Honestly? Idk. I could've used "vision du monde" or something look at me, multilingual n shit
Also, it might be some form of latent nationalism but I personally dislike the hebrew concept of coercive demonolatry. Calling upon the biggest guy on the block to bully others into doing your bidding is kind of… shitty.
Looking at the world around us, the controlled dialectic of historical materialism everpresent evermore obvious, I felt it right, in the name of accelerationism and general-not-being-a-bitch, to use terminology of "the enemy".
I'm in no way a white supremacist or a nazi mind you, I just like for things to be connected. As such, using a german word, in connection to a "hebrew" form of magick is something I find sort of funny. Also I think that on a meta-level it brings both of these worldviews and paradigms closer together, which creates chaos and friction and yaddayadda, energies rising, adversity increasing, kali-yuga type stuff. A sizeable part of me is a discordian.
Also, it gives me personal brain-points because it connects those parts of my mind which speak primarily one language.
Learning languages is a huge boost imo and I want to use and diffuse that.
tl;dr: native tongue is german, I like some languages more for some things, french for arts and philosophy, spanish for emotion and passion, german for actual philosophy, english for uh "simpler" things.