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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

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This bitch is censoring and revising the writings of William Walker Atkinson to make them more politically correct / egalitarian. This is an attack on history and truth. She should delete her edits and restore the original text back to how it is and never engage in historical revisionism ever again.

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>equal in spirits

>muh "evolution"


well there you go, you never know if your pdfs are genuine or edited/censored by some subhuman filth. Makes it seem even more important to stick to your own unaltered copies which you got when they were still genuine. And even if they are unaltered, there is not much reason to really trust works made especially post ww2 because they will most likely be ridden by feminist, humanist, new age and in general jewish propaganda.

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Who gives a shit. WWA is the early 20th century equivalent of soccer mom New Ageism.

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Ho ho honk!

This is why don't cast pearls before swine.


Anyone with a minimum of magical skill will quickly come to the same conclusions about the evolution of the human spirit. And the spirit world itself will readily confirm it for him.

Books are now for mundane swine to trample. We higher knowledge now.

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File: b32b4a203205c63⋯.jpg (494.65 KB,2560x1600,8:5,wuz.jpg)

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He teaches you everything you need to know. You must be one of those people mad that your fancy chanting and hyperventilating breathing techniques are not part of the true path but simplicity is.

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Hey don’t shit on Wim Hof’s breathing technique. That shit is awesome.

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I wasn't think about Wim Hof I was thinking more like those weird yoga cults where gurus make their followers hallucinate by depriving them of oxygen.

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>this is why you don't cast pearls before swine

We fucked up. Literal retard normies are now running around pretending to be enlightened.


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The only thing WWA 'teaches' is regurgitated pseudo-orientalist nonsense he stole from other New Thought hacks.

>You must be one of those people mad that your fancy chanting and hyperventilating breathing techniques are not part of the true path but simplicity is.

Not in the slightest, but good try.

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Why would you even want to be an authentic orientalist? William Walker Atkinson writes the same stuff under a bazillion different religions and philospohies, just changing the terms around. I value greatly Atkinson's philosophy and believe it to be the truth. Saying he "stole" ideas from other "New Thought hacks" means nothing to me. He also very obviously makes references to and was exposed to a wide variety of different philosophers besides New Thought people. I also do not care for New Thought as a movement as a whole, I only care for the thoughts of William Walker Atkinson specifically.

What is it about authentic orientalism that has you so enamored with them and do you have even one actually valid criticism with any principle or teaching of Atkinson's?

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Why would WWA pretend to be an oriental?

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What bothers me the most about Atkinson is the obvious fact that he doesn't speak from experience. All that theosophical nonsense about "finer matter" and "degrees of vibration" is pseudoscience babble that they used in order to give legitimacy to the occult through the science of the time (as if it needed it).

He wasn't an occultist. He was a researcher of the occult. His books shouldn't be regarded as teachings, but as compilations of witness accounts of occult phenomena.

This much is obvious to anyone with a decent amount of experience in the subject matter. This does not mean his books are without value, but they shouldn't be taken as teachings. That way lies nothing but misconceptions and frustration.

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Atkinson's books are the equivalent of watching John Chang's feats on YouTube and then writing a blog post in which you explain how to replicate them without having ever achieved them yourself. They describe real phenomena, but his instructions are clueless.

I know this because I'm able to do some of the things he pretends to teach in his books. And the way he teaches them betrays his ignorance.


I think Neville Goddard did a good job considering his public.

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That's the most accurate criticism and I'm happy /fringe/ is collectively moving away from hogwash. I think there is only one person left defending Atkinson. In what teachings do you see value since you reached a firsthand understanding?

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>In what teachings do you see value since you reached a firsthand understanding?

You know, thinking about it perhaps there is a lot more subjectivity in how we see teachings depending on how our personal experience has unfolded.

I personally find Goddard accurate and to the point (because unlike Atkinson, he doesn't try to explain "how" it works, and merely gives instructions that work). John Kreiter I think is underrated. The occultist Gordon White, although incredibly flawed, knows what he's doing when it comes to sigils, evocation and astral travel.

I'm not a guru. I'm not sure at all of all this I'm saying. As I said, I think it's subjective to a degree. Also, I don't represent /fringe/ collectively. Collectively /fringe/ has always been and will always be trash. It's just its nature.

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I think Arcane Formulas was pretty good, it's the only book from him that I have in my collection. Short and right to the point.


>John Kreiter


I think he is already overrated and the hype around him here isn't even that big. Feels more like a meme that is forced by 1 or two anons here, he doesn't say anything new, original or especially helpful at all. Just another guy like you and me who regurgitates what he has read/seen elsewhere and tries to make a quick buck with it. I wouldn't put him above WWA.

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To reach a wider audience.


It is very obvious to me that he speaks from experience also read his wikipedia page.

Also I'm still not seeing a single issue with anything actually taught in his books. Personal attacks on him and discussion about muh orient doesn't change that everything he wrote about works and makes sense. e.g. anyone who reads his book on memory and follows the techniques will become better at memorization, anyone that follows his book on mind power will get better at making thoughtforms and understanding mental phenomena, etc.

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It's not a criticism at all. You're being a bunch of hipsters.


>muh subjectivity

How about instead of keeping secrets and being dodgy you try to explain how to do any occult phenomena better than Atkinson's explanations. Atkinson to me is a master of explaining the occult because he's able to do it in the terms and paradigms of any group there was in his time.

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Maybe you were Atkinson in a past life.

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>authentic orientalism that has you so enamored

Since when am I enamoured with orientalism lmao. You need to stop projecting whatever character in your mind you've made up onto me. I say that he is a pseudo-orientalist, because in the late 19th century there was an increased interested in Orientalism by a bunch of proto-New Agers who were misinformed on many of the actual teachings and WWA fed into that whole scheme. Unlike your insistence to the contrary, I don't really give a shit about Yogic traditions so I bothers me little that a bunch of 20th century shitters butchered the whole thing -but it just goes to show that WWA didn't really possess any superlative knowledge. He was just capitalizing on the latest trend like everybody else.

As for a criticism of WWA, what is there to say? He wasn't an actual practitioner of anything occult. and if he was he's got nothing to show for it which is as good as the same. How do you critique a weightlifter that doesn't lift weights? It's self-evident.

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I rarely regurgitate. When I cared for writing posts trying to explain techniques for anons, everything I wrote was my own practice, evolved from the things I had read after applying them repeatedly until I made them work well.


Imagine being so buttblasted at some faggots shitposting on the internet about him that they made him reincarnate.

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Nobody who impulsively replies "you're mad!" to an opinion directed at nobody, isn't mad.

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OK let’s get this over with. Start reading.


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Unlike Franz Bardon and many others Atkinson to me is the very model of success in everything he did. His life to me exemplifies mastery, well-rounded character and development, and everything the life of an occultist SHOULD embody. You have not addressed anything he has written and just say that "he wrote about what others have written about before him" which is true of literally every author whose works exist to this day. So you are not an orientalist; bit you must favor certain teachings or else have independently discovered your own way (though I assure you, none of it will be original, for there is nothing new under the sun). Tell me what is it then that you favor so I can contrast it with the teachings of Atkinson? Or are you aderse to having your own way under scrutiny?




Not an argument and not relevant. There is nothing in the teachings of Atkinson or in his character that you can besmirch. So you'll just talk about muh originality and other irrelevant things and try to discourage people from finding the simple and practicable truths which Atkinson gives in his writings.

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If WWA's teachings are so great then why are you bothering to argue with supposed fools?

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He died at 69 and his soul was recycled back into the demiurgic stream of torture.

What little is left of his energy right now is probably a starving nigglet in Africa, a tranny contemplating suicide or some kind of activist puppet chimping out somewhere. That’s what his accomplishments amount to. Let that sink in. At 69.

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LOL that's a sex number. Guy got dabbed on hard

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Name a better author than Atkinson. He is the best occult writer there is.

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Duh. Bardon of course.

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Franz Bardon shat out a pretty decent manual but then it was all up to Rawn Clark and others to fill in all the information he didn't have the time or ability to put out.

His ability for articulation is subpar and his life was rather tragic also he smoked and was fat and he didn't successfully prevent Otti Vottavova from going full fangirl.

Of course I can make counter arguments against everything I just said.

His work was rushed, it was originally written in German and had to be translated, and he had plausible excuses for his poor health but seriously what was his excuse for the smoking habit? Couldn't he have refrained from smoking..?

My mother is from Opava btw. I am probably closely related to Franz Bardon and likely many of my relatives may have known him.

I appreciate Franz Bardon for what he has written but if I had to choose at gunpoint between salvaging the works of just one philosopher from my libraries I'd have to stick with keeping the writings of William Walker Atkinson.

If Frabato is even half-true he was very advanced indeed…

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