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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 6fbd5133b54e634⋯.jpg (11.83 KB,255x201,85:67,hmm.jpg)

File: f698a94411a7457⋯.jpg (12.78 KB,182x255,182:255,ew chris stop.jpg)

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Do you think Chris-Chan's astral projection "Other world" has any validity? While it's fully possible that he could just be tripping on drugs or being an autist I think he may be actually achieving journeys to his weird pony world. Normally one would have to push it off but the strange detail that he goes into with his stories and amount of well thought out world building that he establishes in his many tweets about his travels. If anything, his constant struggle and autism could actually contribute to his ability to travel, as some kind of karma could be enacted to him for how much shit he has gone through. Maybe his other world is just god giving him a place of respite from his quickly failing mental, physical, and financial state irl.

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File: cb54f6493876c5b⋯.jpg (92.42 KB,741x568,741:568,1528591081380.jpg)


Interesting theory. I think many people can use certain skills that they are naturaly good at maybe magic maybe not. The main problem for them is actually knowing what the hell they are doing. In our friend chris's case he is probably using his subconscious ability to create connections and form a world that is just as detailed and real as this one. Everyone does it in dreams, but controlling it and aligning it to certain things, while not in a trance, is a tough ask for 99% of people. Tesla did this to great effect, he would build machines in his mind and his subconscious would run them for a period of time. He could then disassemble them and examine the wear on parts. Where the line between creations of the subconscious self and the manifestation in a place like the astral lie is anyones guess. You could even say they are different degrees of the same thing, all is mind after all. He could probably use this ability for something better than autistic fanfic.

>Do you think Chris-Chan's astral projection "Other world" has any validity?

Certainly possible, I don't know enough about him to make a better guess.

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File: 80159b229a67c25⋯.png (86.1 KB,680x680,1:1,epycwynn-2.png)


You're trying very hard to make the best of a bad situation, OP. While it's true the imagination is heavily tied to the occult, it's also true that escapism is a tool people use for themselves to get stoned off of illusions of a life better than their own. You're describing the latter and it's not something I'd look far into.

Interesting food-for-thought revisionism of Chris-Chan as something other than a pitiful product of neurological circumstance and mass digital harassment.

~Epyc Wynn

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Extreme retard alert! Disregard anything under this name.

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File: dad75499224eb1f⋯.png (2.4 KB,91x128,91:128,epycreverseuno.png)


The only thing below my name is your post and this one, so I agree with you.

~Epyc Wynn

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File: a5ada8cb248e782⋯.png (96.84 KB,583x332,583:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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Hur dur I don't agree with him he's a retard huurder

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File: 5c544281e1401a9⋯.gif (6.16 KB,209x209,1:1,sanic.gif)

lets all joke about how Chris Chan is the Messiah.

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File: 9acb6164b6cb993⋯.png (1.06 MB,1238x1238,1:1,epycisfuckingdumb.png)


>not specifying which name

>playing rhetorical games

>using /fringe/


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~Epyc Wynn

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>weird pony world

Lost it.

Kidding aside, some lore states that magic and madness go hand in hand sometimes. Like how the fae are more "magic" than "reason", so their fabled laws and actions are totally batshit. And let me just go ahead and state that Chris is a fairy alright

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there exists an old idea that if you chart out average human intelligence, you will find many of those in the top ~30% on "the spectrum." if you chart average human consciousness, you will find the top ~30% in psych wards because those in that grouping cannot function in lesser evolved settings.

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I think in some cultures that transgender people are revered as holy or chosen.

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File: a4988e35c95d52e⋯.png (22.98 KB,633x758,633:758,dry.png)


>Maybe his other world is just god giving him a place of respite from his quickly failing mental, physical, and financial state irl.

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All cultures except a chosen few sects in the modern era, yes.

To truly be "powerful" (or whatever), you need to be able to wield dark and light, feminine and masculine. Otherwise it's like trying to run a marathon with one leg. Good luck, we're all rooting for you.

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Seems like most of the world these days isn't doing all that much better than Chris.

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File: e75f8153d3716e8⋯.gif (156.58 KB,500x394,250:197,7fe.gif)

Remember in that Adventure Time Episode when we saw that Fionna and Cake was broadcasted into the universe through Ice King's brain waves while dreaming, and was picked up by radio antennas? Perhaps the thoughtforms of Christine are so vivid because of her autistic obsession with the Sonichu canon, which eventually leads to it realising itself in a powerful wave form, the properties of consciousness being consumed by this Chaos Magick elevates subjective perception towards the reality of the subject.

Obviously, this sister-dimension is a metaphor for the mental gateway to the creative structures which emerge in the Sonichu canon, but if your mind falls in line with this logic completely, then you enter into your own reality, which is why people who do this are labelled as crazy. Basically, she has a portal in her mind which for all intents and purposes allows a path into this reality.

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Well, I never said anything about everyone else, though I do have the lowest possible opinion of humanity. I was talking about dumb people. When you talk to a legitimately stupid person, it feels like you're talking to a wall, like they are barely hearing what you say. People that you can talk to about almost anything and they will never know what you're talking about. Basically talking about the stupidest people I have ever seen in my life. People in my family, and a couple of teachers (not even most teachers are on that level), most of them women. My grandmother asked before about what the hell the sky is, and what is behind it, why it's blue and what is up with that black thing when it's night time, in her fucking 60s, and she's not uneducated. I had a massive amount of issues with her because she always believed in insane superstitious bullshit (she even called everything that I drew demonic when I was a kid and made me destroy a few things) that I didn't understand at all as a kid, and would attack me for it, and everything was an excuse to say that I was a piece of shit like my dad and threaten to kick me out. Her sister, until her 20s, thought that we live on the inside of a hollow planet (I would like to hear her younger self explain how exactly the sun works, that would be fun). My grandfather used computers since the mid 90s and to this day he doesn't know how to minimize, maximize and resize windows, and other basic window manager shit. My mother has used computers since before she was 20 and only learned how to use a search engine when I explained to her, when she was already in her 40s, and her browser was always 50% toolbars. She also basically believes she's a witch (I don't know much about that, and don't want to know), is a compulsive liar, and everything bad that happens is a curse. She lost her keys once and ended up screaming that the keys disappeared because her ex cursed her. All of these people are emotionally out of control as well. Because of this shit, I became incredibly paranoid and didn't let them see anything that I did. When I was watching TV and showed up, I would change channels. When I was using the computer and they showed up, I would close everything no matter what it was. I still have issues with this sort of thing to this day. My door has to always be locked. When I wasn't allowed to lock it, I would look behind me so much that I hurt my neck and it become a recurring issue for many years. I feel very uncomfortable doing anything around anyone else to this day. And these are educated people that went to college and made and shitload of money (and wasted all of it, naturally), but their brains are rotten from lack of use, and they have no real curiosity about anything. Still, they think they know about everything and will argue with people that have dedicated their entire lives to learn about what they are talking about while they haven't even read about the subject once. Maybe they have heard some dumb shit on TV or "seen X in a movie once", but that's the extent of their knowledge if you can call it that. Also, all of them use cellphones now, and it's absolutely intolerable. And they think it's too hard as well. Struggle a lot to use technology specifically made for retards. Do you need more examples? Should I mention their morality as well? Or maybe this is all defensible? It's certainly off-topic, and I should definitely sleep because I have been an insomniac mess lately. Regardless, if I'm the monster here, I can only assume that being one can't be too bad considering that I have never done anything even remotely as bad as what people do on a daily basis without even thinking.

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