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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 4e614e0e668247e⋯.png (22.95 KB,1296x826,648:413,reach.png)


I've been thinking about the act of changing timelines.

Assuming that subtle changes occur through simple decisions, doing something versus not doing something, it would seem like consciously changing something in one's environment would affect a subtle shift to a different timeline.

Acting/doing something spontaneous: Getting a different haircut, by flipping through a book at the barber or stylist and picking one at random.

Attach an intention to the process, some change in lifestyle, new interest, desire for learning.

Then observe the result.

My assumption is that this would become a both spontaneous and intuitive process towards shifting timelines.

This is all assuming the John Titor style of time exists, which I think it does.

I think sometimes the more extreme versions of timelines bleed over in the dream time. Both positive and negative. I've seen horror worlds, bleak and treacherous where that horror is normal everyday survival. "Just the way it is."

But more so I see places where our level of survival is extreme. Where money, debt, hatred, are unheard of. Different versions of people who are shocked at my animosity towards them. Where the entire life isn't struggle but just positive growth.

Anyway, a thought experiment and some rambling.

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File: 7a639010dfe59cf⋯.png (527.36 KB,650x560,65:56,Scientism 008.png)

Not to disparage because you probably can shift timeline consciously, but isn't that sort of what the whole mandela-effect stuff is about? Only that it's CERN or some other org doing it and not a singular individual.

If it does work, can we all focus on a timeline where energies of all kinds are more accessible than they are currently? Not needed or necessary, I know. But helpful certainly.

plz fringe, help me become powerful lizard

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File: 0b55337c6663909⋯.gif (954.69 KB,500x500,1:1,tenor.gif)


My thoughts on the Mandela effect is that some sort of catastrophic event happened on that timeline, causing a massive shift (versus an individual shift). Nuclear war with a huge population loss. Those not ready to be finished were shifted to our current timeline.

I remember Mandela dying the first time, and the "shazam" Sinbad movie, and share in the "wtf" sense of things.

That would be a massive shift, a collective conscious sort of thing, where there's a clear break in continuity to a lot of people. Decisions being made on a collective subconscious level, filtered out of conscious memory of the individual.

I doubt we can shift to any timeline incongruous to our subconscious goals. So much of our true behavior is driven by the unconscious mind moving us in specific directions for purposes that have nothing to do with becoming rich and getting laid.

Learning to shift timelines consciously seems like something we (or at least some of us) will eventually become proficient at. Perhaps even moving forward and backwards in time across different timelines.

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File: 75adfb298ecee5b⋯.jpg (132.12 KB,595x822,595:822,75adfb298ecee5b7c5c0435037….jpg)

We seem to be trapped in the berenstain timeline, though I'm reasonably certain that I came from the Bernstein timeline. Difficult to tell for sure due to the fact that I masturbated every night for 9 years straight. Oh what a loser I have been. Either way, the total jewish death toll in the entire holocaust was 270,000. Fuck you elie wiesel. But I am grateful for Nikola Tesla. Take care anon.

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>just 9 years

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File: f7693c7541ca8b5⋯.gif (1.99 MB,540x540,1:1,Kalei-Trip.gif)


"Trapped" probably isn't the right word.

There may be a spectrum of small choices/outcomes/timelines tied together by large collective events. Moving further away from these large events produces the most deflection. Altered landscapes, different geography.

If we are trapped, it is by our own unconscious mind. Freedom would be connecting to our inner self, to see things as they truly are, clairvoyant. And to operate through that sight to navigate the invisible.

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Nigga, you guys have it wrong. The mechanics behind "The Mandela Effect" isn't a cosmic timeline change, It's a corrupted memory meme.

>Cpt. Kirk's famous line is "Beam me up Mister Scott,"

>Some fan gushing to his peers enthusiastically says "beam me up scotty!"

>everyone else repeats this, forgetting the actual line that was said in the first place.

>when you repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth.

I will say, the circumstances behind the "Mandela died in the 80s" are a whole different but simple to explain phenomenon: The news in the 80s was forced/paid to push a story on how mandela died in the 80s to cover his ass politically. But 30 years later, everyone who ever did the story had either moved on, died or forgotten about it. So when Mandela died for real, they're stuck trying to cover up this monument of a fuck-up they made.

Honestly? The best kind of cosmic timeline fuckery, is real-time fuckery. You know micheal jackson's death? That was manifested on purpose. No, it's not (exactly) an assassination, but someone/something magically willed micheal jackson to die, so he died the negligence of others.


I have to add: there is no fucking way you can fake mass suffering and death, the 6 million dead people of the holocaust are certainly real, but they just were not all jewish. The abusers who are attaching themselves to this label are trying to DARVO their way through life, and spread lies to validate their feelings.

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File: 86b5879f050aa06⋯.jpg (25.51 KB,625x313,625:313,cb80eb37c01465a0349db7faca….jpg)


I thought that was all to this Mandela Effect.

But then, one day. I saw a drawing of Pikachu and freaked out. I clearly remembered it having a yellow tail that ended with a black stripe. But I never could find any image picturing the way I remembered. This creeped me out because I used to draw PIkachu a lot when I was a kid. And then I saw it in connection with the Mandela Effect…

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Nope. I clearly remember Mandela's death being announced. And the "Shazaam" poster with Sinbad being in the window of a video rental place.

Jim Nabor's died of aids in the late 80's. Died again in 2010. Another 'what the fuck?'.

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Most of the mandela-effect type stuff can easily be explained if you adhere to Occam's Razor. All of these have logical explanations. The only time you should be concerned, is when everything simple doesn't seem to make sense at all.

Hell. Time itself is a force that is personal and is most prominent in the present, It only exists in the past and future as a number or date, and if one were to try and travel to a point in time, all they'd really be doing is going to a different dimension that resembled that moment in time.

If you're interested in real time-fuckery, try looking up stuff on time dilation- changing the speed of your own personal time is some straight-up kooky shit.

I'm sorry I can't immediately provide resources for time dilation, I only know the basics of it from the stories from my peers.


>Nope. I clearly remember Mandela's death being announced.

Alright then, if you're so sure, then give me details: what date did this happen? year at the bare minimum. What news station or newspaper was this announced on? How many other stations repeated this announcement?

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>Alright then, if you're so sure, then give me details: what date did this happen? year at the bare minimum.

Fuck if I remember what year. I just remember it was in the fucking news. I don't keep a fucking diary.

I'm sure because experience. It isn't a fucking debate, or a hand holding session about the reality of paranormal shit. It's interesting when you note something as weird, then others note the same thing/experience. This isn't mis-remembering "Play it again, Sam."

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>I'm sure because experience. It isn't a fucking debate, or a hand holding session about the reality of paranormal shit. It's interesting when you note something as weird, then others note the same thing/experience. This isn't mis-remembering "Play it again, Sam."

Sorry. It just frustrates me when people adhere to a pop-culture mindset of cosmic fuckery, and treat it as fact. it frustrates me because all the information from my experiences, readings and such points to things being vastly different and expansive.

It's like listening to kids say "lol, it's EZ 2 make vidya games" when they don't even play with map editors.

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The Mandela effect definitely attracts larp, much like the UFO community.

But there's a reality to both.

On the flip side are the 'muh science' gatekeepers. The rational thinkers who lose all rationality when exposed to information outside of their comfort zone.

The exhausting never ending hand holding requests for proof of magic or anything paranormal. Pretending that Google doesn't exist or that they somehow missed every reference ever to the governments use of remote viewing, developed by a practicing psychic.

That's where my frustration comes from. A logical explanation can be fabricated for any experience, but doesn't change the experience. It just gas lights the experiencer.

Likely all working magic is resulting in shifting timelines to reflect desired outcomes. And the same effect operating unconsciously in people without clear direction or focus.

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my pikachu's tail tip was like 1:56 from this videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4BSmA7aiLU

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Nice bluepill, retard.

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File: ba81d63761630a8⋯.png (123.65 KB,1257x1589,1257:1589,tbd.png)

[word stream]

thought provokes action

[burnt hard truth] kine

lotus blooms

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File: aaf5ef22fca6173⋯.png (30.89 KB,576x2020,144:505,dopamine rush.png)

dopamine rush

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>the holocaust is real

opinion: discarded

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Not OP, but I made this post at the time. >>129649

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, so allow me to ramble a bit.

I'm not familiar with the John Titor style of time, but if it's anything like the "Books of Seth" type of time then I sort of get it (I think).

Personally I believe that one's subconsciousness is basically the arbitrator of your existence, that is to say: the subconscious encompasses both individual and collective sub-, as well as individual and collective personal consciousness. As such it holds the blueprints of, at the very least, all of your personal belief-, thought-, emotion-, behavior- ,etc, mind-patterns. The conscious part of your mind, the observer-participant, holds the keys to your subconscious part(s). It is possible therefore with enough will to fine-tune basically all of your mental capacities/experiences. I have also found that semantics serve very little, as it is the "emotional"/energetic force behind a thought or action which provides the impact. I read somewhere that the subconscious mind is able to process over 40 million bytes per second, while the conscious only reaches about 40 bytes. Everything you perceive gets stored and managed by your subconscious, aswell as every choice that is presented to you. Somewhere in your subconscious lurks your shadow, your higher self, your true will, all of your "splinter personalities" or "soul children", your spiritual "implants" as some call them, alongside your physical processes and your connection to higher and lower "dimensions" or spiritual/mental realms. Just as the input in your physical ears is managed in the brain, so too is input from the external and internal "non-physical" world managed.

Accounts of people (re-?) experiencing "past lives" are very easy to find. From personal experience I know that I had very very spookily accurate future-telling experiences, which have convinced me that it is possible to "see" both future and past, in ways that are not permitted so to speak by the societal mainstream discourse. I also remember watching the shazaam movie with sinbad on the tv as a kid, and not in english mind you. The explanation for the "mandela effect" that >>129673 gives, is what I used to explain to myself at the time that "lel I'm just retarded I guess". But if you really think about that: the idea that a single person can say one thing differently and it changes the beliefs of thousands and millions within one generation or two, is completely mind-boggling. One dude misremembers it once but states it like it is undisputed truth, and everyone around him just accepts and maintains and spreads that idea to the point where millions have heard of it? I understand that that can and does happen through ideas and discoveries and memes, but something easily provable like the "beam me up" example? Do those people then actually hear "Scotty"?

If consciousness is a two-way 4D radio, then the belief in a differing quote or meme makes it so in the collective conscious to the extent of the total force/will of the individual believers. If you add to that the notion of free agency and therefore proba-/possibility, shit gets spine-tingling yo. With every new choice arises the possibility and therefore the blueprint-like existence of each choice. When looking at a single or multiple futures or pasts, you are more or less looking at probabilities that ultimately your subconscious provides for you. It should therefore in principle be possible to achieve all kinds of time-fuckery. If you could go back to the point where the word time was invented, you could choose to enter the world where in english the word time was chosen to be "tiktik". That is, if you are both observer and participant in the experience. If such a feat is able to be done with one singular mind, and is done constantly by collective minds, it is probably possible to do it synthetically with a machine. CERN. In both cases you would need a big amount of energy to do it with many specifications, so indeed it would be a great feat to do so consciously. I will start with meditating on a timeline where, as stated in my first post, the world is greatly filled and filling with many energies pertaining to spiritual growth and physical power. Do me a favour and do the same. I will do so until I feel it is enough, whatever that means. I have also decided that I will become powerful lizard, whatever that means.

Sorry if I wasted your time, but I'd be really interested in any opinion or critique. I haven't found a logical reason for why these specific items like the bernsteins and pikachu would be changed but I imagine it is simply a by-product of the chosen timeline. However, I know of the wisdom of higher forces, so it might be that those changes are in a sense a marker or warning sign.

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On Mandela effect, the most interesting ones are the ones involving changes in land mass. Misremebering a phrase is one thing, remembering an entire land mass differently is another.

Cern, I personally believe, is some kind of summoning device being used by the elite. Trying to brute force a hole for some entity to enter our reality.

Being fluid in one's thinking likely opens one up to "remembering" differences. Fluid being a reliance on creativity/spontaneity versus fixed or crystallized thinking.

The easiest way to be psychic is to pretend your psychic. It bypasses the logic mind and allows you to directly access information in the subconscious.

It could be that we are living simultaneous lives in different timelines, with a dominant timeline being the one where our conscious self is most concentrated. So those behaving as NPC's are individuals running on autopilot, while being consciously active in a completely different timeline where we operate as NPC's.

Synchronicity is fun. Deja vu, premonitions, predictive dreams, talking to animals, to those who've passed on, telepathy. Throwing bones, using Tarot cards. These are all things that lead to or are associated with expanded consciousness. Things that are experiential and not theoretical.

But the world we currently live in isn't designed to be a comfortable place for shamans.

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File: ccebb08adcc3b1d⋯.jpg (38.38 KB,750x746,375:373,1562288759167.jpg)

Every moment your reality changes you are shifting timelines. Its an infinite amount of frames to choose from that your subconscious and spirit filter for you to give you a range of choices and 'realities/timelines' to experience that most align with your current self. Every time anything moves, matter or time, you have shifted through a ridiculous number of varying realities. Learning to navigate this sea is what allows for some interesting fuckery. Im talking spontaneous manifestation of solid objects, teleportation, 'timeline' shifting on a massive scale, as well as the ability to truly meet with someone's core self and connect with it beyond your veils. But you gotta accept some pretty uncomfortable truths about the nature of spacetime. You're never in the same place twice, you don't know if the people in your life are the same people you interacted with a day ago, you don't get to accept the same illusory foundation normies have come to rely on. A boat adrift on an infinite ocean, eternal night blankets the surface, your vessel guided only by shifting reflections and the primal spirit within. Do you have what it takes to sail these seas?


This negus has the right idea, but Id like to comment on that last part.

>The world wasnt designed to be a comfortable place for shamans

The world wasnt designed to be comfortable for those fighting The Eternal Slumber. The shaman has fully awoken and life becomes as comfortable as the shaman desires. Life be what it is what you make of it, what you feel the world to be. Your life and the path you walk is a representation of your relationship with yourself and with God. It is your conversation with all that is. What does your life tell you about yourself? You could have been anything, so why choose to be this being you have become?

Let your waters run free and drink from the river of life. Though the water may be bitter and sickening at first, in time it will come to heal you. The spirit of God shall descend upon the temple and you shall ascend in spirit into the heavens to bring divinity to the kingdom.

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File: 93afc13e5742d92⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2416x2068,604:517,kerry-potter.jpg)

Depending on your quantum mechanical view of the world. If you follow Hugh Everett's Many worlds theory. Everytime a decision is made a new timeline, a new universe, a new reality happens. The decision being the point of change. If you decide to turn left. You end up in the lake. If you turn right, you end up at the park. Both realities exist, but their is a fork in the road of reality at the point of decision. Cognitive thinking and the active action of a mind creates this new reality.

This is why positive mental thinking is so important. When many people concentrate on a change and actively participate in that change, then that reality will pop into existence.

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There is a problem with the many worlds theory however. It is not currently possible for us to hop from timeline to timeline, or Universe to Universe. We can only experience the one we are in. So it is imperative that you always choose the right path to take on your journey.

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I was in one such timeline for two years of my life, 2004 was weird then, we went at war with Iraq and Iran instead of Iraq and Afghanistan.

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File: c0ded922e15ec22⋯.jpg (3.74 MB,2738x1825,2738:1825,magic=mushroom.jpg)

File: 0a62968147e8bfd⋯.jpg (4.49 MB,3630x1376,1815:688,mushroom-kingdom.jpg)


Tell us more. How did you move to this timeline? I mean we don't have a mushroom network like in STD.

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I have no idea how I moved there, I was 12 - 14 at the time, it just kind of… happened. I mean, I was knocked out when I was 12 in a pillow fight, that's the only thing that 'shook me up', but I think it's silly that a pillow fight would cause me to shift unless in my normal timeline I died or something like that.

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File: 7c1c1dda705c112⋯.png (38.58 KB,1807x789,1807:789,attribution.png)


>What does your life tell you about yourself?

The dick slap of truth. Good post.

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I remember Pikachu without the stripe, but I remember thinking what a coincidence my Sun sign being Saggitarius and the Earth being at the end of the Saggitarius Arm of the galaxy. Only the Earth is in the Orion Spur, which I hadn’t even heard about a year ago. Cognitive error? I don’t know what to make of it. I do believe in changing timelines without breaking continuity of memories, and it is not that hard to do it willingly. Who knows maybe this is not all that different.

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>likely all working magic is resulting in shifting timelines to reflect desired outcomes

And it has to be done from outside time. In the Montalk model (which is really just a compendium of sources), there is only one part of us that exists outside time. This is a clue as to how to master magic and more. I purposely mention Montalk without explaining more because I think it’s beneficial to read montalk.com entirely and get acquainted with the concepts there (I think he’s wrong in some aspects, but that’s not relevant).

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That is how it feels like to me. I need to get back into this show.

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