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On rare days, when on the edge of sleep, in a sleep-deprived state, I can propell my mind into any scape or realm I imagine.

This is accompanied by a splitting headache so I cannot maintain the state for long.

The headache is so profound that I feel like I might die if I persist. For this reason I have not maintained the state for long.

I am often met with entities, almost all malovelent when in this state.

Last night I was met with an entity with a female voice that whispered many times in my ear "I love you".

This entity pulled me into many realms with the intention of scaring me (I was dragged, I saw shadowy figure, whailing, shrieking).

I believe it had done this to harvest fear energy/loosh(?)

I learnt from a manuscript a technique that allows me to combat these entities.

With my mind I can form etheric hands, grab hold of these entities, and drain them.

The entity's shrieking grew weaker and turned to whailing. I believe I was successful in draining it.

Despite sleeping for less than an hour that night I woke up feeling refreshed and energized.

Is it psychosis? Is it astral walking?

Any learned anons can explain?

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I go through similar things minus the effective technique for handling them.

Lately I ponder that loosh has a connection to meaning. I believe Colin Wilson explains it best in his book The Occult. It's not just about emotions/desire but about meaning. Meaning seems to generate massive amounts of emotion/desire more than anything else.

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Thank you for your insightful reply. What is meant by "meaning"? Is it like "dao" from the eastern texts I have read?

Are you saying enlightenment = loosh?

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Holy shit, are you me? I experience almost the exact same thing, except without the migraine. Just an hour ago I awoke from one of these visitations. They used to take me on visits to places, but now they're more likely to just share personal memories.

>Is it psychosis? Is it astral walking?

I go into the same state when just normally astral projecting (same situation sans the weird spirits), so I'd say it's astral walking

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Hypnagogics shouldn't cause any headaches. Literally everyone goes through this every time they fall asleep. It's just a matter of how conscious they are when they approach that threshold.


Yes, it's essentially astral projection. Or "mind awake, body asleep".

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You probably have celiac disease and need to go on the carnivore diet. Eat more liver.

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I was researching celiac disease a week ago too. As for carnivore diet I can't get high quality meat where I live.

But how did you come to that conclusion?

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I just eat cheap burger meat and eggs from then sprinkle 50/50 sodium potassium blend found in the local supermarket. I then supplement with powdered liver, hydrolyzed bovine collagen powder, ghee, and algal DHA found on Amazon.

I also had the repeating words but the phrase was "I'm going to kill myself" It was a good day when I watched the malevolent entity fade away and the negative feeling lifted off of my mind. I also had an issue with seizures that went away when I cut out all sugar from my diet. I think there are spirits in the plants that attack us because they are alive and it's their way of protesting being eaten.

I notice people around me suffering so much but they don't believe that plants are poisoning them and too much sugar is actually bad for you. In fact, they become aggressive about it as if eating meat is a sin. So there's not much I can do about it except tell people that I eat only meat when they ask me how I look 20 years younger than I really am.

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>I think there are spirits in the plants that attack us because they are alive and it's their way of protesting being eaten.

And animals don't because they've already been slain? Just curious.

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Unless the animal is literally poisonous like snakes or platypus, there shouldn't be any residual defenses left behind after death.

I was using the word "spirits" in an archaic way to describe the nature of plants.

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Hey fren,

I would like to suggest you use sea salt as it has a lot of useful trace minerals in it, as well as it was created by the sun.

Verses a denatured chemical version of salt.

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