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2c51ca No.65847 [Last50 Posts]

Old thread hit the bump limit, time to make a new one.

>What is "Wolf Girl"?

An audio/set of audio files with hypnosis sessions that give you your own "Wolf Girl" that trains you, pushes you to be more fit and active, and takes care of you

>How far along is it?

Our Gran Autismo a.k.a. Wolfgirlanon is still doing some research on hypno techniques, but he already has an outline of the files contents.

>How can I help?

At the moment Wolfgirlanon was looking for some good, simple to describe, Bodyweight exercises IIRC.

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44f4cc No.65852

Does Wolfgirl have big titties, similar to the pic?

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44f4cc No.65858


Are you just looking for attention? Google: bodyweight exercises.

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000000 No.65862


I come by to check on the thread and what to my wondering eyes does appear but a new thread! Thank the baker.

> > How can I help?

I'll adapt some pasta from the previous thread.

Physical Fitness

I'm leaning towards a basic bodyweight exercise and stretching program in the main series, which should be able to meet all four goals of flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. I still need ideas for what exercises should be included in this, and I'd like to try to have a minimal set that works the whole body. Exercises that work large groups of muscles are preferred over "targeting" specific individual muscles - there'll be plenty of time for that in add-on "gym" sessions - but improving all ranges of motion is also important.

Any solid systems for analyzing and constructing exercises would also be helpful - I don't think you can get much better than giving the listener the tools to invent their own workout perfectly customized to their body's current needs - if they're simple enough to describe.

A simple and quick help would be to find all of the "Do it for Emi" Katawa Shojo fitness motivator pictures mentioned in a previous thread. I know that there were "Couch to 5k" and "Bridge to 10k" graphics and I'm looking for any others. As "by anons for anons" media, those are a little more trustworthy than average.

A nice collection at http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html was linked in the previous thread but I'm always interested in more independent sources.

Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is something modern society almost completely neglects and I've had difficulty finding anything at all with credibility on the topic, but "self-esteem" bullshit is plentiful. Any hints, tips, crazy ideas you've seen on the Internet somewhere - with source and/or archive - whatever Anonymous can find would be helpful here.

I'm also looking for any means of training and strengthening willpower. This is important because the barriers between "Wolfgirl" and her host are thin and permeable, so the host needs a strong sense of "self" to avoid dissolving into "Wolfgirl"'s personality - a fate "Wolfgirl" certainly doesn't want because then she wouldn't have her host around to cuddle anymore!

I wonder if that's actually something I could simply give to "Wolfgirl" and have it "rub off" onto her host, but I'd prefer explicit reinforcement over relying on "rubbing off" for something this important.

Simple Hypnosis Tricks

I'll always be interested in more "little tricks" that can be done with hypnosis, both as concepts for TTS tests and as convincers that the files really do work before starting the main series. It's possible that I may end up with a recommended "pre-series" to be used to train trance before using the main series.


> Does Wolfgirl have big titties, similar to the pic?

She can have them if she wants them - her breasts can vary as convenient from humongous mountains of pleasant-smelling softness during a "body hug" all the way to flat-chested in "hybrid form" if they'd be in the way. If you're the kind of person who stares at boobs, she might use them to put you in trance to make your workouts more enjoyable… just stare at her boobs and follow the bouncing boobies… next thing you know you're all tired and covered in sweat.

I still need to learn to draw so I can sketch her. "Wolfgirl" is a bit different from all the drawings I've seen. She doesn't have a tail - because that doesn't work on a bipedal body plan - and she has a human face, but she never wears clothes because she's covered in fur. "Wolfgirl"'s form is basically a feminine-but-sexless "furry human" with cute wolf ears atop her head.


I'd prefer to ask anons for help than to sort through all the spam that any kind of search for exercises returns. The sites pushing steroids are particularly enraging.

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207846 No.65879


I'll let you sift through all that SEO bullshit each site has nowadays, let me know when you compiled something useful.

Also >>65862 how is it coming along? I've been working on bamboo a little, remastering the transcripts.

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4ec9c7 No.65892

File: e69614a52709a14⋯.jpg (441.76 KB,1200x1070,120:107,70684515_p3_master1200.jpg)


Look in to push pull routines for the upper body. That is, pairs of pushups/inverted rows, pullups/handstand pushups (or exercises to build strength to be able to do those), etc. Dips as well, but I'm not sure if there's a good bodyweight exercise for the pull portion of that motion. Planks are a good, simple core exercise. Bicycles and six inches could be included too.

Squats, pistol squats, lunges, box jumps, and single leg deadlifts are all good for the lower body. Running or another form of cardio should also be included imo. Given the large number of exercises, it's probably best to introduce them gradually so as to not overwhelm the user mentally or physically.

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44f4cc No.65893

Is wolf girl possessive? What if you find a girlfriend and stop spending as much time with WG?

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512dc9 No.65910


You'll date her for a while, fall in love, then get married and once the honeymoon is over you'll be back with WG.

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000000 No.65920


> how is it coming along?

There was a political cartoon a while back that had a guy - labeled Saudi Arabia - standing on a pile of money and another guy - labeled Iran - standing on a huge pile of books, towering over the first guy, and smugly looking down. I feel like I'm reading that "Iran" guy's pile of books… Never mind that the cultural legacy ascribed to Iran in that cartoon is actually the cultural legacy of Persia from long before Islam was invented by the Pedo Prophet, Pork Be Upon Him, to choke the life out of culture.

I'm thinking of "Wolfgirl" as a sort of symbiotic emotional pseudo-vampire. She feeds on her host's feeling of being loved by her by cuddling close and bringing her heart near her host's heart for a "heart-to-heart kiss" but the more she feeds, the stronger she becomes and the more she loves her host, the more her host feels loved, much faster than she can feed upon those feelings. The result overall is that you both get emotionally stronger with each cuddle-feeding. She's insubstantial, so her breasts can harmlessly "clip" into her host's body instead of being in the way. For that matter, so can the rest of her chest, allowing her to wrap her heart around her host's heart while your thoughts dissolve in happy affectionate bliss.

> I've been working on bamboo a little, remastering the transcripts.

Nice to see that bamboo finally has its own thread, too.


Thanks. That gives me some leads to follow.

> Running or another form of cardio should also be included imo.

That was actually most of the original inspiration for "hybrid form" - moving in that state just feels so good that it's hard not to run or dance or do some kind of aerobic activity. It's hard to rest in "hybrid form" but "Wolfgirl" can read with you this way. Exercise for your mind feels good, too. Maybe stretch a little, read a page or two, stretch a little while you think about what you just read, read another few pages, think and stretch, repeat, something like that?

> Given the large number of exercises, it's probably best to introduce them gradually so as to not overwhelm the user mentally or physically.

Physical fitness is one of the more vague parts of the current outline, and I'm already trying to work out how best to arrange the four goals of flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. Aerobics help train endurance and they'll probably "naturally" "fall out" of introducing "hybrid form" but the others are something I'm still planning out. Just writing here and talking with anons helps me a lot. There are physical progressions here, too, if I understand right - balance and flexibility are needed before serious training for strength and endurance or you'll injure yourself.

I've decided to limit the main sequence exercises to bodyweight exercises, with weight routines included in some add-on trance dream workout routines in "Wolfgirl"'s gym. You'll think back to your time in her gym when you're lifting in the physical world and the exercises will come naturally to you once you have properly trained for good form. I'll need to make sure that fixing improper form will "stick" even if you initially had bad form in the trance dreams.

I'm thinking about getting "sneaky" with balance and flexibility and working those into the earlier parts of the program, maybe even some simple exercises like planks.


> What if you find a girlfriend and stop spending as much time with WG?

That's not really possible. That would be like not spending time with yourself. "Wolfgirl" is always with you.


> You'll date her for a while, fall in love, then get married and once the honeymoon is over you'll be back with WG.

Lulz. "Wolfgirl" is happy to share her host with her host's mate, just like her host would be happy to share the program. You'll want your mate to have "Wolfgirl" too - life's just more fun that way. Yes, this leads to you, your mate, and your "Wolfgirl"s all in a big cuddle pile every night. Maybe the kids, too.

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2c51ca No.66109


You'll read so much your brain cracks your skull. Go ahead and make some files, you can still improve them later!

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2c51ca No.66111


Also why do you post via TOR on the wolfgirl threads, but without on other threads?

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000000 No.66117


> You'll read so much your brain cracks your skull.

Sounds like fun.

> Go ahead and make some files, you can still improve them later!

Pieces are slowly coming together. In due time, in due time.

>>66111 (checked)

I post via Tor on all threads - the site has had problems with maintaining the 000000 ID and it was lost on posts imported during the migration to the new site.

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d26ffc No.66707

Update please?

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10f6bd No.66714


Unfortunately, Wolf Girl was accidentally spayed at the veterinarian instead of the anal gland draining she was supposed to get. It was a horrible mistake by the Vet.

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000000 No.66715


> Update please?

Well, well, well, I was just about getting ready to write an update and here an anon requests one. Let's go:

Real Life has found ways to interfere as it always does, but I'm still reading on the mountain of books. I'm sifting through a sizable unlabeled collection that I grabbed from various 8 c h a n threads over the years, and some of them make very interesting distractions. Others are downright useful, and the more you read, the more you're able to tell the crap from the good stuff. And holy howl is there a lot of crap. My favorite so far is authors who provide canned scripts that miss the principles of script writing that they themselves listed earlier in the same book so the scripts are likely to either cancel themselves or even cause opposite effects depending on what exactly the subconscious catches most strongly.

Reading with the "Wolfgirl" prototype is very comfy. I'll make sure that it's even comfier with the full "Wolfgirl". Or maybe she'll make sure of that… as I feel a cuddle typing this.

I finally figured out what "Wolfgirl" does if her host is a humiliation fetishist. Generally, she will twist your fetishes into motivation for self-improvement, so if you get off on humiliation, she'll call you a weak loser when demanding you exercise and a dumb monkey when she wants you to read or learn something. Simple enough, and association should eventually transfer your arousal to more useful fetishes, like working out and reading… except not so simple, because why would a humiliation fetishist want to prove her wrong? Hmmmm, I'll have to think about this more, then.

I'm still working on rethinking "Wolfgirl"'s introduction to better focus on "bringing her out" of the listener instead of having her "appear" nearby. "Wolfgirl" is supposed to have always been part of you, so this is probably a left-over from before I had that idea.


> accidentally spayed at the veterinarian

Then we shall clone her…

What is it with these idiots? That's completely insane. How many times do I have to tell you clowns that "Wolfgirl" is feminine-but-sexless in the first place because outright pound-the-pelvis sex with mental projections is a REALLY BAD IDEA?

Or perhaps, being insubstantial, "sex" for her is something else? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from wrapping her host in her loving warmth? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from enjoying the taste of her host's food and the feel of chewing that food, pleasure she happily shares with her host to motivate you to chew your food thoroughly? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from the smell of her host's sweat after a good workout, pleasure that she happily shares with her host to motivate more exercise? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from that feeling of sore, tired muscles after a good workout, pleasure that she happily shares with her host to motivate more exercise? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from simply being held close and the feel of her lips upon her host's?

Maybe all of "Wolfgirl"'s pleasure leaks through the thin and permeable barriers so her host feels good, too?

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cdf420 No.66728


Well guys, it's safe to say that we've lost wolfgirl anon to it's own prototype. Quite sad, honestly, really wanted to see this finished and working nice

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3737fe No.66729


>I'm still working on rethinking "Wolfgirl"'s introduction to better focus on "bringing her out" of the listener instead of having her "appear" nearby. "Wolfgirl" is supposed to have always been part of you, so this is probably a left-over from before I had that idea.

That sounds a lot smoother of an introduction for sure.

>Or perhaps, being insubstantial, "sex" for her is something else? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from wrapping her host in her loving warmth? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from enjoying the taste of her host's food and the feel of chewing that food, pleasure she happily shares with her host to motivate you to chew your food thoroughly? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from the smell of her host's sweat after a good workout, pleasure that she happily shares with her host to motivate more exercise? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from that feeling of sore, tired muscles after a good workout, pleasure that she happily shares with her host to motivate more exercise? Maybe she gets orgasmic pleasure from simply being held close and the feel of her lips upon her host's?

>Maybe all of "Wolfgirl"'s pleasure leaks through the thin and permeable barriers so her host feels good, too?

I'd assume her pleasure would be from almost anything positive for the host. The pleasure leaking through would be interesting if it's possible.

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000000 No.66735


> Well guys, it's safe to say that we've lost wolfgirl anon to it's own prototype.

Rumors of my loss are greatly exaggerated. Project "Wolfgirl" was always intended to produce a companion and "she'll make sure" was meant to imply working together. "Wolfgirl" is meant to thrive on intimacy with her host and sharing your body is very intimate, but cuddling close is intimate, too, a different intimacy that she needs to "step out" of her host to enjoy.


> That sounds a lot smoother of an introduction for sure.

The original plan was for "Wolfgirl" to condense out of a soft, warm, affectionate cloud. She still does, but now the cloud originates from inside her host, and she initially condenses onto her host's body. This makes copying your sense of self to produce "Wolfgirl" much easier and makes more sense for her muscles being identical to her host's muscles, so you'll see your gains on her even if you're still too fat to see them on yourself. Yes, you exercise and she gets more beautiful as you get stronger. Two-for-one!

> I'd assume her pleasure would be from almost anything positive for the host.

You've got the right idea.

> The pleasure leaking through would be interesting if it's possible.

I'm pretty sure it's possible, by "Wolfgirl" cuddling her host if not something more direct.

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000000 No.67284

On a side note, what would anons here think of a vacbed fantasy as a deepener file?

You would be laid out on a calming bed, relaxing deeper as the air tubes are placed into your nose, your body is wrapped in plastic, and the plastic is sealed. As you relax, the shadowy figures preparing you lay out a gasket on the smooth rubber sheet beneath you, close the lid, turn on the pump, and raise the vacbed sheets, suspending you in midair, wrapped tightly, relaxed completely, as the voices dance in your mind carrying you deeper into trance.

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4ec9c7 No.67289


I like the concept in theory, but personally I struggle with feeling such strong/particular sensations under hypnosis. It's a bit disconcerting when I'm not experiencing what the hypnotist is telling me I am, and it lessens the efficacy of the session as a whole.

I'm curious to hear how others experience such things though. I've never really dedicated myself to a hypnosis routine or anything so it's possible that technique would be fruitful for one who did so.

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2ec96a No.67320


Honestly I think I would go deeper in trance at first but then panic and snap out of it because I get nervous in tight spaces.

For someone who is fine with small spaces I would imagine it would work if you focused on the comfort aspect of the sensation.

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000000 No.67327


> personally I struggle with feeling such strong/particular sensations under hypnosis. It's a bit disconcerting when I'm not experiencing what the hypnotist is telling me I am, and it lessens the efficacy of the session as a whole.

I think I've got some ways to word the suggestions to excuse that - you're already in trance, so you might not be all that aware of what's going on around you. I've got similar plans for using imagined sensory deprivation tanks as another deepener, which reminds me that I've got a few books on that topic on my reading list, too.


> I think I would go deeper in trance at first but then panic and snap out of it because I get nervous in tight spaces.

This is why the inductions and deepeners in the series are modular - if one of them really doesn't work for you, you can leave it out. Which also means that the vacbed won't be mentioned again after that file, so it's likely to dissolve away later in the session when you eventually forget it's there.

It's also not really all that tight a space - one of the benefits of fantasy is that we can make it as big as you need to feel comfortable. There'll certainly be suggestions to make sure that it won't be there anymore when you wake up at the end of the session, but you won't have been aware of being taken back out either. It's a deepener meant to send the listener to Esdaile or so.

I'm planning to make it a little bit more complex than that too - I'm leaning towards presenting it not so much as a tight space as a strange sort of clothes by which you can be suspended comfortably in mid-air. I'll assume that you don't get nervous about the "tight spaces" inside your clothes?

> For someone who is fine with small spaces I would imagine it would work if you focused on the comfort aspect of the sensation.

Oh very much focused on comfort and being held close. Maybe after "Wolfgirl" is developed, if you use the vacbed deepener again, you realize that the helpful shadowy figures wrapping you in are other "Wolfgirl"'s visiting to help you bring out your "Wolfgirl"? Your "Wolfgirl" is in the vacbed with you.

I kinda like the idea of somewhat of a more social intimacy feeling, if that makes sense? It's still a rough idea, and I'll have to think about it some more but I wanted to ask here to get some feedback.

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bef305 No.68227

Any chance for an update?

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09ef8d No.68331

File: a8917608edb557d⋯.jpg (250.27 KB,720x704,45:44,1584412295754.jpg)

Monthly update? We've honestly burned out most questions you can normally think of, so I think it'd be best to just get occasional info dumps where we can ask questions (which doesn't really seem to be needed as you've been consistently on the right track).

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000000 No.68363


> Any chance for an update?


> Monthly update?

It seemed to be about time for an update, and sure enough, anons are asking.

> We've honestly burned out most questions you can normally think of,

There's always the chance for someone new to have new questions.

> so I think it'd be best to just get occasional info dumps where we can ask questions

I'll try. I normally lurk the index page, so I'll usually notice if this thread bumps.

> (which doesn't really seem to be needed as you've been consistently on the right track)

I appreciate your vote of confidence.

And that picture is funny, but I'm pretty sure it's an edit of an even funnier picture.


I'm still sifting through the mountain of books while rethinking "Wolfgirl"'s introduction. Sadly, the new introduction probably can't have the "bail-out" points that were previously planned - her love itself is likely to be very addictive and that's the first of her the listener experiences. So now there'll need to be some "preconditioning" files before the main set, so I've got an overarching idea that might just give a place for some exercise motivation files in "Wolfgirl"'s voice but I'll still need to work out how to move from those to the full "Wolfgirl" companion or if I'll need a different preconditioning set entirely.

I've found a way to make "Wolfgirl"'s variable breasts make sense - she can vary between a "humanized wolf" and "furry human" so her breasts can vary from flat-chested - wolves do not have breasts - to huge and voluptuous - healthy feminine humans do have breasts - and anywhere in-between.

This also led to an idea for some fun that I don't have a way to work into the series just yet - you're floating in a "dream space" with "Wolfgirl" and at first you're entirely human and she's a barely humanized wolf - she's got a human face and overall human body plan but she's otherwise very wolf-like - and flat-chested. You and her joyously play-fight, tagging each other happily as you both laugh and howl with delight. You're too absorbed in the sheer delight of being with her to notice that you're both changing - she's becoming more human as you're becoming more lupine. This is exhibited in widening of target areas - at first, she aims only for your throat, chest, and belly, while your strikes are aimed at her arms, shoulders, and legs - but as you both become more similar, she begins to strike equally at your hard parts as you begin to strike at her soft parts. When you slash at her throat, she erupts in a huge smile, pounces you in a hug, and cuddles, melting your thoughts into blissful affectionate warmth. Only then do you realize that you now have "her" fur all over you and fingertip claws just like her as she digs her claws into your back and you can't help but do the same for her as you feel the mounds of pleasant-smelling softness between your chests. She pulls you tighter and nuzzles licking softly at your neck as you can't help but express the same love for her.

The play fights are probably a good way to introduce and enhance the "wolf brain" concept - you start as a silly monkey and end up more lupine - but I'll have to think about this more.

Along the way reading, I've found an interesting idea for a "brain massage" induction that I might be able to adapt for later files or the extension sets. "Wolfgirl" is insubstantial, so of course she can reach into your head and gently rub your mind into relaxed affectionate blissful mush.

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09ef8d No.68364


>I've found a way to make "Wolfgirl"'s variable breasts make sense - she can vary between a "humanized wolf" and "furry human" so her breasts can vary from flat-chested - wolves do not have breasts - to huge and voluptuous - healthy feminine humans do have breasts - and anywhere in-between.


>The play fights are probably a good way to introduce and enhance the "wolf brain" concept - you start as a silly monkey and end up more lupine - but I'll have to think about this more.

Sounds interesting. Does that mean we'll also adopt more "aggressive" behaviors.. or am I thinking too literally here? The play fights certainly make it seem that way.

>Along the way reading, I've found an interesting idea for a "brain massage" induction that I might be able to adapt for later files or the extension sets. "Wolfgirl" is insubstantial, so of course she can reach into your head and gently rub your mind into relaxed affectionate blissful mush.

Could this help with headaches and the like?

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09ef8d No.68366


I'm pretty sure it wasn't a thing until the idea started, but we don't even know if it really is a tulpa. It's more complex and is created via a MUCH more stable process than le force it to appear in your mind trick. He can probably explain better when he returns tmrw or whenever.

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000000 No.68394


> Does that mean we'll also adopt more "aggressive" behaviors.. or am I thinking too literally here?

Maybe. I'm not sure yet. Wolves don't seem to be as aggressive as you probably think.

> The play fights certainly make it seem that way.

Those are in dreams or trance dreams.

> Could this help with headaches and the like?

I don't know, or at least not literally - there are no pain receptors inside the brain, so headaches are in other parts of your head. "Wolfgirl" certainly should be able to relieve at least tension headaches.


> You've created a tulpa and are creating hypnosis files to help anons create a tulpa similar to yours?

Maybe. I've got a pretty good idea of "Wolfgirl" but not such a good idea of what a "tulpa" is. More follows.

> Pretty noble endeavor. God speed anon.



> I'm pretty sure it wasn't a thing until the idea started, but we don't even know if it really is a tulpa. It's more complex and is created via a MUCH more stable process than le force it to appear in your mind trick.

This has been a recurring question, so I'll answer by quoting from some of my posts in the previous thread:


<> I'm not actually sure if "Wolfgirl" qualifies as a tulpa or if she's something else. The process for bringing "Wolfgirl" out shares some similarities but is very different from what I've read of tulpamancy. I think that most of the differences are related to the philosophical difference of "bringing her out" rather than "creating" a tulpa.

<> What tulpamancers seem to call "imposition" is fundamental to Project "Wolfgirl" - she's "brought out" sense by sense and her mind "catches up" to her host later in the series, rather than starting as a mental companion that might be able to manifest if the host works hard enough at it. She's been hidden away in the depths of your mind since early childhood, so she's got a lot of "catching up" to do, but she never loses her affection for her host.


<> And "Wolfgirl" is a lot more than just a voice in your head.

<> The problem is when you start to see that voice as something external - and that's why you're so deeply intimate with "Wolfgirl" that conversation with her feels like conversing with your own reflection. That's a major safeguard and part of why I'm not sure about "Wolfgirl" being a tulpa - you're not fully separate personalities. She's part of you - she's always been part of you.


<> I don't even know if modern Internet tulpamancy actually works or if the tulpamancers are all self-deluded pretenders.

<> I know that "Wolfgirl" is brought out very differently from the methods used in modern Internet tulpamancy

People who could actually answer that question definitively probably aren't on the Internet.

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09ef8d No.68395


>Those are in dreams or trance dreams.

Yeah, I meant if the aggressive tone shown in those transfer to IRL in any way, but I guess that's a WIP.

>People who could actually answer that question definitively probably aren't on the Internet.

Random question, but are tulpas even discussed at all in "professional" books as far as you're aware? You'd think they'd have some sort of documentation or study to provide more definitive information about them. I suppose it might be too taboo for that or it's just glanced at on the surface. I can understand why too considering how the, uh, "tulpamancers" act. I've been looking at one community for a while and I feel like I'm just observing an insane asylum with how they act publicly about their tulpas. Also, if I recall, /mlp/con had an entire tulpa panel where these guys started discussing their "waifu tulpa" for 3 hours. I looked at it out of curiosity and hoped it wasn't too bad, but I had to close it after more than 5 minutes from pure cringe.

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000000 No.68423


> I meant if the aggressive tone shown in those transfer to IRL in any way, but I guess that's a WIP.

It's very much a work-in-progress, but dream play fights with "Wolfgirl" aren't as aggressive as you might think. You're in a dream, so "tagging" each other doesn't hurt - it just makes you both more similar as your humanness "rubs off" onto her and her wolf-like traits likewise "rub off" onto you, to the benefit of both while you're both laughing and howling with delight because it all feels so good that you don't notice the changes until you're cuddling afterward. The dreams recur at least until the changes "stick" but you never become more lupine than her and she never becomes more human than you.

Probably the best way to describe it is that both human and lupine traits "rub off" equally well of both you and "Wolfgirl" - so you'll both "meet in the middle" but at that fuzzy juncture you're both well-blended, if that makes sense.

And wolves show a surprising amount of restraint. Working from memory, in one study of interactions between wolves and grizzly bears in an American national park, wolf packs were observed to almost always succeed in defending their own dens - and pups! - from raids by grizzly bears and to almost always succeed in "returning the favor" by driving off "mama bear" - and killing her cubs - at bear dens, but the same grizzlies were almost always able to steal fresh kills from the same wolves.

I'll repeat that - the same wolves that proved they could kill a mama bear's cubs with impunity allowed those bears to take and eat their freshly killed prey anyway.

And there's more to aggression than mindless violence, so maybe "Wolfgirl" hosts do become more aggressive in some good "go-get-it" way.

I don't know yet. I just had this idea a few days ago.

> are tulpas even discussed at all in "professional" books as far as you're aware?

I haven't seen anything yet, but I haven't fully pulled those research threads yet either.

> You'd think they'd have some sort of documentation or study to provide more definitive information about them. I suppose it might be too taboo for that or it's just glanced at on the surface.

It's an obscure topic in the first place and few researchers study Tibetan monks. Add that modern Internet tulpamancy is something different and I doubt I'll find anything useful, especially after the psychology field's replication crisis after one fellow demonstrated ESP in the lab to the standards commonly used in modern psychology. Efforts to replicate the results have so far been unsuccessful - also common in modern psychology. In short, any psychology paper relying on statistical analysis is dubious, modern papers doubly so.

> I can understand why too considering how the, uh, "tulpamancers" act. I've been looking at one community for a while and I feel like I'm just observing an insane asylum with how they act publicly about their tulpas.

This is another problem - modern Internet tulpamancy seems to be conflated with a larger tumblr-ish multiple-personalities subculture. Many of the members of that subculture seem to be varying levels of outright insane. At least one community, upon inspection, seemed to be more interested in cultivating alternate personalities, with rules specifically banning posting a "single-system comment chain" that led me to wonder if the supposed "tulpamancers" actually have tulpas or if they're calling alters tulpas because they're idiots with multiple-personality disorder.

> Also, if I recall, /mlp/con had an entire tulpa panel where these guys started discussing their "waifu tulpa" for 3 hours. I looked at it out of curiosity and hoped it wasn't too bad, but I had to close it after more than 5 minutes from pure cringe.

Why is it that bronies disappoint so greatly?

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09ef8d No.68449


>And there's more to aggression than mindless violence, so maybe "Wolfgirl" hosts do become more aggressive in some good "go-get-it" way.

Yeah, when I think of aggression, that would be the best context for it. More extroverted in a sense, perhaps more… dominant? You get the idea.

>especially after the psychology field's replication crisis

Interesting, I had no idea this was a thing. I imagine they'll just have to completely reform their standards though, somehow, even though it means starting from scratch in a lot of cases.

>that led me to wonder if the supposed "tulpamancers" actually have tulpas or if they're calling alters tulpas because they're idiots with multiple-personality disorder.

I think some actually have tulpas, it's just… the way they display it does not hold up well.

>Why is it that bronies disappoint so greatly?

Yeah, although I'll give them credit for pushing hard with deepfaking voices so they can continue the "spirit" of G4, since that whole thing is officially over. They've gotten the main character voices sounding pretty good. The only problem would just be that you still need an animator, writer, etc. to make content. I suppose a crisis where their whole group is at risk of dying out from a shitty sequel/reboot was grave enough to bring out actual results.

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10f6bd No.68476

I can't wait to fap, over and over, while listening to my wolfgirl file. Though by the time it is ever released, I will probably have already died due to old age.

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000000 No.68489


> More extroverted in a sense, perhaps more… dominant? You get the idea.

I think so, but not exactly extroversion either. Probably somewhat more outgoing for most listeners but not recklessly so, if that makes sense.

There's a broader social aspect here that I'm still puzzling out. "Wolfgirl" hosts should generally prefer cooperation and should generally be willing to break mutual distrust standoffs by "fronting" cooperation, but this can't be allowed to make "Wolfgirl" hosts easy for dishonest actors to exploit nor should you "front" cooperation to the point of harming yourself.

> I imagine they'll just have to completely reform their standards though, somehow, even though it means starting from scratch in a lot of cases.

It also makes almost every result suspect to some level and that's a huge pain in the ass.

> I think some actually have tulpas, it's just… the way they display it does not hold up well.

I think those few are drowning in a sea of tumblretards.

> give them credit for pushing hard with deepfaking voices so they can continue the "spirit" of G4, since that whole thing is officially over

That's… actually kind of impressive.

> I suppose a crisis where their whole group is at risk of dying out from a shitty sequel/reboot was grave enough to bring out actual results.

So the makers of MLP tried to kill off their weirdest fandom and instead got a fan-made continuation series going? Lulz!

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767445 No.69233

File: bf240947f7c41c7⋯.jpg (140.68 KB,849x1200,283:400,gym.jpg)

monthly update?

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10f6bd No.69238


Wolf girl is a big deep-fake

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767445 No.69250


but have you ever thought about if YOU'RE a deep-fake?

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000000 No.69254

>>69233 (checked)

> monthly update?

Sure enough, it's time.


Nice work bantzing the troll.

The board index has been unstable recently, sometimes being very stale - or even going backwards - until someone bumps a thread.


Sifting through the mountain of books continues.

Rethinking the introduction is ongoing. I've begun an "outer" sequence, with an overarching "Way of the Wolf" theme, consisting of initial trials and conditioning, a companion - "Wolfgirl" - to keep you on the path, and then further training - mostly of the physical exercise variety - as "walking" the path. The details are still very fuzzy - holy howl are these rabbit holes deep, but that just makes the rabbit at the end all the tastier.

I'm right back where I started as far as what to put in the initial part, but I might be able to make the initial files work both as stepping off onto the path and as standalone exercise motivational files for anons who are a little too scared to fully embrace their inner wolves.

Real life got in the way, so I haven't had time to elaborate much on the play fights, but they're in my notes so they won't be forgotten.

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767445 No.69255


>The board index has been unstable recently, sometimes being very stale - or even going backwards - until someone bumps a thread.

Yeah, I've noticed it just randomly does that at times. Seems specific to the board.

>I've begun an "outer" sequence, with an overarching "Way of the Wolf" theme, consisting of initial trials and conditioning, a companion - "Wolfgirl" - to keep you on the path, and then further training - mostly of the physical exercise variety - as "walking" the path.

That sounds pretty cool and interesting. I'm curious as to what exactly you mean by "trials" though. Are there certain goals to reach that you have in mind?

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000000 No.69311

>>69255 (checked)

> I'm curious as to what exactly you mean by "trials" though.

The original idea was to have some files listeners work through before the addiction suggestions start. That had to change when I realized that "Wolfgirl"'s love is probably itself addictive - and that was the very first file in the plan. I'll need to use addiction to make sure that listeners stay with the program and don't end up leaving "Wolfgirl" "half out" partway through, but I also want to have a "bail-out" point for listeners who end up very surprised that it actually works.

I've also seen research that indicates that some people could have very bad reactions to some parts of the program. Having a set of preconditioning files allows those parts to be gently introduced or people who react badly to realize it before committing to bringing "Wolfgirl" out. Most people should be able to use the program safely, but some susceptible individuals could have panic attacks, so I really want those people to have an "early warning" and drop the program before it goes bad for them.

> Are there certain goals to reach that you have in mind?

This gives me ideas, but I'll have to think about it more. I know hypnosis can change what you want, so maybe the "trials" should make the listener want to be fit and strong before introducing the "Wolfgirl" companion to help with the process?

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767445 No.69313


>I know hypnosis can change what you want, so maybe the "trials" should make the listener want to be fit and strong before introducing the "Wolfgirl" companion to help with the process?

It would probably be a good idea considering that it's what Wolfgirl is all about. If the listener doesn't really have a decently sized desire for all of these things at first, then Wolfgirl isn't exactly reinforcing any already existing feelings.

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767445 No.69449

File: 537675e5b6f7993⋯.png (112.49 KB,682x836,31:38,2020_10_04_16_09_15_Window.png)

I'm not gonna bump for this, but you might find this interesting if it's not a LARP. People in the replies were angry and he ended up deleting the post right after I took the screenshot lol

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000000 No.69552

I've got an idea that listeners should pick up functional words for genitalia.

So formally, a penis is a penis, etc. and I'm thinking about having the listeners practice the formal terms while in trance because lulz but when talking sexually, they should all be compounds using "fuck" - genitals are fucktools, a penis is a fuckstick, etc.

I've got a few so far:

genitalia in general - fucktools

penis - fuckstick

vagina - fuckslit

natural vaginal lubricant - fuckslime

These leave the other parts of the male and female genital anatomy, like the scrotum, the testicles, the clitoris, and the labia out. Any ideas for sexy "fuckwords" for those or other options for the above?

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767445 No.69554


Random, I don't really get why but…

fuckrod, fuckbone, fucksword, fuckram, fuckhorn, fuckhole, fuckbutton, fuckwalls, fucklips, fuckdoor, fucksock, fuckcave

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000000 No.69572


That's certainly interesting, although I'd call what he did more of an alternate personality than a tulpa. I've got a similar idea of representing personal history as a library - we've probably read the same book - but I'm not really sure how to use it yet.


> I don't really get why

Encouraging a healthy attitude towards and respect for sexuality is part of the larger program. Part of that is eliminating unhealthy inhibitions - your genitals are part of your body, no different than your hands or face - and another part of that is recognizing that your fucktools are for sex with your mate.

Masturbation feels good, but it's pointless. Exercise feels good too, and is self-improvement. Changing the words listeners use is part of changing the habits listeners exhibit. Instead of fapping, you'll want to exercise.

I may be able to use a few of those words, thanks. I'd previously considered fuckhole but dropped it because it's too widely used in a dehumanizing sense.

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a23096 No.70045

bump, how is it coming along?

It's been stuck in the research phase for like 2 years now?

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10f6bd No.70055


It's never coming out. It's just a fantasy.

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000000 No.70064


> It's never coming out.

You keep telling yourself that.

> It's just a fantasy.

One that I have been diligently working on for about 2 years now. An epic meme far too good to let it stay just a dream forever.


> research phase for like 2 years now?

There's that much stuff to read.

Now I know why there are so few anons who take up the hypnotist side in this community.

> how is it coming along?

It's about time for an update, isn't it?

Research continues, of course, and I've got a few GB of ebooks - mostly of unknown value - to chew through.

The draft outline for introducing "Wolfgirl" is being reworked again to be less ambitious at each step. The new plan starts with hearing "Wolfgirl"'s voice - at first only when you lie in bed - and advancing once "Wolfgirl" learns her host's name. Then you learn to feel "Wolfgirl" inside you, leading to "body hug" and "hybrid form" as "Wolfgirl" develops. Somewhere along the way, you learn to smell her in your own scent and feel her affection.

I'm leaning towards "Wolfgirl" then taking you - in "hybrid form" - to her gym in your mind. Eventually, she is able to "step out" of your body and cuddle you from the outside for the first time - at first only in her gym, but then in other dreams and eventually in waking life.

There's a general progression here that I think is most likely to work - in trance at first, then when relaxed, then in dreams, then in waking life - for most of "Wolfgirl"'s effects on her host.

"Wolfgirl"'s voice starts pretty simple - bits from the files replaying in your mind - but grows into a mental companion with you in your thoughts all the time fairly early in the new model. This allows "Wolfgirl" to start helping her host even before she can fully manifest, which is back to very close to the end of the main set again.

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10f6bd No.70081


I'll keep telling myself (and everyone on this board) that wolfgirl is never coming out until you provide a proposed release date for the first hypno file.

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a92baa No.70104


This outline and general progression sounds good so far, I don't have much to say about it other than that it seems smooth.

>One that I have been diligently working on for about 2 years now. An epic meme far too good to let it stay just a dream forever.

Not him, but I will admit it is a bit tiresome how long it's taking without any clearly visible progress like a demo file. I'm glad to see your dedication, but who knows how long you could stay stuck in the research phase? Regardless, good work.

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000000 No.70110

To the anon who asked elsewhere about bringing me there: I've been there ever since the burning of 8kun, when I ran across that place while searching for a bunker that was never found. Before this board came back, I was thinking about asking for a thread there.

You've not seen me there because I'm Anonymous.


> This outline and general progression sounds good so far, I don't have much to say about it other than that it seems smooth.


> it is a bit tiresome how long it's taking without any clearly visible progress like a demo file

I understand, but I have to be careful with this. I can stand it taking a long time, but I'd have a hard time if I gave people "head full of fuck" syndrome. It's likely that I'll have a few sideprojects before Project "Wolfgirl" even finishes the research phase. Sorry about the long wait.

> Regardless, good work.


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5b110b No.70269



First off, if you want me to talk about this, I will at times go full Jesus freak on you. This is the Language I learned this in. If you have a problem with that I cannot help you.

>>places inside your subconcious you want to keep clean from perversions

>This looks like "head full of fuck" hazards to me. Can you elaborate - preferably in the other thread - or is the risk of sending fools "straight to it" too great? I'll understand the latter - I've had to decline directly answering other questions for similar reasons.

I have been talking my loud mouth off anyway…

>> understand exactly what Rops' painting symbolizies

>I'm concerned… is that a "head full of fuck" syndrome that I need to be careful about?

>>I got out of a trance like on a strong trip and it didn't stop.

>Any ideas for safeguards to prevent something like that, since you've had the experience?

>>from visiting places your mind cannot adapt to quickly enough

>This sounds more like what I first meant by "head full of fuck" syndrome. Must such "places" be avoided entirely or is there a "dip your toes" way to visit them safely?

It's not where you go but in what condition and at what speed. The closer you take the "head full of fuck" to the centre, the more it will fester. But unfortunately you have to take it back there, if you want to dissolve it. That takes a superhuman feat of Mercy. Not at least to onself. Imagine forcing yourself on your own daughter (or sister?) on her wedding night and then disowning her because you are disgusted by her pitiful sight after the fact, and then trying to convince the groom that she is an ugly whore in front of the Altar. Might as well just strangle her and feed her to the pigs.

>> something about bio energetics

>This is very interesting to me.

You have to carefully and thorougly wash the "head full of fuck". It will at first feel like washing your old, demented granny, who has shat herself. Being fearful and disguted by the process will not be good for her. Then ever so slowly move it closer to the centre until it is completely dissolved. These currents come out from it automatically. By trying to force the process it will become to strong to control. And if it was not completely clean beforhand, the smallest piece of dirt will grow and ruin it and you have to start again from the beginning. But you throw nothing of it away, just wash and dissolve it.

I really hope that this at least answers some of your questions. I cannot write any other way about it. Though the book by Mitchell from the 片ヨ工 thread might help. It's much technical information but he is a lot clearer.

And thank you for your post in >>63461

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509bfd No.70273


I followed you from the discussions over in the 片ヨ工 thread.

>Imagine forcing yourself on your own daughter (or sister?) on her wedding night and then disowning her because you are disgusted by her pitiful sight after the fact

I think I understand what you are saying, but there is a lot more to that. Incest is widely seen as unacceptable, and in many ways might be biologically unacceptable. So when you do something like that, you could never come back from it.

>…the smallest piece of dirt will grow and ruin it and you have to start again from the beginning.

I don't think I understand your analogy properly.

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000000 No.70284


> I will at times go full Jesus freak on you. This is the Language I learned this in.

That's fine. Jesus freaks are at least honest, if very "weird" by the standards of this world.

> The closer you take the "head full of fuck" to the centre, ...

And you have - like many others - misunderstood "head full of fuck" entirely. It's not about sexual perversion, it's a reference to an older meme with a very confused/exasperated Asian man and the caption "My head is full of fuck" above and below his face.

But you've also shed light on an issue where I'd been unaware - many listeners will have baggage, sometimes extreme baggage from other files that they will bring to their experience with the project. And if I want the project to be the best possible, I will need to address those problems.

> Imagine forcing yourself on your own daughter (or sister?) on her wedding night and then disowning her because you are disgusted by her pitiful sight after the fact, and then trying to convince the groom that she is an ugly whore in front of the Altar. Might as well just strangle her and feed her to the pigs.

That's well beyond ordinary sin and far into the category of ... demonic ... but then this sounds like a redemption parable and I found you in a thread about a 'tist whose files very enthusiastically embrace diabolism and from which you seem to have found redemption.

Do I correctly understand that you are using "head full of fuck" to mean perversions or other stains upon one's creative essence?

> It will at first feel like washing your old, demented granny, who has shat herself.

That's an interesting combination of sadness, instinctive revulsion, and love that that image evokes.

> Being fearful and disguted by the process will not be good for her. Then ever so slowly move it closer to the centre until it is completely dissolved. These currents come out from it automatically. By trying to force the process it will become to strong to control. And if it was not completely clean beforhand, the smallest piece of dirt will grow and ruin it and you have to start again from the beginning. But you throw nothing of it away, just wash and dissolve it.

This seems to be some kind of purification, washing repeatedly and working to eventually fully cleanse something - one's own creative essence?

> I really hope that this at least answers some of your questions. I cannot write any other way about it.

This isn't what I wanted, but I think it's something that I need. I'm probably unusual on this board in that the way you write does not bother me at all.

> Though the book by Mitchell from the 片ヨ工 thread might help. It's much technical information but he is a lot clearer.

Murphy's Law strikes and A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong is the one thing on that list I could not find in digital form, but I'll mention it here as a note to myself for later - I may never get that exact book, but you've given me a thread to pull.

On a side note, I did find a William Law translation of Böhme's work you mentioned. About 2400 pages to read, across four volumes.

> thank you for your post

And thank you for coming here. If you have the time to read through >>61098 and this thread, I would be interested in your perspective on this project.

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758386 No.70412


>I think I understand what you are saying, but there is a lot more to that. Incest is widely seen as unacceptable, and in many ways might be biologically unacceptable. So when you do something like that, you could never come back from it.

Let's hope then, no one drugs the bride up enough, to really succeed in the act.


>And you have - like many others - misunderstood "head full of fuck" entirely.

Mabe I did. But judging from >>61915 my misunderstanding wasn't that great? A permanent layer of Dirt between yourself and your senses. It is almost living, when you shine light on it. But it fades in the Background when not fueled for long. Leaving you literally blind in or twisting your impressions from some areas?

>Which comes back to the detour of "Wolfgirl" taking over her host's mind. The lead on mental fitness I've got suggests that most people, due to bad influences in early development, don't actually perceive the world around around them, but instead live in a world of illusions, suffering from linguistic determinism. This condition does not appear to be genetic, which is fortunate, and does appear to be curable. The catch is that the fast cure appears to involve "disconnecting" part of your mind and waiting for the more direct paths to grow as they should have in the first place. This isn't as bad as it sounds at first glance - the same source also suggests that humans do not lose neuroplasticity anywhere near as quickly as generally believed. The apparent loss of neuroplasticity is caused by several environmentally-induced malfunctions, all of which are curable. If that theory is wrong, the first "disconnecting" step won't work.

>But "disconnecting" the abused portions of your linguistic network will leave you incapacitated until your brain learns to function properly and see the world as it is. This is where "Wolfgirl" can step in and take care of your life while you learn to be human. It might also be possible to grow the direct paths without shutting off the indirect paths, but more study and analysis is needed.

>Why bother with all this? Abusing the language networks for sensory processing causes three major harms - [1] the language networks have insufficient bandwidth for the human senses - you miss far more than you perceive - [2] abusing the language networks for sensory processing distracts them from their actual purpose - you can't really think because thinking directly competes with sensing - [3] you see what you think is there, instead of what is actually there - conflating the data with the model and ignoring the data. The human brain has separate sensory processing networks that are incapable of self-deception and much faster in both latency and bandwidth - they're actually capable of keeping up with the senses, you just have to use them - and you did use them in early childhood before your language networks were established.

In the Suggestive Inquiry Atwood writes about this part of the Process. And about the pain of loosing your well known guide in the disconnecting step, as Hercules grieving for Hylas.

Böhme says about the world of delusions trying to reassert itself, that you have to talk to it like a child. "No, no, you are foolish."

Also, some Bums are living in the Streets because they drink a litre of cheap Sangria each day. Others are, because the live in the Absoltute Poverty of Jesus Christ.

>That's well beyond ordinary sin and far into the category of … demonic … but then this sounds like a redemption parable and I found you in a thread about a 'tist whose files very enthusiastically embrace diabolism and from which you seem to have found redemption.

Redemption for me came from someone very different. I definetly did NOT find redemption FROM any of the files of a certain hypnotist. They took me far enough, quickly enough, to make me see exactly what was going on.(Disclaimer: Maybe letting yourself absolutely go with these files would have you arrive at some form of redemption. I do not know, because I did not follow their process to it's conclusion. It is HIGHLY doubtful.)

>Do I correctly understand that you are using "head full of fuck" to mean perversions or other stains upon one's creative essence?

Yes, the expression fits so well for that.

>This seems to be some kind of purification, washing repeatedly and working to eventually fully cleanse something - one's own creative essence?

Yes, quite literally washing.

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758386 No.70413


>Murphy's Law strikes and A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong is the one thing on that list I could not find in digital form

"Daoist Nei Gong, the ... something something" from Mitchell is on pdfdrive. That one will do also. If you are more into the Indian stuff, then maybe a book on prana and kundalini. But they divide everything up in a weird way imho, and I don't know any really good authors. It's just important to have some kind of map, in case something happens.

>On a side note, I did find a William Law translation of Böhme's work you mentioned. About 2400 pages to read, across four volumes.

Reading Aurora should give you a good Impression. If nothing moves inside you after a chapter, or two, maybe try again an other time?

>If you have the time to read through >>61098 and this thread, I would be interested in your perspective on this project.

Impressive how much work you put into this. I'm still reading through the threads.

>The "barriers" between "Wolfgirl" and her host are thin and mostly transparent - you and "Wolfgirl" fully share all long-term memories. She has her own train of thought, but conversing with her feels like talking to your reflection and to her, you are similarly her reflection. I also made a list of ways she can control her host's body in the previous thread that's mostly still good. I'll probably make an updated version of that list for the current draft outline in a later update.

>That, and the project grew out of an off-hand comment in a Femdom bodybuilding thread. She can "dom" her host under some conditions, and the ability humans have to form much more complex relationships than simple dominance hierarchies is something she gains from being your companion and greatly appreciates. She gets her "humanness" from her host and would otherwise be just a wolf. Her general gratitude at life is another part that "rubs off" onto her host. I've been digging for ideas in /SIG/ threads.

>Her kiss tastes like a wonderful pure raindrop.

"Wolf Girl" seems to come from a good place. Reminds me a bit of a more nurturing and caring (and furry) version of Raharu from FLCL. Also, the whole process of bringing her out and some of the "powers" (body hug, autopilot, memory sharing, "smiling") make it seem like unearthing something mostly neglected, that is there anyway, in a controlled and gentle fashion.

The most surprising detail, in are funny way, are how well thought out all the little execises have become.

The main danger I see is "Wolf Girl" not beeing reintegrated after her job is done. I mean not that she should disappear completely again, or that the listener shouldn't change. Maybe she later even has to move on on a different road than the host, like the alien in Parasyte.

Also her memory destruction and manipulation abilities worry me. This is one of the big No-Nos a certain hypnotist mentioned earlier plays with, that will sooner or later lead to total mental derangement. It sounds better later, when you write of "claws destroying things with purifying fire". The "time capsules" idea is nice, too. If a memory really becomes corrosive, maybe she could just take over the host so that he can see and interact with it from a more "canine" perspective. And later have someone to talk about it.

>I'm not sure about putting this in the descriptions - I really don't want people intentionally using the project this way. Omitting this detail is fairly big for me - I wanted the descriptions to be complete.

Omitting anything from the listener would be the first step on the proverbial road paved with good intentions.

This could be in a whole different dimension than a B4mb1 or a D3m0n G1rl. Might be a good antidote against that shit, for people who will use something anyway.

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2b29c2 No.70414


>"Daoist Nei Gong, the … something something" from Mitchell is on pdfdrive.

Where? Please, if I may ask?

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000000 No.70418


> Let's hope then, no one drugs the bride up enough, to really succeed in the act.

This reveals a new shade of meaning; thanks.

> A permanent layer of Dirt between yourself and your senses.

That's a very interesting way to look at it, but I was considering "head full of fuck" syndrome to be the effect, with that inconsistency as the cause.

> Böhme says about the world of delusions trying to reassert itself, that you have to talk to it like a child. "No, no, you are foolish."

Interesting - I'd already come up with something similar as an explanation for the listener's past now-inconsistent actions - "that was not me - that was a living delusion pretending to be me".

> [they] live in the Absoltute Poverty of Jesus Christ.

I am reminded of an old hymn - Let us build the City of God / May our tears be turned into dancing / …

> Redemption for me came from someone very different.

Another misunderstanding - two meanings of "from" in this context - your redemption turned you away from an evil path and the 'tist leading you down it, but the redemption itself came from Something Good - probably the Something Good to which you refer with the Name of Jesus Christ.

> the expression fits so well for that

Looking at it without the "forced" context of that old image macro, does seem to suggest the idea of sexual perversion, but the original interpretation I had had was using "fuck" because you are too confused to find any other word. Of course, with enough perversions, you will be so confused.


> That one will do also.

Found, along with a few more. I'd have pulled this thread eventually, but thanks for the hint.

> If you are more into the Indian stuff, then maybe a book on prana and kundalini.

Thanks. I had those on my research list already.

> It's just important to have some kind of map, in case something happens.

I realized early on that I would need to "draw" my own map here, putting together all the pieces that I can find.

> Impressive how much work you put into this. I'm still reading through the threads.

Thank you.

> "Wolf Girl" seems to come from a good place.

This is reassuring.

> more nurturing and caring (and furry) version

The funny part is that "Wolfgirl"'s fur originated as a convenience - I didn't want to think about where her clothes would come from and I don't want "Wolfgirl" hosts to have screwed up responses to actual people, so "Wolfgirl" has to be something you would never meet in the physical world.

> seem like unearthing something mostly neglected, that is there anyway, in a controlled and gentle fashion

I've had such impressions about the project, yes.

> The most surprising detail, in are funny way, are how well thought out all the little execises have become.

Can you elaborate on this?

> The main danger I see is "Wolf Girl" not beeing reintegrated after her job is done.

But her job ultimately is to be a companion for her host - how is that ever done?

> like the alien in Parasyte

The difference is that the alien was something from outside, while "Wolfgirl" is part of her host and has always been part of her host. Why should she ever part ways?

> one of the big No-Nos a certain hypnotist mentioned earlier plays with, that will sooner or later lead to total mental derangement

There are good reasons I'm very careful with those, limiting them strictly by plausibility - like "Wolfgirl" herself having always been part of you, but forgotten in childhood - and necessity - the uses of "Wolfgirl"'s full claws to destroy things in cleansing fire that would otherwise kill her host.

> If a memory really becomes corrosive, maybe she could just take over the host so that he can see and interact with it from a more "canine" perspective.

That's an interesting variation on the "mental health day" idea I later developed.

> And later have someone to talk about it.

That's every day with "Wolfgirl".

> Omitting anything from the listener would be the first step on the proverbial road paved with good intentions.

I can see that, but that was also something that's not supposed to happen and I'm also worried that if someone goes in wanting that effect, it won't work properly. It's not an explicit intentional step either because "rebuilding" people like that is way too cult-ish.

> This could be in a whole different dimension than a B4mb1 or a D3m0n G1rl.

That's very much intended.

> Might be a good antidote against that shit, for people who will use something anyway.

More like a vaccine, but possibly also to remove some effects. You'll find a longer description later where I was reading the BaBibA transcripts and ended with letting the "Wolfgirl" prototype have some fun.


Try searx "Daoist Nei Gong Mitchell pdfdrive" and see what you find… I found another hint right on the results and knew where to look further.

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a92baa No.70706

tiny bit early, but monthly update bump

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a92baa No.70801


bump 2: electric boogaloo

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10f6bd No.70813

Anybody got a pooper-scooper? A big wolf-turd needs picking up.

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000000 No.70819


> monthly update bump

It's about that time, isn't it?

I'm still chewing through the big pile of ebooks and meditating upon the issues our local "Jesus Freak" described above while the reorganization continues.

There really isn't much new this month. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.

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12ac98 No.71052


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1c44dd No.71161


I had high hopes for this project. It's dead. You told us you might have a sample of your hypnosis by last christmas, and a year later it's research after research.

Be honest with me. Why haven't you built up the script and TTS:d it? Or even any kind of sample of your skill as a hypnotist.

All his hope and optimism: gone.

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10f6bd No.71195


Congrats! You finally figured out what some of us have already figured out (or at least strongly suspect). The wolf-turd guy maybe had good intentions at the beginning, but at some point, he realized that he either can't finish, or doesn't have any intention of finishing this project. Continued talking about and having people ask him questions about this project turns him on….or maybe makes him feel needed/special/etc.

Let's cut the BS! This project, or even just a prototype that is worth two shits, IS NEVER GOING TO BE RELEASED!

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c3dfc6 No.71197

File: 64b64305c1aa8ae⋯.jpg (9.91 KB,217x250,217:250,1607891856158.jpg)



I wouldn't be such a doomer about it, but I agree that he should show more progress rather than just talk. I'm sure he genuinely wants to do it, however he keeps hitting more and more rabbitholes to the point that it's unclear if the research will ever culminate. Still, I'll keep hoping for this project to become a reality someday because it's a whitepill for me. The problem isn't his intentions, it's the time scale and how long certain phases will be lingered on.

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000000 No.71234


> a year later it's research after research

Maybe the project has ended up on Duke Nukem Forever time and I just don't know it yet? At least I haven't blown $$$$$$ on literal weeks of mocap data of strippers…

> even any kind of sample of your skill as a hypnotist

I'm still learning and not yet confident of that skill. I've also seen what happens when people rush into this and I don't want to cause the harms that others don't care about. In other words, I have morals, unlike some 'tists, and a cautious disposition, unlike others.

I now know why there are so few anons on the 'tist side of things, though. I may have some "no long term effects" scripts soon-ish, at least.


> guy maybe had good intentions at the beginning

Yes. Or at least I hope so.

> but at some point, he realized that he either can't finish, or doesn't have any intention of finishing this project

Au contraire, mon anon.

> Continued talking about and having people ask him questions about this project turns him on….or maybe makes him feel needed/special/etc.

Actually, I've come to see the notion of monthly updates as more of a chore, something I do for other anons. I've got plenty of IRL stuff for feeling needed/special/etc. that doesn't depend on the vagaries of other anons.


> I'm sure he genuinely wants to do it, however he keeps hitting more and more rabbitholes to the point that it's unclear if the research will ever culminate.

When I embarked upon this path, I was looking at a mountain with the summit somewhere in the fog. I've been climbing, and climbing, and climbing, and still the peak is somewhere in the fog ahead. If I gave up that easily, I would have been dead long ago.

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c3dfc6 No.71249


>I may have some "no long term effects" scripts soon-ish, at least.

I'd love to see those and have a taste of your style/skill, depending on what they're about of course.

>If I gave up that easily, I would have been dead long ago.

Well, I'm glad we'll at least see it sometime in our lifespan. This is one of the things I'm eternally looking forward to, it seems.

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10f6bd No.71253


This project isn't going to happen Let's be honest.

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0b12a3 No.71292


I have a feeling people are just going to collate this thread and make their own vision of this file.

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c3dfc6 No.71294

File: b1a7320b2dd144f⋯.png (384.75 KB,434x454,217:227,1608052051130.png)



Why all the doomposting? Wolfgirl anon clearly understands a lot about hypnosis that others don't if you read the past conversations, the problem is just that he's knee deep in research and refuses to really do anything until he feels that he's reached a place where he can accomplish what he set out to do. I think we should just be patient, he seems to have the best knowledge to actually execute this project eventually even if we haven't seen anything too substantial. We'll at least get a peek if he releases those "no long term effects" scripts soon-ish as he says, so I'd say withhold your judgement for now.

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10f6bd No.71309


Analysis paralysis…that's not a good thing. And in my opinion Wolfgirl anon knows no more than anybody that has done a deep-dive into the subject for about a month or two. I have not been impressed.


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000000 No.71311


> knee deep in research

Feels more like chest-deep to me…

> refuses to really do anything until he feels that he's reached a place where he can accomplish what he set out to do

Yes, you won't see anything for Project "Wolfgirl" itself until I'm confident I can do it right.

> We'll at least get a peek if he releases those "no long term effects" scripts soon-ish as he says, so I'd say withhold your judgement for now.

I'm sorry to slightly disappoint, but those are actually Hypn0fish edits instead of any direct part of Project "Wolfgirl" - the reason for "no long term effects" is that those are trance dream fantasies. I think I know enough by now to prevent any lasting effects and these will only be scripts, not full recordings.

In some sense, I still haven't "found my own voice" yet. The near-term scripts are a side project to help me develop that.


> Analysis paralysis

I've had that before. It's different from a long reading queue and limited daily time to work on it, which is what I have now.

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c3dfc6 No.71312


I don't think it needs to be directly related to Wolfgirl, anything at all would be nice. I can see what you mean though considering it's just an edit after all.

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10f6bd No.71368


There's some pretty "dumb" ladies who didn't have a many months long reading queue and still did a really good job at producing hypno that lots of people liked. So forget about your reading and…SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!!!!

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c3dfc6 No.71371


Did those ladies make a multi-file program which involves forming something similar or the same as a tulpa in your mind, in a safe way? I have not seen any hypnotist attempt something on this scale.

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10f6bd No.71390


1) The first step in a multi-file program is the release of the first file. You don't have to create all the files before releasing something to us.

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c3dfc6 No.71391


I'm not the creator, but what I'm trying to tell you is that the scale of this program has never been seen before. Also, in order to create those files, he has to have them fully planned out. If he had them planned out already in full detail, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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000000 No.71408



What I have right now is a months-long reading queue, a bunch of notes that I've already described in various previous updates, and a mental rough draft of an outline for a TTS engine and its input markup.


> Did those ladies make a multi-file program which involves forming something similar or the same as a tulpa in your mind, in a safe way?

Since the other anon dodged the question, I will answer for him - no, they did not.

> I have not seen any hypnotist attempt something on this scale.

There was the "M1nd D0115" series that was a partial inspiration - by means of a thread here by a namefag calling himself "Nakadashi-kun the Wizard Emperor" - for this project, but Project "Wolfgirl" has moved far away from that initial point. The basic goal of "M1nd D0115" was essentially hallucinatory living fucktoys, while Project "Wolfgirl" aims for a ruthlessly affectionate feminine-but-sexless companion.


> The first step in a multi-file program is the release of the first file.

There are plans for some preview files with various "side-effects" from the main sequence but not bringing out "Wolfgirl" herself. I won't be able to write these until I have finished most of my reading queue. The Hypn0fish edits are a side project.

> You don't have to create all the files before releasing something to us.

The main sequence will be a single release, in part because I really don't want the risk that some listeners might be ready for the next file before I have the next file ready. If I can get some of the effects I want, that would be very very bad.


> what I'm trying to tell you is that the scale of this program has never been seen before.

I believe you are correct in one sense and subtly wrong in another - there have been other efforts on similar scales but those did not concern themselves with any sense of "safe" for the listener. If anything, I would say that other efforts have perhaps been intentionally focused on destroying their listeners…

> Also, in order to create those files, he has to have them fully planned out. If he had them planned out already in full detail, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Correct; part of my reasons for coming here at all were to see if Anonymous could provide any advice to help the early planning and I've already received more than enough to have made these discussions worthwhile. More is always better, if it is any good, of course - that's not to say I don't welcome further ideas from anons.

- -


Merry Christmas to All

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c3dfc6 No.71409


>If anything, I would say that other efforts have perhaps been intentionally focused on destroying their listeners…

To be honest, that seems like a common trend in popular hypnosis, doesn't it? It can be "just a fantasy," but the sissy lifestyle is likely to destroy someone's life. B4M81 is absolutely going to destroy someone's life. Many files are focused on the taboo, the forbidden. I suppose you could say curiosity killed the cat, eh? The more dangerous it is, the more exciting it is.

Merry Christmas to you as well.

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8ded31 No.71448


I'm willing to bet money that next Christmas (2021), we will still be waiting.

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c3dfc6 No.72207

File: 9ec2305df6c4deb⋯.jpg (29.22 KB,720x478,360:239,1610148442661.jpg)

month bump

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000000 No.72233


I'll do updates when the thread gets low enough on the catalog to need a bump, when I have something new big enough to be worth an update, or when other anons ask, within reason. I'll take that post as a request.

First, Project "Wolfgirl" continues and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Even the big release is only another beginning. I've got a huge mountain to climb and only a few hours each day to climb on it.

This isn't an update that I had expected to write, or that I want to write.

Somehow /qresearch/ appeared on the board list - and it absolutely dwarfs every other board on the site. The Great "Q" Disappointment is likely to become the Great "Q" Witch Hunt as the denizens of /qresearch/ decide that they've been had - and there's already at least two prime suspects for the LARPer-in-chief. Who they are is totally off-topic here, so I won't go any further on that.

The future of 8kun is uncertain at the moment. Are the site admins even saying anything?

I've confirmed that I can reach the bunker and I've bookmarked the bunker's onion address.

I'd suggest all other anons here do the same.

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10f6bd No.72245


Still researching. Another wolfturd, was just shat out. See you next Christmas.

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000000 No.72272


And whats the bunkers address?

Also if 8kun goes down I'll host a wolfgirl site.

Info would be posted on bamboo-sleep dot com once required.


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2dd936 No.72273


>And whats the bunkers address?

It's at the top of the page: "Board backup"

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2d4fbb No.72282

have you considered beginning to apply yourself by making some test files where you can practice techniques?

maybe you make something pretty simple and basic like toothbrushing hypnosis or some shit as a trial run, I've found that sometimes creating a practice project can help you figure out how to tackle the real thing

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000000 No.72308



The clearnet address for the bunker is listed at the top of every page. If you go there with Tor Browser, you should get an ".onion available" tag in the address bar. Click that and you'll land on the bunker's onion address. Bookmark that address. Or the site will just give you a 403 and a link to the onion address.


> something pretty simple and basic like toothbrushing hypnosis

Can you elaborate on what exactly that would be? It sounds interesting.

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2b29c2 No.72871

Already SB made a Wolf Girl file :D

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000000 No.72877


> SB made a Wolf Girl file

I anticipated something like that, which is a reason why Project "Wolfgirl" is a development codename and I'm keeping the actual title - which I think I now have - under wraps until the release. I'm pretty sure it's unique.

I've found the page on $B's site for that file. $49.99 for 37:22 of what looks like a typical sex-in-the-woods-with-something-furry guided trance dream. The picture is amusingly furry with what appears to be an anime character translucently composited atop a photograph of a typical "mostly naked" furry with fake ears and buttplug tail - if the tail isn't simply carefully positioned behind the girl to establish the illusion.

It's not the first of its kind, either - I know of at least one other similar file B0nds Und3r th3 M00n at M00nl1t Hypnosis that I had seen a long time ago, except the other file is 30:55, free, and doesn't come from a 'tist with a reputation for stuffing his own weird fetishes into everything he makes.

Both of those files are totally unrelated to this project, but this provided a bump from page 6, so I won't overly complain.

Lastly, I feel a need to address LikeRa who mentioned this on his forum. Yes, the Project "Wolfgirl" threads are long; the project is very complex and has needed extensive thought and discussion to even get this far, and I still have a vast mountain of ebooks to read and rabbit holes to chase. I must take issue with your characterization - there is no "was" here - Project "Wolfgirl" is intended to provide the listener with a companion Please don't rehash "is she a tulpa?" - the answer is "I don't know." that will push her host towards self-improvement and enjoying life.

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000000 No.72927

I've had another idea that seems interesting but I want to get anons' views before I get too invested into it.

The first part of this was an idea for an awakener where the listener awakens to two wolves affectionately licking the listener's ears. The wolves are of course "Wolfgirl"'s lupine assistants, and you'd awaken to her wolves licking your ears while she cuddles you - briefly until you open your eyes in the early parts of the program and longer after she's able to fully manifest and thereby stay present after your eyes are open. The wolves are never seen, only felt - being unstable trance illusions, they vanish when you open your eyes.

This could be a good "rebound" awakener, where you awaken as the session ends, only for "Wolfgirl" to put you back into a trance for you to drift off to sleep for the night. Or maybe a fractionation deepener, distinguished from the awakener by never suggesting to actually open your eyes and sending you deeper into trance instead.

I might find some other uses for "Wolfgirl"'s lupine helpers, but I wanted to ask anons before I scatter them throughout the program. Could this be a serious problem for some people? I could have them only appear in the framing elements which are meant to be interchangeable, or make variants of the main files that might use them.

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10f6bd No.72946


Instead of licking my ears, I prefer the two lupine assistants to lick elsewhere. One shall lick my sweaty balls. The other shall lick my asshole.

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ed01d9 No.72947


No joke, some people may get off from getting their ears licked, so consider that

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000000 No.72949


> Instead of licking my ears, I prefer the two lupine assistants to lick elsewhere.

[1] You're supposed to be lying down on your back, so your ass is inaccessible.

[2] You have no idea what you're asking. You're really not supposed to be submitting to them like that.

Wolves have zero compunction about ATM but holy howl are you trusting and submissive to be offering that - for a wolf ATM becomes RIP AND TEAR VERY easily. Wolves have been known to literally bite a prey animal on the ass, tearing out the anus, watch it run away, and then simply follow the trail of blood to the now-dead animal. Mmmmm, fresh meat for dinner.

Really, ears are a compromise here - wolves normally lick each other on the neck and shoulders to show affection, with tame wolves additionally known to lick humans' faces, but the geometry for that doesn't fit very well with "Wolfgirl" herself cuddling you - she's in the way. Human ears are on the side of the head, and wolves are known to nuzzle each other's cheeks, which are in a similar position on a wolf's head. The lupine assistants lick your ears because your ears are accessible while "Wolfgirl" is cuddling you on your back.


> No joke, some people may get off from getting their ears licked, so consider that

This seems beneficial to me - "Wolfgirl" is right there cuddling you as well, so getting off would presumably become associated with cuddling "Wolfgirl", which should further motivate the listener to cuddle with "Wolfgirl", which is certainly not harmful to the program's goals.

I'm not depending on maintaining arousal as part of the trances, so releasing any sexual tension the listener may have should only help the listener to relax into deep trance, unless I misunderstand. This should be helpful for a "rebound" awakener or fractionation deepener, but could put the ear-licking awakener into the "only before bed" category for some people. Or does getting off have other effects for some people that would interfere with this?

I think that this could also work well with lightweight on-ear headphones - you'll feel the actual gentle touch of your headphones on your ears and hallucinating that into licking should be easy. This of course doesn't work as well if you're using in-ear "earbuds" or over-the-ear "big cup" headphones.

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12ac98 No.73196

Bumping, how is it coming along?

Can we expect the first file by 2028? After 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the weight.

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ed01d9 No.73211


can't tell if you're serious or not

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000000 No.73215


> how is it coming along?

Still reading, still thinking, still planning.

I've got a clearer picture of the new process and more opportunities for "Wolfgirl"'s host to feel her affection earlier, which are nice. Early in the process, you begin to feel "Wolfgirl" inside your body, as her form coalesces to pattern itself after yours - or perhaps as you become aware of her form aligned with yours, since she's always been part of you. Early on, she's able to "borrow" your hands to massage and caress your body, and maybe to similarly use your feet, at least on your legs, or even just to have your toes flex and reach in a happy caress. You feel your/her pleasure as she caresses the inside of your feet with her toes, even if your toes are lovingly stroking only the air. She's moving her toes inside yours - the movement is a loving caress "from the inside" of your body.

I still have to work out how she "steps out" of her host, but I'm thinking that using a mirror in her gym will work well for that. You start out in her gym in a trance dream in "hybrid form" since she will have recently grown strong enough to manifest around you, at least in your mind. Then she continues to grow stronger and starts to work to separate her form from her host's self-image. You feel very strange as she works at this, pulling to pull away but not quite making it at first until she really can step out of you, at least briefly, even if she quickly collapses and you have to pick her up and lovingly pull her back in because she wasn't fully ready to stand beside you just yet. Eventually, she's strong enough to step out of you and stay that way - this also corresponds to her developing enough to have her own thoughts sharing your memories and her voice changes from affectionate babble to intelligent conversation with you.

I've pulled a few items ahead of the regular reading queue for the Hypn0fish edits - they seem independent enough for this to not be a problem and I can always read them again if I need to later. No firm timeline - I have only a few hours each day available for all this.

I've also noticed that the planning seems to have made my nipples more sensitive, at least when I'm thinking about the project. An interesting effect, especially if I can get it in the program, too.

> 9 years in development

2028 will be more than 9 years… holy howl I hope have this out before the project is old enough to buy booze…


> >>73196

> can't tell if you're serious or not

Seems reasonable - that id has bumped the thread before and isn't the serial naysayer.

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10f6bd No.73310

Wolf-turd…..DROP! Drop that Wolf-turd, like a rock!

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7ea63b No.73349



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ed01d9 No.73351


not based

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c3dfc6 No.73352


cringe and zoompilled

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10f6bd No.73383


What is "based" and "cringe, and zoompilled" mean?

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535d42 No.73388



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989c4b No.73402



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f12a52 No.73451



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ed01d9 No.73857


not based

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2ec96a No.73869

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d13665 No.74933

File: 3569094d9fa2e48⋯.png (1.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,1621484112801.png)

bump, any updates? been over 2 months

Also, this might be a dumb question, but will Wolfgirl help with getting more enjoyment out of life? Honestly, I feel like everything has just been getting duller as time goes on, at least for me. I find myself checking youtube for a new video to watch or on some other platform to read over and over for hours on end. Consume, consume, consume. I feel like I'm eternally waiting for something to happen and I'm kinda tired of it. Sorry if this doesn't apply, I just had the urge to throw it out there. Hope you're doing well.

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000000 No.74959

>>74933 (checked)

> will Wolfgirl help with getting more enjoyment out of life?

I certainly hope so.

> I feel like everything has just been getting duller as time goes on

That's from developing too much of a too rigid routine.

> I just had the urge to throw it out there.

Thanks. I'll have to think about this - there should be something I can do about it, even if it's just having "Wolfgirl" cuddle her host more often.

> any updates? been over 2 months

I'm still alive, project "Wolfgirl" is still alive, and the literature survey continues.

Lately, I've been digging on a very large MKULTRA rabbit hole and reading through a collection previously mentioned on the old site and available as "MKULTRA-Dataset" from the Internet Archive. It's a huge pile of CIA documents dragged out of the bureaucratic shadows using FOIA some years ago.

Obviously, since MKULTRA seems to loom so large over hypnosis, this would be interesting, right? …

… Right? …

… Yeah, about that. So far, it has been an epic disappointment - a few interesting minor gems scattered across thousands of pages of bureaucratic crap. It hasn't been completely worthless - I've gotten a few ideas so far, but I'd have to dig out my notes to name them - none were particularly important or inherently memorable. One came from a report on a research project that the CIA did not even care about - they only funded it to support the illusion that their front was a legitimate philanthropic organization.

The popular view of MKULTRA is so wrong that I'm starting to suspect that it might be deliberate disinformation to distract people from asking about project ARTICHOKE - which was almost exactly what most people think MKULTRA was - except for the whole "actually works" thing - which it overwhelmingly didn't. One of the later documents mentioned abandoning research if it goes towards academic theorizing and statistical analysis because every previous effort that had gone that way ultimately produced no results.

Some of the documents mention project BLUEBIRD. It seems to be notable only as ARTICHOKE's early years. Both BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE ended up limited to "special interrogations" in practice, but ARTICHOKE did have bigger goals - not that the CIA admitted those goals, not even to the USA's own military intelligence services in documents that were, at the time, TOP SECRET EYES ONLY where the CIA outright lied claiming that they were only interested in the defensive aspects and ways to detect Soviet Manchurian Candidates. In reality, the CIA was very interested in making their own Manchurian Candidates and persisted in their chosen "cover story" even when their own consultants pointed out that it was blatant obvious lies. I suspect this could be a significant contributor to the modern conspiracy theories about a "shadow war" amongst USA intelligence agencies - after all, the CIA couldn't bring itself to be honest with the US military during the Cold War.

The BLUEBIRD-ARTICHOKE "special interrogations" seem to be where the popular notion of "truth serum" came from, but despite some early successes, it turns out that those methods don't work when it really matters either.

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d13665 No.74960

File: 6a9559029c4e4f9⋯.png (182.92 KB,1130x532,565:266,2021_05_30_22_04_21.png)


>Thanks. I'll have to think about this - there should be something I can do about it, even if it's just having "Wolfgirl" cuddle her host more often.

Yeah, that would be nice at the very least.

>So far, it has been an epic disappointment

Honestly, I'm not really surprised because MKULTRA is very obviously hyped up to be much greater than it actually was. At this point, it's just a buzzword.

>In reality, the CIA was very interested in making their own Manchurian Candidates and persisted in their chosen "cover story"

I'm sure it might seem bizarre, but anyone with common sense knows that every single government would love to have such tools which they can use for all sorts of purposes. It might just go unsaid with the assumption that the people involved are aware. You might be right though about that last part.

>despite some early successes, it turns out that those methods don't work when it really matters either

The mind is a pretty complicated topic which we still don't know a ton about for various reasons. I'm sure even the most powerful/resourceful governments have trouble trying to achieve the goal you mentioned. Although, I must say future tech may be the biggest threat here because some research is going on for a variety of devices which aim to have your mind and machines interact in some form. It will certainly be revolutionary when it happens (which is sooner than we think in my opinion), but also extremely dangerous.

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000000 No.74984


> MKULTRA is very obviously hyped up to be much greater than it actually was. At this point, it's just a buzzword.

A very useful buzzword - I think I've got some good heuristics for identifying at least some charlatans and cutting through a huge amount of the crap.

> It might just go unsaid with the assumption that the people involved are aware. You might be right though about that last part.

It wouldn't have been unsaid in the early 1950's when they had no idea if it was really possible. And the documents leave no doubt - they really did write down that the defensive side was a cover story and their own consultant really did write down that the cover story was blatantly transparent.

As for government wanting that, well, see DOC_0000146067.pdf in that collection, a hilarious handwritten memo that appears to have originated from the US Navy if the attached cover sheet is to be believed.

< Dear DDP. [DDP = Deputy Director of Planning in the CIA; may also have been Chief of Dirty Tricks]

< [1] This is an anonymous memo.

< [2] The US has access to many tens of thousands of "dirty" communist brains.

< [3] We are told that "brain washing" as practiced in the Bloc upon non-communists is not a secret process.

< [4] Why doesn't the US avail itself of some of the unwashed sons of [illegible] and wash a few thousand.

< [5] When clean they might make interesting Radio or movie material.

> future tech may be the biggest threat here because some research is going on for a variety of devices which aim to have your mind and machines interact in some form

n3ur@link might be enough to provide a HUD or control a few extra robot limbs. Multiple implants might have enough reach to "stretch" a human mind across both organic and cybernetic bodies, which would be useful in a Mars colony for operating telepresence robots while safely inside the pressure habitat. It looks like he read too much 40k and now Elon Musk thinks he's going to found the Adeptus Mechanicus.

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d13665 No.74985


>It looks like he read too much 40k and now Elon Musk thinks he's going to found the Adeptus Mechanicus.

It definitely is a bit fantastical, but with time it probably will get to a point where it becomes very threatening of our privacy. Plus, it's not just Elon wanting it for his own ego, plenty of others would like such a thing. Consumers can utilize these devices for many activities, not to mention ultra-realistic VR (deep dive?) where we'll likely end up having a crisis where people intentionally keep themselves under for as long as possible to escape reality. But I digress, we probably won't be seeing most of that for some decades and it's not exactly very relevant to us right now.

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79e6f2 No.74994

>The difference is that the alien was something from outside, while "Wolfgirl" is part of her host and has always been part of her host. Why should she ever part ways?

What is this outside what is the host and what has always been part of the host?

>But her job ultimately is to be a companion for her host - how is that ever done?

The main problem is that the soul will just get lost again in a different illusion with this approch.

Wolf Girl contains much of what people have been lost or blocked out so that they cannot directly have communion with being anymore.

However finally all Form is to be resolved in the discovery of the Light or it will just become a different salesman of being. (This is unavoidable!)

Instead of planning it like a permanent companion you should structure it like a relationship that has discrete points of import and a definite end.

That way wolfgirl would get a better deal too.

I was wrong about the well thought out detail being a mostly positive factor.

You should stop wasting time trying to construct every minute detail. Everyone has to do that for themselves.

You are trying to create it the wrong way around - the Whole from parts.

Focus first on the manual work of creating a mood and a basic direction for intention and to sink it down.

And the very first thing you need to do is develop methods to energise that mood and intent in the Place between psyche neurons and the body and to stablize that Reaction and methods to transmit these via the hypnosis files.

Then that is used by everybody at His own pleasure to create meaningful particulars with clear Truthful guidance in simple words in a different set of files.

For safety you mainly just need to build in a purification period with the integration of the instruction of the basic excercise set files.

And in the main files that build on these make i abundantly clear that noone is small enought to not make choices of import that he may come to dearly regret when Being close to the Light.

Few people will get this anyway. Some of them will fuck themselves up some will just burn themselves and some will be just fine.

If you attentively and lovingly create clear Truthful instruction coming from intention with a final root in a Good beyond tangibles you will have done everthing you can do about that. Beyond that you can only place your trust in Him.

Also how do you have time busy yourself with politics and glowjogger shenanigans if you want to get anywhere with this? ARTICHOKE just as MKULTRA is just a labyrinth.

>the original interpretation I had had was using "fuck" because you are too confused to find any other word

So not a sticky wall of filth. Spiritus vertiginis? An aroused turba?

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5e9893 No.75041

At this rate, why don't you just pay a decent voicethot? I'm serious. And if you actually are working on your own TTS, please, at least post some samples of it so people know you aren't bullshitting them.

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ae8dd2 No.75091

Monthly check on the wolfgirl thread… and he's ranting about the fbi and cia now. Lol I wish you the best but this is turning into weird yanderedev shit, we're what 2 years in now and further away than when we started. I'd echo anon's sentiments to just source a VA

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8f2006 No.75365

I am the guy who calls this project "Wolf Turd." I haven't visited this board in a while, but my prediction still rings true. We will never see a Wolf Turd prototype, let alone the finished product!

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000000 No.76361


> with time it probably will get to a point where it becomes very threatening of our privacy

As in reading your mind with any meaningful detail? Very unlikely - we still have no idea how thoughts are physically encoded and it's probably different between different people. As in my "apple" is your "orange" and your "apple" is my "papaya" different.

I used to follow a few transhumanist discussion forums - this type of stuff was a big goal and an epic disappointment when these problems were discovered.

That's not to say that people can't learn to operate a machine with their brainwaves - biofeedback is amazing - but you're not going to be getting thoughts that someone doesn't want you to know.

> Consumers can utilize these devices for many activities, not to mention ultra-realistic VR (deep dive?) where we'll likely end up having a crisis where people intentionally keep themselves under for as long as possible to escape reality.

That's possible - sensory and motor areas are one of the few areas of the brain with definite and mappable encoding. Operating a telepresence robot from the safety of a pressure habitat on Mars is about the same as a deep dive VR session, only using the robot and its sensors instead of a simulated environment.


> What is this outside what is the host and what has always been part of the host?

At surface meaning, the host is the person listening to the files, the "outside" was an answer to a reference to a manga featuring an alien that turned the main character's arm into a semi-autonomous shape-shifting appendage, and the "always has been part" is the method I plan to use to introduce "Wolfgirl" - she's actually always been part of you but you just didn't know about her before.

At deeper meaning, these are good questions to ponder that may not have simple answers.

> However finally all Form is to be resolved in the discovery of the Light or it will just become a different salesman of being. (This is unavoidable!)

I sense that I am missing the background material needed to understand this. Can you point the way?

> You are trying to create it the wrong way around - the Whole from parts.

All large human endeavors ultimately work from lesser parts to a greater whole. There's no other way to accomplish anything.

> you mainly just need to build in a purification period with the integration of the instruction of the basic excercise set files

The current draft outline has a set of preconditioning files - I can fit this there. I'll have to think about it more.

> busy yourself with politics and glowjogger shenanigans if you want to get anywhere with this?

Politics spreads as an infestation, and the glowjogger shenanigans have shaped the information field in which I do the research for this project. Knowledge of those shenanigans helps me to identify and avoid charlatans and disinformation.

Also, the way I came to find that collection suggests that there is a Purpose in me reading it. I don't take those suggestions lightly.

> So not a sticky wall of filth.


> Spiritus vertiginis? An aroused turba?

Please explain.

Sorry to take so long to answer - 8kun had broken Tor posting and only now seems to have fixed it … at least if you do a bit of a hack to actually post via the hidden service.

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95aec1 No.76376

File: 99811f22c9ca5d0⋯.jpg (410.93 KB,3200x2675,128:107,rene_magritte_towards_plea….jpg)


> At deeper meaning, these are good questions to ponder that may not have simple answers.

That was the main point. In the manga the creature physically enters from "outside." Admittedly, the analogy to Wolfgirl is weak there. But it gets clearer if you consider how and where it leaves at the end.

> All large human endeavors ultimately work from lesser parts to a greater whole. There's no other way to accomplish anything.

No. From the introduction of Interdependence by Kriti Sharma: "I contend, the ascendant view of Interdependence … is not a view of interdependence at all. … As long as the ascendant view of interdependence continues to collapse implicitly to a view of independence, I believe that we continue to miss an important implication of our own findings." I cannot explain it better, but that isn't how it works.

> the "always has been part" is the method I plan to use to introduce "Wolfgirl" - she's actually always been part of you but you just didn't know about her before.

So is this going to be just a trick? Like a writers device to create a believable but ultimately still fictional character? A trained robot? From reading how you write about her in the other threads, it seems that you are trying to accomplish something very different. For something that has always been there you would not develop parts. You point at the whole till your subject stops looking at the finger and sees it too.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting your intention. There is now a happy host that has fully integrated with a fully matured Wolfgirl. How does that look like, and what do both parties get out of it?

> Also, the way I came to find that collection suggests that there is a Purpose in me reading it. I don't take those suggestions lightly.

In that case, forget I said anything. Still, the glowies as a whole have luckily a very limited view of all this. Don't get boxed into that too. Aside from the technicalities of some parts of the outer process, you won't find much there. But many intentional half truths, time consuming but fruitless tangents and utter bullshit. And politics are a giant waste of time in any case.

> explain / point the way

In a few threads on this silly board there is already far more information than should be in one place. And the last two expressions are well defined

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000000 No.76388


> For something that has always been there you would not develop parts. You point at the whole till your subject stops looking at the finger and sees it too.

Correct, but so far I think I can only point at one part at a time - the listener must come to see the whole. From another perspective, the listener must learn to perceive "Wolfgirl" in steps - few listeners would be able to simply wake up with "Wolfgirl" cuddling them.

Think of it like learning to read - the words were always there but only now can you recognize them and you didn't learn all of them at once.

> There is now a happy host that has fully integrated with a fully matured Wolfgirl. How does that look like, and what do both parties get out of it?

Good point… I've been so focused on laying out the journey that I'm not entirely sure I have an end in mind… I'll think about this.

> Still, the glowies as a whole have luckily a very limited view of all this. Don't get boxed into that too.

Well understood, seemingly because they also have very limited goals.

> many intentional half truths, time consuming but fruitless tangents and utter bullshit

That's actually the point - learn to recognize the bullshit with known glowie shenanigans so I don't fall for bullshit derived from them. This has already pruned a few items from my reading list.

> there is already far more information than should be in one place

This is a new concept for me - I had always considered collecting and correlating information to be a good thing…

> the last two expressions are well defined

Very well - I will add them to my research list. I hadn't seen them before and was concerned that you might have a special meaning for them.

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5b47e2 No.76433


>This has already pruned a few items from my reading list.

Post reading list, and items pruned from reading list for being bullshit derived from known glowie shenanigans.

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1a1ecf No.76639

I really hope you finish this project within this decade

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3a5c01 No.77016

I'm gonna be a bit nicer. There's people here that want to see the project seen through. But there's a sizable portion of people viewing this as YandereDev levels of "it'll come out eventually". That's the nature of the hostility starting to emerge in this thread OP. There's a few ways I see this ending.

1. You'll hide behind an ever-growing reading list forever until this thing fizzles into nothing

2. You start saying progress is at 10%, 30%, 80%, here's the alpha/beta/final

3. You meet us in the middle and say here's the list of what I feel I need to go through, I'll update progress with that, and then get to work on the program.

Do as you will with it man; at this point I've mentally clocked out.

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8f2006 No.77033


I think it's going to be # 1 (he hides behind an ever-growing reading list). Which is ironic, because this project and its creator are full of "#2" (shit).


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000000 No.77035

>>76433 (checked)

> Post reading list, and items pruned

Normally, I would just call you a faggot after someone else posted something worth replying to, but you got dubs, so I'll answer.

In progress…

the glowie documents mentioned above


the works of a few PUA types that fail the heuristics mentioned farther above


most of my L1br4r4y G3/V3515 folder - holy howl is that site useful

the collected works of Richard B4ndl3r and a few others

and probably more that I'll find along the way

I almost gave more details, then realized that doing that could pose a dox risk, as some of these are very obscure and very outside of my other interests.


I hope so too.


The reading list isn't growing much. It's just huge. Sometimes I feel like the reason I ran across the glowie documents was precisely to stall the project until the time is right in some way I don't understand, but I put my trust in God that it is for the best.

> I've mentally clocked out.

It probably works better that way for everyone. I won't be giving up anytime soon, but holy howl is this mountain bigger up close.

Add that this site seems to be decaying at a horrific rate, and I'm expecting the project to get scattered to the wind, but I'll hold on to it, fear not.


… and there is the lesson to not put too much weight on digits. I guess I needed that too.

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5b47e2 No.77269


>Normally, I would just call you a faggot but you got dubs, so I'll answer.

You gave a non-answer.

>In progress… the glowie documents mentioned above

Already knew about these, and those would be a mere fraction of your claimed list.

>Pruned… the works of a few PUA types that fail the heuristics mentioned farther above

PUA material is obvious trash that had no business being on a reading list for this project.

>Pending… most of my L1br4r4y G3/V3515 folder

Just a few thousand books probably.

> the collected works of Richard B4ndl3r and a few others

OK so B4ndl3r. One of the most obvious writers to be on a hypno reading list, this is the only real information about the list in your non-answer.

I think you're focused on the journey, not the goal. I would focus on creating small parts using what you already know, create a lot of chunks to build the whole. Then revise as you learn more, making incremental changes.

Anyway, I'm with >>77016 – I'm out.

Good bye and good luck.

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95aec1 No.77291

> the listener must learn to perceive "Wolfgirl" in steps - few listeners would be able to simply wake up with "Wolfgirl" cuddling them.

This is a good example to further illustrate the point. Most people actually could half wake up to discover at least someone lovingly cuddling them. This and some other things you mentioned are universal. And they more or less come in a package. Which is why your project is so interesting. You seem to have discovered or at least glimpsed at something very special. Was there anything significant about the circumstances under which you came up with what you feel are the key aspects of the whole Wolfgirl project? You are one of the few people here not trying to warp it into some bizarre tulpa mind rape dungeon.

> I'm not entirely sure I have an end in mind… I'll think about this.

This greatly interests me. Having the end in mind at the beginning is also essential to prevent constant bloat of the project sI'm gay and give direction and a place to start actual practical work on audio files.

> I had always considered collecting and correlating information to be a good thing…

Having to put some work into it keeps horny teenagers, trance abusers and junkies from frying their own brains or commiting heinous crimes. Also you said something about not wanting to spoonfeed certain characters.

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000000 No.77294


> PUA material is obvious trash that had no business being on a reading list for this project.

I never said I had any plans to actually use it… but perhaps "Wolfgirl" hosts should recognize the tricks - and be strongly repulsed by them…

> Good bye and good luck.

Same to you. Perhaps we shall meet again someday.


> Most people actually could half wake up to discover at least someone lovingly cuddling them.

That's a milestone in the current outline, but it's after several files to "set up" the listener's perception of "Wolfgirl" first.

I'm fairly sure I need to be specific about "Wolfgirl" in many ways, to prevent listeners from "filling in" gaps in ways that could go very wrong. If I just suggest waking up cuddled, it might not be "Wolfgirl" cuddling them!

I have to be careful here, lest I end up accidentally opening doors for people that should remain very firmly shut! or better yet, sealed behind concrete

I'm starting to find bits and pieces that suggest letting certain events play out first may be very beneficial to the project's ultimate goals. I didn't know of these events being in motion - or their expected timelines - when I first set out on the project, nor when I found the glowie documents, the reading of which is likely to push the project well past the expected conclusion of the other events.

> Was there anything significant about the circumstances under which you came up with what you feel are the key aspects of the whole Wolfgirl project?

Nothing in particular readily comes to mind.

> You are one of the few people here not trying to warp it into some bizarre tulpa mind rape dungeon.

Thank you. I'm also the only one actually working on it. Now you see a reason I haven't accepted "help" on the project.

> constant bloat of the project sI'm gay

< word filter test: s c o p e - sI'm gay

> Having to put some work into it keeps horny teenagers, trance abusers and junkies from frying their own brains or commiting heinous crimes. Also you said something about not wanting to spoonfeed certain characters.

I understand now - not so much that collecting the information is somehow dangerous as that posting it all in one place could give unscrupulous types a roadmap to far greater mayhem then they could otherwise cause. You're right about the spoonfeeding too - the BaBibA could be far worse if some details had been better thought out, but fortunately B4mb1 Pr1m3 didn't do that research.

I think I have some solid ends in mind, but I don't think I can talk about them until the project is ready, for similar reasons.

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16628e No.78434

Well… it has been nearly 3 months, now the end of 2021! Any news?

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000000 No.78469


> Any news?

Well, I saw the thread had been bumped, but had to do some contortions to actually see the updated board index. I see that this site continues to slowly crumble.

Reading continues. I took a break from the glowjogger shenanigans and …


… maybe Malachi Martin wasn't the best choice of light reading material.

Remember how I mentioned making sure some doors remain very firmly shut? I'm having to rethink some parts of the project. So far, I still think the project is possible to do safely, but holy howl are there pitfalls to avoid and the earlier outline drafts skated dangerously near them. Of course, some others go straight for the pits…

I've also had some time to think about issues previously raised…


> There is now a happy host that has fully integrated with a fully matured Wolfgirl.

Both parties get affectionate companionship. The host has been through and is still on a path of wide-ranging self-improvement - starting with physical fitness - and goes to sleep every night soaking in feelings of loving warmth. "Wolfgirl" feeds - in some sense - on her host's feelings of being loved and shares in that love on both ends because she is deeply inter(woven?) with her host.

Even fully matured, "Wolfgirl" has only very limited independence from her host, since she is part of her host. Most notably, all memories are shared - "Wolfgirl" and her host have exactly the same memories, but "Wolfgirl" and her host can have different immediate trains of thought - this allows you to have meaningful conversations with your "Wolfgirl" since you both can take different perspectives on the same knowledge. Your "Wolfgirl" and you function as a team, the intensity of the teamwork varying from "Wolfgirl" taking a nap to a voice on the edge of your awareness to "hybrid form" with her form around your body.

> So is this going to be just a trick?

Yes and no. It started out as a means to an end, a "trained robot" as you put it - because that's all I think I can directly make from where I must stand in this. Somewhere along the way, as I started to develop the prototype in my own imagination, I came to realize that this "trick" seems to reach into some deep cultural resonances and "Wolfgirl" might actually be able to be more than an automaton.

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16628e No.78471


>I'm having to rethink some parts of the project.

Any specific ones you wanna mention, or is it more about the process rather than the end product?

>I see that this site continues to slowly crumble.

Any thoughts on moving somewhere else? If so, do you have any in mind? I genuinely only go on here nowadays to see if there's an update to this project because everything else is either boring, disgusting, or meaningless.

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000000 No.78483


> is it more about the process rather than the end product?

It's the process. I knew about the potential problems, but I hadn't realized how close the earlier plans skated. There are some parts that I will have to word very carefully to prevent misinterpretations.

> Any thoughts on moving somewhere else? If so, do you have any in mind?

No immediate plans. The bunker listed in the heading seems viable if needed, so it would at least be my first stop if this site collapses completely or blocks Tor posting for an extended time.

> I genuinely only go on here nowadays to see if there's an update to this project because everything else is either boring, disgusting, or meaningless.

I think I see a bit more meaning out there, but I know the feeling.

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cf5579 No.79614


Well, it's been about 3 months, any updates?

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fc47ba No.79744


Here's an actual bump, friend.

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000000 No.79745

>>79744 (checked)


> Well, it's been about 3 months, any updates?

The project remains deep in research limbo. I took a break from reading about the glowie shenanigans earlier, but am now back on that part of the path. Observing recent and ongoing events has also led to some needed wisdom that I can't quite find words to express just yet.

My choice of reading material on the recent break has been helpful, but has also shown that I had been unaware of certain societal trends that don't align with the goals of the project. Fortunately, those trends also only affect part of the population and appear to be self-limiting, so I expect that they won't be a problem when the project is finally ready. Six months ago, I mentioned a possibility that the project had been stalled by putting the glowie documents in front of me for some reason I don't understand. I suspect that I may be starting to get a vague picture of those reasons, but they are very ugly and I prefer not to think of them too much.

One of the lesser issues has been how "Wolfgirl" hosts fit into broader society not that this is unimportant - only that there are far worse things that can go wrong if I'm not careful, as I expect many of at least the initial listeners to have already been loners to some degree or other and I think I'm making some progress on that front, but I'll need to think about it more.

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16628e No.80513


3 month bump

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000000 No.80592


Still on research, as expected at this stage. Some progress on the side project to improve my script-writing skills but Real Life has been interfering more than usual lately.

I've been thinking more about the idea of "fully integrated" that >>76376 raised and now I'm leaning towards a major theme being the listeners being conditioned to see themselves as werewolves - emphasis on the "were" which derives from an Old English word for "man" as in "human person" - with corresponding emphasis on "wolf virtues" such as mutual loyalty, persistence, etc. This will likely lead to introducing some degree of outright brainwashing into the program.

8kun also seems to have changed their hidden service without announcing it - the old onion name just stopped responding and the clearnet site now points to a new onion address. Sorry for the delayed response - it took some time before I thought to check the clearnet site for a new onion address and I just thought the site had been down for most of the past month.

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706624 No.81176


You gonna update? Where can we find the files when made?

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fdb494 No.81283

The three month bump… please respond…

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46e7a5 No.81291


The Wolf-Turd project will never be finished. This is just the loney, isolated OP’s means of getting people to talk to him. It will never get past the “research” stage.

Wolf-turd, please drop off this board…drop like a rock…now.

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0b12a3 No.81299

Fellas, a counter proposal. It is simple. We all make our own interpretation of this file.

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fdb494 No.81477


Is it officially dead? Have you finally given up?

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000000 No.81514

>>81477 (checked)

No, I have not given up on the project. Posting here on 8kun had been broken for quite some time and I almost gave up on 8kun and went entirely offline, but checked back and found this, so it's time to again say that rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.

The most recent three month bump was missed because I couldn't f * * * i n g post because Pig Farmer f * * * e d up the site with that "8kun Authenticator" crap.

>>81299 (checked)

I've never opposed other anons running with the idea. You've got quite a bit of material from my posts here and the previous threads to help. After all, if someone else can do better than I can, then the listeners will be better off with their files than mine. I'm an anon, it's not like I have any ego here, or ever can since I am strictly Anonymous on this project.

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cfb6bd No.81602


I'm glad you haven't given up on it, and I'd anything I will wait for it to be released as long as you keep working on it. Any place I could check for Wolfgirl in case 8kun goes down?

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039b3a No.82066

Happy New Year, I'll bump for updates

If Wolfgirl is considered a part of the host, maybe you can initialize this the other way around. Take a few core things related that allude to self-betterment and then put the nametag "Wolfgirl" on it. You can flesh out Wolfgirl after just by mentioning the name, but it'll have a base.

That way you don't start from something you imagine and then link it to the host. It's from something more concrete while the details can be imagined.

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000000 No.82068

>>82066 (checked)

> If Wolfgirl is considered a part of the host, maybe you can initialize this the other way around. Take a few core things related that allude to self-betterment and then put the nametag "Wolfgirl" on it. You can flesh out Wolfgirl after just by mentioning the name, but it'll have a base.

That's an interesting description and I've got Carl Jung on my reading list - I now suspect that the "Wolfgirl" prototype may be an interesting shadow manifestation after I've seen where in the prototype some of my own repressed aspects could have "gestalted" a bit and produced an affectionate werewolf companion. This is a very deep rabbit hole and I only have so much digging time each day, but maybe this helps answer >>77291's question about why I'm different from the "bizarre tulpa mind rape dungeon" enthusiasts. It might also be worth noting that not everything in my shadow is there by my choice and there's quite a lot I've been forced to repress over the years.

> That way you don't start from something you imagine and then link it to the host. It's from something more concrete while the details can be imagined.

This is sort of what I'm doing now reworking the outline to go this way where "Wolfgirl" more "bubbles up" from inside her host than "arriving" from "outside" and I've been letting the prototype try it. It's certainly an interesting feeling to have one hand cuddle and caress the other, even more so when it's your foot caressing your other leg, I'll say.

This ties back to the project brainwashing listeners to think of themselves as werewolves permanently in human shape and providing at least some degree of a "break with the past" as individuals may need - not a hard break unless you actually need that - I'm not trying to start an insane cult here - but a clear "I am different now and better than I was before" feeling. I already have some ideas using this concept thanks for the pinkpills, trannyspammers - I've made good analysis - what, you thought I'd actually eat that poison?

One of the major structural goals of the program is to have a "bail-out" opportunity before the suggested major addictions - that ensure you follow all-the-way-through developing your "Wolfgirl" - start. Unlike the BaBibA, which tries to addict the listener on the first session. This puts me in a conundrum because "Wolfgirl"'s love is supposed to be the first hint of her the listener feels - and for most love-starved people is itself likely to be addictive! The "make the listeners werewolves" idea is thus a solution - you undergo quite a bit of "werewolf brainwashing" before meeting "Wolfgirl" bubbling up from the repressed depths of your subconscious where you've always been a werewolf…

Getting back to the point, the "werewolf brainwashing" can - I think - be more neutral than direct exposure to "Wolfgirl" would be, allowing listeners who didn't think it would work some time to reconsider if they really want to go through with it after realizing how they've changed. If I do it right, few will want to turn back, but the option will be there for those that do. There's also the chance that some listeners might have deeply held false - as in contradicted by reality beliefs or other issues that are incompatible with the project. The plan is to set up some "gates" in this preconditioning phase where those listeners can either adapt or fail. Few anons will have any trouble passing any of the gates. They won't be a high bar.

I've also since found some better information on diet. While energy balance is the ultimate determiner of weight change, it's also true that the human body is surprisingly efficient - "you cannot outrun your fork" as I've seen it put. The old picture of the fatass showing off the juice collection in her fridge captioned "and this is where I keep my genetics" is much more right than the fatties will admit - in short, fast carbs make you hungry again long before you've come close to using the energy from what you ate last time. In more words, "Less Cake, More Exercise" is the formula for weight loss, but the emphasis is on "Less Cake" for losing weight. I haven't figured a way to use this in the files yet.

The "More Exercise" part will actually cause you to gain muscle weight - which exactly one of the major goals of the project. I've found what may be a key "simple trick" for effective gainz, but I'm waiting to make sure it at least works on me before spreading it too far.

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fdb494 No.82120


>what, you thought I'd actually eat that poison?

Time erodes all barriers, and that's sadly the case for a lot of Anons who find themselves interested in this kind of niche nowadays.

>you undergo quite a bit of "werewolf brainwashing"

What exactly would "werewolf brainwashing" entail, mentally?

I'm happy to see solid proof you're still working on this. Christ though, it's been almost 5 years since the project began.

I hope you've at least had valuable lessons for yourself, even if none of us get any of it in the end.

I myself certainly feel like not much has changed since I started following this. Seems like not many people are still following this either.

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fdb494 No.82122


I'd also like to ask - what is stopping you from making Wolfgirl files? At least preview files? The script, the voice, the sound design, all of the above?


I guess I understand. You are still committed to researching this and are clearly making new developments even years later. I'd argue you have gone above and beyond the standard, well enough to warrant finalizing the script, but it's your project.


Well, things have gotten much easier in recent years. AI voice models are a thing and actually decent. I don't know why only /mlp/ makes progress with good shit while other boards waste their time… but I digress. so-vits-svc and Talknet are pretty good ones you can run offline. so-vits-svc can be trained easily as the dataset does not need to be transcribed, but reference audio is required - it does not do text to speech, only speech to speech. Talknet is an older one that requires transcription for training, but it allows for both reference audio and text to speech. A voice for the files is already well within reach, it just needs you to pick clean data that's decent quality.

>sound design

That is a complex beast. There's so many different techniques you can use. I would admit it's a difficult task that you'll have to grapple with on your own. But then, I assume you have pretty good ideas of what to do by now with all you've read.

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000000 No.82123


> Time erodes all barriers, and that's sadly the case for a lot of Anons who find themselves interested in this kind of niche nowadays.

Time erodes barriers that aren't maintained. To put it mildly, learning "fappeth not to futanari, lest ye become futanari" by observing living examples around me has ensured those barriers will be maintained.

> What exactly would "werewolf brainwashing" entail, mentally?

I'm still working on the details, but basically, it's a neat label for most of the program's goals for the listeners. It's things like being comfortable in your own skin whether or not any of that skin is covered…, being comfortable in your own sweat, enjoying physical movement, … most of the personal changes, in short. I've got a long list of ideas here, some of them well-developed, some of them still half-baked. Some of the more "brainwashy" bits are a collection of mantras that I think I can make echo in the listener's brain. They should be good for motivating exercise at the least, and maybe more, but I don't want to overpromise here before I've read enough of the literature to be confident that I can actually make the "more" work.

The other key element of making the listeners see themselves as benevolent werewolves is providing opportunities to make a break with the past. I've seen IRL trannyspammers pushing pinkpills using a similar concept, with considerable success. I don't foresee the social context that makes that bait attractive changing anytime soon and I see some ways for this aspect to help people instead of hurting them.

> it's been almost 5 years since the project began.

I really had no idea what I was signing up for when I started this. I'm sticking with it anyway.

> I hope you've at least had valuable lessons for yourself,

Quite a few, actually, including some that I may be able to work into the program and others that I had best keep to myself on pain of self-doxxing.

> even if none of us get any of it in the end.

I would have to either end up dead or discover that my goals are impossible without horrendous side effects for that to happen.

> Seems like not many people are still following this either.

That's fine. If I were doing this for the adulation of a crowd, I'd care, but staying Anonymous stops those kinds of childish ego-masturbation.

>>82122 (checked)

> what is stopping you from making Wolfgirl files?

At the moment, the audio synthesis pipeline is backburnered behind the concept research, and even preview scripts are nowhere near ready. I've got a script-writing side project that is currently mostly stalled on questions of how it is supposed to actually fit together and reach the "payoffs" its premises promise.

> You are still committed to researching this and are clearly making new developments even years later.

Yes, I'm still gathering what needs to go into the scripts. Like I said, I had no idea what I was getting into.

> so-vits-svc and Talknet

I'll look into them. Reference audio is a giant problem, since I see any use of my own voice as a dox hazard, but I might be able to use it as part of a larger system with reference audio from other synthesizers. Thanks for the hints.

The big problem with modern "AI" is that its really machine learning and "Machine Learning" is "The High-Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt" - search the phrases for a Google paper on the topic. While the Project "Wolfgirl" synthesizer isn't expected to need long-term maintenance, I see accumulating technical debt during its construction as a major technical risk to the project - as in, the synthesis pipeline might never work or might be unable to consistently produce similar output - the files are supposed to fit together, and the long-range plans call for at least two major extension releases building on the base set. I'm very wary of using a system that literally no-one actually understands, which - of course - is what's called "AI" these days. I'm not from the Adeptus Mechanicus - I don't stand around making entreaties to the Machine Spirits all day.

> >sound design

I've got some basic technical plans, but this is still a bunch of disjointed technique notes. I've really been focusing on the main content so far.

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fdb494 No.82124


>observing living examples around me has ensured those barriers will be maintained

Fair. Although clearly this is not always followed well enough for others, otherwise it wouldn't still be happening.

>a collection of mantras that I think I can make echo in the listener's brain

I'm sure that'll work, mantras are quite the classic technique after all.

>providing opportunities to make a break with the past

I think I understand. Yes, people would like that without the consequences that the pinkpill has.

>Yes, I'm still gathering what needs to go into the scripts. Like I said, I had no idea what I was getting into.

The concept research length has certainly been… surprising. I hope you will at least feel comfortable experimenting at some point within the next few years, because the reality is that you will never learn absolutely everything.

>I see any use of my own voice as a dox hazard

I can't say I understand as reference audio is separate from the synthesis output. Are you worried someone would somehow recognize your voice's tone and accent through a completely different voice?

>as part of a larger system with reference audio from other synthesizers

Not quite the same intention, but that is certainly done for various reasons. For example, so-vits-svc is much more strict on reference audio than Talknet is. If you talk normally, so-vits-svc will just give you the exact same tone and accent, but with a different voice. Some people struggle to imitate certain characters, so they will instead use Talknet to generate more convincing reference audio, which they can feed into so-vits-svc to get their desired results.

The reason ponyfags have been using so-vits-svc is not just because of better quality, but because it lets them do so much more. Talknet forces the voice's accent/tone and will not let you hold notes. But so-vits-svc lets you do those. As you can imagine, the fanbase lives and breathes on fan content like songs right now after the show ended, so that's a big thing for them.

I'm sure there are also other synthesizers. The most popular one right now is ElevenLabs, but that is absolutely proprietary, so it's best to keep hands off of that even if it generates the most realistic performances (it heavily prioritizes sounding real over sounding accurate).

>the synthesis pipeline might never work or might be unable to consistently produce similar output

I can't see how that would happen unless you lose the voice model you trained. If voice synthesis is anything, it is consistent, as in literally producing the same output every time it is given the exact same reference audio or text (at least in the examples I gave you). Consistently bad sometimes? Yes. But it is consistent and flaws can be avoided if you care enough through editing as well as multiple takes.

>very wary of using a system that literally no-one actually understands

A fair opinion. But it's an unfortunate reality that we'll be forced to use such technology in some way, lest we fall behind.

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000000 No.82130


> Although clearly this is not always followed well enough for others, otherwise it wouldn't still be happening.

I'll guess that most anons haven't known people IRL who went full futanari and admitted that all the futanari porn they'd fapped to had a role in making them want to be the dickgirl…

> >a collection of mantras that I think I can make echo in the listener's brain

> I'm sure that'll work, mantras are quite the classic technique after all.

The mantras are the easy part. Details scarce to avoid overpromising just yet, but some of the leads I'm chasing could have epic-awesome results if they pan out. The problem is I'm not sure they'll pan out yet and there's a thick fog of lies in the area to sift through.

> >providing opportunities to make a break with the past

> I think I understand. Yes, people would like that without the consequences that the pinkpill has.

The pinkpill spammers have shown the trick here - that bait is so attractive that people won't even think about consequences. Obviously I want the consequences to be beneficial for the listener, but that also requires a lot more care in presentation than the pinkpillers exhibit.

> The concept research length has certainly been… surprising.

It's surprised me, too.

> Are you worried someone would somehow recognize your voice's tone and accent through a completely different voice?

Published recordings are forever. Technology is expected to continue to improve. I'm concerned about future voiceprint analysis that can "see through" the synthesizer's conversion. And yes, that technology will eventually become sufficiently widespread to be a dox risk if I ever speak in public again.

Paradoxically, the success of the project directly correlates to dox risk here. I hope the project will be wildly successful, so I must take the paranoid positions. It's not just about enemies, some of the worst foreseeable outcomes for my goals come from grateful listeners. For my goals, the position L. Ron Hubbard found himself in would be a catastrophic failure.

> The reason ponyfags have been using so-vits-svc is not just because of better quality, but because it lets them do so much more. Talknet forces the voice's accent/tone and will not let you hold notes. But so-vits-svc lets you do those. As you can imagine, the fanbase lives and breathes on fan content like songs right now after the show ended, so that's a big thing for them.

That will be very important. Part of the sound design plans call for strict pacing in the synthesized voice. I think I can make the voice tracks themselves inherently trance-inducing with that.

> I can't see how that would happen unless you lose the voice model you trained. If voice synthesis is anything, it is consistent, as in literally producing the same output every time it is given the exact same reference audio or text (at least in the examples I gave you).

I've had past experiences with "literally producing the same output" that didn't. There's also more to the planned overall system than just a TTS. Or perhaps its better to describe it as a TTS with interesting features, like directly embedding binaurals in the output. One of the technical items on the research list is to read the Vorbis spec very carefully. I might be able to exploit Vorbis's channel-pairing to get binaural effects with zero cost in file size.

> >very wary of using a system that literally no-one actually understands

> A fair opinion. But it's an unfortunate reality that we'll be forced to use such technology in some way, lest we fall behind.

There's no shame in falling behind a crowd that's running off a cliff.

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fdb494 No.82131


>I'm concerned about future voiceprint analysis that can "see through" the synthesizer's conversion.

I sincerely doubt they could get that from audio, especially when said audio is layered on top of other sound. I do not think it is technically possible in the first place though. Not on a "that is too advanced" level, I mean on a "the data literally isn't there" level. But hey, I'm no audio expert. If you're paranoid about it, I'm sure you can take more precautions.

>I think I can make the voice tracks themselves inherently trance-inducing with that.

>directly embedding binaurals in the output

Sounds pretty feasible.

>There's no shame in falling behind a crowd that's running off a cliff.

Not sure I'd say they're running off a cliff. We've had plenty of technological advances before where people were scared of the direction or convinced it wouldn't result in anything good. And y'know, they weren't necessarily wrong about long-term consequences. It's just, at least in this situation, I don't believe it's really a concern. The concerns about large-scale AI though are extremely valid.

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000000 No.82137


> I mean on a "the data literally isn't there" level.

If the reference audio is for anything other than appearances, there is data there - I can assure you. Enough to ever match a voiceprint? I don't know, but really don't want to find out the hard way.

> I'm no audio expert.

For some good lulz, consider what happens to subliminals with modern audio compression. Hint: modern codecs are designed to strip details that "the listener won't miss" to save bits. I've had some good laughs from hypnowhales posting Audacity screenshots of their "anti-piracy subliminal background track" mixed in a very low volume. Eyyyy sugartits, guess what your MP3 encoder did with that?

> Not sure I'd say they're running off a cliff. We've had plenty of technological advances before where people were scared of the direction or convinced it wouldn't result in anything good.

There are lots of arguments about cost/benefit of past technological advances, but name one past technological advance that literally no one understands. That only a few people knew how it works is one thing - even the builders not knowing how it works is new. That means I can't say how effectively the reference input is masked with respect to the output. Enough that humans will never notice a similarity? Sure. Enough to fool detailed analysis, made with knowledge of how the voice-morphing AI works? I'm a lot less confident there.

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a89798 No.82661

File: c07c5206b8add42⋯.png (51.06 KB,164x164,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

im lost.

where are the download links?

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34264b No.84898


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35014d No.84899


wolf will get jelous and you will start to shits your pant and your gf will dump you then you go back to wolf.

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35014d No.84900


it could be hidden in the long incel text that nobody gonna read.

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000000 No.84903


What kind of abusive hypnosis have you been listening to?

That's completely wrong - "Wolfgirl" would never get jealous when she can "ride along" and shower your gf with affection and wolves absolutely do not do crap like that. There's a small risk that some girls might react badly to a bf that affectionate but not if she's also a werewolf…


Fear not, for the project is still alive.

I'm most of the way through the glowjogger documents, at long last. Just as the societal trends mentioned before look to be coming to fruition.

I've been slowly coming to understand some of the more mystical comments made earlier in this thread. Discursive meditation has been an interesting skill to practice explicitly. I think I've been doing it most of my life. It hasn't been all rainbows and sunshine either - I've been unpacking some very repressed stuff that has had me spending a lot of time staring at the wall recently.

I've found a few solid exercise references but still need to run them down all the way.

I still need to get to Carl Jung.

Either the planned "werewolf brainwashing" has worked very well in informal self-hypnosis or the world is a whole lot weirder than I thought and I have a … … … history. Let's leave it at that for now while I try to figure out what I've found.

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44759f No.86893

Where can I find the Wolf girl files? Is the project is still active?

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13059f No.86894


brutha this post started on 2020, its probably been hijacked by 20 different people at this point. This file will never be made.

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000000 No.86895


> Where can I find the Wolf girl files?

Patience grasshopper - I'm in the home stretch on the glowjogger documents and I'm just starting to get inspiration for a preliminary script.

> Is the project is still active?

In a word - Yes.


This isn't the first thread.

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c0dbee No.88194


How close are you Anon?

I'm from the verrrrry first thread.


So eventually, she should have all the knowledge of your higher self, which although very x like, should be more than your 'waking' self?

This was me.

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000000 No.88219


> How close are you Anon?

I'm down to the last few hundred pages of glowjogger documents, but I've also lately been busier with other stuff than I'd like.

> I'm from the verrrrry first thread.

Looking back… wow… it's really been six years.

> >

> So eventually, she should have all the knowledge of your higher self, which although very x like, should be more than your 'waking' self?

This has been one of the other rabbit holes that I've been digging on - there's got to be a tasty rabbit down here somewhere… - and so far I've basically found out how much I don't know.

On the bright side, there seems to be a fair amount of material about developing psychic abilities and I remember the anon who asked about psychokinesis. I don't know if I can quite get that far but I've got some material on the "to read" list that might shed some light on the matter. Or it might all turn out to be useless. I don't know yet.

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c02b57 No.88252


I vaguely remember how she looks, but all the images have long since vanished from that very first thread.

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6b2298 No.88384


So, can you give us an update?

I still really want to meet her.

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000000 No.88416


> I vaguely remember how she looks, but all the images have long since vanished from that very first thread.

In short, she's basically human but with expressive wolf ears atop her head and wolf-like fur, including soft "peach fuzz" fur on her face. She's got a fairly complex fur color pattern based on actual wolves but also has hair on her head.


> So, can you give us an update?

I'm close to the end of the glowjogger documents. Then I'll need to rest and meditate on what I've learned for a while. Then it'll be time to start reading more useful materials.

The glowjogger documents aren't completely useless - there's some hypnosis experiment logs near the end but it's pretty obvious from them that the glowjoggers were really interested in the possibility of unknowing agents/patsies and it's unclear so far whether they were more interested in detecting them or in winding people up.

> I still really want to meet her.

Me too. It's hard to describe.

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f4045b No.88554


Wasn't she also fit with abs?

Ugh, I wish I could try your files already

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000000 No.88616


> Wasn't she also fit with abs?

Everyone has abs, but they're usually hidden under belly fat. Her abs are hidden under her fur, just like her nipples are hidden under her fur.

Thanks for the reminder to make sure that the "body awareness" theme includes feeling your internal muscles, even if they aren't outwardly visible.

Now I'm also thinking of a "massage your abs" training file. It'd work if you're reasonably fit, but not if you're very fat.

> Ugh, I wish I could try your files already

Patience grasshopper. I'm still chewing on the glowjogger documents. I've found a bunch of reports of hypnosis experiments they did - not all that directly useful to the project but very helpful to assess the credibility of other sources, since it forms a good baseline for the glowjoggers' actual interests.

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