i was scrolling through the board list looking for a place to make a thread to dump my collection of corona chans that Ive saved and i thought id chime in with my opinion on what it'd take for me to buy or commission some art, maybe some drawfags will find it helpful.
Ive never cared about art in the slightest, Ive never once thought about what techniques were used in the art or how much skill was used to make it or how long it took to paint other than vague shallow shit like "damn that looks awesome" "i actually like this even though i don't know why" and other such thoughts. i suppose this was exacerbated by the fact that i only really use my computer and if i ever saw some image that i liked i could always just save it and use it as a background.
The only times i have ever considered buying art or commissioning art are the times when i have felt that it would be nice to own an original drawing or painting of something i love, something that i would take pleasure in looking at and something that would help me maintain that feeling of love for the subject of the painting.
thats just how i feel as an anon who's never had any art teaching or interest in creating art, i hope this is useful to other art anons.
what i would expect as a buyer and what i would do when looking to commission a piece of art:
>If i were to commission a piece id want it to be original and if i were to pay a couple hundred dollars or more for it, id expect it to be good
>i wouldn't put a time-limit on the commission because id be buying something I'd have on display and i figure the more time an artist has to work on it without stress the better it'll be in the end. its done when its done sort of thing.
>if i was going to pay for someone online to make it I'd use paypal so if they are plain shit or a scammer i could charge-back and tell them to fuckoff.
>i wouldn't be averse to paying upfront for a commission because if they are a scammer i can always charge-back. i would probably even throw in an incentive like if the arts really good and i like it a lot ill drop some more money on top of the agreed price after i have it.
>when looking for an artist for a commission i'd only ever commission an artist with a large gallery of their art online and that have a good reputation on whatever forums they use to advertise from other BUYERS.
>i'd do a reverse image google search on whatever art they had up for display and also chuck a couple into Photoshop to check if its got any copy pasted shit in it.
>i might consider buying from someone of unknown reputation if they had a REALLY good gallery and they had REALLY good skills. but if they did have those things they'd have a reputation and a ton of buyers anyway.
Regarding all the artfags talking about social media plugging and content creator sponsoring and twitter spamming, i cant say id care that much about it, there's never been a time when ive gone to a youtube channel and seen their banner and art and wondered who does theirs and then chased it up, i also don't use twitter.
but this opinion isn't very relevant i guess since to make money you'll be targeting normie retards and not cynical anons.
To be clear ive never purchased or commisioned any original art and this is what id do going in the first time, how much of this is accurate is off the top of my head.
webm unrelated.