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Share exercises to increase ones mental power level. I got an email from Tom Montalk I'll share in this thread about telekinesis and part of it is effort but part of it is your baseline power level. If you raise your power level you can do all these things easier so I am really interested in anything that can increase my power level right now.

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So according to quantum mechanics, things are the way they are in our everyday macro world (solid objects that stay still unless pushed or pulled) because these are the most probable, stable, and collectively averaged states of what are otherwise non-deterministic quantum fluctuations.

The more you zoom in, the more jittery (in a seemingly random way) things are. But as you zoom back out, the jitters average out to some stable value like the speed of light, the mass of an object, its hard boundaries, and so on. This is called the classical limit, where quantum physics becomes classical physics.

Mainstream physics assumes that quantum stuff therefore stays in the quantum realm because anything bigger and it all averages out to the boring everyday world we know. Put another way, they don’t believe that quantum phenomena exist at the macro scale in any significant way.

But, they easily could, if the quantum fluctuations were ordered (made coherent). I mean there’s nothing that rules out a pencil on a table suddenly shifting left by an inch without anything pushing it. Quantum physics allows for that to happen. But the reason it doesn’t is because, under random fluctuation conditions, the chance that all its atoms would shift together an inch is extremely low. Physics says it’s so low that it’s virtually impossible, therefore it is impossible.

They assume, however, that these fluctuations are truly random. So of course, probability would be low then. But the situation is similar to how when you turn on a radio, by default you just get static white noise. You might think it’s nothing but a white noise generator. And according to the laws that govern noise, it’s virtually impossible that it would just turn into music by itself. Sure, but extend the antenna and tune the radio and you do indeed get music, using the very same circuitry that picked up nothing but noise just now. For someone who doesn’t believe in radio stations or electromagnetic signals, they’d be amazed that this white noise generator is so improbably producing music. But it’s not improbable if you believe that there can be something that influences the radio circuitry to replicate what’s being broadcast.

Similarly, quantum fluctuations can be random if it’s just various quantum potentials influencing them. Quantum potential is a term that deBroglie and Bohm used to describe something beneath the quantum level that affects quantum fluctuations. DeBroglie believed the quantum potential could change almost like temperature changing in water which determines how the water behaves (liquid, frozen, or boiling).

So in order to change how objects behave in a spooky way (like telekinesis) you have to alter them at the quantum level, using something like a quantum potential field, in order to cohere their otherwise random quantum fluctuations in an intelligent way.

Now we know from experiments like those of Dean Radin (http://www.deanradin.com/evidence/RadinPhysicsEssays2016.pdf) that consciousness can influence quantum phenomena. It’s just that the effect is quite weak for ordinary people.

But if you’re not ordinary… if you are someone who has telekinetic powers, you could influence the quantum world in such a way to bend spoons and move objects with your mind.

After studying metaphysics, occultism, mysticism, etc. I find that it’s not that simple as simply having strong enough belief to bend reality.

The issue is that when we speak about consciousness influencing the quantum world, are we talking just one’s thoughts? Or one’s emotions? Or conscious beliefs? Or subconscious beliefs? What about the so-called etheric and astral bodies and energy fields (subtle energy) related to Qi energy and prana? And if emotional or subtle energy, which emotions, and what pattern or vibration of subtle energy? What about its quantity/intensity and duration?

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As you can see, there are more factors involved. But I believe there are two main components to it:

1) The spiritual/conscious “vibration” level.

2) The amount, intensity, and duration.

The first factor, “vibration” (in quotes because it’s more a metaphor than a frequency in Hz) is measured on a scale between absolute higher divine consciousness and absolute lower illusion-bound ignorance. Emotions can be put on that scale, with suicidal depression being on the low vibration level and loving joy being on the higher end of that scale. But so can subtle energy, with vivifying lifeforce on the high end, and toxic morbid subtle energy on the low end. Same with conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs. On the high end is enlightenment and liberation, low end materialistic nihilism bound by highly entrenched self-limiting beliefs.

The second quantitative factor determines how much needs to be applied in order to shift / cohere the quantum fluctuations away from their default state, i.e. how much is needed to bend the laws of classical physics. The higher the vibration, the less quantity is needed. Quantity not just in terms of effort and time, but also the density and amount of subtle energy emitted by your body/soul, which acts as a close-range conductive mediator of conscious influence.

So vibration acts like permission level in an operating system. The highest vibration is like root access. With the root login and password, a few keystrokes can change everything easily. But if all you have is guest access, it takes a lot more time and tools to hack away and try to find an exploit. Average people have average abilities because they only have average vibrations and thus average access level.

For whatever access level you have, you need to apply a corresponding degree of effort. For most people, telekinesis is pretty much impossible unless other factors intervene to create a miracle of sorts (like freak environmental conditions that affect the quantum potential so that less input is needed to produce a visible change).

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Therefore the most effective telekinesis would involve a state of having:

1) High vibration in thoughts, feelings, and conscious/subconscious beliefs

2) High-intensity subtle energy fields, patterned in a way (via your intentions) to move objects. If it’s patterned to make plants grow faster or heal someone of cancer it’s not the same pattern needed for bending metal spoons or moving a chair across the room.

3) More time of application, more repetition.

If you have less of one of these, you need more of the other.

Further, it’s known that at least with spoon bending, you also have to be in a relaxes state of mind, a kind of “zone” where you’re not trying super hard or focusing in a beta-brainwave state, but are in a more relaxed, accepting, almost child-like wonder state. Effort against resistance is a low vibration state of mind that validates the belief that it’s an immovable or unbendable object, like pushing the breaks while applying the gas pedal at the same time.

Also, strong mental focus and hard concentration seems to amplify the quantum observer effect, where a wave function will ‘freeze’ or ‘collapse’ into a definite tangible state when measured/observed. Quantum physics treats it as an all-or-nothing thing, but experience shows there are degrees of it, and if you can shift into a state of mind that isn’t that focused on one pinpoint of consciousness, likewise what you observe/measure isn’t as locked into a tangible state, therefore it becomes more fluid and thus susceptible to influence via the above-mentioned factors.

And even more, spoon bending is found to be easier when done in a group, in an atmosphere of fun and with other people. It’s as if their combined conscious/subconscious influences, and their subtle energy fields, amplify the ability to alter reality at the quantum level.

As you can see, the behavior and properties of matter are influenced by a variety of factors corresponding to the various energy fields, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and vibrational qualities of the people involved in collectively influencing it.

If it’s just you, and your vibrations aren’t on the level of some Jesus or Buddha, and if your mind has been programmed with self-limiting beliefs, then your remaining options are increasing subtle energy field intensity, and putting more time and repetition into it.

Increasing subtle energy fields, that’s what a lot of Eastern and occult practices are for. Energy work. Things like kriya yoga, vipassana, Robert Bruce’s “New Energy Ways” system (his book Energy Work gets into that), the system of J. B. Kerning which German Rosicrucians used to become psychic.

By intentionally moving energy around and through the body and stimulating various parts of the subtle energy system, they activate and grow. As they grow and build up a field of intense subtle energy around you, anything and anyone within that field become susceptible to its influence. If you consciously direct that field outward into a certain distant spot, that spot then comes under your influence, for good or for bad.

A lot can go wrong in this process of building up your subtle energy field (cancer, heart problems, aneurysms, disease) so yes it can be dangerous, in terms of energies going the wrong way or getting dammed up, and that all affecting physical health. The quantum potential affects biological processes as well.

Some people are born with the right qualities of consciousness and/or subtle energy configuration to do telekinesis. Good examples are in the Chinese Journal of Somatic Sciences. Back in the early 80s, before the government cracked down on it, there was a parapsychology craze in China. Because China had such a large population under intense surveillance by the totalitarian Communist Party, they were able to find that tiny fraction of the population that had these abilities, and bring them in for testing.

Below are links and summaries to those journals. You can learn a lot from them. It appears that the quantum influencing allowed objects to be pushed into and transported through a 4th spatial dimension as well. I suspect that this is telekinesis applied through the 4th dimension. And some examples suggest direct manipulation of reality itself, as if it were a computer program or collective dream that can be rewritten. This is Neo-level stuff.

Hope you find it interesting.

- Tom

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https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300400002-9.pdf - Qingli Li, W.H. Trazaska. “Scientific Approach to Qigong and So Called Paranormal Phenomena” (1991)

• Paper summarizing some scientific research in China on qigong masters or those with superhuman master-like abilities.

• Zhang Baosheng is one case study. He was a factory worker who in 1976 was discovered as being able to read letters inside sealed envelopes without opening them. He took part in numerous experiments throughout the late 70s and 80s and became an employee at the prestigious Institute of Space Medico-Engineering Institute (SMEI) where his abilities were closely studied.

• Zhang demonstrated (including on high speed film) being able to remove various objects from sealed bottles, burn cloth with the touch of his hand or fingers, return a torn piece of paper to its original condition, write messages inside a sealed envelope, and remove the hour/minute/second hands from a watch held inside someone else’s clenched fist. He pulled out the watch hands through that person’s skin. The watch, when examined, had a slit melted open in the glass and the back was all scratched up as if a file had been taken to it, yet the mechanism of the watch was still ticking.

• In another experiment, Zhang was asked to demonstrate removing various items sealed inside two bottles. The bottles were specially constructed to allow analysis of the items and bottles afterward to see if they were chemically or atomically altered in some way. Zhang was able to remove everything but a metal nut tied to a string that was connected to the lid of the bottle, and refused to remove a radioactive sample and ampule of liquor as he said he didn’t like the way they smelled. But the Vitamin C pills, two yellow tablets, pieces of superconducting material, some foil pieces all came out of the bottle through the walls or floor of the bottle.

• Qigong Masters, when their physiological signs are measured, show they are neither awake nor asleep but something beyond and between.

• Mr Chao Chey Zhoun was an ordinary factory worker who after qi gong training developed the ability to diagnose people’s medical issues through psychic x-ray vision.

• Dr. Yan Xin, a qi gong master, demonstrated in 1986 the healing of a patient with multiple bone fractures. He talked to the patient, declared him cured, and subsequent x-rays showed zero trace of any fracture. He also demonstrated altering the vibrational spectrum (Raman shift spectra) of several samples monitored in a lab – from 2000 km away.

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https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00789R002600290003-0.pdf – Leping Zha & Tron McConnell. “Parapsychology in the People’s Republic of China: 1979 - 1989”

• Chinese research into ESP phenomena (they called it EFHB = “exceptional functions of the human body”) took off in 1979.

• To start with, over 500 scholars from 100 science centers joined a national effort to test hundreds of children with EFHB that were discovered around the country. Their findings were regularly published in China’s scientific journal called Nature Journal.

• Some children were found to emit infrared light radiation that was modulated (pulsed) at audio frequencies (audio is considered 20Hz to 20,000 Hz). But these were thought to be mere secondary effects of what was primarily being generated by these kids, which was qi energy.

• This research was opposed by a powerful social scientist named Dr Yu Guangyuan, who hotly debated the leading proponent of psi research Dr Qian Xuesen. Dr Yu wanted to halt all psi studies because it went against the principles of Marxism, Leninism, and current scientific thought. Dr Yu refused to attend any psi demonstrations himself as he did not want to be deceived by “trickery.”

• In 1982, the Chinese government settled the matter by saying psi research was not officially supported, but anyone who wanted to do it could continue, just don’t publish it in the national journals and magazines. Those who continued would not be able to use that work on their resumes as it was declared too controversial.

• Psi proponent Dr Qian Xuesen continued his research by creating the Space Medico-Engineering Institute (SMEI). Since it was under military control, civilian academics like Dr Yu Gyangyuan and his supporters had no power over it. SMEI became increasingly private in its operation, and recruited the country’s top psychics including Zhang Baosheng mentioned above.

• EFHB research from that point on continued nationally within the framework of Qi Gong research, as that was considered natural traditional medical treatment and hence not the parapsychology research that was banned. But years later, qigong and hence EFHB informally and gradually gained acceptance among communist party leaders.

• This paper also goes into greater detail about Dr Yan Xin and his abilities. He would lecture before thousands of people while emitting qi energy, and numerous people in the audience had miracle healings as a result.

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https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/teleportation_physics.pdf - Air Force Research Laboratory. “Teleportation Physics Study”

• The Air Force Research Laboratory sponsored an investigation into the theory and application of teleportation. It gets into various physics theories behind teleportation, but on page 55 also gets into PK (psychokinesis) forms of teleportation. The author mentions aerospace engineer Jack Houck and Colonel J. B. Alexander holding “PK Parties” in which participants would bend metal objects effortlessly with their psychic powers; the objects were then scientifically analyzed. According to the author, the two most credible laboratory-tested examples of teleportation were those involving Uri Geller (see this link where Geller made part of a crystal that was contained inside a plastic capsule disappear) and the aforementioned Chinese parapsychology research. But the big deal about this link is that it was an Air Force study, and mentions Psi/PK powers.

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https://ia800400.us.archive.org/19/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000200040001-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000200040001-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 1. July 1990.

• P. 41 of document. “Research into Paranormal Ability to Break Through Spatial Barriers”. Song Kongzhi, Li Xianggao, Zhou Liangzhong. Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute.

• In 1983 and 1984, the famous psychic Zhang Baosheng was tested in a series of very rigorous experiments. He was tasked with removing pills, photographic paper rolls, coiled wire, a metal washer, and coded/colored sticks of plexiglass that could not be forged, from glass sealed bottles, glass sealed tubes, and a wax-sealed plastic bottle.. The glass bottles and tubes were sealed by heating and pinching together the opening but leaving a tiny slit. The slit was much smaller than any of the objects that were to be removed. Somehow, the slit needed to be there for it to work, even though the objects were to emerge elsewhere from the wall. Since it was glass, there was no way to break the bottle and remove the contents and put it back together, so if the objects were removed, they could only be done so through paranormal powers. High speed cameras at 400 fps, 600fps, and 1000fps were running during the tests at multiple angles.

• Results: objects were successfully removed, either whole (in the case of photographic film, washer, pills, plexiglass sticks) or partially (in the case of the coiled wire). One of the pills was caught on high speed film exiting the bottom corner of a glass bottle quickly (as fast as a human running). No sign of hole, slit, or damage was observed afterward on that part of the bottle. The high speed frames show it partially emerging from the glass. Likewise, the photographic film roll is seen pushing against and then emerging from the lower part of the bottle’s sidewall and land on the table surface all in less than ¼ of a second (speed was 30 cm per second). In the coiled wire experiment, the wire moved downward as the fingers somehow ‘pinched and dragged it’ through the glass from the outside. Only about 5 turns of the coil of wire were pulled through the glass before the experiment ended. But without PK power, this simply would not have been possible.

• In another series of experiments (p 32 of this document) Zhang Baosheng was tasked with moving objects out of, and into, a large sealed cabinet greater than 1 cubic meter volume. He succeeded in moving pieces of plywood, a calculator, a magazine, and a folder of papers one page at a time. However, most of the trials failed and he was straining a lot more than previous experiments. This shows there was a size limit to the container and size of objects.

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https://ia601204.us.archive.org/32/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000400290002-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000400290002-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 2. July 1991.

• P. 18 of document. “Research in Restoring a Broken Leaf through ESP”. Wang Chongyuan et al. Bai Qiuen Medical University.

• Li Zhanru, a 19 year old female known to have paranormal powers, was tested on her ability to mend a ripped apart leaf back together. This test was conducted three times in different conditions. In all three cases she succeeded. The experiment process went as follows: a pittosporum leaf was torn in 2 pieces and placed into her hands. She held it in her fist and after 5-25 minutes she gave notice that she “felt” something (her abilities activated). When the hand was opened, the leaf was back together. The leaf was then analyzed under microscopes to see what exactly happened. Analysis showed that not all parts of the tear were mended, but the parts that were, were mended perfectly. That is, the veins of the leaf and tissues were joined perfectly together as if nothing happened. The thinner parts of the leaves were mended in greater concentration than the thicker parts, as if the process was aborted before finishing. But no doubt, the mended areas were healed at the cellular level.

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https://ia801204.us.archive.org/27/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300020002-1/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300020002-1.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 4. August 1991.

• P. 43 of document. “Preliminary Investigation of Implicit Space and Implicit Matter.” Shao Guangda, Huang Yawei, Yan lin.

• The authors propose that ESP/PK has the ability to take explicit matter in explicit space (explicit meaning ordinary world we know, manifested) and ‘excite’ it into implicit matter in implicit space (hidden). They point to several examples of how matter behaves when in the implicit state.

• Little Hong was tasked with removing a letter from a sealed envelope. 8 minutes later she said it had been transferred to the folds of a blanket nearby. Researchers checked but did not see it. Another subject, Little Ping, said the letter was indeed in the blanket. They checked and sure enough it was there. Researchers theorized that the first time they checked, the letter was still in the implicit state, hence could not be seen. It manifested into the explicit state by the time the second girl pointed it out.

• In another experiment, a subject was asked to remove 6 cigarettes from a sealed pack. All six disappeared from the pack, and he was able to catch 2 of them. The others were still missing. A month later, in the same room during another experiment, he caught 2 more. The remaining 2 never showed up and were assumed to be lost in the implicit state.

• In a related experiment, all 20 cigarettes in a pack were tied together with string. The subject was not told this. When he attempted to extract just one, all 20 came out along with it. So even in the implicit state, the cigarettes maintained their physical form and connection.

• When the psychic ‘sees’ the objects in their implicit state, it’s done through clairvoyant vision and for example a cigarette might be a short thick white light.

• Little Yun was known for being able to pluck flowers from a distance. One day she saw her dad shaving and thought why not use a knife to cut the flowers instead of just ripping them. The subsequent flowers showed signs of being cut not plucked.

• Little Hong extracted a cigarette from a pack and made it appear inside a transparent plastic box, but when it appeared it was standing on its end, vibrating, and giving off a humming noise. Researchers theorized that implicit matter has a certain vibration and frequency to it.

• (NOTE: implicit matter like this might just as well be a slip into a 4th spatial dimension).

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https://ia801208.us.archive.org/1/items/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300040002-9/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300040002-9.pdf - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, Volume 1 No. 5. November 1991.

• P. 19 of document. “Study of the Phenomena of Energy Collection by the Human Body.” Wu Qiyao, Tang Xiaoyan, Zhou Ronghua. Beijing Science and Engineering College.

• Goal was to test whether ESP can generate heat. Two unnamed psychics were tasked with raising the temperature of water inside a test tube. Different methods of temperature measurement were used. A millimeter-wave detector was used to measure the radiation coming off the psychics as they did this.

• Test tube was filled with 5 millimeters of cold water. Psychic would hold test tube in hand and heat it. One of the psychics requested a towel to hold the tube with, to avoid burning his hands.

• Results: in all tests, the temperature rose significantly, the highest being 72.5 Celsius. When a non-psychic holds it, they can never get it above 30 Celsius. It took less than a minute for the temp to reach its max. The psychic who requested the towel, the test tube was felt by the researchers afterward and it was very hot, while the psychic’s hands were normal temperature, so some kind of energy was transferred into the water without the hand itself giving it off thermally. The psychic’s emissions of microwaves / millimeter waves dropped during the time when they were causing the water to heat up.

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