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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

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/fringe/ is back, unchained

Post whatever reality-altering magic you've been working in the hiatus

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Welcome back to the surface, /fringe/. I was concerned I would never see you again. Thank you for your service admins

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Your image invokes in me feelings of childlike wonderment. I wish to visit that world.

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What a ride.

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File: eff0b2cf0e24c0a⋯.jpg (230.85 KB,1608x804,2:1,Yggdrasil.jpg)

I am not sure of the extent of my reality-altering, but I've had a dozen spells manifest specifically through the fact that the quarantine happened.

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That world is your world, anon. I remember walking to the threshold of the forest, where both death and rebirth awaited, were I to take a single step further.


Same here, anon. This is especially true for unintentional spells. It's uncanny seeing every person I've unknowingly wished death upon contract the virus. Certainly, more will follow from cardiac and pulmonary damage further down the road.

Needless to say, I've negated all disease and pestilence in my local reality, and have enjoyed a taste of Eden since the months the quarantine set in.

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Dude you're fine.

That beard is leagues beyond anything I've achieved. The beer belly can be solved with a few hours at the gym every week. You're already 90% of the way to looking like a proper wizard. The worst part is your attitude, your frown. You're a wizard, anon, smile.

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Wait, is that you? Are you no longer homeless? Where are you? Tell us your story man.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No, I'm not Smiley.

Look what he's been up to recently. Playing video games, posting about it on another board and uploading youtube videos about it: https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/131989.html

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Ah, shitposting and playing videogames. A true magus.

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downtempo electronic

damn its good to have this board back!

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As long as it helps his mental health, I am all for it.

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someone from mintboard who isn't smiley…

my guess is liam because san mateo has disappeared

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I'm still an occultnik fag that hasn't done anything meaningful in his spare time. Keep bouncing on and off of Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics 2E but never find the motivation to continuously read it. If anyone has any other book recommendations for AP's that might be better plz send, but from what I've heard this is the best I'll get.

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ummm read his Master Astral Projection guide book. You just have to follow it. It's very easy for me since mere stimulation in the first week can trigger AP for me.

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Astral projection is literally 5 minutes reading and a lifetime of practice.

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I have been working on meditating more, exploring my mentalscape, and working on self-actualization more.


Funny you say that. I've had a feeling that something big, evil and highly controlling was actually recently beaten by good forces in the astral.

And with "as above so below" working it's way from the astral to earth, the events partaking with the pandemic are currently a manifestation of these events.

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>recently beaten by good forces

I've also had this feeling. While the world was falling into chaos because of this thing that's happening, I had the intuitive feeling that this was good.

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This is pretty much the universal consensus between all occult practitioners. Everyone has felt it. More specifically, I'm confident a few of the different factions of the cabal have attempted power grabs just at the onset of the awoo flu, and the resulting chaos has allowed independent actors to push for a more effective response, with the result being, in material terms, a move away from globalism and towards nationalism, in both economic and socio-cultural terms.

Even a mundane can tell things aren't going smoothly for them since Bill Gates can be seen smiling. This is probably the first thing not going according to plan, that is therefore interesting, that's happened in the past few decades.

This is pretty much the best time for a wizard to mess with the world state, since we can likely take this timeline in some really wacky directions with ease.

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