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Anons Fringe Archive

File: e08652d5f1f8599⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,640x480,4:3,2497201856_64e72a005d_z.jpg)


I have a demon slowly approaching me. Its image in my mind is that of a spider crawling towards me.

In this thread, let's discuss how to protect against mind-parasites, demons, demonic forces and evil spirits and evilastral creatures….pls & thank you

I will start. I have heard an old gypsy spell being that if you acquire a rock with a hole in it, and hang it from your ceiling….this is to protect your home and ward off evil.

^I have not tried this "spell" myself but would like to try it.

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I've had good results with the protective field method described by Charles Cosimano here (page 32):


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Don't be afraid. You can help those poor souls if you help them see what they are, and what they were, and who they are. They lack awareness and spiral in blackness until they collide with a person. The images are a psychic approximation of their trapped thoughts. If you help them think through their existence they disappear as soon as they regain self-awareness. Sometimes they're a conglomeration so only parts vanish at a time. Usually showing them what they are and were is enough. Sometimes you have to go further back.

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>Its image in my mind is that of a spider crawling towards me.


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Light, peace and love is what everything, in essence, is.

Deep peace to you. Light is all around you. Give awareness away with love and it will dissapear.

Fear is never good for anything. Doubt, sorrow, guilt, illusions and ego attachment are all simply not real or true.

Energy simply will, and does, have a path of least resistance. That's the way of the heart. It returns home.

Blessings to you. The spider will be re-directed towards something nice..

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Anti Psychotics unfortunately

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File: 9ab51d20dd99518⋯.pdf (832.6 KB,John Kreiter - Vampire’s W….pdf)

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>To protect

>I'll become.

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Dumb niggers with demons instead of jobs.

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File: cdeb786cd57519d⋯.png (140.74 KB,992x1856,31:58,wage slave logic neet.png)

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when robots replace all the mission-critical wageslaves they won't even have any arguments anymore they will be like pets (in post-industrial world they're half-pets already)

but probably they will still go to work like the bydlos now go to school (not for knowledge but for socialization, and the wageslaves will probably get some monopoly money too)

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This is a triumph of retardation.


(Rule 5)
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Not an argument you mouthbreathing hylic fucktard

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I think he meant his own post.

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File: e8fc997928a4adc⋯.jpg (64.73 KB,505x500,101:100,1jx69m.jpg)


I know it is not an argument. What was posted is self-defeating to the point it requires no refutation. No reasonable person removed from societal bias could conclude from reading that, that it is a valid message or argument, hence why it was not provided any counter-argument or refutation on my end. To be so supremely unworthy of counter or refuting without being a true statement, is a difficult bar to reach, but this managed anyway. Hence, it is a triumph of retardation.


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I just reported your post, and I didn't read it.

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That frankly should in itself be punishable, to waste a mod's time in order to blindly harass a user you personally chose to target via report not in the interest of rules or ethics but in the interest of removing your fellow user.


(Rule 5)
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Haven’t seen a shadow demon in my room since I hung a crucifix.

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Lbrp regularly, grp in a pinch. Keep your living space clean, keep your head clean.

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What is "Lbrp" and "grp"?

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File: d79936b6b83cf11⋯.jpg (42.1 KB,624x351,16:9,_103156157_35ca36c9-db60-4….jpg)

File: 7ac4dbcb75782c9⋯.jpg (71.84 KB,660x486,110:81,_103159471_sleepingbag.jpg)

hey /fringe/, you guys know anything about living in caves?

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Demons at their worst are sticky fuckers. They like to latch onto your more human mechanisms to siphon a part of your soul, no deals, nothing.

It's why Jesus advises to cut your eye out should it be tempted by evil. That's how you get rid of a demon, is to excise the point of their manipulations to keep it from malinging the "generative code" of your soul for their purposes.

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File: 2071acb0fb54bab⋯.png (325.16 KB,638x826,319:413,ClipboardImage.png)


>he doesn't know how to lurp or gurp

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