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File: 61c9d7466038436⋯.jpeg (178.99 KB,1152x1536,3:4,EghHDHzUMAIGeFp.jpeg)

6229f8 No.30828


stuff ain't too bad actually

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f02210 No.30859

all of that looks like shit

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6229f8 No.30935


but are you gonna buy it

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8db043 No.30951

File: ef0e262e35a7022⋯.png (1.19 MB,1230x662,615:331,JOE_CHAMBERS.PNG)

>supporting this schizo twitch streamer

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6229f8 No.30961


yeah joe does looked fucked. but how about charls' shit tho

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6229f8 No.30966


yeah the gta one was the best, frickin jew publishing faggotry

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88f8ca No.30987


All of that looks like fucking garbage. It's the 2020s now, we don't need to buy shit merch to support this retard. What's wrong with his patreon? Or twitch?

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6229f8 No.30991


his patreon has been defunct for years now i think. i can't imagine he's pulling in more than like 50 a month on it

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f93395 No.31009

>top left

trying to cinjur the John Maus bit from the MDE show with black and white, woodsy backgrounds

>top left

again trying to capture the final scene in that famous skit with the breakdown at the end

>red hat

sam has been wearing these ugly, dumb things for years, and often that exact style with gimmicks with (zoomer filter incoming) parappa the rappa icons in the same place

>knife school

no explanation needed

>bottom left

shamelessly ripping off y2k aesthetic and 90s album art/magazine art that Sam has been putting in happy world daddy, his twitter, and generally reviving/paying homage to for the past few years

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6229f8 No.31024

File: 386507f73ec51e1⋯.gif (34.96 KB,200x199,200:199,092.gif)


is this some kind of bizarre 'sam good charls bad' post

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1de55b No.31028


Sam invented beanies guys I promise

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