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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 846db6515df9153⋯.png (76.91 KB,1089x817,1089:817,the_horror_has_begun.png)


[goddamn] This was a post not wanted to be made. Seriously.

I kind of figured it was coming. Different shit happening, odd but not directly peculiar shit. Just odd, like "wtf".

I give you nothing.

Life is joy, we are meant to be spontaneous.

Thanks, and good luck

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Formative deformative reaction

Declassification of

nonconformative reactive

recompliance decondition de re

homeostatis break down

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Silence, and karens, and some bad shit, and the ludicrous.

emphasis on ludicrous

Horror show, but really funny.

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File: eaed8d8bd448a03⋯.png (72.63 KB,1089x817,1089:817,imperfectebutforgottenstor….png)

song[e] hard[e] calls for [forgotten][?]

Idonnoe. I jusdrawem.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't normally give a fuck but,

Song[e} hard{e} someone's calling you out boss.

Sing hat, skinhead dancing front row, I always liked the show, so fucking whatevever man. Prolly some archetypal aspex of myself or someother time skipping fux. aither way, Best of lux.

[saw supposed tool video tub fuck that]

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stolen from the best thread ever

Changing Timelines

Fuck that was crazy

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File: 32910cfb0ed0386⋯.png (47.72 KB,1507x622,1507:622,sh_heartfelt_.png)

I love

calls out

whisper drags a name through the leaves

We stupidly run our hands across the bark, neglecting the scent of what is our prey and discover to our

dismay that we are not predator but



We've danced this dance before. Boredom.

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you scratch at the world and act surprised it scratches back

Love all, especially you.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't want any trouble

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens when your horrific shit wakes up something your fucked up horror built imagination can't even conceive of?

You will be held to the crimes that you have committed

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Distracted lines of time

Life is [deserved spontaneous] effervescent

Under threat always

defense is

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I'd like to take a moment to reflect on just how inebriated I was for this post.

I'd put myself somewhere between

Pretty fucking drunk


"Fuck I can't see the screen anymore" drunk.

Which to me, as a chaos magician is pretty special.

I see a reflection of all of my actions and experiences being reflected back to me. Perhaps the most novel thought is that perhaps all of Human kind as we see and perceptive it is in fact some reflection from some future point when we are a whole self.

All ideologies, races, beliefs, even our forgotten past. All just some aspect of us as a singular being, being reflected upon.

Just a thought, from a chaos magician, doing chaos shit.

Good Luck!

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File: 270aa5abf82285a⋯.png (18.24 KB,493x515,493:515,rambleon.png)

activate this guy for a fun time

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KomPuTah's being a real dick about sigil making lately.

Faggot. (I still love you, but sometimes daddy needs his chaos time).

So I'm left with 'verbage'.

Let sing the shallows that hear the silent whispers growing,

what subtle strings they pull,


And deep from aching sorrows


More, we know how this ends, [sharp

What Sings Loudly

and life burns hot

Because LIFE is all that matters

end of line

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Now you're going to have to explain what this is?

I activated it and some entity appeared. Guy in a black suit with white shirt, felt kind of threatening like italian mafia, but he was taller than an italian.

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It's the recurring sigil from Xavier Renegade Angel

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That doesn't explain anything.

My astral contacts told me its function is to perform a cleanse, then connect you with one of these vampires.

They're supposedly not the type to guide or help anyone but just want to recruit and use.

Whatever they have, does have some kind of unique quality. I'm assuming you made the sigil, since it looks similar to other sigils posted on here earlier, so you should be able to do better than that, unless you're just using the same flag as anon above.

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