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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 42fe2815c906aa3⋯.jpg (823.96 KB,2912x4368,2:3,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


I saw 8kun was dead and I panicked, and I saw an awful lot of synchs related to it, so I installed vichan on https://fringebay.com.

Of course the moment I finished the installation, 8kun came back for me.

It's a bunker. Use it or whatever.

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why is sunflower linked, too?

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The better question is why did he panic when 8kun was down? How far gone are the people here really? If you're whole existence is based on a extremely shitty imageboard and you panic when it's gone…man that's pretty fucked up.

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Because it’s an offshoot of megu/fringe/ and its community was very active in the old Fringebay?

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I think it's just the realization of having no bunker if 8kun actually goes down.


But tipp was so very much against the vampire stuff that he was close to deleting the thread. I don't know the aftermath but this looks odd today.

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Having a bunker isn't a bad idea. We already know that Jim has been somewhat compromised the the glowdarks and this is a honeypot for Q-larpers. It's only a matter of time till us devil worshipers get burned at the stakes

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They seem to have left behind their vampire days. At any rate, it’s just a related board. I would’ve put /occult/ there if it existed at all too.

/fringe/ is deader than ever anyway.

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It's dead as a rock but there is a bunker on endchan.

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Would it be possible for you to migrate the old fringebay threads?

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It would involve quite a bit of work. In any case that’s part of the past now, and the community has moved mostly to Discord. I don’t see the point. There’s the archive.

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Thanks for the bunker, last time i lost fringe was a very sad time indeed. sometimes it feels that this the only worthwhile Imageboard…

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it is the only worthwhile image-board, Megucas /fringe/ was the best, waking up everyday to awesome discussions and knowledge. :)

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>the community has moved mostly to Discord

what discord? i see only manlets with no occult practice whatsoever only interested in being socialites there.

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That's because occult servers were made by people trying to create communities and making 24 empty channels and made up lore, then no one interesting shows up and they just circlejerk about drugs and bitcoins.

The 20 or so skilled persons on discord probably talk in DMs or private mini servers to avoid the BS.

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This. Imageboards are the better way.

Discord is like the monkey mind grafted by the demiurge to distract the self just as Discord distracts from the conversations that happen in imageboards with endless bullshit features.

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>TORs can't post

lame, pls fix

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the archive you had there is unavailable now

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>/fringe/ is deader than ever anyway

I don't remember it being this active before.

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the last three days only

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Works for me: https://fringebay.com/archive/

It’s also linked in that one post.

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They may be talking about the balkanchan archive, that entire site seems down.

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It's the same archive. Literally.

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the picture invokes something from memory but i think i never saw it before. did someone do something to it or did am i really forgetting something?

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It's Zooey Deschenel looking worse than I remember. Can't believe I used to waifu her when I was like 15. My taste is now greatly refined.

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it's under another url

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Post your waifu then and let us decide

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holy shit i finally remembered. she looks identical to a girl i knew when i was a kid.

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fringebay = fake /fringe/ for namefags

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It redirects to some ad site.

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The fringenight, fringebay and alchemy labs servers are the main ones.

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>create communities and making 24 empty channels and made up lore, then no one interesting shows up and they just circlejerk about drugs and bitcoins.

This is the precise reason i fucking hate discord servers, the only reason i use discord now is to easily talk to my friends thats it. otherwise, the platform itself is a good idea but the people that use it are braindead retards

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>…i use discord…

cuck much?

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