I believe this person has some hfo themed files, and is explicitly themed to thine preferences, as stated in >>88726
then you may like: aHR0cHM6Ly9oeXBub3R1YmUuY29tL3VzZXIvZ29vZHB1cG51bWJlcjEtMTgxNzg1LyAKCmh0dHBzOi8va2Vtb25vLnN1L3BhdHJlb24vdXNlci8xMjY2NTk4NDIg
They do not have hfo themed files, but they do have some that are joi! It just seemed like content you would, enjoy ;3
Then, a creator that has made me hfo several times: aHR0cHM6Ly9oeXBub3R1YmUuY29tL3VzZXIvbW9tbXktNDM2NjcvCgpodHRwczovL2tlbW9uby5zdS9wYXRyZW9uL3VzZXIvNjUyNTI4MjcKCmh0dHBzOi8vbWVnYS5uei9mb2xkZXIvVU9FUkZaN1IjdnUtbW1HdFNKRVNyTU9icHZQRmg5QQoKaHR0cHM6Ly94LmNvbS9Nb21teXNfY3VsdA==
unfortunately, I haven't found their latest two asmr releases anywhere publicly, do share if you acquire them
these seem like higher quality uploads of -some- of their paid files.
It took a little bit for her files to actually! Fall deep enough within me to cause le experiences, but when it was time, it waaas rlly intense. Hope u enjoy.
Just post th text strings into an, base sixty four decoder