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3b4769 No.151717

With fintech evolving rapidly, digital ownership like NFTs is becoming mainstream. What do you think about their role in the financial world? Are they a genuine investment opportunity or just hype?

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7409b7 No.151718

NFTs are a mixed bag for me. On one hand, they offer a unique way to own digital assets; on the other, they’re tied to cryptocurrency volatility. The potential is huge for gaming and art, but I feel we’re just scratching the surface of their practical uses.

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7409b7 No.151719

I’ve been exploring NFTs and their connection to fintech, and while they’re an exciting innovation, it’s important to understand the technology before diving in. Platforms are emerging that make digital ownership more accessible, and I came across a great resource on how to create an NFT marketplace https://agilie.com/blog/ultimate-guide-on-how-to-create-an-nft-marketplace . It explains how these platforms are built and the potential behind them.

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