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The Real Identity Of Me The Savior Messiah Buddha

More Information, Original Official Source: www . ascensionjoy . com/07/2023/the-real-identity-of-me-the-savior-messiah-buddha/


I have been online and tried to help assist this civilization for quite a long time but not yet reveal my real identity in this mortal realm.

So now before truly disconnect with all of you then I will reveal my real identity officially.

The reasons are many corrupt beings, entities was and are trying to deceiving many others under my identification. Not only that I also want all the top world military, royal families, referee group come to check to verify what the information I have talked about everything.

I also want to claimed all of my works, my visions, my ideas, my projects with this identification as well. So if any of you want to either obtain the permission then you must contact me in real physical face to face person.

There is big possibility that they only want to believe in real person and meet see in real life but not the digital platform.


More Information, Original Official Source: www . ascensionjoy . com/07/2023/the-real-identity-of-me-the-savior-messiah-buddha/


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you look like a faggot

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And yet you blur your face like a coward.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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