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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: b9e5bc4c07365e9⋯.jpg (880.76 KB,1190x1600,119:160,b9e5bc4c07365e924894b11585….jpg)

 No.13897 [View All]

Last thread is autosaging edition.

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>know this question is better suited to a historian rather than a group of internet artists

Don't put yourself down anon,

You'll be suprised what some autists with no formal training can do

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File: b850c13a9a0cc3c⋯.png (343.54 KB,610x291,610:291,ClipboardImage.png)

How do I make my skulls not retarded besides learning how jaws work?

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File: cd911b735040538⋯.jpg (52.42 KB,599x480,599:480,skol.jpg)


The rear portion of your skulls seems to be slightly too short, consistently, as a consequence you're putting the very peak of the skull right above the brow and having it start to drop sharply almost immediately. Otherwise they look fine in that you have most of the details correct, you just need to observe the masses better. Here's something to think about: most of the time the overall skull seems to be about double the length of the lower jaw.

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File: d2143ffb999c616⋯.png (285.98 KB,408x456,17:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Well shit, I didn't expect it to be something as simple as that. Even the jaw looks better now since there's a proper place for it to go.

Thanks anon.

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File: 65ada3ddeda4c23⋯.png (127.89 KB,317x334,317:334,thinking_kurokochi.PNG)

Does anyone have experience with lightboxes and have good ones to recommend?

I prefer analog over digital, but I would like to emulate layers and be able to ink without risking the original work and erasing pencil marks. So far I would just tape original sketch and a blank page to the window, but I am slowly getting tired of it.

I looked online, but many recommended products have been discontinued or are not available right now.

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File: 4752936e134f820⋯.gif (472.08 KB,640x360,16:9,4752936e134f8205aae2b4b485….gif)

Is there any good art forum to post your shit and get constructive criticism?

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Never used one tbh, whenever I try and go trad it's just been an awful experience for the most part. I still do most of my studies in trad though


You made this thread a while ago I think, and the answer then as it is now is: 'no' heh

Wasn't there the "Crimson Daggers" (Ow, the Cringe) forums run by a concept artist or something? That might be okay idk

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No experience, but if you are the DIY kinda guy or know one, making one should be fairly simple.

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>You made this thread a while ago I think,

That was some other guy and I remember his question being slightly different, I just want a place to tell me how and fucking up and how to fix it.

>Crimson Daggers

It's not as bad as other places but it suffers from the "looks good, just keep trying :)" critique a lot of places have sometimes, rather than more objective problems.

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with how cheap the cheapass lightboxes get, it's certainly not worth buying anything or putting in effort to make one, but any combination of lights and translucent or clear plastic is probably better than a fucking window.

i just use an overturned tub and a short lamp.

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File: e5a2104e0133924⋯.png (823.73 KB,634x586,317:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Obligatory "how the fuck do I draw" question.

Hours of hip/leg anatomy studies led me to fuck all. I think I'm too retarded to draw.

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Nah, once you understand the relation between the pelvis, the femur bone and the leg muscles it will come together more clearly. It's not easy though, no.

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Anyone got any books/resources for drawing and simplifying plants? All those leaves, branches, petals, it’s a total clusterfuck.

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Plants' features like leaves and petals are fractal-like; you draw one of their leaves for example you've more or less drawn them all. Just keep their graphic shape in mind and consider how they can twist and fold in space.

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File: 033ef178911e409⋯.png (7.33 KB,122x220,61:110,fill_test.png)

is there a way to fill in colors without leaving white areas behind on thin lines?

using clip studio paint and I don't know if I should just find a different way to color instead

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It does that-I think-to keep small holes or gaps in the lines from filling the entire canvas.

I think it's more common to use the lasso selection tool to make areas of color on a different layer

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You select the outside, grow the selection by one or two pixels, invert the selection and then fill.


That's what you do, if the area you want to fill doesn't have a closed outline.

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For something like your pic, you would probably need to use both techniques.

First, fill it by clicking the area, you want to fill.

Second, use the technique, where you invert the selection.

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I've actually meant to link to post 561. The blue haired one.

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Shame, I like that other one quite a bit. They're both pretty simplistic and not "good" by any real objective standard but they're comfy.

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Is tracing a good drawing exercise for developing a tighter grip? I see people memeing all the time that you learn nothing by tracing but I think tracing is a more fun way to get a tighter grip than drawing circles and lines ad infinitum.

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I don't know about using it for a tighter grip but I expanded my anatomy knowledge very quickly by tracing and naming the anatomical feature I was copying.

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>Is tracing a good drawing exercise for developing a tighter grip? I see people memeing all the time that you learn nothing by tracing but I think tracing is a more fun way to get a tighter grip than drawing circles and lines ad infinitum.

Tracing can be good to get a feeling for how a certain artists draws his lines.

But remember, you become better at what you practice.

If you practice a lot of tracing, then you get better at tracing. You might learn a few additional things, but I don't think your end goal is to become the master of tracing.

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I feel like i've turned into a smooth brain cuz i've forgotten how to construct bodies well and i don't remember where i learned, help

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I wish I could help you but I frequently go "groundhog day" as well and end up a near-complete blank slate. One thing I will say is that I feel it's actually more important to understand the real anatomy than the construction-if I'd have studied that more in earnest from an earlier period I'd be in better shape by now.

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The provided list in that thread will teach you everything you need to know.

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what the hell is this link?

do i need tor to use it?

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File: d8d467a4ef0cc53⋯.png (770.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yes_you_need_tor_1024x1024.png)


>do i need tor to use it?

Yes, it's only for the cool kids on the block.

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File: d8d467a4ef0cc53⋯.png (770.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yes_you_need_tor_1024x1024.png)


Yes, you should use the Tor Browser Bundle to access that link.

No normies allowed! Only special bois.

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>do i need tor to use it?

Yes, It's a Tor only site.

I actually wanted to attach the following picture


but it looks like 8kun doesn't allow posting pictures via Tor.

I'm out.

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Wow, the 8kun software is shit-tier.

As of right now, the last three posts I made don't even show up if you view the thread isolated.

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Yes, it's quite poor. I wish I had the foresight to look for alternatives in the months that 8chan had disappeared but I was optimistic this wasn't going to suck as bad as it did

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File: c381d2ab5f53efe⋯.png (36.8 KB,810x445,162:89,ClipboardImage.png)


Place's looking pretty dead, which is sad.

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Because I've created it two days ago.

It takes time. The thread is just an excuse for me to post my practice drawings.

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Resources for drawing skinny and untoned arms? Every guide I see is based on fuck huge punch through walls arms.

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You don't really need resources for that honestly, you just omit and include detail as needed. Emphasize the contours and "silhouette" vs individual forms. (unfortunately to do that you'll need to understand those individual forms pretty well)

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You're capable of drawing the human skeleton from imagination, right?

Skinny arms just have thinner muscle fibers.

And you can add and subtract fat as you need.

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/loomis/ please help,

I'm trying to find the name of a painter. This painter used a limited color palette of something like yellow, red, black, and white. Maybe brown. Because of the lack of any overtly cool tones, everything looked like what I can only describe as dusk in summer. I remember the paintings I saw being of Greek and Roman mythology, but I could be wrong.

Any help?

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That's pretty general, does her really only use that limited palette or are you just thinking of a specific piece or pieces? Are you thinking of William-Adolphe Bouguereau?

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No. It's not Bouguereau, though his version of The Birth of Venus is GOAT. It's not Zorn either, despite "the Zorn palette" being pretty much exactly what I described.

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This is kind of a long shot here but does anyone know of a board based on music composition out in the chanz? No, not /mu/.

Seriously, every music making community on the net is utter dogshit.

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Sorry satanquads I've got no clue

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For studio lights, I kind of have two choices… Should I got for 6000k color temperature lights with an 83 CRI, or 6500k color temperature light with 90+ CRI? OR should I go for a 90+ CRI 5000K light. There's so many opinions.

Some say not to go to too high of a color temp and stick to 5000K because most people won't display your art in very white light. Others say to stick to 6000-6500k because that is closest to natural sunlight and you can discern colors best.

What is /loomis/' opinion?

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I only took a handful of courses at an atelier so this is way above my pay grade. I'd go for "truth" (in this case the 6000k) over supposed practicality in this instance. I'd rather know exactly what my colors are in ideal light and trust my customer to place the painting somewhere that suits their own ideal.

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Only somewhat art-related, but…

I remember like roughly 2-3 years ago I ended up stumbling across this forum/site that was only accessible after registration, and basically inside it had a bunch of links to download various art resources, programs, 3d models, etc for free. I remember the site theme being rather dark/mostly black, but otherwise, I cannot remember what the name was or find it via google since most of my searches just give me dead ends.

Does anyone have any idea what site I'm talking about?

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Are you thinking of the torrent aggregator uh…cgpersia?

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(its formal name is cgpeers but I think they made the url cgpersia or whatever for some reason)

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File: 6d142214fde4d75⋯.png (71.89 KB,900x860,45:43,Ball2.png)

File: 7b4eea2b19ea34f⋯.png (118.61 KB,1500x880,75:44,Colors.png)

So when I'm doing cel-shading, is there any general rule as to when I should be decreasing the Value more than I'm increasing the Saturation, and increasing the Saturation more than I'm decreasing the Value? Both of them look right to me, so I'm not sure if there's a situation where I should do one or the other.

And another question, I'm trying to shade something that has multiple colors that aren't separated by lines, is there any way I shade them all with different colors on the same layer without having to release my pen, or am I going to have to bite the bullet and separate them on different layers (pic related - the white/red ball) or shade them all using a Multiply layer?

Both examples were done in CSP for context.

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I really don't know if there's an actual "rule" necessarily; There probably is one but in lieu of being aware of it myself I guess I can just infer that it's kind of something you'll probably have to experiment with. "If it looks right, it is right" sort of deal.

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