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Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

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Lifting weights will raise your art gains and your spirits, fellas. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with a handful of inexpensive dumbbells. Exercise and moderation in diet has proven to be a potent treatment for depression and lethargy and many other symptoms which are otherwise practically inherent to modern living. Don't be ashamed to start simple, light and easy. Give it a try!

Simple <1/hr. routine:

Day 1:

Hammer Curl

Standing Shoulder Press

Standing Overhead Tricep Extension

Standing Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Curl

Day 2:

Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell Side Bend

Push Ups


Day 3:

Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Lunge

Dumbbell Farmer's Carry


If you're confident you can get a door frame pull up bar and add chin ups and pull ups to the mix.

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Good shit, anon. I started an actual lifting routine just a week ago and I'm already seeing improvement in my observational skills.

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>another day passes where I've accomplished nothing

Why do I keep doing this to myself, fellas?

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>skipping leg day

I seriously hope you fellas don't do this

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Oh, don't worry, I kick myself daily.

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Probably because serious exercising isn't just uncomfortable - it's literally painful.

The problem with getting fit is also that any gains are visible after a long, long time while discomfort is immediate. It's hard to make any habits stick with those conditions.

And sometimes your environment makes everything even harder - if you're working overtime, have to take care of your family or your roommates make fun of you for even trying, then it's difficult to find time and energy.

Shit's hard. It's not impossible, but it is hard enough that you shouldn't beat yourself up for failing.

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>Probably because serious exercising isn't just uncomfortable - it's literally painful.

>The problem with getting fit is also that any gains are visible after a long, long time while discomfort is immediate. It's hard to make any habits stick with those conditions.

Sounds like you're describing art practice

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Today is my day 1 of this exercising program: I love how simple and straightforward it is.

Right now I can do 20 push-ups. I hope to be able to do 40 in 2 weeks.

Wish me luck!

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I was recently inspired by a friend into looking at the merits of bodyweight training. He led me to this gentleman, Edwin Checkly, who supposedly eschewed all forms of weights in favor of body weight alone with pretty admirable results. I haven't looked into his methods yet so I am curious about just how he worked certain muscles but I guess the moral of the story is that you're on a good trajectory and to not let anyone convince you that push ups or other bodyweight exercises are a waste of time. I myself have always used relatively light dumbbells with moderate success, following the maxims of Eugen Sandow who was active around the same time.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been running to, around and back from a local lake 3-4 times a week. The lake is a 3 mile circumference and there's a half mile each both to the lake and back. You can barely see across it at its widest points so it was pretty intimidating at first but I just went for it and now I'll be on my 6th run soon (it can get extremely cold here so I limit myself to days where it's 25 degrees fahrenheit or above). The fact it only takes a little under an hour overall, even though I'm alternating between walking and jogging for the most part, really demystified the whole thing for me because you realize you're really not missing out on much by not spending that hour glued to your computer or phone like you'd likely normally be.

Running is actually pretty based fellas. You can walk too if you're in rough shape and not nearly as far-you might have to build up to it, don't be ashamed. Being the owner of an athletic dog has helped a lot with my personal motivation as well, when you see how you let a dog down by not giving them a walk or a run they expect it helps you visualize how you're actually letting yourself down.

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Skip leg day like a mother fucker but I also go for lots of longs walk when the weather is good so I don't look like a triangle upside down

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File: cf4ce27ce3232ba⋯.jpg (499.65 KB,4096x2777,4096:2777,Eh0PnyxUYAEV9yZ.jpg)

>have been running an average of 18 miles a week for the past six months

>doing at least the "Day 1" dumbbell exercises from the OP

>in the best shape of my life (not saying much)

>still depressed and unproductive af

Still worth it because of the looming civil war though

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File: 5cf1ce030f4a16c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,577.69 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Physical_Training_insta.jpg)

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What's that circle thing?

also come to 8chan.moe/loomis

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