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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB,255x143,255:143,Bread_Title_Midnight_Ride….jpeg)

9270c5 No.191532 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.





Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.2022

@ QR >>17830226 ————————————–——– Be aware of false prophets..

@ QR >>17830253 ————————————–——– Q & A ? In time.

@ QR >>17830238 ————————————–——– What is coded in your DNA?

Wednesday 11.18.22

@ QR >>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.2022

@ QR >>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.8.2022

@ QR >>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control..

Monday 11.7.2022

@ QR >>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.6.2022

@ QR >>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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58 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9270c5 No.191596

File: 7a41c9547c33bba⋯.png (764.3 KB,912x888,38:37,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)


LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) BREAKING: Toddler kiIIed in stabbing attack in Ohio. Bionca Ellis ambushed a mother and her toddler in a parking lot and stabbed 3-year-old Julian Wood to d*ath. The mother, Margot Wood was also stabbed and is recovering in the hospital.

You probably won't see this story in the mainstream media…

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9270c5 No.191597

File: d09456ef30161ac⋯.png (484.3 KB,579x679,579:679,GPQS2dka0AATEA2.png)

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9270c5 No.191598

File: c4beac1817190bb⋯.png (789.96 KB,906x1194,151:199,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)


ClownWorld (TwiX) Four robbers barged in and shoppers held the door to trap them inside until police showed up in Nashville.

This is the way! 👏👏👏

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9270c5 No.191599

File: abfb80ab56c54d7⋯.png (643.03 KB,900x1054,450:527,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_1….png)


(TwiX) A group of Somalian migrants in MN stole $250,000,000+ from a taxpayer-funded childhood nutrition program, the largest pandemic-related fraud case yet.

A juror on the case was just offered bags LOADED with $120k to vote not guilty.

Import the 3rd world, become one.

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9270c5 No.191600

File: a1934dcbcdfe7db⋯.png (58.16 KB,255x255,1:1,0e372679326cc3ea.png)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)


2nd NOTE


>>191546, >>191547, >>191557, >>191558, >>191559, >>191560, >>191561, >>191562, >>191564, >>191565, >>191566, >>191567, >>191568, >>191569, PapiTrumpo (6/03/2024)

>>191548 Bush's Saudi Connections

>>191551 Origins of the Bin Laden Family(PBS.org)

>>191552 Plane Carried 13 Bin Ladens(WashingtonPost.com)

>>191553 Saudi Arabia purge widens with ‘arrest, no-fly list’(Aljazeera.com)

>>191554 More than 200 arrested in latest Saudi anti-corruption purge(Aljazeera.com)

>>191555 Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

>>191573, >191574 USArmyManeuverCenterOfExcellence (TwiX) Soldiers aren't born, they're forged through hard work & dedication.

>>191575, >>191576 USSS (TwiX) This ballistic graduation gown was worn by President George H.W. Bush during his speech at Mississippi State University May 13, 1989. It's one of many tools we use to ensure the safety of our protectees while enabling them to conduct daily affairs.

>>191577 USSS (TwiX) Welcome to another #TriviaTuesday!

>>191578 USSS (TwiX) As part of RNC & DNC security plans, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is in the midwest touring key NSSE sites & meeting with partners from our Office of Protective Operations & security partners, including this June 4 press conference in Chicago.

>>191579 VIDEO: “37 Assassinated” - Female President Elected Following Deadliest Election In Mexico History (YouTube)

>>191580 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Pres Biden has had the power since Day 1 in office to take exec action on border security Instead he waited 3.5 YRS & let 9.5M+ illegal immigrants into the country Nobody should b fooled by 2day’s phony political move Its 2 LITTLE 2 L8

>>191581 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) last year I said no till soybeans don’t look like soybean field until July bc corn stalks fr last year are so prominent #soybeanwatch

>>191582 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Rows of young soybean plants can be seen Now in VC to V1 stage as leaves hv unrolled since last wk #soybeanwatch

>>191583, >>191584 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Corn now in 3 leaf stage #cornwatch

>>191585, >>191586, >>191587, >>191589 UW (TwiX) BREAKING: E*Trade is considering kicking RoaringKitty, aka DeepFuckingValue, off the platform, as they are reportedly "growing concerned about potential stock manipulation around his recent purchases of GameStop, $GME," per WSJ.

>>191588 UW (TwiX) Twitter/X has announced they are officially allowing adult content:

>>191590 OMG (TwiX) ICYMI: @JamesOKeefeIII and OMG secured body cam footage from the Pima County Sheriff's Office, exposing the secret Casa Alitas illegal immigrant compound, funded by Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona.

>>191591 USArmy (TwiX) Army acquisition and information technology leaders met on May 9, 2024, for an AFCEA NOVA webinar focused on the Army’s software modernization initiatives.

>>191592 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) 🚩 Twitch streamer with millions of followers discusses setting up a nonprofit to help minors get cross-sex hormones

>>191593 1stInfantryDivision (TwiX) Standing on the sands of Omaha Beach, the 1st Infantry Division honors the courage that echoes through time. We are #StrongerTogether as we pay homage at the American Cemetery, embodying the spirit of #DutyFirst.

>>191594 (TwiX) NEW BILLBOARDS are live in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin featuring Republican Voters Against Trump:

>>191595 WSS (TwiX) Thieves in crime-ridden Southern California are now stealing fire hydrants, leaving neighborhoods at risk of burning to the ground during an emergency.

>>191596, >>191597 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) BREAKING: Toddler kiIIed in stabbing attack in Ohio. Bionca Ellis ambushed a mother and her toddler in a parking lot and stabbed 3-year-old Julian Wood to d*ath. The mother, Margot Wood was also stabbed and is recovering in the hospital.

>>191598 ClownWorld (TwiX) Four robbers barged in and shoppers held the door to trap them inside until police showed up in Nashville.

>>191599 (TwiX) A group of Somalian migrants in MN stole $250,000,000+ from a taxpayer-funded childhood nutrition program, the largest pandemic-related fraud case yet.

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9270c5 No.191601

File: af0a5d6ebb7110e⋯.jpg (66.46 KB,899x1280,899:1280,2024_06_04_18_00_30.jpg)

IRL calls, will be back after dark, Papi figured up to this point, will get up for next bread tonight.

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6a3df2 No.191602

File: c23fc2ec59d676c⋯.jpg (358.32 KB,1079x988,83:76,Screenshot_20240605_010852….jpg)

MRC (T.me) 👀 US test launches hypersonic nuclear missile capable of reaching Moscow in 30 minutes amid rising threats of WW3

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13493351/US-test-launches-hypersonic-nuclear-missile.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490


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6a3df2 No.191603

File: b0b882efd467bd5⋯.mp4 (1007.75 KB,1080x784,135:98,194351dd_4c4d_42eb_a00d_22….mp4)

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6a3df2 No.191604

File: 8d57a926f7b1b41⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,848x472,106:59,1_5116449271045948872.MP4)

MRC (T.me) All the kids you can EAT!


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6a3df2 No.191605

File: 3e0a971e19c8b19⋯.jpg (35.68 KB,780x436,195:109,arizona_republican_gop.jpg)

GP (T.me) BREAKING: Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL Voters on State’s Voter Rolls



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6a3df2 No.191606

File: b78cae72e248115⋯.jpg (458.89 KB,1080x976,135:122,Screenshot_20240605_012351….jpg)

SP (T.me) Boeing WHISTLEBLOWERS Keep DYING: Former Employees Allege CRIMINAL Negligence!

Retired U.S. Airforce pilot Buzz Patterson is here to talk about how the American public no longer trusts the airline industry because of Boeing’s recent disasters.



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6a3df2 No.191607

File: 3a8d0cf470cb11d⋯.jpg (90 KB,1280x775,256:155,IMG_20240605_012434_224.jpg)

BC (T.me) Did you all notice how the MSM just completely stopped reporting on the war in Ukraine?

That’s because Russian MIL are consistently taking ground, Ukraine are running out of bodies, and the additional $61 BILLION we sent over there solved absolutely nothing.

Imagine that.


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6a3df2 No.191608

File: 4bb7078ee36fb7a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,968x1117,968:1117,IMG_20240605_012608_973.jpg)

File: 6428cf64c8be18f⋯.jpg (22.53 KB,971x534,971:534,IMG_20240605_012608_323.jpg)


Fauci claims that he “kept an open mind” in regard to the lab leak theory…

Here are the NIH emails confirming that’s a lie.

04/16/2020: Director Francis Collins emails Fauci about how to “put down this very destructive conspiracy”.

Fauci responds, “I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away with time.”

Fauci just lied under oath.


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6a3df2 No.191609

File: 8fdaedccf925b7c⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,640x352,20:11,1_5111663788419974444.MP4)

>>191608 BC (T.me) Jim Jordan is grinning ear-to-ear and winking at the end, because he KNOWS Fauci just perjured himself. Because Jim Jordan is the one who released the emails seen above.

Jim just laid a trap, and Fauci walked right into it.


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6a3df2 No.191610

>>191608 BC (T.me) Is nobody going to ask Fauci about the biolabs in Ukraine?

The Russian Military claim one of the main reasons they moved into Ukraine was because of US bioweapon development.

We are in a proxy war with Russia, and on the verge of WW3, over these labs, and NOBODY brought it up?

I’ve been trying to warn the world for years that Wuhan is the cover story and the reported point of outbreak, but the epicenter of US bioweapon development was going on in Ukraine. The entire country has essentially been one giant CIA/State Dept proxy since 2014. It’s an offshore playground for criminal racketeering that is outside the scope of US oversight.

We also have confirmation that the Deep State desperately do NOT want us looking into the biolabs in Ukraine, based on the lengths they went to cover this story up and how much they panicked when it broke.

Initially, the MSM/Big Tech claimed the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine did not exist at all, and censored anyone who talked about them (a la me). Then eventually they admitted the labs existed, but claimed they were purely for defensive purposes. Why lie unless they have something to hide?

Then you add in the whole layer of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca owning biolab company Metabiota operating in Ukraine, and doing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Ukraine as early as 2014 via project PREDICT with USAID.

Then you add the layer of Metabiota founder and lead virologist Nathan Wolfe, being monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation…

These committees are looking in the wrong spot…


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6a3df2 No.191611

File: aab0747bc0aa173⋯.jpg (55.54 KB,992x558,16:9,IMG_20240605_012956_717.jpg)

>>191608 BC (T.me) Does anyone else find it weird how defensive the Democrats are of Fauci?

Not a single Democrat asked Fauci a hard-hitting question, despite him completely flip-flopping on masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and the lab-leak theory.

Shouldn’t they be mad at him?

Shouldn’t they be upset that everything he told them about Covid was a lie? Shouldn’t they be upset that masks and social distancing were made up?

Nope. They still defend him and believe him unconditionally. Because this is not about “science”. It’s political warfare.

Fauci is a Deep State operative, and the Dems been instructed to defend him at all costs.


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6a3df2 No.191612

File: 869e132df8c3fc4⋯.jpg (46.27 KB,921x403,921:403,IMG_20240605_013142_644.jpg)

>>191608 BC (T.me) The reason Fauci made up the 6 foot social distancing and mask wearing, was to make the citizens fear being close to one another.

They needed the public to fear voting in person.

This opened the door to justify implementing mass mail-in voting, which the Deep State then used to harvest millions of usable ballots, to then drop off at contested swing States in the middle of the night, to ensure Trump did not win.

This is ultimately what Fauci and the Dems are hiding. Covid was a significant cog in a coup to overthrow Trump.


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6a3df2 No.191613

File: b813192a8e7e202⋯.jpg (130.32 KB,751x1280,751:1280,IMG_20240605_013300_335.jpg)

>>191608 BC (T.me) Eyes on 👀

Elon responded to a quote from Mike Benz, of my post, pertaining to the push for mail-in voting.

Elon is not ready to conclude that this was intentional, but he admits that the government capitalized on the event to push mail-in voting!

We are getting close!


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6a3df2 No.191614

File: 0f1b66c8db160b5⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,1179x884,1179:884,IMG_20240605_013435_787.jpg)

>>191608 BC (T.me) Flashback to 03/18/2020:

Approximately 7 weeks after lockdowns started, 8 months before election, Hillary Clinton demanded that Congress “make voting by mail the norm going forward”.

Mail-in votes was always the objective. Covid was one massive plot to steal the 2020 election.


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6a3df2 No.191615

>>191608 BC (T.me) If you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole, I am about to blow your mind.

Flashback to 2011 movie, “Contagion”.

The blockbuster movie with star-studded Hollywood cast, about a global pandemic stemming from a virus from a wet market in China…

Nathan Wolfe, Metabiota founder and lead virologist, was the lead biological consultant for this movie to help direct the producers on how the health community would realistically respond to a “hypothetical” pandemic.

Nathan Wolfe is also monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation via the TerraMar project, and the Bidens via Rosemont Seneca funding his Biolab company with multiple labs in Ukraine, Metabiota.

Is it’s a coincidence that the same people who warned about a global pandemic coming, also happen to be the ones modifying pathogens?

The same guy who was looking for bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, is also closely affiliated with Epstein, Clinton, Biden, and the Rothschilds.

He also “predicted” the Covid pandemic in his book in 2008, exactly where it would come from, and how the government would respond to it, over a decade before it happened…

Fauci did not “make up” social distancing. It was always the plan.

Nathan Wolfe is the at the epicenter of this entire thing. Fauci is just a front man.


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6a3df2 No.191616

File: 32205ae43a9eac8⋯.jpg (113.2 KB,758x1280,379:640,IMG_20240605_013722_820.jpg)

BC (T.me) The Dems obstructed every attempt Trump made to build a wall.

Congressional Dems refused to allocate $5 billion for a wall, because they claimed it was “racist”. But they had no problem sending $200+ billion to Ukraine.

Now they admit it’s a problem, but blame the GOP… 🤡🌎


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6a3df2 No.191617

File: df76277fe8132d5⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,720x856,90:107,4_5981258459562120415.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Mashpee, Massachusets police are searching for missing teen Aliyah Konton who was seen getting assaulted on camera at school just days before.

Konton was last seen on June 2 in the Cape Drive area according to Boston 25 News.

On May 25th, Konton was reportedly assaulted at Mashpee Middle-High School which was reported to Mashpee Police Chief Scott W. Carline.

"Aliyah Konton was last seen on 06/02/24 in the Cape Drive area," the police department announced.

"Any information on Aliyah’s whereabouts please contact Det/Sgt Assad at 508-539-1480 ext 7237."


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6a3df2 No.191618

File: c8e7b5cd93b6e1e⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5982205027404482039.mp4)

>>191616 SNN (T.me) NBC's David Noriega pours cold water on Biden's toothless border executive order:

"I'm quite skeptical that this is going to have any kind of immediate, widespread, dramatic impact on the border…"


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6a3df2 No.191619

File: 604e59fb4bf5993⋯.jpg (183.98 KB,803x488,803:488,Screenshot_20240605_014535….jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty

How the New World Order introduced an era of darkness


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6a3df2 No.191620

File: 2fa58e0dedd6a72⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5979692699169588824.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Biden shuffles off the stage and makes a beeline for the kids



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6a3df2 No.191621

File: a41e8dc9276be3e⋯.jpg (121.2 KB,1200x632,150:79,IMG_20240605_014731_217.jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️ AT&T and Verizon are reporting outages in spots all across the U.S.

At least 24 states are reporting issues, which also includes 911 systems.

Why does this keep happening?!


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6a3df2 No.191622

File: c477054dae8d7cb⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5981258459562120396.mp4)

SNN (T.me) CNN: Immigration and border security went from the 15th most important issue to voters in 2020 — to the second most important issue to voters today.

Which is exactly why Biden is faking action on border security.


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6a3df2 No.191623

File: 1ad1cbdbb7d0090⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,4_5981258459562120355.mp4)

SNN (T.me) Trump: "Crooked Joe Biden does not want RFK Jr. in the debates because Junior is far left of him, and they would be debating over the same territory, like ridiculous Open Borders and the Green New Scam, both of which are killing our Country."


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6a3df2 No.191624

SNN (T.me) Cori Bush: “The extremist MAGA movement is a violent cult that will destroy anything in its path, all for Donald Trump.”


Mi Lubb libbin rent free in der heads 🗣🤣

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6a3df2 No.191625

File: 4fbf07232cafc66⋯.jpg (161.46 KB,864x493,864:493,Screenshot_20240605_015619….jpg)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️NEW: Dr. Phil calls for the end of the political persecution against Donald Trump, blasts Biden and tells him to “dismiss now.”


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6a3df2 No.191626

File: 00102f5861234fb⋯.jpg (84.78 KB,900x897,300:299,IMG_20240605_015907_794.jpg)

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6a3df2 No.191627

File: 9a5b981e8e40a19⋯.jpg (225.11 KB,789x686,789:686,Screenshot_20240605_020206….jpg)

TET (T.me) "If you have a government that is going to take away your private property and force you out of existence, I don't know what is more terrifying than that."

𝗘𝘃𝗮 𝗩𝗹𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗲𝗸 on Dutch farmers pushing back against the government.

🔹 Full Episode: https://ept.ms/GlobalistAgendaExposedFM

🔹 Watch More on Epoch TV: https://www.EpochTV.com


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6a3df2 No.191628

File: 682eefa5a63df83⋯.jpg (403.7 KB,833x978,833:978,Screenshot_20240605_020516….jpg)

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6a3df2 No.191629

File: 6452a3f4fa378e2⋯.mp4 (11.26 MB,1080x1080,1:1,VID_20240605_020607_522.mp4)

>>191626 TET (T.me) 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗛𝟱𝗡𝟭 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗮?

"This is all in the context of a looming … vote that could give the WHO unprecedented powers over global public health policy in the name of 'pandemic preparedness,'" says 𝗗𝗿. 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲.


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6a3df2 No.191630

File: bd1b19e1d8e6219⋯.jpg (191.95 KB,794x1018,397:509,20240605_021020.jpg)

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6a3df2 No.191631

MFjr (T.me) Any government official who claims the American people “are losing” faith in this country’s institutions are delusional.

That ship sailed YEARS AGO.

You want to regain our trust?

Dismantle some of the corrupt 3-letter agencies

Subpoena everyone on @IvanRaiklin DEEP STATE TARGET LIST



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6a3df2 No.191632

File: 2bd6396c0a27761⋯.jpg (163.5 KB,1080x1112,135:139,IMG_20240605_021414_802.jpg)

CR (T.me) Ok, the fear mongers are recycling again.


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6a3df2 No.191633

File: a236a76f0de8367⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,640x336,40:21,4_5981258459562120412.mp4)

SNN (T.me) ⚠️Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE.

It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies


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6a3df2 No.191634

IP (T.me) BREAKING: When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out - WSJ


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6a3df2 No.191635

File: 432d49b3b43db94⋯.jpg (89.12 KB,690x1280,69:128,IMG_20240605_022020_961.jpg)

File: 9b87d20a350a855⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,692x1280,173:320,IMG_20240605_022020_498.jpg)

File: 6558caf7726b31f⋯.jpg (80.19 KB,690x1280,69:128,IMG_20240605_022021_108.jpg)

RT1776 (T.me) Soooo, the Department of Defense are all flying with SAM Call Sign, but both AF1’s have zero Presidential Call Sign since “Biden” has been “President.”

How can some not get that?


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6a3df2 No.191636

File: 2bb833fdb487050⋯.jpg (80.17 KB,687x1280,687:1280,IMG_20240605_022152_405.jpg)

File: 6558caf7726b31f⋯.jpg (80.19 KB,690x1280,69:128,IMG_20240605_022152_054.jpg)

>>191635 RT1776 (T.me) Still Zero Presidential Call Signs… as always since “Biden” 🤷🏽‍♂️🔥🐂🇺🇸


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6a3df2 No.191637

File: 643b156b1519347⋯.jpg (114.29 KB,690x1280,69:128,IMG_20240605_022324_021.jpg)

File: 96a81704f41adb3⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,685x1280,137:256,IMG_20240605_022324_118.jpg)

>>191635 RT1776 (T.me) Both VC-25’s taking off, No Presidential Call Signs… 🔥🐂🇺🇸


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6a3df2 No.191638

File: 4053b5fc6d56e30⋯.jpg (124.03 KB,794x1280,397:640,IMG_20240605_022508_278.jpg)

File: 3f65d74cbe4e20b⋯.jpg (118.06 KB,736x1280,23:40,IMG_20240605_022507_624.jpg)

>>191635 RT1776 (T.me) SAM 🎯🐂🇺🇸


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6a3df2 No.191639

File: 9e45cb07a3e9cf3⋯.jpg (78.56 KB,693x1280,693:1280,IMG_20240605_022641_524.jpg)

File: f6a21a57273495b⋯.jpg (64.37 KB,688x1280,43:80,IMG_20240605_022640_775.jpg)

File: 552f1cb2777ffb7⋯.jpg (81.5 KB,689x1280,689:1280,IMG_20240605_022640_889.jpg)

>>191635 RT1776 (T.me) All early morning hours, this morning.

All Department of Defense Aircraft are flying with SAM Call Signs.

Not once that the “media” has shown “Biden” or “Kamala” have they flown with Presidential Call Signs…

Always = No Call Sign or abbreviated “AF2”.

Zero: “Air Force One” or “Air Force Two”

Or SAM46 or SAM28000 or SAM29000

Which the latter 2 are the tail numbers of the 2 VC-25 Aircraft.



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6a3df2 No.191640

File: f9fe4fca2be668c⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,689x1280,689:1280,IMG_20240605_022816_247.jpg)

File: b080574bc6d95d8⋯.jpg (72.5 KB,685x1280,137:256,IMG_20240605_022816_681.jpg)

File: c50cb4f85d3bb49⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,690x1280,69:128,IMG_20240605_022816_573.jpg)

>>191635 RT1776 (T.me) When “Biden” and “Kamala” told the whole world that United States Troops won’t be on the ground in Israel…

But Army Publications from 2019 show EXACTLY to a ‘T’ what’s going on in Israel today… put into place by 45-47. 🤭

There’s a Blueprint 👉🏻 which is also why my book is a #1 Best Seller that outlines ALL the Military and Federal Laws and Orders in a chronological order from June 2015 to present day of what’s known as the Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

Nothing short of divine and brilliant by 45-47, the Generals, and World Leaders who are putting it on.🫡🐂🇺🇸


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9270c5 No.191642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE. (YouTube)

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9270c5 No.191643

File: a00156013ac77ca⋯.png (924.96 KB,904x1518,452:759,Screenshot_2024_06_04_at_2….png)


RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#WATCH: As chaos and massive fights and brawls unleashed during the Philadelphia Pride celebration

📌#Philadelphia | #Pennsylvania

Watch as hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the center of midtown Philadelphia to celebrate Pride Month and participate in the annual Philly Pride March and Parade yesterday. However, later in the day, things quickly took a rough turn when Pro-Palestine protesters, known as Queers 4 Palestine Philly, blocked the parade, bringing it to a halt and causing tensions to intensify. A few hours later, the Philadelphia Pride Parade descended into chaos as multiple fights broke out among other Pride attendees.

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9270c5 No.191644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO: why bad activists suck (YouTube)

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9270c5 No.191655

File: a5793e0dd92cc54⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,360x240,3:2,2024_06_05_00_32_11.jpg)



Sauz/Sauce or NO NOTABLE.


Notables are NOT endorsements (but MAY be how we feelz)




>>191546, >>191547, >>191557, >>191558, >>191559, >>191560, >>191561, >>191562, >>191564, >>191565, >>191566, >>191567, >>191568, >>191569, PapiTrumpo (6/03/2024)

>>191548 Bush's Saudi Connections

>>191551 Origins of the Bin Laden Family(PBS.org)

>>191552 Plane Carried 13 Bin Ladens(WashingtonPost.com)

>>191553 Saudi Arabia purge widens with ‘arrest, no-fly list’(Aljazeera.com)

>>191554 More than 200 arrested in latest Saudi anti-corruption purge(Aljazeera.com)

>>191555 Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

>>191573, >191574 USArmyManeuverCenterOfExcellence (TwiX) Soldiers aren't born, they're forged through hard work & dedication.

>>191575, >>191576 USSS (TwiX) This ballistic graduation gown was worn by President George H.W. Bush during his speech at Mississippi State University May 13, 1989. It's one of many tools we use to ensure the safety of our protectees while enabling them to conduct daily affairs.

>>191577 USSS (TwiX) Welcome to another #TriviaTuesday!

>>191578 USSS (TwiX) As part of RNC & DNC security plans, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is in the midwest touring key NSSE sites & meeting with partners from our Office of Protective Operations & security partners, including this June 4 press conference in Chicago.

>>191579 VIDEO: “37 Assassinated” - Female President Elected Following Deadliest Election In Mexico History (YouTube)

>>191580 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Pres Biden has had the power since Day 1 in office to take exec action on border security Instead he waited 3.5 YRS & let 9.5M+ illegal immigrants into the country Nobody should b fooled by 2day’s phony political move Its 2 LITTLE 2 L8

>>191581 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) last year I said no till soybeans don’t look like soybean field until July bc corn stalks fr last year are so prominent #soybeanwatch

>>191582 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Rows of young soybean plants can be seen Now in VC to V1 stage as leaves hv unrolled since last wk #soybeanwatch

>>191583, >>191584 ChuckGrassley (TwiX) Corn now in 3 leaf stage #cornwatch

>>191585, >>191586, >>191587, >>191589 UW (TwiX) BREAKING: E*Trade is considering kicking RoaringKitty, aka DeepFuckingValue, off the platform, as they are reportedly "growing concerned about potential stock manipulation around his recent purchases of GameStop, $GME," per WSJ.

>>191588 UW (TwiX) Twitter/X has announced they are officially allowing adult content:

>>191590 OMG (TwiX) ICYMI: @JamesOKeefeIII and OMG secured body cam footage from the Pima County Sheriff's Office, exposing the secret Casa Alitas illegal immigrant compound, funded by Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona.

>>191591 USArmy (TwiX) Army acquisition and information technology leaders met on May 9, 2024, for an AFCEA NOVA webinar focused on the Army’s software modernization initiatives.

>>191592 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) 🚩 Twitch streamer with millions of followers discusses setting up a nonprofit to help minors get cross-sex hormones

>>191593 1stInfantryDivision (TwiX) Standing on the sands of Omaha Beach, the 1st Infantry Division honors the courage that echoes through time. We are #StrongerTogether as we pay homage at the American Cemetery, embodying the spirit of #DutyFirst.

>>191594 (TwiX) NEW BILLBOARDS are live in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin featuring Republican Voters Against Trump:

>>191595 WSS (TwiX) Thieves in crime-ridden Southern California are now stealing fire hydrants, leaving neighborhoods at risk of burning to the ground during an emergency.

>>191596, >>191597 LibsOfTikTok (TwiX) BREAKING: Toddler kiIIed in stabbing attack in Ohio. Bionca Ellis ambushed a mother and her toddler in a parking lot and stabbed 3-year-old Julian Wood to d*ath. The mother, Margot Wood was also stabbed and is recovering in the hospital.

>>191598 ClownWorld (TwiX) Four robbers barged in and shoppers held the door to trap them inside until police showed up in Nashville.

>>191599 (TwiX) A group of Somalian migrants in MN stole $250,000,000+ from a taxpayer-funded childhood nutrition program, the largest pandemic-related fraud case yet.

>>191602 MRC (T.me) 👀 US test launches hypersonic nuclear missile capable of reaching Moscow in 30 minutes amid rising threats of WW3

>>191604 MRC (T.me) All the kids you can EAT!

>>191605 GP (T.me) BREAKING: Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL Voters on State’s Voter Rolls

>>191606 SP (T.me) Boeing WHISTLEBLOWERS Keep DYING: Former Employees Allege CRIMINAL Negligence!

>>191607 BC (T.me) Did you all notice how the MSM just completely stopped reporting on the war in Ukraine?

>>191608, >>191609, >>191610, >>191611, >>191612, >>191613, >>191614, >>191615, BC (T.me) ⚠️FAUCI PERJURED HIMSELF⚠️

>>191616, >>191618 BC (T.me) The Dems obstructed every attempt Trump made to build a wall.

>>191617 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Mashpee, Massachusets police are searching for missing teen Aliyah Konton who was seen getting assaulted on camera at school just days before.

>>191619 SNN (T.me) ⚠️The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty

>>191620 SNN (T.me) Biden shuffles off the stage and makes a beeline for the kids

>>191621 SNN (T.me) ⚠️ AT&T and Verizon are reporting outages in spots all across the U.S.

>>191622 SNN (T.me) CNN: Immigration and border security went from the 15th most important issue to voters in 2020 — to the second most important issue to voters today.

>>191623 SNN (T.me) Trump: "Crooked Joe Biden does not want RFK Jr. in the debates because Junior is far left of him, and they would be debating over the same territory, like ridiculous Open Borders and the Green New Scam, both of which are killing our Country."

>>191624 SNN (T.me) Cori Bush: “The extremist MAGA movement is a violent cult that will destroy anything in its path, all for Donald Trump.”

>>191625 SNN (T.me) ⚠️NEW: Dr. Phil calls for the end of the political persecution against Donald Trump, blasts Biden and tells him to “dismiss now.”

>>191627 TET (T.me) "If you have a government that is going to take away your private property and force you out of existence, I don't know what is more terrifying than that."

>>191628 TET (T.me) EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Marshall Pushes to Halt US-Sponsored Gain-of-Function Research

>>191629, >>191626 TET (T.me) 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗛𝟱𝗡𝟭 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗮?

>>191630 GP (T.me) NEW: Democrat Wisconsin AG Josh Kaul Indicts Trump Attorneys in Connection with 2020 Alternate Electors Plan

>>191631 MFjr (T.me) Any government official who claims the American people “are losing” faith in this country’s institutions are delusional.

>>191632 CR (T.me) Ok, the fear mongers are recycling again.

>>191633 SNN (T.me) ⚠️Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE.

>>191634 IP (T.me) BREAKING: When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting.

>>191635, >>191636, >>191637, >>191638, >>191639, >>191640, RT1776 (T.me) Soooo, the Department of Defense are all flying with SAM Call Sign, but both AF1’s have zero Presidential Call Sign since “Biden” has been “President.”

>>191642 VIDEO: The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE. (YouTube)

>>191643 RawsAlerts (TwiX) 🚨#WATCH: As chaos and massive fights and brawls unleashed during the Philadelphia Pride celebration

>>191644 VIDEO: why bad activists suck (YouTube)

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9270c5 No.191657

File: 41aa5c0cd6baaaf⋯.jpg (75.47 KB,680x466,340:233,2024_06_05_01_34_23.jpg)

>>191655 #1072








Locked & Loaded

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