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Anons Fringe Archive

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Psi-kers, the day of reckoning is upon us. There is an abundance of conscious distress in the world right now, so much so that the sensors of the global consciousness project are giving off an astonishing p-value of 0.01. That's what I call ladies and gentlemen, statistically significant. Now if only we united our brains in a global hemi-sync at about 7HZ, and used advanced ESP then we could figure out whenever to put our money on calls or puts with TESLA stock.

The evidence that our Messiah Dean Radin presents us is pretty convincing. Parapsychology exists, and there are a countless amount of studies and experiments to prove it. But then you read some sceptic rebuttals and find out that none of the studies can be replicated, half of the studies were bullshit, and the other half got really insignificant results along with some inadequate statistical analysis which actually makes the effect not have a higher probability than pure chance. But then again, might something be there? Can anyone actually bend spoons? Are aliens real? Can I summon a succubus blowjob mistress on demand?

So fellow psiker, are we going calls or puts?

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Become NEET.

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Smell my FEET

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On the topic of studies and the likes: parapsychological research is in fact relatively inconclusive and dubious, but so is the research in many other fields (medicine, drugs, psychology, etc.). If people applied the same scepticism and scrutiny that they do to psi-research to a field like psychiatry for example, the whole thing would be shut down tomorrow -but that's an indictment against 'science' in general, not a validation of parapsychological research.

If people really want to prove the existence of supermundane phenomena, they need to step outside of the whole research paradigm and step into the realm of plain and simple demonstrations. A musician validates his skill by playing an instrument, a martial artist validates his skill by knocking someone out, a weightlifter validates his skill by lifting heavy weights; no scientific research needed.

Of course the problem is that most people don't have psychic abilities, nor do they know how to acquire them hence there's virtually no genuine demonstrations available (although there are some that at least have a smidgen of credibility). Imagine if we had a hundred John Chang's making YouTube videos, this whole debate would be over in a month -but no such luck of course.

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Give me something good to EAT.

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File: 98c0422bf9d9944⋯.png (73.33 KB,244x370,122:185,98c0422bf9d994445f38967aea….png)

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>So fellow psiker, are we going calls or puts?

Research a company or security like you're actually gonna be the owner of it, then Invest. don't day trade.

If you do day trade, then do it with the expectation that money to become absolutely worthless.


Nowadays the academic and scientific medium needs an overhaul, the past twenty years have been so bad for it thanks to all the political and religious agenda-pushers, that they need to be pushed out before things can be objectively sound.

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>Research a company or security like you're actually gonna be the owner of it, then Invest. don't day trade.

>If you do day trade, then do it with the expectation that money to become absolutely worthless.

You must be fun at parties. Do you have autism by any chance?

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>going to parties


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i think youre the autistic one friend, none of that is bad advice

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File: 86e9440d25acced⋯.jpg (54.54 KB,600x438,100:73,PEAR_single_operator_graph.jpg)

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>calls or puts?

I turn my karma into all kinds of wealth. It's easier and healthier for my soul.

But if you're going to invest, do like this anon says: >>135980

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