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 No.96948 [Last50 Posts]

Itt post anything you think might be useful for others.

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>if you have strong migraine after energywork and you can't seem to solve it or reach that place in your brain thats buzzing and needs to get 'clicked' fix this by making an om sound while inhaling, with nostrils and exhaling om with mouth, this normalizes the pressure in the head, also vividly imagine drawing the pain out with each tugging motion from place to out mouth

because dealing with the higher chakras can be tricky, here, have this.

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>If you're constipated on the toilet, blow your nose really hard into some toilet paper while pushing.

Received that piece of advice from a trusted friend several years ago and I'll never forget it.

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>getting constipated

if you ever get constipated, lie down or sit straight on the loo, focus on your stomach then flex all the muscles you can find then flex them in a rolling motion, enjoy the best, most cleansing poop you've ever had.

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>doing this while massaging points in the stomach that has gas or blocks

almost orgasmic.

doing your bodily actions even once consciously will improve their routine efficiency.

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or, just eat more soluble fiber and your shits will take no longer than 5 seconds

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>anyone able to do these workings even (often) having these problems to begin with

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Men are cruel, women are cruel, children are cruel.

Expect nothing from nobody.

Be the best you can be and do what you need to live the life you want, appreciate the life around, no one is going to do it for you.

You're all alone. I am all alone. We are alone together here, this is, in a sense, hell, in another, heaven.

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Love towards other individuals is hard to grasp, elusive and fleeting, often mistaken for attraction.

Love is real but in many ways not.

Be wary of who you give your heart to, he or she might not have one to return.

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I stick my fingers in my ears when I say 'OM.' It intensifies the vibration into a much wider field throughout my head.

Sticking your tongue upwards touching different sides of the roof of your mouth (front to back) helps to direct the vibration into key brain centers. It's pretty cool to be moving energy around like that and feeling it moving around.

tl;dr - Stick your fingers in your ears when you chant om and don't chant like a pussy. Say it loudly

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ever had the trouble of only being able to make a deep om in one ear? hold nose and push gently, fix'

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I already like this more than the question thread, this one has a positive attitude, the other smells like stagnant emotions.

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Hold your hand in a mudra and tense it until your hand and army start shaking, acclimate it and keep the strain on the muscles subliminally, transfer the vibration.

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If you want to try nofap its a good idea to edge the first couple of days while breathing energy from the second chakra to the third, this empowers the third and gives you grace and puts you on a path to attaining the Apapajay siddhi as mention in


You know you have attained this siddhi once you move with a graceful allure in everyday tasks, letting your sexuality course through your life but not take charge of you, it can be seen clearly in body language, people who master their sex move with a certain fluidity that hints of being a beast in the bed.

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Shitfaced drunk or got drugged?

Breathe in white light, breathe out darkness while locating the darkness in the body and coaxing it with your breathing out of you.

Sober in minutes.

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If you want to tune in to a new vibration or frequency, find its rhythm and breathe in tact with it

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to Wes Cecil on Youtube, particularly his lectures on languages.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greek Language and Civilization

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sanskrit and Indian Civilization

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cuneiform Civilizations

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Egyptian Civilization and Hieroglyphics

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russian Language, Literature and Civilization

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

German Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spanish Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

French Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

English Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Japanese Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Persian Language and Literature

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arabic: Literature and Civilization

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mayan and Nahuatl

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Thank you.

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"The function assigned to n is speech, and speech is the externalization of mental states through the

medium of sound. Thus mastery of words plays a prominent part in exercises for developing skill in

concentration. This mastery begins in very simple ways. He who would become adept in

concentration must think of language as a field to be cultivated with utmost care. He must learn to

say what he means, and must be carefbl to mean what he says.

Here in America this advice is sadly needed. Nowhere in the world is language more abused. One

need not be a pedant or a precisionist in order to use speech aright; but whoever wishes to succeed

in practical occultism must address himself to the study of the dictionary. The spectacle of an

aspirant sitting down to concentrate on the tip of his nose when his daily misuse of language makes

two-thirds of his thought almost unintelligible is one which brings a weary smile to the lips of

Those who Know. It may not seem to be "very occult" to look up words in a dictionary, but when

one realizes that every misused word weakens the force of one's thinking, when one knows that

slipshod speech wastes mental force, the desirability of the dictionary habit becomes almost

painfully evident.

Accuracy and variety in the use of ordinary words is but a preliminary to the mastery of speech

aimed at by occultism. Besides the sound combinations defined in our lexicons there are special

words which are truly magical."

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You must revolt against the modern world.

There is no longer beauty in things. We are told what is beautiful. They are wrong.

Remember aesthetics. Do not give in to complacency. If you are not crawling into bed every night, you are doing it wrong.

Stop ingesting drugs. All drugs.

Never push away someone who truly loves you. Make it work.

Know when to analyze but stop over-analyzing everything. It is a distraction.

Get right with God.

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He who smelt it, delt it.

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He who denied it, supplied it.

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He who deduced it, produced it.

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He who attributed it, distributed it.

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>Stop ingesting drugs. All drugs.

no, you're not my real mother, you can't tell me what to do, fuck off cunt.

drugs are good for you.

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He who detected it, projected it.

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File: 3e2892710cfa38c⋯.png (591.94 KB,706x520,353:260,Screenshot 2014-10-20 at 1….png)


Kill your mother.

The boy must die for the man to be born.

Latin mater (mother) is the root word of materialism.

You are a pathetic faggot and my piss is more exalted/holotropic.

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He who perceived it, conceived it.

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>projecting at the speed of stupid thoughts

going fast as fuck there mate, i never had that motherly connection and called her by name at the age of 13, i grew up in an environment that cultivated psychopathic tendencies in order to cope and survive, i'm a product of modern society, a sociopath by circumstance.

but i don't need to disclose shit, nor anyone else you accuse so next time you project like pocahontas on peyote you're probably going to look like a retard again.

you probably mean well but your shitposting is lacking fine subtlety and passive aggression, you're just flailing wild.

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He who expressed it, compressed it.

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good one

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Tell me about your mother.

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If you tell me where you begin and end.

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He who related it, deflated it.

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He who protested it, foam-crested it.

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my beginning is my ending

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He who derided it, provided it.

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He who maligned it, designed it.

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He who can't rhyme makes no dime, the last two were poor like a kittens roar and made sense like pretense offense.

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He who smelled it, expelled it.

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He who opined it, refined it.

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He who blames the dog, claims the fog.

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He who policed it, released it.

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He who rued it, brewed it.

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He who squeaked it, cheeked it.

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Thanks again for dropping those linguistics videos, they're neat. Really enjoying the ones on Sanskrit. I feel like i want to learn it. Apparently the giants in inner Earth speak something similar.

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He who disclaimed it, enflamed it.

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cats twitch when they sleep cause their consciousness is focused on that body part, every time a cat meditates hes astral projecting and hunting shit and the specific muscles hes using in the dream are being tuned to the new movement.

you should be like a cat in this regard.

cats are awesome.

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He who revealed it, peeled it.

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Marry Christ.

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The Native Americans believed the lynx could walk between the physical and spiritual worlds, and lots of "ghost stories" revolve around people's experiences with cats perceiving things (most of) the rest of us don't. I quite like cats as well, a dog is a good pet for somebody wanting an alarm for physically manifested visitors, but anyone who likes animals and is involved in the occult ought to keep a cat around.

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He who shunned it, tail-gunned it.

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You can "tune" a dog as well, their connection to you is much stronger than a cat is. especially if you are its sole master. Obviously, standalone the cat is better, but with a bit of training the dog can surpass it.

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He who quipped it, ripped it.

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I like this picture, and I think its useful.

I am not sure about an other term for, "freedom" is, "external anarchy".

I think freedom is you experience opportunity to do that which is a cause of eternal life.

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He who knew it, blew it.

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He who made the rhyme, did the crime.

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CIA/MOSSAD did 9/11 then lied to you and said they didn't, so anyone who trusts them is a retarded pussy fool bitch.

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Every person who pays income tax is supporting pedo murderer kikes/christcucks. Anyone telling you to blindly support this system is trying to drag you down into their hell. Poltards criticize libtards for "exploiting the system" and stealing money from Jews, then they complain about the Jews when they do something they don't like. I personally don't use social programs because begging other people for shit makes you a weakling faggot, but most people beg because they are too dumb/haven't been taught alternatives by their gatekeeper kike masters. Poltards are just bitter fags trying to bring chaos into the world to shift power back to white bigots who take out their inadequecy and inability to take risks on those superior to them. Don't associate with these people, don't give them attention, and don't fall for their trap and counter their right wing Hitler bullshit with left wing Hitler bullshit, because that just pushes people in the center towards the right. We can have a nice world where everyone helps eachother, cash isn't all 100% of people think about, competition/rewards for greatness exists, and people with strong morals are respected regardless of their religious standing. The best part is, all these people who follow gay debunked religions can continue doing their dumbass shit, but they just have to accept that I like to smoke pot and trip balls. Jeff Sessions is fucking cancer. There might be some good in Trump, but he's being blackmailed with videos from Epstein island, and the kikes are using him to create unrest and destroy the United States before the world can unite. Every problem ever is basically caused by paranoid jews who CANT see anyone else hold any power. Left vs Right is as dumb as my sporty ball team vs your sporty ball team. Please get this through your thick fucking skulls before I leave you to deal with this problem on your own. This world is a fucking disaster but it can be fixed. Kill your ego, help others, and convert stupids back to sanity.

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File: 1baad04db23acf3⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,735x490,3:2,Yum Yum.jpg)

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Read my other post and spread the word to your kEk pals. Richard Spencer is a cop. Lauren Southern / Milo / Every other Lookatme Imafacewithaname faggot is a jew shill. They are turning you people into fucking morons because pol used to be the only place where critical thought was accepted. "He's better than Hillary" is not a good counter to "Trump just gave 50 billion dollars to warmonger barbarian kikes." You got duped. Come back to reality because this is getting annoying as fuck. Every original pol poster is banned by fucking kikes, and they have an army of "altright" (more like vegans - can they go 5 minutes without saying that word?) faggots ready to be the thought police for them any time they hear a buzzword like "helping" or "empathy".

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Basically, to sum up what I said, always do the opposite of what people tell you to do. Don't you find it odd what measures these Trumpies go to to suppress certain thoughts? It's almost as if *gasp* the shitstains with the most money and power are using their unlimited resources to destroy the ideas they see as a threat. Nobody goes this far to destroy simple ideas. A year ago anything was open for discussion no matter how crazy. Now that the pedos/murderers see that we are legit they basically have bots set up to destroy wrongthink. Go post something about reality/aliens/demons/archons/matrix/chemtrails/ anythint on the internet. Everyone will gang up on you, and you are a fucking moron if you don't think thats fishy. "That's dumb." Or "You are crazy." Is not an acceptable thing to say in a debate. Truth fears no investigation. If you were a rapist/murderer with unlimited funds, wouldn't the first thing you would do upon seeing an investigator making a claim that you did something be making them look insane? The same fucking story happens over and over again. We were lied to about these stupid religions, we were lied to about wmds, we were lied to about pot, we were lied to about lsd, I mean for fucks sake at what point do you just accept that we are dealing with professional con artists?

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Lets say someone say a certain vaccine is bad. Not ALL, just one. They point to research done by someone who spent like a decade in school and say look, sometimes people fuck up, and this is dangerous. If you are with an American cult member (basically anyone who worships tv) they won't be like "Hey, let me explain this to you in a respectful way!", they will think *hmm I get pushed around all the time, it's my turn to be the bully!* and they will proceed to attack every aspect of you. Their goal is to hurt you by making you look like a dumbass. They won't provide you with any evidence, because none of them will have any experience in any medical/scientific field, and they will basically say "You are dumb because I believe this and I am not ever going to admit I was wrong because I invested so much time into defending this point of view and since I am ruled by my ego I can't look like a fool!"

I just brought vaccines up because it's a good example of people who complain about bias all the time employing bias. Stop. Everyone for the love of fuck just fucking stop. Both sides are fucking retarded, and nothing is getting done because of it. I have to tip toe around anyone I know is republican or democrat because I know they are brainwashed to have to support their cult. It doesn't have to be like this, and this 3rd grade domination bullshit has to stop. I get it, trolling is fun, I've been there, and it feels great at first to take something someone put their entire life into and attempt to banish it, but eventually you will come to realize that you are a piece of shit, so why not just come to that realization today so we can have nice things?

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File: 560758886b98d96⋯.jpg (79.44 KB,736x385,736:385,LOL Hippies.jpg)

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Hello "Magus".

If you really are a Magus, please assist me in my self-healing goals, which include getting my eyesight back to 20/20 and unfucking my jaw and other issues.

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for real, I get tired of these faggots be so fucking dense as to think they've earned the right to use the magus flag, literally like saying, "I am just as good as Franz Bardon, Jesus, and Hermes Trismegistus". Yeah, sure pal, sure

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File: 324be24a20fb046⋯.jpg (691.19 KB,1944x2592,3:4,IMG_20170515_152736568.jpg)


>unfucking my jaw

I highly recommend you look into Dr. John and Mike Mew's work. I went from a mouthbreathing baby-face, to this, so I definitely think if you work at it you'll get some results.

Little tip: Don't succ in your cheeks, in fact, don't use them ever. That causes buccinator hypertrophy and destroys hollow cheek effect.

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Well fucking post a link

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I don't understand what you mean by "don't use your cheeks ever".

I would like you to point me to the relevant works from those authors and also give a summary so that when I begin studying their works I know what to look at.



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File: 61ff114bbcfc330⋯.png (20.2 KB,896x644,32:23,dont walg on me.png)

I want tips & trix for calming down and silencing the mind while meditating

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It may help to refocus on being "here and now".

Thinking about tomorrow, yesterday, other locations, etc is taxing on the mind, but "right here right now" is simpler and calmer.

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Mike Mew's channel



Basically mouth-breathing, or having a slacked jaw in genersl can lead to improper growth of the skull, specifically a narrow jaw palate, and recessed maxilla. This leads to a face with a very narrow, and "long" appearance. This can be remedied by applying pressure to, and completely filling the roof of your mouth with yoir tongue.

>never use your cheeks

Those angles models get are a combination of wide lateral orbital rims (wide upper palate)' good forward maxilla, and thin buccinator muscles (cheeks). Sucking in with your cheeks hypertrophies them, making them thicker and reducing the angular effect of hollow cheeks. + don't get dehydrated - puffy faced

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Hate to break it to you but people who don't instinctively breathe through their nose since birth are subhuman.

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I was born with blocked nasal cavities and had to have three major surgeries done before 12 to fix it.

It took me another 6-8 years before I habituated myself to breathe through my nose.

TBH, people who LEARN to breathe through their nose rather through instinct from birth are actually in a better position to exploit, feel grateful for, appreciate and really take advantage of the newly learned skill than someone who is a "natural" and doesn't have a reference point.

Because of my nasal problems, I can't smell. I don't know what it's like, but over the past frew years, I've noticed my smell receptors gaining strength and I appreciate the fuck out of anything I can smell. Just saying…

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Are you me? I literally have the same nasal problems except not as much emphasis on the blockages. I just cant smell at all. Breathing exercises help me smell. Its cool shit bro.

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Try these methods:




I did these and I have virtually no breathing problems anymore. That mixed with breathing exercises and some suhkha purvaka pranayama works wonders.

Doing 1-2 rounds of sukha purvaka (4-16-8) before sitting to concentrate for meditation is the best exercise to really practice one-pointed ness efficiently

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File: 6daa9f336f682b6⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,380x377,380:377,good night.jpg)

How do you become un-blackpilled?

Being a pessimistic, directionless, empty shell gets old after a while, but I don't know how to stop.

I can't find myself ever being able to muster up enthusiasm for this gay life. I just don't care for any of it - even the good or pleasurable is just not fucking worth the effort.

I am literally too lazy for existence, and nobody else seems to have this problem. I don't want to be conscious; I don't want to be sentient; I just want to become nothing - this form of existence is just not worth the effort.

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File: ae958c65478feef⋯.jpg (590.87 KB,3240x2102,1620:1051,Marcus Aurelius.jpg)


Here is my two cents on the matter. The typical western life-style is not conducive to feeling alive. On the contrary, everything we do poisons us physically, mentally and spiritually. You must begin, slowly but surely, to purge that which is bad and replace it with the good. A few things I have found to mitigate the kinds of feelings you mentioned above.

>No fap

>No porn

>No drugs

>No meat

>No TV

This is only a beginning. I would recommend in their stead beginning to really work on improving yourself and cultivating good physical, mental and spiritual health.


>Long walks

>Clean eating

>Pure water


There are many good books that can begin to help you, but one I cannot recommend highly enough is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It's only about 100 pages, but it is full of good advise. Stoicism is a hard-counter to nihilism, and in my estimation, a good cure for the black pill when thoroughly digested and practiced. Best of luck to you.

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>purge that which is bad and replace it with the good.

that's subjective and probably wont help


Do what makes you happy and if that fails get angry

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>purge that which is bad and replace it with the good.

I have done most of these, and can confirm quality of life significantly increases.


>that's subjective and probably wont help

Excellent advice there, sir.

Just let him wallow in his black pit of despair. When somebody offers a ladder to get him out, tell him to kick it away and validate that with weak excuses.


>Being a pessimistic, directionless, empty shell gets old after a while

It is not all you here, people like you get a dark aura that is made up of negative entities and other bad influences. These do a good job weighing you down.

I'd also advise (on top of the above advice provided) to banish daily. The LBRP done right is wonderful for clearing away bad shit inside and outside. It's also good magical practice for energy work and visualization.

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He who reported it, exported it.

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>no meat

I already do all of those, except no meat,why the fuck would I stop eating meat?

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When I went veggy (this was the first thing I ever did, did it as a mundane on impulse) I was surprised at how energetic and vibrant I became. I was still eating shit though - sugary rubbish so I wasn't in the least eating healthily, but still a big difference in how I felt.

Now, 15 years later, I'd say - anyone who takes energetic/spiritual matters at all seriously has to give up meat.

There's no 2 ways about it. You're consuming other lower beings loosh and making it part of yourself. You can't expect yourself to vibrate at a higher level, when you're forcing yourself to assimilate lower creatures with lower loosh and their negative emotions that theyre having being murdered in their meat, into you too. It keeps you down on their level.

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Very good advice here. Though I already do most of what you listed, I think I might actually try giving vegetarianism a go.

Not for faggy purposes, but >>98210 is seriously the best argument I've ever heard in favor of giving up meat. I'll try it out and see how it goes.

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>Excellent advice there, sir.

that wasn't my advice. learn to read.

>Just let him wallow in his black pit of despair.

He has to get himself out. He needs motivation not the same advice literally every other numnuts gives.


>muh vibrations

See I meet a veterinarian who did this and she was fucking insane and had a well spring of emotional problems.


You might want to stop tooting your own horn makes you look sad

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we need to eat meat to keep that aggressive energy and not become gay vegan slaves

All pure vegetarian animals are docile

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Alright, I think you're full of shit, but I'll try it.

One month without meat, it'll be fun.

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He who decoyed it, deployed it.

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He who averred it, disinterred it.

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He who tells of it, smells of it.

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i disagree, its perfectly possible to feel and move energy while eating meat, in fact there is more power but its different, its slow and steady like continental drift and unless you continously, powerfully tug at it with more power than it usually takes to move energy you can accomplish whatever anyway.

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have i told you how to fix your eyes?

if youve read the previous q threads youd know but i could repeat if u like.

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>haven't I already told you to fix your stupid eyes ya slanty eyed bitch

>if ya ever fucking went into q threads you wouldn't be asking such stupid shit. gawd

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the chakras all come in pairs, except heart.

do something to earth and influence heaven.




if you cant open one focus on its counterpart instead.

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pretty much tho yeh.

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make a fist. clemch it untill you hear the cracking noise. put fingers in better positions, do it again.

make to flat palms, press top of fingers together, make them snap/crack.

intertwine fingers, move them away from each other in both directions, find the crack and snap if there is any.

if you cant crack it, dont push it, minimal resistance.

what does this do?

the brain has a large part dedicated to fine motorics and the hands, if you unlock energetic pathways in the hands like this, unlocking meridians, there will be a corresponance in the brain, as soon as one energypath in the brain is open, three more will get energy, that previously didnt, and you will manifest spontaneous movements that snipplesnap the other parts of your body.

do this from root to crown and enjoy a perfect energybody and corresponding body that is in a fine equilibrium, depending on your mental state.

do mudras, they are incredibly helpful for unlocking chakras or targeting focus on a part of the body.

once youve integrated this "think" in everyday life you will do mudras spontaneously instead of consciously, this will allow you to be more in tune.

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when i started doing this after my first kundalini it was spontaneous but i was also looking like a madman for the right puzzle pieces because with every new mudra the bones and ligaments in my bosy would change, flex, snap into another place, i felt like a set of legos in a plastic bag of water pulling itself together into shape.

never force this though, only instinctively, with soft, easy, nonforceful movements unless you know what youre doing.

ive pinched ligaments twice trying to force a change, the resulta were days and weeks of intense nerve pain until i could find the mental state to summon the right movement, trying to keep pushing and beninding at that would would very likely have resulted in permanent damage or even paralysis.

take care, namaste.

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the best weed witchbrew is 1/3 tobacco/weed mix from a used pipe, one third new tobacco and one third nfresh weed.

if you dont have a pipe, carve on, its easy.

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grind it together and put a thin 2mm layer of ash on top.

as you inhale, channel, preferably from both earth and heaven to heart, but that breath is tricky to master, start with either or, its fine. just make sure to balance it.

hold it in. dont exhale like a pussy, do kundalini breath, short, rapid, powerful breathing that empies 15%of the lungs, fills it 10%, breathe like so until your lungs are empty, and i mean empty as in a fucking vacuum, then sit straighter to have this vacuum pull on the lungs and all inside.

if yu cant do it right away, this also works as preliminary training.


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lie down, tense your whole body so that the tension makes you tremble, relax, breathe, keep the tension in the subtle, this causes a high tension state of the energybody, now do a working.

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wear wool. wool is amazing. you need at least one item of wool, say a cardigan, that you wear at home for a majority of the time, this is your ritualistic clothing.

wool has a high energetic value, 500 times stronger than that of the average human body at the standard pf 100, i get these weird numbers from a book called… energetic… something.. it discusses cancer and body voltage, goes into detail on how energetic you need to be for wounds to heal, for cancer to not form and so on, also from a israeli study where he measured leather and wool in relation to and because of the tabernacle.

dont mix leather and wool, they cancer each other out and insulate.

silk insulates.

cotton is good.

your bodily voltage is influenced by your mental state, positive, negative.

let go of anger and all things vile, be at peace.

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energetic anatomy.pdf, google will find you a download, very good book.

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brush your fucking teeth. the fluoride wont kill you and youll regret being toothless in your thirties.

just dont swallow toothpaate, fuck, its poison.

clear mouth with water thoroughly afterwards, despite recomendations of leaving it for longer protection.

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correlate the chakras to their designated colors according to the rainbow, you are a mulifaceted spectrum of emotion, doing this will make yoou better at singling out certain energies and expressing yourself to your fullest potential.

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feeling down?

go stand barefoot in the grass to even out your energies and to make way with what you dont want to keep while also eating the sun.

be grateful, always. you dont have a reason not to. everything given to you for free is at the cost of someone else, large or small.

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you can only recieve love in a healthy manner if you have to give, to love someone else and to have those feelings answered in kind you first need to love yourself.

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an idiot ho thinks hes doing glod can do more harm than a person in angry rage.

just because someone is angry does not mean he or she is set out to hurt you.

if you know a person to be angry at you but does not show it other than cold eyes with murder in them, stay far, far away.

cold anger leads to calculated repeated knife stabs.

if someone is angry and shouting, that man or woman has no more percieved alternatives, the person cannot properly channel his emotions to words, deescalate it or you could hurt the person who is angry far more than the angry person can hurt you by shouting angrily.

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missionary position is best position.

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women are people too. just lesser, but not by much and many women are mens superior.

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power can be sexy.

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feel your spine, does it have bumps and blackheads and pimples?

massage your spine and back for improved blood circulation, use nails to rake away blackheads and get rid of all pimples, these are manifestations of blockages. get some sun.

below&above etc.

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its easier to do while in a warm shower.

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put on some music, can you feel and express rhythm?

do you shake your hips from side to side or back and forth?

find the rhythm for both these movements, female and male and learn to express tour actions through both of these base movements, duality is an illusion.

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to immediately enter a "soft" state of trance, very receptive and able to send when you push the breath out; stand relaxed with arms tonthe sides, inhale from crown in a way that you can hear the rbreath behind your ears, incorporate a semi yawn, eyes will roll back up to third eye, slow steady intake, good job.

want to send what emotion or state you just captured? at the peak of the breath find target and send from gut heart and third eye, influenced with the energies of the emotions, to the third eye, for thoughts, and gut for emotions, with a slow steady exhale.

this works for connecting to people, tieing together yours and his or hers aura, charging sigils, crystals whatever, this is the fastest way to do a work.

it could be lacking in power but that depends on your ability to muster up, hold and send.

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He who unearthed it, birthed it.

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a pussy is likely never to be as tight as your hand, instead take pleasure from the emotional exchange.

kiss bite and nibble breasts neck and ears.

dont keep eye contact for an autistic/psychopathic amount of time, look at her blsy and appreciate it, kf shes comfterable with it she will appreciate you appreciating her.

never put your whole weight on her, thats a turnoff.

when climaxing, hug or eye contact or kiss, hold her harder and tighter but never so hard that it hurts.

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I am only human. I have good qualities and bad qualities, everyone has, accept it and make the best with what youve got.

when you know this by heart you will be confident in an attractive manner.

confidence attracts but be careful what you let close, never let destructive amd negative people close, keep them at arms length and help them if they ask but never get emotionally engaged or you will take damage.

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you are loved unconditionally.

earth is your mother, you are always in her embrace, reach out to her with love and she will return a thousandfold, she will teach you love.

the sun is your father, he loves you equally but does not smother you, he protects and teaches, he gives unconditionally, all you have to do is ask.

the mother speaks on your behalf to the father, you are not allowed to approach the patriarch until you have proven yourself.

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you are as sexy as you feel. chin up, shoulders straight.

sometimes there are demons pressing you down, destroy the burden, let go of the weight, you simply are, nothing else, as is everyone else.

look at others without judgement and you will not be judged.

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i am your friend, i fight for your liberation. you are my friend, you fight for my liberation. in the end we are one, what i give you you will give to others.

why be angry, negative or unhelpful? you reap what you sow.

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the rhythm is everything. life is a musical orchestrated by the breath of god and youre dancing to the rise and fall.

learn this rhythm. find it. know. once you have, you can dictate it, direct it. be the maestro.

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File: 482a0690d451663⋯.jpg (67.39 KB,566x434,283:217,Mercury.jpg)

Sup lil bitches, I've been asked to give y'all the cure to social anxiety/communication problems or any other issue corresponding to Mercury.

Attached is the planetary square of Mercury. What you've gotta do is repeat this Mantra a certain amount of times per day for 64 days. You'll start with 57 repetitions for the first day, then you'll do 7 the next day, 6 the day after that, etc. Once you reach the end of the line you're on you'll move directly up to the next number. For example once you reach 64 on the square you'll go to 9, then from 9 to 55, from 55 to 54, you get the gist.

The Mantra is as follows.


Pronunciation is as follows.


The UUU pronunciation rhymes with Boo.

The Working is best started when Mercury is in Virgo, Gemini, or Aquarius. Never to be started when Mercury is in Leo, Sagittarius, or Pisces.

The Working should always be started on a Wednesday and is best done during the hours of Mercury.

If you don't know when the hours of Mercury are then use this to find out. http://www.lunarium.co.uk/settings.jsp Just put in your country and closest city then save preferences.

Everyday after you finish the mantras, say what you want from the working. For example, "My communication skills are improving" or "I express myself easily and clearly".

Skipping even only one day will ruin the entire working and you will have to start all over.

That's all there is to it. You should be able to feel the improvements within the first 2 days, increasing throughout the entire Working.

For those of you that know where the source of this information is from and are wondering why I didn't just release that is because I was told that people are supposed to find that information on their own but that this square in particular was important to release.


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File: b199c33fd8cff08⋯.png (47.75 KB,234x156,3:2,hearthands_cropped.png)

Here mates

*Downloading Multiple MEGA Links:

I wish I remember about JDownloader earlier but if you want to download multiple batches of files that is the way to go. [for instance the fringe libraries]

-How to: https://www.facebook.com/notes/ono-daisuke-fans/how-to-download-multiple-links-from-mega-jdownloader/259496204233897/

-Download: http://jdownloader.org/

*Health Search Engine: http://www.rawfigs.com/

*Best Naturopath with Free Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/robertmorsend

[Raise your vibration mang; all videos are on rawfigs and time stamped. >Lose weight fatfuccs and become happier<]

*My Favorite Free VPN

Client- http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx?product=softether

Client + Servers Plugin-http://www.vpngate.net/en/download.aspx ←better option unless you already have servers.

*Good Cheap Organic Clothing- https://kasperorganics.com/

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*Since JDownloader might suck cock try MegaDownloader for Mega files that won't download past quota.


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Read this on Joy of Satan but can't find any other source.

Is it legit?

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not sure, i wouldn't do shit that i dont know what it is.

better to just sync with the planet and its archetype.

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USE MISWAK or any of the variety of natrual teeth cleaning humanity is using. toothbrushes and paste is a total scam to poison you

miswak even has natural fluoride

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Thanks for this. I could calm down the manic mind of a bipolar with it.

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File: ca6eb645ab29463⋯.pdf (57.25 KB,Interpretation Example.pdf)

For those of you that were looking for a decent astrology book a while back, I finally found one. I personally think this ones 100x better than the one I recommended before (the only astrology book youll ever need). The names A Spiritual Approach to Astrology by Myrna Lofthus.

Here's a link to it, I'd upload it here but the file size is 36mb.


There's also a copy on scribd but you need to bypass the free trial bs so if you know how to do that here's the link.


Also I recently learned about a neat little tool that creates an interpretation of your chart in pdf format. Attached is an example of what you can expect your interpretation to look like.

Tool: http://astrology.clairvision.org/astro/switchboard

How to use:

Put in your information (i dont recommend using real name obv) and submit

You should be on a page that has a Save File hyperlink and big bold text that says Example

On the top of this page go to View then to Interpretation then to Complete

Pick whatever paper size u want and click submit and you got your pdf interpretation

Hope this helps

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Scientific advancement has been halted ever since the advent of relativity. If you are not a host for the parasitic mind virus known as relativity and if einstein is not your god figure, then you can freely continue the scientific research halted at the turn of the century.

The earth is also flat.

Evolution isn't real and is another mind virus.

God is real and his son died on the cross.

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File: 954e033840bacdd⋯.jpg (10.29 KB,203x255,203:255,6fadca62f814fe8a3e935ac3fa….jpg)


You are gonna need to do a lot more than just say "its a mind virus" to make anyone believe you. Flat earth theory is just a mind virus as well just unfortunately for you a drastically less popular one.

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>I can't into critical thinking but I still subconsciously desire to be intellectually superior so I'm going to believe weird and retarded things so I can claim I'm special for knowing things most people don't know

The retard is you.

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File: d5fd62362da6cf9⋯.jpg (232.25 KB,1000x680,25:17,d5fd62362da6cf92ae842ca3fe….jpg)

The biggest tip I could give anyone when going down these paths is to master a certain degree of calmness and faith. I think it is very easy to pick things up at first and dabble a bit everywhere but in the end you are better holding your ground to something solid. Saying that though I think there comes a time eventually when we all have to jump into the fire and be reborn on the other side but most of the torment you put yourself through is mostly you and your mind.

You have to have your goals and intentions firmly set out with getting into majic and studying occult knowledge/spiritual techniques or religious systems. You should always create an appropriate context for whatever path or books you are studying so that you don't switch between focuses and awarenesses to different beings and ideas all the time. I like to have faith in things like Karma and that the universe being imbued with the ability to regenerate and heal itself. I also always try to keep Christ in my mind when exploring because that way you have something to stand on, it doesn't need to be christian, its more of a psychological grounding - to have a stable and coherent structure of belief that will enable you to explore things without them taking a hold of you. Old faiths are harder rocks to stand on, but you have to have a great insight and interpretive skill to justify your own actions through it. New age philosophies are more flexible and easy to adapt to life, but they are in a sense unstable and does not enable the same sense of support. Whatever you do though you'll have to come to some compromises somewhere down the line. Everyone has their own path, and I don't think any two or the same, ultimately I think the right words will eventually find you at the right time, and everything will be revealed to all when they are ready to understand.

Also being able to relax yourself and be calm is beyond value. Some are just naturally very relaxed people but others are overactive and need to learn how to cultivate that part of themselves. You have to remember that you are feeding energy out of yourself, emotions in of themselves are not bad, but an over fixation or feelings of contempt and restlessness can have drastic repercussions reflected back to you. As above; So below. What you project into the astral may also be projected back to you.

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He who projected it, attracted it.

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with one hand hold thumb and index finger and with another thumb and middle finger, this causes an imbalance creating a route for energy to move, specifically, energy (fire) flooding from spirit to soul.

both hands thumb index fingers are for stable frequency and ramping up

all chakras have a wide range of frequencies that need to be tuned from negative to positive.

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I have decided to focus on a mudra each day. Today I was holding thumb and index finger with both hands, and I could definitely feel the ramping up.

Kind of a synchronicity because it was your (I think) posts about mudras which inspired me to do this.

How do you know about the imbalanced one? Where do you learn this stuff? I bought the energetic anatomy book yesterday because I was quite impressed by your posts.


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tips and tricks for not fapping to porn pls

cant get this one video out of my mind all day ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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fap until you're an empty emotionless shell, fap till your hearts content, go a few days without fapping, now fap but instead of just fapping to something or mind imagine yourself in the place of the pornography actor fucking that girl and try to evoke the emotions you would feel while ramming the girl on the screen, consider her emotions, how does that make you feel?

horny and holy, transmute sexuality into something "pure", "normal", reset your preferences for sex, change frequency into a healthy, confident sexuality, after cumming to a mind/vision of a pure ideal of sex, one that doesn't tie you down or implicate you in negative enforcement. think missionary position eye contact for the sole purpose of procreation.

now you can start transmuting healthy energy from the second chakra to your gut for confidence.

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learn from testing. experience.

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i dont wanna go there but

>buying a book

pdfs are eco friendly.

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I have been the last thing that has held a good number of animals in the wild before they die.

At times it will even be a strange occurrence or walking down the sidewalk and notice a wounded bird. Wouldn't even be looking in that direction. Sometimes it even feels like when they pass near me my heart does this throb or flutter shortly before they die.

I don't know a lick of what this means or why this happens.

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bless it, release it, walk away being ok with the circle of life.

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Why would divine providence leave someone behind?

What can I do if I feel abandoned and left behind by everything?

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How can I reach out to my guardian angel/higher self?

I need someone that can give me advice about what to do in my life. I'm wondering what to do or how I should feel about it.

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…I can honestly say that's what I've been doing for years now in the form of virtual reality and erp.

I don't think this helps. If anything I just crave the easy "sex" more.

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This thread is for tips.

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try harder, feel what you're supposed to feel.

every time you fap from then on without making the effort to fap during enlightenment, doing internal alchemy that will be 'set' after each fap, you will be reminded how cheap of a thrill fapping is and think of what a tool it could be for transmuting your weakness into strength.

if you still need to fap, fap, but dont expect to go anywhere in life because you're aimlessly setting a new course with each fap, you fap to a blonde? universe pulls strings for synchronicities for you to meet with a blonde, you fap to a redhead, same thing, but the previous accumulation of momentum is dropped and the process starts over for the redhead.

there are easier ways to make a boulder roll downhill, while not spilling the energy you use to push it.

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Do some visualization meditation focusing on rotting corpses, that's how Buddhists have overcome their physical lust for the human body in the past.

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Is that supposed to refute the breathing techniques of the videos, as in, we shouldn't go that alkaline?

Because I've been doing them for 2 days and I feel great about it, it's true that it has allowed me to deal pretty well with stress as the guy points in the video. Maybe I'm mostly acid, therefor going more alkaline works great for me.

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Carbon dioxide makes lungs acidic. When you hold your breath and feel discomfort, it's not a lack of oxygen, it's too much carbon dioxide. Hyperventilating does the opposite. To strengthen your lungs, it's good to practice holding your breath, but make sure somebody is nearby in case you pass out, the same goes for hyperventilating (too little and too much oxygen to the brain can both put you to sleep). I'm not sure it's really a big deal in the long term, since your body regulates itself naturally and your lungs will return to normal. Just don't smoke anything.

t. freediver

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Well yeah, I smoke weed like 10 times a year and I don't smoke cigarettes, but it's hard to have pristine lungs in the modern day city with cars, chimneys, industries, 2nd hand smoke, etc… So I suppose we just have to deal with the damage.

Still, that was quite helpful, thanks.

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all those fucking comments holy shit

curryniggers are hideously buttmad

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Everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean it has to be a good reason.

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>implying this is not my fetish

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A good way to improve the lungs is to vibrate them to revitalize them, and to do cardio.

To vibrate your lungs, start with forced laughter of varying kinds to expel phlegm and more subtle phenomena, and then singing. The louder the better. Try to feel vibrations in the chest region, speak from the chest region, sing from the chest region… you may feel as though you can't get a word out from this place, that it's clogged and gummed up with phlegm or whatever else. Just continue on, and do cardio. Try reading out loud instead of in your head as well, though vibrating the head with your voice would clear up a bunch of stuff heheh.

Groaning, crying, talking, laughing, singing, shouting, preaching, conversating, animal noises, mimicking others, go through the spectrum of noise patterns until you start to clear out everything and you'll have full use of your lungs again. Clearing out the entire body to be a worthy auditory vessel will only amplify the benefits, and give you some real magical powers to boot.

Besides all that is body movement techniques and emotional techniques. Doing the above will put you way above anyone else anyways though.

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As someone who also fetishizes corpses, I know that there are generally some circumstances where it is desirable and others where it is repulsive. Consider corspes that are filled with maggots, prepared for consumption, blue and swollen, ridden with disease, Jewish, skewered, autopsied, old, etc. Surely at least one of these has to be unappealing, right? Otherwise, maybe your problem is just that you're incredibly perverted and need to go out and interact with real people for a while, and go on a lengthy porn fast.

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>go out and interact with real people

no thanks, already did this last month, it was horrible. I have almost no voice by now and can't even form two proper sentences. Of course I can type them and they are in my mind, but I can't talk anymore lol. Silence is my eternal friend. Also I am so low on energy that I can barely focus for longer than 2 seconds and look at the person. Last month people were talking to me and I didn't even talk back properly.

>Consider corspes that are filled with maggots, prepared for consumption, blue and swollen, ridden with disease, Jewish, skewered, autopsied, old, etc Yeah of course I agree, those are not desireable. This can probably work

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Whenever I have issues with focus or direction I have found a nifty trick.

I take a sugar pill, melatonin, or multivitamin and tell myself that it will help me accomplish a specific goal. From losing weight to enhancing dream recall.

I don't know what I'm honestly doing though. Not sure if the placebo effect has another name for /fringe/.

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It's called impregnation and it's step in Initiation Into Hermetics. It's also described here: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909practicalwatercure.pdf

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>all those woke as fuck texts written at the start of the 20th century

That moment when you realize society has essentially moved backwards for at least more than a whole century in basically all aspects except the technological one, and people believe that is true progress. That moment is bittersweet.

I second doing the iceman btw



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World War II was won by the wrong side. Everything went downhill after it. Most of what I read is all early 1900s and late 1800s as well.

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File: d0c0f55d0360226⋯.pdf (512 KB,Franz-Bardon-Initiation-In….pdf)


I hear what you are saying, but do you really think there were sides in World War II?

I think it started much before and WWII was an orchestrated part of the long game takeover of the world.

Regardless of what you think of this guy, I think the archonology series in his blog is a pretty interesting take on this:


I'll concede you that Hitler probably almost got out of their hands, he was genuine and perhaps even aware that the conflict he was an integral part of was a fabricated problem-reaction-solution scenario for world unification. But I don't think he ever stood a chance.

In other words if World War II had never happened at least we would still be fighting the Jew on our respective countries, not bowing down to the international Zionist cartel.

In any case, looking at the dates here, it checks out that most good material was early 20th and late 19th century:


Reposting IIH for staying in topic.

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The "third eye" is perception.

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>make a deep om in one ear


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>eat only plants

>low protein

>compensate by eating soy products

>become a docile beta cuck

>implying eating the loosh of plants isn't even lower

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Be patient waiting for results and don't stack up too many road opening and business-creating spells over many months. I'm pulling fucking 16 hour work days right now. Sure, starting next month I'll be swimming in dosh, but I don't know man…

Which brings me to tip no. 2: if you want money don't cast for work like I did. Be direct and let the universe sort out the details (you should still bind the negative outcomes so that you don't kill a family member or something, unless you want to).

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>you should still bind the negative outcomes so that you don't kill a family member or something, unless you want to

pray tell how would you go about doing this?

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An example statement of intent for a sigil:

A thousand dollars come to me within a month, benefiting everyone involved.

An example giving license to depart to a spirit:

Go now in peace whence you came and carry out my wishes, harming none, and come back next time I call you.

You can and should improvise, but the general idea is to include the notion, in your incantation, that no harm should come to you or your beloved ones (or anyone). Since magic takes the path of least resistance, sometimes that path includes bad shit happening. If you have a rich family, perhaps the quickest way of getting you money is killing someone in it by traffic accident, by instance.

Here's a "success" story illustrating this:


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the emotional thoughtsphere, during medtation, is feeling your body and the emotions the physical instincts cause, in this state you are subtly hyper aware of your body and its energyflows, its in this state of mind you access trance and mold the energy for a working.

the mental plane, "thoughtsphere", during meditation is instead a landscape in your mind, a place where you are omnipresent and omniscient, the mental energy is of higher vibration than that of the emotional therefore it is with this energy you device energywork that the emotional energy will align and conform with, the energy of the mental reality is like fine strands of silk compared to the tufts of cotton you can feel moving around in the emotional thoughtsphere, using mental energy is easy but feeling it out, to a greater degree, is hard. mental energy is the "light flowing down the top of my head", mental energy is consciousness, its spirit, its in this place you craft patterns and routes for the chakras to overlay upon the emotional body, its in this place where you are lord you access the body, its the control room. not to be confused with astral temple or abode, this is a state of mind not a dreamscape journey.

one can access this state of mind through gnosis but it is not gnosis, this is something else, this control room is something you must build the foundations for, then suddenly it will appear complete.

this state of mind has full access to and with massive information feedback, all parts of the body, its easy to tamper with your emotional responses to this and that in here, like flicking a switch.

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delet pls

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building on this,

trying to get rid of negative energy in the emotional body by breathing it out or pushing it or stirring it to flow out with your breath, it works and is much more effective than if you would let the body heal on its own - but combined with visualizing the smudges on your chakras being drawn into a sphere (breath in draws energy, breath out spews fire to incinerate everything in the sphere), which is an area of thought, conscious energy, a construct and dimension that overlaps the emotional but is not visible in the material, this construct made from "spirit", consciousness energy, is nothing more than your focus. train your mind to focus more to channel more for more powerful works.

train the mind by visualizing different geometric patterns, first flat, build them, hold them in attention, examine them from all sides. now make more. make many many many more and be in full control of the movement of everything in this place. the better you get the larger this place grows.

these constructs exists as long as you have them in mind, in focus. spirit overlaps with material and soul and while the construct is locked in place the other two will accumulate on it, soul is quick to align with the "blueprint energy" that is spirit, material reality not so much.

how good are you at imposing your will upon reality?

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its this little box, a dimension of thought that is your mental essence projected around you, its in this box, this space, this thoughtsphere or maybe dimension that you have absolute control over energy, using one energy to guide the other.

all is mind because if someone hadn't thought it it wouldn't have come to be.

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this is all to be done during kundalini breathing or else your third eye wont be active enough to feel the energy, nor your body strong enough to provide it and perhaps your mind not able to envision it.

kundalini, you should go do it if you haven't.

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found an eternal cure for being out of rhythm; walk up and down stairs like a normal person to acclimate a chill pace in every day life.

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If you look into the void the void looks back.

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thats when the staring contest starts

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For those developing your PK: learn to be able to observe your hypnogogic hallucinations without "breaking" them upon fixing your attention in them.

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Did anyone every try this out? (HINT: I WROTE IT)

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Contemporary shit will take a few decades before the 2040 equivalent of 8ch discovers all the great shit published around this time. Think about it. Finding it is the real problem.

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Nah I prefer to think it's the zionists or some other elite keeping us humans down

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Imagine all the things you desire as already have happened. Cultivate the feeling inside that your goals are accomplished and you've already got everything you want.

Let the universe recalibrate to match your vibrations.

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>woke as fuck

bro come on, dont mirror this type of communication. It's negro and degenerate.

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Why? I really think it has gone downhill, for whatever reason.

Some days I think it's some kind of elite conspiracy, and other days I think humanity is just falling prey to aimless degeneracy, but it does feel like a golden age went past.

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With practice you can focus the vibration on only one side of the head.

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not that you would want to

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What I do is I concentrate hard on what I'm currently feeling and try to make sense of it.

This seems to awaken the sober part of my mind allowing me access to both my sober self and my drunk self. I don't know why this works as well as it does for me and it's not as effective when I'm high.

I will try out your method too, sounds interesting.

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Internal anarchy is more fun than it is confusing.

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Put a positive spin on your current ideology and use what once harmed you as your salvation. The power is not in the ideology but in yourself and with will you can make anything work.

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I don't know that cruel is the right word.

In my experience cruelty is a result of abandoning yourself/your development, and is manifested to the degree which you do so.

It's like "you need to be this expansive to enter" and if you aren't there yet, you'll be forced into it. Vibe into your true self sooner and you won't have to kill your ego so much.

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The Infinite Source is One within Us as We are One within It. All is One and One is All. This means that there's always Inconditional Love (such as here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI) waiting for you to acknowledge it. When you need it, use it! :D

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all you need to clean your teeth is a tongue and salivary glands, maybe some water to rinse round your mouth every once in a while.

the ritual they should teach us shouldnt be to brush our teeth everyday (Use Colgate For Long Lasting Protection. Use Twice A Day For The Rest Of Your Life) , but just to fucking make sure you dont have bits of food stuck in your teeth.

Fluoride is fucking poison, yeah it will make teeth stronger when applied topically, but i dont want it anywhere near me; and its fucking disgusting that people spit that shit into the water supply day in day out. the government doesnt need to put it in! people put it in, every, fucking, day.

sorry for the wall of text, but people fucking do this religiously without even realizing they are handling hazardous chemicals and applying them to their teeth.

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>all you need to clean your teeth is a tongue and salivary glands


smiley made a blog thread about his teeth removal operation on mewch a few months back. I think he said he had 8 teeth taken out, for the small sum of $8k, as a result of cleaning his teeth with oil instead of flouride.

Your choice of course.

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Why would he want them taken out?

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They were bad beyond salvation.

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clean your teeth using xylitol, toothpastes FREE of fluoride and other poisons, sodium bicarbonate… there are a lot of things but oil? curious, that choice.

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Before you take a shower, invoke an angelic force of your choice and ask them to electromagnetically harmonize the water. This works best(or exclusively) with cold showers, which have their own set of benefits.

Take cold showers.

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Can I invoke a demonic force instead? I'm not the angel type of guy

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Which kind of demonic force did you have in mind? Most likely a hot shower would be preferred by a dark being(regent of the hells of Klipoth).

Also, you don't have to use a specifically Judeo-Christian "angel" paradigm, the Gods, Demigods, Titans, Goddesses, Sylphids, Cyclops, and Messengers of the gods of ancient religions were re-baptized with the names of Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, Powers, Virtues, Thrones, etc.

So, for example you can manifest the power of Raphael, the Archangel of healing, through the Pagan manifestation as Mercury/Hermes/Thoth.

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you can also do this on your own. visualize colours around and on the water. your Higher Self can assist you, if you would like for It to do so.

the Sun is a great catalyst. you can put the glass right on the Sun and visualize its rays combined with the Inconditional Love of the Infinite Source flooding it. i guarantee that you sense a different taste.

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Go running, when I say running I don't mean the grandpa's jog, run at a good pace, sprint, let that sweat run all over your body, when your mind tells you that "you can't run anymore" run even more until your body is about to break.

Go home and rest, you are now mentaly and bodily stronger.

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well what is this pressure in my head that keeps throbbing right smack dab in the middle of my forehead.

Why can I feel energy pouring out of the top of my head?

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this serves no one any purpose and you are dogmatic. Muh julius evola. take some time from that and explore new ideas. And what the hell do you mean by get right with god you dork,

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Timestamps are your friend.

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I had hiccups the other day and I was able to get rid of them instantly by concentrating on my solar plexus chakra and imagine it 'solidifying'.

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over analyzing everything is a part of good critical thinking.

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Not /pol/'s strong suit

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You SUCK. I know you're probably long gone, but FUCK YOU. You know why? Because the person crying out for help is at the end of their ability to do anything and you want to discourage any help going their way, you cold heartless FUCK.

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That's a made up lie and you have nothing to back it up and you know it. Always question these "fun facts" people state as absolutes. Always say "hey wait a second, BULLSHIT!"

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Elephants you retard. Elephants can kick anyones ass and they don't eat no chicken nuggets.

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Disinfo Larp

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No, it's: "As above, So below"

Not "as below so above"

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Why would you ever smoke anything in the name of spirituality or something or other? Enjoy cancer.

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Or buy some fluoride free toothpaste like someone who isn't retarded

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Great way to get horrible parasites is to walk barefoot outside. I will stand on a conductive mat that rests outside when I'm using it though.

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antigod larpist

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disinfo agent doesn't want people to look up how many grams of protein even carrot juice alone contains, not to mention other higher sources of plant protein like peas, and even other better ones.

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>Never push away someone who truly loves you. Make it work.

Probably the most important one, and it applies in so many ways. Yet I'd say it's the easiest to commit. Such a horrible thing…

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If you ever feel stuck spend a some time talking to yourself.

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Magic should almost always be effortless on your part. You're allowing the Law to do the work, you're not doing the work yourself. Your job as a magician is to steer the ship, not supply the wind. If you abandon your post to expel your lungs at the sails, you're not going to get anywhere.

This was a major problem for me when invoking primal energies. Once you stop trying to "suck" or "push" the energy in and just open the floodgates and let it in it's real easy.

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