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Anons Fringe Archive

File: fbddd069df2f52d⋯.jpg (333.56 KB,1400x787,1400:787,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


About 2-3 years ago it was winter. I was about 15-16 and my brother was 13. We're from the suburbs and never really visit the city. My mom had went shopping for things on her list, while my brother and I had ventured off to the video game area, so we could each pick out a video game of our choice with the gift cards we had gotten for Christmas. We hung out in the video game section for about 10-15 minutes. All was normal, but we noticed a man walking around, and it looked like he was looking for something. He looked at us and then approached us. He was a black man wearing a black and grey coat, a scarf and a beanie. I was surprised when he spoke to us. He asked us to to pick a color. Then he held up 3 markers, orange, pink and blue. I did know that what he was doing was weird, but I didn't really see it as scary. Now this was in the evening, about 8-9pm. I figured the best way to get him to leave us alone was to just pick a color, so I picked orange. He grabbed my arm, not aggressively, and drew a line on my left forearm, I'd say about 2-3in. My brother had picked blue and he did the same. Then the man asked, "Do you guys ever go near Barberton?" (a city near the Walmart) I had said "No we don't we're not from here." To which he said, "Come to Barberton sometime, I'll remember you guys." That was odd but we still didn't see it as scary. He then walked away from us and put the markers in his coat pocket. My brother and I grabbed the games we wanted, and went to find our mom. We never told her what had happened, because we didn't want to get in trouble, or lose our freedom to go places by ourselves. But we did try to look for, or find that same man, now that we had a parent with us. He was gone, I even asked some of the employees at the Walmart if they had saw the man. No luck. It seems he had fled the store almost immediately after our encounter. I don't understand what his motives were, and we haven't seen him since. Possible trafficker? Or just a strange man? The more I think about it, the more uneasy I feel.

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this is why we never go outside anon

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This is good advice.

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Not fringe

You’re grasping at straws mate

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This is why ppl consider /fringe/ a stupid board as /x/.

THIS IS /fringe/ no doubt.

OP, he gave you a choice, you made your choice. I maybe know the result, but this is very personal and different for each one.

Also, there is nothing to do with Human traffick.

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"ppl" consider /fringe/ and /x/ stupid because they're stupid

/fringe/ and /x/ are full of retards but they're still the smartest of public communities; other than some tiny, close-knit groups, you can't even begin to puncture consensus reality anywhere else

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What games did you buy? IDK what the black dude wanted, maybe he was a little schizo and into black magic or some shit. Sometimes they use body parts for rituals, other times they're cooked and believe all sorts of things. Regardless, not so much on the human trafficking side but posting with greentext for thread posterity. For what it's worth, there's a lot of stories of kidnapped girls that get sold into prostitution. I had an online bro whose sister got kidnapped and found a way to somehow ring her number… interpol did jack shit. fuck them all.

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fuck, I haven't been back here since Jim fed hotwheels to the pig. Why no multiple image posting?

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File: a1e9a4c600d3746⋯.png (Spoiler Image,389.52 KB,1639x4848,1639:4848,human_hunter.png)


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2* dammit…

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File: 196f162122c9033⋯.png (Spoiler Image,149.34 KB,1553x1843,1553:1843,human_hunter2.png)

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File: 64de5e9f460df08⋯.png (Spoiler Image,198.97 KB,1095x2059,1095:2059,human_hunter_3.png)

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File: 7e663132362aad4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,141.02 KB,1616x1593,1616:1593,human_hunter_4.png)

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File: fe45c58f755f2f0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,193.44 KB,1200x3254,600:1627,human_hunter_5.png)


last one

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You know what they say, around blacks never relax.

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I was born into actual human trafficking; this isn't it. Probably a schizophrenic guy, or some guy running an actual kiddie park, the kind with slides and bouncy castles.

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Give us the rundown on how it actually happens Satan.

I'm pretty sure actual human traffickers just import poor people from corrupt parts of the world into less poor places and the people who get trafficked are overwhelmingly going voluntarily.

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