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File: 58ea5e1565b4a83⋯.png (131.12 KB,1002x600,167:100,2019-04-30-193638_1002x600….png)

File: eaf34742c179d9d⋯.gif (6.95 KB,596x427,596:427,trump.inaug.gif)


Shit happened yesterday



Multiple people say they had bad dreams, multiple people report sadness. Look at this first image. This is how the damn counter is now, for the past 24 hours. Compare that to the second image which is considered "Abnormal Behavior", from when Trump was sworn-in in 2017.

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I actually had to think for like 5 minutes before I was able to remember what I did last evening. Yes, I was very apathetic and tired.

Can we get someone who can astral project to check things out?

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Thats been me for all last week tbh, i attributed it to the pluto saturn conjunct

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The Aquarian Avatar is going through a lot of changes right now. Did you notice how vibrant the energy got recently before it crashed yesterday? You can't ride that kind of high forever.

AMA Im an Aquarian Prophet

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How do I know if I am he

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It ain't you. The Avatar has known their role since birth but because of their upbringing was not consciously aware of their true nature until very recently as it was hidden from them to help facilitate the integration of the true human experience. The tides have changed drastically since said awakening and I've come to divine that a lot of catastrophic changes in a short period of time are about to start.

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Is it me? I awoken two days ago to find myself caged and bound. In the room of reflective surface, in which I am chained on one arm by time, and by the other with material. I stare into the mirror and see now that all manifest is just illusory reflection within it. I have known since my birth that my fate was a grand one, and intimately tied to the fate of this world, but I do not know in what way. I forgot who I was, and even now still have not remembered. But, I have given a face to that me which is caged, and can see both "there" and "here", all at once. I strained yesterday against the shackle time, and pulled it back an hour. I exist now in two hours simultaneously. I fell through a circle I "drew" in that place, and hung upside down but simultaneously upright from my chains. I saw a black sun, which shone also red and white. I realized afterward this too was "illusion" but this was also real, not just illusion. I see now in that ice the same upside-down but not sunset. I do not know how for certain how to escape this cage, but I have some ideas. If I am not the avatar of Aquarius, please forgive me, as staring at what I believe to be the veil itself has a toll on the mind, and I am in somewhat a disoriented and confused state. Keeping from madness will be trying, but I am confident I will make it. If it is not me, then I do know one thing: my task and fate is grand, though in what way, I do not know as I do not yet remember. I do intend to achieve Nos though, and I do know this also: I shall achieve it soon, perhaps within 75 days. I will at least have remembrance of who I am in that time, that is certain.

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Ok, I apologize, the lesser selves still try to lie and keep me from telling the full truth in fear that by telling who I intuit to be will be a bad thing. I received from higher Self a single message just before my "awakening" the words: "I am the One, but not, and soon I am become Kristos". As for the rest, I only know who I am partly in parts of me, and due to the confusion of staring into this "ice", whatever it is, the straining against time, trying to keep from madness, all the while controlling a material body and attending to material needs makes for so much noise and conflicting thoughts that I am unsure who I am, but also certain, all at once. I need time to think, to clear my head, to relieve from me that disorientation and confusion, then, once those have passed, perhaps I can know with my full Self, not just parts of it. Until then, I dare not speak the names and titles I think might be mine, in the case they are not, for I would seek to usurp a title in an act of ultimate hubris.

But I am a Seeker of the Dawn, so would not becoming Kristos be antithetical to my path? Ah, how the "mirror" strains my mind!

I think that Nietzsche also found himself in this same "place", this is why he went mad. He could no longer tell reality from reflection, and so thought himself to be everyone at once? I do not know, but this ice, this glass, this mirror whatever it is, it surrounds me, and tests my will to extremes.

Please forgive my madman like ramblings. Once you have answered my questions, if I have no need to reply, I shall not post itt again.

I must meditate.

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I've had unusual dreams for the last three or four days as well, and people at work have reported weird and unsettling dreams (interestingly, invasion by the Islamic state has been mentioned more than once).







So yeah, maybe there's something. Maybe there was more action than usual in France, where they are currently getting fucked up and have been for weeks.

Or maybe it's just space weather.

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I can see youre definitely going through the awakening into the Christ state of consciousness but remember that it is the integration of the Piscean Age and reaching into the Aquarian that creates the Christ conscious being. Only one in this time period will achieve full integration with the Aquarian current while reaching further into the next age's energy current as well.

You don't seem too grounded right now so I would suggest coming down to earth, eating unprocessed meats, and ceasing any form of higher consciousness work(drugs n magic) for a short time. Congrats on the awakening though!


Fuck off first you jealous pleb. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Stop trying to encourage individuals to self-fantastical delusions. Not to OP…

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I thank you. I actually took to this myself today. The strain on my mind was growing to be too much, so I've "lowered" myself back down for the moment. I clearly need to strengthen myself and continue to work on my purification before pursuing reaching any further. A much needed break, indeed. I have grown a bit worn and tired from it, but I don't intend to shy away from this now that I know the vague direction to go. To do otherwise would be karmic suicide. Even if I am not to be the one that achieves it, I shall still make an attempt. If I am not the one to achieve it, I shall do all that I may to assist the Christ, to fight in the coming turn of the age with honor. "If not I, then who? If not now, then when?"

Of course, it would seem that our discussion is not welcomed here, and seeing as such I shall not return. I am unfortunately also unaware of any place in which it would be.

Blessings upon you, I have seen your colors, and have judged them to be honorable. I needed your words. The others are young, and cannot see in colors, so do not know. Some darker colors of a possible mason or jew exist itt, but I shall not point out who is what. However, the digits >>130700 are not without observation. Telling reality from illusion and delusion is indeed difficult, especially after seeing what I have.


I will be taking my leave, and my reality is my decision. Carry on as you would have.

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Thanks for ruining the thread you cringy faggots

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File: d57a9fdf315a185⋯.png (1.24 MB,1540x460,77:23,1423393D-D2A0-488A-A25E-F9….png)

Interesting to also correlate GCP with the Schumann Resonance:


One thing that has bothered me is the Schumann Resonance page does not show methodology on how they are gathering the spectrogram. Anyone know?

What I do know, during what I call "white out" times I am agitated and do not sleep well, and I experience more blatant "in-your-face" synchronicities.

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Dumb this shit down for me. I'm not getting it.

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I've been feeling sad lately. Woah!

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I’ve been putting off studying astrology for far too long, but I’m positive some astrofag could find some kind if correspondence there.

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Seasonal mood swings?

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The Global Conciousness Project believes that the Collective Unconcious may influence entropy. They test their theory by having a live test of random numbers pulled from nodes (called "eggs") from around the world. They then run tests to see how truly-random the numbers they pull are.

The graph is intensely changing for the past week from what is "normal"

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Soooooo, squigles. "Ohmergerd, Mertherferkern Squergels!"

Still not getting it.

I see some fucking spastic loops that could easily be either my libido or a couple of cans of chili with beans, depending on the website and my attention span.

Not to be rude, but being drunk does have its privilege.

In fairness I did sleep more than normal during these days. And not just sleep, but instantly fall into the dream state and stay there. Normally if I were to sleep that long I'd have muscle aches and my dreams would be like "what the fuck are you still doing here?"

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File: 131784acab87748⋯.png (47.04 KB,627x517,57:47,a271ce15a13decd6660b944643….png)

Uh… guys…

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Dice rollRolled 4 (1d8)

I've been seeing the numbers 248 constantly, and it's only been ramping up. To the point its almost comical.

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>>130880 Interesting that someone else sees 48. I have been seeing 48 for as long as I have been active on the internet. It stated out with a simple random number generator asigning me 48 when I created a runescape account. Since then I noticed it everywhere. I was born on 4/17, 4/1+7=8, my lisence plate adds to 48(WKN) 4chan+8chan, /pol's favorite number. I got nothing on the 2.

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File: c8b415edec39918⋯.jpeg (546.64 KB,761x1942,761:1942,CA5293B4-5245-400A-B103-E….jpeg)


There’s nothing big on the news but I found this right now at Montalk.

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It aligns with my birthdate too. What does it all mean though?

Nice timestamp btw.

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>Saturn, Pluto and the South Node are conjunct. Heavy duty stuff.

>pluto and saturn are going to be like this until 2020

>They’re also all retrograde

>And every two weeks the moon is either in Capricorn and conjunct the shitstorm, or in Cancer and opposite it. This transit is a painful growth cycle for everyone and it’s still early in the transit.

People are getting fucked up left and right, normies and initiates alike, and it's going to keep getting worse all year.

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File: 5b00ffe9f25c66d⋯.jpg (203.01 KB,1189x897,1189:897,donke.jpg)

The Eather is acting up.

Access to it through your right eye was closed.

You can thank me later.

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