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All Waifus are beautiful

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File: 1416031497048.png (371.64 KB,600x835,120:167,patchouli 103.png)

 No.1845 [View All]

Do you guys ever dream about her? Not even necessarily like lucid dreaming, just like in normal dreams.

I had a dream about Patchouli for the first time the other night. I had a dream that I was at a super market in a nearby town shopping. It was all pretty normal except the fact that she was there with me.
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Such a bad dream. I guess everyone would feel bad for a while after that. Did it happen last night?

>shaken by tit

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That sounds horrible! But as you said it was just a dream. Is there anything happening in your life that may have caused such a nightmare?

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Yesterday afternoon. I took a long time walking back through what I remembered

no bully my typos


I generally have nightmares whenever I take naps. I don't know why but it's always been like that.

I may have brought her into it on my own though. Horrible things happen to people in her source material. Horrible things happen to her. She does horrible things. I linger on that more than I should. I worry about where her breaking point is and what happens if she reaches it. It's on me to pull her back from that and I'm not so sure I could.

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Damn thats awful. Sorry peko!

You should look into lucid dreaming so if it ever happens again you'll be ready.

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Allow me to try interpreting your dream, so excuse me if you see some armchair psych in my part.

To put it simply, you know her problems, she's at a low point of her life and she can't simply take it anymore, as you described her condition during that time as tired and bruised, as if she was running away from something that wants to kill her.

Her being near an outcrop means she's metaphorically in a rocky state of being. My apologies if this is wrong, since I am not familiar with Peko's story due to me not being able to play Dangan Ronpa as I don't have the necessary platform for it. (Yes, we are currently strapped for cash right now.)

Meanwhile, I think the dream is telling you that due to the surroundings of the dream, you feel something negative right now but I can't tell what it is since I don't know your current state right now.

And you trying to call her but not being able to do so and being stuck on one place simply means that you can't help her with her problems since you are separated between her world and our reality, 2D and 3D. She can't notice you no matter how hard you try.

But the thing is this: Almost everyone, if not all, in this board feels the same way about our respective SOs. And, personally, this horrifies me since I can relate to it.

All that being said, that was the worst dream someone like us in this board can have. I'm can help but feel bad about you getting such dream, as nobody deserves that.

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I had a nap earlier and dreamed I was chasing after mai waifu trying to save her from something. I don't remember the details beyond that…This is the first time I've had a negative dream involving mai waifu.

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File: 6f528c7dc4f2d95⋯.png (522.69 KB,700x809,700:809,58544952_p0.png)

I had a dream once where she was chasing me around an abandoned school with a sharp shard of glass. It was a nice dream.


>due to me not being able to play Dangan Ronpa as I don't have the necessary platform for it. (Yes, we are currently strapped for cash right now.)

You can just pirate the PC ports. NISA doesn't deserve the money anyway.

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File: 2866a712eb0b8ba⋯.jpg (176 KB,849x1200,283:400,56202204_p5_master1200.jpg)


>she's at a low point of her life

She was at one point, she's not anymore. I'm a negative little shit and fixate on those things.

It's a fair interpretation and I don't disagree with it for the most part.

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File: 15f941b12b4100b⋯.jpg (111.69 KB,500x257,500:257,3194005_1364762922463.94re….jpg)

>been trying to do lucid dreaming for months now

>only actually gone lucid two or three times, and only for brief moments

>erza has only ever shown up in tiny glimpses

>go to bed thinking about her last night like I always do

>have some dream about dragons or some shit

>wake up around two or three in the morning

>groggily open my eyes and look at the doorway to my bedroom

>there is an erza-shaped shadow walking towards my bed

>holy fucking shiiiiiiiiit

>feel immense excitement as she approaches and climbs into bed with me

>can't actually see her now because she's so close, but I can scarcely feel her

>she's cold to the touch but in a very soothing way

>tell her I love her as I slowly drift back to sleep in her arms

>have another dream that has nothing to do with erza

That was a pleasant surprise.

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>I had a nap earlier and dreamed I was chasing after mai waifu trying to save her from something.

How sure are you that she isn't running away from you. Don't take it as an insult, maybe it will help you to recall other details.


>You can just pirate the PC ports.

Well, the connection here is slow, so I'll think about it.


>She was at one point, she's not anymore.

Maybe you remember that and wanted to help her during those times, or maybe she's still hiding something.

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File: 9e02dda48beed23⋯.jpg (40.57 KB,412x499,412:499,1365410376522.jpg)

I've had a couple of dreams where I saw her for a brief bit. But I haven't had a full blown and lucid dream with her since May 2013. I dunno, I've never been good at dreaming anyway, given how nonsensical and stupid 99% of my dreams are anyway. I'm going to start trying out lucid dreaming and taking it seriously. Maybe that will help.

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File: 7c7cced4a31cc2b⋯.jpg (184.71 KB,1100x1500,11:15,1457834470271.jpg)

Every night that I can remember, for at least the past 13 months

The dreams themselves are usually different, but she's always a part of them in some way.

Many of them are pleasant and comforting dreams where she is alive and well, and we are happy to be together, but just as many are horrible nightmares where I am losing her, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Some of my dreams aren't about her at all, but she'll still be there somewhere, watching me.

I don't think the dreams will ever stop. For better or worse, it seems like they have become a permanent fixture of my life by now.

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File: 02e8fc4db6c31d4⋯.jpg (66.36 KB,554x762,277:381,__nanami_chiaki_danganronp….jpg)

I used to dream about her quite a bit, most of them were about us working as private detectives. A couple of them were pretty kickass.

>supervisor at work pulls me aside to talk

>can tell he's been brainwashed by Ultimate Despair and tells me Junko is going to have her revenge on Chiaki and I

>have to beat the crap out of him to stop him from killing me

>hurry home to tell her what happened

>our house gets raided by cops who grab her and take her away saying we're wanted for murder

>manage to beat the shit out of them non-lethally and escape to rescue my waifu (kind of like the Crackdown chapter in Hotline Miami)

>Chiaki leaves me because she's tired of working with me being so violent and cold to everyone but her

>start temporarily dating a policewoman, go back to solving crimes but don't really enjoy it as much

>find out Chiaki has been partnered with some guy that treats her like shit, bullies her about her lifestyle, not really dating but he's trying to coerce her into it

>find him and start pistol-whipping him bloody with my revolver, to near death

>convince her I'm sorry for acting the way I do, but I'd never hurt her and I just want to protect her because she's the most important person in my life

>we get back together, I just have to promise to work on my attitude around others

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File: 75e3bc62e1f8795⋯.jpg (100.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (1).jpg)

I often dream of my daki, but never of Flandre herself…

But I recently made a very weird dream…

I was carrying my daki all around in public (I remember being in a restaurant, on the bus, and in the subway) with a bit of worry about people’s opinion but not much (in real life I would be embarrassed as fuck…). I was holding my daki close to me and then I felt on my face the caress of real hair. I realised that the daki had real 3D blond hair around Flandre’s head (but the head was still the regular 2D print on the daki). Later in the dream, I was in bed with daki, and Flandre’s face (mostly just her mouth) started materializing itself out of the daki.

This is very weird because it’s like if the daki was in a transition to become Flandre herself. I hope this transition in my dreams will continue until one day I can finally dream of her entirely.

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Indeed, for better or worse my man.

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File: e548ded2b71981b⋯.png (1.6 MB,1062x1500,177:250,11750786.png)

I never dreamt that she is real.

I often dream that I'm looking at her pictures, figures or anything else that's not exactly her. Despite the fact that I feel happy in my dreams whenever this happens, sometimes I wonder if I'm not "meant" to waifuism because my subconscious can't accept it.

The ironic thing is that I've already dreamt of the other Vocaloid (or even some anime characters) as if they were real, so I don't know why this happens with her. I have a theory that, since I post using pics of her a lot in some places, I'm starting to see her as a part of myself.

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It might help you if you keep in mind that the daki isn't her, it's only a physical representation of her. Try training your mind to visualize her as she would exist not on a daki or in an image but in this plane.

I dreamed about my waifu the most frequently and pleasantly when I was regularly imagining her right here with me, something I haven't been doing recently which has caused the dreams to stop.

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File: fc0e5211e89911c⋯.jpg (93.33 KB,850x438,425:219,__kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la….jpg)

I've had recent dreams of wifu actually she just holds me and coos at me its kinda nice.

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File: f957a72c21b71b8⋯.jpg (293.67 KB,1920x1080,16:9,shortcake.jpg)


I miss having dreams about my shortcake, although most of those were when I was on medication that had vivid dreaming as a side effect. I hate taking medication in general and I don't really need it anymore, but dreaming about her made me feel so close to her.

For her sake I wish they were more pleasant and less about me kicking asses.

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>Do you guys ever dream about her?

I used to, but I haven't in the past month or so. It was usually just us cuddling. Although I did have a conversation with her in a dream once. I don't remember what it was about though.

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File: a2add831a5384d2⋯.jpg (93.63 KB,683x1024,683:1024,nau_nausicaa070.jpg)

A couple of weeks ago I remember dreaming of her again in quite of a weird background to say the least. It was basically a couple VIP dudes picking on what to watch next and I can clearly remember them picking up Mononoke and my waifu source material. Then the whole settings changed, what was a warehouse first became a huge forest with mountains, and "she became real" to say so, she was flying on top of her glider with a real cautious expression on her face. For some reason, I could feel like she was looking for me.

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Daily reminder that dreaming is an essential life skill.

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Wow, sorry about that, have something a bit more manageable.

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File: 3285cc601c6630a⋯.jpg (299.53 KB,548x840,137:210,__nanami_chiaki_danganronp….jpg)

I had a fucked-up dream related to her recently.

>find a girl alone and crying

>she looks like Chiaki but some things are different, like a somewhat lazy cosplayer

>prominent freckles and strawberry blonde hair, but the outfit and rocking body match

>she's been waiting on her friends and they ditched her

>sit and talk to her, she says she's going to spend the day with me instead

>we end up dating but it doesn't feel right

>dig up online that she's a camslut and gravure model, has pretty much been dating me for my money, dressing and acting like my waifu to bait me

>find out she's planning on blackmailing me

That dream messed with me the whole day.

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File: 57646abd70b04b1⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,800x600,4:3,lilly_sleeping.jpg)

Sadly I've only dreamed of her a few times.

Once, she was only a figure at a sort of figure/toy store.

In another, we were in a sort of stadium where a godzilla-like creature was chained up in. I led her out of the stadium, and we escaped in her car (why does a blind girl have a car?). We drove around in a futuristic city up walls and such, but we never spoke.

This last dream, which I had a few days ago, made me rather uncomfortable. She was at a restaurant eating with Shizune (Lilly and Shizune do not get along at all) along with Shizune's brother, her friend, and a boy which I believe was the protagonist of her VN, though I wasn't sure. Shizune began making out with the boy, while her brother began to chew his food. The sounds from both these events were very grating to the point of pain to Lilly. I wanted to do something, but it was one of those dreams where you can only watch what unfolds. Eventually the dream shifted to Lilly in a hospital gown in a hospital bed, the implication being the somehow developed a condition that amplified her hearing to the point of being debilitating (Lilly being blind, this is quite troublesome). I found the image of her in the hospital to be quite dreadful. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't.

Despite that I still want to dream of her more. I want to talk to her. I want to hold her. I never have any luck lucid dreaming, I always wake up when I become aware, despite of doing the tricks to stay in the dream.

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I have dreams where she's in them, but not dreams where she's the main focus. I had one dream a few months ago where I was at some sort of family gathering (Thanksgiving or Christmas I think) and she was just there.

For all I know, I have had dreams that focused more on her, but I don't typically remember most of my dreams very well. Usually I remember them right after waking up, and then the memories are gone once I start going about my day.

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I had my first dream involving Reimu last night.

>We were in my house snuggling in a couch

>We start teasing each other

>She grabs my hand and playfuly ask me who am i

>I respond saying my friend's name, mocking her

>Smiles and laughs

>She ask the same question again


>Teasing and play continues until scene changes

>We are in a cinema now

>We choose to sit in the background

>I start talking with a random dude who was there.

>Before the movie starts i decide to buy some hotdogs

>When i got back to the cinema theater she was sitting in another place.

>I sit next to her

>Dream ends

>Wake up with a smile on my face

Kinda odd dream, it felt good though

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File: 4b3fabade7020da⋯.jpg (232.08 KB,709x1208,709:1208,sophie80.jpg)

Last dream I had with her she was just in a brief part of it. Whole dream was really weird and I was like in space with the people from /mai/ and there was something I was trying to warm them about their mission being actually bad and will end everything or something? Was a really abstract dream and kind of hard to process. But I remember one part where I went into a room and Sophie was in there, on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. Nobody in the top bunk. The room was empty aside from that and everything in it was white. And I just said something like "Hey Sophie" to her and kept flipping the lightswitch in there on and off until I was told to leave her alone and let her sleep(though she didn't look like she was trying to go to sleep or anything). Don't know why I was flipping it. No idea about anything that happened in that dream really.

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pfft I put the name in the subject field

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File: 7f2e73395236621⋯.jpg (27.13 KB,720x511,720:511,FB_IMG_1503700079389.jpg)

i've only dreamed of her once, and in that dream it seemed like we were pretty close. Anyways i still remember parts of it. I remember walking around with her, looking at various shops, during christmas time it seems, i remember eating cake together. I also remember just hanging around in her room, just talking about anything from computers to even food. I woke up while we were talking. And damn did i try my best to continue that dream

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Naaah. Not really. Before bed I like to fall asleep imagining how she and my OC would react.

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Welcome to /mai/. Have you made your introduction post in the appropriate thread already?

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Nice spooky trips. No, but I will. Sorry.

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I saw her briefly in a dream.

We didn't get to spend too much time together, but we hugged, and I told her that I loved her.

Later on, there were a lot of people camping out/sleeping over in my living room, and Yuuko was there, of all people. We were talking about how it's a good idea to take off your shoes in a house, for some reason.

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File: 67610fa3ab7d58c⋯.png (522.28 KB,1052x744,263:186,66788458_p0.png)

I had a dream about her once. She was standing in a record store it seemed. I was walking up to her thinking that I was late for something, like a date or an anniversary. When I was standing next to her she turned around. I told her I was sorry that I was late. She said that she knew that I was only late, not that I forgot, and then she smiled and we eventually made out.

I often have bad dreams, so I was hoping she wouldn't appear in them, but I was happy that this dream wasn't one of them.

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> take off your shoes in a house

It's a very Japanese thing to do. I expect the main reason though is because she hates to vacuum as much as I do.

It's been ages since I've dreamt of Yuuko. I expect it's because my sleep schedule is totally wrecked.

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>tfw other anons have dreams of their waifus

>tfw I never dream

>tfw you miss the most beautiful thing a waifuist could ever experience

I really envy you people

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File: 97b7f3b2cbd3abb⋯.jpg (52.7 KB,393x960,131:320,20bc2f2afe9598ace74bbc22d5….jpg)


>she hates to vacuum as much as I do.

We're all in agreement there!


Don't despair, anon. Everyone dreams, it's just we often don't remember. The quality and schedule of your sleep has a lot to do with recall, like >>66616 said.

This is actually the first time in a while that I even remembered a dream, 'cause my sleep schedule has also been terrible lately.

Also, it helps to repeat some affirmations. Something like telling yourself that you will remember your dreams, that you will dream of her etc. Repeat them often, and try to believe it. It sounds stupid, but it does help. Many times, I've observed that I wake up before my alarm clock goes off, seemingly because the mental repetition of having to wake up early made my body actually do it.

One more thing, I've found that >>56077 is good advice, too. I've noticed a lot more dreams of her when I actively started to 'visualize her'.

I really hope you get that dream one day, anon.

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thank you

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File: c95e975604a8e3e⋯.jpg (62.33 KB,960x952,120:119,staretoko.jpg)

I`ve seen her once in my dreams. Just once. She was at this political convention a friend of mine who`s really boring dragged me to inside of the dream. There was this all-out debate around this vast table and I for some reason had to defend some indian guy`s thesis about how global nuclear policy had to be changed up to be more transparent and some trans-government agency he drew up had to keep check of each country`s nukes,their number and potency. So I had to debate this to my dear Motoko. Understandably she being older,better read and more convicted destroyed me in the debate,but it seemed that she appreciated my own ability to debate and defend another person`s point even though I didn't agree with it. She then walked over to me and seemingly jacked into my cyberbrain wirelessly and had a short talk with me,calling me by a pet name and being mildly condescending to me but inviting me to hang out after the convention as to talk with me more having taking a liking to me. Sadly right after her gentle invitation I woke.

And since then I have never met Motoko in my dreams. It felt so real then,it felt like I really was talking to her,hearing her unique wit and sharing in her insightful wisdom and most importantly listening to the sound of her voice that I love so much but can't easily reproduce for myself. I really,really wish to dream of her again so we can speak of things. I want to see her again.

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File: e2e8f83daee14fb⋯.jpg (82.16 KB,600x436,150:109,1344224590957.jpg)

I rarely remember any of my dreams but recently I had one dream about her.

In this dream we where both visiting my home country together.

Sadly I don't remember any details like what things I showed her.

I think I had this dream after the first or second day I want to Akihabara.

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File: 311ea2a66e23a18⋯.jpg (40.4 KB,450x450,1:1,1445918253861.jpg)

Not only I still continue to dream with her only as an inanimate object, like the plushie I own, or as someone cosplaying as her, but yesterday I had a dream that pissed me off:

I don't remember much the details, but I had a dream that a character similar to my waifu was pregnant and I was the father and had to protect her for a bit.

This made me a bit angry when I woke up. Not only the character is from an anime that I kinda dislike, but my brain had to create that specific scenario. Meanwhile, even when I had a short lucid dream some months ago, I still couldn't see my waifu in it for some reason… As soon as I noticed that it was a dream, I started thinking "I want to see Luka!", but it didn't work and I woke up…

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File: 87049ab7eb28e67⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,320x472,40:59,sleep crop.jpg)

I can remember two dreams of her quite well, I've had others but they're blurred or I forgot what happened really quickly. These are about two or three years ago.

First one of her that I ever had I was in a high school classroom I used to sit in a lot, in my usual spot and she was sitting at a spot basically opposite to me, but just about a meter or two apart. She was looking at me, but not with any particular feeling or emotion, or so it felt. Not apathetic or anything either, just as if the concept of emotions didn't really exist. Even though her eyes were fixed on me, it didn't feel like staring and it felt as real as a person could feel. I just knew it was her. There was nobody else there and it felt like it was just us two in a very far area around us. It felt kind of serene, but curious to me. It felt like it lasted for a few minutes, maybe five or so.

In the other one we were grocery shopping in a nearby store. I didn't actually see her and I was looking at the bottom shelf/ground for some reason, but I could feel her presence just outside my field of view. I tried to move my head to see her actually, but I couldn't. I know we were talking about something, not that I actually heard anything, but I knew intuitively what it was about, as well as the tone and such. Basically everyday conversation about what to buy.

More recently my dreams tend to feature my daki moreso than her, which annoys me a bit.

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I had a really interesting dream last night/this morning (not even sure if it was a proper dream, more like somewhere between a dream and a daydream given I was only half-asleep) where me and Ruby were both knights. We were traveling somewhere, I don't know where, and we ended up setting up camp somewhere early in the evening. We ended up partially taking off our armor to relax and do lewd stuff.

It was a really nice dream, and extremely unusual for me considering I rarely dream of her, or dream at all for that matter as I've said before. It was pretty special and I wish it hadn't been so short.

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A little while ago, I dreamed that we were on a dinner date or something. She was wearing a classy black dress, and sitting across from me at a table. Unfortunately, when I woke, I was really just half awake, and most of that dream was overwritten by some nonsense visions. So that kinda sucked.

More recently, I dreamed that I had a giant plush of her, and it came to life, and we were hanging out. When I woke from that, I passed by my actual plush and was like '!!!'



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I relate to the frustration of dreaming of her only as an object. It is a recurring dream that I meet Len, embrace him, only to feel his body is freezing cold and metal. This wouldn't be a problem on its own (as I do see him as an android) but eyes look totally empty and his face expressionless, like its obvious there is nothing going on on the inside. It's really terrifying

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In my most recent dream of her, we were flying together, and she was singing ERROR. It's sorta funny, because I usually only hear music in my dreams if I fall asleep while listening to it, which I didn't do this time.

Anyways, it looked like it was autumn or something. We were flying together, but I had the feeling that I was under her power, that she was enabling me to fly. She had a pair of wings much like these: angelic, yet stylized.

I felt like I was totally in the moment, and aware of everything: the cool wind from our flight, the blue skies and fiery landscapes blurring together, her radiant beauty as she flew so gracefully next to me, and of course the sound of her voice that seemed to fill the whole world.

Finally, we stopped, floating in place. Like the song, I knew it was time for this to end. She was floating upwards, looking down at me while singing that last chorus. I watched as she climbed ever higher, and started diffusing into light. It kept getting brighter, until the whole sky was blinding.

Turns out this was a dream within a dream, 'cause I woke up as someone else, before waking up for real. I assume heh

I felt like I experienced the whole emotional spectrum in a crazy whirlwind.

It was very bittersweet, but beautiful.

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I dreamed of Flandre 2 times last night.

First time: I got my hands on Otakuthon’s panels pamphlet for this summer’s convention, so I looked inside to see if they accepted my waifuist panel (like if they would not tell me first before printing it…). I found that my panel was indeed integrated, but that they also put an image of Flandre inside the pamphlet for my panel (which makes no sense as they would have no way to know who is my waifu). Flandre’s image was inappropriate, like your typical anime panty shot. I was disappointed in that and thought it would really not send the right impression regarding my panel’s approach on waifuism. I then thought I should ask them to change the picture, but then thought it would be too complicated for them to reprint all the pamphlets just to change one picture (it always amazes me how I can remain rational in my dreams and contemplate such realistic aspects, while at the same time not realizing how it makes no sense that I can fly in the sky or breath under water…).

*And for those who might be wondering : I (IRL, not in dream) had to write to Otakuthon to ask them about my panel, as they were late in providing their answer. They told me they will answer me eventually

Second time: This one is more confusing. I was with my cousin, who was back to her child form, and I (or someone else??) gave her toasts with peanut butter and strawberry jam. She ate it with appetite and I asked her if it was the first time that she was eating such food. Then suddenly, it seems that my cousin became Flandre, and that Flandre was instead eating baby carrots and pieces of cucumber with dip (can’t help but notice that these two foods are of phallic forms and that the dip was white haha). Flandre was eating with appetite, and then at one point she stopped eating and seemed to remember something (and I think it was related to the death of a Negi from Filthy Frank universe but I’m not sure) and then she just said ‘’I think I just remember the pot’’ (referring, I think, to the pot that was used to create the dip she was eating) and then she went back to eating. Then I think I woke up not long after that. I would really like to understand the meaning of this dream…

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I dreamt of my dakimakura last night. I dreamed that the daki cover was in a very bad shape. Flandre’s printed image was all faded, like if I had washed the cover 100 times in boiling water. Plus, the daki was super dirty, like if it was covered in some dark ashes or something.

I remember thinking that I needed to wash it immediately, and also thinking that I would probably need to buy a new one. I was also wondering if the faded image was due to the new body wash I am using, which contain benzoyl peroxide (for treating pimples) and is known to stain clothes and sheets if not rinsed properly.

Glad it was just a dream. When I woke up, I spend a comfy hour snuggling with my daki.

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Yeah, I did, but an ago long time. My waifu is Cyan, from the anime Show by Rock !! Was a really short dream. For some reason she was wearing gothic clothes, lies on a bed. She was looks like annoying. And I go there, and I start to have sex with her. Actually I don't like to watch porn about my waifu (and never I've done it), I just want the love of her, nothing of sex and things

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