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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: b7b50decc18a53d⋯.jpg (89.26 KB,796x1024,199:256,newsylvia001.JPG)


Excuse me. I apologize as I am new here, I don't normally show up on any art boards. But I've been reading for a bit, I think I understand. I know people say start with the basics, and I know people say start in realism before you deviate from it.

I mean I'm willing to learn, but for a while I couldn't stand realism. As weird as that sounds. What I mean is I was…at one point what you would call a "fantasist" without saying too much, I will say this I spent some of my life in an artificial existence.. In other words my imagination. And I hated how certain people tried to get me to draw the way they wanted. As you can guess I liked them animus..a lot so I tried to draw a lot of those.

Lemme skip to my main point. I suppose if I am to learn to get gud I need to step out of my comfort zone is that correct?

Also can someone direct me to resources for an absolute beginner?

I apologize if I was rambling. I tend to do that sometimes. I just hope I was able to make enough coherent sense.

If this discussion is not exactly relevant to this board. I apologize as well. Thank you for reading this far.

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File: 00ae0599d99c992⋯.jpg (76.95 KB,1075x950,43:38,le hair in the eyes girl f….jpg)

>I suppose if I am to learn to get gud I need to step out of my comfort zone is that correct?

Yes, and that's something I'm struggling with that myself.

>Also can someone direct me to resources for an absolute beginner?


>I apologize if I was rambling.

Don't worry about it, bud

>If this discussion is not exactly relevant to this board. I apologize as well. Thank you for reading this far.

This discussion is exactly what this board is for

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Your problem is that you're symbol drawing.

If you want to learn to draw well in any style, first you have to learn to draw realistically. There is no way around this. Behind every mangaka you admire are thousands of life drawings.

The stuff on https://www.8ch.net/loomis/hub.html is excellent, as the other anon mentioned. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is an excellent book to start with. Read it and practice every day, even just a little. You'll see results fast. Save any reference photos you like in a folder so you don't spend more time looking for shit to draw than drawing like I do. You ```can``` get good

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Stop saying this.

What is confusing this novice is that when people say they need to draw realistically, they understand it as just another stylistic approach rather what they should really be focusing on. To teach others, we need to eliminate these words from our vocabulary and emphasize basic understanding of forms, construction, and basic mark making skills.

You need to understand forms and basic construction to break symbol drawing. That is the essence of learning fundamental drawing.

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File: 79893a75c66e6f1⋯.gif (1004.3 KB,532x654,266:327,shear.gif)


Mirror the image, then fix it. Then repeat until it no longer looks weird when you mirror it. Also this happens to me often too, but I tend to draw things being kind of angled, you can see it easily after mirroring the image and it's easy to fix like pic related.

>Lemme skip to my main point. I suppose if I am to learn to get gud I need to step out of my comfort zone is that correct?

Yes and no. If your comfort zone is drawing anime without trying to understand the shapes you're drawing, then yes you will. That doesn't mean you'll have to start drawing skeletons and realistic old men and memorizing muscle names, but you should look at real life people and see how their anatomy works, and compare it to whatever you're drawing to get clues why it looks wrong.

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