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The Corrupt Vietnamese Government Was, Are Preventing The Messiah To Release World Solution

Original Source: ascensionjoy . com/07/2023/the-corrupt-vietnamese-government-was-are-preventing-the-messiah-to-release-world-solution/


Despite of the fact that I have found the public cure solution to end world chaos, now I no longer have any desire motivation to release it, why?

Because of the corrupt people who working in Vietnamese Government !

Until those corrupt beings, entities get eliminated, I am not going to release the divine solution to end world chaos.

Certain people beings who worked and working in Vietnamese Government was and are attacking me indirectly through my relative family members and guest what?

The Vietnamese police and military to let that happen.

It is illegal to practice and promote the stupid Falun Gong in China and Vietnam.

But a similar practice but just with different name are allowed in Vietnam.

Do you know that it is even legal for people come online and claim as God, Jesus, Allah, etc. to deceive others in Vietnam and the Vietnamese police did absolutely nothing.

Here I am not just talking about the money matter but about mind manipulation, recruiting member group and especially spiritual energy field.

That terrible corrupt actions not just happen recently to me but for over the last 2-3 years already but I only have full evidence by now to write this article.

I am telling you that because I am in super sad mood and no longer have any desire motivation to do anything this mortal world whether help assist the society or make money or whatever.

I am not accusing entire Vietnamese Government but only beings who was and are attacking me indirectly because just like any organization, there are always “good” and “bad” guys.

I am writing this article to call all world military, real royal families and referee group come to check and remove all those stupid corrupt beings entities in Vietnam as soon as possible.

Do not waste time to fight war in Europe for any elsewhere, all you need is spend resources to help assist the real Messiah.

Whether you believe or not, just go to check to verify by yourself !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Original Source: ascensionjoy . com/07/2023/the-corrupt-vietnamese-government-was-are-preventing-the-messiah-to-release-world-solution/


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


Your "solutions" are worthless retard dreck and if you've actually conned anyone into paying you for them you absolutely deserve to be in jail for fraud.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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