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in case we missed any boards, check out >>>/dir/

8chan /dir/ectory has every active board in an organized list.

Someone ought to just look over it to check if we missed any potential teams

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honestly outside of boards that have already participated in the cup, the only ones i can name which would probably have enough of a board culture or interest would be >>>/egy/, >>>/ggrevolt/, >>>/wooo/, >>>/aus/, and maybe >>>/x/ or a few shitty niche boards like >>>/mtt/

it'd be worth looking into but i'm not sure how many more teams we can milk out of the remaining boards within and straddling the top 50

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other possibilities basically boil down to the fandom boards of >>>/sugen/ and >>>/homosuck/ and >>>/2hu/ along side the aforementioned >>>/mtt/, /pol/ alternative >>>/politics/, >>>/rwby/, and that's about it

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No going to lie even though /wooo/ is a smaller board I would love if they had team.

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has anyone contacted to those boards?

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besides >>>/ggrevolt/ and >>>/egy/, mo. most people have just been focusing on previous participants. feel free to notify those boards

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feel free to reach out to any boards i might have missed. right now we're focusing on boards with established teams so we can gague interest. then we'll know if we need to reach out to new boards to fill in any gaps.

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