Another dumb action-packed and mostly logical dream, apparently about human/giant snake Godzilla this time.
Dreamt about a laser-shooting monster that was mostly shaped like a person at first. It started off normally enough, I was eating in this restaurant and there were a few wacky side characters like a gang boss and a chef, and suddenly the ground starts shaking and people are screaming.
Rather than legging it out of the building, I was one of those people who could somehow just tell it was some un-Earthly monster attacking and NOT just a monster earthquake, so I hid in a bathroom stall, and even though the gaps inbetween the doors were wide, I did what I could to hide the fact the stall was occupied by standing on the seat itself and crouching just a little. Fortunately, as the thing passed, it didn't seem to notice that the door was locked.
I heard a scream from the space next to the stalls, and for which reason I can't remember, I figured out that it could only "see" those who had looked at it eye-to-eye. Using this new-found knowledge, I climbed over the stalls to individually address each group of this dense bathroom community and whisper that secret to them.
Apparently a naive little girl (probably 9 or younger) heard this and decided to exit the stall. If this wasn't bad enough, she'd managed to look the thing in the eyes anyway. I jumped out, thinking I'd rescue her from it since I was such an invisible badass. Well when it felt the kind of small tap of my foot connecting with its ankle, it realised that I must've been exploiting its weakness. Well something like a whirlwind of blue faces started flying around it, and as one touched me, it grinned, and I'm pretty sure I died soon after. Apparently, if it uses up more of its laser energy to do that move, it can see people after the faces make tactile contact with them.
Forunately, I got another chance, and that bathroom stall scene started again, except for that fact that I was some guy in shades and a floral shirt. With my previous knowledge, I figured out that the first of those items may be a huge boon to me. So my eyes were glued to that thing as it passed, and not long later did I discover that thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.