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Esoteric Wizardry

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File: 1465440992091.jpg (250.7 KB,1024x713,1024:713,wizard_id_3_by_the_wizard_….jpg)

 No.78148 [View All]

Blake K's Greenpilled Fitness & Nutrition Library


Previous thread here; http://archive.is/tr1ew

What is fitness? Being fit means…

>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals

>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures

>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles

>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones

>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing

>Youthful respiratory quotient)

>Efficient digestion and elimination

>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)

>Rarely experience sickness

>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility

>Relaxed yet focused mind

>Positive outlook

Fitness is an essential part of proper initiation. While bodybuilding is not necessary, (and bodybuilding can easily become an egoistic pursuit for "a beautiful body" and not good health!!), proper exercise connects us to our physical vessels, giving us more conscious control over them. And as the cliche points out, "A healthy mind in a healthy body"; a well oxygenated brain strengthens our consciousness, fends off mental haze and sluggishness and improves psychological functions such as memory.

A well-trained body gives a sensation of masculinity and connects us to our bodies from which we have alienated ourselves from… this "quest for maleness" can only be achieved through harsh discipleship and enforcing of the Will. In this understanding, physical exercise becomes also a mental operation which can be likened to Mental Alchemy - by exercising and using our magical abilities, we transform weakness into strength and emasculated men become again Men with a capital M.

So, exercise! Exercise!

Taste the ammonia in your mouth!

Feel the swelling of your veins!

Feel the blood run as petroleum fuel!

tldr; get /fit/, it improves your wizardry and you won't feel like emasculated.

468 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I would avoid most alcohol.

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antislide bump. it's been dropping like a rock for ((unknown)) reasons

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Maybe nobody wants to talk after a triple-poster.

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What does that even mean? If I'm understanding you then I only posted the last two.

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What supplements can help to combat depression?

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St.John's Wart.

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is there any meditation or something that helps to gain weight and build muscle?

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dude ur dna is defective

came here to just say this


one post by this user


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Did [redacted] get burned up in the california fire or is he still alive?!

(Rule 5)
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File: 00f749346f08246⋯.jpg (60.65 KB,1024x768,4:3,10937399ecba071fe55abddeba….jpg)


No response about the question.


>So umm…

>Is he still alive or is he dead?


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Is he…




Come on you guys!

This isn't complicated.

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File: 60290145617cd46⋯.jpg (212.51 KB,450x576,25:32,lupefores_ouijaboard_print.jpg)


Come on you niggery-diggery-doos!

Answer the question!

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I have the answer but rule 5.

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Anyone know any way to avoid (or heal) loose skin from weight loss?

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Disgusting to see vegans and vegetarians pushing their meme NWO diet into fringe.

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Monkey needs a hug. :(

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You call random anons…



You have issues!

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I've never been overweight but uhh hmmm.

Try fasting + exercising at the same time.

You will need to consume only water and electrolytes (with no added sugar or other calories it must be 0 calories, if you surpass 4.5 grams of sugar in a day, you'll fuck everything up).

The combo of eating absolutely nothing and exercising and sleeping will convert the fat into muscle and you should have better results than if you just fast but don't get muscle at same time.

Other than that I'm not sure what you can do.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this woman a wizard or just gloriously Dutch?

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I'm a huge faggot please rape my face.

(Rules 5 and 8.)
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How to cure ulcerative colitis? I started having symptoms in december, had colonoscopy a month after developing it. Now i'm taking Salofalk mesalazin orally and enema.

I'm 26/male living in europe. Had leukemia as a child and had quite some antibiotics. Had problems with developing ulcers in my mouth for years now (one ulcer per month, roughly). Ate alot of grains trough childhood, since my mom was brainwashed by the standard food pyramid, but everything home cooked (meat and vegetables too). About 2 years ago i started incorporating raw milk and raw eggs into my diet. I've always been on the skinny side (64kg for 178cm), exercised since childhood. Hope this info helps if anybody knows how to heal me naturally and for good.

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Eat exclusively animal protein and fat, mostly fat. This is the correct ancestral diet, and is the one way to stop poisoning oneself. I haven't eaten anything except that which derives from animals in over three months, and I am better than ever. Others have done this for decades with no ill effects.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Me at 7:41

One finger handstand.

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Gloriously dutch wizard

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I am having a hard time stopping snacking. I am a boredom eater. Any tips for stopping? And don’t say just keep busy, I do.

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Every time you get the urge to snack, stop and analyze that impulse that is driving you. Analyze where it's coming from and what exactly its telling you to do and why. Keep doing this. Eventually try and subtly transmute the urge. Practice using your active mind to seed your passive mind with modifications to the urge. As you get proficient at this you will eventually be able to fully transmute the voracity compulsion into a satiation compulsion.

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File: 124150046c151ab⋯.pdf (5.51 MB,The_Amazing_Liver_and_Gall….pdf)

File: 20673788ec6bdd2⋯.pdf (6.01 MB,Timeless_Secrets_of_Health….pdf)

Not going to read through the whole thread, but the top things in my experience:

*Liver flushes - https://www.davidwolfe.com/liver-gallbladder-flush-protocol/

The two Andreas Moritz books attached are the most useful - one focused on liver flush and why it is so beneficial, the other on exactly what the title is - Health and Regeneration, lots of tips and suggestions, with the theory to support it as well.

Two of his best suggestions -

*MSM (Organic Sulfur) for detoxification, pineal and otherwise - work up to a megadose, take it for at least 2 months.




*Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) - healing clay taken internally, also for detox, from heavy metals and radiation, environmental poisons, especially. Pairs well with MSM.

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File: 917393ac6ef1b99⋯.pdf (8.73 MB,Arnold-Rational-Fasting.pdf)

File: b6a73c5c592b3c0⋯.pdf (5.26 MB,Robert_Morse_-_The_Detox_M….pdf)

*If you go Raw/ Fruitarian, even for a time, it will benefit you a lot. But, most people cannot handle it energetically or physically right away. Best to incorporate the above first, and slowly transition if you so desire.

Dr. Morse is the best on that topic, so that pdf is also attached, and check out his Q and A videos on Youtube.

*Use herbs for improving the function of your glands and organs. It doesn't matter which diet you consume, they are your friends.

*Fasting is really good to regain health because of detox. Seeing a pattern here? Yeah, detoxing is probably the most important thing you can do for your body.

Arnold Ehret book attached - one of the people who understood fasting best conceptually and mastered it without making it complicated. Painless read, 170 short pages.

Other than that, I will simply point out that most of it does not need to be super /fringe/y or metaphysical. Let common sense and your intuition guide you in staying fit (exercise, eating healthy, breathing well).

Be careful of getting dogmatic. At one point, a certain diet may be amazing and healing for you, and then later you find that's no longer the case. No problem, as long as you didn't get too identified with that diet or the framework supporting it. Be like water, flow with the needs of your body, mind and spirit.

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Bowie had it right


>bell peppers


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sharing a fringe (by the literal meaning) health, nutrition, and longevity channel that I love. He's very involved in bodybuilding culture and performance enhancing if you're into that but if you're not he's also very well educated in genetics, epigenetics, cognitive enhancment, fasting, dieting, and all sorts of other health and longevity topics that you guys may like. Top tier channel although not very /fringe/


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>To quiet hunger, he made a mixture of poppy seed and sesame, the skin of a sea-onion, well washed, till entirely drained of the outward juice; of the flower of the daffodil, and the leaves of mallows, of paste of barley and pea; taking an equal weight of which, and chopping it small, with Hymettian honey he made it into mass. Against thirst he took the seed of cucumbers, and the best dried raisins, extracting the seeds, and the flower of coriander, and the seeds of mallows, purselain, scraped cheese, meal and cream; these he made up with wild honey.

How do I make this irl?

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Just making note that the embedded video is on a different channel of Guru Ameen (which is also good but he doesn't upload much) and the one i linked is of Leo which is the one I'm talking about in my original post.

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just started drinking my own piss in the morning as per the bihar ys description of amaroli http://www.yogamag.net/archives/1978/joct78/pa1078.shtml

how long does it take to see results?

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I've never read a guide on how to drink urine. I just did it spontaneously. Results I can feel almost immediately. Restlessness and alertness, and a difficulty in falling asleep, also developing a craving to drink more, tastier, urine. So far I am at 5 days of drinking just the morning urine. I also rub my face with it. First it stang and was kinda annoying, now it only makes my skin baby smooth. The urine really tastes better each time and one merely has to monitor their diet.

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thanks for the data. what motivated you to do it? does the restlessness / insomnia not put you off or do you see it as a positive quality of extra energy?

i agree it tastes better every time. i feel like a fucking piss sommelier now swishing the shit in my mouth estimating salt / urea content

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>thanks for the data. what motivated you to do it?

I have a good sense of smell and noticed the urine smelling pleasant savory (umami) like a broth. I've been pondering on it longer though.

>does the restlessness / insomnia not put you off or do you see it as a positive quality of extra energy?

I noticed this in the evening when I drank it far more frequently, maybe 2 weeks ago. I laid down and felt the rush of alertness intensively for a while. It didn't bother me, I was just unprepared and focused more on this than going through the sleep routine.

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Drinking urine is child's play. Be a man and take the next step up and bite into a juicy hot turd.


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i was on that before i knew about the benefits.

opening up a pressed juicery competitor that just sells shit piss cum smoothies


>>130585 is really good and will help with the root cause.

but a more normie fix is to listen to music and go for a walk / run. you just want pleasure in some form, so you can either cut the urge at it's root or replace the pacifier with something more healthy.

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if you can get amrita bindu (ayurvedic medicine), i'm confident it would help.

other than that, ulcerative colitis is due to inflammation which is considered an excess of heat in traditional systems. this goes against a lot of the 0 carb raw meat advice i see in these places, but i urge you to eat sweet, cooling, foods and spices like basmati / brown rice (anti-nutrients are overrated), fennel, coriander, aloe vera, coconut water, and licorice (demulcent).

the root cause may be diet but could also be repressed anger (which is usually transmuted fear) or grief, which is really common nowadays. try introspection / meditation. feel into your colon and ask yourself why it's inflamed. see if you can figure anything out.

if you aren't put off by this i'm happy to give more advice

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pee pee poo poo

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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How do I evaluate herbal supps on Amazon? I'm trying to get good reishi mushroom powder or extract or something because my old one is defunct. I don't understand all this talk about polysacharides and different concentration equivalents…

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Urine is the ultimate medicine. Strongest consumable on Earth (blows psychedelics outta the water and makes them stronger) for healing. I've been doing it religiously for 5 years now.


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Show us your cock

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Oh the irony…

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I don't get it -_-

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That post is from 2017. It was a glorious second golden age of /fringe/'s.

Let's just say at some point dicks were shown.

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