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Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 4b286ebd86f050d⋯.jpg (291.5 KB,1000x800,5:4,PT.jpg)

 No.10692 [View All]

A thread for people of all skill levels to dump their works-in-progress and studies

Draw shit. Draw it a lot. Git gud. Maybe

Live Figure Models




Random Poses (3D Models)


Gesture and Figure Drawing Demonstrations

Glenn Vilppu: https://youtu.be/aOtVUHgJqQk ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0bd0_8onkA

Karl Gnass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw-piPn9d6Q&list=PLUnqAdGfhZZh7y_-tLZkacyShqy8RRpSU ; https://youtu.be/OcHZITz9GM4

Sheldon Borenstein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q19Y-gZIs9M

3-D Anatomical Models

Some select models from Sketchfab, useful for anatomy and perspective study.


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I tried drawabox for a while but really wasn't my style.

Is good if you think "Fun with a pencil" is too much "Learn to swim by being thrown into the pool".

But it has some nice perspective fundamentals.

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"Fun with a pencil" was more like hitting a brick wall for me, and only drawing deformed body parts from imagination over and over again helped me start. Anyway I would try to immediately drop the construction lines, because they slow you way down, and should only be used the first couple of times to get the idea of what you're doing, don't be so strict with proportions at this point and most importantly never do heads that stare directly at you for practice.

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File: 983796efebf2f85⋯.jpg (379.61 KB,1214x3620,607:1810,IMAG0547_1.jpg)

File: d4424d80836e1ef⋯.jpg (3.29 MB,3024x5376,9:16,IMAG0546.jpg)

File: cfb2a5428993ee5⋯.jpg (187.05 KB,1064x2394,4:9,IMAG0549_1.jpg)

File: 80ac23c8bce55e9⋯.jpg (2.98 MB,3024x5376,9:16,IMAG0550.jpg)


I must admit it's really frustrating to draw with construction lines and still not get it right.

I definetely have more fun doing shitty sketches in class but I don't feel the practice.

I do try to make fast and simple construction lines, that seeing them right now are definetely more emotive, but can only do that with pen.

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File: f4497c48d141935⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,160x160,1:1,Rato Confuso.jpg)

Somebody tell me what exactly the point of figure drawing is? It's supposed to teach you to view poses in their most basic forms, right? Is it absolutely essential to progressing, as in "you'll get nowhere without learning it"?

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Depends on what you want to do, anon.

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File: 494319e4c4c207a⋯.jpg (93.81 KB,900x1306,450:653,foreshortening_practice ar….jpg)


You apply what you were taught and learned to figure drawing. It doesnt teach you anything. It's for practice and muscle memory. With that muscle memory and catalogue of poses you've seen and practiced, you can apply knowledge you learned to construct poses on your own or rotate a pose to capture it from other angles and exaggerate poses and apply your own style.

If you just do figure drawing without actually understanding the poses, construction process, how muscles interact and proportions, you are just going to be reproducing that one image - you arent learning how to draw anything but trial and error on that one image and then back to square one for the next pose.

It's like a golfer going to the driving range. You dont learn anything hitting the ball the same way over and over and randomly slicing or topping the ball. You are just engraining how to do it wrong over and over again because you didnt bother to learn or have someone point out mistakes or just didnt take your time and apply what youve learned. You are just hitting balls.

Thats what figure/gesture drawing is if you dont bother learning things from other steps. You want to apply what youve learned to figure drawing; not learn from doing figure drawings.

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File: bab48627e7ad328⋯.png (777.69 KB,1267x882,181:126,11212.png)

File: 8b35744c38f1d3a⋯.png (748.83 KB,1524x876,127:73,45454.png)

File: c2004a87cea7ca4⋯.png (807.64 KB,1366x842,683:421,121212.png)

File: 44fe36a10ef202d⋯.png (749.13 KB,1379x902,1379:902,514121.png)

File: 7a6900ca761c0aa⋯.png (794.06 KB,1461x838,1461:838,561132.png)

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File: f9282d5d9df91e5⋯.png (123.17 KB,916x852,229:213,Screenshot from 2019-02-14….png)

File: fcfbc7914203cc5⋯.png (291.1 KB,917x879,917:879,image6.png)

Okay, so I know I said I was going to study more of figure stuff, but I had to go back on that. I've decided to get down and study values, and rendering. Now to preface, I know that's a rabbit hole for turd polishing, I just want to know it "enough" so that I can really bring out my drawings more.

I was advised to push all the tones I was using further, yesterday, but today I think it's clear I wasn't pushing the mid and light tones enough.

Also brush recommendations.

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File: 99c69709592e6d7⋯.jpg (863.97 KB,2418x3946,1209:1973,Snake_Charmer_by_mjranum_s….jpg)

File: 463926a2af3ba53⋯.jpg (784.45 KB,1706x2198,853:1099,SCN1550453840564-1.jpg)

Same guy from >>12632

Yes I know I fucked up the shading, but I'm starting to learn how to properly "see" shapes and lines instead of drawing with my eyes. Advice on where to focus next?

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keep doing what youre doing with shapes and put some time in focusing more on proportions

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File: 56d3ffe694e2f73⋯.jpg (724.51 KB,2528x2115,2528:2115,17-02-2019.jpg)

File: 5f3879ac47db9e1⋯.jpg (825.8 KB,810x1080,3:4,e027aebcb4080c54e814919ca9….jpg)

File: a70f5bf115018ff⋯.jpg (853.49 KB,810x1080,3:4,1bf390d55039c6e456c5812121….jpg)

Today I drew a figure and a portrait.

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Haven't seen you in a bit, good attempt lad. I can see your figures are quite a bit stronger than your portraits, keep practicing!

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File: 7f7386be65a03eb⋯.png (252.4 KB,1536x1536,1:1,06E7B601-869C-4264-B3A2-98….png)

Practicing drawing busts and also practicing drawing faster. Towards the end I found a better way to construct shoulders at least.

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Different anon here, but fucking thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Everyone around me keeps saying 'you have to learn from figure drawing' and I couldn't understand why it always caused me to give up in frustration until I read your post.

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File: 49404c57f7be319⋯.jpg (289.36 KB,1000x1386,500:693,image17.jpg)

Okay yeah, that makes more sense now.

Also need to keep these up, and remember I do enjoy studying this shit.

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File: b08670d889ac95c⋯.jpg (215.78 KB,1236x1000,309:250,image18.jpg)

I forget if there's anything else to really know, at this point, to have the general map of all the superficial muscles, known for figure drawing. I guess I'll have to figure out hands, and then I can move on to values again.

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Lookin' good bubbi, keep it up

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File: 5803f03f2f2e23b⋯.jpg (340.63 KB,1200x1838,600:919,d4bgq08-b7a9cda8-8a98-4559….jpg)

File: 14ac77055093136⋯.png (1.17 MB,1242x2208,9:16,maleback.png)

File: 868a36ff0a8179e⋯.jpg (74.71 KB,672x950,336:475,maletorso1.jpg)

File: 716362c67163456⋯.png (1.1 MB,1242x2208,9:16,upperUnderarm.png)


superficial muscles is all you need to know. and even then, you dont really need to know the names or anything.

key thing to know is that bones dont bend or twist or stretch. sounds dumb, but if you realize this, the rest becomes a lot easier because muscles are broken down into 3 groups - muscles that rotate the bones, muscles that flex/move the bones and muscles that retract/pull the bones back to original position.

the flex muscles are very prominent when movement happens. The neck has two that connect under the jaw and form visual muscles when a neck twists. twist your arm and look at it - youll see the muscle on it very easily.

for the extension and retraction, the muscles are always paired and opposite of each other in an S shape style. tricep and bicep, for instance. if you are bending an arm, the bicep is going to flex and pull the arm. if you want to go back, the tricep will flex and straighten the arm. you dont need to know the names of muscles once you realize this simple concept - its very intuitive and a 'oh shit, that makes so much sense now' moment once you see it in action. not just limbs, either. ab crunches are the abs flexing and pulling the torso. going back uses muscles in the back. so if you bend forward, the abs will flex and be small while the back muscles will stretch. if you pull backwards, your back muscles will contract and the abs will be stretched. everything works like this in the body and if the bones are moving, there are muscles stretching and their opposite group is flexing/bunching up.

finally, once you understand how muscles mechanically move bones, you just need to know simple fact about muscles - they are attached to bone. crazy, i know, but they are. that means the shoulder muscle/deltoid will always connect to the middle of the upper arm bone. it doesnt matter where you move the arm, the deltoid will always be connected there. muscles have to move the bones, so where they connect will help you draw it in any pose. generally the muscle will connect to the next bone in sequence. thigh muscles go down into the calf bones/below the knee. triceps go down under the elbow to the forearm bones. biceps go up to the top of the shoulder and down to the forearm. There's 2 bones on forearm and calf - the biceps of the legs and arms go to one bone and other ones attach to the other bone - this is how you flex and extend bones and the muscles have to connect to bones other than the ones they cover or they'll never do anything.

it sounds complex, but its really simple and you dont need to know the name of a single muscle or bone or even the body part with muscles. if it moves, it needs a flexor and an extensor - one to move and one to return it to default position. if one of these groups is flexing, the other is stretching. they muscle has to attach to next bone over or it wont do anything. these points are fixed and dont change. knowing this means draw your pose and then the muscles connect at those points. the muscle will practically draw itself flexed or stretched once you figure these things out - you are just connecting dots from both ends of the muscle and if your pose has it stretched, the dots are farther apart and you have to draw it stretched out. if they are closer together, you know it'll be a chunky blob of muscle bunched up.

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File: 666e364ee972a55⋯.png (503.42 KB,2441x1770,2441:1770,arms scrap 1.png)

File: 7a50c6faf4d0344⋯.png (53.41 KB,843x543,281:181,arms scrap 2.png)


At this point I've come to understand all the superficial muscles, sans hands and feet. And it feels fucking amazing, knowing all these now, even if I can't exactly name them all and have to refer to Anatomy for Sculptors for specifics on some. This shit has been incomprehensible for the longest time, so yeah, feels good to know it.


No yeah, I hadn't thought of it like that until you mentioned it, but

>the bones don't flex

Has me realizing a lot of stuff, and is giving me ideas on how I can incorporate them into exaggerated gesture. The last point you're talking about there are anchor points, and now that I know about this stuff I could probably start really warping the body to suit the angles and poses I like drawing this stuff in.

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File: f76e78829109d4f⋯.png (132.93 KB,1366x716,683:358,arms scrap 3.png)

Alright. I think I finally understand arms. Now, I'm going to move on to values. As knowing this is enough for me to draw a complete figure.

The only thing I'm going to return to studying like this, for a while anyway, is if my hands are too shitty to convey stuff. Not my own hands, the hands I draw.

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Apart from anatomy try and keep all those abstractions you've learned in mind and you should be able to convey something or another; use your hands as a reference as often as you can as well, eventually you may have no need to do so but it can't hurt for the time being

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Yeah, for sure. Overall my art's been "good enough" for a while now, given I just want to tell an overall pretty simple story. But it's the smaller stuff like this that I'll need in order to truly elevate it.

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File: b66e924244f2d80⋯.jpg (618.7 KB,3070x2352,1535:1176,Art_Nudes___C_6_by_mjranum….jpg)

File: 1db0bca6242a42c⋯.png (132.47 KB,2198x1706,1099:853,SCN1551479263393-1.png)


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File: ff509a76364090c⋯.png (264.23 KB,2048x1536,4:3,B399AF9E-54B9-405A-9023-B3….png)

Duel gender anatomy practice. It’s more effect to practice this way. For some reason my lines are worse today. Maybe due to the heat.

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File: 56c5600455eab91⋯.png (1.5 MB,4080x2160,17:9,White.png)

File: 18589bc2a1813f6⋯.png (1.14 MB,4080x2160,17:9,White2.png)

File: 416456646fdb300⋯.png (903.82 KB,4080x2160,17:9,White3.png)


You practicing with one drawing a day, son?

Your line accuracy will never go up if you're doing quality over quantity.

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Yes. Well I didn't draw one for a few days because of the heat and other factors.

How should I be practising?

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The only part you learn something from a picture is the sketch, and trying to visualize it inside your head, and the only way to actually make things stick inside your head is to do them over and over again.

So optimally you should be doing everything before you cleaned up your picture, over and over again, trying to understand why you're doing it. Remembering about all the basics of drawing, form and perspective mainly.

Something like my previous drawings, but with whatever you're looking to work on. 1 picture a day is probably only meant for things like painting, where it takes ages to just make one. Otherwise it's pointless.

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So draw an image, then redraw it a few times and then clean it up?

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Draw a image, draw a image, draw a image.

Erasing is fine, I should note, it's like redrawing a picture, which is also fine. Just make sure you're always trying to learn. Only clean up when you want to show off to yourself or others.

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File: 358d9b428e54066⋯.png (678.05 KB,2048x1536,4:3,B3F346FE-10B5-4A11-B153-93….png)


How long am I supposed to take when sketching? Do I just roughly go over the basic forms and features like here, or do I go more in depth? It seems if I go more in depth it stops being a sketch but if I just sketch like this I won't be paying enough attention to things.

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The way you draw confuses me, I'm not sure if you're using references or not or how long it is you actually take. But if I had a suggestion, it would be more focused practice, rather than the whole body. But mostly trying to put forms into everything in your drawings, drawing a quick mannequin before the clothes, helps it not stick and get the forms right.

The boobs on your left picture isn't finished, your hair is too close to the skull in my opinion, has no form like mostly everything. The arms on the right picture aren't defined. The clothes seems to be hiding the whole body so you have nothing to understand, why it looks so fucked up.

Focus on small amount of things, and get them good, use the right tutorials.

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dont focus on creating waifus focus on creating a believable figure for a person

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The drawings you are posting should take about 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on skill level.

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I was using references. Focusing on Individual parts makes sense. I did draw ribs, hips and bones and such but because I was doing sketches I did not flesh them out under the clothing, this would be what caused it.


Believable waifu figures of a person?


Yes, well maybe a bit longer. I was doing sketches.

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File: 15b8c78d5ce0acb⋯.png (1.13 MB,4080x2160,17:9,White4.png)


>Believable waifu figures of a person?

He means learn how to create a person first, waifu later, but you have no idea how to do either. You really should check out the sticky.

>Yes, well maybe a bit longer. I was doing sketches.

Aim for faster.

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File: f52f82e56b3cc09⋯.png (107.95 KB,569x596,569:596,eaaa.PNG)

bedtime sketch

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that's one long necked boy

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File: fadc18c735c9415⋯.png (276.25 KB,2048x1536,4:3,92CDED40-56C2-4755-84A3-78….png)

Did some more sketching. I probably won’t do more in the near future, I'll go back to what I was doing.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>So optimally you should be doing everything before you cleaned up your picture, over and over again.

Exactly, I'm 100% totally agree to what this Anon said. The problem I see from most newbs is that they're too hesitate to redraw their shit drawing back from square one. Instead of redraw everything back, they tried fix some portion from their shit existing drawing and hope for for a perfection. That's not how learning process works in drawing. A proof of concept can be seen from video related made by Shizurin senpai livestream. Well, she's a vtuber and not a pro artist herself. But at least she got the technique right by redrawing again with new layer ontop of old layer which was shit in her first attempt. I find this is the best conventional technique that basically can teach yourself how to draw better. You need the skill to reconstruct the existing shit drawing into better one. From there you will learn how to advance.

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why does he have 2 collar bones? the pecs attach to them.

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The link doesn't work.

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Works for me. I used an external video player like mpv to play it. So in my machine I simply type "mpv https://invidio.us/watch?v=7x8aMEUBv3E" in the command line to play the video. Not sure how you'd play that embedded video. I guess it would redirect you to nvidio.us website and you may need to enable javascript.

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File: c600ed5ad768c5d⋯.png (423.88 KB,705x651,235:217,heavy is thinking.png)

I feel like i'm stuck in a rut with my art

I'm not really sure what to draw and how to improve, I know I have places to improve but i'm not sure how to get there

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grind something. fill 10 pages with nothing but mouths or eyes from every angle and different shapes and expressions. open google earth and get random 3d shot or street views and do pages of cityscapes and practice perspective. new york is pretty good for this. can do big city shot or zoom to street or parks randomly for different shots from every angle.

just pick something at random and draw 10+ pages of nothing but that. weekly theme thread has pilots. do several pages of poses, gestures and pick one or two and make full drawings of. if you are beyond skill of needing to practice basic things, take a random manga or comic, read a chapter, then close it and reproduce it with your own style and take on the scenes.

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File: 29b6b5e309e9b21⋯.png (816.84 KB,1500x1564,375:391,snake dood.png)

snake dood sketch

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>One of theVilppu resources in hub was removed

Does anyone have this shit without me needing to pay for it?

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File: 4d9c7f9f270f621⋯.png (608.31 KB,1024x1280,4:5,bod.png)

File: c37d3bd6edf8cfb⋯.png (1004.13 KB,1368x2050,684:1025,shadow.png)

Tried painting up some really fast figures using quickpose, they don't look the best

I always seem to put off doing the body because it always turns out like this, even though I know millage makes up for it in the long run

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File: 87074e5057e6760⋯.jpg (416.45 KB,1224x1736,153:217,image19.jpg)

File: 54b81d774cce521⋯.png (139.54 KB,488x626,244:313,Screenshot from 2019-03-13….png)

Okay, this drawing is flawed, but having done this figure study today, after such a long lapse of them, it's cemented to me that I need to move on to study other aspects of art, like values, animation, and spriting. Basically anything "new" that I know for a fact I don't know, in order to fully round out my skillset, as my perspective, anatomy, gesture, etc, is solid enough to do so.

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File: 06124a198dc157a⋯.png (237.31 KB,2209x1706,2209:1706,SCN1552863311904-1.png)

finished >>12973

gib advice

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Torso isn't long enough on the second one, also needs to be curved on the right side, since it's being viewed directly from behind.

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