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Anons Fringe Archive


After reading a few hermetic books, book of enoch, and rereading old testemant it seems that knowledge is seen as evil or wrong in the eyes of God.

Adam and eve ate of the forbidden fruit of knowledge and got kicked out of eden. The watchers taught man farming, astronomy, metalworks etc, and now called the fallen.

According to hermetic books and others similiar, ascending is what we are suppose to do and that we are gods just in a lower form.

So, is gaining knowledge frowned upon? if so then why? why would a god punish his creations for trying to better themselves?

also to pointing out, old test God seems like a totally different entity then new test God

Been racking my brain over this for a few weeks.

Any help or nudge in a direction would be appreciated.

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Calling knowledge good or evil requires a thought and a judgement. "God" is found in your natural state, before illusory mind and thoughts are formed. So in a way you are correct but you are overthinking. Empty your mind of concepts and the result will be that confusion disappears. This is the "path of no-path" that leads to clarity.

Once you let go of your attachment to suffering you are free to live as a truly free human. We always come back. That's why we are here. We may meditate deeply and look within and experience the absolute for the equivalent of 10 thousand trillion years but since time doesn't exist there it is no time at all. And theres no women there, no sex, no fun. Its blissful but unchanging. So here we are. The secret, one of the secrets, of the bodhisattva path is that we are all already bodhisattvas and we will always be bodhisattvas. We are illusory beings playing a game with an illusory infinite potential that is a creative void from which all things flow.

And here you are, typing on the chans, as a result.

Truly, a miracle in every respect. Seeing that, where is there room for sadness? Lift your heart in joy to the unformed source from which we flow. It beats doing nothing in empty space forever. Trust me on that.

Our minds are complex stimulus-response computers. If you program something to self-replicate and/or adapt to life in realistic ways you will create realistic depictions of life. That's all we are, externally. We react to our environment and shape what we call personalities, but these are also only illusions. A person who gets hit on the head hard enough can forget their personality completely, and form a new one.

The ability to experience infinite forms and experiences is the miracle. It is like we are living in the greatest 3-D movie theatre in the world. If we observe it without creating attachments and judgements to what we see arise and depart before us, we naturally find gradual bliss, and that is awakening, that is enlightenment. So you are here forever but suffering is all in your head and is temporary. The sooner you let go of the illusory movie the quicker bliss will arise. There is more to it, but fundamentally this is the path.

The ego wants to survive so it creates the concept of meaning to keep us entranced by the dreamlike illusions. "I'm an important, special person because I'm so spiritual" is another form of this game playing itself.

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One of the primary underlying problems with modern society is that everything most people think they know to be true is derived from false fundamental assumptions they were mistaught by their own projected dreams. Every teacher you have ever had was a dream you created and projected outwards. I am a dream you are creating and projecting outwards.

Because it is like this, you cannot fully trust anyone, myself included, to tell you the truth about "reality" or "god" or whatever else. The only way to know about these things is to explore these concepts within yourself. We give people the methods of discovery (meditation, loosh farming, etc) and from there they mostly figure it out on their own. The bits of philosophy we explain are only meant to get you interested in taking the journey.

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Pasting from another thread, the links still work as of posting this:

People have asked for a direct link to esoteric methods, meditations etc. These files contain almost everything you need to get started. I've also been asked to briefly explain tantra. A recording explaining tantra has been included.


This next file is a more advanced meditation. It will not do much for beginners but can be very effective for adepts. I VERY STRONGLY recommend having a basic knowledge of the methods of navigating the death process as taught in chapter 11 of the Tibetan Book of the Dead before trying this meditation. Do not fuck this up.


If you need a copy of the Tibetan Book of the Dead here is an epub:


And here is a pdf:


Here is an audiobook version:


And here is a set of documentary films. If you can't understand the book, at the very least you should watch these before trying the more advanced meditation.


It is possible some of these files will be removed at some point, so if you want them I suggest grabbing them now. Feel free to repost them wherever. If you repost the advanced meditation it would be a VERY good idea to post the Book of the Dead files with it and advise people to have a basic knowledge of them first.


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No, not even your examples point to it being evil. There are just consequences.

>everything is all in your head bro!!!

Why make these walls of texts to claim something that wouldn't even make sense to post if you were to take the contents seriously?

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Everything you are not yet capable of understanding yet will look like bullshit.

You're pretty fucking ignorant and rude about your ignorance and I'm pretty tired of fake ass wanna-be esotericists WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND THE INNER FUCKING PATH WHICH IS ESOTERICISM IS LOCATED WITHIN THEMSELVES.

Who the fuck is your teacher? Why don't you and whatever youtube videos you call accurate teachings flush yourselves down a toilet together?

Evil is a concept, concepts are illusions. So are thoughts (knowledge) evil? Yes, in the sense that they take you further from the unformed divinity which is your natural state. And no, because to consider something evil is a judgement which crestes a thought, taking you further from the divinity which is your natural state.

I understand this is a tricky thing to understand, cock-breath, and I'd be willing to help you understand it if you were a fucking thankless prick.

Fuck you.

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and again, fuck you.

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>old test God seems like a totally different entity then new test God

According to astral rumours, the OT god also called Yaweh, was actually Poseidon/Jupiter and he was arrested and killed in march of this year. So the ideology and magic system relying on him (kabbalah) will no longer work. It's in a state of collapse and will soon be gone.

The modern kind of knowledge if you go by Hare Krishna is only worsening your ignorance, they call modern education a "fever." Sadhguru called logic '"the path to suicide, dissecting life until only details remain." When following logic you end up with only one solution - to kill yourself because nothing remains anymore. Focus on what you love and take in the whole experience instead of the details, let life be a mystery.

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thank you so much. very liberating to see more and more content that isn't bullshit occultist LARP on /fringe/.

>Pasting from another thread, the links still work as of posting this:

huh which thread was it ?

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People were happier and less burdened without the knowledge of good and evil. When things just were.

Not just the Bible tells us the way humans were intended to live was without judgement for that is up to God or the universe.

Yet here were are blasting the asses of our children with ideas of what’s good and evil.

The human was supposed to do only one thing. Be free and innocent. Innocent meaning not have a concept of this stuff.

You will attain your most beautiful, intense and purest form by being free of judgement.

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I don't think your position is either compelling nor your enlightenment to be real. And I don't see the connections that op Is making.

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Let me be clear and upfront. If you were honest about your position you would sincerely put in an effort to not think. You would not be posting, you would be putting energy into reaching drooling-retard enlightenment. Since you're posting I would have to assume you are insincere and dishonest.

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>Yes, in the sense that they take you further from the unformed divinity which is your natural state

Just to add something that isn't, "I don't understand why you would jump to that conclusion," the act of creation would also have to be evil. That would be a direct contradiction to the story of genesis, incompatible and thus not a good answer to the op. Although you've never claimed your answer to be compatible.

The way I see it is that Adam gave names to all the animals before having eaten the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Since naming would also imply knowing the concept of an animal, and then to know the concept of a name, and to know how to apply the name to an animal, and finally that Adam wasn't kicked out of eden for merely knowing I can say that knowledge in itself isn't evil. What got Adam and Eve kicked out of eden was disobedience of God's command.

Although I don't like the senseless moralizing of

>judging people bad mmkay?

It's not very out of place and is also justifiable. Not very justifiable but justifiable enough. Now forgive me my sin of making a natural progression of statements.

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people were given knowledge by lucifer (light/light bringer)

so yeah it is partly evil, it is only safe if used with care

but it is better than ignorance

in general only true knowledge (Gnosis) worth pursuing, all other knowledge is nothing but just light

and it also makes people insane if they apply too much fedora core logic to it.

originally knowledge was esoteric

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God from the bible is the demiurge. The knowledge (gnosis) shows that we're trapped in a loosh farm. Of course it's going to threaten punishment for anyone who wants knowledge when that knowledge would make them aware that they were being deceived. Duh. Same reason why dissent within dictatorships carries extreme punishment. It's not rocket science. It's kinda vaguely like an esoteric 1984.

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Much appreciate the links and nudge. Just started getting into opening up this year. Much to read and think about.

Also thanks to all who have contributed positively.

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>also makes people insane if they apply too much fedora core logic to it

Fedoras enter into circle jerk sessions and that isn't an uncommon form of delusion. "Insanity", whatever that could be defined as, is more likely to be a result of a character flaw than it is a result of a method of grounding or process.

With topics like the one in the op I have to wonder what evil is and what would motivate the God of the OT (and NT) to not want others to have it. If evil is anything bad then eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is bad, and thus evil, because God kicks you out. But you could ignore God and go with >>137353, since knowledge is a burden and being like animals who know nothing and simply act and are, without any existential suffering caused by knowing of your own condition, is better in terms of pain. I'm not convinced by that.

My mind prefers poetry so I prefer answers like >>135550.

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Yes anon, knowledge is evil. The less you know, the better you sleep. Knowledge can be like ill cancer growth making you nervous all the time instead doing right thing. Principle deity residing upon archon of Mercury is dual natured. You know how Saturn sometimes represents Growth/Decay, Sun Life/Death, Venus Love/Lust? Mercury is Knowledge/Deception. Thoth/Hermes/Set is inspiration for snake of Genesis, devil spreading half-truth. Illusion and deception, aside of knowledge. Not a pure wisdom/sophia, but "foolish wisdom of flesh".

The more you drink from the well of knowledge, the more chances are you'll get few drops from the well of deception. And the more you drink, the more deception increases, false knowledge poisons mind entirely and consumes whole mind.

Kabbalists, Hermetics and Masonic apologists drank from that well and became astonished by its mystification, but it happens that all men are equally mystified by unaccountable evidence and easy to control, as Heraclitus said:

>All men are equally mystified by unaccountable evidence, even Homer, wisest of the Greeks. He was mystified by children catching lice. He heard them say, What we have found and caught we throw away; what we have not found and caught we still have.

Colossians‎ 2:‎8

>Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Nietzsche applied this in the beginning "Philosophy in the tragic age of the Greeks", but you can attribute it to all endeavor to get existential and over-consume "knowledge" without reason:

>There are indeed good instances of a health which can exist without any philosophy or with quite a moderate, almost a toying use of it; thus the Romans at their best period lived without philosophy. But where is to be found the instance of a nation becoming diseased whom philosophy had restored to health? Whenever philosophy showed itself helping, saving, prophylactic, it was with healthy people; it made sick people still more ill. If ever a nation was disintegrated and but loosely connected with the individuals, never has philosophy bound these individuals closer to the whole. If ever an individual was willing to stand aside and plant around himself the hedge of self-sufficiency, philosophy was always ready to isolate him still more and to destroy him through isolation.

And Heraclitus on understanding against accumulation of knowledge:

>Our understanding of the greatest matters will never be complete.

>Knowledge is not intelligence.I have heard many men talk, but none who realized that understanding is distinct from all other knowledge.

Mystic in his madness of accumulation of knowledge becomes isolated outcast and the more you know the less you fit in. And then you die knowing nothing, for Kaula Upanishad rightfully says "No Knowledge is Knowledge", following that we never find answers, only stop asking questions. Never completing exegesis on everything we learn. Learning is futile with finite life of a human. That's why religion relies on blind faith and trust in community, cause too many questions don't produce healthy individuals, but make lost lambs.

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Acceptable post outside of claiming knowledge to be evil for the negatives it might bring, while I suppose rhetorically ignoring the good side for theatrical display? Don't know.

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Also the real reason why we invented "Word of God" is for people to feel certainty in life and not fall into chaos of philosophies. One fundamental truth is only called truth so a man doesn't fall into abyss of knowing that there is no truth.

For our years of living are too short, so might as well don't get too crazy about pointless research into infinite madness of accumulation of unnecessary information.

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Now you're just contradicting yourself by claiming their is no truth. No, I don't mean the self-contradiction inherent in the concept, I mean the claim doesn't fit with the previous post. Try again next time.

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There is no truth, and? If you cannot handle to dismantle main points of it, its your own problem. Point being is that this world is designed around idea of multitude of opinion formed around no truth what so ever. Blind faith is an opium and alcohol that keeps questioning soul sleeping well.

Knowledge will eventually only destroy the soul with infinite amount of questions, nobody is able to complete the truth.

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>There is no truth

>nobody is able to complete the truth

>The more you drink from the well of knowledge, the more chances are you'll get few drops from the well of deception

The contradiction is simple and I don't want to write a complete overview of anything else I'm dissatisfied with. Either reorganize your thoughts so the central claim (there is no truth) is built upon, or just keep up writing possibilities rather than anything concrete.

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Truth and no truth are like contradiction of being and non-being, in chaos where everything and nothing coexist, where at certain point disparity between lies and truth just erase themselves because of infinite potential of knowledge, and reality becomes what people believe in. Its a dual nature of certainty of all knowledge, no knowledge is knowledge. False history employed through history of many ancient civilizations and medieval Europe is a great example of that. Lies end up being propellers of civilization. You never reach "truth", you live in common believe of what "truth" is by definition.

I cannot write anything concrete for you either, since you're focused on your own render. For there's nothing concrete to write on nothing being concrete. Even materialism cannot hold ground for too long until you realize of infinite potential of manifestations of your own consciousness inside different patterns of limit.

You build your own foundation, and die on it. Or you infinitely go mad with exploiting potential of knowledge and never reach anything. People settle in a lie, for a lie has a ground and limit to it, but truth is like a pit that you infinitely fall into. That's why there is no truth, but modality of lies inside of all potential manifestations of consciousness.

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Then you're saying nothing.

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The universe itself is a lie. Every other lie/everthing else in the universe is just another aspect of the universal lie.

What is this lie? That anything exists other than yourself. Then this last sentence is also a lie, because the reason I wrote this sentence is because I believe you, out there, exist and read it. When everything you can say is a lie, what do you say? Don't say. When everything you can do is a lie, what can you do? Don't do.

Therefore, truth only exists in death. One can approach it by meditation, but never fully, because to be true one must let go of the lies of the body.

Truth is not important in life, only in death. In life, the lie is your drive, your power, your energy. It shows you what you can be, what you could see and what you could feel, give you potential and thus movement.

Only in death you have the chance to fully be and stay truth. But most people will just be reborn. Why? Because lies, although they reach far and deep into the aspects of the universe, hang on very thin threads. Tall towers, but with insufficient, corrupted, untruthful foundations. When we die, this tower collapses and as high as it was, as deep it falls. The pain of letting go of our lie, the pain of realizing it, forces us right into further lies, in order to conceal our last one. And so it begins again and again and again, until, …

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Then there is only one thing truly nescessary in death. It is not escaping samsara, it is making sure your lies are highly refined so as to make them into stronger foundations. It is making sure that when your tower collapses, at least the foundations still stand. That way you get the chance to build a bigger tower next time. Otherwise you would have to start from scratch. Why dont you want to start from scratch completely? Because then you have to deal with the very foundations of the universe and are in danger to become trapped in lies in which you have almost no chance of realizing the lie and become free from it. Very different to the beautfiul situation human beings are in, being able to realize it.

Everything is a lie, so everything dies. A cell, a human, the human race, earth and even the universe itself. Because of that everything in the universe is concerned with building better foundations and trying them out. Using your life to go as far as you can with the lies you have built for yourself. But you will die, and with you your lies. And you fall and fall into truth until there is one lie which is strong enough to deceive you. Strong enough to make you believe it is truth itself, so you follow it. And you must follow it, because you only follow truth and when you believe something is truth, you follow it too. Because of that you need to make sure that the lie that you land on is the right one. The one of which you think will lead you further and higher into the universe. This lie can be the same as last time or it can be altered.

Now, when the lie of something is exposed, it dies. When it dies, it realizes truth and thus more lies. Thus it dies more. So, this infinite lying to cover up lies can be reversed into infinite exposition of lies and fall into death.

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One can initiate a fall into death anywhere at anytime but one can fall only as deep as one is ready to realize ones own lies.

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