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Anons Fringe Archive


I need to attain healing. If I don't heal myself soon, my ability to function in this world is going to be so badly damaged, that I might as well be dead. I won't be able to read or do anything. I will just be stuck at home all the time unable to walk around and straining too hard to read big letters. I just don't have the time I used to anymore to be armchair about this or to continue my research thinking I will have years to figure this all out.

If anyone here has successfully witnessed or been involved in healing please tell me all you know.

Here is all I can think of concerning it:

1. Healing is a natural function that the body does all the time. Anything can be healed but SOMETHING sometimes stops it from happening or things don't heal back the way they should.

2. Thoughtforms could be used to heal the body but I'm pretty terrible at making them due to constant insomnia and exhaustion and depression.

3. Forgiveness seems to have some kind of role in healing. I don't understand why.

4. Certain kinds of dreams seem to heal and other kinds you wake up more exhausted. I don't understand why.

5. Like begets like. If I center my awareness in a particular thing like love, healing, or hope I should be able to draw it from the source of all.

Any other variables that might be worth testing please mention. Most of all just tell me actual stories about healing so I might glean clues as to how it happens.

I'm thinking this might be my last thread on here in awhile so whatever you guys tell me I will try to use what you've told me and I will be spending all my time working on being healed and staying off the computer. I am going to be a complete mess at an early age when I should be experiencing peak health right now.

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You are gimped because your soul is fetid and weak. This is proof that you are full of sin and should not inhabit the physical plane. Put a bullet through your brain and go back to hell until you are cleansed of ignorance.

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Are you that one anon who posted about his eyes being fucked up and straining hard to see things? It sounds like you got a lot of shit to deal with. I'll see what I can help you with.

>1. Healing is a natural function that the body does all the time. Anything can be healed but SOMETHING sometimes stops it from happening or things don't heal back the way they should.

Yes, the energy body does heal itself naturally. The "something stopping it" from happening are blockages that happen because of either contact from negative entities, energies, or removal of energies.

>2. Thoughtforms could be used to heal the body but I'm pretty terrible at making them due to constant insomnia and exhaustion and depression.

Yes they can. It's true that being depressed as shit will fuck you up.

>3. Forgiveness seems to have some kind of role in healing. I don't understand why.

Forgiveness lets you heal yourself emotionally and mentally.

>4. Certain kinds of dreams seem to heal and other kinds you wake up more exhausted. I don't understand why.

Dreams are

>5. Like begets like. If I center my awareness in a particular thing like love, healing, or hope I should be able to draw it from the source of all.

Absolutely. But keep in mind, this works in the opposite direction as well- as you said with #2, you think you're terrible at making things because you're exhausted and mentally depressed. I've had a lot of my metaphysical problems be nothing more than just a thing in my head, maybe something's up with you too.

I'll write down what I can for healing in a few minutes, but first, I'll crosslink this thing I wrote for /hope/.


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Dammit I fucked up #4.

Dreams are a mental diagnostic of your life, the symbolism tells you what you need to know of your life, but their prophecy is solely for the self. You can also turn a nightmare around by imagining its sequence and then changing events so that they work in your favor. If you dream of a specific creature more than two nights in a row, you have attracted the attention of a negative entity, those can usually be small and obnoxious. imagine yourself smothering it in love energy- this is anathema to them.

You can also harden your body by imagining yourself wearing a suit of impervious armor.

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This was rushed, but I'll try and edit or clarify what I can when I get back later. It is a collection of exercises and methods for healing yourself in many forms.

Clear blockages, banish negative energy.

Imagine your energy blockages as a nasty, crusty, disgusting substance on you, this will mentally associate energy blockage with something you don't want.

Now imagine a doctor using a scalpel to cut and peel this nasty stuff off you, when this gross stuff is peeled off, under it is your fresh, healthy skin.

Start with your torso, imagine this construct-doctor cutting the nastiness off your body and peeling it off like a mold. underneath each part that he cuts out, is new skin. Once the torso is done, repeat the process of peeling this gross blockage off your head, then

imagine him cutting and peeling the gross stuff off your arms and hands. Once that is done, imagine him cutting the gross crusty stuff and pulling it off your legs and feet. Then, imagine him cutting the gross out of your genitals, your anus, your mouth, your ears, and

your sinuses.

Once this is all done, imagine him scrubbing those same areas that were just peeled out with a white lotion or milk. This will symbolise new good energy from the center of the universe, each limb that had gunk peeled off, imagine him pouring the energy onto you and

rubbing in into your clean skin.

remember, this doctor isn't just a nobody, he's a construct that listens to you. If you want to associate him with artificiality, then imagine him as a programmable robot doctor.

Death and Rebirth Meditation

This may sound like a "Fight fire with naplam" technique, but I found this works uncannily well.

Imagine (and/or pretend) that you randomly croak and die. If you ever get suicidal thoughts during this that desire to alter your imagination, then imagine yourself randomly dying as the suicide tools fail and fall apart. Imagine that gun rusting and falling to pieces

as you croak, imagine that rope rotting and falling off your neck as you fall to the floor, having failed to kick the stool off. Imagine that helium tank popping off and fizzling out of gas, the mask on your face turning yellow and falling apart as you hit the floor.

Imagine (and/or enact) yourself falling to the floor, your skin turning grey and unfeeling. imagine your flesh decomposing, and insects coming to feast on the dead innards. imagine the rotted flesh turning into ash and being nothing but bones, then imagine the bones

crumble to dust.

Once you are nothing but a pile of dust and ashes, imagine those ashes reforming, turning into a new body. imagine a fire erupting from these ashes. Imagine molten steel pouring from this fire and reforming your body as you wake up from your deathly slumber. Imagine

yourself arising from this fire, a hard, strong body of steel and power.

Be reborn from death in your new life and strength!

The Ho'oponopono

This one is simple and to the point, Whenever you're hurt or depressed, find the spot that hurts, imagine it as a stressed ball, hug it. imagine the energy of love pouring into it, and say the following phrases to it:

"I'm sorry,"

"Please forgive me,"

"Thank you,"

"I love you."

This is an old hawaiian prayer, it's simple, it's agnostic, and it's effective. use this as a simple mantra to help your self whenever you're unsure if something will work.


Khan's post on healing the emotional body


A little tibit on the ego that many magicians tend to overlook.


Swamij.com is a good site, but there's also a lot of filler information and terminology that needs a reread or just a glance to figure out.

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I don't know where exactly to go with this, but I want to relay something that's been helping me get out a few bad times, I randomly discovered this board, and /hope/fully this mental exercise will help anyone passing by.

It starts with your heart. Now, there are a lot of places in your body you can think about, but what I want you to do is focus on your heart, the place you've probably been neglecting- a place a lot of people have been neglecting emotionally because the idea is infantilized. We've been taught to treat it as something cartoons and cheesy movies yes, that it's "too childish" to talk about your heart they say. Hurt people say it's "Just an organ that pumps blood through you," people who say that, have broken or stunted hearts. People put you down emotionally because they're been hurt or conditioned to shut themselves out of their emotions.

Forget these people, let them go, they have zero control you, your heart is fine, and if it's hurt you can heal it.

Focus on your heart, imagine it, feel it, meditate on it. Ask yourself "what does my heart think is fun?" You will find that thing that your heart thinks is fun, and when you do, do it. How does it feel to do this? It should feel amazing. Now, keep listening to your heart, and use your head to find what your heart wants. look for what makes your heart feel good, and think about how, what where can you achieve this.

Have faith, it will come to you. You will find what your heart feels, listen to it.

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Can you say from observation or experience at to what degree of healing to expect for the physical body from this?

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This is some Tumblr-tier logic, but you're not wrong.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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Why don't you give your healing advice that can lead to objective healing of limbs, eyes, etc.?

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File: 5f3b38c854d3bf6⋯.jpg (397.32 KB,929x1200,929:1200,MAD-Magazine-Katrina-10_55….jpg)


Anyone who believes that shit is a fucking idiot. I recommend nobody encourage research into this area as it is a health hazard to promote this disinformation. This is on par with promoting anti-vax lunacy and should consistently result in ridicule when treated as plausible, let alone legitimate.

If you don't go to a hospital for that shit, you are wasting your time and potentially endangering yourself.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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The doctors here can't help with shit and are known for accelerating the deaths of their patients. You are a legit fucking retard to trust the medical system, especially if you live in my country, but I assume it can't be much better wherever you live. At best they can do exactly fuck all for me (actually, I've spent about a thousand dollars trying to get help through the normal ways, and all their promises have failed and I've kept up with what they've been asking and kept paying… and tried to find other people as well, and guess what? Zero progress.) and at worst they can hurt me more. The only reason I even turned to conventional medicine was out of desperation and it has completely FAILED ME. Before I gave them money I had them give me a timeline as to how many visits should be required at the minimum and how much at the max, what kind of results to expect, etc. and I've already gone way over the max with no real results.

It is only reasonable for me to look to alternatives.

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File: d3b202537d38fd9⋯.jpg (114.14 KB,555x720,37:48,1451879643-0.jpg)


You are describing an issue created by medicare not being a universal single-payer system. You are not describing an issue created by medicine in itself.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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Best [redacted]

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You need to gain conscious access to the solar plexus and vagus nerve. Poking your feet, doing the Wim Hof breath session (Yogi Atkinson's Master breath), and sucking in your gut like you're doing a heimlich ought to do it. I managed to improve organ motility and was spared several surgeries. Atkinson's complete works explained it best. When I need more I read more. Never needed much.

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Didnt read one word you said but im very sad that i wont have you to compete for resources with now! Im literally shaking!

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