Towers fell straight down, through themselves, following the path of maximum resistance, a behavior never before observed in spontaneous collapses of any type of vertical structure.

The collapses of both Towers exhibited features never otherwise seen except in controlled demolitions: sudden onset accompanied by thunderous bangs, visible explosions ringing their perimeters, energetic ejections of dust at regular intervals, and copious production of dust.

Both Towers exploded outward and were shredded and pulverized – a pattern of destruction much more destructive than normal controlled demolitions, yet this result was supposedly produced without the added energy of explosives.

So thorough and consistent was the destruction of the Twin Towers, that no remains of the distinctive web trusses are clearly recognizable in hundreds of photographs of the rubble in various stages of excavation.

Intense heat persisted in the rubble completely unlike anything produced by known structure collapses and/or fires.

Settled dust from the Twin Towers was shown to contain residues of aluminothermic reactions, and active thermitic pyrotechnics.


Pentagon Attack

The Pentagon attack defies expectations that this prime terrorist target would have been defended, and that a terrorist would have hit the front side in a simple maneuver, rather than the back side in an extreme precision aerobatic maneuver.

Wide-Open Target

The Pentagon the heart of the military establishment of the world's greatest super-power was hit after ample warning without being protected by any defensive action.

The 9:37 strike was well over an hour after the first signs of a hijacking and 34 minutes after the South Tower strike confirmed that an attack was underway.

The Pentagon is within 11 miles of Andrews Air Force Base, which apparently had two combat-ready fighter wings on 9/11/01.

The attack plane was monitored on radar as it approached the capital.

Unlikely Super-pilot

Alleged Flight 77 pilot Hani Hanjour was not up to the task.

The spiral dive approach to the Pentagon was such an extreme maneuver that experienced air traffic controllers thought it was military jet. 13 The tree-top final approach skimmed objects in the yard and crashed the plane into the first floor of the building. Experienced pilots have wondered if any human pilot could have executed the maneuver.

Hani Hanjour was considered incompetent by his flight school instructors, and was denied rental of a single-engine plane. 14

Evidence Vacuum

Authorities systematically confiscated or destroyed the evidence.

Video recordings from adjacent businesses were seized by the FBI shortly after the attack and have never been seen since.

Only two video segments have been released by the Pentagon from all the security cameras that monitor its periphery. Neither clearly shows the attack aircraft.

Investigators were not allowed access to the crash site until well into October.

More Than Just a Crash

Was the crash engineered?

Eyewitnesses reported the smell of cordite.

Several eyewitnesses reported that the jetliner exploded before reaching the facade of the Pentagon.

Portions of the facade where the wing ends and tail of a 757 would have collided show little gouging. Were these parts shredded by explosives before they reached the facade?


Death Toll

The death toll of the attack, though horrific, was much lower than it would have been if not for numerous aspects of target selection and timing.


All four flights were unusually empty.

Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 were only at 51%, 31%, 20%, and 16% occupancy, respectively.

World Trade Center

The Towers were attacked before most people had arrived, and were hit high enough to allow most people to escape.

When Flight 11 hit the North Tower at 8:46 AM, the World Trade Center buildings were at less than half the occupancy of a typical mid-day.

The first Tower to be attacked was hit just 15 stories below the top, and trapped people mostly between the 95th and 110th floors.

The second Tower to be attacked was hit only 30 stories below the top, and the plane missed the core, allowing people to evacuate from above the impact zone. The 17 minutes that elapsed since the first hit allowed many people to escape the second Tower while the elevators were still working.


125 people were killed in a building with 20,000 people.

The portion of the Pentagon that was attacked, the West Block, was in the process of being renovated, and so was at low occupancy.

No high-level Pentagon officials were killed in the attack.


Coincidences in Service of Incompetence

Many decisions and events in the days and months preceding the attack helped to make the incompetence theory more plausible.

War Games

Several war game exercises were being conducted on 9/11/01.

Operation Northern Vigilance redeployed northeast sector air defense resources to northern Canada and Alaska. 15

Operations Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian, which simulated hijackings and involved live radar "injects," may have confused military and civilian personnel monitoring aircraft. 16

The National Reconnaissance Office, which monitors satellites and airborne objects, was evacuated while the attack unfolded because it was conducting a plane-into-tower crash drill. 17

The Tripod II biowarfare exercise, scheduled for 9/12/01, resulted in the deployment of FEMA to Manhattan before the attack. 18

Rules Changes

Procedural changes would limit the ability of pilots and military commanders to respond to hijackings.

Military orders stripped commanders in the field of autonomy in responding to hijackings.

The FAA banned firearm possession by commercial pilots two months before the attack.

Out to Lunch

Top officials were not available until after the attack was over.

President George W. Bush remained at the publicized location of Booker Elementary School until about a half-hour after the news of the attack went on TV worldwide, first reading My Pet Goat to second-graders, and then holding a press conference.

The Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff allegedly remained in a meeting with Senator Max Cleland until nearly the time the Pentagon was hit.

Brigadier General Montague Winfield had Navy Captain Charles J. Leidig, Jr. a rookie assume his watch as Deputy Director for Operations for the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at 8:30 am on 9/11/01, and relieved him after the attack was over. 19


Government Response

Despite the worst failure in history of the military to protect American civilians, and the worst alleged engineering failures in history, there were no consequences for the responsible authorities, and no honest investigations.

Air Defense Failures

No one was held to account for the numerous unprecedented failures in air defense.

General Richard Myers, Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 11th, was confirmed as Chairman on September 13th in spite of being unable to provide any meaningful answers to questions regarding the air defense failures.

General Richard Eberhart, commander of NORAD on September 11th, was promoted to head the newly created NORTHCOM. 20

NORAD's press release contradicted early statements by high-ranking officials that no interceptors had been scrambled on 9/11/01.

NORAD's vague timeline raises far more questions than it answers, yet officials have never been required to give a full account.

The 9/11 Commission advanced a new timeline which contradicts NORAD's earlier timeline and the testimony of military officials to the Commission itself.

Building Collapse Inquiry

The total collapses of WTC 1, 2, and 7 were the three largest engineering failures in history (based on the official story). How were they investigated?

FEMA was given the sole authority to investigate the collapses even though it is not an investigative agency.

The investigative team assembled by FEMA consisted of unpaid volunteers.

The investigators were not allowed access to Ground Zero.

The investigators were not provided with the blueprints of the buildings.

FEMA's report states the causes of the collapse "remain unknown at this time". (By the time the report was released the steel had been entirely disposed of.) The fact that Building 7 (supposedly) failed in a way that contradicts 100 years of engineering experience makes it the largest and least understood structural failure in history.

The 9/11 Commission Report failed to even mention the destruction of Building 7.

The 9/11 Commission Report denied the existence of the Twin Towers' core structures.

NIST's report on the collapse of the Twin Towers purports to provide a "probable collapse sequence" for each Tower but truncates its timelines before the collapses even begin.

NIST avoided even mentioning the earlier findings of sulfidated and evaporated steel, then described by the New York Times "the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation".

NIST's Final Report on the collapse of Building 7 abandons the earlier official claims of severe structural damage and diesel-fueled fires, and blames the swift straight-down collapse on a house-of-cards chain reaction triggered by a single beam breaking loose from its connections due to thermal expansion – a completely novel failure mechanism with no supporting evidence.

NIST proffered disingenuous arguments for failing to test for explosive residues, which it continued to repeat even after responding directly to public comments and correspondence pointing out the fallacies of those arguments.


Means, Motive, and Precedent

The preceding list is far from complete. It does not include consideration of facts pertaining to the means, motive, and precedent for the crime. The official account's blaming one organization, while ignoring others with much more to gain and possessing tools and access better suited to the commission of the crime, is arguably a vast anomaly. This subject is addressed by 911Review.com:




NOTE: For more complete sources, visit the pages linked to.


1. Profiting From Disaster?, CBSNews.com, 9/19/01

2. Prices, Probabilities and Predictions, OR/MS Today,

3. Bush: We're at War, Newsweek, 9/24/01

4. Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel, SFGate.com, 9/12/01

5. , London Times, 9/27/01

6. Odigo says workers were warned of attack, HAARETZ.com,

7. Franklin unit rebuilds after 9/11 tragedy, San Francisco Business Times, 2/1/02

8. Ashcroft Flying High, CBS News, 7/26/01

9. Manager: Men spewed anti-American sentiments, AP, 9/14/01

10. The Day the FAA Stopped the World, time.com, 9/14/01

11. Giuliani Improvises After Command Center Gets Hit, Washington Technology, 10/08/01

12. Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism, Gotham Gazette, 9/12/01

13. 'Get These Planes on the Ground', ABCNews.com, 11/24/01

14. A Trainee Noted for Incompetence, New York Times, 5/4/02, page 10

15. The scene at NORAD on Sept. 11: Playing Russian war games … and then someone shouted to look at the monitor, Toronto Star, 12/9/01

16. Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, 2004

17. Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building, AP, 8/21/02

18. Tripod II and FEMA: Lack of NORAD Response on 9/11 Explained, FromTheWilderness.com, 2004

19. Statement of Capt Charles J. Leidig, Jr., 9-11commission.gov, 6/17/04

20. Eberhart To Head NORTHCOM, afa.org, 8/02 [cached]

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4b339a No.202267

File: 3ccb876d4c4867f⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1_5118469310129375132.mp4)

BA (T.me) 🇲🇽🔥❗️ — Mexico City Riot police have begun to strongly repress protesters that were demonstrating against the Judicial Reform by President AMLO and his MORENA party

➡️ The reform was approved, López Obrador has just officially taken over the three powers of the Republic and centralized everything on the hands of whoever sits on the Presidency


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4b339a No.202268

File: 79ef5adb57ac6ae⋯.jpg (150.32 KB,1024x768,4:3,ZomboMeme_11092024064658.jpg)

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e5ac97 No.202269

File: 11dcd9c6a944309⋯.png (404.9 KB,1032x818,516:409,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 78c05232053cc78⋯.png (139.16 KB,1384x598,692:299,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: eb8101caef543da⋯.png (81.49 KB,718x572,359:286,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


DanScavino (TwiX) TRUMP FORCE ONE🛬NYC. #TRUMP2024 🇺🇸🦅

01:26 EST


Previous was deleted. Curious.







There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.






yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha

with means OVER THE TARGET




Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.


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4b339a No.202270

File: 45c5a2146571426⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,848x470,424:235,VID_20240911_065658_241.mp4)

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4b339a No.202271

File: c1e1dc9a2f6ec11⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB,640x360,16:9,1_5118522584903714323.mp4)

FTW (T.me) Democrat has a meltdown over memes of Trump protecting ducklings and kittens over wild claims Haitian migrants are eating pets



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e5ac97 No.202272

File: b17fe0a1c7fed4a⋯.png (371.15 KB,1018x828,509:414,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: d3cfd99f2b04d6f⋯.png (35.3 KB,616x236,154:59,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


DanScavino (TwiX) LFG!!!!! 🇺🇸🦅

20:27 EST




What are the odds of that?


Kamala can wear her ear pieces.. NSA will have it all..

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4b339a No.202273

File: a53c82c46b8b878⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,631x576,631:576,IMG_20240911_070044_513.jpg)

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e5ac97 No.202274

File: c8c8970db779d8e⋯.png (674.76 KB,1010x970,101:97,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


SoE (TwiX) ABC News reports that Trump plans to initiate military tribunals against his enemies when he regains power.

Who are these individuals stepping off Trump Force One?

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4b339a No.202275

File: d1eddaa83bc3487⋯.jpg (125.28 KB,904x688,113:86,IMG_20240911_070149_764.jpg)

FTW (T.me) Sean 'Diddy' Combs has been 'ordered to pay $100 million' in a default judgement over sexual assault allegations by Michigan inmate, Derrick Lee Cardello-Smith.

The Coming Home rapper, 54 - who filed to dismiss a $30 million groping lawsuit by producer Rodney 'Lil Rod' Jones - has been embroiled in mounting legal woes.

Cardello-Smith - who is currently serving time at the Earnest C. Brooks Correctional Facility - claimed Diddy drugged and sexually assaulted him at a party that took place 27 years earlier in 1997.

Derrick sued Combs for $100 million, but due to the star not responding to the lawsuit and failing to attend a virtual hearing on Monday, a judge entered a default judgement against Combs that requires him to pay the $100 million, per TMZ.

Beginning next month on October 1, the disgraced music artist will have to pay Cardello-Smith in $10 million instalments monthly



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e5ac97 No.202276

File: d6c0f4bad91a299⋯.png (1.1 MB,1018x1206,509:603,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


WSS (TwiX) Did Kamala Harris use audio earrings ?

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e5ac97 No.202277

File: 82d9985eca41156⋯.png (1.1 MB,1032x2558,516:1279,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


WSA (TwiX) Illegal migrants can steal ducks and people’s pets, skin them and eat them but if American Citizens just go fishing or hunting without a license we get a fine

“What f*cking reality are we living in is the real question”

“What is the deal with the f*cking rules for thee but not for me bullsh*t?”

“I just seen a video talking about how the immigrants are gutting roadkill on the side of the roads and taking people's cats and pets and skinning them like you would a deer, and they're going into parks and chopping the heads off of ducks and taking them home to cook them.

Like and what f*cking reality are we living in is the real question.

Because if my motherf*cking ass goes down to the river and decides to throw a fucking fishing pole in that motherf*cking and I ain't got my fishing license, I get a fine.

If I decide that I wanna go hunting and go get me a deer and I don't have my license, my ass gets in trouble by the game warden, and I get a fine. Like, we're not allowed to hunt outside of season. You better have your f*cking tags when you do decide to tag that deer.

Like, my real question is, what is the deal with the f*cking rules for thee but not for me bullsh*t?

Like, we're just sitting back, letting this f*cking shit happen? Because if that had been an American that done that shit, well, f*ck. They'd have got us for animal cruelty.”

They'd have got us for no fucking hunting license. Like, seriously, the fuck are we doing? The fuck are we we doing? Make it make sense because it don't make no f*cking sense to me at all.”

They ARE fishing and taking fish.. not sure on hunting per say.. but I have commented on this.. they are TAKING while not doing anything for it, game warden even said so to me personally this year

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4b339a No.202278

File: 6d5e487d2405862⋯.jpg (36.16 KB,1136x402,568:201,IMG_20240911_071131_382.jpg)

BLM (T.me) So I would just like to point out that since Trump has left office and our movement has grown,

We are:

•ahead of the news cycle

•the actual news cycle

•triggering the msm

•effectively silencing the loud mouths who shut us up during covid.

I dunno what u consider winning, but we are doing pretty dang good considering.


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4b339a No.202279

File: e12204441847758⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983543081515881780.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Kaylee McGhee White: I still don't know where Kamala stands on fracking.

I don't know whether she supports any restrictions on late-term abortion.

I don't know whether she still supports a mandatory gun buyback program.

These are serious problems for her campaign.


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e5ac97 No.202280

File: e5ffb3f71a5fc90⋯.png (75.84 KB,1020x388,255:97,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: d9942268fd95f75⋯.png (371.78 KB,930x1178,15:19,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: ca2af762cadfd42⋯.png (511.48 KB,968x1520,121:190,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


KANSAS (TwiX) "Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

John 14:23

#SundayScripture ✝️

17:17 EST



Do you understand what is happening?

Think optics.



Note the time.

Note the vehicles on the road.

Compare against 2.16.18.

[6] surv [value targets].






Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?


Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.

Why is this relevant?

Who can be held hostage and controlled?

CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).

Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?

They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.

Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top.

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4b339a No.202281

File: c7dc1b49666f104⋯.jpg (330.25 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_20240911_072127_302.jpg)

GL (T.me) IDF strikes designated humanitarian zone Al-Mawasi, killing at least 19

More than a dozen Palestinians have been killed and another 60 were wounded after an airstrike on a designated humanitarian zone in southern Gaza, media outlets reported citing Gaza’s ministry of health. Despite designating the area as a humanitarian zone, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they were targeting a Hamas command and control center in al-Mawasi, just west of Khan Younis.

“People flew,” Eyad Madi, an eyewitness of the bombing, told reporters. “It’s indescribable… We had to dig our children out from under the sand.”

According to Mohammed al-Mughair, a Gaza Civil Defense official, the death toll stands at 40 as of early Tuesday. Ahmad al-Naqa, a fellow official for the same organization, explained that the toll is an estimate and that Gaza’s Health Ministry reports the final numbers. Other reports put the toll at 19. The IDF claims that they killed three Hamas commanders after targeting a “number of senior” figures they say were “directly involved” in the October 7 attack.

Hamas has not confirmed these deaths and called the IDF’s claims a “blatant lie”. They added that they do not use civilian areas for military purposes.


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e5ac97 No.202282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Airline Ground Collision- Atlanta GA.10 Sept 2024 (YouTube)

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e5ac97 No.202283

File: 38a3e9783e8907e⋯.png (503.5 KB,1014x1226,507:613,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 0599bc6198ac09b⋯.png (305.55 KB,962x976,481:488,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)



08:02 EST




1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.




Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

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Post last edited at

4b339a No.202284

File: dc214afbc432044⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,632x360,79:45,1_5118677066287416806.mp4)

EB (T.me) HORRIFYING: An illegal alien has been arrested after driving drunk and running over two firefighters.

"Border Czar" Kamala's border invasion not only puts law enforcement and first responders at risk — it puts EVERYONE at risk.



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4b339a No.202285

File: 7813152e7829e7c⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB,640x360,16:9,1_5118677066287416808.mp4)

EB (T.me) hideous and disgusting, illegal, and indefensible": An illegal alien has been arrested after he drove drunk on a Florida beach — almost hitting several people — and ran over a protected sea turtle nest.



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e5ac97 No.202286

File: c54bf05114f7fb8⋯.png (1.01 MB,1020x892,255:223,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 99afaf7888b1d24⋯.png (272.11 KB,960x962,480:481,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


USArmy (TwiX) Congratulations to the Army's first ever Best Observer, Controller/Trainer team — Capt. Corey Masaracchia and Staff Sgt. Kyle Pierson with the National Training Center out of Fort Irwin, Calif. Read the full story ⬇️

08:03 EST










[ ]















Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

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e5ac97 No.202287

File: 78d1e1b69a080c9⋯.png (913.01 KB,1028x1006,514:503,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 1bef83ab3fbfc4b⋯.png (132.12 KB,960x544,30:17,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


USArmySouth (TwiX) 🚁🌟 At #SouthernFenix24, @armyfutures showcased the Hoverfly LiveSky drone: A game-changer for tactical operations and regional stability ! #InnovationInAction





10:41 EST



Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?



http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/06/disturbing-string-aircraft-crashes-in-2018-continues-deadly-trend-for-us-military.html



Follow up to last post.

Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason).

This all has meaning - everything stated. Big picture stuff - few positions allow for this direct knowledge.

Proof to begin 11.3.

We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.

God bless.

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4b339a No.202288

File: fbd5bd64c6c8d0e⋯.jpg (216.79 KB,827x837,827:837,Screenshot_20240911_082134….jpg)

TS (T.me) TWO DAYS before the assassination attempt, Victoria Nuland boasted with a smirk, "I don't think Trump is going to be President, so If that's what Putin is betting on, he's going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!"


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4b339a No.202289

File: a1a3b121d35fde5⋯.jpg (214.81 KB,805x590,161:118,Screenshot_20240911_082945….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸⚖️✉️ Telegram admins charged by the DOJ with soliciting murder of federal officials and conspiring to provide material support to terrorist groups!

The Justice Department announced today that Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, California, and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho — leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group — were charged with a 15-count indictment for soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists. Humber and Allison were arrested on Friday by law enforcement officials.

“Today’s indictment charges the defendants with leading a transnational terrorist group dedicated to attacking America’s critical infrastructure, targeting a hit list of our country’s public officials, and carrying out deadly hate crimes — all in the name of violent white supremacist ideology,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.

“Today’s arrests are a warning that committing hate-fueled crimes in the darkest corners of the internet will not hide you, and soliciting terrorist attacks from behind a screen will not protect you. The United States Department of Justice will find you, and we will hold you accountable.”

“We allege that the leaders of Terrorgram charged today are a threat to public safety and the rule of law,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco.

“Using the Telegram platform, they advanced their heinous white supremacist ideology, solicited hate crimes, and provided guidance and instructions for terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure and assassinations of government officials. Today’s action reaffirms that the Department of Justice will not tolerate this alleged abhorrent conduct. It has no place in America or anywhere else. We will continue working with our law enforcement partners to identify, apprehend, and hold accountable anyone who engages in such activity, no matter where they are located.”

“Hate crimes fueled by bigotry and white supremacy, and amplified by the weaponization of digital messaging platforms, are on the rise and have no place in our society,”

According to the indictment, which was unsealed today, Humber and Allison are the leaders of the Terrorgram Collective, a transnational terrorist group that operates on the digital messaging platform Telegram, where it promotes white supremacist accelerationism: an ideology centered on the belief that the white race is superior; that society is irreparably corrupt and cannot be saved by political action; and that violence and terrorism are necessary to ignite a race war and accelerate the collapse of the government and the rise of a white ethnostate. 

🔗 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/leaders-transnational-terrorist-group-charged-soliciting-hate-crimes-soliciting-murder


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4b339a No.202290

File: 2a2f6a0011f6da2⋯.jpg (348.38 KB,814x878,407:439,Screenshot_20240911_083308….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸 Former Ohio State Rep. Kyle Koehler has made SHOCKING revelations about the illegal Haitian crisis in Springfield, Ohio during a recent speech.

1.) The Haitian illegals in Ohio are given $600-$1600 per month on Debit Cards through the Refugee Cash Assistant Program.

2.) There have been nearly 20,000 Haitan illegals re-located to Springfield, Ohio.

3.) The local school system now has over 1,600 non-English speaking students enrolled.

4.) Haitians, who are nearly 20 years old, are being placed in High School Freshman classes with 13-year-old kids.

5.) A man associated with the re-location efforts is renting his 63 homes to 20-25 Haitians (per home), at $250/month, and is giving them local work.

6.) HIV reports are SKYROCKETING 871% over the past 5 years and many nurses in the area are alleging it's due to the Haitians being treated.

7.) An 11-year-old boy, Aiden Clark, was killed by an illegal Haitan, with no license, who crashed into his school bus.

8.) Springfield residents are reporting missing pets and that Haitans have been caught eating animals in the city.

🔗 https://fxtwitter.com/evanakilgore/status/1833181139680240035


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4b339a No.202291

File: 27881eaaa8fb146⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5983535792956380728.MP4)

CIG (T.me) 🚀 SpaceX launches private mission that’s expected to feature the first all-civilian spacewalk!

The mission Polaris Dawn is designed to carry its crew to the highest orbital altitude that humans have reached since 1972.

A SpaceX capsule carrying four private citizens blasted off early Tuesday on a five-day mission that is set to include the first spacewalk carried out by an all-civilian crew.

The journey is designed to carry the four crew members to the highest orbital altitude that humans have reached since the final Apollo moon mission in 1972: 870 miles above the Earth’s surface. That’s more than three times higher than the International Space Station.

While in space the group will test new spacesuits and technologies that could pave the way for future long-duration missions to the moon and eventually Mars.

🔗 https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/spacex-launches-private-mission-civilian-spacewalk-rcna168436


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4b339a No.202292

File: 8b3aa878c455937⋯.jpg (272.94 KB,832x783,832:783,Screenshot_20240911_084434….jpg)

CIG (T.me) 🚀⚔🇨🇳 America’s Space Force Is Preparing for the Risk of War

Space Force Col. Raj Agrawal commands a 500-person military unit with teams located around the world that track every man-made object in orbit, watching for potential threats.

As China and Russia build arsenals of weapons that could target American military and civilian satellites, those threats are growing, and Agrawal’s unit is part of a relatively new military branch that is quietly preparing for a new era of warfare.

With 15,000 military and civilian personnel, and an annual budget of about $30 billion, Space Force is far smaller and less well known than any other branch of the military services.

Now, Space Force is emerging from the shadows—and the late-night punchlines—and its leaders are beginning to talk about its preparations for a potential war involving space—even as they say their aim is to deter, not destroy.

“We don’t want anyone to get the impression that we’re trying to be offensive in nature,” said Agrawal, whose unit is known as Delta 2. But, he added, “you can’t show resolve without the ability to attack.”

American combat in space wouldn’t necessarily involve satellite-killing explosions. The U.S. would likely use less brute-force tactics, such as blinding a spacecraft’s sensors, scrambling its electronics, or interfering with its communications with ground stations, officials in Colorado and Washington said.

U.S. military officials’ new willingness to openly discuss conflict in outer space reflects what they say are startling advances by China and Russia. Beijing is developing fleets of surveillance satellites and multiple types of satellite-killers aimed at eroding U.S. space superiority, they said, while Moscow has tested components for a nuclear-armed antisatellite device.

Moscow says the device suspected of being a prototype satellite-killer is for scientific research, and China’s foreign ministry spokesman has accused the U.S. of being the “main driver in turning outer space into a weapon and a battlefield.”

The U.S. wants to deter countries like Russia and China from using their space weapons, Gen. Chance Saltzman, the head of Space Force, said in an interview. But if those efforts fail, he said, then the U.S. must be able to “deny, disrupt and degrade” enemy space systems.

🔗 https://archive.ph/IEt3h


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4b339a No.202293

File: 2ef802791eec6d2⋯.jpg (105.46 KB,760x1280,19:32,IMG_20240911_084921_748.jpg)

WTM (T.me) Elon: The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?


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e5ac97 No.202294

File: 821bccff338ec9f⋯.png (315.81 KB,1628x1464,407:366,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 9d75841b96724bb⋯.png (1.87 MB,1624x2290,812:1145,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


Two Delta Planes Collide On Taxiways At Atlanta Airport(ZeroHedge.com)

Tyler Durden's Photo


TUESDAY, SEP 10, 2024 - 01:35 PM

Delta Air Lines Flight 295, an Airbus A350, was taxiing for departure at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport on Tuesday morning when its wingtip struck the tail of a Bombardier CRJ900 aircraft operated by Endeavor, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delta. The impact severely damaged the regional jet's airframe, which was set to depart for Lafayette, Louisiana.

ATL on X confirmed the incident around 10 am ET:

At 10:07 am, two aircraft made contact at the intersection of taxiways E and H on the north airfield. No injuries are reported. Passengers from one aircraft are being bussed to concourse B; the other aircraft taxied on its own power to its gate. There is minimal impact to ops.

Flight tracking website Flightradar24 published data showing just how the incident unfolded:

Based on playback, it appears to be a ground collision between a Delta A350 and Delta Connection CRJ-900 that resulted in the vertical and horizontal stabilizer of the CRJ being severed from the aircraft.

Footage of the accident published on X shows the A350's wing ripped off the CRJ900's vertical and horizontal stabilizers.


Add this to the list of the growing number of ground and mid-air incidents that have sparked unease among travelers:

This Week In US Aviation: Boeing 757 Loses Wheel, 737 Aborts Takeoff Due To Tire Failure, Near-Miss In Syracuse

"Southwest Stop!": Near Runway Disaster At Washington-Reagan Recorded On Shocking Audio

Maybe US air travel would be just a tad safer if US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg wasn't so fixated on installing DEI hiring practices at the FAA.



CPI Preview: The "Tiebreaker" Between A 25bps And 50bps Rate Cut

Volkswagen Declares War On Unions, Scraps Three-Decade-Old Job Protections

Stocks, Bullion Bounce, Banks Battered As Brent Busts Before Debate



Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.

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Shall we play a game?

Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’).

Remember, they consider you to be the fly (specifically, the ‘feeder’).

Remember, they never thought she was going to lose.

Therefore, they never thought investigations and/or public interest into their criminal acts would be exposed/investigated.

Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear.

Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.

Therefore, they were sloppy.

Hussein’s last speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal free’.

Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?

As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

As a backup, they install only those on the team.

As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t.

As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.

This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).

The ‘fix’ has always been in – no matter which party won the election (-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).

This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).

Power of the (3) letter agencies.

Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other nations and install like-kind).

These people are really stupid.

Follow the husbands.

Another Hint:

Ian Cameron

McKinsey & Company

Clowns In America.

Dr. Emmett J. Rice.

Federal Reserve.

Everyone is connected.

How about a nice game of chess?


(No ability to enter trip code - last dump)


Look at his family.

Look at their positions.

Why are we giving him this much attention?

Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum?

Everything has meaning.





These people are stupid.

Maxine stupid.


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4b339a No.202295

File: 56d976431aa7114⋯.jpg (57.56 KB,941x706,941:706,IMG_20240911_085111_740.jpg)

WTM (T.me) Tonight we saw a man being the same man he’s been for the entirety of his life against a politician that flip

flops and lies and poorly acts. Not one tweet tonight, even from the DNC or

one of her bots has spoke on Kamala’s “authenticity”. They will gaslight all of us but don’t bite. Tonight, trust your gut: you saw a human going against a machine and the human won.

Roseanne Barr via Twitter


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4b339a No.202296

File: e77180335b9242b⋯.jpg (179.07 KB,817x402,817:402,Screenshot_20240911_085434….jpg)

WTM (T.me) Trump just said he’ll be going to the World Trade Center tomorrow for the anniversary of 9/11 🙏🏼

If there’s one person I truly believe will bring the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, it’s President Donald J Trump.



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4b339a No.202297

File: b200e2747787060⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,368x368,1:1,received_543652504770005.mp4)

WTM (T.me) Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it.

These are the same people that want you to think Trump is bad.



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4b339a No.202298

File: adf3101dbc7b457⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5986734310936282640.mp4)

WTM (T.me) Hannity: "She wants a second debate."

President Trump: "She wants it because she lost."


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e5ac97 No.202299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do) (Official Music Video) [Remastered HD] (YouTubebe)

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4b339a No.202300

File: c488301f51016cb⋯.jpg (41.23 KB,595x306,35:18,IMG_20240911_091354_903.jpg)

CR (T.me) They forgot to remove internal comments from Gensler's speech and they posted it. Market crash is imminent and they are trying to reassure the unwashed masses.

They immediately took it down, but it got archived, so they can't hide it.



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4b339a No.202301

File: f6a162bd8d9b0e0⋯.jpg (281.29 KB,1080x867,360:289,Screenshot_20240911_091703….jpg)

EAC (Twix) Kamala Harris falsely claims no American troops in combat. Tell that to the US Army Rangers injured in combat raiding an ISIS camp in Iraq a few weeks ago. She forgot them just like she forgot our brave men and women injured and killed at Abbey Gate. She is a national disgrace.


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e5ac97 No.202302

File: 818e3a634d170f7⋯.png (802.88 KB,1586x1146,793:573,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: fb0e46572e3ee62⋯.png (257.3 KB,828x1328,207:332,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 9fee796a945b00e⋯.png (229.76 KB,424x1498,212:749,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: 75f3593eae4518a⋯.png (59.34 KB,422x492,211:246,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)

File: c1068b290b78ebc⋯.png (52.87 KB,416x378,208:189,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_0….png)


DanSavino (TwiX) #Debate2024 #Trump2024

10:30 EST








Panic in DC.

James Baker testifying against Comey?


13:35 (transcript)

Joe DiGenova

"As I've been saying for two years, there's been a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email case and then if she had lost, to frame Donald Trump. And that is exactly what these texts are about. Whether or not Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page and others are indicted is certainly a question people can debate, but let me just say I know there is a grand jury underway, testimony is being taken about Strzok, Page, McCabe and others involved in this case and the reason we know it is that James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, as turned State's evidence is fully cooperating with the Inspector General and with the Federal Grand Jury. I can assure you, Mr. Comey has been very silent in recent weeks and the reason is very simple: he knows he's going to be indicted."


Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed?

Note IG involved.

Huber >> IG (Horowitz) >> Storch







yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha

with means OVER THE TARGET




Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.





They fear you [massive global reach].

You attack those you fear the most.

For God and Country.




Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq

Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland

Israel: Bank of Israel

Italy: Bank of Italy

Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica

Japan: Bank of Japan

Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan

Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan

Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya

Korea: Bank of Korea

Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Latvia: Bank of Latvia

Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon

Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho

Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)

Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay

Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania

Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg

Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao

Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar

Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi

Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia

Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Malta: Central Bank of Malta

Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius

Mexico: Bank of Mexico

Moldova: National Bank of Moldova

Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia

Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro

Morocco: Bank of Morocco

Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique

Namibia: Bank of Namibia

Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal

Netherlands: Netherlands Bank

Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua

Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria

Norway: Central Bank of Norway

Oman: Central Bank of Oman

Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan



Please just keep POTUS safe, Q.


We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.


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4b339a No.202303

File: 7afa9b268ef0cf2⋯.jpg (171.45 KB,797x465,797:465,Screenshot_20240911_091835….jpg)

FTW (T.me) Why did JFK Jr. accuse Biden of being a traitor?

This is in the FOIA request regarding the plot to kidnap JFK Jr?



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e5ac97 No.202304

File: 13b20facdd767c8⋯.jpg (70.32 KB,720x904,90:113,2024_09_11_01_09_52.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)




>>202252 CK (T.me) PA voters on the debate: “Donald Trump made a strong closing statement by saying, ‘Why didn’t they do all of the things that she’s proposing during the 3.5 years that they’ve been in office?’”

>>202253 CK (T.me) You don’t get done with a debate and instantly request another unless you know you didn't get what you needed.

>>202255 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Tulsi Gabbard fact checks Kamala Harris' pathetic lies.

>>202256, >>202258 SNN (T.me) PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I was very happy with the result… I just felt we had a great night."

>>202257 SNN (T.me) ⚠️CSPAN Poll Results: Majority Favor Donald Trump After ABC News Presidential Debate

>>202259 MJT (T.me) CA Dem Maxine Waters says You’re Racist if you’re Not Accepting the Fact that all the Haitians Coming into America Illegally because they’re Black and Poor

>>202260 MJT (T.me) 🚨Pretty big story in Tennessee…

>>202261 MJT (T.me) 😡😡😡😡🚨 Texas — They’re Literally Teaching People how to CHEAT! 🤦🏻‍♂️

>>202262 MJT (T.me) Waffle House CEO, Walt Ehmer, who gave his Employees $500 to get the Covid Vaccination, Dies

>>202264 SNN (T.me) ABC NEWS: Kamala Harris was asked if she believes Americans are better off now than they were 4 years ago, and she DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION.

>>202265, >>202268 NBSN (T.me) ‘Tomorrow I’m doing 9/11’ - Biden

>>202266 9/11 Anomalies THE DAY OF:

>>202267 BA (T.me) 🇲🇽🔥❗️ — Mexico City Riot police have begun to strongly repress protesters that were demonstrating against the Judicial Reform by President AMLO and his MORENA party

>>202269 DanScavino (TwiX) TRUMP FORCE ONE🛬NYC. #TRUMP2024 🇺🇸🦅

>>202270 FTW (T.me) Melania Trump demands answers to Donald's assassination attempt

>>202271 FTW (T.me) Democrat has a meltdown over memes of Trump protecting ducklings and kittens over wild claims Haitian migrants are eating pets

>>202272 DanScavino (TwiX) LFG!!!!! 🇺🇸🦅

>>202274 SoE (TwiX) ABC News reports that Trump plans to initiate military tribunals against his enemies when he regains power.

>>202275 FTW (T.me) Sean 'Diddy' Combs has been 'ordered to pay $100 million' in a default judgement over sexual assault allegations by Michigan inmate, Derrick Lee Cardello-Smith.

>>202276 WSS (TwiX) Did Kamala Harris use audio earrings ?

>>202277 WSA (TwiX) Illegal migrants can steal ducks and people’s pets, skin them and eat them but if American Citizens just go fishing or hunting without a license we get a fine

>>202278 BLM (T.me) So I would just like to point out that since Trump has left office and our movement has grown,

>>202279 SNN (T.me) Kaylee McGhee White: I still don't know where Kamala stands on fracking.

>>202280 KANSAS (TwiX) "Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

>>202281 GL (T.me) IDF strikes designated humanitarian zone Al-Mawasi, killing at least 19

>>202282, >>202294 VIDEO: Airline Ground Collision- Atlanta GA.10 Sept 2024 (YouTube)

>>202283 MELANIA (TwiX) melaniatrump.com

>>202284 EB (T.me) HORRIFYING: An illegal alien has been arrested after driving drunk and running over two firefighters.

>>202285 EB (T.me) hideous and disgusting, illegal, and indefensible": An illegal alien has been arrested after he drove drunk on a Florida beach — almost hitting several people — and ran over a protected sea turtle nest.

>>202286 USArmy (TwiX) Congratulations to the Army's first ever Best Observer, Controller/Trainer team — Capt. Corey Masaracchia and Staff Sgt. Kyle Pierson with the National Training Center out of Fort Irwin, Calif. Read the full story ⬇️

>>202287 USArmySouth (TwiX) 🚁🌟 At #SouthernFenix24, @armyfutures showcased the Hoverfly LiveSky drone: A game-changer for tactical operations and regional stability ! #InnovationInAction

>>202288 TS (T.me) TWO DAYS before the assassination attempt, Victoria Nuland boasted with a smirk, "I don't think Trump is going to be President, so If that's what Putin is betting on, he's going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!"

>>202289 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸⚖️✉️ Telegram admins charged by the DOJ with soliciting murder of federal officials and conspiring to provide material support to terrorist groups!

>>202290 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸 Former Ohio State Rep. Kyle Koehler has made SHOCKING revelations about the illegal Haitian crisis in Springfield, Ohio during a recent speech.

>>202291 CIG (T.me) 🚀 SpaceX launches private mission that’s expected to feature the first all-civilian spacewalk!

>>202292 CIG (T.me) 🚀⚔🇨🇳 America’s Space Force Is Preparing for the Risk of War

>>202293 WTM (T.me) Elon: The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?

>>202295 WTM (T.me) Tonight we saw a man being the same man he’s been for the entirety of his life against a politician that flip

>>202296 WTM (T.me) Trump just said he’ll be going to the World Trade Center tomorrow for the anniversary of 9/11 🙏🏼

>>202297 WTM (T.me) Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it.

>>202298 WTM (T.me) Hannity: "She wants a second debate."

>>202300 CR (T.me) They forgot to remove internal comments from Gensler's speech and they posted it. Market crash is imminent and they are trying to reassure the unwashed masses.

>>202301 EAC (Twix) Kamala Harris falsely claims no American troops in combat. Tell that to the US Army Rangers injured in combat raiding an ISIS camp in Iraq a few weeks ago. She forgot them just like she forgot our brave men and women injured and killed at Abbey Gate. She is a national disgrace.

>>202302 DanSavino (TwiX) #Debate2024 #Trump2024

>>202303 FTW (T.me) Why did JFK Jr. accuse Biden of being a traitor?

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e5ac97 No.202305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: 9/11: Stories From the City | Full Film (YouTUbe)

I like getting perspectives, but this video is filled with all the lies that the mainstream spewed. I don't care one bit for any of that.

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Post last edited at

e5ac97 No.202306

File: 16d076161386bc0⋯.jpg (464.96 KB,2048x1530,1024:765,9_11_retuers_1.jpg)

Papi is figured, will be baking and upping once back from a small punch list item I need to finish.

The faggots who did 9/11 will ALL be brought to justice. NONE should be able to live. ALL must be at the very least hung for treason.

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e5ac97 No.202307

If Kamala wants another debate, it needs to be known, and telivised that she will not be able to wear any devices, ear-rings etc. That Hannity, or one of the other based people will moderate.

Be back in a bit.

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4b339a No.202308

File: f491e555bcd64f1⋯.jpg (23.91 KB,326x351,326:351,IMG_20240912_000221_798.jpg)

DLT (T.me) Multiple Explosions Reported At US Military Facility In Baghdad, Iraq. Iran, Russia Refutes Pentagon Statement That Tehran Gave Moscow Short-Range Missiles:

Read Alert Flash: 🡻



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4b339a No.202309

File: 34cf716002406eb⋯.jpg (336.84 KB,1000x609,1000:609,Screenshot_20240912_000716….jpg)

SNN(T.me) MTG "They’re are putting adult Haitian men in our children's schools just to learn English"


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4b339a No.202310

File: 75a4d7787cc2fcf⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5985787408086472633.mp4)

SNN (T.me) President Trump and JD Vance arrive to pay their respects to the fallen


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4b339a No.202311

File: 0a69a9a826ec00e⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,1122x630,187:105,4_5985557060400453916.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Donald Trump seen shaking Vice President Kamala Harris’ hand at the 9/11 Ceremony in New York City.

Trump was standing next to Biden, Michael Bloomberg and JD Vance.

The ceremony comes just hours after Trump and Harris debated in Philadelphia.

During the debate, Kamala Harris claimed January 6th was a bigger threat to democracy than 9/11.


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4b339a No.202312

File: edece088f946bc1⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5985783254853096763.mp4)

SNN (T.me) This clip may be the most egregious example of ABC debate moderators' direct actions/inactions to affect viewers’ perceptions of the information presented at the debate.

There are at least seven instances of this within a two-minute span.

This is not “bias."

It’s much worse.

This is direct, planned interference in the debate outcome. When moderators take on the role of “fact checkers" the inference is that the absence of a “fact check” confers validity to the non-fact-checked information.

When one side is repeatedly “fact checked,” while the other is not, that is a signal to the viewer that one side is not reliable and truthful, while the other side is.

The ABC moderators had their orders, and here you see those orders executed.


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4b339a No.202313

File: 5db3a67374c8c74⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB,640x360,16:9,4_5985794881329567920.mp4)

>>202310 SNN (T.me) WATCH: President Trump and JD Vance greet New York City firefighters at FDNY Engine 4 Tower Ladder 15 on the anniversary of 9/11


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4b339a No.202314

File: 9966c43cc33ad93⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,1080x1920,9:16,4_5985464684243850135.mp4)

>>202310 SNN (T.me) President Trump, make America great again!”❤️


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4b339a No.202315

File: be425bdec2758c5⋯.jpg (189.97 KB,792x330,12:5,Screenshot_20240912_002452….jpg)

SNN (T.me) 9/11/16: Hillary gets tossed into a Van by her aides.

9/11/24: Biden wears a Trump 2024 hat in Pennsylvania.

Defining moments in American politics.


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4b339a No.202316

File: 8e28f61ae5fdad7⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5985794881329568035.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Hugh Hewitt: Kamala did not answer one question, nor did ABC ask one question about China, Iran, Israeli hostages.

"I am so amazed with the unprofessionalism."


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4b339a No.202317

File: 524bebd261fb28f⋯.jpg (38.78 KB,1280x703,1280:703,IMG_20240912_003012_456.jpg)

IP (T.me) NEW 🚨 Los Angeles wildfire explodes, engulfing homes


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4b339a No.202318

File: 946c7e4757dc16b⋯.jpg (110.15 KB,1170x1159,1170:1159,IMG_20240912_003236_806.jpg)

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4b339a No.202319

File: 751282414a4567f⋯.jpg (131.06 KB,1170x1093,1170:1093,IMG_20240912_003332_499.jpg)

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4b339a No.202320

File: 9bbb8cc3c6becc9⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5985794881329568030_1_.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: OHIO AG says Haitian Migrants ARE eating and taking pets. Fact check that ABC.


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4b339a No.202321

File: 433ecabcaa545d9⋯.jpg (61.24 KB,680x670,68:67,IMG_20240910_005219_114.jpg)

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e9d81a No.202322

File: c050411b94fd416⋯.webp (26.56 KB,680x467,680:467,F5U1kEEWUAAif3O_2.webp)


YES because at almost 600 mph a waterbaloon would be like steel.


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e9d81a No.202335

File: 65cef5df36fd7a4⋯.mp4 (139.26 KB,316x320,79:80,night_shift_gif.mp4)

Locked, adding Papi.

Poast next bread:

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e9d81a No.202338

File: 38ee1c305791010⋯.png (799.93 KB,1020x1132,255:283,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: d40e0f3fa7c62ba⋯.png (139.1 KB,1024x584,128:73,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 40f7cd637530276⋯.png (355.22 KB,1000x2116,250:529,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)


PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

10:41 EST



Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?



http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/06/disturbing-string-aircraft-crashes-in-2018-continues-deadly-trend-for-us-military.html



ILPresidento (TruSoc) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

10:48 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

10:48 EST



The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.

Red, White, and Blue.




Connect via past religious leaders (re: Hussein).

We have everything.

They know we do.




(TruSoc): 27

Not everything can be publicly disclosed because so much ties back to foreign heads of state. Much will be revealed, we want transparency but not at a cost we can’t recover from.

(TwiX): 28


>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

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e9d81a No.202350

File: a04af31292c9d68⋯.png (918.32 KB,998x844,499:422,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: cc47dd0dd3d95cf⋯.png (185.79 KB,1020x796,255:199,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: b22e2c771e1c58f⋯.png (68.1 KB,516x510,86:85,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 0b5e5d20fc08472⋯.png (260.28 KB,1006x674,503:337,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)



09:18 EST


I swear Trump is killing me here. HAHA He keeps putting out clues he has already talked to Kim


You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.




11:12 EST





They broke in during the fire.





11:13 EST



Did anons ever figure out what Q meant with the "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START"

Was this Syria FF?




Learn our comms.



(TruSoc): 253

On main page of Red website.



(TwiX): 254



Expand your thinking.

When did Hussein travel to Asia?

When was the stringer released?

When was the RED video taped?

Do you believe in coincidences?


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e9d81a No.202351

File: e84ac01535a03a8⋯.png (491.64 KB,1020x826,510:413,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 2722504d616f57d⋯.png (313.65 KB,1014x1514,507:757,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 588285b1f08a8c9⋯.png (39.84 KB,506x228,253:114,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BRING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

11:05 EST










ILPresidento (TruSoc) BRING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

11:14 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BRING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

11:14 EST



The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.

>[future proves past]

Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 26

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

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e9d81a No.202352

File: 99ab9c63649d466⋯.png (1.31 MB,1026x1232,513:616,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: d09a21f5351bab3⋯.png (133.89 KB,1012x548,253:137,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 8c329a5608f7b71⋯.png (41.68 KB,504x238,36:17,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOBBY KNOWS!!!😎🇺🇸

11:15 EST


Read carefully.





ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOBBY KNOWS!!!😎🇺🇸

11:43 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOBBY KNOWS!!!😎🇺🇸

11:43 EST


To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 12

Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

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e9d81a No.202353

File: bd44ad32fbff28d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1048x2154,524:1077,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 3befa0c79740bc7⋯.png (1.47 MB,998x2502,499:1251,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



Fire at Trump Tower Kills One, Police Say(web.archive.org)


More than 200 firefighters responded to a fire at Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan on Saturday. Bryan R. Smith for The New York Times

A 67-year-old man died after being injured in a fire at Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan on Saturday, the police said.

The man was in an apartment on the 50th floor at the time of the fire, which was reported around 5:30 p.m., the police said. He was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. His identity was not immediately released.

Four firefighters sustained injuries that were not life-threatening, Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro said at a news conference.

He said the apartment, a large unit that was heavily furnished, was “virtually entirely on fire.” Video footage showed flames bursting through broken windows.

The fire commissioner, Daniel A. Nigro, said an apartment on the 50th floor of the tower was “virtually entirely on fire.” Bryan R. Smith for The New York Times

Neither President Trump nor his family was in the building, a Fifth Avenue skyscraper that is the calling card of his real estate business.

The commissioner said firefighters went with the Secret Service to inspect the president’s residence. While the rest of the building had a “considerable amount of smoke,” it was not immediately clear if it reached Mr. Trump’s unit, he said.

More than 200 firefighters responded to the fire, the cause of which was unknown, the commissioner said.

Mr. Trump, who was in Washington at the time, said on Twitter that the tower’s construction helped confine the fire.

Residents said they received no evacuation orders from the building management about the fire, which killed a man on the 50th floor. Bryan R. Smith for The New York Times

The commissioner said the upper floors that are home to residences do not have fire sprinklers. “It’s a well-built building,” he said. “The building sure stood up quite well.”

While the building is subject around the clock to extra security by law enforcement, extra fire protection happens only when the president is there, Commissioner Nigro said.

The authorities restricted passers-by from the area directly in front of the tower, keeping them out of the street and on the sidewalk on the opposite side of Fifth Avenue.

Fire in Trump Tower worsening pic.twitter.com/6T1VsOCsuP

— Peter Thomas Roth (@PeterThomasRoth) April 7, 2018

Lalitha Masson, a 76-year-old resident, called it “a very, very terrifying experience.”

“When I saw the television, I thought we were finished,” said Ms. Masson, who lives on the 36th floor with her husband, Narinder, who is 79 and has Parkinson’s disease. “I started praying That this was our end. I called my oldest son and said goodbye to him because the way it looked everything was falling out of the window, and it reminded me of 9/11.”

The authorities restricted passers-by from the area directly in front of the tower, keeping onlookers to the sidewalk on the opposite side of Fifth Avenue. Bryan R. Smith for The New York Times

She said that she did not get any announcement about leaving, and that when she called the front desk no one answered.

Dennis Shields, a resident who said he lived on the 42nd floor, described the scene.

“You could smell the smoke and you could hear things falling like through the vents,” he said. “It just smelled like sulfur.”

He said there were no orders to evacuate but he received a text message from Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen.

Mr. Shields, who said he grew up with Mr. Cohen, continued: “He said, ‘Are you in the building?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘You better get out ASAP.’ That’s how I knew to get out, otherwise I’d still be in there.”

In January, a small electrical fire broke out near the top of the building. Officials at the time indicated it was in the building’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system.

A firefighter was hurt by falling debris and two civilians were injured.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

e9d81a No.202354

File: 6e3e88e44dd499c⋯.png (929.22 KB,1032x804,86:67,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: ba9db4d1cf81e4e⋯.png (104.04 KB,1018x460,509:230,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 4fb7afe7cda0a56⋯.png (160.37 KB,1012x484,23:11,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) GEN Z FOR TRUMP!!!

12:01 EST



Trap card played…nice work Q


TRUMP card coming.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) GEN Z FOR TRUMP!!!

12:04 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) GEN Z FOR TRUMP!!!

12:04 EST



Alison Mack singing like a canary, as Alan Dershowitz would say


Canary palm tree?




(TruSoc): 30

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.

(TwiX): 31

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202355

File: ad13350c9b118d1⋯.png (61.21 KB,1018x306,509:153,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 1af2bd0ef93bb2c⋯.png (337.3 KB,1030x760,103:76,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)



12:13 EST



Open source.




12:14 EST




12:14 EST



why does image search for "maggie Nixon" and "obama" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY? I think we are over the target?


Bigger than you can imagine.

POTUS warning shot.



Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?

What are ‘pet’ names?



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202356

File: 1d4361b34557369⋯.png (797.57 KB,1022x828,511:414,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: d0cfaab3dcfdfbb⋯.png (89.26 KB,1008x482,504:241,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: e17d7292241311c⋯.png (136.71 KB,518x754,259:377,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

12:31 EST


What will next week hold?




ILPresidento (TruSoc) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

12:34 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

12:34 EST


THANKQ - we are an existential threat to the establishment.







(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 35

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202357

File: 787f9019922536e⋯.png (636.38 KB,1024x822,512:411,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: b5c89d7f4deea5f⋯.png (1.34 MB,1518x2580,253:430,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: a19acd620130c70⋯.png (66.71 KB,506x368,11:8,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣

14:03 EST






ILPresidento (TruSoc) STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣

14:07 EST




Note the jackets.

Time of year.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣

14:08 EST


A theory ?

Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, Hussein, bremmer,etc.. These were special phone which the cabal thought could not be tracked or monitored. The cabal needed a new way to communicate after Q exposed their gmail draft and game forum methods.

Hillary was in NZ (FIVEEYES), not only to raise funds (if that is the true story) but to test out the phones. . Under directions of Trump, NZ told Hillary that the phones were good.

The cabal worked with China’s ZTE for these special PHONES. That is why ZTE was in the news lately. Trump drew attention to them to send the cabal a message that he was on to them.

The pics in London show the cabal meeting up after communicating with their secret phones.

Just a theory.


We are everywhere Anon.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 20

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202360

File: f02e88cc753eba4⋯.png (814.57 KB,1028x818,514:409,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 2d87d37906ea129⋯.png (124.39 KB,1020x460,51:23,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 3fd52f44849e7c0⋯.png (703.02 KB,532x2100,19:75,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: db59d7a9af58498⋯.png (847.87 KB,522x2616,87:436,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 3b6da5ed159f944⋯.png (557.77 KB,1010x1664,505:832,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)




PapiTrumpo (TwiX) A NICE KAMALA WELCOME!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

14:19 EST



You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"

More evidence of foreknowledge.


I'd watch the news that day.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) A NICE KAMALA WELCOME!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

14:22 EST


They thought it was coming yesteday (Monday)


IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) A NICE KAMALA WELCOME!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

14:23 EST


Note the time.

Note the vehicles on the road.

Compare against 2.16.18.

[6] surv [value targets].





(TruSoc): 100

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III



(TwiX): 101

LATEST Q, along with what was posted in CBTS 68


Graphic confirmed.







02:00 Z

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202362

File: 2db89225cc9eb96⋯.png (708.67 KB,1038x832,519:416,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 9ff6b69fe00837c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1012x1534,506:767,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: b54cf4a23ce4637⋯.png (1.25 MB,1010x2270,101:227,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 62f0faedc4ff6df⋯.png (287.31 KB,512x2130,256:1065,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) OMG!!!😂😂😂

14:37 EST


AF1 Asia Troop Q proof


ILPresidento (TruSoc) OMG!!!😂😂😂

14:41 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) OMG!!!😂😂😂

14:41 EST


Start the Clock.

A Week to [Remember].

Think Logically.

First private [CLAS-5(6)]

Second public.

Blackwater on GUARD.

Evidence KILLS.

These people are STUPID.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 28


>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202363

File: 5fa8e09028905a2⋯.png (523.31 KB,1020x1000,51:50,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 11cb1b8714eae7f⋯.png (872.61 KB,1014x2528,507:1264,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 027d0c68a4913a0⋯.png (390.33 KB,1018x2120,509:1060,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) FINE WOMEN!!!😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

14:46 EST


Every single picture posted is ORIGINAL.

Pulled/Wiped or Taken.

Think about what that means.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) FINE WOMEN!!!😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

14:49 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) FINE WOMEN!!!😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

14:49 EST


No. 72

Where was Kim tonight?

How was this known?

You are watching a 'plan' being set in motion.

Enjoy the show.



(TruSoc): 28


>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

(TwiX): 29

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202367

File: f0e3ecfeb464431⋯.png (536.15 KB,1036x828,259:207,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: a4488247cd90a26⋯.png (297.17 KB,518x1504,259:752,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 98c51937f44c283⋯.png (228.74 KB,504x1424,63:178,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: fdd928d29265a4a⋯.png (443.07 KB,2016x1424,126:89,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)





PapiTrumpo (TwiX) Wait. WHAT???🤣🤣🤣

14:59 EST



"Asked about the letter, however, a DOJ official said Rosenstein is currently “representing the United States in a brief unrelated visit to a foreign nation, one of America’s key intelligence partners,” indicating he would plan on responding during the previously scheduled briefing on Thursday."


This statement should ring alarms.

Hint: Those responsible for spying (FVEY) are present.





ILPresidento (TruSoc) Wait. WHAT???🤣🤣🤣

15:11 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) Wait. WHAT???🤣🤣🤣

15:11 EST


Barack Obama - Administration

First Lady Michelle Obama

Vice President Joseph Biden

Secretary of State John F. Kerry (2013-2017)

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (2009-2013)

Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter (2015-2017)

Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta (2011-2013)

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates (2009-2011)

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (2013-2015)

Secretary of the Interior Ken L. Salazar (2009-2013)

Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (2013-2017)

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (2015-2017)

Attorney General Eric H. Holder (2009-2015)

Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew (2013-2017)

Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner (2009-2013)

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (2009-2014)

Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell (2014-2017)

Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez (2013-2017)

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis (2009-2013)

Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (2013-2017)

Secretary of Commerce John Bryson (2011-2012)

Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke (2009-2011)

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (2009-2017)

Secretary of Education John King Jr. (2016-2017)

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (2009-2016)

Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (2013-2017)

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (2009-2013)

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (2013-2017)

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (2009-2013)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan (2009-2014)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro (2014-2017)

Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx (2013-2017)

Secretary of Transportion Ray LaHood (2009-2013)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald (2014-2017)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki (2009-2014)


Search foreign posts (State).

Face important.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 20

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?


Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.





Follow Huma.

What just broke w/ Huma?

What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?

Why is this story just now coming out?

What relevance does it have?

Why is Donna running for cover?

Was a deal granted in exchange for something?

Who made the deal?

Do we care about Donna or those who instructed her to violate the law?

Why is this being leaked v. simply prosecuted privately?

Who is attempting to change the narrative and soften the acts that are forthcoming this weekend?



How did NK obtain Uranium?

How did Iran obtain Uranium?

Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?

Why the cash component?

Was the hostage component a cover?

For what?

Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?

How many planes carried the cash into Iran?

Did all land in Iran?

Did all land in the same location?

Why is this relevant?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

Don't think of a single person.

Think of a powerful entity.

Why is this important?

Why are wars so important?

Who benefits?

What does hostage refer to?

Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?

Where is BO TODAY?

Where is VJ?

Alice & Wonderland.


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

e9d81a No.202369

File: fcee3d31d92742d⋯.png (710.65 KB,1002x796,501:398,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 01d77a086dacee6⋯.png (331.75 KB,698x1990,349:995,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: ec2941211300643⋯.png (368.57 KB,726x2530,33:115,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 9beed236d6f8ea2⋯.png (267.47 KB,696x912,29:38,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: bf5fb39caefb5a0⋯.png (263.27 KB,2084x746,1042:373,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) NUMBER$ DON'T LIE!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:15 EST


These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+

Why did the Podesta Group close?

Public charges?


Why close?

When did Huber start?


JP/ Huma NOV.


Do they know?

Why did the Podesta group close?

Why no leaks?

Who else knows?

HRC deal request?



Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

Why not?

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.




ILPresidento (TruSoc) NUMBER$ DON'T LIE!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:20 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) NUMBER$ DON'T LIE!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

15:20 EST



Do you believe in coincidences?

Have faith.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 59

How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?

Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?

How did SA welcome BO during his trip?

How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?

Why is this relevant?

Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.

Combine all posts and analyze.

The questions provide answers.

Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others.

Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released.

Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?

Why is this relevant?

We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring).

Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within).

Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity.

Alice & Wonderland.


I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.

Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It’s being monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don’t want the clutter.

Take good care. God bless.



>They Derailed

as Punishment for ALT extraction. Wonder which pawn is off the table… Or was it something higher?


BISHOP (cult).


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

e9d81a No.202371

File: cd27b7534e07f78⋯.png (214.59 KB,688x744,86:93,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 73dc982299f7268⋯.png (397.04 KB,1318x1874,659:937,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 24e36f7539fa16a⋯.png (517.14 KB,1332x2334,222:389,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: cb6a660d48d536a⋯.png (4.55 MB,2660x2358,1330:1179,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)




Board under heavy attack.



GOP will hit FBI, DOJ with 'full arsenal of constitutional weapons' if they don't comply with subpoena, Gowdy warns

June 17, 2018 5:41am EDT

Trey Gowdy Rips FBI Report By Inspector General

Trey Gowdy Rips FBI Report By Inspector General

House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy told "Fox News Sunday" that House Speaker Paul Ryan led a meeting Friday night with senior members of the DOJ and FBI, and made it clear that “there’s going to be action on the floor of the House this week if FBI and DOJ do not comply with our subpoena request.”

The House Judiciary Committee has requested more than a million documents from the FBI and DOJ relating to the Hillary Clinton email probe, the firing of former top FBI official Andrew McCabe, and reported surveillance of a Trump aide during the 2016 presidential election.

But Republicans have accused the DOJ and FBI of stonewalling and intentionally impeding their investigation, despite the agencies' claims that fulfilling the request requires a careful review of the sensitive documents.

Gowdy, R-S.C., said the GOP's action could involve "the full panoply of constitutional weapons available to the people’s house."

"I don’t want the drama; I want the documents."

— Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC

"Under the heading of minor miracles, you had members of the House working on a Friday night," Gowdy said. "Paul Ryan led this meeting. You had [House Intelligence Committee Chair] Devin Nunes, [House Judiciary Committee Chair] Bob Goodlatte, myself and everyone you can think of from the FBI and the DOJ, and we went item by item on both of those outstanding subpoenas.


And Paul made it very clear; there’s going to be action on the floor of the House this week if the FBI and DOJ do not comply with our subpoena request," he continued. "So [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein, [FBI Director] Chris Wray you were in the meeting, you understood him just as clearly as I did. We’re going to get compliance or the House of Representatives is going to use its full arsenal of constitutional weapons to gain compliance."

Last week, emails reviewed by Fox News showed that Rosenstein himself threatened to “subpoena” emails, phone records and other documents from lawmakers and staff on a Republican-led House committee during a tense meeting earlier this year, in what aides described as a "personal attack."

Gowdy told "Fox News Sunday" that "the full panoply of constitutional weapons available to the people’s house" are on the table, including contempt of Congress.

"I don’t want the drama; I want the documents," Gowdy added.

In a statement last week, Gowdy said he was "alarmed, angered, and deeply disappointed" at the revelations in the DOJ IG report released Thursday that analyzed federal investigators' conduct during the Hillary Clinton email probe.

The watchdog's report unearthed new texts from senior FBI officials who investigated both Clinton and the Trump campaign, including one in which the No. 2 investigator on the Clinton probe, Peter Strzok, vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president.

Gowdy reiterated on "Fox News Sunday" that the IG report was deeply concerning.

"I don’t know what [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller has," he said. "I do know this: that bias is so pervasive and everyone who has ever stood in front of a jury and had to explain it in a way will tell you it is the most miserable feeling in the world and I’ve never seen this level of bias."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202375

File: 9445c0ab16d096a⋯.png (1.51 MB,1030x1142,515:571,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: a6c3b4f131eb2c0⋯.png (451.12 KB,1530x896,765:448,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)



15:41 EST


See next.







15:42 EST


Trust the plan


IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) LOVING MY NEW SECRET SERVICE!!!😎😍😍😍

15:43 EST



Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202376

File: 7f447d1ae99c39c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1014x1242,169:207,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: e9af6b92339e2d3⋯.png (203.91 KB,1006x1104,503:552,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 6b7a8b6c0a7ba2a⋯.png (160.7 KB,1018x486,509:243,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: c8ad6c75e843f05⋯.png (1.97 MB,2030x2796,1015:1398,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥






His choice?

Remember, Kennedy was the swing vote.

No more.

Locked & Loaded.

RBG next.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

16:11 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) READY TO ROCK!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

16:11 EST


Sound familiar?




(TruSoc): 30

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.

(TwiX): 31

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.


GRILLED: Strzok Questioned by Lawmakers

House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee members grilled embattled, anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok behind closed doors on Capitol Hill Wednesday, as he attempted to explain his vehement bias against President Donald Trump, his senior role in the alleged Trump-Russia collusion investigation, and the exoneration of Hillary Clinton for her use of a private server while she was Secretary of State.

Strzok, who evaded a subpoena from House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), voluntarily appeared at the hearing. Thousands of Strzok’s anti-Trump text messages, which he exchanged with former FBI lawyer and his paramour, Lisa Page, sparked anger from Republicans (and criticism from some Democrats) who contend that senior members of the FBI utilized their power and political leanings to target Trump both before and after the 2016 election.

Freedom Caucus & Judiciary Committee member, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) attended today’s deposition and reacted to Strzok’s testimony, telling the Sean Hannity Radio Show, “… I am shocked at the lack of curiosity with Robert Mueller. I mean Sean, if you were in Mueller’s shoes, and you had found these text messages, I would think that you would want to ask whether or not they impacted the investigative decisions that were made, whether there was bias, whether there was contact with other members of the FBI regarding the investigation and where it was going and who was making the critical judgment calls,” the Florida Congressman said. “I just cannot believe the lack of curiosity on the part of Robert Mueller. It was the strongest reaction I had today from Peter Strzok’s testimony.”

“It was a waste—Strzok is full of it and he kept hiding behind [the] classified information excuse…”

Freedom Caucus member, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)-who was also in attendance- told SaraACarter.com, “It was a waste—Strzok is full of it and he kept hiding behind [the] classified information excuse.”

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation noted Strzok’s bias against Trump in the Russia investigation, but didn’t state whether or not it affected the outcome of the investigation. Horowitz is expected to release a third report on Strzok (along with other senior FBI officials) and his role in the Russia investigation and the bureau’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to target short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page.

Strzok, who was one of the bureau’s top counterintelligence agents against China and Russia, was escorted out of FBI headquarters shortly after Horowitz released his report. Attorney, Lisa Page resigned from the bureau after the text messae fall-out and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired just days before his retirement, after Horowitz and the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility concluded he had lied about leaking information to the press numerous times under oath.

Other senior FBI officials have also been fired or resigned as a result of the fall-out from the ongoing congressional and Inspector General investigations.

President Trump criticized Congress for not making the Strzok hearing public.

“The hearing of Peter Strzok and the other hating frauds at the FBI & DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not a closed door hearing that nobody will see,” he wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “We should expose these people for what they are—there should be total transparency!”

The hearing of Peter Strzok and the other hating frauds at the FBI & DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not a closed door hearing that nobody will see. We should expose these people for what they are – there should be total transparency!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) who was at the deposition Wednesday, told saraacarter.com that Strzok should be back to testify at an opening hearing.

The Judiciary Committee tweeted on Tuesday, “Peter Strzok will be interviewed first in a closed door deposition. There will be classified information to sort through before a public hearing is held. A public hearing will be held!”

Peter #Strzok will be interviewed first in a closed door deposition. There will be classified information to sort through before a public hearing is held. A public hearing will be held! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/Glltm1pBkn

— House Judiciary ⚖ (@HouseJudiciary) June 26, 2018

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Post last edited at

e9d81a No.202380

File: 2187e4d8e3b31ce⋯.png (1.01 MB,1038x1254,173:209,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: 1ea732eed3eeaa8⋯.png (261.45 KB,1010x824,505:412,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)

File: a012a59d7937f16⋯.png (609.24 KB,1014x1672,507:836,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_2….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) I LOVE THE INTERNET!!!🤣🤣🤣

16:37 EST



Q any comment on NK facilities and General Kelly? Thanks!


NK = FAKE NEWS [UK orig].

NK already began denuclearization process under guidance from US.


Why are people always being moved around?

Think strategy.

The Plan.

Military OP.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) I LOVE THE INTERNET!!!🤣🤣🤣

16:42 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I LOVE THE INTERNET!!!🤣🤣🤣

16:42 EST


What vote occurred today?

Full weight of the House.

Why is this relevant?

Provides supportable grounds for?




(TruSoc): 100

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III



(TwiX): 101

LATEST Q, along with what was posted in CBTS 68


Graphic confirmed.







02:00 Z

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202381

File: 3c70d7c05743723⋯.png (1016.39 KB,1022x826,73:59,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: bac41e1c6193ffb⋯.png (659.89 KB,1022x1362,511:681,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: a5bc3f403cf50af⋯.png (340.67 KB,1020x1800,17:30,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) PHILLY IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

20:20 EST



Please just keep POTUS safe, Q.


We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) PHILLY IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

17:21 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) PHILLY IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

17:21 EST


When does a bird sing?



Keep your promise.

This is not a game.



(TruSoc): 110


CIA counter-ops.

Will all fall down.


(TwiX): 111

Important Context:

What have you learned about HUMA?

What organization is HUMA?

Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

Who funded on behalf this President?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

What just happened in SA?

Who was arrested?

Funds frozen.

Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?



Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

Why is the relevance?

Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

Fast forward.

Why are the events in SA so important?

Why was JK in SA recently?

Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?

Refocus again.

Who was arrested in SA?

Any ownership stakes in US co's?

Why is this relevant?


Las Vegas.

Recent events.

Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?

What year(s) did this occur?

What faith does HUMA represent?

What faith does the MB represent?

What faith does Huma represent?

Who are the bad actors?

Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?

Is this possible?

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202382

File: 1efd58be130d500⋯.png (754.6 KB,1022x804,511:402,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: ae3733c8c7b0664⋯.png (170.21 KB,1008x764,252:191,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: a6f88360f135e8d⋯.png (131.78 KB,500x756,125:189,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

12:31 EST


What will next week hold?




ILPresidento (TruSoc) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

17:26 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) THE BOSS IS READY!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

17:26 EST


PS & LP texts.. “taken out of context”.. TG: the fuck they were..


(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 35

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202383

File: 14c9693cb1ab8b5⋯.png (847.43 KB,1048x830,524:415,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 5ce89bb006374f9⋯.png (201.54 KB,1024x504,128:63,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: bbb0a03646c58ac⋯.png (265.8 KB,630x1742,315:871,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: f37b7f0c1eea594⋯.png (516.46 KB,1326x2392,51:92,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 385edcf4a7c0a01⋯.png (1.33 MB,1352x2912,13:28,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) 😂😂😂

17:34 EST


A message that nobody but who understands?



ILPresidento (TruSoc) 😂😂😂

17:35 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) 😂😂😂

17:35 EST


There is nothing more precious than our children.

Evil has no boundaries.


The choice to know will ultimately be yours.

These people are SICK!


To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!

You are not alone in this fight.

God bless.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202384

File: d273b6151155bb6⋯.png (672.44 KB,1016x820,254:205,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: a8822c58b72ff77⋯.png (988.2 KB,1030x1482,515:741,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) I'M DEBATING A HOBBIT!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

18:09 EST





ILPresidento (TruSoc) I'M DEBATING A HOBBIT!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

18:10 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) I'M DEBATING A HOBBIT!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

18:10 EST


The level of hatred and the willingness to disparage my family and our great company has never been so ugly and unrelenting as I have seen recently by the @WashingtonPost. It is clearly coming from the top with one motivation in mind. @JeffBezos




Do you believe in coincidences?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202385

File: 0102db19f36700f⋯.png (921.92 KB,1018x804,509:402,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 602c64fc697f79d⋯.png (685.55 KB,1010x1796,505:898,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 969921ded623db3⋯.png (215.58 KB,500x962,250:481,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)



18:36 EST






ILPresidento (TruSoc) IT'S… TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!😎🇺🇸💥💥💥

19:04 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) IT'S… TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!😎🇺🇸💥💥💥

19:04 EST





Guatemalan Silver Charm Necklace, 1980s Long Wedding Necklace with MILAGROS, Metal Beads, Cowgirl Southwest, First Peoples 30" plus large coin w charms pendant ( 76.2cm ) The pendant is 5" long x 2 1/2"wide ( 12.7cm x 6.35cm ) There are beads and many animal dangles hanging off the double chain strands, the charms are called MILAGROS Lion, duck, quetzal bird, Swallow bird, Deer, Fish and goddess( center bottom ) The necklace and dangles are all silver color metal and most are in excellent condition and actually, still shiny, Purchased in 1990s in Gallup New Mexico at a pawn shop where I was attending the Inter-Tribal Indian festival I was told that this was a Guatemalan Wedding necklace. ???? it was a personal piece but I have become allergic to all metals so this is now up for grabs! Maybe worn 2 times.. *>>MILAGROS are small metal religious charms found in many areas of Latin America, especially Guatemala & Mexico. The word “Milagro” means “miracle”or Offering( Exvotos). These small charms, often depicting arms, legs, praying people, farm animals and a wide range of other subjects are typically nailed or pinned to crosses or wooden statues of various saints like the Virgin Mary or Christ, sacred objects, pinned on the clothing of saint statues, or hung with little red ribbons or threads from altars and shrines. They are also carried for protection and good luck and thanks to Saints and Their animals. The 1848 repro Coin pendant is of José Rafael Carrera Turcios was the president of Guatemala from 1844 to 1848 and from 1851 until his death in 1865, after being appointed President for Life in 1854.



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 152


did anyone saw this in the vid?


Isn't that curious?

What's below?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202386

File: 3824f0143769a25⋯.png (724.65 KB,1032x810,172:135,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 95aee7d4021d7b1⋯.png (56.86 KB,514x464,257:232,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: c16257f6da3ca0d⋯.png (160.99 KB,516x790,258:395,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 962b701f93bce32⋯.png (43.93 KB,502x256,251:128,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 992b48329a53593⋯.png (84.87 KB,510x438,85:73,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) WHO DID THIS???🤣🤣🤣

21:38 EST










ILPresidento (TruSoc) WHO DID THIS???🤣🤣🤣

21:43 EST






updated to show the anon's post



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) WHO DID THIS???🤣🤣🤣

19:05 EST


Anyone have problems w/ their 'XBOX Live' accounts shortly after the drop yesterday?


How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?



(TruSoc) & (TwiX): 31

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202387

File: 7637bdab6a643f8⋯.png (703.4 KB,1022x824,511:412,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 439e453c472ebbd⋯.png (466.65 KB,1022x1800,511:900,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 0c952ea9839b9e3⋯.png (161.91 KB,1018x514,509:257,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 96c3e4d217d6ea3⋯.png (194.97 KB,2028x572,39:11,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 95aee7d4021d7b1⋯.png (56.86 KB,514x464,257:232,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) LET'S DO THIS!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

19:48 EST



[Hassan Rouhani]


Who is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal?

Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?

Was HUSSEIN a prominent political figure or a person of influence at the time?


Who is Valerie Jarrett?

Where was she born?

When did Valerie Jarrett hire Michelle Robinson?




Who is Mayor (former) Richard Daley?

Who is Mayor (current) Rahm Emanuel?

HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous.

BRENNAN should be VERY nervous.

KERRY should be VERY nervous.

MERKEL should be VERY nervous.


How were the pallets of cash divided?

How many planes were used to transport?

Who operated the planes?

What 'shadow' agency directed operations?

Why wasn't the money [simply] wire transferred?

US had AUTH to open bank-to-bank transfers.

How do you prevent financial T logs?

How were the cash withdrawals in EU categorized/labeled?

Where did the cash originate from?

What time of day did the withdrawals occur?

Who provided SECURITY?

Why wasn't Congress notified?

Why was the U.S. Gov't kept in the DARK?

US law broken?

Did ALL planes land in the same location (airport)?

Why did [1] particular plane land outside of Iran?

Why was a helicopter involved?

[WHO] did the money go to?


Did Rouhani keep 'unknown' comms as insurance?

What agency collects ALL FORMS OF DATA?

What agency did @Snowden work for orig?

Did he train on THE FARM?

When did @Snowden join No Such Agency?

Define 'Contractor'.

Define the 'PRISM' program.

What year did @Snowden release spec-details of PRISM?

Mid 2013?

IMPACT-LIMIT NSA's ability to utilize/collect?

FAKE NEWS push for Congressional restrictions?




When was the Joint Plan of Action (IRAN DEAL) executed?

Late 2013?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Nothing to See Here.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) LET'S DO THIS!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

19:55 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) LET'S DO THIS!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

19:55 EST



Many of us have lost some family and friends over sharing this information. Looked at as conspiracy theorists that have gone off the deep end.

We're sticking with you Q. We trust the plan.


Do not force those not yet ready.

The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time.

Do not isolate yourself within your own family.

Dark to Light.


Impossible to DEFEND.

Impossible to IGNORE.

Stay Strong.

You are NOT ALONE.

Patriots ALL.



(TruSoc): 30

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.

(TwiX): 31

World stalemate.

We all have the goods on everyone else.

That’s part of the reason why some things that tie back to foreign heads of state will remain classified (not all).

We are in one of the most critical times of our country. Trump and others are working to balance the we’re doing well for America (for the common person to endorse) while at the same time purify our govt and remove the bad actors who are entrenched. There is so much string pulling and blackmail that we need to cut these off to truly gain the power granted to us by the Patriots and hard working people of this great country.


Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

Why is this relevant?

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?

Biggest drop on Pol.

Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.


I really wanted to be here through the whole thing but I just got word that my father has died and I need to take a step back as I deal with it. He was a good man and wanted nothing more than to watch all of Californias power structure hang for their crimes. If you guys could send some prayers my way it would be greatly appreciated


Our deepest condolences, Patriot.

God be with you and your family during this difficult time.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202388

File: 587e251f408aba5⋯.png (853.78 KB,1030x880,103:88,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

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PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) THEY MADE HER A TINY PODIUM!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

20:35 EST






ILPresidento (TruSoc) THEY MADE HER A TINY PODIUM!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

20:36 EST



Does this mean more fires?

Paul & Nancy Pelosi Charitable Foundation.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) THEY MADE HER A TINY PODIUM!!!😭🤣🤣🤣

20:37 EST



Does this mean more fires?

Paul & Nancy Pelosi Charitable Foundation.



What about the budget?



Why would CA 'elected' officials knowingly collapse the budget?

Who 'elects' CA officials?https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/california-dmv-allows-illegals-to-vote-gop-chairman

Money to be made?





Why are CA & NY VITAL areas of control?

Think Ports.




Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

Why is this relevant?

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?

Biggest drop on Pol.

Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.






yup, DDOS, 502s, and captcha

with means OVER THE TARGET




Retaliation - 'Horizon' active.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202389

File: bb7b62747dc6e14⋯.png (1.9 MB,1030x1134,515:567,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 409151a08c46e60⋯.png (826.96 KB,1030x1438,515:719,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)



21:00 EST


Why, before each rally, are 'threats' now being called in re: 'Q' attendees [effort to prevent…]?

Why are bots and/or paid shills tasked to down vote and/or 'shill' 'Q' discussion boards?

Why is FAKE NEWS media attacking this movement in strategic/coordinated waves [similar anti-POTUS tactics?]?









ILPresidento (TruSoc) NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

21:01 EST



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

21:01 EST


BREAKING: Twitter Bans Alex Jones Permanently After Ambush on Jack Dorse



There is a lot more to this than you realize.

Think 'collective' attacks v. 'Q'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202390

File: 5406b593c1b0e2c⋯.png (71.23 KB,1020x314,510:157,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 5ec1347edd805ad⋯.png (258.13 KB,1514x782,757:391,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) We accept live microphones and the first thing out of my mouth is: "ESCUSE ME, I'M SPEAKING… I'M SPEAKING."🤣🤣🤣

13:21 EST


TRIP Update.


ILPresidento (TruSoc) We accept live microphones and the first thing out of my mouth is: "ESCUSE ME, I'M SPEAKING… I'M SPEAKING."🤣🤣🤣



TRIP confirmed.



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) We accept live microphones and the first thing out of my mouth is: "ESCUSE ME, I'M SPEAKING… I'M SPEAKING."🤣🤣🤣

22:47 EST


centered the title


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202391

File: f86b1485e0e3242⋯.png (665 KB,1010x798,505:399,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

File: 68ec66b76a1794b⋯.png (83.36 KB,1016x312,127:39,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

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File: 40cace9a0eea8c7⋯.png (68.46 KB,1006x234,503:117,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

22:54 EST


We are at the PRECIPICE.


Remain CALM.

We are here for a reason.

Patriots are in control.



ILPresidento (TruSoc) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

22:57 EST



1 = 1


The More You Know…



IL Donaldo Trumpo (T.me) BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🤣🤣🤣

22:58 EST



Schumer’s Warning

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer quickly warned Trump against seizing on the report as a reason to dismiss Rosenstein.

“This story must not be used as a pretext for the corrupt purpose of firing Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein in order install an official who will allow the president to interfere with the Special Counsel’s investigation,” Schumer said in a statement. He added that many “White House and cabinet officials have been reported to say critical things of the president without being fired.”





(TruSoc): 12

Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

(TwiX): 13

Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said too much. God bless, Patriots.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202392

File: 246a8d6c1b5a088⋯.png (1.1 MB,1314x2534,657:1267,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)



Omarosa plans another tape release next week: report

September 7, 2018 2:13am EDT

Omarosa claims White House shunned her for being a black woman

In a revealing clip released by CBS, while talking on “Big Brother: Celebrity Edition,” Omarosa claims that she was shunned by White House officials because she is a black woman. She also spoke out about a potential tell-all book and what she really thinks of Trump’s tweeting.

Omarosa Manigult Newman, the former White House official, will reportedly release another tape recording on Monday that includes multiple individuals "high up in the administration," PageSix reported on Thursday.

Manigult Newman will appear on "The View," the report said. It is unclear who the individuals on the recording will be, the sources said.

Manigult Newman released her book, "Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House" last month, along with a series of recordings that included President Trump, Chief of Staff John Kelly and and Lara Trump (wife of son Eric Trump).

She resigned in December 2017 as director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liason.

AP source: Omarosa has 'treasure trove' of audio, videoVideo

The former reality television star first met Trump in 2004 when she appeared as a contestant on the first season of "The Apprentice."

Next week's "The View" lineup also includes Stormy Daniels, who plans to make a "big announcement," according to PageSix.

Documentary filmmaker, Michael Moore, a known Trump critic, is also scheduled to appear next Friday ahead of his "Fahrenheit 11/9" release.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202393

File: e3063ad96a003b8⋯.png (2.22 MB,1618x1956,809:978,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

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Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment(WayBack)

Share full article


Two weeks into his job as deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein was confronted with a crisis: the president’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director.Credit…T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times

By Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt

Sept. 21, 2018

WASHINGTON — The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

Mr. Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring of 2017 when Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director plunged the White House into turmoil. Over the ensuing days, the president divulged classified intelligence to Russians in the Oval Office, and revelations emerged that Mr. Trump had asked Mr. Comey to pledge loyalty and end an investigation into a senior aide.

Mr. Rosenstein was just two weeks into his job. He had begun overseeing the Russia investigation and played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But Mr. Rosenstein was caught off guard when Mr. Trump cited the memo in the firing, and he began telling people that he feared he had been used.

Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes in interviews over the past several months, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.

None of Mr. Rosenstein’s proposals apparently came to fruition. It is not clear how determined he was about seeing them through, though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment.

The extreme suggestions show Mr. Rosenstein’s state of mind in the disorienting days that followed Mr. Comey’s dismissal. Sitting in on Mr. Trump’s interviews with prospective F.B.I. directors and facing attacks for his own role in Mr. Comey’s firing, Mr. Rosenstein had an up-close view of the tumult. Mr. Rosenstein appeared conflicted, regretful and emotional, according to people who spoke with him at the time.

Mr. Rosenstein disputed this account.

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect,” he said in a statement. “I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda. But let me be clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

A Justice Department spokeswoman also provided a statement from a person who was present when Mr. Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire. The person, who would not be named, acknowledged the remark but said Mr. Rosenstein made it sarcastically.

But according to the others who described his comments, Mr. Rosenstein not only confirmed that he was serious about the idea but also followed up by suggesting that other F.B.I. officials who were interviewing to be the bureau’s director could also secretly record Mr. Trump.


Andrew G. McCabe, who became acting director of the F.B.I. after Mr. Comey was fired, memorialized his interactions with Mr. Rosenstein in memos.Credit…Alex Wong/Getty Images

Mr. McCabe, who was later fired from the F.B.I., declined to comment. His memos have been turned over to the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, in the investigation into whether Trump associates conspired with Russia’s election interference, according to a lawyer for Mr. McCabe. “A set of those memos remained at the F.B.I. at the time of his departure in late January 2018,” the lawyer, Michael R. Bromwich, said of his client. “He has no knowledge of how any member of the media obtained those memos.”

The revelations about Mr. Rosenstein come as Mr. Trump has unleashed another round of attacks in recent days on federal law enforcement, saying in an interview with the newspaper The Hill that he hopes his assaults on the F.B.I. turn out to be “one of my crowning achievements,” and that he only wished he had terminated Mr. Comey sooner.

“If I did one mistake with Comey, I should have fired him before I got here. I should have fired him the day I won the primaries,” Mr. Trump said. “I should have fired him right after the convention. Say, ‘I don’t want that guy.’ Or at least fired him the first day on the job.”

Days after ascending to the role of the nation’s No. 2 law enforcement officer, Mr. Rosenstein was thrust into a crisis.

On a brisk May day, Mr. Rosenstein and his boss, Mr. Sessions, who had recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his role as a prominent Trump campaign supporter, joined Mr. Trump in the Oval Office. The president informed them of his plan to oust Mr. Comey. To the surprise of White House aides who were trying to talk the president out of it, Mr. Rosenstein embraced the idea, even offering to write the memo about the Clinton email inquiry. He turned it in shortly after.

A day later, Mr. Trump announced the firing, and White House aides released Mr. Rosenstein’s memo, labeling it the basis for Mr. Comey’s dismissal. Democrats sharply criticized Mr. Rosenstein, accusing him of helping to create a cover story for the president to rationalize the termination.

“You wrote a memo you knew would be used to perpetuate a lie,” Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, wrote on Twitter. "You own this debacle.”

The president’s reliance on his memo caught Mr. Rosenstein by surprise, and he became angry at Mr. Trump, according to people who spoke to Mr. Rosenstein at the time. He grew concerned that his reputation had suffered harm.

A determined Mr. Rosenstein began telling associates that he would ultimately be “vindicated” for his role in the matter. One week after the firing, Mr. Rosenstein met with Mr. McCabe and at least four other senior Justice Department officials, in part to explain his role in the situation.

How the Mueller Investigation Could Play Out for Trump

If Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, finds evidence that Mr. Trump broke the law, he will have decisions to make about how to proceed. We explain them.

During their discussion, Mr. Rosenstein expressed frustration at how Mr. Trump had conducted the search for a new F.B.I. director, saying the president was failing to take the candidate interviews seriously. A handful of politicians and law enforcement officials, including Mr. McCabe, were under consideration.

To Mr. Rosenstein, the hiring process was emblematic of broader dysfunction stemming from the White House. He said both the process and the administration itself were in disarray, according to two people familiar with the discussion.

Mr. Rosenstein then raised the idea of wearing a recording device, or “wire,” as he put it, to secretly tape the president when he visited the White House. One participant asked whether Mr. Rosenstein was serious, and he replied animatedly that he was.

If not him, then Mr. McCabe or other F.B.I. officials interviewing with Mr. Trump for the job could perhaps wear a wire or otherwise record the president, Mr. Rosenstein offered. White House officials never checked his phone when he arrived for meetings there, Mr. Rosenstein added, implying it would be easy to secretly record Mr. Trump.

Mr. Rosenstein mentioned the possibility of wearing a wire on at least one other occasion, the people said, though they did not provide details.

The suggestion itself was remarkable. While informants or undercover agents regularly use concealed listening devices to surreptitiously gather evidence for federal investigators, they are typically targeting drug kingpins and Mafia bosses in criminal investigations, not a president viewed as ineffectively conducting his duties.

In the end, the idea went nowhere, the officials said. But they called Mr. Rosenstein’s comments an example of how erratically he was behaving while he was taking part in the interviews for a replacement F.B.I. director, considering the appointment of a special counsel and otherwise running the day-to-day operations of the more than 100,000 people at the Justice Department.

At least two meetings took place on May 16 involving both Mr. McCabe and Mr. Rosenstein, the people familiar with the events of the day said. Mr. Rosenstein brought up the 25th Amendment during the first meeting of Justice Department officials, they said. A memo about the second meeting written by one participant, Lisa Page, a lawyer who worked for Mr. McCabe at the time, did not mention the topic.

Mr. Rosenstein’s suggestion about the 25th Amendment was similarly a sensitive topic. The amendment allows for the vice president and a majority of cabinet officials to declare the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”


Mr. Rosenstein acknowledged that Mr. Comey was a role model but said he thought it was appropriate to seek a new leader for the F.B.I.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times

Merely conducting a straw poll, even if Mr. Kelly and Mr. Sessions were on board, would be risky if another administration official were to tell the president, who could fire everyone involved to end the effort.

Mr. McCabe told other F.B.I. officials of his conversation with Mr. Rosenstein. None of the people interviewed said that they knew of him ever consulting Mr. Kelly or Mr. Sessions.

The episode is the first known instance of a named senior administration official weighing the 25th Amendment. Unidentified others have been said to discuss it, including an unnamed senior administration official who wrote an Op-Ed for The New York Times. That person’s identity is unknown to journalists in the Times news department.

Some of the details in Mr. McCabe’s memos suggested that Mr. Rosenstein had regrets about the firing of Mr. Comey. During a May 12 meeting with Mr. McCabe, Mr. Rosenstein was upset and emotional, Mr. McCabe wrote, and said that he wished Mr. Comey were still at the F.B.I. so he could bounce ideas off him.

Mr. Rosenstein also asked F.B.I. officials on May 14, five days after Mr. Comey’s firing, about calling him for advice about a special counsel. The officials responded that such a call was a bad idea because Mr. Comey was no longer in the government. And they were surprised, believing that the idea contradicted Mr. Rosenstein’s stated reason for backing Mr. Comey’s dismissal — that he had shown bad judgment in the Clinton email inquiry.

Mr. Rosenstein, 53, is a lifelong public servant. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, he clerked for a federal judge before joining the Justice Department in 1990 and was appointed United States attorney for Maryland.

Mr. Rosenstein also considered appointing as special counsel James M. Cole, himself a former deputy attorney general, three of the people said. Mr. Cole would have made an even richer target for Mr. Trump’s ire than has Mr. Mueller, a lifelong Republican: Mr. Cole served four years as the No. 2 in the Justice Department during the Obama administration and worked as a private lawyer representing one of Mrs. Clinton’s longtime confidants, Sidney Blumenthal.

Mr. Cole and Mr. Rosenstein have known each other for years. Mr. Cole, who declined to comment, was Mr. Rosenstein’s supervisor early in his Justice Department career when he was prosecuting public corruption cases.

Mr. Trump and his allies have repeatedly attacked Mr. Rosenstein and have also targeted Mr. McCabe, who was fired in March for failing to be forthcoming when he was interviewed in an inspector general investigation around the time of Mr. Comey’s dismissal. The inspector general later referred the matter to federal prosecutors in Washington.

The president’s allies have seized on Mr. McCabe’s lack of candor to paint a damning picture of the F.B.I. under Mr. Comey and assert that the Russia investigation is tainted.

The Justice Department denied a request in late July from Mr. Trump’s congressional allies to release Mr. McCabe’s memos, citing a continuing investigation that the lawmakers believed to be Mr. Mueller’s. Mr. Rosenstein not only supervises that investigation but is also considered by the president’s lawyers as a witness for their defense because he sought the dismissal of Mr. Comey, which is being investigated as possible obstruction of justice.

Matt Apuzzo and Nicholas Fandos contributed reporting.

Follow Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt on Twitter: @adamgoldmanNYT and @nytmike.

A version of this article appears in print on , Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Rosenstein Raised Idea of Recording Talks With Trump . Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202394

File: a7acea94c7f72ae⋯.png (116.26 KB,1038x1042,519:521,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

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PAPI (9/10/2024)


PapiTrumpo (TwiX) READY TO RUMBLE!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

13:45 EST


Re_read crumbs re: Iran.

It was never about WW safety & security.

It was never about Nuclear disarmament.

It was about opening a new untapped market.

It was about securing a black site.

The ‘Exchange’.


Risk the welfare of the world.



Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Carried out by Hussein.

[remember HRC ran against Hussein]

U1 [donations to CF].

$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].

Did the total withdrawal actually depart EU?

Why EU?

Define bribe.

Define kickback.

Special Interest Groups (SIG).

What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal?


Cross check Co’s against political + foundation payments.

Define bribe.

Define kickback.

Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout?


Truth coming.



(TwiX): 58


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.


Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9d81a No.202395

File: 68b9a27dd46f1cd⋯.png (962.84 KB,1022x1498,73:107,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_0….png)

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PAPI (9/10/2024)



16:56 EST



Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination.



Make no mistake-

Rep Gowdy is a Patriot.



Date Peter/Comey cleared Weiner emails?

Date wife was promoted?

Do you believe in coincidences?






(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]






Spread out by design.

MSNBC next?


No ‘PG’ bot push post RC?

Saving for Monday?


Open the door.


Close to door.


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e9d81a No.202396

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Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


@ Bacon


>>202252 CK (T.me) PA voters on the debate: “Donald Trump made a strong closing statement by saying, ‘Why didn’t they do all of the things that she’s proposing during the 3.5 years that they’ve been in office?’”

>>202253 CK (T.me) You don’t get done with a debate and instantly request another unless you know you didn't get what you needed.

>>202255 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Tulsi Gabbard fact checks Kamala Harris' pathetic lies.

>>202256, >>202258 SNN (T.me) PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I was very happy with the result… I just felt we had a great night."

>>202257 SNN (T.me) ⚠️CSPAN Poll Results: Majority Favor Donald Trump After ABC News Presidential Debate

>>202259 MJT (T.me) CA Dem Maxine Waters says You’re Racist if you’re Not Accepting the Fact that all the Haitians Coming into America Illegally because they’re Black and Poor

>>202260 MJT (T.me) 🚨Pretty big story in Tennessee…

>>202261 MJT (T.me) 😡😡😡😡🚨 Texas — They’re Literally Teaching People how to CHEAT! 🤦🏻‍♂️

>>202262 MJT (T.me) Waffle House CEO, Walt Ehmer, who gave his Employees $500 to get the Covid Vaccination, Dies

>>202264 SNN (T.me) ABC NEWS: Kamala Harris was asked if she believes Americans are better off now than they were 4 years ago, and she DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION.

>>202265, >>202268 NBSN (T.me) ‘Tomorrow I’m doing 9/11’ - Biden

>>202266 9/11 Anomalies THE DAY OF:

>>202267 BA (T.me) 🇲🇽🔥❗️ — Mexico City Riot police have begun to strongly repress protesters that were demonstrating against the Judicial Reform by President AMLO and his MORENA party

>>202269 DanScavino (TwiX) TRUMP FORCE ONE🛬NYC. #TRUMP2024 🇺🇸🦅

>>202270 FTW (T.me) Melania Trump demands answers to Donald's assassination attempt

>>202271 FTW (T.me) Democrat has a meltdown over memes of Trump protecting ducklings and kittens over wild claims Haitian migrants are eating pets

>>202272 DanScavino (TwiX) LFG!!!!! 🇺🇸🦅

>>202274 SoE (TwiX) ABC News reports that Trump plans to initiate military tribunals against his enemies when he regains power.

>>202275 FTW (T.me) Sean 'Diddy' Combs has been 'ordered to pay $100 million' in a default judgement over sexual assault allegations by Michigan inmate, Derrick Lee Cardello-Smith.

>>202276 WSS (TwiX) Did Kamala Harris use audio earrings ?

>>202277 WSA (TwiX) Illegal migrants can steal ducks and people’s pets, skin them and eat them but if American Citizens just go fishing or hunting without a license we get a fine

>>202278 BLM (T.me) So I would just like to point out that since Trump has left office and our movement has grown,

>>202279 SNN (T.me) Kaylee McGhee White: I still don't know where Kamala stands on fracking.

>>202280 KANSAS (TwiX) "Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

>>202281 GL (T.me) IDF strikes designated humanitarian zone Al-Mawasi, killing at least 19

>>202282, >>202294 VIDEO: Airline Ground Collision- Atlanta GA.10 Sept 2024 (YouTube)

>>202283 MELANIA (TwiX) melaniatrump.com

>>202284 EB (T.me) HORRIFYING: An illegal alien has been arrested after driving drunk and running over two firefighters.

>>202285 EB (T.me) hideous and disgusting, illegal, and indefensible": An illegal alien has been arrested after he drove drunk on a Florida beach — almost hitting several people — and ran over a protected sea turtle nest.

>>202286 USArmy (TwiX) Congratulations to the Army's first ever Best Observer, Controller/Trainer team — Capt. Corey Masaracchia and Staff Sgt. Kyle Pierson with the National Training Center out of Fort Irwin, Calif. Read the full story ⬇️

>>202287 USArmySouth (TwiX) 🚁🌟 At #SouthernFenix24, @armyfutures showcased the Hoverfly LiveSky drone: A game-changer for tactical operations and regional stability ! #InnovationInAction

>>202288 TS (T.me) TWO DAYS before the assassination attempt, Victoria Nuland boasted with a smirk, "I don't think Trump is going to be President, so If that's what Putin is betting on, he's going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!"

>>202289 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸⚖️✉️ Telegram admins charged by the DOJ with soliciting murder of federal officials and conspiring to provide material support to terrorist groups!

>>202290 CIG (T.me) 🇺🇸 Former Ohio State Rep. Kyle Koehler has made SHOCKING revelations about the illegal Haitian crisis in Springfield, Ohio during a recent speech.

>>202291 CIG (T.me) 🚀 SpaceX launches private mission that’s expected to feature the first all-civilian spacewalk!

>>202292 CIG (T.me) 🚀⚔🇨🇳 America’s Space Force Is Preparing for the Risk of War

>>202293 WTM (T.me) Elon: The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?

>>202295 WTM (T.me) Tonight we saw a man being the same man he’s been for the entirety of his life against a politician that flip

>>202296 WTM (T.me) Trump just said he’ll be going to the World Trade Center tomorrow for the anniversary of 9/11 🙏🏼

>>202297 WTM (T.me) Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it.

>>202298 WTM (T.me) Hannity: "She wants a second debate."

>>202300 CR (T.me) They forgot to remove internal comments from Gensler's speech and they posted it. Market crash is imminent and they are trying to reassure the unwashed masses.

>>202301 EAC (Twix) Kamala Harris falsely claims no American troops in combat. Tell that to the US Army Rangers injured in combat raiding an ISIS camp in Iraq a few weeks ago. She forgot them just like she forgot our brave men and women injured and killed at Abbey Gate. She is a national disgrace.

>>202302 DanSavino (TwiX) #Debate2024 #Trump2024

>>202303 FTW (T.me) Why did JFK Jr. accuse Biden of being a traitor?

>>202308 DLT (T.me) Multiple Explosions Reported At US Military Facility In Baghdad, Iraq. Iran, Russia Refutes Pentagon Statement That Tehran Gave Moscow Short-Range Missiles:

>>202309 SNN(T.me) MTG "They’re are putting adult Haitian men in our children's schools just to learn English"

>>202310, >>202313, >>202314 SNN (T.me) President Trump and JD Vance arrive to pay their respects to the fallen

>>202311 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Donald Trump seen shaking Vice President Kamala Harris’ hand at the 9/11 Ceremony in New York City.

>>202312 SNN (T.me) This clip may be the most egregious example of ABC debate moderators' direct actions/inactions to affect viewers’ perceptions of the information presented at the debate.

>>202315 SNN (T.me) 9/11/16: Hillary gets tossed into a Van by her aides.

>>202316 SNN (T.me) Hugh Hewitt: Kamala did not answer one question, nor did ABC ask one question about China, Iran, Israeli hostages.

>>202317 IP (T.me) NEW 🚨 Los Angeles wildfire explodes, engulfing homes

>>202320, >>202321 SNN (T.me) ⚠️BREAKING: OHIO AG says Haitian Migrants ARE eating and taking pets. Fact check that ABC.

>>202338, >>202350, >>202351, >>202352, >>202354, >>202355, >>202356, >>202357, >>202360, >>202362, >>202363, >>202367, >>202369, >>202375, >>202376, >>202380, >>202381, >>202382, >>202383, >>202384, >>202385, >>202386, >>202387, >>202388, >>202389, >>202390, >>202391, >>202394, >>202395, PapiTrumpo (9/10/2024)

>>202353 Fire at Trump Tower Kills One, Police Say(web.archive.org)

>>202371 GOP will hit FBI, DOJ with 'full arsenal of constitutional weapons' if they don't comply with subpoena, Gowdy warns

>>202376 GRILLED: Strzok Questioned by Lawmakers

>>202392 Omarosa plans another tape release next week: report

>>202393 Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment(WayBack)

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e9d81a No.202398

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