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File: f53717f64361ac5⋯.png (82.57 KB,731x342,731:342,Screenshot_2020_10_28_Glim….png)



How many ways are there to hate this project?

> niggers all over the front page

> fork of GIMP, only because the name GIMP isn't politically correct enough

> github.io page

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Well if you retarded enough not to understand acronyms the sky's the limit.

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How is 'GIMP' offensive?

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In certain sex kinks a gimp is a living dildo.

I don't know how that's offensive either.

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Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?

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Basically they forked GIMP because they felt offended by the name... Pathetic.

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It's a political version of gimp without even starting that it's a fork. Trators

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i hate it when i forget the letter C in Tractors

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I sexually identify as a living dildo and I find the term gimp offensive. I support gimp rights.

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I support gimp wrongs

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File: 814d15bbf9118d0⋯.jpg (202.79 KB,626x998,313:499,a.jpg)


>gets triggered over a sample picture

>gets triggered by free hosting

Glimpse is basically trying to give a good branding to GIMP. Try for once putting in the shoes of someone else and do a defamiliarization exercise.

First: the name

>Ok so we have photoshop, which is like a photo shop! Easy

>Affinity Photo! which should be for doing stuff with photos i guess.

>Gimp? Like in, physically disabled? WTF

>Oh wait, its actually G.I.M.P.

>GNU image manipulation software.

>who is GNU?

>wtf is Unix

>wtf is a backronym

>why couldn't they call it something normal?

>wtf is that furry cartoon

>is this, like, for kids?

>eh... no thanks i'm sticking to Photoshop

Good branding is valuable for the success amd adoption of a project and the growth of its community

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Ignoring the fact that he sounds like a dumb spic, this guy is right. I will never use gimp because I don't want to have to tell people I use it and then explainwhat it is.

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