In a totally hypothetical scenario, who would win a large scale campaign between the WW2 Italian Armed forces and (WW2 of course) Imperial Japanese Armed Forces?
Both sides can deploy everything what they had at disposition during the WW2 along air, ground and sea (tanks, planes, warships, etc)
also, they do not have any other front to worry about, Germany or the alieds won't gonna interfere on this engagments in any way.
>First Scenario:
The Japaneses deploy a large scale invation of more than 50 000 soldiers and a extender amount of vehicles and planes on Sicilia, the island is heavy defended by arround another 50 000 Italian soldiers and an amount of vehicles and planes similar to the nipons.
>Second Scenario
Same numbers but inversed places, this times the Italians are deploying a full invation on Okinawa that heavly defended by Japaneses forces.
(In both scenario wins who neutralize the opossite forces and efectivlly defend/conquer the respective island)
>Third Scenario
Both forces are far from home trying to occupy Panama in center america. They deploy their forces of invation in the opossite sides of the country (Japan from the Pacific Coast, and Italy from the Atlantic coast) with no local reasistance on his way until both forces shocks at the middle of the country.
Wins who neutralize and expell the opossite force from the occuped counrty.
Take at consideration things like the supply lines and logistic support, industrial capacity, tactics and doctrine.
Who wins?