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 No.110642 [Last50 Posts]

There is a sickness in the mind. What is happening? What is being pushed onto us under the guise of modernization?

I threw up out of disgust upon hearing California depenalizing the purposeful spread of HIV/AIDS, instead of a felony, it's just a misdemeanor, no prison time.

I feel like I'm in a sci-fi horror movie. Why am I the only person in my life who can see how sick things are. I bring these things up and people are hostile to people who question these sick, demonic behaviors they are normalizing. Aids for everyone! Finally true equality! Progressive! Something has to snap soon.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why even ask?

You already know the (((ANSWER))).

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There's one friend I have (haha) who also browses 8ch, and we say the same thing. Sort of like Carter's "malaise" I suppose, but this time no amount of populist grandstanding can cover it up and band-aid it.

Personally, I think it has to do with pop culture helping to slowly - and almost imperceptibly - cause moral and social standards to slide backwards all in the name of fairness and equality. Let people with AIDS donate blood because fairness and you don't want them to feel bad. Let a transexual teacher speak to a 4th grade class and have them all try on different clothes to see if they may be another gender, etc etc. It's all done to be fair, equal, and "kind"…but in reality, it's lowering standards.

People will laugh, but I remember once speaking to my grandmother a couple decades ago before she died of cancer and I took care of her. I was talking about this even then, and told her I honestly thought that it started with Elvis and how he normalized the whole hip thrust, groin thrusting on TV. How they refused to film him below the waist, and when he got TV to cave, it opened a crack in standards. I know it sounds like I'm some puritan, but I'm not. It's just an observation.

I think we're just reaping what we've sown over the past 4-5 decades. A slow backward slide into total "freedom" to be depraved. To me, that's not freedom.

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It isn't, it never has been well.

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Fucking humans think they're hot shit while they are literally just a chemical reaction that descends from a black sludge that got struck by lightning, they are animated dirt, yet they feel as thought they're so important they can go around writing rights for themselves, they have the same thought patterns as bacteriophage, they are nothing more than walking, talking piles of shit and should be regarded as no more than that.

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Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen

That's what shit it made of

that's what you are made of

you are an animated shit golem risen by higher beings for fun just like you can raise bacteria colonies out of a petri dish for fun, the difference between you and a giant pile of shit is only in arrangement, the difference between you and the ribonucleic acid you descend from is only in scale and degree

you are a mineral, you are a very unlikely configuration of elements, and that's all, this entire plane and all the (literal) pieces of shit that inhabit it sucks dick

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File: 1fc2b4ea5a90923⋯.gif (768.51 KB,585x430,117:86,tumblr_ml5ks4NldI1roqnreo1….gif)


You're not the only one. Just keep up to your wits, and trust no one. Do not let the smiling faces in advertisements fool you.

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We have evolved the world around us faster than we evolved ourselves. We are overwhlemed by it. We were not made for shit like social media. It makes us become parodies of ourselves. We are also overwhelmed by the amount of info we share with each other in general. Everyone has a voice now. Everyone gets heard if he just invests enough time shouting. We don't listen to the smartest people anymore, we listen to the loudest, for only they can even be heard amongst the noice that is produced when everyone is talking at once. Not to mention that humanity is completely out of touch with its own spirituality.

When I take a look at our species I just become sad lately.

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You're not alone. The world really do feels like a nightmare that never ends

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And a cake is some ground plants and an unborn chicken. Wow you two are so intelligent recognizing their are subsystems of the human being.

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The timelines are compressing. Harness the energy of those who are coming from possibilities that are disappearing (Mandela effect), the fifth age is coming and those who awaken sooner will be remembered in legend.

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File: 98336fb40ad7cdc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB,970x500,97:50,allllllll the way.jpg)



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Sportschan.org if you wanna come see us btw.


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Humans isn't just that you asshole.

Humans has emotions,feelings.

They aren't just animals,they don't live only by instincts.

They created Love,hate,desire,ambition,credo,philosophy,patriotism etc. etc. etc. and A WAY MORE!

Thinking like taht is pure nihilism

and also stupidity even if that's true that people aren't sacred.

They can created Good the same as they can create Evil,it's simple

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wasted sixtuples

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i wonder if this was a meme, a (((jew))) or just a troll

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here goes a consciousness-dump from reddit. may it help you. (beware: could be normie):


in real life

people are attuned politically to whatever they find desirable, or what the environment tells them

but in the internet

it's different

thanks to the anonymyty

people choose to be whatever they want and can reveal hidden political choices

now, why leftism is so popular

(first i shall address left)

it's because of the illuminati

they love to boost this idiology

it fragments minds, specially when you couple radical feminism

according to studies the effect of having a separated parent is great

each parent contributes something to the child

that's why they speak of "mother figure" and "father figure"

a fatherless person turns to other powerful figures

even if they are not males

since they were not educated in strength they are feminized, basically



that's why you see so many "snowflake" 10000000 gender bi-trans-plantself-kinself-otherkin-furry whatever

imo, it's a mental plague and absolute retardation

sometimes they leak into the real life

sometimes you see in anti-trump marches, people naked

and in one particular march lots of trash was left after, and something that was remarkable was the amount of coffees in plastic cups with soy in them

soy feminizes

i'm not sure if they were coffees infused with soy directly

most possibly the coffee had soy remainder

(untreated soy, in this case)

since in the internet you are anonymous

you can blab all that you want about race-mixing, "interracial accepting" and other such claptraps

and be terribly oppresive against different viewpoints

sometimes you see a comment that is neutral, "return to old values", or right leaning

and it's downvoted to oblivion

why won't they speak out in comments?

they only pass and downvote like faceless cowards

sorry for judging

but radical leftism is a mind-plague

they have a name

sjw cultural marxism

okay, now the right

it's a bit harder to explain

the right, specially the far right is criticized because of the same far-left guys

the right is decanted towards traditional values, so to say

that don't fit in with the left viewpoint

that's why they clash now more than ever before

like the far left, the far right is very radical

but imho

it's as extreme as the far left but in different ways

instead of changing everything and leaving everything to chaos, they advocate for a totalitarian society, very controlled and yet very orderly

that's why they like pinochet and "traditional" figures

some of the far-right advocate for white-protection

that whites need a racial home

if you consider something called the "karlergi plan"

they have reasons to defend the white race

(it's a conspiracy to dilute the white race so the nwo can be established, btw)

the other very general point is the "cleansing of impures"

you may have noticed that the far right don't like homosexuals, jews, transexuals


i haven't actually met a person that calls them impures

but well

they think that if they are removed from society it shall be better

no "degeneracy" so to say

i, personally, am a non-dualitarian

left-right arbitrarily divides

so i transcended the duality

before, the world was simpler

i almost forgot something

the "triggers"

it's annoying to be wary of them

so i am not.


Individual Sovereignity

i call the left mind-plague because it's unstable

if you expose one of them to reality he or she will be… shocked

instant cognitive dissonance

i think that if you copied and pasted this in reddit somewhere

even in /r/friendlyconversation

you would get like 1k of downvotes

not all the world has succumbed to this

governments are more accomodating to invaders that destroy cultures, now

i see

(speaking about reddit downvotes)

there are rumours that some of these downvotes are botted

and that the illuminati are developing an alogorithm that only shows you what they want you to see

have you heard of QAnon?

it is so.

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>There is a sickness in the mind.


>What is happening?


>What is being pushed onto us under the guise of modernization?


>I threw up

That means it's kicking in

>I feel like I'm in a sci-fi horror movie.

Are you?

>Why am I the only person in my life who can see how sick things are.

laugh track

>Something has to snap soon.

Already did.

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probably a troll

i can't imagine thinking like that,it's nonsense

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not since the flood atleast.

>muh bible

Tales of the flood predate that pile of garbage

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la la la la la

:^) I love that I am not the only one

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Life is shit and life is sex. Every fruit falls down from something else, >hey man get a load of this shit wisdom and every act of creation, mental, physical or spiritual comes with a build up of pressure, energy and friction and manifests with a huge release of potential. From an everyday epiphany to making a babby to the big bang, the world is a pussy and I'm lookin to bust a nut.

If such metaphors lead you to think blackpilled things then you need to back the fuck away from seeking the truth because you are not ready for it. As beautiful as the truth is it will destroy the mind that is not ready for it.

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>was just thinking about not long ago

>come to /fringe/

>this is very top of catalog

I've never seen this thread before either.

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if you're looking for something nice to read and try to be a better soul, maybe check this out. polite sage for mildly related.


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it is the jews and the mundanes. just keep on until shtf.

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there is no waste except for your bad taste.

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this false reality we live in is a pussy and we are all babies.


apocalypse=lifting of the veil


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Anyone else feel a surge of negative energy over the past about 3 weeks with the last week being especially negative? I have no idea what to make of it because there is something very specific about it which I have no idea how to describe really.

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I have felt the rising of negative energy in the last month. I thought maybe it is only here or maybe I am just too fucked up, but now I think this is happening everywhere and affecting lots of other people.

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I felt something similar to it in late november/early december but this is different. The best I can describe it is some sort of malaise in the air causing people to be irrationally hostile for no apparent reason. It was sneaky too, I noticed its presence but was unaware of the game it was playing. Damn near tore my marriage apart, but I noticed it right when things were getting out of control and recognized there was no way I could solve the argument, because It was almost impossible for me to ignore the negative let alone her so I just walked away and had to let her be mad at me until I figured out how to best this beast. I reaffirmed my devotion to the truth and rescinded any oaths I may have taken unconsciously.

The negativity seems to be gone, the air feels clean again, but I think I pissed the faggot off. kek. I've been through this part before they always throw a temper tantrum. Bunch of fucking faggots.

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Me too.

It started friday the 13th (no joke)

and lasted to the 17th at its worst.

Still feel pretty sad though.

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things started getting strange for me before friday the 13th but I didnt quite notice it until around that friday. And then yea somewhere around the 17th-19th is when it started getting out of control. Wouldn't even call it sadness it was like a darkness that just covered everything. Another thing it came with was extremely shitty sleep. Either wake up more tired than when I went to bed, waking up throughout the night out of breath like I had a bad nightmare I cant remember, or having really shitty manipulative dreams that revolve around stupid arguments (that never actually happened) where I wind up waking up completely fucking drained.

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its dysgenics + mass psychosis

i like to call it cattletronic

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also we're unaffected by it (almost) because we're 'wierdos'

it doesn't work for us (almost)

like we are the only non-zombies here

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Chemical warfare in the form of food.

Psychological warfare in the form of advertising.

Miscellaneous guerrilla tactics in the form of divide and conquer.

Rich from Poor.

Old from Young.

Male vs Female.

It is a sad thing that human tribal brains focus so hard on what's different it outshines what's similar.

All you can do is change yourself and hope that there are enough capable of seeing your change. Mimicry is the greatest flattery.

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>Chemical warfare in the form of food.

this is true

i switched to the taoist diet few months ago now i unironically feel like human again

i had all the symptoms of general wheat (white flour) indoxication

you can find alot about this in wikipedia if you like

here's the diet, i already was vegetarian for decades (its a veg diet too)


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I assure you most imageboard users are as affected by "it" as the general populace.

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Humanity is well, maybe you are just at a frequency where humanity seems not well because you are more well.

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>Why do I feel Humanity is not well?

Because you're a pussy. Maybe try not cowering at progress.

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>Maybe try not cowering at regress.


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You're clueless.

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It's early in the morning. The sun won't be up for another couple of hours. You're fast asleep in bed, lost in a dream, when the phone rings. Rather than waking up, you roll over and cover your head with a pillow. Hours pass. The sun rises. The phone is ringing.

When you wake up, your alarm clock is blaring and the phone is ringing. By the time you will yourself to turn the alarm off, the phone has stopped ringing. You realize that it's been ringing all morning. You slide out of bed and press the blinking red button on your phone as you stumble into the bathroom. The phone beeps, followed by the friendly, electronic voice. "Hello. You have six hundred and sixty-six new messages."

Message one.

The phone beeps again, and you're not prepared for what comes next.


You spin around, thinking that she's standing right behind you. There's pure terror in her screams, accompanied by other disturbing noises. You stand there, horrified, for about ten seconds. Screaming gives way to hysterical, garbled crying before dying out with the sounds of spilling meat and tearing flesh.

The phone beeps again. You're shaking.

Message two.

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>You're shaking.

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I got that vibe too. Women and numbers aren't scary.

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We're plunging into a dark age. How is this progress?

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is that website safe?in not going to get virus or some other negative shit from it?

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This topic has never been so relevant so the bump is justified.

Yes the world is completely insane, we don't call it a clown world for nothing.

You can either accept it, go insane, or take the 3rd position known as the clown pill.


Unfertilized chicken eggs are not unborn chickens, you baka. If they were never fertilized they never had the potential of being born.

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Awareness is a curse, it doesn`t matter if its today or 2000 years ago, if you are aware then you know humanity is not well, we can`t be well, wellness is an intangible arbitrary idea, things are but our nature is to not conform fully if we develope enough awareness. We are the only animals that know we are dying a little more everyday.

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the "world" is only the miniscule fraction of stimuli that you choose to focus your asttention on and use to base your perception.

You could just as easily see a father bonding with its kid or a cute girl hugging his newly adopted puppy but you rather base your sense of the world by faggots injecting each other aids. The world is pretty huge.

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>is that website safe?

Mewch is down since 2018 and all archives wiped because of "trafficking", the reasons for this have been discussed already in this thread:


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Since the time of OP (2017) till now, things have progressively gotten even worse. How much worse can things get?

I had posted a thread about interest in the Kali Yuga, as I've heard it mentioned several times recently. It gained my attention because people of other religions are also getting an "end times" vibe. Has the Biblical Tribulation started?


Indeed. And the Dark Age is predicted to follow these end time prophecies.

Even blue pilled normies realize that something isn't right with the world. Is it a shared collective consciousness making us feel this way? Like when a herd can sense impending disaster? Given all the events currently going on in this world, it certainly feels like something apocalyptic awaits us.

I went to church this past weekend and the pastor preached a sermon on being a peacemaker. "Blessed are the peacemakers." The pastor laid it all out as "all these things must come to pass" so just "turn the other cheek" and "endure till the end." What a fucking bleak message! It's like he knows how bad things are and the best advice he could give was to lay down and take it till you die. This message didn't inspire me or give me hope. It was a message of despair. After church, my sis-in-law gave me a hug. "Are you okay, anon?" I couldn't help it and I started crying on her shoulder. (It's extremely rare for me to cry.) "The whole world is going insane and there's nothing I can do to stop it!" Western Civilization is pozzed and crumbling in front of my own eyes and I'm the bad guy for wanting to fix it. She sat me down and said, "Ask Jesus for peace." Thanks alot, sis.

Perhaps I should take comfort in knowing that someday my soul will reach escape velocity and I'll leave this Clown World™ behind. Things have gotten so insanely absurd that it almost feels like this is being done to us intentionally. Is this all by design? Are our rulers preparing humanity for a mass purge? If so, how much of the world's population will have to go? 2020 has been totally fucked so far and we're only half way through the year. What next? Nukes and aliens?

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Nothing got "worse". You're just letting yourself being manipulated by external influences. Most of this shit doesn't deserve your attention. Snap out of it.

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File: 3d78815c2107b1b⋯.jpg (69.51 KB,760x654,380:327,1589668636093.jpg)


>Nothing got "worse".

I'm not sure where you're from, anon, but things got worse in my neck of the woods. As if Drag Queen Story Time at my local library, boys cutting off their dicks, and girls growing beards wasn't already bad enough. The entire planet has been on house arrest lockdown because of the Kung-Flu. Economies devastated. In my own hometown, numerous small businesses have closed and won't be coming back. I have to plan my travel route to avoid being caught up in a race riot. It would be easier to ignore if these things didn't have an irl impact on my community. It's hard not to pay attention when it's right outside your front door. Then we have the media talking heads on (((talmudvision))) telling us that this is the NEW NORMAL. (Notice how often they use that phrase now.) Bullshit. This isn't normal and I will not accept it. The icing on the cake will be the "mandatory" vaccination later this year, for a disease with a 97% survival rate and 75% of the cases are asymptomatic.

>external influences

Maybe I should be focusing more on the internal and eternal. This world and my enchanted meat bag are only temporary. Still, it's hard for me not to be troubled by all of these events.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:2

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Energy flows where attention goes. The world only deteriorates as much as you buy into this perception that's offered to you by the matrix.

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Remember we are to live for the next world not this world. Doesn't mean give up, but the evil one will lead your mind away to keep you from focusing on your salvation and deification.

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It’s easy to say that if you live in Europe or Asia (like me), but America right now is NG++ and everybody is underleveled

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File: 9d62e788a979b0d⋯.jpg (202.2 KB,1270x629,1270:629,Guenon.jpg)


Interesting video. I suppose a good practice for me to learn is how to see beyond the maya, which I imagine to be no small feat. Any suggestions on where to start?

I'm not the only one who feels this way. The comments on your video show that many humans share the same view. I even found a thread on halfchan regarding this topic today.

Pic related. There's that word again.

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The fact that something so powerful exists that it can take literal mud and shit and turn it into a person capable of inventing and playing a violin is proof GOD is real.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>There is a sickness in the mind.

Yeah and it's not only "humanity" out there, it's right here too. Just look at the threads, especially the shitcoin thread. Most of the posters here are extremely mentally unwell and I have never seen /cringe/ in such a sad state before. After it's revival all that is left is a rotten, braindead corpse. Instead of people evolving and enlightenenig exactly the opposite is happening. This is the toll of the Kali Yuga, nobody is safe, not even wizards, and most humans are ripe for the culling by Wothans army.

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I made this thread back then. I didn't know what was wrong then but I felt it. I still don't know what's wrong, but I know there's nothing I can do.

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Step 1) wow whats life?

Step 2) jews: here follow this dumb schizo religion

Step 3) wow but the actions of the church dont match up with this book?

Step 4) jews: questioning is evil! Let us I mean let (((gosh))) handle this!

Step 5) wait so you mean I dont have to think anymore, and my masters will direct me to paradise where I too will be a master with infinite slaves?

Step 6) yeah just shut up

Step 7) oh look at that , the pope raping people , this much be (((gosh)))’s plan! I better shut up!

Step 8) Non-jew: yo wtf dude these politicians are just mafia members colluding!


Gee whiz, I wonder why that Adolf guy wanted those camps?

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>I wonder why that Adolf guy wanted those camps

free labor

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